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I Rock

10/19/2006 12:09 PM (UTC)
Awesome new Sheeva combo:

Shokhan Blades - b+1, 1, cs, 2,2,cs,3 - 52%
10/19/2006 12:29 PM (UTC)
hjs-Q Wrote:
Awesome new Sheeva combo:

Shokhan Blades - b+1, 1, cs, 2,2,cs,3 - 52%

Yes, you do rock tongue. Awesome
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PSN: Eazail70x7

10/19/2006 02:19 PM (UTC)
Eji1700 Wrote:
I just discovered something that while most likely useless is kinda odd nonetheless.

Kabal's nomad's touch does damage to boss characters without actually doing the animation. I've been using this to annoy the hell out of the at range. It hits instantly so you can punish or counter any move and since it doesn't change your distance since the animation doesn't happen you can pretty much spam it endlessly until they manage to get close to you. Again not sure if it's usefull at all though.

Yeah, I beat Moloch with it lol grin
10/19/2006 04:06 PM (UTC)
mastermalone Wrote:
By the way, I fail to see the usefulness of the parry cancel, unless it causes parry-cancelled moves to become invincible, causing any traded hits to be parried without causing damage to the person using the parry cancel technique.

The only real use of it that is viable in to parry cancel into a throw, but how often are you going to land that in an actual match?

Why wouldn't it be useful? Your out of poking range so you can't get hit but you can parry cancel into any move so you are still safer than before. Plus you would still have the same recovery just that the start up would be like 3 frames longer. If you can connect with any safe move from normal range then you are safe with the parry cancel move if you connect.

The throw is even worse. You could be out of throwing range and just baiting your opponent to attack so you can block/parry and punish, but the opponent parry cancels into a throw. You can't do shit unless your a robot and got some mega reflexes as it cancels so quick and gives some big arse range.

It's like kara-canceling but a lot more better.
10/19/2006 04:11 PM (UTC)
HJS, you know ive been working my ass off on a combo movie since day one

theres no way in hell im posting anything before its finished, i learned from my mistakes and overjoy from doing it in deception.

so i know you all think youre finding stuff, but its been well found and pretty obvious finds unless your doing what im doing. hence why i havent released anything actually worth posting.

because unless your doing air combos, theres nothing to "find" its all the same shit except a few minor hits

anyway, just dont think because im not posting any of them doesnt mean im not working day and night everyday on them, because i am, i sacrificed going online for this, just as i did for mkd for a VERY VERY long time. nothing compared to this game.

this video will be out in early November, try not to spoil too much, and keep the topic about gameplay.

About Me

I Rock

10/19/2006 04:38 PM (UTC)
Check Wrote:
HJS, you know ive been working my ass off on a combo movie since day one

theres no way in hell im posting anything before its finished, i learned from my mistakes and overjoy from doing it in deception.

so i know you all think youre finding stuff, but its been well found and pretty obvious finds unless your doing what im doing. hence why i havent released anything actually worth posting.

because unless your doing air combos, theres nothing to "find" its all the same shit except a few minor hits

anyway, just dont think because im not posting any of them doesnt mean im not working day and night everyday on them, because i am, i sacrificed going online for this, just as i did for mkd for a VERY VERY long time. nothing compared to this game.

this video will be out in early November, try not to spoil too much, and keep the topic about gameplay.


With all due respect,

Just because you're making a combo vid doesn't mean I or anyone else can't talk or post combos.

Should everyone stop playing Tanya because I'll realese a guide on her in December?

If this combos are known, so what? If they are unknown, so what?

I'm not in a competition with someone over combos.

I play 10 minutes in practice and what I find I post here.

If you want to post combos, post them, if you don't, don't post them.
About Me

Thanks to DeathBlitzX for the tag!
10/19/2006 06:09 PM (UTC)
Can someone give me the exact damage that Sonya/Kitana's Square Wave Punch does? I can't find out on practice mode for obvious reasons, or versus, because it doesn't display the damage. I need this info for a MKA FAQ I'm writing, I will give credit if anyone can help.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

10/19/2006 06:52 PM (UTC)
egotistic Wrote:
Can someone give me the exact damage that Sonya/Kitana's Square Wave Punch does? I can't find out on practice mode for obvious reasons, or versus, because it doesn't display the damage. I need this info for a MKA FAQ I'm writing, I will give credit if anyone can help.

Good to see you back.

There's no number appearing in Practice when you do it?

I'll be jumping into it tonight, I'll see if I can get a number.
About Me

Thanks to DeathBlitzX for the tag!
10/19/2006 06:55 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
egotistic Wrote:
Can someone give me the exact damage that Sonya/Kitana's Square Wave Punch does? I can't find out on practice mode for obvious reasons, or versus, because it doesn't display the damage. I need this info for a MKA FAQ I'm writing, I will give credit if anyone can help.

Good to see you back.

There's no number appearing in Practice when you do it?

I'll be jumping into it tonight, I'll see if I can get a number.


The problem is you can't make the guy in practice jump so you can hit him with it.
About Me

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

10/19/2006 06:59 PM (UTC)

Didn't think of that.
10/19/2006 09:26 PM (UTC)
hi boys!

do you have some suggestions for Reptile,Sektor and Hotaru?

also another question please..... in deception i played for fun but not knowing which attacks were mid....
now that i have deception and with the PAL version i will play online, i want to learn something about these mid attacks.....so, can someone explain me how to learn if an attack is high or mid? peraps i must play a versus using a second controller, putting the opponent in a low block stance and try if an attack hit him (and so is a mid attack) or not (and so is high)????

tnx :D
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10/19/2006 10:09 PM (UTC)
yes, mid attack hits a crouched opponent and a great mixup game would be mixing mid attacks with low attacks or throws to keep your opponent guessing.
10/19/2006 10:33 PM (UTC)
That parry cancel I agree with malone, at high level play online nobody is going to use that or even try to more often then not.

I did this the other day actually, I parried then immediately canceled it and went into a throw.

Not that useful, and most of the time people don't even parry that much.

Some more then others.

I have a combo here for Jarek(non air)

(kickaxe style)Grapple rope, 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, back, foward+3, 55% if done correctly, guaranteed 42% minimal btw buffer the TS drop after wards for added damage.

i would deeply appreciate it if you show which combos you got from others. if you got a combo from someone, all you have to do is say "By ThisPerson" next to the combo. i did this with my MKDA combos thread and everyone was happy. i saw that you said "some by juggernaut and nukesgoboom" on page 37 and i thank you very much for that, its kind of you to give credit, but please also put it on the first page and not just page 37 lol. for combos you found, put By hjs-Q. its easy.

your thread is stickied so its your responisbility to honor the work of other people in the first post. if you dont give credit to players when they post and find something, it will make them angry, frustrated, and they will not post thier finds anymore. is that what you want man? a community that keeps all thier finds secret?

also if someone has a video on youtube or something, you can link to it.

The MKA video is being worked on every day!! and it will be released in about 3 weeks, around november 15!!
About Me

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

| Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

10/20/2006 04:32 AM (UTC)
Here are the combos with Ermac I found:

(Axe) U+2, jump, 1, 1, 3, 4 (6 hits, 23%)
(Axe) U+2, B, D, B, 4, jump, 1, 1, 3, 4 (7 hits, 25%)
(Axe) U+2, CS, B+2, jump, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3 (8 hits, 23%)
(Choy Lay Fut) B, D, B, 4, B+2, jump, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3 (8 hits, 20%)
(Choy Lay Fut) 1, 1, 2, CS (6 hits, 24%)
(Choy Lay Fut) B+2, jump, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3 (7 hits, 25%)
(Choy Lay Fut) B, D, B, 4, 1, 1, 2, CS (7 hits, 31%)
(Either Stance) B, D, B, 4, F, B, 2 (3 hits, 16%)

He's also got a tech rollable infinite of sorts, simply alternate between the TK Slam and Axe U+2 and you can go all day.
10/20/2006 06:06 AM (UTC)
Some combos...

BF+1, 1,1, 1,1,cs 6hits 40%
Weapon> B+2, cs,1,1, 1,1,cs 6hits 34%
B+1, 1,1, 1,1,cs 6hits 31%
B+1, 1,1, 1,1,3 6hits 28%
1,1,B+1, 1,1, DB+3 8hits 28%
Weapon> B+2, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 9hits 28%
B+1, 1,1, DB+3 6hits 26%
Weapon> B+2, cs, 1,1,cs 4hits 25%
B+1, jump, 3, (land)4 3hits 14%

FD+2, cs,jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 8hits 38%
FD+2, 1,1,2,cs 5hits 33%
FD+2, cs,1,1,2 4hits 31%
U+4, 1,1,2,cs 5hits 25%

1,1,1,cs, Jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 12hits 31%
Throw, cs,jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 10hits 26%

Weapon> B+2, B+2, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 10hits 34%
1,1,2,cs, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 12hits 33%
B+1, cs,B+2, jump, 1,1,2, 1,1,3,4 10hits 33%
1,1,2,cs, DB+1 7hits 32%
Weapon> B+2, B+2, DB+1 5hits 30%
1,1,2,cs, 2,2,1,1, 8hits 28%
About Me

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

| Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

10/20/2006 06:36 AM (UTC)
Try these with Rain, none of them are too tough to pull off:

(Storm Sword) B+1, jump, 1, 1, 3, 4 (6 hits, 29%)
(Storm Sword) B+1, B+2, jump, 1, 1, 3, 4 (7 hits, 30%)
(Storm Sword) B+2, jump, 1, 1, 3, 4 (6 hits, 23%)
(Storm Sword) B+1, B+1, B+1 (3 hits, 28%)
(Zi Ran Men) 1, 1, 3, jump, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 4 (10 hits, 33%)
(Zi Ran Men) 1, 1, 3, jump, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 4 (9 hits, 31%)
(Zi Ran Men) 2, F+2, CS, jump, 1, 1, 3, 4 (8 hits, 32%)
(Zi Ran Men) 2, F+2, jump, 2, 4 (5 hits, 27%)
(Zi Ran Men) 1, 1, 3, 2, F+2 (5 hits, 28%)
10/20/2006 07:52 AM (UTC)
yesterday evening (i'm italian) i found with reptile that he can start all the combos in pao chui with a mid attack that is 4 (circle) ! very useful!
infact he can do

4,up+4 (pop up)
411up+2 (pop up)
411cs (not listed...only 11cs is listed in the combo menu...but you can do 4 at the beginning of the combo)

good right?

and in kirehashi if i remember well, b+4 (pop up),33,u+1 (very fast and good circles motion slashes) and maybe the second attack of 2,2 are all mid attacks :)

however i have a little question for you boys!
i noticed that when i do an air combo that involves that the enemy is send to the ground and then he bounce and return in the air to continue with another combo, sometimes the enemy don't bounce again in air but he stops on the ground...

is casual or there is an explanations and so i can know if the enemy will bounce or not........i don't know....something like "2 bouncing for match" or "if the initial damage is more than ...%, then he will not bounce" etc...
explain this please :D

note: do you remember the striker air combo that involved jumping 3 times on a grounded enemy, in the e3 videos and the trailer? this air combo is gone right? it was very cool :( :( :(
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10/20/2006 08:12 AM (UTC)
egotistic Wrote:
Can someone give me the exact damage that Sonya/Kitana's Square Wave Punch does? I can't find out on practice mode for obvious reasons, or versus, because it doesn't display the damage. I need this info for a MKA FAQ I'm writing, I will give credit if anyone can help.
10/20/2006 08:21 AM (UTC)
hjs-Q Wrote:
Check Wrote:
HJS, you know ive been working my ass off on a combo movie since day one

theres no way in hell im posting anything before its finished, i learned from my mistakes and overjoy from doing it in deception.

so i know you all think youre finding stuff, but its been well found and pretty obvious finds unless your doing what im doing. hence why i havent released anything actually worth posting.

because unless your doing air combos, theres nothing to "find" its all the same shit except a few minor hits

anyway, just dont think because im not posting any of them doesnt mean im not working day and night everyday on them, because i am, i sacrificed going online for this, just as i did for mkd for a VERY VERY long time. nothing compared to this game.

this video will be out in early November, try not to spoil too much, and keep the topic about gameplay.


With all due respect,

Just because you're making a combo vid doesn't mean I or anyone else can't talk or post combos.

Should everyone stop playing Tanya because I'll realese a guide on her in December?

If this combos are known, so what? If they are unknown, so what?

I'm not in a competition with someone over combos.

I play 10 minutes in practice and what I find I post here.

If you want to post combos, post them, if you don't, don't post them.

you know what? nevermind, these combos being posted are ridiculously easy, and for the most part not whats in the vid, combos in general in this game are easy and short. but they are definitly ALOT on your front page that i dotn even wanna bother doing anymore because theyve been posted, catch my drift?

your not helping my situation, lol

and in return, i havent helped yours ; )

thanks anyway, sorry u dont understand what it is i am saying.
everythings been found and will be posted in 2 or 3 weeks tops.and will not be released till the vid is done, thats how i want it, that because i found everything, and you didnt

carry on
About Me

-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)

10/20/2006 08:43 AM (UTC)
MK_krazy Wrote:
mastermalone Wrote:
By the way, I fail to see the usefulness of the parry cancel, unless it causes parry-cancelled moves to become invincible, causing any traded hits to be parried without causing damage to the person using the parry cancel technique.

The only real use of it that is viable in to parry cancel into a throw, but how often are you going to land that in an actual match?

Why wouldn't it be useful? Your out of poking range so you can't get hit but you can parry cancel into any move so you are still safer than before. Plus you would still have the same recovery just that the start up would be like 3 frames longer. If you can connect with any safe move from normal range then you are safe with the parry cancel move if you connect.

The throw is even worse. You could be out of throwing range and just baiting your opponent to attack so you can block/parry and punish, but the opponent parry cancels into a throw. You can't do shit unless your a robot and got some mega reflexes as it cancels so quick and gives some big arse range.

It's like kara-canceling but a lot more better.

I have parry canceled my opponents, in fact I did it today. But guess what? Other than increasing your throw range, you are not safe if you trade hits during any other type of parry cancelled move. You still get the parry effect, but you get hit/knocked down with whatever your opponet was going for thus, making the function pointless other than the "Kara-throw" effect as in SF3: 3rd Strike. Not to mention I got my throws parried quite often.

About Me

10/20/2006 08:45 AM (UTC)
Dark_Schneider84 Wrote:
yesterday evening (i'm italian) i found with reptile that he can start all the combos in pao chui with a mid attack that is 4 (circle) ! very useful!
infact he can do

4,up+4 (pop up)
411up+2 (pop up)
411cs (not listed...only 11cs is listed in the combo menu...but you can do 4 at the beginning of the combo)

good right?

and in kirehashi if i remember well, b+4 (pop up),33,u+1 (very fast and good circles motion slashes) and maybe the second attack of 2,2 are all mid attacks :)

however i have a little question for you boys!
i noticed that when i do an air combo that involves that the enemy is send to the ground and then he bounce and return in the air to continue with another combo, sometimes the enemy don't bounce again in air but he stops on the ground...

is casual or there is an explanations and so i can know if the enemy will bounce or not........i don't know....something like "2 bouncing for match" or "if the initial damage is more than ...%, then he will not bounce" etc...
explain this please :D

note: do you remember the striker air combo that involved jumping 3 times on a grounded enemy, in the e3 videos and the trailer? this air combo is gone right? it was very cool :( :( :(

Ciao paesano wink

If you are knocked to the ground in MKA, you can hold block to stay on the ground. If you do this during an air combo that makes you bounce then you can stay on the ground and avoid the combo.

I've found Reptile to be pretty good as well. Pao Chui is a pretty good style. And I haven't played online yet but many of the Kirehashi moves seem to be safe, including b+4. Can anyone verify this?
10/20/2006 09:03 AM (UTC)
ciao :D

well so if the opponent use wake ups tricks, he interrupt my air combo?.....mmm so with a skilled opponent, the boucing air combos will never work...right?
however with some chars, there is an air combo that finish with "2" that make him roll in air and you can continue... (1,1,2 or 3,3,2)
or with other chars that haven't this combo, you can do two "2" attacks and then a combo that involvs the final throw with "4".
and with chars like hotaru, you can do only one "2" attack and then the throw combo.

right? :)

however i really like a lot reptile.....he is my favourite char! i'm pretty good with pao chui because i mastered it with liu kang in deception....and the kirehashi is very cool and good :)
i'm waiting for PAL version to kick asses online :D
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Thanks to DeathBlitzX for the tag!
10/20/2006 09:05 AM (UTC)
danadbab Wrote:

Thanks dude. grin
I'll try to contribute with some combos as well, though I don't know how good they'll be.
10/20/2006 09:06 AM (UTC)
can someone explain to me this parry-cancel?
i don't understand what are you talking about.....i want to know what's about this....how it work and if is a good thing that must be used, or is a sorta of a glitch and is very lame.

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