hey Hjs, johny cage may be good since he can do shadow uppercut and juggle them in the air and smack em like 5 times in the air maybe.....

sonya is gonna be rigged again..then...sigh* .Shes gonna be stronger than most characters...in terms of styles.
nintendodude Wrote:
I think scorpions 50% attack combo was like 40 but its broken enough i bet sub-zero may not even do that but his kori blade juggle was just fast though..dont know much about him since his e3 style was nan chuan
I think scorpions 50% attack combo was like 40 but its broken enough i bet sub-zero may not even do that but his kori blade juggle was just fast though..dont know much about him since his e3 style was nan chuan
1~it was the E3 version of Zha Chaun. right now sindel has that scorpion doesnt. so what im saying is sindels style was doing easy 50% combos, that bolds well for sindel to not be low tier w/ a new throw and such
2~DO NOT EVER REPLY TO CHECK AND insult him. he'll take it to heart and write a 20 page story about how hes right and your wrong. but no one actually ever reads those posts.
1) 20 pages doesnt take 5 minutes to read
2) youre a bigger loser than me dan, u couldnt even post ggs in a final for a tourny
3) what difference does it make? not one have i wrote that have i been wrong. im just venting
4) how am i a sore loser in this topic? lol
5) i never did anything to bring shit like upon myself, its the ignorance from such people as yourself, that forces me to write
6) the more i write, the more u get put in your place.
would you like to argue any of this? or are still stuck up on the part that i write very heavily when i counter act every single point a person tried to make against me. i know i know, i should just run and ignore them, right? do me a favor, and talk about what u have no business even mentioning, everything i say i say for a reason, and u dont know how much it hurts to hear you or anyone throw that back in my face, i try and go the extra mile with my replys, try and do more than anyone else would, be the better man, be the more intelligent person, and youre gonna throw that back in my face?
you can read thru any of my post and there is not a single sentence that doesnt bring up a valid argument, im sorry my mind capacity goes longer than a few sentences, i enjoy writing, u think its really gonna change anything with sorry comments as yours? you nor anyone will ever be on my level, and you like to justify your ego by putting me down at any chance u could get. you just dont get it, there hasnt, and never will be one person who can write as much as me to counter, thats why u will lose in a arguement with me because you will go the easy route, while i go the extra mile. you are lazy, you are weak, you have half the brain and knowledge of ones self than i had when i was 17!!! get lost with your insults and hypocritcal points of views, i make my points, and i make my points clear.
so funny for u to even miss the key part ive made every time ive had to write something like this , this is not just on this board might i add ive been doing this for years. if youre in a good mood, and you are always in a good mood, ( something you will never EVER understand along with most people ) and someone comes along after, hmm, lets say, 3 months? and puts you in a bad mood? well guess what dan, after spending so much time being happy, you forget what it feels like to have anger and sadness and stress. and you stay in that mood longer than you should, sometimes days, sometimes weeks, for the smallest of things.
question is, why would u want to piss off someone who is happy all the time? unless you were a sorry person yourself, ive proved that time and time again, FOR YEARS, and it never gets old. you also have some sort of idea that i take this to heart, u do realize that a single post doesnt change an entire persons life? they still go on being the man they are, the great person that they are, until they come along and meet someone or do something that will cheer them up. dont it twisted, but you have never me, you have no idea how i really am, you know nothing about me, other than i make counter points to people who are lower than me and i do it with as much words as i need to
i think the question is, will you ever actually respond with something creditable? your post was meant to piss me off, you failed miserably, and you will keep continuing to fail because thats what you have proven to be, a failure, and a follower. you have nothing, compared to me in life, and if u wanna go we can. id rather not, and just let u know in one long post why u are wrong and what u are, and im not.
" he will write a post about why is right and you are wrong "
yea thats just not normal, right? lol
whatever u say dancock, by that statement alone you have proven just how ignorant you truly are, though ive known that about u since the days of " before mkd is done, i just wanna beat thug, versa and check " yea because your sorry ass has some sort of a ego problem. not to mention, your horrible lag that u will never admit to that weve all seen with konqrr. dont even get me started on that, because i dont need to write 3 paragraphs ( 20 pages in ur inflated mind ) to explain the obvious, i just enjoy doing something u cant: have a valid argument with someone.
now go run and ignore me like u always do, ur pathetic, in every sense of the word. dont ever compare yourself to me on these boards, in life, or in any way possible, i own these boards, dont forget that, ive done more than anyone here, and if u think this shit means anything to me, then youve missed the reason why i write as much as i do. because i am STRONGER than you HAPPIER than you, have more going for me than u ever will, and actually enjoy writing them even the noobish of comments such as yours and this nintendodude.
speaking of nintendodude, if your wondering why i post what i have posted, its because i had just had these conversations with people on aim, and i wanted to hear the boards entire thoughts, there is no back on topic, and havent really taken if off topic, if u notice the main poster ( hjs-q ) talking about high tier mid tier and low tier when he updates us, then u will see i have done nothing wrong, and a big WTF at posting this after and before posting your own thoughts on tiers. lmao..
if your talking about the combo post, i even said at the bottom, it was food for thought, but anyones comments were welcomed. what else did i say?
jinkos throw? that was being discussed here
subs clone? that was being discussed here
combo blocker? same
and just everything else, ok ive had enough at this point.
anyone is welcome to argue with me, but just know YOU WILL LOSE
just dont be like dancock and everyone else ive had it with and not admit your loses.
bring that shit, please, im still waiting for the day anyone can beat in a arguement. or should i say something worth arguing over
2) youre a bigger loser than me dan, u couldnt even post ggs in a final for a tourny
3) what difference does it make? not one have i wrote that have i been wrong. im just venting
4) how am i a sore loser in this topic? lol
5) i never did anything to bring shit like upon myself, its the ignorance from such people as yourself, that forces me to write
6) the more i write, the more u get put in your place.
would you like to argue any of this? or are still stuck up on the part that i write very heavily when i counter act every single point a person tried to make against me. i know i know, i should just run and ignore them, right? do me a favor, and talk about what u have no business even mentioning, everything i say i say for a reason, and u dont know how much it hurts to hear you or anyone throw that back in my face, i try and go the extra mile with my replys, try and do more than anyone else would, be the better man, be the more intelligent person, and youre gonna throw that back in my face?
you can read thru any of my post and there is not a single sentence that doesnt bring up a valid argument, im sorry my mind capacity goes longer than a few sentences, i enjoy writing, u think its really gonna change anything with sorry comments as yours? you nor anyone will ever be on my level, and you like to justify your ego by putting me down at any chance u could get. you just dont get it, there hasnt, and never will be one person who can write as much as me to counter, thats why u will lose in a arguement with me because you will go the easy route, while i go the extra mile. you are lazy, you are weak, you have half the brain and knowledge of ones self than i had when i was 17!!! get lost with your insults and hypocritcal points of views, i make my points, and i make my points clear.
so funny for u to even miss the key part ive made every time ive had to write something like this , this is not just on this board might i add ive been doing this for years. if youre in a good mood, and you are always in a good mood, ( something you will never EVER understand along with most people ) and someone comes along after, hmm, lets say, 3 months? and puts you in a bad mood? well guess what dan, after spending so much time being happy, you forget what it feels like to have anger and sadness and stress. and you stay in that mood longer than you should, sometimes days, sometimes weeks, for the smallest of things.
question is, why would u want to piss off someone who is happy all the time? unless you were a sorry person yourself, ive proved that time and time again, FOR YEARS, and it never gets old. you also have some sort of idea that i take this to heart, u do realize that a single post doesnt change an entire persons life? they still go on being the man they are, the great person that they are, until they come along and meet someone or do something that will cheer them up. dont it twisted, but you have never me, you have no idea how i really am, you know nothing about me, other than i make counter points to people who are lower than me and i do it with as much words as i need to
i think the question is, will you ever actually respond with something creditable? your post was meant to piss me off, you failed miserably, and you will keep continuing to fail because thats what you have proven to be, a failure, and a follower. you have nothing, compared to me in life, and if u wanna go we can. id rather not, and just let u know in one long post why u are wrong and what u are, and im not.
" he will write a post about why is right and you are wrong "
yea thats just not normal, right? lol
whatever u say dancock, by that statement alone you have proven just how ignorant you truly are, though ive known that about u since the days of " before mkd is done, i just wanna beat thug, versa and check " yea because your sorry ass has some sort of a ego problem. not to mention, your horrible lag that u will never admit to that weve all seen with konqrr. dont even get me started on that, because i dont need to write 3 paragraphs ( 20 pages in ur inflated mind ) to explain the obvious, i just enjoy doing something u cant: have a valid argument with someone.
now go run and ignore me like u always do, ur pathetic, in every sense of the word. dont ever compare yourself to me on these boards, in life, or in any way possible, i own these boards, dont forget that, ive done more than anyone here, and if u think this shit means anything to me, then youve missed the reason why i write as much as i do. because i am STRONGER than you HAPPIER than you, have more going for me than u ever will, and actually enjoy writing them even the noobish of comments such as yours and this nintendodude.
speaking of nintendodude, if your wondering why i post what i have posted, its because i had just had these conversations with people on aim, and i wanted to hear the boards entire thoughts, there is no back on topic, and havent really taken if off topic, if u notice the main poster ( hjs-q ) talking about high tier mid tier and low tier when he updates us, then u will see i have done nothing wrong, and a big WTF at posting this after and before posting your own thoughts on tiers. lmao..
if your talking about the combo post, i even said at the bottom, it was food for thought, but anyones comments were welcomed. what else did i say?
jinkos throw? that was being discussed here
subs clone? that was being discussed here
combo blocker? same
and just everything else, ok ive had enough at this point.
anyone is welcome to argue with me, but just know YOU WILL LOSE
bring that shit, please, im still waiting for the day anyone can beat in a arguement. or should i say something worth arguing over
^^^^^^^^^^^^ whats sad is that i never said anything bad about ya. but you took it to heart when i tell some one
to insult ya. you went ahead and wrote a long ass story. lol
your a funny dude.
get over the "i didnt say ggs in a thread".
i told many folks you beat me, and i also said ggs to ya when we got on aim and in the server. why do i need to bump a thread to say ggs? thats dumb... besides beating me means nothing, im not an elite player like i once was. why do you need people to know you beat a weak player like myself??
to insult ya. you went ahead and wrote a long ass story. lol
your a funny dude.
get over the "i didnt say ggs in a thread".
i told many folks you beat me, and i also said ggs to ya when we got on aim and in the server. why do i need to bump a thread to say ggs? thats dumb... besides beating me means nothing, im not an elite player like i once was. why do you need people to know you beat a weak player like myself??
I think its too early to say for sure who's going to be top tier. Unless there are some incredibly overpowered moves like Dairou's slam everyone will be able to compete. Its not the same as MKD, there are now parries, wake up attacks, throw escapes and air kombat.

Well check maybe you got skillz i dont know but dont write 20 page stuff lol its not like life is gonna end it is not the end for you btw the tourney takes place in online ps2 right?

Hey cock do u think characters will have sigs and kaf or kaf+signatures.Btw,would u rather have kitana have eagle claw instead of ba gua.
Sub-Zero is looking strong. That's new ice pillar move comes out faster than I can blink. I am super pleased. He is looking strong.
My 10 main chars for MKA thus far are...
1. Sub-Zero
2. Johnny Cage
3. Ermac
4. Kitana
5. Quan Chi
6. Kintaro
7. Liu Kang
8. Reptile
9. Nitara
10. Shao Kahn
It's not 100% finalized yet, but many of my characters look strong. I am pleased with Sub,Kitana,Quan,Liu and to a lesser extent, Nitara. Kahn and Cage both look garbage, but I will try my best to be as good as I can be with both characters. As of right now Ermac, Kintaro and Reptile is a big question mark, though(however, I can't see Rep being bad with second stance from Liu in MKD).
My 10 main chars for MKA thus far are...
1. Sub-Zero
2. Johnny Cage
3. Ermac
4. Kitana
5. Quan Chi
6. Kintaro
7. Liu Kang
8. Reptile
9. Nitara
10. Shao Kahn
It's not 100% finalized yet, but many of my characters look strong. I am pleased with Sub,Kitana,Quan,Liu and to a lesser extent, Nitara. Kahn and Cage both look garbage, but I will try my best to be as good as I can be with both characters. As of right now Ermac, Kintaro and Reptile is a big question mark, though(however, I can't see Rep being bad with second stance from Liu in MKD).
Yeah, Sub-Zero is looking good. Also, did you notice how it seemed like his Ice Clone can be done up close?? 
About Me
heres a good look at the "wake up"
frost vs shang tsung. at around the 3 min mark, shang gets knocked down to the floor and lays there for a few seconds, then kicks as hes getting up.
from the looks of this vid, frost could have a potential infinite. (3:12 into the vid) after the face hit, it looks like you can walk up, ground freeze..and maybe repete it...i sure hope not :(
frost vs shang tsung. at around the 3 min mark, shang gets knocked down to the floor and lays there for a few seconds, then kicks as hes getting up.
from the looks of this vid, frost could have a potential infinite. (3:12 into the vid) after the face hit, it looks like you can walk up, ground freeze..and maybe repete it...i sure hope not :(

Hey, versatile cage is looking good however his karate is ok.. but his u+4 can be used to end a combo.He doesnt look bad.Sub-zero may be different from e3 since his style,however,still good and maybe better than scorpo lol. My characters list is here xD
5.Johny Cage
10.Sonya or Frost
like me characters
5.Johny Cage
10.Sonya or Frost

Too bad Kahn isnt really going to be good since his styles are slow.Nitara is ok.Nice stuff Versatile.Too bad liu looks like a bit of charcoal lol but his alt is good

I think I'd shit my pants if Sub's clone worked up close again like in the MK3 days.
I guess we can already assume with the wake up game being implimented that NOBODY is going to want to stay on the ground against Sub-Zero. Icy Pillar anyone?
I can't wait to explore the depth of this character. Man I am such a fanboy of him.
Bro, Johnny Cage looks awful, are you kidding me? This is where loyalty comes into play. I'm going to try and work with him, but with those two stances I don't see him having much tools to work with.
I guess we can already assume with the wake up game being implimented that NOBODY is going to want to stay on the ground against Sub-Zero. Icy Pillar anyone?
I can't wait to explore the depth of this character. Man I am such a fanboy of him.
Bro, Johnny Cage looks awful, are you kidding me? This is where loyalty comes into play. I'm going to try and work with him, but with those two stances I don't see him having much tools to work with.
New vids and new info
Sub -
wow, he is so good, too good.
The Clone is the new cloud!! nooo....... oh Midway.........
The Ice Pillar is too fast and too good.
Kori b+2 is fast......
The only thing that may balance him a bit is his crappy throw.
They must tone down the Pilar and the clone.
She looks good........
Her Ice puddle is like the puke, really good, and really broken. If you jump kick her you land on the puddle, she gets up and beat you...... oh Midway.....
I hope you can recover from her slide because it's still looks like you can do DA infinite with her.
She also has a teleport and it's really fast.
Tong Bei looks..... ok so far.
Her daggers looks like unsafe crap.
We havn't seen her in action but she has ying yueng (may i say she looks so sexy with it) and her knifes back
Nan Chuan still looks bad ass, b+2 juggles really high, teleport is still fast but can be punished on reaction
His throw juggles, nooooooooo
Escrima looks unsafe but who knows how it will be online.....
His broadswords also don't look really good.
He has the teleport stomp but it's so unsafe on block.......
His throw looks good, his styles are not.
Wow, Sareena has some of the best specials so far.
She can shot her projectile so fast non stop, it's so fast and you dont even need to side step cancel to shot another one, just stand there and shot.
She has a really fast (and cool looking) mid pop up, she also has like this charge move and if it connects she kicks you 5 times for 18%, we don't know if it's safe or not.
She has another charge move but it looks pretty useless.....
Ba Shan Fan is the same, combos still look unsafe......
Her sword has the moves of Li Mei's sword.
It has great range, d+1, 2 and b+3 are great. Without the free throws it will be not as good as it was in MKD
Rain's bolt looks broken.
Is it just me or he has a low kick that juggles?
Sub -
wow, he is so good, too good.
The Clone is the new cloud!! nooo....... oh Midway.........
The Ice Pillar is too fast and too good.
Kori b+2 is fast......
The only thing that may balance him a bit is his crappy throw.
They must tone down the Pilar and the clone.
She looks good........
Her Ice puddle is like the puke, really good, and really broken. If you jump kick her you land on the puddle, she gets up and beat you...... oh Midway.....
I hope you can recover from her slide because it's still looks like you can do DA infinite with her.
She also has a teleport and it's really fast.
Tong Bei looks..... ok so far.
Her daggers looks like unsafe crap.
We havn't seen her in action but she has ying yueng (may i say she looks so sexy with it) and her knifes back
Nan Chuan still looks bad ass, b+2 juggles really high, teleport is still fast but can be punished on reaction
His throw juggles, nooooooooo
Escrima looks unsafe but who knows how it will be online.....
His broadswords also don't look really good.
He has the teleport stomp but it's so unsafe on block.......
His throw looks good, his styles are not.
Wow, Sareena has some of the best specials so far.
She can shot her projectile so fast non stop, it's so fast and you dont even need to side step cancel to shot another one, just stand there and shot.
She has a really fast (and cool looking) mid pop up, she also has like this charge move and if it connects she kicks you 5 times for 18%, we don't know if it's safe or not.
She has another charge move but it looks pretty useless.....
Ba Shan Fan is the same, combos still look unsafe......
Her sword has the moves of Li Mei's sword.
It has great range, d+1, 2 and b+3 are great. Without the free throws it will be not as good as it was in MKD
Rain's bolt looks broken.
Is it just me or he has a low kick that juggles?
I don't know what the hype is about Sub-Zero being broken. He looks good, yes, but broken? I don't know about all of that. Clone may work up close, but have you all forgotten that the projectile have now been SPED UP? He won't be able to clone as freely as he could in MKD I am willing to bet.
As of right now I would say Frost looks better than Sub-Zero. Has anyone even thought of the possibilities of ice puddle and ground ice mind games? Slide is also super fast.
I'd bet money Sub will be no higher than upper mid tier, not quite top, and I am fine with that. I am near 100% sure icy pillar is blockable.
As of right now I would say Frost looks better than Sub-Zero. Has anyone even thought of the possibilities of ice puddle and ground ice mind games? Slide is also super fast.
I'd bet money Sub will be no higher than upper mid tier, not quite top, and I am fine with that. I am near 100% sure icy pillar is blockable.
Sindel so far is the worst character we ́ve seen so far (so far we ́ve seen like 30 or more I think).
Zah Chuan is so unsafe and has nothing in it....
She has her weapon again and that ́s pretty much it. It's ok, but not that good.....
Her throw is still the worst in the game. It takes her like an hour to recover, it does little damage and with get up you can probably hit her......
ohhh sindel...............
Zah Chuan is so unsafe and has nothing in it....
She has her weapon again and that ́s pretty much it. It's ok, but not that good.....
Her throw is still the worst in the game. It takes her like an hour to recover, it does little damage and with get up you can probably hit her......
ohhh sindel...............
i cant believe they didnt improve sindel. whats wrong w/ them O_O
they take away FJP and leave her w/ that crappy throw.
they clearly didnt watch any of my vids i made for them, fucking assholes!!
mastermalone wasted his time w/ at least bringing the videos to them..
im so mad right now!!
they take away FJP and leave her w/ that crappy throw.
they clearly didnt watch any of my vids i made for them, fucking assholes!!
mastermalone wasted his time w/ at least bringing the videos to them..
im so mad right now!!

Sindels not crap, shes just more of a chalange to win with,
I like her MKA styles, though I do think Eagle claw would suit her, and She should have a hair throw move
I like her MKA styles, though I do think Eagle claw would suit her, and She should have a hair throw move
Damn,I didn't even know this thread existed.I thought the MK:A forum was full of clueless people.So,just a few questions...
Does anyone have any videos of Dairou (or Drahmin or Jarek) doing their TS Drops?I heard Dairou got Li Mei's second stance.That stance is shitty in MK:D,but you never know.
How does the low parry look like and how do you do it?And how do the throw escapes look like?And do they work for all the throws in MK:A?
Does anyone have any videos of Dairou (or Drahmin or Jarek) doing their TS Drops?I heard Dairou got Li Mei's second stance.That stance is shitty in MK:D,but you never know.
How does the low parry look like and how do you do it?And how do the throw escapes look like?And do they work for all the throws in MK:A?
"Sindels not crap, shes just more of a chalange to win with"
We define crappy characters as those who are a challenge to win with. They are a challenge to win with because they have limited tools. Limited tools = shitty character.
Sindel,Cage,Jade and Shang players so far all look like they are going to have to put a lot of work into their chars to be able to compete. I'll make sure Cage is competent.
Told you guys Icy Pillar was blocky, and look at the recovery time, too. It's not going to be very good.
We define crappy characters as those who are a challenge to win with. They are a challenge to win with because they have limited tools. Limited tools = shitty character.
Sindel,Cage,Jade and Shang players so far all look like they are going to have to put a lot of work into their chars to be able to compete. I'll make sure Cage is competent.
Told you guys Icy Pillar was blocky, and look at the recovery time, too. It's not going to be very good.
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