Regarding things such as the storyline, I happen to like MK's storyline. To me, the bullshit storylines as you like to call it are storylines I find in most other fighting games. I also prefer MK's ambience. As for the females, well, the DOA series is a much larger culprit for that.
As for the actual gameplay, at least there are changes and such but I do agree that there should be a lot more improvements in the fighting.
But the thing is, almost all the video game websites and video game magazines give MK games high scores, and as long as the MK Team sees these reviews they'll think they did a great job with the game. And I think the reason most of these people rate MK so high is because they remember playing it when they were little and feel like they owe it to the MK Team. If MK: Deception had the exact same fighting engine, story and character design it does but didn't have the history it did, it would probably get some pretty bad reviews...

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

Like how you can hit floored opponents in Tekken and SC.
Sub's Ground ice = Could freeze the floored opponent, walk around to align them with a death trap then do a low attack
Scorpion's spear = He would whip the spear and hit the floored opponent like IVY in SC2, he could also use the spear to pick the opponent up like Ermac's lift, but they would only go up like after a pop up attack.
Hotaru = His low fireball would hit floored opponents making them fly back and slam to a wall if close to one. This would cause a wall stun like in SC2, and you could run in and do a wall combo.
His Low fireball would also be able to hit opponent's when they are close to him = it would hit them in the legs, making them fly up a little while facing down and fall on their face.
Rayden's lightning would hit a floored opponent like in the MKD intro.
Ashrah's / Kai's up down fireball would also hit a floored opponent.
Smoke's teleport uppercut would launch a floored opponent.
Liu kang's low fireball.
There might be special moves designated only for use against floored opponents, like how you can only do the VF stomps when the opponent is on the floor, or about to hit it.
Some moves might cause you damage if you do them to a floored opponent.
Jade's or Cage's shadow kick to a floored opponent would make them trip and maybe fall.
Kabals run would make him stumble and slam to a wall if he's close to one.
New move for Kenshi = Make his sword fly around with his TK powers.
It's been done before, but it would still be kool to see and could make for nice combos and set ups.
Example move that could be done= Sort of like the TK furry, but it would be a combo with the sword flying around by it self = as if kenshi was invisible.
Kenshi would do some poses and the sword would fly forward like a 1-2 jump distance depending on how far the opponent is and do 1 to 5 slashes. The combo would be controlled by the player = so it would be like a normal combo you could do different variations to it and attack at different height levels.
To make the sword fly and do 1 slash, you would just tap +1
To do a flying sword combo you would do something like +1,2,2,3,4
This move would take more damage than the normal TK furry and it might be a just frame move to make the TK furry still worth using.
One is hard but with high damage, the other is easy with low damage.
Example combo:
Start in Tai Chi.
Another move could be that he throws the sword to the side and it flies around in a circle like a boomerang.
If you are hit while doing this move, the sword will fall to the ground and you have to do a TK move to make it come to you = just tap 1 again to make it fly to you.
When the sword is on the floor, you can make kenshi wave his arm and the sword will fly towards the opponent and slash them.
You have the option of leaving the sword on the floor, or making it come to you.
I'd like to be able to use some of the projectiles against opponent's while they are laying on the floor.
Like how you can hit floored opponents in Tekken and SC.
Sub's Ground ice = Could freeze the floored opponent, walk around to align them with a death trap then do a low attack
Scorpion's spear = He would whip the spear and hit the floored opponent like IVY in SC2, he could also use the spear to pick the opponent up like Ermac's lift, but they would only go up like after a pop up attack.
Hotaru = His low fireball would hit floored opponents making them fly back and slam to a wall if close to one. This would cause a wall stun like in SC2, and you could run in and do a wall combo.
His Low fireball would also be able to hit opponent's when they are close to him = it would hit them in the legs, making them fly up a little while facing down and fall on their face.
Rayden's lightning would hit a floored opponent like in the MKD intro.
Ashrah's / Kai's up down fireball would also hit a floored opponent.
Smoke's teleport uppercut would launch a floored opponent.
Liu kang's low fireball.
There might be special moves designated only for use against floored opponents, like how you can only do the VF stomps when the opponent is on the floor, or about to hit it.
Some moves might cause you damage if you do them to a floored opponent.
Jade's or Cage's shadow kick to a floored opponent would make them trip and maybe fall.
Kabals run would make him stumble and slam to a wall if he's close to one.
New move for Kenshi = Make his sword fly around with his TK powers.
It's been done before, but it would still be kool to see and could make for nice combos and set ups.
Example move that could be done= Sort of like the TK furry, but it would be a combo with the sword flying around by it self = as if kenshi was invisible.
Kenshi would do some poses and the sword would fly forward like a 1-2 jump distance depending on how far the opponent is and do 1 to 5 slashes. The combo would be controlled by the player = so it would be like a normal combo you could do different variations to it and attack at different height levels.
To make the sword fly and do 1 slash, you would just tap +1
To do a flying sword combo you would do something like +1,2,2,3,4
This move would take more damage than the normal TK furry and it might be a just frame move to make the TK furry still worth using.
One is hard but with high damage, the other is easy with low damage.
Example combo:
Start in Hapkido,
Another move could be that he throws the sword to the side and it flies around in a circle like a boomerang.
If you are hit while doing this move, the sword will fall to the ground and you have to do a TK move to make it come to you = just tap 1 again to make it fly to you.
When the sword is on the floor, you can make kenshi wave his arm and the sword will fly towards the opponent and slash them.
You have the option of leaving the sword on the floor, or making it come to you.
I really like the idea for some TK attacks with Kenshi's sword. It would put a lot of emphasis on his TK abilities, bringing out the "supernatural warrior" side of him. The groud attacks sound kick ass too....
I don't want to get off topic, but I heard Tekken 5 is going to be in arcades and since I've heard so many good things, I want to get into the series. But, the thing is, I've heard it costs $1.00 to play! Now I'm willing to pay it if it's a good game, but do you guys think it's worth it?

There is a test version of the game in the Harlem plaza in Chicago.
I'm not sure if they got the final version yet, but they should still have the test version.
100 per play is very expensive, but the game is so awesome it's worth it.
The problem with the price is that the different arcades can set the damage and rounds you fight, so one arcade could have the damage up and have 2 rounds so you waste a lot of money, but others could have damage low and 5 rounds so you get your money's worth.
The T5 arcade machines are very expensive, so the arcades have to crank up the cost for a while to get their money back.
Some arcades right now have at 50 cents also. Depends where you go.
You can see what Arcades have it at in the T5 general discussion forum.

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
I don't want to get off topic, but I heard Tekken 5 is going to be in arcades and since I've heard so many good things, I want to get into the series. But, the thing is, I've heard it costs $1.00 to play! Now I'm willing to pay it if it's a good game, but do you guys think it's worth it?
$1.00! That's steep for any game let alone a fighter. If it costs that much I would make sure to play people you know you can beat to get you're money's worth.

I fixed it now.
Tekken 5 is out right now in some Arcades.
There is a test version of the game in the Harlem plaza in Chicago.
I'm not sure if they got the final version yet, but they should still have the test version.
100 per play is very expensive, but the game is so awesome it's worth it.
The problem with the price is that the different arcades can set the damage and rounds you fight, so one arcade could have the damage up and have 2 rounds so you waste a lot of money, but others could have damage low and 5 rounds so you get your money's worth.
The T5 arcade machines are very expensive, so the arcades have to crank up the cost for a while to get their money back.
Some arcades right now have at 50 cents also. Depends where you go.
You can see what Arcades have it at in the T5 general discussion forum.
Thanks, I'll check my local arcade this week...
BTW, are there any specific characters that you think I should pick?
I mean, If I'm paying $1.00 a game, I want to pick the best characters there

I used Feng Wei
Jin Kazama
And Forest Law
Feng Wei is kind of hard to win with because he is a lot like Kazuya, he has a lot of 2-3 hit combos and some strong single hit attacks. Also I didn't know any of his moves when I played him.
He's like a power house fighter, you have to use him wisely.
I noticed his >+1+2 Power shoulder attack is useful
the +2,1,2 combo is also useful = R. gut punch, L. Gut punch, Power Shoulder
Also his
His db+4 is a good sweep = MK style
While standing 2 = launcher uppercut. He doesn't have a lot of pop up moves.
1,2,2 is a good quick combo = L. jab, R. punch, R. back fist to torso.
df+2,2 = a good power combo = R. wind up punch to gut, R. exploding palm.
>+3+4 = his med and high parry = he flays his arms around. You can tap any attack button while he's doing that to throw any of 4 different attacks.
>,>+3 = Stomp = he flips and does a stomp.
>,>,>+3 = Kool looking flying kick
+1 = lean back, lean forward and strong palm to stomach.
They have the move lists at Tekken Zaibatsu.
I think if you want to pick up and play and be able to do some pretty long combos, you should pick whoarang.
He has a lot of new moves and combos.
Other than that, just practice with Tekken 4 or Tekken Tag if you have it and pick the old fighters you are used to.
I'm not sure what Raven and Asuka play like.
Although Asuka seems to have a lot of jun Kazama's moves.
Just mess around and play with whoever.

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

You are right, but a secret is a secret. It doesn't have to be super hard to get It could be just pressing XOXOXO at the start menu or something.
I don't want the secret characters to be a pain in the ass to get.
I don't really care about the secrets anyway so I don't waste my time looking for them. I just wait till someone else finds out how to do it then I go and do it.
How would you make the secrets if you were designing them?

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

I agree 100%
They trick the fans on purpose, they probably get a good laugh out of it when they come here and read the boards.
I like the idea of righting your self while being juggled.
Sort of like In SC2 where sometimes you can land on your feet after a juggle.
Instead of having auto juggle limits like in MKD, It should just be that you knock the opponent further away.
To save your self from a juggle I'd like it if on the last hit you could rotate the joy stick on the way up and down to make your character land on their feet.
Or if you tap (1234) you will right your self and land on your feet like in STFA3. But This might only work on pop up attacks.
When you right your self, you can do an air block.
So this would save you from a follow up after the initial pop up attack and from follow up attacks when you are laying on the floor.
The air block could look like Kano's canon ball = you ball up like in a fetal position or like the air block stances in 2D games.
If hit during this block animation, you will be knocked back and land standing up. = as if you hopped back, if hit with another pop up attack during this stance, you might do a back flip instead of just a hop back animation.
Awesome idea Bleed. I would love to see some kind of air control in MK... at least it would gives you something to do while being juggled
Some kind of "air reversals" could be interesting too. Like if you regain control in the middle of a juggle, you could attack your opponent from the air. I think it could work.. what do you think?

What if fighters could take their opponent down with them as they fall from a juggle?
Kinda like Bo Rai Cho's throw from MK :D. As they fall, they straighten themselves horizontally and put their arms out in front of them. Then they grab the opponents shoulders and slam them down as they fall. It could be a character specific move for Bo Rai Cho...

But I had it so the guy being juggled would grab the opponent's arm or leg and put one of their legs on the opponent's torso and sort of do a fall and roll, sending the opponent flying.
It would look almost the same as Eddy Gordo's side throw.
The move should be character specific I think.
It's kind of hard to come up with new stuff.
Well, here's something I though of earlier today, When about a sweep distance to a wall, if you do a strong pop up attack, the opponent would fly up towards the wall, bounce off of it and land behind you.
Like if you throw a ball at a wall at an upward angle.
You could follow up with a back turned attack or turn around and do a couple more juggle hit's.
The pop up attack could have a different effect = if you tap the button, the opponent will bounce and just hit the wall like in tekken ect.
If you hold the button, the opponent will bounce off the wall like a ball.
I already posted that idea too : P
But I had it so the guy being juggled would grab the opponent's arm or leg and put one of their legs on the opponent's torso and sort of do a fall and roll, sending the opponent flying.
It would look almost the same as Eddy Gordo's side throw.
The move should be character specific I think.
Your idea is better...
It's kind of hard to come up with new stuff.
Well, here's something I though of earlier today, When about a sweep distance to a wall, if you do a strong pop up attack, the opponent would fly up towards the wall, bounce off of it and land behind you.
Like if you throw a ball at a wall at an upward angle.
You could follow up with a back turned attack or turn around and do a couple more juggle hit's.
The pop up attack could have a different effect = if you tap the button, the opponent will bounce and just hit the wall like in tekken ect.
If you hold the button, the opponent will bounce off the wall like a ball.
Sounds cool. If you could attack from your back (like in Doa) , it could set up some crazy combos...

You can use back attacks during a juggle with Whoarang in T4
do the f,d,df+4 launcher, move under the opponent and do a back kick = tap 3 or 4
You can get at least 2 of them in.
I never do it, but I saw it in a juggle movie once.
An example juggle using the wall bounce.
Start in Tai Chi
Start off with a new move = Migraine = Kenshi causes the opponent a massive head ache, the opponent screams and holds their head. = It's like a hold type move.
TK Migraine, 2,2,2,
Dash in and do a wall combo.
Nasty damage!
The juggle reversal bo rai cho type slam would be kool too and make sense.