11/25/2004 09:40 PM (UTC)
11/25/2004 10:46 PM (UTC)
I have an idea concerning Juggles (Sorry Bleed if you already thought about it smile)

I think it would be nice if you could start a juggle while in the air (after a jump). So in addition to low/mid/high juggle launchers you would have one that could only by triggered when you jump. It would settle a nice air game...

Does this makes any sense?
Yes it does, you can do that in Tekken.

It's a nice move.

To do it in tekken, jump towards your opponent then hit 4 just before you land.

They will do an uppercut kick that launches the opponent for a juggle.

I posted earlier an idea about the jumping attacks in DOA 3 and DOAU.

In DOA the jump in punch and kicks can be used to knock down the opponent or to stun them.

The punch is usually the stunner = puts the opponent in "critical status" That's when they stumble like a drunk.

Then you can follow up with whatever.

It's kool though if we repeat what another person posted, it just makes the argument stronger.


Another idea grin

How about having different ways to use the buttons.

Like you know how in some combos you need to press the same button 2-3 times in a row?

There could be like a buffering system where instead of having to tap the same button 3 times, you can just hold it and the 3 moves will come out automatically.

An example would be Night wolf's
He does 3 round house kicks automatically and you only press the button 1 time.

With the buffering idea, what could happen is that if you hold the button, the 3 kicks will come out like normal, if you tap the button, only one kick will come out, if you tap the button 2 times you could get a different kick for the second hit. If you hold it for 2 hit's and tap for the last one, you will get yet another different combo.

Sample execution:

4,4 = tap 4 two times

4....4= hold so you only press the button 1 time and hold it.

They have this in SC2, but it's just for special stances I think. Like if you tap slash 2 times you get a combo. If you tap slash and hold it you do 1 slash and go in to a special stance.

But I'm talking about the same idea used for different combos, not just extra stances.

This buffering system might only work for attacks that are the same = like 2 jabs, or scorpion's 2,2 in Hapkido.


More ideas

This has been posted before, but I would love for Scorpion to use his spear during combos, like how he used the Axe in UMK3.

He could have a ton of moves with his spear head, but some of them could be......

(1) Left uppercut slash= pop up= looks like Sub Zero's Command= d,f+1 -----------------------------------------------------------------
(2) Right step uppercut slash = pop up = looks like Kenshi's Command= d,f+2
(3) Right Hook slash to mid section= collapse stun

Command= f,f+2,d
(4) Right Hook slash to throat = stumble back and fall down. If the opponent is close to a wall, they will slam in to it and you can do a wall combo. If you wait a sec. after they hit the wall, they will collapse and you can catch them with some attacks that only work against a crouched opponent, like the crouch throws in DOA and Tekken. Some normal attacks might have a different effect on the opponent if you hit them while they are crouched, so you can take advantage of that situation in many ways.

Command= f,f+2
(5) Back dash high right hand back spin slash.

Command= ub+2
(6) Cut throat = a throw that you can only do when the opponent has their back to you.

Command= 1+3 when behind and close to opponent.
(7) Dive and hook slash to face, stomach or legs = Goes over med and low attacks. This is like the jump attacks in VF4, you can throw the attack at different heights for different effects on the opponent, but if you don't throw the high or med slashes, the low one will come out automatically.

This move could be good for combo enders so when you know you can't connect with another regular attack, you can do the dive slash and get that 1extra hit.

You can also do this attack while running.

I'm not sure if you should be able to tec. roll after doing the slash, it might make the move too safe.

uf+2..2 = high slash
uf+2.....2= med slash
uf+2...........= low slash , the low slash will come out no matter what if you don't do the high or med slashes.

Like the jump attacks in VF4, you have to hold 2 to initiate the dive then tap 2 again at the right time to do any of the 3 attacks. If you just press uf+2..... and just do the dive, the low slash will come out automatically.

If you just tap uf+2, you will do a normal punch like in DOA3.
11/26/2004 02:22 AM (UTC)
Oh, sweetness.

Those ideas are insane. I mean, the Tap / Hold button thing is crazy I love it.
How about special wall combos.

combos that can only be done when the opponent has their back to the wall.

It would look something like Jan Lee's
He pushes the opponent against the wall, punches them in the face 3 times and finishes with a strong punch to the stomach.

Vanessa from VF4 has a wall combo too, but it's a chain throw.

How to do it in MK:

You might be able to link a wall throw to a combo.

Using Kabal

He could do a combo that ends with a rush attack that slams the opponent against the wall. Something like Rayden's superman, but running instead.

Kabal can now do a wall combo = He shoves his fore arm on the opponent's neck and holds them against the wall. The opponent throws a punch at kabal's head, but kabal blocks it with his other arm.

Then he would knee them in the stomach, then punch them in the stomach like 3 times. Kabal let's go of their neck and the opponent bends over and throws up.

Then kabal bashes them in the back of the head with the butt of his sword. The opponent hit's the floor hard.

There could be several variations to that wall throw by pressing different button commands during the combo.

Example of a variation to the wall combo:

After the 2nd stomach punch, Kabal pulls the opponent off the wall then throws them back in to it hard, he grabs their head and does a head butt. While the opponent is collapsing the the floor, Kabal put's his hands on the wall and knees the opponent in the face 3 times.

Pretty sick huh?
11/26/2004 04:15 AM (UTC)
bleed Wrote:

How to do it in MK:

You might be able to link a wall throw to a combo.

Using Kabal

He could do a combo that ends with a rush attack that slams the opponent against the wall. Something like Rayden's superman, but running instead.

Kabal can now do a wall combo = He shoves his fore arm on the opponent's neck and holds them against the wall. The opponent throws a punch at kabal's head, but kabal blocks it with his other arm.

Then he would knee them in the stomach, then punch them in the stomach like 3 times. Kabal let's go of their neck and the opponent bends over and throws up.

Then kabal bashes them in the back of the head with the butt of his sword. The opponent hit's the floor hard.

There could be several variations to that wall throw by pressing different button commands during the combo.

Example of a variation to the wall combo:

After the 2nd stomach punch, Kabal pulls the opponent off the wall then throws them back in to it hard, he grabes their head and does a head butt. While the opponent is collapsing the the floor, Kabal put's his hands on the wall and knees the opponent in the face 3 times.

Pretty sick huh?

And that's just Kabal, imagine how they could exploit other characters' special abilities (Subby's ice, Scorpion's fire, Noob's shadow-related attacks, Sektor robotic attacks, Raiden' electricity, Goro's incredible strength, Reptile's flexibility and reptilian attacks, ect...) The possibilities are endless.

Sub-Zero could have a wall throw where he freezes the opponent, then pushes/slams him into the wall, breaking the ice. Then he pins the opponent to the wall with one hand. He could then freeze his other fist deliver some bone-crushing punches to the face. Then he'd let go of the opponent and let him fall to the floor, leaving him open to some ground attacks, or instead of falling, the opponent could stumble off the wall, leaving him open to a combo.
If this wall throw is done in a place like to "Beetle Lair", the opponent would be frozen and slammed through the wall and land on the next level. This throw could also slam people through pillars, rocks and other "interactive enviroment" stuff...
Hell yeah! ^^^^

I was thinking earlier today, about the last fight in Dark City.

When the 2 guy's were in a TK power struggle and things were flying all over the place. I love that part of the movie.

I was imagining what that would be like in MK. Like if Kenshi could throw a TK blast from his head.

If 2 Kenshi players did the same move at the same time, they could be caught in a TK struggle like in Dark City.
You would have to mash the buttons like in Test your might.
The screen would start to shake, maybe some stuff would levitate, windows would shatter and the floor would crack under the energy ball.
This could happen with several characters if their powers looked like in the MKD intro.

Also, there would be a time limit for the struggle, like 5-10 seconds. Whoever has the meter higher when the time runs out wins the struggle.

If both players have the meter the same when the time runs out, they will both be knocked back by the shock wave.

The screen could shatter and turn white for a sec.
11/26/2004 06:03 AM (UTC)
bleed Wrote:
Hell yeah! ^^^^

I was thinking earlier today, about the last fight in Dark City.

When the 2 guy's were in a TK power struggle and things were flying all over the place. I love that part of the movie.

I was imagining what that would be like in MK. Like if Kenshi could throw a TK blast from his head.

If 2 Kenshi player did the same move at the same time, they could be caught in a TK struggle like in Dark City.

You would have to mash the buttons like in Test your might.

The screen would start to shake, maybe some stuff would levitate, windows would shatter and the floor would crack under the energy ball.

This could happen with several characters if their powers looked like in the MKD intro.

Also, there would be a time limit for the struggle, like 5-10 seconds. Whoever has the meter higher when the time runs out wins the struggle.

If both players have the meter the same when the time runs out, they will both be knocked back by the shock wave.

The screen could shatter and turn white for a sec.

A TK power struggle sounds cool. Mabye, in Kenshi's story mode, the last person he fights before the sub-boss could be Ermac. The fight could be filled with power struggles.

Kenshi would put one arm out in front of him and start to glow blue, then Ermac would put one arm out infront of him and start to glow green, while the arena just starts going insane. It would be one kick ass battle..
yeah, I can see it in my head. tongue

Tha'd be pretty kool IMO.

I'd probably play Kenshi all the time, just to see that. grin
11/26/2004 06:47 AM (UTC)
I was thinking of some more ideas for characters specific wall throws...


If Scorpion's back is to a wall, and his enemy is a considerable distance away from him, he could throw his spear at his opponent. If it lands, he'd pull the opponent towards him. But at the last minute he'd side step and the opponent would hit the wall, face first. Then Scorpion would grab the back of the opponent's neck and slam him into the ground. From there, Scorpion could throw a downward fireball at the opponent, use his "hellfire" move, or do a ground attack...


If Reptile's opponent had their back to a wall, he could push the opponent into the wall. Then, while Reptile's hands are still on the opponent's shoulders, Reptile will jump and plant his feet into the wall. Then, while Reptile has the opponent completely pinned to the wall, Reptile would bite the opponent's face about 3 times. Then Reptile would jump of the opponent...


It would be a very simple wall throw. If the opponent's back was facing a wall, Goro would use his bottem pair of arms to grab his opponents arms. Then Goro would pin the opponent to the wall. While the opponent is pinned to the wall, Goro would use his upper pair of arms to pound the crap out of his oponent. Then Goro would throw the opponent away from the wall...

I'll post more ideas later...
11/26/2004 04:34 PM (UTC)
what about putting move cancels in the game?

like, holding block to cancel a move...
About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

11/26/2004 05:59 PM (UTC)
Cancels and delays are a must. Especially for the slower riskier moves. It'd be nice to be able to cancel sub's freeze into a cold shoulder. That'd really catch people off guard.

As for this wall thing, I was thinking that since most projectiles in the game are useless they could have some of them be able to be done in the air like Akuma's air fireball. Only if on it's decent it his a wall, if the player does an additional command right before the impact, the freeze/spear/lightning bolt whatever will reflect off the wall and then track instead of just vanishing. A cool thing about Scorpion's spear in this situation is that if it does hit it would slam the guy into the wall first and then pull him in for a hit. Also, since the spear grabbed him from behind it would leave him prone for the attack while his back is turned allowing for unescapable back throws. If he recovers before Scorpion does anything he's now in a backturned position.
Cancels would be great.

You could change up combos like that.

Combo1 = High inside loop kick, back hook kick.

Combo2 = High inside loop kick, back hook kick ~ cancel, round house sweep.

For the back hook cancel, the fighter would just not extend their leg, but still go through the motion.

Combo 1 command= 4,3

combo 2 command= 4,3,Blk,d+3

It could make some kool looking combos.

You could cancel some normal attacks like in VF4.

In VF4 if you press K, Block the kick will cancel to a block animation.
11/26/2004 08:06 PM (UTC)
Along with cancels, there should be an option to charge special moves. Charging special moves would make them stronger, bigger, faster and graphically better (Sub-Zero's ice ball would glow brighter and bluer, ect...)

On a side note, I think all projectiles should be unblockable, since they're so easy to just side step and duck under. Making them unblockable would not only increase the stratagy of a fight, but it would also make much more sense. I mean, if Sub-Zero's ice ball freezes you on contact, why would blocking it with your arms stop it ? The same thing goes for Scorpion's spear...

Also, I think, when Scorpion throws his spear at you and misses, instead of it just flying of into space, he should pull back to him...
I agree 100% ^^^^

How would that work with Kenshi's TK moves?
11/26/2004 09:33 PM (UTC)
bleed Wrote:
I agree 100% ^^^^

How would that work with Kenshi's TK moves?

Good question grin

Mabye, it could be blockable, but the block animation would be unique. Instead of blocking like normal, Kenshi's opponent would cross their arms over their chest and then quickly uncross/stretch their arms, as if they were breaking out of a telekinetic hold (which they would of donewink)Then Kenshi could stumble or something...
aha, perfect!

About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

11/27/2004 05:18 PM (UTC)
I like that stuff, cartmansp. Whatever the case, something needs to be done with projectiles. These things are signature moves and they're useless.
11/28/2004 07:32 PM (UTC)
These are really great ideas... but in order to work well, the core fighting engine would need to be redone from scratch.

Yesterday I played some VF4 Evo and I realized how MKD (and MKDA) had unresponsive and sloppy controls. All feel so natural with a game like VF4. while in MKD you don't feel like you're fighting, you just feel you are inputting commands in a certain order.

MK needs to flow better than that for all these ideas to work, at least that's what I think. It seems that whatever feature you will add under this fighting engine will turn to be sloppy,sluggish, buggy and simply won't work.

I know I am being pessimist... but hey, I had to say it. smile
11/29/2004 02:57 PM (UTC)

PS:Played T5.Damn,they slowed down Lee a lot...sad
Did anybody test the just frame tec. roll in T5?

I'm not sure how you do it, I think it's like normal, but you tap it at the right time.

it will make previously guaranteed follow up attacks miss.

Like Jin's d+4 after his 1,2,3 juggle will miss if you do a just frame tec. roll.

Sound's pretty kool to me.
About Me

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."

11/29/2004 08:45 PM (UTC)
The tech roll JF is just imputing the tech roll when the opp tries oki. So you'd 1 or 2 or whatever when the Jin player d+4's. Though, I don't know if it's at the point of contact or when the player actually inputs d+4 or whatever oki they choose. Meh. I haven't tested it much, but I was playing the other day and some previously guaranteed shit was being teched. I was like 0_o.

Yeah, I'm having a hard time playing lee. -_- I really want him to be one of my mains again, but craigs vts cc is better than lees mist, lol. Also, I'm having WAY to much fun with nina, so my lee might sit on the back burner for a while, sadly.
Craig is a monster, last time I went to play the game, there was this one guy playing with Craig and he never lost until the computer kicked him off the machine.

It was in the test version. After 10 straight wins the computer kicks you off.

He was kicking the crap out of everybody easily.
About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

11/30/2004 06:17 AM (UTC)
Does that imply the game has T4 balance or worse? I don't mind if it's T4 level but I hope that it doesn't go back to the TTT style where a handful of guys dominate when compared to the whole cast. It doesn't matter if some of those Mishimas were actually my guys. Heh. Over here, I'm still waiting for my arcade to get the machine. They said it'd be here sometime this week but it's weird that they didn't get it sooner though since reportedly my arcade in the Willowbrook Mall is actually one of the most successful in all of Jersey. I figure that the places with the cash would be the first to put it up for a new game.
He has a tackle move that catches people a lot.

Plus the damage was very high on the test version so he had a good advantage. Not to mention that the guy is one of those expert players.

But still there were a bunch of high level players there and they all fell to Craig's might.

It looks like the damage was toned down though for the final version so that's good.
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