I think the animation should flow very smoothly, but the hits still need to keep that really solid hit style.
DOA has this too, but MK's look kooler.

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

The critical status from DOA3 is in the old MK's
Like when you do 4-5 punches and the opponent stumbles back and you can get in a free hit.
I think they should put that back in the game, similar to how it's in DOA3.
I like the set up moves. It's sort of like a juggle, but the opponent is standing on the ground.
They could have the critical status work for counter attacks, some basic attacks, and reversal attacks.
Also like I said before the critical status could be initiated from a flying punch or some flying kicks.
That's just and old MK game play element that I think would help out the future games if it were to come back.
Also I was playing MK3 with Ray and MRpomporfut last Sunday and I realized that the pop up throws have been in MK since the old days.
Rayden in MK2, sheeva and Xyrax in MK3
What do you know....
An MK fan is anyone who actually cares at all about MK's future. It's impossible to be an MK fan and not criticize it. Otherwise you're just accepting something that is less than what it could be. Sad really that only a select few on these boards really understand that.
I agree with this.......

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
Once again, brilliant thread.
I was playing UMK3 on Mame just a few minutes ago and something came to mind.
in MK since the old days.
Rayden in MK2, sheeva and Xyrax in MK3
What do you know....
u cant combo after raidens throw in mk2... dont compare it to the others!!!
Mods and admins,stop ignoring this thread as if it did not exist.We know you all read it,and everybody wants it to be a sticky.You're not going to hurt Boon's feelings in any way.In fact,you'll save a lot of embarrassment to the next instalment gameplay wise.

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

I was playing UMK3 on Mame just a few minutes ago and something came to mind.
in MK since the old days.
Rayden in MK2, sheeva and Xyrax in MK3
What do you know....
u cant combo after raidens throw in mk2... dont compare it to the others!!!
My mistake you're right.
I just remembered the bounce and I imagined you could combo something to it.

Have a fighter like say..... Kai. He throws his fireball up at an angle so it hit's the ceiling over the opponent's head.
Then rocks fall on the opponent= stun
The attack would only work on stages with a roof.
Another way it could work is that When the opponent has their back to the wall, up to 1 jump distance away from the wall. You would throw a fireball over their head. The fireball would hit the wall and cause an explosion of debris. That would hit the opponent in the back and cause them to stumble towards you.
If The opponent has a wall to the side of them, you could throw a fireball in front of them but to the wall. Again it would cause an explosion of debris that hit's the opponent at a 30 to 45 degree angle.
The debris has auto aim.
The move could be useful as a stun for a fighter that normally doesn't have one and to cause more damage than normal.
If it hit's from the back, it would be unblockable unless you side step it.

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
Also, this may sound off topic but it relates to Midway and MK. Does everybody know about Capcom Fighting Evolution? If you don't it's basically a new dreammatch game with characters from Street Fighter III, Alpha 3, Red Earth, and Darkstalkers. The problem is, it's plainly obvious this game was half assed. Ryu has his Street Fighter III sprite while Morrigan's sprite just turned ten years old. My point is that Capcom started doing this with Megaman and now they're doing it with 2D fighting games. They're basically putting the fear into the player that if these mediocre games don't get supported then they'll just stop making them all together. What the hell is that? They backed us into a corner because if we support these half assed games Capcom then feels that putting in little to no effort is profitable and at the same time if we don't support these games Capcom threatens to stop making them. You know what other organization works this way? The mafia.
This applies to MK because Midway has been doing just the opposite. In light of this I've come to the revelation that Midway, although misguided in what they consider important, is actually trying. They're actually attempting to do what they think people want. So it's getting to the point that I'd rather say to Capcom, fine stop making 2D fighters. I won't let you play me like a fiddle because you're trying to scare me into supporting a game you knew was mediocre from the start. Midway may not be doing things right but in light of what I'm seeing from Capcom, has treated the players better. Just not the players in this thread.
I may not admire Boon and Co's attitude toward gameplay fixes, but I can understand it. Why try to satisfy a few fans with something that will take a lot of effort when you can appease 98% of your audience by doing something you can accomplish in your sleep? Simply put : New fatals and secrets=easy. Completly revamp the fighting engine=difficult. They made the easiest and most cost-effective decision. Again, I understand it, but I don't admire it.
But Capcom as you mentioned, just puts out any old thing and then threatens you to make you buy it. The lesson is that all game companies are fucked up in one way or another. But no matter, Capcom and Midway will have to improve someday. And when they do we'll welcome them with open arms. Because our kind never learns...
I like that, Bleed. Though I've always been weary of situations where the stage can have a great effect on how the game is played. It works well enough in Smash Bros. but even in those games, half the stages are banned in competetive play because of it. What I mean is that in a fighting game like MK, having stages that can heavily alter how a character is played could cause problems in competitions. What if Kai is lower mid normally but is really good on stages with a ceiling? It's not fair to ban those stages since it's not really breaking the game but at the same time a Kai player may win or lose depending on the stage alone.
Also, this may sound off topic but it relates to Midway and MK. Does everybody know about Capcom Fighting Evolution? If you don't it's basically a new dreammatch game with characters from Street Fighter III, Alpha 3, Red Earth, and Darkstalkers. The problem is, it's plainly obvious this game was half assed. Ryu has his Street Fighter III sprite while Morrigan's sprite just turned ten years old. My point is that Capcom started doing this with Megaman and now they're doing it with 2D fighting games. They're basically putting the fear into the player that if these mediocre games don't get supported then they'll just stop making them all together. What the hell is that? They backed us into a corner because if we support these half assed games Capcom then feels that putting in little to no effort is profitable and at the same time if we don't support these games Capcom threatens to stop making them. You know what other organization works this way? The mafia.
This applies to MK because Midway has been doing just the opposite. In light of this I've come to the revelation that Midway, although misguided in what they consider important, is actually trying. They're actually attempting to do what they think people want. So it's getting to the point that I'd rather say to Capcom, fine stop making 2D fighters. I won't let you play me like a fiddle because you're trying to scare me into supporting a game you knew was mediocre from the start. Midway may not be doing things right but in light of what I'm seeing from Capcom, has treated the players better. Just not the players in this thread.
I agree with this assessment.... MK has to try and give us what we want, or be MK3 all over again.

I like that, Bleed. Though I've always been weary of situations where the stage can have a great effect on how the game is played. It works well enough in Smash Bros. but even in those games, half the stages are banned in competetive play because of it. What I mean is that in a fighting game like MK, having stages that can heavily alter how a character is played could cause problems in competitions. What if Kai is lower mid normally but is really good on stages with a ceiling? It's not fair to ban those stages since it's not really breaking the game but at the same time a Kai player may win or lose depending on the stage alone.
Ah....good point.
That's a tough situation. It would be kool, but then it would cause problems at the same time when it comes to tournament play.
I say put it in and just ban it from tournaments. I mean, if they can put some stuff like that in the game, personally........I wouldn't want it to be taken out because of tournament play requirements.
I never go to any tournaments, so I wouldn't want to pay the price for that.

In fighting games in general, does anybody use the DF crouch?
The one where you crouch and walk forward slowly.
For something other than doing an attack I mean.
I always use DB to crouch unless I'm doing a DF attack or a parry in Tekken.
So maybe to make DF more useful, what if it was like this?
DB = normal crouch like in Tekken and VF
Using this crouch you can use while crouching attacks, full crouch attacks and while standing attacks.
DF = duck = works more like the crouch in DOA3 but the fighter ducks like Brad Burns in VF4E = BPK+>.
You can use while crouching attacks, full crouch attacks and normal standing attacks as soon as you let go of DF. you skip the While standing attacks.
Like most fighters in DOA3
It could help to give the player a larger amount of options faster.
Again, it would look like this
DB = normal crouch
DF = duck
Also like in SC2.... there could be different attacks while holding DB or DF.
Example of use:
Using Jin in T5.
The opponent throws a High Kick
Option 1= you Crouch using DB then do a while standing 2= regular uppercut launcher.
Option 2= You do a Duck using DF then do his new f,d,df+1 launcher. = comes out a little faster.
Tapping df could substitute for tapping f so you would press...df to duck then d,df+1 to do the launcher. It could be the same move but there wouldn't be a crouch dash.
So like this
f,d,df+1 = crouch dash ~ uppercut
df,d,df+1 = duck ~ uppercut
The same move but it avoids high attacks faster, he can parry low and he can still do the launcher immediately.
Sounds kind of over powered though.
I'm sure there are other ways to make use of that.
Some ways to take advantage of a couple extra frames.
speaking of Tekken5, did you guys see the boss movie at tekken Zaibatsu?

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
^ DJ does LS...
^ All the korean dudes "OOOOOHHHHMAGOJODA!!! GOJODAAAA!!! OOOOOHHHH!! ldwgj oaefbjnaoe rgnA!!!! oooOOOOHHHHHHHH!!!!!" MDJ jumps out of seat "OOOOHHHH LGJlsfkgj alksnbaowbn!!! OOOOOHHHHH OOHH!"
LOL, good stuff.
Concerning d/f. It depends on the game and application. Like, VF does a lot with d/f; witch cd's and all. And, like you said, parries in tekken. Also, d/f allows you to buffer a lot of shit in tekken from various movement options. Like, I mean d/f is treated like a "buffer zone" of sorts, heh. Then d,d/f~N is iWS, so that's a practical application for d/f.
Also, d/f is incorpertated into a lot of movement options. Snake stepin' in T is d/f dependant when sways are concerned. Some other movement options depend upon d/f in DoA, too.
d/f is just, like a subtle tool that can be used for various execution and implementation. it doesn't really have a "hard" defenition to it. I kind of like that actually; then again, I have a hard time visualizing a different way, so meh.....

ooooooooh oooooooh.............
The boss is incredibly strong. 1 hit from that fireball can do 50% damage, it's unblockable and when he does it, he's safe from harm.

At least it looks easy to side step.
Damn, I can't wait to play this game again.
Hopefully they'll get it at the Harlem Irving arcade next week.
Oh, and DJ's flying side kick has a strange hit animation. It's like it sucks the opponent in instead of knocking them back???

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
On a completely unrelated note, everyone must play Jak 3. It's not even an option. This is easily one of the best games in one of the best series ever. Period. Though most of the story will be lost if you don't play the first two. Ok, play the entire Jak and Daxter series. That's an order. You'll thank me later.