About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

08/07/2014 05:02 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I never said anything about not having the right to complain, complain all you want. I just find it ridiculous when people are using the "wasted spot" issue when I see nothing being wasted here than people's time and dozen repeated posts on how it isn't.

This is NOT a first time we've been introduced a family into this game. People tend to immediately forget about Kitana and Sindel, Kahn and Mileena were all in one game together, with three being playable. What makes Cassie so goddamn different all because her parents have been announced to be in? We don't even know how the hell they'll be played, why people jump the gun so freaking early and get so defensive when someone calls them out about it is beyond me. We don't know every single thing, but I can at least say with a good chunk of it being somewhat correct is that neither of the three are gonna play the same, and it shouldn't matter that three out of twenty-something characters are related.

If this really bothers people that three characters are related and will be in the game as playable characters, then I have absolutely no idea what they've been playing the last twenty-two years.

It's tiresome, a very tiresome reason why people are not liking this character for this reason (the other being how they think she's bland, which in my opinion she kinda looks like a blandish character, but that's not the problem). I don't even understand what character even deserves more of a spot than three related character when A.) Most of the post-4 characters are poorly received and hearing how people want new characters OVER them, and B.) Having them actually making sense to fit into this story. I mean, how is Dariou or Darrius characters that could deserve more of a chance to be in this game than Cassie, Johnny, and Sonya, three characters that we have no clue what they're stories are and how they're relevant to the plot of this game's story.

If people could just kinda wait and see biographies and such that would be great. And I am ticked here, because I see nothing ever from people who say that these are wasted spots having good reasons other than, "it takes away from other characters who deserve it more." Or because they think their favorite has a slim chance. It aggravates me that this is how people think rosters are made, when we have at least a roster that will be bigger than 2011's, not to mention DLC (even if they're not relevant to the story, they're still in the game.) And if it's just because the fans want the creators to be considerate to the fans of all these other characters, then they have a hell of a lot of different fans to please. Not everyone is gonna like who they brought into this game, but to honestly say they're wasting space is total bull because they're not.

To stop you from putting words in my mouth, I never said they are "wasting spots". My opinion is that they are occupying spots and would personally rather see other characters instead.

There's a difference.

You're other arguments can be contradicted, but I really don't feel the need to engage further if you're just going to rant and assume things.

08/07/2014 07:00 AM (UTC)
It sounds like she will be pointless that been the case because she has mix moves of both, mother and father.

Plus the parent against children thing kind of ruins MK for me, this is something you only see in Tekken or those other fighting games.

It only worked with Kitana and Sindel.

08/07/2014 07:20 AM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:
It sounds like she will be pointless that been the case because she has mix moves of both, mother and father.

That's the reason. I think before the Sonya and Johnny info, people seemed to like Cassie and thought she would be a good successor of the oldies. I mean she has 2 variations dedicated to her parents but still plays differently. But now that it seems both Sonya and Johnny are gonna be in the game, it is kinda pointless to have all 3 in the game.
I still like Cassie and I loved the idea behind the character but after the leaks about her parents, I was also a bit disappointed. It's not that crazy to think that those 2 roster spots could be occupied by someone else. I don't think people would like to have both Sophitia, Cassandra, Pyrrha & Patroklos in one game for example. That's the way most people think and I totally get it tbh.
08/07/2014 07:57 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I never said anything about not having the right to complain, complain all you want. I just find it ridiculous when people are using the "wasted spot" issue when I see nothing being wasted here than people's time and dozen repeated posts on how it isn't.

This is NOT a first time we've been introduced a family into this game. People tend to immediately forget about Kitana and Sindel, Kahn and Mileena were all in one game together, with three being playable. What makes Cassie so goddamn different all because her parents have been announced to be in? We don't even know how the hell they'll be played, why people jump the gun so freaking early and get so defensive when someone calls them out about it is beyond me. We don't know every single thing, but I can at least say with a good chunk of it being somewhat correct is that neither of the three are gonna play the same, and it shouldn't matter that three out of twenty-something characters are related.

If this really bothers people that three characters are related and will be in the game as playable characters, then I have absolutely no idea what they've been playing the last twenty-two years.

It's tiresome, a very tiresome reason why people are not liking this character for this reason (the other being how they think she's bland, which in my opinion she kinda looks like a blandish character, but that's not the problem). I don't even understand what character even deserves more of a spot than three related character when A.) Most of the post-4 characters are poorly received and hearing how people want new characters OVER them, and B.) Having them actually making sense to fit into this story. I mean, how is Dariou or Darrius characters that could deserve more of a chance to be in this game than Cassie, Johnny, and Sonya, three characters that we have no clue what they're stories are and how they're relevant to the plot of this game's story.

If people could just kinda wait and see biographies and such that would be great. And I am ticked here, because I see nothing ever from people who say that these are wasted spots having good reasons other than, "it takes away from other characters who deserve it more." Or because they think their favorite has a slim chance. It aggravates me that this is how people think rosters are made, when we have at least a roster that will be bigger than 2011's, not to mention DLC (even if they're not relevant to the story, they're still in the game.) And if it's just because the fans want the creators to be considerate to the fans of all these other characters, then they have a hell of a lot of different fans to please. Not everyone is gonna like who they brought into this game, but to honestly say they're wasting space is total bull because they're not.

To stop you from putting words in my mouth, I never said they are "wasting spots". My opinion is that they are occupying spots and would personally rather see other characters instead.

There's a difference.

You're other arguments can be contradicted, but I really don't feel the need to engage further if you're just going to rant and assume things.

Yeah, because my entire post is about you. /sarcasm.

No, I was not about you, even though you did quote me.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

08/07/2014 08:26 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I never said anything about not having the right to complain, complain all you want. I just find it ridiculous when people are using the "wasted spot" issue when I see nothing being wasted here than people's time and dozen repeated posts on how it isn't.

This is NOT a first time we've been introduced a family into this game. People tend to immediately forget about Kitana and Sindel, Kahn and Mileena were all in one game together, with three being playable. What makes Cassie so goddamn different all because her parents have been announced to be in? We don't even know how the hell they'll be played, why people jump the gun so freaking early and get so defensive when someone calls them out about it is beyond me. We don't know every single thing, but I can at least say with a good chunk of it being somewhat correct is that neither of the three are gonna play the same, and it shouldn't matter that three out of twenty-something characters are related.

If this really bothers people that three characters are related and will be in the game as playable characters, then I have absolutely no idea what they've been playing the last twenty-two years.

It's tiresome, a very tiresome reason why people are not liking this character for this reason (the other being how they think she's bland, which in my opinion she kinda looks like a blandish character, but that's not the problem). I don't even understand what character even deserves more of a spot than three related character when A.) Most of the post-4 characters are poorly received and hearing how people want new characters OVER them, and B.) Having them actually making sense to fit into this story. I mean, how is Dariou or Darrius characters that could deserve more of a chance to be in this game than Cassie, Johnny, and Sonya, three characters that we have no clue what they're stories are and how they're relevant to the plot of this game's story.

If people could just kinda wait and see biographies and such that would be great. And I am ticked here, because I see nothing ever from people who say that these are wasted spots having good reasons other than, "it takes away from other characters who deserve it more." Or because they think their favorite has a slim chance. It aggravates me that this is how people think rosters are made, when we have at least a roster that will be bigger than 2011's, not to mention DLC (even if they're not relevant to the story, they're still in the game.) And if it's just because the fans want the creators to be considerate to the fans of all these other characters, then they have a hell of a lot of different fans to please. Not everyone is gonna like who they brought into this game, but to honestly say they're wasting space is total bull because they're not.

To stop you from putting words in my mouth, I never said they are "wasting spots". My opinion is that they are occupying spots and would personally rather see other characters instead.

There's a difference.

You're other arguments can be contradicted, but I really don't feel the need to engage further if you're just going to rant and assume things.

Yeah, because my entire post is about you. /sarcasm.

No, I was not about you, even though you did quote me.

For the sake of being a douche, I was the only one who commented about not not seeing the need for all 3 characters between your post ranting about how dumb of an opinion that is and your post prior on page 3.

So it did sound a little directed if I do say so myself.
08/07/2014 09:03 AM (UTC)
If your favorite is added in as DLC, the pain won't be less.

Most REAL MK fans, that really like the story more than the fighting game itself, don't care that their character is added in later. They just want their favorite character be involved with the story, they want to say YEAH when their favorite character has something cool going on in the storyline.

Not a stupid DLC character that doesn't even have a voice actor other than saying OE and A when being hit and which does NOTHING for the freaking story. That is a fate worse than being left out.

I hate Rain in MK9, just because he doesn't have a voice, the only cool thing for me is his ending in that game. But I hate the fact that he doesn't speak at all and doens't have a cameo/role in the storymode. So yeah, I would have liked it if Sonya/Johnny were both in one package in the DLC, as Cassie Could be in the main list and some totally different characters were used instead, and Sindel and Kitana? Lol, they have NOTHING in common but fictional blood, even their hair color is very different, not to begin about their moves and abilities.
08/07/2014 09:14 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Most REAL MK fans, that really like the story more than the fighting game itself

There's no such thing as a "real" or "true" fan of something. Whether you like the game for its story or gameplay or both, you are still a fan. So please stop and try to make yourself feel more important or better than others by claiming you are a "real" or "true" fan, because you aren't more "real" or "true" and especially not any better than the rest of us.
08/07/2014 09:18 AM (UTC)
Uhm darling, you are annoying as always.

I meant, you have fans like on this forum, that CARE for the storyline.

And you have fans, that only care for Scorpion and Sub-Zero and play the games but who don't care at all for the storyline and don't even know how to spell the names of 80% of the cast. like saying miiliina and katana.

There is a difference in fans darling, accept it.

Most of those lesser-fans don't care for any character, as long as Scorpion and Sub-zero are in and probably Liu Kang and Raiden, as they only care and know MK for that, don't believe me? There are tons of those kind of fans on Youtube and Facebook.

I wasn't only talking about myself, I talked about a lot of people here, most people even that care for the story and everything, and not only about the real game and 3 characters like all the lesser-fans.
08/07/2014 09:24 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Uhm darling, you are annoying as always.

Uhm darling, so are you.

DVorah Wrote:
There is a difference in fans darling, accept it.

Yes, there's a difference in fans, but no one is lesser or better fans than others. Some know more about the story while others know more about the gameplay, like how to do footsies, what characters are best for zoning, some even know the exact frames an attack hits, so they know what moves would be best to use against what characters and what moves they do etc.

You might not care about these things, but that doesn't mean that those who do are "lesser" fans than you.
08/07/2014 09:28 AM (UTC)
I'm just clumsy with english words, damn stop hating me for that.

My entire intention with that post was to prove that for me DLC characters aren't doing it for me (and many other that like the storyline more than the actual game)

You just turned it into a Dvorah-hates-on-lesser-fans bullshit thing, just because i'm not a native english typer.

Stop doing that for once, or just don't react at all.
08/07/2014 09:38 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I'm just clumsy with english words, damn stop hating me for that.

My entire intention with that post was to prove that for me DLC characters aren't doing it for me (and many other that like the storyline more than the actual game)

You just turned it into a Dvorah-hates-on-lesser-fans bullshit thing, just because i'm not a native english typer.

Stop doing that for once, or just don't react at all.

That's just bullshit, your English is perfectly fine in all other threads. For a narcissistic person, you sure have alot of flaws and bad excuses for said flaws instead of just admitting to them.

And it doesn't matter if it was you or anyone else who had made a comment about "real/true" or "lesser" fans - I would've reacted just the same no matter who would have said this. You just happened to be the one to say it.
08/07/2014 10:32 AM (UTC)
Uhm honey all narcissistic people are very insecure about themselves, that is what the whole disorder is about. They act very cruel and overconfident because they are very insecure with themselves.

The things you learn with a real psychologist.

And nevermind, my intention was to react to Icebaby for saying that you should shut up and just hope of the DLC-thing to happen.

I'm just sure that fans of the FREAKING-STORYLINE (better hun?) aren't going to like their favorite characters being thrown in as cheap DLC that doesn't speak, doesn't have alternative costumes, doesn't have cool intro's and worse of all no part in the freaking storymode.
08/07/2014 10:57 AM (UTC)
3 things you'll see DVorah post over and over:

1. I am a narcissist/vain
2. I am gay
3. I hate human characters
08/07/2014 11:06 AM (UTC)
I keep seeing "Cassie is pretty much Johnny/Sonya's moves blended so having all 3 of them is pointless" but there's no weight to that statement at all. Considering no one has seen Johnny or Sonya gameplay in MKX, how the fuck can anyone say they'd be similar?

Cassie doesn't have Johnny's shadow balls, or Sonya's Arc Kick, Or Johnny's Shadow Kick, or Sonya's Leg grab. Quite a few signature moves she doesn't have that they most likely will. AND its very possible they could get new moves. So please stop saying they'd be similar when you have nothing to support that.
08/07/2014 12:01 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
3 things you'll see DVorah post over and over:

1. I am a narcissist/vain
2. I am gay
3. I hate human characters

Because Jaded keeps following me around, that's why.

I have no quarrel with you at all, so why bother? You are one of those persons I enjoy reading stuff from, don't turn me into a troll as well.
08/07/2014 02:35 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
3 things you'll see DVorah post over and over:

1. I am a narcissist/vain
2. I am gay
3. I hate human characters

Because Jaded keeps following me around, that's why.

I have no quarrel with you at all, so why bother? You are one of those persons I enjoy reading stuff from, don't turn me into a troll as well.

I don't follow you around. You are on the same forum as I am. I check and respond to the threads on this forum. I am not intentionally seeking you out, you just happen to post in the threads I read, and when I have something on my mind I wish to say, then that is what I will do.

You are nothing special.
08/07/2014 02:41 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I keep seeing "Cassie is pretty much Johnny/Sonya's moves blended so having all 3 of them is pointless" but there's no weight to that statement at all. Considering no one has seen Johnny or Sonya gameplay in MKX, how the fuck can anyone say they'd be similar?

Cassie doesn't have Johnny's shadow balls, or Sonya's Arc Kick, Or Johnny's Shadow Kick, or Sonya's Leg grab. Quite a few signature moves she doesn't have that they most likely will. AND its very possible they could get new moves. So please stop saying they'd be similar when you have nothing to support that.

Because everyone's jumping the gun immediately without even seeing concrete stuff.

I'm going to regret this... Seeing how this was directed to me.

DVorah Wrote:
If your favorite is added in as DLC, the pain won't be less.

You can't please everyone...

DVorah Wrote:
Most REAL MK fans, that really like the story more than the fighting game itself, don't care that their character is added in later. They just want their favorite character be involved with the story, they want to say YEAH when their favorite character has something cool going on in the storyline.

I hate when people throw in the word "real" before "fan." There's no such thing, especially how you described them. Fans who care about story only are not "real" fans, they're just fans.

DVorah Wrote:
Not a stupid DLC character that doesn't even have a voice actor other than saying OE and A when being hit and which does NOTHING for the freaking story. That is a fate worse than being left out.

Yeah, because I'm pretty sure Netherrealm Studios will do the same exact thing again with their DLC and not give them a voice or whatever. They just don't learn.


DVorah Wrote:
I hate Rain in MK9, just because he doesn't have a voice, the only cool thing for me is his ending in that game. But I hate the fact that he doesn't speak at all and doens't have a cameo/role in the storymode. So yeah, I would have liked it if Sonya/Johnny were both in one package in the DLC, as Cassie Could be in the main list and some totally different characters were used instead, and Sindel and Kitana? Lol, they have NOTHING in common but fictional blood, even their hair color is very different, not to begin about their moves and abilities.

I think I felt a brain cell commit suicide after reading this. What are you blabbing about?

DVorah Wrote:
Uhm darling, you are annoying as always.

Look who's talking?

DVorah Wrote:
I meant, you have fans like on this forum, that CARE for the storyline.

What about them?

DVorah Wrote:
And you have fans, that only care for Scorpion and Sub-Zero and play the games but who don't care at all for the storyline and don't even know how to spell the names of 80% of the cast. like saying miiliina and katana.

I've seen you misspell character names too, should I consider you being a Scorpion fan or a Sub-Zero fan?

DVorah Wrote:
There is a difference in fans darling, accept it.

Yeah, the ones who live in the Mortal Kombat-Trilogy era and those who are living in the present. That's the only difference, not this "real" fan bullshit.

DVorah Wrote:
Most of those lesser-fans don't care for any character, as long as Scorpion and Sub-zero are in and probably Liu Kang and Raiden, as they only care and know MK for that, don't believe me? There are tons of those kind of fans on Youtube and Facebook.

People have told you time after time to ignore those people because they have nothing better to do other than being bitter that this isn't the same old Mortal Kombat series we've played in the 90s. They sit on their asses and complain nonstop without looking up any kind of credible sources and at least try to be convinced that this game has a potential of being good.

Those people are idiots. Who the hell cares what they have to say. I know that's crude, unfortunately they don't go on forums, have little knowledge on what's going on in the game itself, only going on what's been posted as pictures. They immediately jump the gun saying this game sucks because of the newer characters and not even knowing who the heck they are. Why listen to them when they don't listen first?

I mean hell, someone even thought D'Vorah throws out butterflies. And they were dead fucking serious.

DVorah Wrote:
And nevermind, my intention was to react to Icebaby for saying that you should shut up and just hope of the DLC-thing to happen.

I never said you should shut up and hope your precious favorite makes it in DLC. I said there's always that option if they don't make it into the initial roster.

The only thing I've been asking people to shut up on is the whole "wasted space" issue.

DVorah Wrote:
I'm just sure that fans of the FREAKING-STORYLINE (better hun?) aren't going to like their favorite characters being thrown in as cheap DLC that doesn't speak, doesn't have alternative costumes, doesn't have cool intro's and worse of all no part in the freaking storymode.

Again, because Netherrealm Studios will keep making every DLC character with no voice, with "no cool intro" and have no part of the story... yeap.

And again, you cannot please everyone. You have 60+ characters in this series with several already confirmed a no show. What about them? What about those fans of Motaro and Drahmin? And don't say they don't exist, I've seen plenty of users here who actually like both of them.

If this DLC has nothing to do with the story, oh well tough luck. But hey, people at least got their favorites to come in. I don't see why you can't also rely on DLC as well, at least not immediately, but there's always that option.

DVorah Wrote:
Because Jaded keeps following me around, that's why.

*facepalm* You know, this whole thinking users are stalking you has to be a very asinine thing to say to others. Nobody is. You're on a goddamn internet forum where people come and go into threads. So a few people are talking to you more than others, big fucking deal. No one on this forum is stalking you, so quit thinking or having the intention on thinking that people are.
08/07/2014 02:45 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

DVorah Wrote:
Because Jaded keeps following me around, that's why.

*facepalm* You know, this whole thinking users are stalking you has to be a very asinine thing to say to others. Nobody is. You're on a goddamn internet forum where people come and go into threads. So a few people are talking to you more than others, big fucking deal. No one on this forum is stalking you, so quit thinking or having the intention on thinking that people are.

Thank you, my point exactly. ^^
08/07/2014 03:51 PM (UTC)
Lol, you people are fucking unbelievable.

Last time I said something about Facebook/Twitter/Youtube fans reacting to MK video's everybody said that they aren't real fans.

And now I said something ,and everybody is going berserk about it.

I am special, i'm hated, that is also special. I can create hate in other people, annoy the hell out of them.

Cool new X-men powers if you ask me.
08/07/2014 04:00 PM (UTC)
Oh, and that was my personal opinion, you can't hate on my personal opinion Icebaby.

My opinion is that if the characters are DLC, its a fate worse than being left out.

I don't want Rain, Ermac and all others DLC, I want the dead from MK2011 in DLC + Sonya and maybe Cage (but he can be playable, don't mind him) so they won't spoil the official roster for me. I want to see Rain shine in the freaking storymode for freaking once, as that never happend before in a good way, I don't count that stupid minor role in Armageddon, I don't count Armageddon at all.

And you don't know if the DLC will change, for all we know the DLC will be still without voice and role in the storymode.

But anyway:
Personal. Opinion. Darling.

And you can't change that.
08/07/2014 04:13 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Lol, you people are fucking unbelievable.

Last time I said something about Facebook/Twitter/Youtube fans reacting to MK video's everybody said that they aren't real fans.

And now I said something ,and everybody is going berserk about it.

Your view on people going berserk certainly differs from everyone else here. I certainly don't see anyone going berserk other than you.

DVorah Wrote:
I am special, i'm hated, that is also special. I can create hate in other people, annoy the hell out of them.

Cool new X-men powers if you ask me.

I really wouldn't suggest being hated is also being "special." Being hated is certainly something not to brag about, but since you definitely love it, fine, go ahead.

DVorah Wrote:
Oh, and that was my personal opinion, you can't hate on my personal opinion Icebaby.

I can hate on whatever I want, and so far, the only thing I really hate on this site is you.

DVorah Wrote:
My opinion is that if the characters are DLC, its a fate worse than being left out.

So characters who still make it in, despite through a purchase, is worse than being left out completely? Kay, that makes a lot of sense.

DVorah Wrote:
I don't want Rain, Ermac and all others DLC, I want the dead from MK2011 in DLC + Sonya and maybe Cage (but he can be playable, don't mind him) so they won't spoil the official roster for me. I want to see Rain shine in the freaking storymode for freaking once, as that never happend before in a good way, I don't count that stupid minor role in Armageddon, I don't count Armageddon at all.

I hope all the characters that got killed in 2011 comes back to the roster just to see you get pissed off.

DVorah Wrote:
And you don't know if the DLC will change, for all we know the DLC will be still without voice and role in the storymode.

But anyway:
Personal. Opinion. Darling.

And you can't change that.

I dont want to change your opinion, stop thinking that because I don't like you.
08/07/2014 04:17 PM (UTC)
The hate is mutual. And now i'm going to ignore everything you two lovebirds say.

Have a bad life. And please ignore me too.

As our opinions are just so freaking different, it gets annoying anyway.

08/07/2014 04:20 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
The hate is mutual. And now i'm going to ignore everything you two lovebirds say.

Have a bad life. And please ignore me too.

As our opinions are just so freaking different, it gets annoying anyway.

Ooh you're so hurtful.

Wah wah wah, go cry to someone who cares.
08/07/2014 04:26 PM (UTC)
I hope your frozen heart breaks.
08/07/2014 04:28 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I hope your frozen heart breaks.

Wow, you already said that you were going to ignore everything I have to say. So much on you keeping your word.

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