08/05/2014 06:54 PM (UTC)
Cassie is more like a female version of Johnny Cage, than Sonya 2.0.

And no Cassie will not be pointless unless all 3 play the same, which won't happen.
08/05/2014 07:22 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Well I wouldn't say pointless but I think she's similar enough to her parents that it'd irk people to see all of them in with such limited roster space.
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08/05/2014 07:42 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
Well I wouldn't say pointless but I think she's similar enough to her parents that it'd irk people to see all of them in with such limited roster space.

Pretty much this.

I just don't see why Sonya can't be DLC? I'd rather her spot go to another MK9 returnee like Mileena or Ermac or even a MK4-MKD character which we need more of.
08/05/2014 07:43 PM (UTC)
Have a Sonya-Johnny Cage duo like MKD had Noob-Smoke. Sonya only for variation 1, Johnny for v2 and for v3...you get to use them as a tag team? Think this would work?
08/05/2014 07:43 PM (UTC)
It wouldn't be a problem at all, if they have new moves. We have had two special forces people in Mortal Kombat before; Sonya and Jax. And we had Stryker who was technically just police, but he used military weapons.

Cassie seems like a perfect blend of MK9 Johnny and Sonya, moves-wise at least. As far as looks, personality, and apparently story go though, she takes after Sonya more. Does that mean Sonya shouldn't be in? I don't think so. Give her some different moves, give her a different role and let Cassie take up her old one. For example, Sonya can be a mentor of sorts to her. I don't like the idea of Sonya joining the Black Dragon though. Brainwashed or not, Sony would NEVER join the ranks of Kano.

Same with Johnny, except he doesn't have to really take on a different role. I mean, he would progress naturally as a character, but what he's got going for him now is something no other character is sharing with him.

Alternatively, they could both be in as reskinned versions of Cassie's fighting styles, Hollywood for Johnny and Military (or whatever it is) for Sonya. Just give them different models, costumes, voices, and fatalities. That way it would save two spots on the roster and two characters who most would agree are very important for the story right now would be in and playable.
08/05/2014 07:45 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
Well I wouldn't say pointless but I think she's similar enough to her parents that it'd irk people to see all of them in with such limited roster space.

Pretty much this.

I just don't see why Sonya can't be DLC? I'd rather her spot go to another MK9 returnee like Mileena or Ermac or even a MK4-MKD character which we need more of.

And why can't, that character that you want in the game over Sonya, be DLC? Sonya is big part of this game's storyline, so this game "needs" (that's the word you used) her more than other characters.

Are we still acting like Cassie is a carbon copy of Sonya, but not Johnny, although she has zero moves from Sonya, one from Johnny, the personality of Johnny, and fights nothing like them? OK
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08/05/2014 08:01 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
Well I wouldn't say pointless but I think she's similar enough to her parents that it'd irk people to see all of them in with such limited roster space.

Pretty much this.

I just don't see why Sonya can't be DLC? I'd rather her spot go to another MK9 returnee like Mileena or Ermac or even a MK4-MKD character which we need more of.

And why can't, that character that you want in the game over Sonya, be DLC? Sonya is big part of this game's storyline, so this game "needs" (that's the word you used) her more than other characters.

Are we still acting like Cassie is a carbon copy of Sonya, but not Johnny, although she has zero moves from Sonya, one from Johnny, the personality of Johnny, and fights nothing like them? OK

It's not even the gameplay, it's just hard for me to be fine with all three being in with such a small roster. I just can't get with it.

But that's me personally. At the end of the day, it is what it is I suppose. It's just not for me.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/05/2014 08:21 PM (UTC)
No, she wouldn't be pointless. The only truly pointless characters were Meat, Mokap, and arguably Khameleon. At least with Hsu Hao and Dairou they tried. And already, Cassie is nowhere near that level of suck.

She's got charisma. My whole thing was, if JC and Sonya are around, why would she even compete in the tournament? The possibilities are endless atm.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/05/2014 08:24 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
No, she wouldn't be pointless. The only truly pointless characters were Meat, Mokap, and arguably Khameleon. At least with Hsu Hao and Dairou they tried. And already, Cassie is nowhere near that level of suck.

She's got charisma. My whole thing was, if JC and Sonya are around, why would she even compete in the tournament? The possibilities are endless atm.

*ahem* I'd switch Khameleon with Chameleon btw . At least Khammy had a story- Chameleon never had one.

Sorry, just being nitpicky. tongue
08/05/2014 08:47 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
No, she wouldn't be pointless. The only truly pointless characters were Meat, Mokap, and arguably Khameleon. At least with Hsu Hao and Dairou they tried. And already, Cassie is nowhere near that level of suck.

She's got charisma. My whole thing was, if JC and Sonya are around, why would she even compete in the tournament? The possibilities are endless atm.

The only time Cassie would be playable is during the whole 25 years after MK9 parts. Which is why it makes sense that Johnny and Sonya would be playable to fill the time gaps where Cassie is still just a kid.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/05/2014 09:45 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
No, she wouldn't be pointless. The only truly pointless characters were Meat, Mokap, and arguably Khameleon. At least with Hsu Hao and Dairou they tried. And already, Cassie is nowhere near that level of suck.

She's got charisma. My whole thing was, if JC and Sonya are around, why would she even compete in the tournament? The possibilities are endless atm.

*ahem* I'd switch Khameleon with Chameleon btw . At least Khammy had a story- Chameleon never had one.

Sorry, just being nitpicky. tongue

Haha, to tell you the truth, I almost wrote "K/Chameleon". tongue And I say arguably because those 2 out of the 4 actually have potential, even if it's microscopic. You could write Meat or Mokap anyway you want and they'll still be bleh.

KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
The only time Cassie would be playable is during the whole 25 years after MK9 parts. Which is why it makes sense that Johnny and Sonya would be playable to fill the time gaps where Cassie is still just a kid.

I know that much, lol. I should of worded it better, but what I was trying to get at was, what happens that makes Cassie even participate?

Drafted by Raiden?
JC/Sonya murdered?
08/05/2014 11:36 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Not quite pointless. Not if Johnny is included. But if Sonya makes it in then it's almost at that level. Unless they change Sonya DRASTICALLY (No longer a "good guy" character) then it lessens the impact and relevance of Cassie.

The best way to make Cassie a lasting, important character with fans is to give players reason to play her. If players have a choice of playing Sonya (As we've known her since the beginning) or Cassie, then most would likely go with Sonya just out of familiarity. Take away that option and suddenly all Sonya's players are going to give Cassie a shot.

Johnny isn't an issue. He's always played very different than Cassie is playing.

Cassie doesn't fight like her mother all that much. Design-wise, Sonya's never been all that conservatively dressed, save for that alt in MK:DA that still looked different from Cassie's outfit.

Why should Sonya go evil just to give Cassie purpose? Couldn't Cassie be the evil one instead? if not, then why? Because she then couldn't fulfill her role as Sonya's replacement? Is that the only thing many fans want Cassie to be?

I mean, what does it say about a character that the only way they can shine is by overshadowing/replacing a veteran that they're a bit similar to? They shouldn't need to pull a Kuai Liang with Cassie by making her the new Sonya, while the actual Sonya goes Noob.

I'm not saying Cassie succeeding either or both of her parents couldn't work as her story, but she needs to have her own identity. Otherwise, we may as well call her Sonny, or Johnia, and leave it at that. Not exactly flattering, especially when we have another new character who shares his last name with one of the series' most iconic bosses, who so far seems to have no biological connection to said boss, and even if he does, he's still remarkably different in design and gameplay, and could shine on his own even if Shao Kahn returned. I hope Cassie has as much luck if Sonya returns as a playable fighter.

Sonya sticking around, as one of the heroes, with Cassie joining the action, could prove an interesting, unpredictable storyline if the writers could pull it off.
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08/05/2014 11:45 PM (UTC)
Even if Cassie played just like one or the other, I wouldn't care so long as she's a stylistic alternative. Even if she wasn't, sometimes it's nice to have a visual alternative to a gameplay design.

But she doesn't play exactly like either of those characters. The point is moot.
08/05/2014 11:51 PM (UTC)
Street Fighter has Ryu, Ken, Sakura, Dan, Sean, Sagat, Akuma and more who's gameplay is very alike and some of them even look very much alike, yet that hasn't prevented Street Fighter to be one of the most popular and succesfull fighting game franchises out there, and the mentioned characters are some of the most popular ones as well.

I'm sure Cassie will be just fine with Sonya and Johnny being in the game as well.
08/06/2014 12:17 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
No, she wouldn't be pointless. The only truly pointless characters were Meat, Mokap, and arguably Khameleon. At least with Hsu Hao and Dairou they tried. And already, Cassie is nowhere near that level of suck.

She's got charisma. My whole thing was, if JC and Sonya are around, why would she even compete in the tournament? The possibilities are endless atm.

The only time Cassie would be playable is during the whole 25 years after MK9 parts. Which is why it makes sense that Johnny and Sonya would be playable to fill the time gaps where Cassie is still just a kid.

Nothing happened within the time spand between MK9's and MKX's story. Cassie is in as a 25 or 30 year old woman, not a little girl.

That would out rule your theory.
08/06/2014 12:33 AM (UTC)
I don't think it would be pointless. At first I did but I think that all of the originals from mk1 should be in MKX. Cassie is a great addition and might play a major roles in the special forces unit.
ShujinkoX Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
No, she wouldn't be pointless. The only truly pointless characters were Meat, Mokap, and arguably Khameleon. At least with Hsu Hao and Dairou they tried. And already, Cassie is nowhere near that level of suck.

She's got charisma. My whole thing was, if JC and Sonya are around, why would she even compete in the tournament? The possibilities are endless atm.

The only time Cassie would be playable is during the whole 25 years after MK9 parts. Which is why it makes sense that Johnny and Sonya would be playable to fill the time gaps where Cassie is still just a kid.

Nothing happened within the time spand between MK9's and MKX's story. Cassie is in as a 25 or 30 year old woman, not a little girl.

That would out rule your theory.

Stop making baseless assumptions.
08/06/2014 12:53 AM (UTC)
ShujinkoX Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
No, she wouldn't be pointless. The only truly pointless characters were Meat, Mokap, and arguably Khameleon. At least with Hsu Hao and Dairou they tried. And already, Cassie is nowhere near that level of suck.

She's got charisma. My whole thing was, if JC and Sonya are around, why would she even compete in the tournament? The possibilities are endless atm.

The only time Cassie would be playable is during the whole 25 years after MK9 parts. Which is why it makes sense that Johnny and Sonya would be playable to fill the time gaps where Cassie is still just a kid.

Nothing happened within the time spand between MK9's and MKX's story. Cassie is in as a 25 or 30 year old woman, not a little girl.

That would out rule your theory.

They have explicitly said there are parts five years after MK9, 10 years later, 15 years later, etc. So unless you already played MKX's story mode, there's no way you can tell me nothing happens between that time frame because you don't know.
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08/06/2014 12:55 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Street Fighter has Ryu, Ken, Sakura, Dan, Sean, Sagat, Akuma and more who's gameplay is very alike and some of them even look very much alike

And the crazy thing? They're ALL so spread apart on the tier list. Despite the similarities, Ken and Akuma couldn't be stylistically any more different. Even Ryu and Evil Ryu are miles apart, but the casual player isn't going to be able to see that.
08/06/2014 01:09 AM (UTC)
Sonya, absolutely. Cage, I'm still up in the air, just because he rules so much.

Cassie needs to carve out her own distinct identity among fans and players. If she and Sonya appear in the same game, they'll just end up looking like mother-and-daughter Barbie twins.
Just because they're mother and daughter doesn't mean they'll look even remotely the same.

That's a painfully idiotic line of thinking.
08/06/2014 01:28 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Street Fighter has Ryu, Ken, Sakura, Dan, Sean, Sagat, Akuma and more who's gameplay is very alike and some of them even look very much alike

And the crazy thing? They're ALL so spread apart on the tier list. Despite the similarities, Ken and Akuma couldn't be stylistically any more different. Even Ryu and Evil Ryu are miles apart, but the casual player isn't going to be able to see that.

And just like how different these characters are from one another, so can Cassie be different from Sonya and Johnny. She isn't even having the same moves as either of them, so already there is difference enough.
08/06/2014 01:38 AM (UTC)
The people that don't want them both to be in the same game, probably just want Cassie to be Sonya 2.0 and continue Sonya's storyline, instead of wanting Cassie to be a fresh addition with merits and goals of her own. I mean, i've seen people saying Cassie should be a rival to Kano, really? May as well just keep Sonya in the series if her daughter is going to continue her storyline and be basically just a younger Sonya.

-People say they look too similar to be in the same game... But for you all that love rainbow colored ninjas, Sonya has wore green in every appearance in a mainline MK title with the exception of her MKDA primary and has always shown her belly, yet Cassie is wearing a purple bodysuit that covers her entire body. That's the solution for those who have accepted several looking ninjas in the same game, a signature color for each.

-People say she's blonde, which means Sonya can't be in the game. But Sonya's always had a beret, headband, or something in her head with the exception of her MKDA primary, and her MK9 primary. Not to mention they don't even have the same hairstyle, Sonya's had a ponytail in every appearance with the exception of her MK1, and MKDA looks. That's the solution for those who think 2 blonde female's too many.

-People say that since Cassie's fighting style is inspired by her parents', she would fight too similar to them, although, from what has been shown, she has 1 move from Johnny, and 0 from Sonya, as well as different normals compared to her parents. So there's your solution, there are several fire users in MK, but with unique styles for each, the same applies here.

-People say Cassie already fills the Special forces character spot, so Sonya shouldn't be in, but we've had Jax and Sonya in the same game before, and they never played similar, nor had many similarities in any aspect. Nobody seemed to complain about having 4 black haired edenian females, wearing a leotard, and 3 of them wearing mask, and working for Shao Kahn. Dismissed.
08/06/2014 01:38 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Just because they're mother and daughter doesn't mean they'll look even remotely the same.

That's a painfully idiotic line of thinking.

There's nothing idiotic about it. I didn't even mean twins in the literal sense.

Besides, if you think they're going to make Sonya look old should she indeed make the game, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.
08/06/2014 01:41 AM (UTC)
Not to mention that if both of them are in the game, the youngest Sonya version would still look older than Cassie's older version, so there's that.
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