08/06/2014 01:48 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
The people that don't want them both to be in the same game, probably just want Cassie to be Sonya 2.0 and continue Sonya's storyline, instead of wanting Cassie to be a fresh addition with merits and goals of her own. I mean, i've seen people saying Cassie should be a rival to Kano, really? May as well just keep Sonya in the series if her daughter is going to continue her storyline and be basically just a younger Sonya.

-People say they look too similar to be in the same game... But for you all that love rainbow colored ninjas, Sonya has wore green in every appearance in a mainline MK title with the exception of her MKDA primary and has always shown her belly, yet Cassie is wearing a purple bodysuit that covers her entire body. That's the solution for those who have accepted several looking ninjas in the same game, a signature color for each.

-People say she's blonde, which means Sonya can't be in the game. But Sonya's always had a beret, headband, or something in her head with the exception of her MKDA primary, and her MK9 primary. Not to mention they don't even have the same hairstyle, Sonya's had a ponytail in every appearance with the exception of her MK1, and MKDA looks. That's the solution for those who think 2 blonde female's too many.

-People say that since Cassie's fighting style is inspired by her parents', she would fight too similar to them, although, from what has been shown, she has 1 move from Johnny, and 0 from Sonya, as well as different normals compared to her parents. So there's your solution, there are several fire users in MK, but with unique styles for each, the same applies here.

-People say Cassie already fills the Special forces character spot, so Sonya shouldn't be in, but we've had Jax and Sonya in the same game before, and they never played similar, nor had many similarities in any aspect. Nobody seemed to complain about having 4 black haired edenian females, wearing a leotard, and 3 of them wearing mask, and working for Shao Kahn. Dismissed.

For once you are saying something sensible. Hopefully you will keep this up. However, you should not end your point by saying "Dismissed", as it makes you seem rather pretentious and to which most people will respond rather negatively to, even maybe ignore your point completely, even if it does indeed hold some merit.

Otherwise, I agree with your points. Being a blonde military woman shouldn't be held as an exclusive title for just one character when there are several characters who are male Lin Kuei with black hair, male and female black haired assassins, three male Shaolin monks, two white haired Earthrealm gods, etc.

There are several characters who share traits, yet are vastly different from one another. Cassie and Sonya (and Johnny for that matter) could be just as different as well.
08/06/2014 02:01 AM (UTC)
I can't quote the OP because I'm on my phone, but don't blindly assume that those who don't want Sonya and Cassie in the same game want Cassie to continue where Sonya left off. The waste of a roster space on Kano was the most groan-inducing MKX revelation yet.

Do we really want Cassie to continue Sonya's old, stale Wile E. Coyote-Road Runner storyline with Kano? No effing thanks.
08/06/2014 02:07 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
I can't quote the OP because I'm on my phone, but don't blindly assume that those who don't want Sonya and Cassie in the same game want Cassie to continue where Sonya left off. The waste of a roster space on Kano was the most groan-inducing MKX revelation yet.

Do we really want Cassie to continue Sonya's old, stale Wile E. Coyote-Road Runner storyline with Kano? No effing thanks.

I said some and probably, not all of you so you may should've quoted me to see that.

And Kano being a "wasted" slot is also a matter of opinion, since he has fans and the developers thought he was deserving of a come back, hence his return. Good thing you're not the one developing the game tho! I also don't want Ermac to return and continue his generic, lackey storyline but you don't see me going around to every thread (including his) saying he'd be a wasted character slot, and undeserving, because i certainly don't main the whole roster, so as long as there are a few characters i like, i'm satisfied with the roster.
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You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

08/06/2014 02:12 AM (UTC)
I don't understand how characters inclusion can make another characters presence pointless. They each have their story to tell no matter what the movies. I mean even from the original palette swaps. They started somewhere also, who's to say their skills do not change or get more refined with age?
08/06/2014 02:13 AM (UTC)
Calling any character a wasted slot is extremely self righteous and moronic, as if the entire roster has to be characters you want in the game. You get your main? Great! Have fun and stop acting like the rest of the characters, that you're not going to play, should be the ones you want in. YOu don't get your main? Though luck, surely there'll be other characters you'll have fun with, and there's always MK11 to look forward to.
About Me

You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

08/06/2014 02:18 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Calling any character a wasted slot is extremely self righteous and moronic, as if the entire roster has to be characters you want in the game. You get your main? Great! Have fun and stop acting like the rest of the characters, that you're not going to play, should be the ones you want in. YOu don't get your main? Though luck, surely there'll be other characters you'll have fun with, and there's always MK11 to look forward to.

I actually agree with this.
I mean Kabal has been my favorite since He was in MK3 though prior I did love Subby( Since mk1 and using the blood code just to see his fatality complete) and Cage though I didn't really start liking him till the second game.
I just think we should wait before complaining about characters that may play completely different or may not even be presently playable in the game.
08/06/2014 02:20 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
YOu don't get your main? Though luck

I wonder if you would say this if your main didn't make it to the game...
08/06/2014 02:47 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I wonder if you would say this if your main didn't make it to the game...

Sonya wasn't in MK2 (i've been playing MK since MK1, for the record) and MKD, and i didn't complain nor did i skip those games. In fact, the fact that Tanya is my second favorite female character comes from the fact that Sonya was not present in MKD, and neither was Johnny, which means i play and like other characters when my favorites aren't in. But drag me.
08/06/2014 02:55 AM (UTC)
I seriously hope Sonya makes it as a playable character and doesn't get killed off. That would just suck and Sonya fans (like me) would be really disappointed.
If Sonya is not in the roster, Cassie will do of course. I'd like Sonya to make DLC at least. Of course she'll take part in story-mode, prior to being DLC if it has to be that way.

On Topic: Cassie would not be pointless if Sonya and Johnny were included. How can someone ask such a question...ugh.
08/06/2014 02:56 AM (UTC)
OK, I jumped the gun a bit by calling him a waste of roster space. I accept the rebuke.

However, the old "needling a poster by intentionally deriding their favorite character" gimmick to prove a point is the very definition of tiresome.
SwingBatta Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Just because they're mother and daughter doesn't mean they'll look even remotely the same.

That's a painfully idiotic line of thinking.

There's nothing idiotic about it. I didn't even mean twins in the literal sense.

Besides, if you think they're going to make Sonya look old should she indeed make the game, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

It's just as idiotic as saying Cassie is a Sonya clone just because she's blonde and has a military background. Sorry.

Yeah, I don't see the problem with making Sonya old. You're gonna have to clarify that.

08/06/2014 04:20 AM (UTC)
Of course there's nothing wrong with making Sonya old, in fact, having her looking like this:

+ Wearing her MKDA alternate costume, would be pretty badass, and she'd be looking better than Cassie imo
08/06/2014 06:05 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Of course there's nothing wrong with making Sonya old, in fact, having her looking like this:

08/06/2014 06:51 AM (UTC)
LOL@ Jaded-Raven.

screaming in my Johnny Cage topic that he should be dead, and now telling everybody that Johnny and Sonya would be good with Cassie Cage in the game.

Accept that many people don't like 2 militairy women in the same game honey. Especially above more unique-looking characters with such a limited roster space.

Also having this sweet family reunion would be not something I want in the storyline, its a horror slasher game, not the bold and the beautiful.
08/06/2014 06:56 AM (UTC)
I've been a member of the site for quite some time, and I'm a daily lurker. I rarely post.

I've came to lay down my feelings on this topic. Cassie is obviously not a pointless character, as she has been created to be included in Mortal Kombat X. Her inclusion DOES NOT provide any confirmation that either Sonya or Johnny Cage will not be included in the game. She is her own character. I completely understand some of your thinking towards this topic, as previous characters (specifically Kira) were added in to be replacement characters for characters that were not included in a game's roster.

Some of you have pointed out that Cassie does have one of Johnny's signature moves. However, based on the footage that we have seen, it seems that may be the only move that she has inherited. If Johnny is also included in MKX's roster, it is possible that he may his "nut punch" move - especially due to that fact that Cassie's is a part of the animation in one of her x-ray moves. This move may still be a special move for Johnny.

As far as Sonya is concerned, I have not seen a specific move from Cassie that is the same as Sonya's. I noticed that her sweep is similar to Sonya's sweep in military stance - yes that is not a direct "special move" from her arsenal.

I happen to be a big Sonya fan, and she is one of my favorite characters. She has been my main since Mortal Kombat 1. Of course there are other characters that I enjoy, yet Sonya has always been my favorite. I would personally be upset if Sonya is not included in the roster of MKX. However, I would find another character to play as - as I have had to do this in other iterations of the game where Sonya was not a member of the roster.

As many of you have pointed out, there are several characters in Mortal Kombat that are similar to other characters. The many ninjas are a big aspect of what Mortal Kombat is known for. Palette swaps were major shortcuts to create new characters. A fictional video game character's hair color should not determine the status of their inclusion in a newer iteration of the game. Most of the characters in the game have black hair. Sonya has the only blonde until now - there is another female with blonde hair - that happens to be Sonya's daughter. I simply do not understand what the huge deal is.

Until the full roster is released, all we can do is speculate. I believe that there is a mature, respectable way to address our opinions. It is offensive when members of this website are called stupid because of things or characters that they like. I have read several personal attacks, which bothers me. I'm looking forward to seeing Sonya in the game. I am intrigued to see how she looks and what they will do with her. If she is not included, sure I will be upset, but this is a game - and there will be other characters that I will enjoying playing with.

The excitement of a new Mortal Kombat being introduced is always hyped up in discovering the full roster. I understand that people are passionate about certain characters - as I am as well - but there is no need to be ugly about it. If Sonya is included in the game, it is not a "waste" of space. There ARE people out there who like her.


Did someone just say Mortal Kombat is a horror slasher game?

Oh, wait, it's just DVorah, nevermind.
08/06/2014 07:27 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Did someone just say Mortal Kombat is a horror slasher game?

Oh, wait, it's just DVorah, nevermind.

I just don't want this game to turn up as bad as MK9 storymode.

I want a cool story, with dangers, deception, awesomeness.

Not some bold and the beautiful storyline about a blonde family that joined the army and many movies and having trouble finding one freaking criminal (kano) and then ending up in another outworld plot and fighting among eachother because we have the same 4 fights each chapter shit going on again, so random fights happen more than sense-making fights.
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08/06/2014 07:30 AM (UTC)
It would have been an awesome plot twist if Kano kidnapped Cassie as a kid and raised her to be like him. But now that we know she's already got Johnny's personality, I guess it's too late for that to happen.
08/06/2014 10:52 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
LOL@ Jaded-Raven.

screaming in my Johnny Cage topic that he should be dead, and now telling everybody that Johnny and Sonya would be good with Cassie Cage in the game.

First of all, I was not screaming.
And second, I would still prefer if Johnny was dead.
And third, I never stated it would be GOOD to have him in MKX. What I've been saying is that if all three of them (Cassie, Sonya and Johnny) are going to be in the game, it doesn't make either one of them "pointless" as their moves could still be vastly different from one another.

Please, if you are going to point fingers at people, at least do your homework first.
08/06/2014 02:43 PM (UTC)
fijikungfu Wrote:
It would have been an awesome plot twist if Kano kidnapped Cassie as a kid and raised her to be like him. But now that we know she's already got Johnny's personality, I guess it's too late for that to happen.

Who's to say that won't be Cassie's storyline? Because she's funny, like her father? You can be funny and evil. Hell, Kano does have a sense of humor, albeit the sleazy kind. Oh, and remember his MK3 friendship? He was chewing and blowing bubble gum before Cassie. Not saying that's an hint or anything, just that her being funny is not a sign that she's good, nor that she takes after her biological father.

Hell, what if Cassie is not only kidnapped and raised by Kano, but ends up killing one or both of her parents herself? And being Kano's daughter, means that she ends up backstabbing him too, to his surprise.

Just imagine the impact it would have on the storyline, if Cassie ended up killing (at least one of) her parents, and Kano? She would instantly become one of the series' most infamous villains. though sadly, that would probably lead to fans wanting her gone, instead of accepting her as a villain like the likes of Tanya or Shang Tsung.

But she can't be evil, she has one of Johnny's moves, you might say. That doesn't mean anything. She might have learned it when she met Johnny and pretended to want to bond with him. Maybe she learned it on her own. Maybe it's just a gameplay thing, like Kitana and Sonya sharing the square wave punch despite having no biological connection of any kind.
08/06/2014 03:04 PM (UTC)
Having Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade and Cassie Cage is just a handover.
Her parents are leaving a living legacy into the Mortal Kombat universe, someone who could take their place.
Perhaps this will be the last time we see Johnny cage and Sonya Blade in a long time, or even for ever. Who knows.

Maybe Kano will find another Black Dragon and he/she will take his place.
08/06/2014 03:11 PM (UTC)
Instead of the Boss, I could see her more so like Big Mama/Eva while wearing her Deadly Alliance secondary costume

This would make my day.
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08/06/2014 04:23 PM (UTC)
^That's much better since she'd be about 50 by the end of the game.
08/06/2014 04:52 PM (UTC)
From what has been seen so far, Cassie plays distinctly enough to stand out from Sonya and Johnny. I'm just wondering about Cassie's overall story and how her character will be portrayed. So no, I don't think that Sonya and Johnny returning would make Cassie pointless.
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08/06/2014 06:03 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
fijikungfu Wrote:
It would have been an awesome plot twist if Kano kidnapped Cassie as a kid and raised her to be like him. But now that we know she's already got Johnny's personality, I guess it's too late for that to happen.

Who's to say that won't be Cassie's storyline? Because she's funny, like her father? You can be funny and evil. Hell, Kano does have a sense of humor, albeit the sleazy kind. Oh, and remember his MK3 friendship? He was chewing and blowing bubble gum before Cassie. Not saying that's an hint or anything, just that her being funny is not a sign that she's good, nor that she takes after her biological father.

Hell, what if Cassie is not only kidnapped and raised by Kano, but ends up killing one or both of her parents herself? And being Kano's daughter, means that she ends up backstabbing him too, to his surprise.

Just imagine the impact it would have on the storyline, if Cassie ended up killing (at least one of) her parents, and Kano? She would instantly become one of the series' most infamous villains. though sadly, that would probably lead to fans wanting her gone, instead of accepting her as a villain like the likes of Tanya or Shang Tsung.

But she can't be evil, she has one of Johnny's moves, you might say. That doesn't mean anything. She might have learned it when she met Johnny and pretended to want to bond with him. Maybe she learned it on her own. Maybe it's just a gameplay thing, like Kitana and Sonya sharing the square wave punch despite having no biological connection of any kind.

Good points, but there's the part about her being Special Forces. Though it's possible that she got rescued by her parents but still believes Kano is her father. So she'd pull a Hsu Hao on their ass. It'd be an awesome dynamic but I doubt it'll happen.
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