Would the return of Sonya and Johnny make Cassie pointless?
posted08/11/2014 12:47 AM (UTC)by
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06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
The rumors of these two's return have some people worried that it would make Cassie pointless as a character, along with the idea that Cassie and Sonya would be too similar. So, what's the general consensus among the fanbase?

I see nothing wrong with both Cassie and Sonya in the same game. So what if they're both blonde and military, they can still largely differ from one another gameplay. The developers probably wouldn't dress them too similarly (hell, the only outfit Sonya ever wore that was comparable to Cassie's was her MK:DA alt, and it still looked different enough). Then again, I don't see why so many fans would hate having two such similar characters, when they don't seem to mind having more than five ninjas who don't look that different from one another (some actually missing the old palette-swapping days), and probably wouldn't even mind a lack of individual gameplay for each of them. Perhaps it's because Sonya's been MK's only blonde gal for so long that bringing her back and introducing a new one in the same game feels weird for the fanbase. But ten ninjas would be no biggie.

Cassie vs Sonya is already a dream fight. I like it when developers manage to individualize two similar-looking characters. Particularly two characters who aren't wearing masks.

Finally, storywise, it'd be less predictable for Cassie to be involved in the story with both parents still alive. Cassie's existence shouldn't depend on one or both parents dying. Let her show she can shine even with her parents around. And if one parent does have to die, it should be Johnny. Because many fans clearly think Cassie is more of a replacement for Sonya than Johnny, and because people don't really expect an old(er) human woman on the roster.
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08/05/2014 02:29 PM (UTC)
I don't see it pointless at all. Look at mk9. It had regular sub, cyber sub and noob. You can have characters show up as playable that are relevant in the story, but at completely different points in time. If they are in, fan service wins and we still get a good story.
08/05/2014 02:49 PM (UTC)
Cassie = Special Forces
Sonya = Black Dragon? Twist plot!
Johnny = Seido
08/05/2014 02:56 PM (UTC)
DarkenedSoul Wrote:
Cassie = Special Forces
Sonya = Black Dragon? Twist plot!
Johnny = Seido

You could switch the roles of Sonya and Cassie.
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08/05/2014 03:08 PM (UTC)
It hampers her from standing on her own imo. Cassie Cage is already a tough pill to swallow but then having her in along with mommy and dad sounds like one of the developers let their 8 year old daughter give one too many ideas.

I like Cassie but I'd like her better alone.
08/05/2014 03:17 PM (UTC)
More so her mother, not so much Johnny. Especially because I see johnny making strides towards being a seido and unlocking powers in this game. Where sonya has no room to build without it being forced. Johnny has already been laid a foundation on which to build.
08/05/2014 03:19 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
DarkenedSoul Wrote:
Cassie = Special Forces
Sonya = Black Dragon? Twist plot!
Johnny = Seido

You could switch the roles of Sonya and Cassie.

Cassie is alread dubbed as military and has the clothing to prove it. As for Sonya, no one knows if she is in at all. So having Sonya join the Black Dragon would be more suitable. She could have been brain-washed (by Kano) or something?
08/05/2014 03:20 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
It hampers her from standing on her own imo. Cassie Cage is already a tough pill to swallow but then having her in along with mommy and dad sounds like one of the developers let their 8 year old daughter give one too many ideas.

I like Cassie but I'd like her better alone.

It'd make Cassie look so pathetic if she needed her parents gone just to stand on her own as a character. If the writers can make her character shine even with mommy and daddy around, then it'd show they can write a good story.

Not to mention, we don't even know yet if Cassie's story is as straight forward as her joining the military to fight the good fight, and succeeding both of her parents. Her story might be more complex than that. Enough that her parents' presence doesn't make her redundant. That's assuming, of course, that one or both of them are still alive by the time Cassie gets old enough to join the action.

Cassie should not be treated like Randy Orton, as in, second generation character who doesn't really succeed on her own merits, but purely because of nepotism.
08/05/2014 04:20 PM (UTC)
In this cutscene, what happens if when Sonya and Johnny argue with Raiden about having Cassie involved in taking over the task of saving Earthrealm, while she is a little girl?
08/05/2014 04:24 PM (UTC)
No because Cassie would more than likely only be playable during the 25 years after MK9 part of the story.

As for just regular versus or Arcade mode, it'd be fun to see them fight.
08/05/2014 04:34 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
No because Cassie would more than likely only be playable during the 25 years after MK9 part of the story.

As for just regular versus or Arcade mode, it'd be fun to see them fight.

I'm talking about in a flashback, where Cassie thinks about the decision she made of honoring her parents in protecting Earthrealm.
08/05/2014 04:34 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
In this cutscene, what happens if when Sonya and Johnny argue with Raiden about having Cassie involved in taking over the task of saving Earthrealm, while she is a little girl?

What does this have to do with whether or not Cassie's parents returning would make her a pointless character or not?
08/05/2014 05:03 PM (UTC)
1) I think Sonya and Cassie are too much a-like in looks, and i'm one of those fans that never liked the ninja-clones as well, when I was young I already designed other costumes for all ninja's with my best friend, because we didn't want clones in the game, spare for Mileena who was a clone.

2)These are both army-women with blonde hair and nothing special on them (Rain has water, Scorpion has yellow/spear/fire, sub-zero has ice, Kano has technology ect),

3) I really liked Cassie for some reasons, but when her mother joins the fray, it will hang back for me, I will like Cassie less then, probably going to hate her, much like I sometimes hated Sub-Zero & Smoke for having multiple forms in the same roster. On the other hand, if Cassie Cage wasn't there before her mother got revealed, then I probably wouldn't have mind Sonya being in at all, but Cassie sure changed it.

4) I never really liked Sonya in anything or any game spare for MK3 (I still laugh at Sonya in the second movie) but in MK9, where she was just horrid dressed army slut (excuse my french) she lost her last coins for me personally. But the same thing happend to Kitana and Jade in MK9... so that game did a lot of characters good, but also some characters bad.

5) In later game she reminded me of a Tekken characters, Nina Williams.

6) While Cassie doesn't really use the full versions of her mothers abilities, there are some connections, and I don't like that. And I can't see them turn Sonya Blade into a different character than she was in MK9, she probably has the same moves around plus some new ones added. But that is still too much like her daughter for me.

7) The most important reason for me tho, is that there are probably only 28 spots in the roster, and I know MANY other characters I want to see over Sonya blade and which don't have similiar children running around.

Those are my personal reasons to dislike Sonya Blade, and why I don't want her in with Cassie Cage.

08/05/2014 05:08 PM (UTC)
08/05/2014 05:10 PM (UTC)
As long they look and play differently from eachother. And Cassie seems to be unique enough from her parents.
08/05/2014 05:16 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
No because Cassie would more than likely only be playable during the 25 years after MK9 part of the story.

As for just regular versus or Arcade mode, it'd be fun to see them fight.

I'm talking about in a flashback, where Cassie thinks about the decision she made of honoring her parents in protecting Earthrealm.

I wasn't referring to you specifically. Was just answering the thread title.
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08/05/2014 05:24 PM (UTC)
What if Sonya or Johnny coming back isn't them? Like they're possessed by a ridiculous amount of power.

More importantly: What if 'Sonya being playable' is actually Cassie having a skin of Sonya?
08/05/2014 05:35 PM (UTC)
Insider2000 Wrote:
What if Sonya or Johnny coming back isn't them? Like they're possessed by a ridiculous amount of power.

More importantly: What if 'Sonya being playable' is actually Cassie having a skin of Sonya?

It doesn't matter. The point of this topic is whether Sonya and Johnny returning, as themselves, and as their own separate and playable characters, would make Cassie's existence pointless.

I have faith in NRS making them distinctive enough both gameplay and appearance-wise (moreso in the case of Sonya, of course).
Sonya since 92
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08/05/2014 06:13 PM (UTC)
No. My parents are still around and im not pointless...

08/05/2014 06:25 PM (UTC)
Not quite pointless. Not if Johnny is included. But if Sonya makes it in then it's almost at that level. Unless they change Sonya DRASTICALLY (No longer a "good guy" character) then it lessens the impact and relevance of Cassie.

The best way to make Cassie a lasting, important character with fans is to give players reason to play her. If players have a choice of playing Sonya (As we've known her since the beginning) or Cassie, then most would likely go with Sonya just out of familiarity. Take away that option and suddenly all Sonya's players are going to give Cassie a shot.

Johnny isn't an issue. He's always played very different than Cassie is playing.
08/05/2014 06:29 PM (UTC)
I don't get why if there's two females who are both militarized, they're going to be exactly the same while we've had various of other characters with similar moves who play completely different from each other.

Sonya, Cassie, and Johnny will all play differently. Why thoughts immediately goes towards they're going to be pointless because of similarity is silly. I say that because each character will have three different variations to play from, all will be different. You can't just say they'll all play the same when they obviously won't.
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08/05/2014 06:30 PM (UTC)
I really don't see Sonya in Cassie at all. Not even with the "oh because they're blonde" bullshit.
Personality wise, I see Johnny Cage in her more than Sonya.
Move wise? Besides her having her own styles and moves.
If you wanna go with resemblance, again, Johnny wins thanks to the Hollywood variation with her green fist.
Where's the Sonya resemblance?
Ooooh because she did a cartwheel and shot fire at someone's face?
X-Ray, not an attack move, don't have to mention that's her own twist of those things. And people took that, along with the fact that she's blonde, immediately as "Oh Sonya is not going to be in, and if she is, Cassie will make her pointless".


NetherRealm Studios has proven time after time after time that they can create relating characters and yet make them play differently from each other. Sub-Zeros, Classic and MK3. Frost. Even with Ermac and Kenshi in MKA, yeah they had a few similar moves but they still had their own, but proof that NetherRealm Studios are trying to stay away from that is when Kenshi was revealed for MK9 and what did people immediately thought? They thought wrong, and Kenshi turned out different. Oh and Cyborg Sub-Zero. IF Sonya is playable, lightning will strike again. The addition of any of these characters will not make the other pointless. That's stupid to say.

Regardless of what I said, I honestly don't think Sonya and Johnny will be playable characters though. We'll just see them in Story and possibly NPC punching bags for Cassie to train on. And I can't fully trust articles anymore, especially roughly translated from someone. And it's not just that. I remember an article about MK9 where Boon said Babalities are not returning, and guess what? I like my proof to be visual these days, sorry.

Face it people, it's a tiring cliche' but it works. There's no better character development than a death in the family or simply being a victim.
How many medias can you think of where there's a group of family members fighting crime/evil and none of the family members died? Please, tell me. I'll wait.
Being how NRS wants to push away old characters so badly to make way for a new generation, if NetherRealm Studios let both Sonya and Johnny survive in MKX I'll be shocked.

This is MY prediction.
The Sonya and Kano feud will finally come to an end with Kano killing Sonya while leaving Johnny Cage handicapped.
Cassie Cage will be young during this tragic event. Johnny Cage even in his new condition will train her. Later in life, in the memory of her mother, she joins the Special Forces, eventually killing Kano along the way.
And with the lack of Sonya resemblance to Cassie to me, I say that's even a more possible evidence.

Mind you, my opinion/prediction, so don't debate with me like it's a fact, because I most likely won't reply to it. And I don't think I can make you understand this any more than what I said.
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08/05/2014 06:35 PM (UTC)
Well I wouldn't say pointless but I think she's similar enough to her parents that it'd irk people to see all of them in with such limited roster space.
08/05/2014 06:49 PM (UTC)
haha So much anger over an opinion.

The bottom line is Cassie = Sonya 2.0 to MOST players. Not Uberfans, but the casual majority. Now, Cassie being Sonya 2.0 isn't a bad thing. Not if handled well. If NRS do their jobs right, she will be an excellent example of this "Legacy Character" thing they are wanting to do. But you have to give her room to do it.

With all of that said, I don't think Sonya will be in the game as a separate character anyway for lots of reasons besides Cassie. I'm also fairly certain I heard a Kotal Kahn taunt in a match with Cassie where he said "Die, like your mother." Could have misheard but it did sound like it.
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