06/21/2014 04:33 PM (UTC)
Believing the fans have no say in what the creators do is not only a defeatist attitude, it's actually untrue in the case of Midway/NRS.

Did you know that Vogel got the idea for revealing Noob Saibot is the original Sub-Zero from a fan suggestion?

Did you know that the reason Cassie Cage wears a bodysuit is because of fans complaining Sonya's outfit in MK9 didn't fit her character?

Did you know they originally intended to put Fujin and Kintaro in Deception, but decided to bring back Kahn and Goro instead due to fan demand?

Ed held numerous twitter polls regarding who the DLC characters in MK9 and Injustice should be.

In the middle of development, they changed one of Scorpion's MK9 fatalities (gave it to Quan Chi and created the one with the portals instead) because fans complained it was boring for him to have two finishers that just involve chopping with a sword and not use any of his other powers.

Remember how Ermac and Skarlet were invented by fan rumors?

Borshay Wrote:
If MK9 was the very first MK ever made it would still be a shitty script with an idiot plot.

This is also true. Why should I "get on board" with a story that's not good? Just because it has a familiar title and has familiar characters in it, I automatically only have two choices, like it or walk away? That's not how it works, man. When something is flawed, we have the right to say so and sometimes they do in fact listen.
06/21/2014 04:36 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Did you know they originally intended to put Fujin and Kintaro in Deception, but decided to bring back Kahn and Goro instead due to fan demand?


Now i'm sad. FOREVER!

06/21/2014 04:37 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Did you know they originally intended to put Fujin and Kintaro in Deception, but decided to bring back Kahn and Goro instead due to fan demand?


Now i'm sad. FOREVER!


Yeah, I felt the same way about that one. I'd like to know which fans they were polling on that one and wring their necks.
06/21/2014 04:40 PM (UTC)
At least Fujin and Kintaro would have got some more lore about them. Goro and Kahn have enough lore already...

Really a bummer... those are two of my favorite characters and most characters in Deception (old ones, not new ones) were my personal favorites, so Kintaro and Fujin in that game would have been fantastic!

I hope they do some very nice fatalities on those demanding fans...

I demand their heads! :-p
06/21/2014 04:48 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Did you know they originally intended to put Fujin and Kintaro in Deception, but decided to bring back Kahn and Goro instead due to fan demand?


Now i'm sad. FOREVER!


Yeah, I felt the same way about that one. I'd like to know which fans they were polling on that one and wring their necks.

That's what honestly bugs me about majority of the "fans" on Facebook. They have no basis for their arguments other than fact THEY just want something for the sake of wanting it.
About Me

06/21/2014 04:50 PM (UTC)
Never mind the fact that they completely missed the point of closing off Goro's storyline and actually having a character come to a conclusion. Goro could have became the King or president of Kuatan, and Kintaro could have been the next in line for four armed menace.

But noooo..... because tiger stripes and spikes pauldrons are an eyesore. And thanks to that, we had to endure Goro going back under Kahn....

06/21/2014 04:52 PM (UTC)
They should do something with Kintaro's tiger roots.

And they should re-design his model into something more feral like in MK2... In MK9 he looked like a pussy...
06/21/2014 05:07 PM (UTC)

Good luck with that Razor. They may listen to a *point*, but you're pissing up a tree if you think they're going to rescind the majority of the changes they made with MK9.

And you're pissing up an even taller tree if you think they're going to do a 180 *just* because a few diehard fans are crying about it.

The original trilogy still exists. You can still play the games. You can still enjoy the story.

But what's done is done. So yes, time to get on board, accept what occurred in MK9, and what'll likely happen in MKX.

And if you can't do that...if you're only going to complain and bitch about how the original trilogy was soooo much better, then, again yes, you should walk away.

It really is as simply as that. Because at the end of the day, Boon doesn't answer to you. He doesn't answer to Mick. And he certainly doesn't answer to me or anyone else. He answers to himself, the NRS team, and Warner Brothers. This is his story and his IP...not yours.

He may take your suggestions under advisement, but that's all. There's *no* guarantee those *suggestions* will ever see the light of day...

And if you want more influence on MK's story and direction, then go apply for a job with NRS, cause that's the only way you're going to get it.

06/21/2014 05:12 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
time to get on board

Or else what?

You keep saying this phrase like there's an actual reason to do it.

Seems to me that the only REAL reason is because YOU don't want to LISTEN to the complaints. Well...it's a public forum, son. I can say what I like and you can read a different thread or go to a different site if you don't like it.
06/21/2014 05:15 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
time to get on board

Or else what?

You keep saying this phrase like there's an actual reason to do it.

Either get on board or get out. Beyond that, there's little reason for you to be here except to simply bitch. That's what.

Sorry if reality stings...wait, no I'm not.
06/21/2014 05:18 PM (UTC)
No offense guy, but I don't think many people are gonna take the advice of a guy who's only been here less than a week.
06/21/2014 05:20 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Either get on board or get out.

Are you going to make me?

I mean...I am making fun of you right now, no doubt...but I'm also actually curious to hear you propose a reason why I should care about this ultimatum you seem to be making.
Again, it's a PUBLIC forum. If you don't like what's being said around these parts, why don't YOU exercise your free will and be the one who leaves?
I am going to continue exercising MY free will and say whatever is true in my heart at all times.
You can't FORCE me to suddenly forget every English class I ever took and believe a poorly written story is suddenly well-crafted just because it has a title I usually enjoy. And you can't make me stop caring about things I care about and leave either.
The idea that there's no reason to be in a place unless you love everything about it and only have nice things to say is just inane. Do you know what a "hugbox" is? 'Cause that's what you're suggesting all fandoms should be, and that's not a desirable environment for grownups who aren't oversensitive and insecure, who can handle adult conversation. Have you ever heard of "constructive criticism"? Fans aren't robots, human beings don't exist just to gobble up whatever is shat out regardless of quality and beg for more of the same.
You say there's no reason for me to be here if I don't enjoy the current product. I have named NUMEROUS reasons I come here earlier in this thread. I do art, I write, I answer questions and inform people of stuff they didn't know or misremembered, I hope for and encourage the product to improve...I ENJOY these things, and a lot of OTHER PEOPLE enjoy me doing them as well. I don't JUST complain, message boards are communities where, despite the element of anonymity, real human beings do interact with one another, where some of us have been here for years and gotten to know each other a little, and I contribute positive things to this one. You can't just come here for one day and make assumptions about people and pass out declarations.
It's never been in my nature to insult a "newbie", but that's what you are behaving like right now. You ain't got the right to tell anyone else what to do, especially when you just arrived.
If you can't see the value in doing anything that isn't complimenting MK9 and 10, then...what, are you new to message boards? Am I actually teaching you how communication on the internet works right now? Because if so, you're welcome.
The other possibility is you're simply being selfish right now and trying to chase me away even though I've been here a lot longer than you, because you can't handle someone dissing shit you liked. In which case, my advice is grow up, bro.
06/21/2014 05:56 PM (UTC)

You're more than welcome to stay, but it should be obvious to anyone by now why you're really here: You're just here to troll folks who actually enjoyed MK9's story, and the direction MK is going in general. You've already stated in countless other threads that MK9 is wreck, the writers are *retarded*, and you really don't think MKX will be any different, since the new timeline is, by your estimates, FUBAR'd.

So, why else would you keep coming here if you revile the new direction so much? Not to offer suggestions, as we basically know that's a load of bullshit.

The answer? You're a troll. Otherwise, you'd leave.


Take care, *MK Loremaster*. Lmao wink
06/21/2014 06:02 PM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
No offense guy, but I don't think many people are gonna take the advice of a guy who's only been here less than a week.

Typical elitist.

No different than Razor...

You think trying to dis-credit me by mocking my tenure here makes what I've said any less true?


Go ahead, live in your fantasy world where you can dictate where MK goes creatively. That's all it is; a fantasy dreamt up by someone mired in the past and unwilling to move on or shut up. smile
06/21/2014 06:02 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:

You're more than welcome to stay, but it should be obvious to anyone by now why you're really here: You're just here to troll folks who actually enjoyed MK9's story, and the direction MK is going in general. You've already stated in countless other threads that MK9 is wreck, the writers are *retarded*, and you really don't think MKX will be any different, since the new timeline is, by your estimates, FUBAR'd.

So, why else would you keep coming here if you revile the new direction so much? Not to offer suggestions, as we basically know that's a load of bullshit.

The answer? You're a troll. Otherwise, you'd leave.


Take care, *MK Loremaster*. Lmao wink

Why do you care if someone doesn't like something you like? You make it seem like those who don't like 2011's story, they have no place to say anything. I personally liked it, but I'm not going to stoop to a jerk to those who hate it, even if they keep reminding us how much they don't care for it. Word of advice, it makes discussions a lot more interesting to have those who liked it and those who hate it. Get use to that here, otherwise you should leave.
06/21/2014 06:08 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:

For someone who complains about bitching, you sure do alot of bitching.
06/21/2014 06:10 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Spider804 Wrote:
No offense guy, but I don't think many people are gonna take the advice of a guy who's only been here less than a week.

Typical elitist.

No different than Razor...

You think trying to dis-credit me by mocking my tenure here makes what I've said any less true?


Go ahead, live in your fantasy world where you can dictate where MK goes creatively. That's all it is; a fantasy dreamt up by someone mired in the past and unwilling to move on or shut up. smile

Actually, while I agree with Razor that the story sucked, I'm interested in seeing where MKX goes. In no way was I trying to insult you, merely stating the obvious that someone who just joined is not likely to be taken seriously by the longstanding members of the board. You're the one who insulted me. And I don't consider myself elite, more like average
About Me
06/21/2014 06:11 PM (UTC)
Another person that cannot accept the opinions of others? What else is new? sleep
06/21/2014 06:12 PM (UTC)
I just like to state that i'm NOT one and the same person as ReptzMK! Before the greek whirlpool comes whirling in and makes another assumption i'm somebody else!
06/21/2014 06:13 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I just like to state that i'm NOT one and the same person as ReptzMK! Before the greek whirlpool comes in and makes another assumption i'm somebody else!

The greek whirlpool?
06/21/2014 06:15 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I just like to state that i'm NOT one and the same person as ReptzMK! Before the greek whirlpool comes in and makes another assumption i'm somebody else!

The greek whirlpool?

Charybdis :-p
06/21/2014 06:19 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
You're just here to troll folks who actually enjoyed MK9's story

See though, that's the thing.

I never insulted a PERSON for liking MK9.

I've only pointed out the flaws in MK9 itself. You can like it if you want, I'd just like an explanation of why you think it's good, because that's, y'know, how intelligent debate works. Point and counterpoint, learning to understand where each other is coming from and possibly convincing them.

You're the one who takes it personally and resorts to insults. The only guy I've attacked personally is Sumac and that's NOT because of his Mortal Kombat opinions, that's because of how he TREATS PEOPLE and conducts himself.

So, y'know, you may want to examine your behavior and consider the possibility that you're being selfish or a hypocrite when you feel threatened by someone who doesn't like what you like so you attack them as a person. Don't call someone a troll unless you can describe how what they're doing is trolling.
Historical Favorite
06/21/2014 06:36 PM (UTC)
The new guy isn't wrong, but dude, you're presenting your argument in the worst possible way.
06/21/2014 06:40 PM (UTC)
Gentlemen (and ladies), I've said what I wanted to say. I have no problem with differing opinions, but there's differing and then theres beating a dead horse. Razor has been beating a dead horse ever since he finished the last cut scene of MK9.

He makes no qualms about how much he hates the story. Makes no qualms about bashing the NRS crew (whom we all have to thank for MK in the first place), and does not miss a chance to lament the series' direction.

My only point is: Why?

Because he hates it? Awesome, more power to him. But if you hate something, why would you willingly keep comijg back to it. Why revisit day after day a forum dedicated to something you clearly believe is ruined and *retarded*. You're not able to change much, if anything, about it. So, why come back simply to be bombarded by threads about a game whose story is predicated on another game's story that you clearly detested. It's not as though NRS is going to suddenly wave a magic wand and reset the continuity to it's *former glory*. So what reason does Razor have to come back here, beyond chuming it up with like-minded individuals and avoiding MKX altogether?

That would be fine, obviously, but I'll wager you this: You call him a long-standing and respected member of the forum. He certainly has the visits under his belt, and there's no doubting he has more than a firm grasp on the history of original timeline. But that's no reason to call him respected, because I'd bet you anything he's derailed more threads on this forum with his *lore* and brought down countless more with "That's retarded, since in the original canon..." and "NRS doesn't know their shit..." than any *newbie* here.

You look to him as if he has a say in where MK goes, as if his knowledge will somehow positively what's being discussed in a particulat thread. As if NRS has ever come to him for his opinion on how MK should progress.

He's just a dude, folks. A dude with a lot of visits, and usually nothing to say beyond "Old MK good, new MK bad". Cool beans. I personally would rather discuss MK's new direction without being weighed down by constant reminders of what the original story did *right* and what a piece of *shit* the new story is.

If that's the only reason he's here: To derisively dispense original canon "lore" in a sub-forum dedicated to the new lore, then that makes him a troll...high visitation count or not.

If you think I'm wrong, so be it.

And no, I'm not d'vorah as he's pointed out. My intent was and is not to troll. Simply making an observation.

I've said my peace, and that's all I'll say on the topic. smile
06/21/2014 06:42 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Gentlemen (and ladies), I've said what I wanted to say. I have no problem with differing opinions, but there's differing and then theres beating a dead horse. Razor has been beating a dead horse ever since he finished the last cut scene of MK9.

He makes no qualms about how much he hates the story. Makes no qualms about bashing the NRS crew (whom we all have to thank for MK in the first place), and does not miss a chance to lament the series' direction.

My only point is: Why?

Because he hates it? Awesome, more power to him. But if you hate something, why would you willingly keep comijg back to it. Why revisit day after day a forum dedicated to something you clearly believe is ruined and *retarded*. You're not able to change much, if anything, about it. So, why come back simply to be bombarded by threads about a game whose story is predicated on another game's story that you clearly detested. It's not as though NRS is going to suddenly wave a magic wand and reset the continuity to it's *former glory*. So what reason does Razor have to come back here, beyond chuming it up with like-minded individuals and avoiding MKX altogether?

That would be fine, obviously, but I'll wager you this: You call him a long-standing and respected member of the forum. He certainly has the visits under his belt, and there's no doubting he has more than a firm grasp on the history of original timeline. But that's no reason to call him respected, because I'd bet you anything he's derailed more threads on this forum with his *lore* and brought down countless more with "That's retarded, since in the original canon..." and "NRS doesn't know their shit..." than any *newbie* here.

You look to him as if he has a say in where MK goes, as if his knowledge will somehow positively what's being discussed in a particulat thread. As if NRS has ever come to him for his opinion on how MK should progress.

He's just a dude, folks. A dude with a lot of visits, and usually nothing to say beyond "Old MK good, new MK bad". Cool beans. I personally would rather discuss MK's new direction without being weighed down by constant reminders of what the original story did *right* and what a piece of *shit* the new story is.

If that's the only reason he's here: To derisively dispense original canon "lore" in a sub-forum dedicated to the new lore, then that makes him a troll...high visitation count or not.

If you think I'm wrong, so be it.

And no, I'm not d'vorah as he's pointed out. My intent was and is not to troll. Simply making an observation.

I've said my peace, and that's all I'll say on the topic. smile

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