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07/05/2014 08:38 AM (UTC)

RedSumac Wrote:
I haven't seen much complaints from anyone, but few old time MK fans.

"I haven't heard much complaints from anyone aside from people who actually bothered to follow the story of the previous games."

Sure thing, chum.

Also, your memory must be exceptionally selective, because even the subhuman protozoans in the Youtube comments section pretty much universally agree that the way the Sindel massacre was handled was bullshit, and so was reducing all the villains to a bunch of jobbers and turning Sub-Zero into a walking refrigerator.

When people like these are able to point out the weaknesses in your story, you done fucked up.

RedSumac Wrote:
- gameplay perspective - to provide different experience

If anybody is pushing the envelope in terms of additional content and extra modes in a fighting game, it's NRS themselves.

They were doing that even back when they were working under Midway. The only difference is that back in those days the team always had to compromise and make constant adjustments to their original vision, which is obviously not an issue now.

So why in the world would you assume that this initiative has anything whatsoever to do with the publisher?

RedSumac Wrote:
- commercial viability of the characters

So, like... Is there a bunch of corporate dudes sitting around a long table, and some pimply-faced intern pulls up graphs and pie charts on the projector?

"Ed, I regret to inform you that our team of analysts has come to a conclusion that the character "Sareena" is, unfortunately, commercially non-viable. There is currently no market for hot goth chicks. The recent data from the focus group, however, suggests the possibility that the demand for an "old man" type characters has increased by 15.9%, so we strongly recommend that you concentrate your efforts on putting that "Shujinko" character in your next game"

Is that how you seriously picture it in your head? Did you not pick up on the absolute clownshoes ridiculousness of it all in my previous post?

Are the pie charts stylized to look like the dragon logo..?

It's just endlessly amusing to me.

RedSumac Wrote:
- fan demands for the certain characters

What would they be basing it on? The character poll on SRK and things like that?

So wait... Now you mean to tell me that they actually do listen to fan feedback?

RedSumac Wrote:
- developers decisions (which should not coincide with what fans want 24/7)

Wait, I thought we were talking about the corporate mandates supposedly enforced onto NRS by their new overlords? Then whatever NRS wants has nothing to do with the conversation. Don't confuse the issue.

RedSumac Wrote:
And all can change with one single mistake. So, even if they are making money now it doesn't mean that they are completely free to do whatever they want.

So when they actually fuck up, and WB steps in to prevent it from happening again, then we'll talk.

RedSumac Wrote:
WB is a big corporation, there are multiple factors at play: publicity, personal tastes of execs.

WB isn't Capcom. They don't know a single goddamn thing about developing fighting games and they don't know a goddamn thing about MK other than if they give some money to NRS and let them do whatever for a couple of years, then more money starts pouring out, and they can give each other running high fives.

The only instances when WB seems to actually step in to provide direct oversight is when the DC characters are involved. Aside from that, in every other interview Boon couldn't shut up about how forthcoming and accommodating they've been after their acquisition.

So if you're implying that there was some kind of publisher interference with MK9's development process and that it's apparently somehow to blame for the sloppy plot (!?), I want you to find a single fact to support it.

Otherwise, stop making shit up.

RedSumac Wrote:
Those games listed above belong to certain genres, that nowadays not in the best shape.

So fucking what?

Fighting games are as much of a niche genre.

RedSumac Wrote:
DMC was victim of the Capcom crazy execs who hoped reach unachievable number of sales.

Being expected to perform at least as well as the previous games is "unbelievable" to you?

Because DmC sold worse than any previous entry in the franchise. It sold worse than fucking DMC2, a game so atrociously bad that fans of the series refuse to acknowledge it exists.

The only thing it was a "victim" of was its own shitty developer. And I'm perfectly okay with this. It's a lesson that the industry needs to learn.

RedSumac Wrote:
And from what I've heard DMC was rather hardcore for a modern game.



RedSumac Wrote:
Sonic fans bitch and moan about every single new game in the series, but they still sell, somehow, despite Sonic fandom being one of the biggest, besides being one of the craziest and shittiest.

The only reason they remained profitable is because their entire focus has shifted to target batshit crazy semi-autistic Deviantart furfags.

The people who loved and appreciated the original games are not the primary target demographic for the modern day Sonic games. Sonic Team has long stopped catering to them, and despite their commercial success, their games have all been critically panned and relentlessly mocked to the point where the words "a Sonic game" became a fucking joke unto itself.

Interestingly enough, Colors and Generations, the two recent entries that have finally broken the vicious cycle of shit, are a lot closer to the original games in spirit and design, which might or might not be related to the fact they were the most highly reviewed Sonic games in the last fucking decade. Funny how that worked out...

So wait, are you actually trying to say that MK would somehow benefit from completely alienating its original audience in an attempt to appeal to Cawadoody kiddies? Is that the point that you're trying to make?

Because that's crazy talk.

RedSumac Wrote:
Of course, they gather information about what people (general audience) want, but it can be ignored in favor of other ideas, if they think they are good enough to be profitable. I've yet to see examples of what you said.

I gave you a handful of solid examples of recent entries in long-running videogame franchises, all released within the last couple of years, that turned to shit and underperformed financially as soon as the corporate higher-ups decided to double down on the casual appeal and profitability at the expense of what actually made those games good and allowed them to build up a fanbase in the first place.

If it wasn't for the massive fan outrage, Bioware would never have bothered releasing the Extended Cut, which elevated ME3 from total trainwreck to merely a huge letdown.

And as thoroughly underwhelming as the XCOM: Declassified was, it was the overwhelmingly negative fan response that forced 2K to change direction three (!) times during the course of development. The end result was still lame, but I can guarantee that if they just released it as XCOM: THE SHOOTBANG like they originally planned, it would've bombed a hell of a lot fucking harder.

What else do you want?

For that matter, why did you suddenly bring up sales numbers like they mean a goddamn thing in a discussion about the merits of storyline, anyway?

Suppose MKX comes out.
Suppose the story turns out to be complete garbage, but the game sells like hotcakes anyway.

Will this somehow validate anything you have said?

Will the fact that a lot of people bought the game somehow make the story not shit?

Will the fact that it sold a lot of units make YOU PERSONALLY enjoy the story any better?

Will you rate the story 5% higher for every 100,000 people who buy the game?

By your twisted logic, shit must be the most delicious thing in the world, because billions of flies apparently cannot be wrong.

RedSumac Wrote:
Fans are easy to tame in the general scheme.

Okay, stop.

Stop typing and listen to yourself for just one second.

You're saying that the hardcore fanbase is easier to please (!) than the casuals (!!!).

I'm growing more and more convinced that you live in some kind of fucked up bizarro world , because in my dimension (the one with normal people in it), it works exactly the opposite.

RedSumac Wrote:
Where I have said, that it always mutually exclusive?
Please, get rid of the habit of putting words in my mouth.

This is literally what you're saying, though.

Every other comment of yours has an undertone of "they can't afford to listen to the hardcore freaks, they have units to move and numbers to meet." You're implying that if they actually listened to the core fanbase, the games will somehow stop being profitable.

It's total bullshit.

RedSumac Wrote:
And I think Barrentine was one of the writers of MKDA. So, I trust him, if that's the case.

RedSumac Wrote:
The key people are still the same, so I don't understand what the hell are you talking about.

"The key people" are two guys out of five who seem like they maybe know what the fuck they're doing.

And, more importantly, only one of them was around when the original creator was on the team.

The rest are a bunch of nobodies, and their track record is less than stellar so far. Your continued baseless trust in their abilities is unjustifiably optimistic and, frankly, kinda fanboyish.

RedSumac Wrote:
Since original author is not on the team anymore, there is no way to know, if his desires would coincide with the needs and desires of the company.

I honestly don't even care what his desires were at this point.

But what I do care about is the fact that as soon as all these random new fucks started hopping on board, the story became a hell of a lot sloppier and dumbed down.

God knows Tobias wasn't perfect, but if these guys kept the good parts of his story and improved upon the bad parts (how often do you get a legit opportunity for a do-over?), I wouldn't even have to bring him up.

RedSumac Wrote:
As for respect...people have different ideas of what the story should be.

Sure they do.
Some of them might be shittier than others, though.


RedSumac Wrote:
What exactly in your dimension stops caracter designer and writer listen to the other people suggestions, find them worthy and incorporate them in the game?

Nothing, I suppose.

Except that the only person consistently credited for coming up with the story and the characters in the first four games is John Tobias, and I've yet to see any examples to the contrary.

Since you are the one making the claim that other people on the team were supposedly contributing to the story-writing process during the days when he was around, then the burden of proof is on you.

So please, do back up your headcanon with some facts.

RedSumac Wrote:
Though I can understand why it was done, or at least, I think, I have general idea why it was done like that.

Oh, I can understand it alright. Just like I can understand how a fly or two might have accidentally ended up in my soup.

It doesn't make it any less of a screw-up.

RedSumac Wrote:
Unlike with the game, you can personally meet people who were responsible for bad soup and tell it in their faces. They don't have big wigs over them and neccessity to please other people with that dish. One plate of bad soup is exactly one plate of bad soup served only for you. And even then, if you dissatisfied with the soup, but others are pleased...your opinion amounts to nothing in the end. And you will be looked upon as drama queen for starting scandal over nothing.

...Where do I even begin..?

The creative designer of the entire fucking franchise has a personal twitter. Any fan could instantly reach out to him, should he so desire.

It goes without saying that Boon probably receives 9999 messages worth of inane bullshit on any given day, but at long as there is at least one message a day that makes him stop for a second, consider what is being said and maybe incorporate it into the game in some fashion, than the feedback system is working as intended.

Facing the people responsible for the bad soup is easier now than it has ever been.

Are people in your dimension still using fucking carrier pigeons to communicate?

RedSumac Wrote:
MKM is not an example of good drama in any capacity. It was even more cheesy then regular MK games.

Acting ability has nothing to do with story.

Fact is, MKM has the best lore Tobias has ever written, and I dare you to argue otherwise.

RedSumac Wrote:
Show me, where in MK9 it is said, that there were never others Sub-Zeroes, than I'll admit that you are right.

Oh, that's the game you want to play?

Show me anything in the OT that invalidates XD's interpretation of Kitana's character and personality, and I'll admit that you are right.

Protip: you can't.

RedSumac Wrote:
The story is different, the lore is the same.

No, that'd be MKDA. And Deception. And Armageddon.

MK9 has the luxury of relying on 15 years of lore written by other people, but it doesn't mean a goddamn thing if all it does is cherry-pick the broad strokes and then liberally change a ton of details for no good reason. That's not an achievement.

RedSumac Wrote:
MK9 provided more character development for some characters than the whole series. Like it actually gave sensible backstory and personality to the Smoke, turned Stryker into something more than unlikable fatso, the list goes on.

We've been over this many times.

The only people who in any way benefited from the transition are a few B-listers and Johnny Cage. In exchange, we got massively dumbed down A-listers and a plot that degrades into a rushed, sloppy mess in the third act.

No reasonable human being would think that this tradeoff is in any way worth it.



RedSumac Wrote:
Nowadays, countless whining about MK9 story is only useless annoyance for other forum goers

I'm sorry that we can't all selectively turn off our brains and praise the story that has more holes in it than a colander. Because god forbid we offend the delicate sensibilities of people who can't recognize sloppy writing even if it bit them in the ass.

RedSumac Wrote:
So, at best those people will thank you for provided information and go on, or at worst just ignore everything you said and will treat you as an obsessed fanboy.

If even one person walks away from my posts with a better understanding of the MK story that hopefully allows him to see the games in a different light, then my effort was not wasted.

It sure makes me feel a hell of a lot fucking better than playing along with a sheltered little hugbox fantasy where every opinion has to be positive.

The way I see it, the only obsessed fanboy here is the person who demands that everyone else has to either say positive things about the game or leave the community.

In fact, since you keep suggesting for us to leave, I have a counter-offer:

If you don't enjoy critical, in-depth discussion about the merits of plot, characters and overall design of MK games, then perhaps MKO is not the community for you. I admit that I don't usually venture out into the heathen lands of TotalMK and TYM, but it seems like the proportion of circlejerking casuals who cannot into constructive criticism, who blindly sing praises to the game because they don't know any better and who aren't really prone to analyzing things to the extent that we do here is considerably higher in those communities.

Perhaps you'd feel more at home there. A lot less negativity.

RedSumac Wrote:
MK is a lot like 80-s action movie and there is no need to go deeper into characters then demanded from this genre.

Maybe this was true in 1991, but certainly not anymore.

Would you prefer Batman to go back to the 60s TV show stylistic, too?
After all, that's how it was back in the day, and it was hugely successful at the time, so there's no need for it to possibly evolve beyond that, right?

For all of your accusations about clinging to the past, it seems like you are the one who can't let go of the childhood image of MK that exists in your own head since the early 90s and has barely changed since.

You're more stuck in the past than any of us.

RedSumac Wrote:
Mortal Kombat is a fighting game. It doesn't matter what kind of story it has to sell numbers. MK9 is a living prove of that.

Aside from MK9 (and arguably UMK3), MK has never really been a tournament-viable fighter. The only reason the franchise even survived up to this point is because it found other ways to appeal to its fanbase.

Storyline. Characters. Design. Violence. Atmosphere.

These things are the lifeblood of the series.

They are what separated it from SF2 clone #978613.

They are also the main reasons that kept people coming back to the franchise, even during the dark late Midway era. Because let me tell you, it sure as fuck wasn't for the gameplay.

Other fighting games can disregard story and art direction as long as the gameplay satisfies the demands of the tourneyfags.

MK absolutely cannot get away with doing the same.

RedSumac Wrote:
no need to go deeper into characters then demanded from this genre.


>implying a fighting game is bound by law to have a crappy superficial plot

I'm so fucking sick and tired of hearing that shit.

Hell, why do videogames needs storylines in the first place?
Atari games sure as hell didn't need them, and they were perfectly functional without it, because pure, undiluted gameplay is all you really need, isn't it?
Mario barely has a flimsy excuse for a story even after all these years, and it's one of the most celebrated franchises in gaming.
And when you really get down to it, were all these kilobytes of boring bullshit that Mass Effect keeps spewing at us at every turn really necessary? At the end of the day, you're just shooting aliens in the face anyway.

Point is, if you actually bother to include a story in your game, then put in some fucking effort to make sure that it's good.

Otherwise, why is there ever a need to do anything but pander to the lowest common denominator? Just put the absolute minimum amount of effort in, it'll be fine, пипл сxавает.

And if you are satisfied with that outcome, then that lowest common denominator is you.
Пипл, который xавает - это ты.

The guy who did the script for MKSM did the bare minimum.

Your attitude is the reason he got to keep his job afterwards.

RedSumac Wrote:
If somebody from NRS is reading this forum, they were aware about your opinion back in 2011, when it was time for gathering feedback.

Then I sure as fuck hope that our voices were loud enough to be heard.
And from what we've seen and heard so far, they were.

Everything is at it should be, then. Mission accomplished.

RedSumac Wrote:
MKX is already in production and it's unlikely that they change game based on shouts of few people.

The game was only just announced. It doesn't even have a release date yet. Plenty of things can change in the meantime. And if the previous games are of any indication, they most certainly will.

Sure, I suppose I can withhold my opinion and then sit around feeling smug and superior about it, but I think I'll take my chances.

RedSumac Wrote:
Why developers must go out of their way to make true some empty fantasies?

RedSumac Wrote:
No need to wait from developers that they will give it you, because they don't.

They already fucking did.

Before MK9 invalidated an entire decade of continuity, Deadly Alliance and, to a lesser extent, Deception set the bar for what storytelling in MK can be and, most importantly, should be like.

If there was no precedent, we wouldn't be nearly as demanding, but those games made us well aware of what the writers on the team are truly capable of.

It's the fact that they keep failing to meet that standard again is what's so baffling.

RedSumac Wrote:
What you have imagined in your head - doesn't count.

If you're one of those people who obstinately refuse to draw the most basic logical conclusions and demand to have every single little thing spelled out for them, like for a child, then all of the efforts the writers put into fleshing out the universe and the characters are wasted on you.

Perhaps it is your stunted imagination that shouldn't count.

I'm honestly not entirely sure how you've ever managed to get a 4 in literature with a mindset like this.
Did you just listen to the teacher explain their opinion or interpretation of a literary piece and then regurgitated their own opinion back at them in essay form? I mean, it's certainly possible, I've seen it done.

I'd explain a lot of things, though.

RedSumac Wrote:
You can rage for all you want, but its doubtful that WB will take MK seriously and turn it into second Star Wars or something.

One of their main subsidiaries is a fucking comic book publishing house. Taking nerdy shit seriously and trying to turn it into staples of pop culture is their entire livelihood.

They will expand their IP into a new direction it if there's money in it and, more importantly, if they see the demand for it.

Isn't that what you keep repeating?

And if MK9 and Legacy have showed them anything, is that there's a shitload of money to be made from this franchise.

I'm not sure how it works in your dimension, but it mine, for them to know that there is a demand for more media, this demand has to be, y'know, VOICED.

But sure, I suppose I can just sigh melancholically and think to myself "yeah, it would be really nice, but it'd never happen anyway, so why bother...?"

I'll just think about it really-really hard, and I'm sure they'll hear me.

That's how it works, right?

RedSumac Wrote:
However, since it's nigh impossible, I take what I can.

"Sure, I love MK, and I wish it could be better, but meh, I'll take what I can, I guess... "

Well gee, with boundless enthusiasm such as this, why the fuck would anything nice ever happen?

RedSumac Wrote:
MK can become much more without fucking overdramatizing everything and turning characters into permawoobies.

Is that how you honestly felt playing MK9?

Characters finally having well-written conversations and showing emotions on screen like actual human beings makes them "permawoobies"?

Do you even know what that word means, or are you just parroting things you read on tvtropes?

RedSumac Wrote:
Yeah, let's turn MK in a woobie fest, since actually almost all characters have some tragedy befall on them.

I think it's time for you to take another break from the keyboard.

Stop and listed to what you're saying.

You are actually demanding LESS character development than what we've had in the previous games because you'd rather prefer the characters go back to being the two-dimensional action movie caricatures that you fell in love with in the 90s.

You're mad.

Nobody here would agree with you on this.

RedSumac Wrote:
Actually I meant, forgive some of their bad qualities.

Go back and read what I said again.

You can forgive someone's shortcomings while at the same time inspiring them to improve themselves and do better next time.

RedSumac Wrote:
The thing is, there is no need in MK for story to stand on its own.

And that's really the question of the day, isn't it..?

There is no escaping it. This whole conversation keeps circling back to one point that I've already fucking posted, so I'll just ask it again:

I think we finally have to decide if:

A) the story in MK is important because, y'know, it's actually one of the main reasons people keep coming back to this franchise, and if it is indeed an important factor, then maybe it's worth it to actually put some fucking effort into it

B) it's not important because LOL FIGHTAN GAEM WHO CARES, and we're all just wasting our time trying to get invested into it.

And what you personally need to do is make up your fucking mind, because it can't be both.

You can't be selectively appreciative of the story when it's good and brush off any criticisms of it with "SINCE WHEN DO FIGHTAN GAMES NEED A GOOD STORY AMIRITE xDD" when it's bad. It doesn't work that way.

All you need to do is pick B, man. Considering everything you've said here thus far, I know you want to.

This argument will finally be over, I will solemnly swear to ignore what you have to say about the story from this point on, and we can all move on with our lives.
07/05/2014 08:56 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
Sonic fans bitch and moan about every single new game in the series, but they still sell, somehow, despite Sonic fandom being one of the biggest, besides being one of the craziest and shittiest.

The only reason they remained profitable is because their entire focus has shifted to target batshit crazy semi-autistic Deviantart furfags.

The people who loved and appreciated the original games are not the primary target demographic that the current day Sonic games are made for. Sonic Team has long stopped catering to them, and despite their commercial success, their games have all been critically panned and relentlessly mocked to the point where the words "a Sonic game" became a fucking joke unto itself.

Interestingly enough, Colors and Generations, the two recent entries that have finally broken the vicious cycle of shit, are a lot closer to the original games in spirit and design, which might or might not be related to the fact they were the most highly reviewed Sonic games in the last fucking decade. Funny how that worked out...

I'm going to point that Sonic's sales have been downhill after the Genesis. Most Sonic games are lucky to make it past 2 million within a time period. Sonic 1 Mobile is the only non-crossover game that came out after the Genesis to reach Sonic 2's sales.
About Me

07/05/2014 09:04 AM (UTC)
You forget that things also shifted culturally and technically in the real world.

The same vidoe game culture does not exist anymore, things have gotten a lot more supervised and politically correct. hence one part of the failure that Duke Nukem Forever was, sadly.

Sonic has been fucked over by people completely out of sync with what made the originals entertaining. They tried to create a vast operatic story with a bagful of melodrama.... what was completely unnecessary. What they achieved was creating a generation jacking off to Amy Rose''s butthole and the sin against creation, Sonichu.

07/05/2014 09:09 AM (UTC)
If your post was pointed at mine, then I will point out that Sonic 1 Mobile sold 6 million copies. So it's not like there isn't a market for Genesis Sonic. If anything, there's more of a market for Genesis Sonic than every other Sonic as far as video games go.

I was dealing with how RedSumac wrote that Sonic games still sell and what T-rex wrote. I was pointing out how so many Sonic games haven't been selling unless you go down from the Genesis era's expectations.
07/05/2014 04:02 PM (UTC)

Chrome Wrote:
You forget that things also shifted culturally and technically in the real world.

The same vidoe game culture does not exist anymore, things have gotten a lot more supervised and politically correct. hence one part of the failure that Duke Nukem Forever was, sadly.

Sonic has been fucked over by people completely out of sync with what made the originals entertaining. They tried to create a vast operatic story with a bagful of melodrama.... what was completely unnecessary. What they achieved was creating a generation jacking off to Amy Rose''s butthole and the sin against creation, Sonichu.

Political correctness is ridiculous.

07/05/2014 04:06 PM (UTC)
Can we please stop using DmC as an example of a bad game?

Look, I get that the gameplay was simpler than the other DMCs, that's a fine complaint (but y'know what? Maybe some of us are getting old and losing our hand-eye coordination and DON'T miss the days when games were hard-as-fuck, eh?) And yes, it didn't sell well...because everyone judged it by the trailer or first two levels instead of buying and playing it to completion.
New Dante actually develops as a character over the course of the game. AND his hair turns fucking white by the end, because it's a god damned origin story.
The whole game isn't just people screaming "fuck you" at each other and giving the finger, there is an actual story there in between the bits of juvenile language, which is more than I can say for "Wears cowboy pants, loves pizza, plays the drums, hits on girls but never gets laid, that's what cool guy Americans do, right?! AAANIMEEEEE!" original Dante.
Please Rex, do me this favor. Be the one to fill my dark soul with LIIIIIIIIIIGHT.
07/05/2014 05:56 PM (UTC)

Personally, I'd gladly stopped arguing and back-and-forthing in this thread, but if you insist, I indulge you.

T-rex Wrote:
When people like these are able to point out the weaknesses in your story, you done fucked up.

First of, I must say, when somebody start dissing other people based on the place of thier activity, it looks like said person just follows trends and prefers to use cliches instead of thinking on his own. Which in turn says a lot about said person.
No need to assume, that all YouTube users are stupid or something. Besides, where is the guarantee that people who complained about MK9 on YouTue weren't MKO users?
Second, what I meant (and yes, I am sick of need to repeat my statements so their meaning can finally make it through some thick skulls) is that there was no large outcry about MK9 story. Other than MK fandom, it was universally praised. Everything else, is pretty generic case of "people having different opinions".

T-rex Wrote:
So why in the world would you assume that this initiative has anything whatsoever to do with the publisher?

Well, because, producers from WB can demand certain things being in the game, based on popularity on rival series in the same genre. It's probably on of the least factors, but it can influence development.

T-rex Wrote:
Is that how you seriously picture it in your head? Did you not pick up on the absolute clownshoes ridiculousness of it all in my previous post?

I am glad that you fing it amusing. Reality is more prosaic and simple, though. I seriously picture execs demanding inclusion of certain characters in the game, because they recongisability would sell more units.
Besides, it had hapen multiple times with MK in the past, when MKDA and MKD didn't include Fujin because he was nobody compared to Raiden, though storywise he had more reasons to be in the game.

T-rex Wrote:
So wait... Now you mean to tell me that they actually do listen to fan feedback?

No need to assume that I mean only HRDACORE fans of MK. They certainly listen to the general public, because it's them who bring the most money. If audience demands presence of certain characters - than most likely they will be in the game. Didn't example of Scorpion and Sub-Zero tought you anything? And why they are poster boys for the whole series?

T-rex Wrote:
Then whatever NRS wants has nothing to do with the conversation. Don't confuse the issue.

I think you need to understand, that game development is a result of many factors. You, seemingly in attempt to justify your biased, fanboish views, are trying to separate everything into black and white, which is simply not the case in the real world.
There are multiple forces at play during game creation. Most of them I had listed. If you can't wrap your mind around how complex it is, then its yours and only yours problems, which does not affect reality. Harsh, but true.

T-rex Wrote:
So when they actually fuck up, and WB steps in to prevent it from happening again, then we'll talk.

Somebody need lesson in causal effect.
Why wait for it, if it's possible to prevent it in the first place?

T-rex Wrote:
Otherwise, stop making shit up.

In my turn, I ask you (futile as it is) stop being chilsdish and seeing world in black and white.
WB is not only DC and their amount of knowledge about fighting games, will not stop them from interfering. Amount of knowledge or lack of thereof, never stops people with power, money and influence from interfering.

T-rex Wrote:
Fighting games are as much of a niche genre.

They are more popular than stealth actions, and Street Fighter 4 certainly have rejuvenated genre. Not to the condition of the 90-s, but still. Steal th actions for example is yet to have such title.

T-rex Wrote:
Being expected to perform at least as well as the previous games is "unbelievable" to you?

The time of genre popularity have ended. That's is all.

T-rex Wrote:
The only reason they remained profitable is because their entire focus has shifted to target batshit crazy semi-autistic Deviantart furfags.

Really? Because from what I've seen Sega actually target children with their games, ignoring rabid fanboys, which cause eternal butthurt for the latter. I think you once again ignore reality.

T-rex Wrote:
The people who loved and appreciated the original games are...

...no more profitable audience, hence the shift from pleasing them, to attempt make games for actually profitable people.
The rest of your complaints sound like butthurt reaction of the generic Sonic furrfag fanboy who can't wrap his mind that Sega doesn't make game exclusively for him and make game for kids, for whom Sonic was always intended to be.
It's actually explains your attitude about MK.

T-rex Wrote:
So wait, are you actually trying to say that MK would somehow benefit from completely alienating its original audience in an attempt to appeal to Cawadoody kiddies? Is that the point that you're trying to make? Because that's crazy talk.

It's business. If it would be profitable from that point of view, than yes, fans should be abandoned.
Stupid and pathetic hate on modern gamers is pretty telling of your views, which I honestly find pitiable. Time to accept that your time has gone, new generations arised and they're no less stupid, that you was for your elder peers. Stop thinking like pathetic old man.

T-rex Wrote:
For that matter, why did you suddenly bring up sales numbers like they mean a goddamn thing in a discussion about the merits of storyline, anyway?

Because sale numbers dictate direction of the game.
ME3 - I give you. X-Com - longtime niche series. It can depend on fans for the success, hence changes in development.

T-rex Wrote:
By your twisted logic, shit must be the most delicious thing in the world, because billions of flies apparently cannot be wrong.

You completely missed what I am trying to say.
I am saying how things are in real world, but I have not stated my "personal" opinion on the matter. I merely argue, that some decisions are out of regular humans influence and sometimes there is no choice, but to accept what you have and move on. In my case, if story is bad I say "it's bad", however, if the rest of the game is good as MK9 or even better, it will not affect my enjoyment from it. MK game is not only story, it's gameplay, designs, music.
If everything in the game is bad, I say it's bad and move on. There will be slightly less chance, that I'll buy next installment and that's it. There will no be crazy rants that will last for the few years, there will not be immature insults towards new players, there will not be hatred for the developers. Dissappointment - yes. But not hatred. Video games is not main part of my life, so I just move on and find something else to occupy me, like a mature person without fanboism.

T-rex Wrote:
I'm growing more and more convinced that you live in some kind of fucked up bizarro world , because in my dimension (the one with normal people in it), it works exactly the opposite.

I growing more and more convinced, that you are just ye'old fanboy, who depsise that developers doesn't kiss his ass, like ye'old fanboys do, and can't (or don't want) understand that world has changed.

T-rex Wrote:
You're implying that if they actually listened to the core fanbase, the games will somehow stop being profitable. It's total bullshit.

I hadn't literally said anything like that.
I said, if there is a choice between pleasing ye'oldfans and general audience, it's compeltely normal, that developers choose the latter for the more profit. It's reality of the situation. And always had been.

T-rex Wrote:
The rest are a bunch of nobodies, and their track record is less than stellar so far. Your continued baseless trust in their abilities is unjustifiably optimistic and, frankly, kinda fanboyish.

Ah yes, the usual fanboish hatred on the developers.
Boring. What I previously called "spitting in the drinking well" attitude.

T-rex Wrote:
But what I do care about is the fact that as soon as all these random new fucks started hopping on board, the story became a hell of a lot sloppier and dumbed down.

MKDA was bad?
Contradicting yourself much?

T-rex Wrote:
So please, do back up your headcanon with some facts.

That's how things work normally in a small colective. Of course, it's assumption, but it's far from unreasonable.

T-rex Wrote:
Oh, I can understand it alright. Just like I can understand how a fly or two might have accidentally ended up in my soup.

The analogy is not only stupid, but it doesn't work in this case. And again shows your colours as a stuck up fanboy.

And before you go off about how I call you fanboy, let me explain, that I call you fanboy, not because you don't like MK9 story, but because how you express it. You demonstrate severe lack of understanding of how business work and how decisions are made. Like any fanboy you believe, that developers own you something and that you somehow apparently have right to dictate what they must give you. And just like a little child you ignore that business is an elaborated mechanism and constantly attempt to qualify everything as black and white, them and you, which is faulty idea in its core, when it comes to the real world.

T-rex Wrote:
...Where do I even begin..?

Preferably nowhere, 'cause I can predict with 99% possibility what your arguments will be and how you try to make sense out of random and awkward example you provided.

T-rex Wrote:
Acting ability has nothing to do with story. Fact is, MKM has the best lore Tobias has ever written, and I dare you to argue otherwise.

MKM is the best story, yes. So?

T-rex Wrote:
Show me anything in the OT that invalidates XD's interpretation of Kitana's character and personality, and I'll admit that you are right. Protip: you can't.

While his interpreatation is rooted in canon, it doesn't make it 100% applicable to the official series itself.

T-rex Wrote:
No, that'd be MKDA. And Deception. And Armageddon.

Selective deafness reached new levels I see. MKDA, MKD and MKA are stories. They are not lore. Lore is a mythology of the unierse. It's still mostly the same as in MK1-MKA. How often should I explain it?

T-rex Wrote:
No reasonable human being would think that this tradeoff is in any way worth it.

It's not, still it doesn't make MK9 story completely bad, as you (to no avail) trying to prove.

T-rex Wrote:

What are yoy trying to say? He hadn't any kind of personality beside suffering woobie before. If you don't like, it doesn't make it less valid.

T-rex Wrote:
I'm sorry that we can't all selectively turn off our brains and praise the story that has more holes in it than a colander. Because god forbid we offend the delicate sensibilities of people who can't recognize sloppy writing even if it bit them in the ass.

It seems for me, that people who bash MK9 story are shutdown they brains and doesn't recoginze that complaining will not change anything at that point. But, I guess, everyone has their own hobbies...

T-rex Wrote:
If even one person walks away from my posts with a better understanding of the MK story that hopefully allows him to see the games in a different light, then my effort was not wasted.
It sure makes me feel a hell of a lot fucking better than playing along with a sheltered little hugbox fantasy where every opinion has to be positive.
The way I see it, the only obsessed fanboy here is the person who demands that everyone else has to either say positive things about the game or leave the community.

First of, I need to break your fantasy. I never said that I want discussions to turn into hugbox fantasy. Seems in the recent years you received degree at pulling stuff out of your ass. I want to be moderate and sensible.
Second, that's what I call "Lex Luthor logic". Let's destroy city and kill millions, but if it makes at least one person think that Superman is a bad thing for humanity, then it was worth it. I do not tolerate that kind of logic and find it extremely desperate and rather powerless attempt to protect your (otherwise correct) view, because you that desperate and can't provide something of really worth.It's a case of fanatism versus normal criticism.

T-rex Wrote:
In fact, since you keep suggesting for us to leave, I have a counter-offer:

Ah, yes. Another typical thing for the ye'old fanboys - bashing of other communities devoted to the same topic. Shame on you. That's just low, hateful and stupid. Next thing you say that there are "true fans" and "whoever", and that will be the end of your already low reputation as a mature being.
Also, maybe I should a visit to those communities and relay what you think of them. Just in case if you decide to go there.

T-rex Wrote:
After all, that's how it was back in the day, and it was hugely successful at the time, so there's no need for it to possibly evolve beyond that, right?

MK hasn't changed much in its narrative from where it has started. It has changed stylistically and the its mythology have become much more expansive, but otherwise its still the same action-movie thing as before.
Other objections doesn't make sense, 'cause you clearly operate with your headcanon rather than reality.

T-rex Wrote:
Aside from MK9 (and arguably UMK3), MK has never really been a tournament-viable fighter. The only reason the franchise even survived up to this point is because it found other ways to appeal to its fanbase. Storyline. Characters. Design. Violence. Atmosphere.

Yes, but quality of the story is not ultimate selling point of the series.

T-rex Wrote:
>implying a fighting game is bound by law to have a crappy superficial plot

Stop acting like bitard and spam images. You are on forum, not on imageboard. You highlighting your own immaturity with it.

T-rex Wrote:
Hell, why do videogames needs storylines in the first place?

We talking about fighting game. And that's solely and utterly destroy all your points and predictably renders your longwinded completely speech moot. Gameplay is more important in the end for selling numbers.

T-rex Wrote:
Пипл, который xавает - это ты.

Фанбоище, которое не понимает что и когда уместно - это ты.

T-rex Wrote:
Everything is at it should be, then. Mission accomplished.

With such attitude, you and people like you don't deserve anything.

T-rex Wrote:
The game was only just announced. It doesn't even have a release date yet. Plenty of things can change in the meantime. And if the previous games are of any indication, they most certainly will.

Believe what you want. If you thing that announcement of the game means it barely completed and NRS doesn't have any kind of plan on what to do next - you delusional. Not that it will be first for you.

T-rex Wrote:
Sure, I suppose I can withhold my opinion and then sit around feeling smug and superior about it, but I think I'll take my chances.

Well, if you like to make yourself laughingstock, I suppose it's a viable route.

T-rex Wrote:
It's the fact that they keep failing to meet that standard again is what's so baffling.

There should be longwinded speech about the moment, new owner of IP and the like...but there won't as I tired from repeating the same stuff over and over.

T-rex Wrote:
I'd explain a lot of things, though.
Ah yes, another bout of immature insults and the like. You certainly good at meeting expectations, of the worst kind, though.

My imagination is allright. However, I can see a distinction when and where things should be and when don't. What things are necessary and what don't. Your mind is operating like that of immature child, who imagined his crayons to be separate characters and personalities and was completely disheartened, when people have told him, that those are just crayons.

Unlike you, I can understand, that there could be different purposes for the story. One could be written as comedy, or as an action flick and the other can be an epic tale of love and bertrayal. When you writing simple action movie, there is no necessity to dwell deeply into the mind of generic mook who probably has relatives and family. This is the case with MK. Imagine deep characters all you want - it doesn't make'em really deep or writers really care about that stuff. They're good or at least tolerable with what they have been tasked to do and that what matters. Maybe this is dissappointing to you, but it's how things work in real world. I accept it no matter how dissappointed I am and move on. There are certainly more stories in the world than MK and, if MK doesn't give me something I always can create separated headcanon, write fanfic or read / play / watch something else.

T-rex Wrote:
One of their main subsidiaries is a fucking comic book publishing house. Taking nerdy shit seriously and trying to turn it into staples of pop culture is their entire livelihood.

Since it didn't happen with MK, it's seems they are not interested in it. And this is unlike they will be interested in the future. MKL2 was really mediocre and it right now it seems web-series is more realtively cheap advertisement for the games, not an attempt to create something more.

T-rex Wrote:
I'll just think about it really-really hard, and I'm sure they'll hear me.

Or you pop your brain out and go insane.
Not that it make difference considering your "arguments".

T-rex Wrote:
Well gee, with boundless enthusiasm such as this, why the fuck would anything nice ever happen?

Because I can see what I can influence and what I can't, like a mature experienced person?
Hopeless optimism is as much poisonous in the long run as pessimism. So I stick to the realism and cautious optimism.

T-rex Wrote:
Characters finally having well-written conversations and showing emotions on screen like actual human beings makes them "permawoobies"? Do you even know what that word means, or are you just parroting things you read on tvtropes?

Yeah sure.
At this point I feel like you simply can't get what somebody trying to say, when it substantially different from your worldview.

T-rex Wrote:
You are actually demanding LESS character development than what we've had in the previous games because you'd rather prefer the characters go back to being the two-dimensional action movie caricatures that you fell in love with in the 90s. You're mad. Nobody here would agree with you on this.

I am not sure how to react on it.
It's probably first time in my life, when my opponent competely...just totally and ultimately misses the point of what I was trying to say. It's amusing, surprising and sad at the same time. I am not sure it'll help to clear everything yet again, because with such rare talent for misunderstandings, I bet if I say something it would be turned to 180 degrees and I will be accused of some stupid stuff, when I meant something compltely different.

OK, just because I am generous to poor individuals: I want MK characters to be well rounded personalities, but wihtout going overboard with drama and "deep" stuff. MK is not about that, no matter what you had imagined with your overly active stuck up imagination.

T-rex Wrote:
A) the story in MK is important because, y'know, it's actually one of the main reasons people keep coming back to this franchise, and if it is indeed an important factor, then maybe it's worth it to actually put some fucking effort into it
B) it's not important because LOL FIGHTAN GAEM WHO CARES, and we're all just wasting our time trying to get invested into it.
And what you personally need to do is make up your fucking mind, because it can't be both.

And this is a clear illustration of what I have said about your tendency to separate everything into black and white. World is much more complicated thing than that. The faster you figure that out, the better.
I appreciate story, when it's good. I am dissappointed, when it's bad. I relay my criticism, about stuff I was disappointed with and I hope it will be heard, but since there is a big chance it won't, I move on and continue to observe what series will have to offer in the next part. If it dissapponits me again - I move on from that series and find something else. Perpetual angry blubbering and rage will not solve anything and will be just a waste of time, that could be used much more productively.
In the end, if you want your MK to came to life, make your own game, fanfiction and what not. If you will expect developers suddenly please you...you're welcome to waste your life and nerves in a senseless chase for the unachievable ideal. It's your life after all. If you think video game story is important enough for you to waste your life to...I guess, there are much more stupid stuff people can bend over, like religions. Doesn't make it less stupid.
07/05/2014 07:24 PM (UTC)
Is there a point in all of this?
07/05/2014 07:25 PM (UTC)
This e-peen measurement contest is getting ridiculous.
About Me

You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

07/05/2014 09:15 PM (UTC)
Seems like the argument derailed and the grammar skills makes this an eyesore. I find it quite amusing none the less. Who knew it was so serious? Though I don't think a character that lacks proof of their presence in the game can be underdeveloped.
07/05/2014 09:23 PM (UTC)
Y'know, I saw the number of posts and said to myself, "self, avoid this inbox, it must be drama". I was right. This is ridiculous, yeah the game is still in progress, and yeah they'll make decisions that won't cater to everyone, m'kay?
Don't like one's speculation when that's kind of all we can do? Too bad, Life's a bitch, move on!
Historical Favorite
07/06/2014 01:51 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Can we please stop using DmC as an example of a bad game?

Historical Favorite
07/06/2014 02:10 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
Пипл, который xавает - это ты.

Фанбоище, которое не понимает что и когда уместно - это ты.

Come on guys. Not all of us speak Spanish.

T-rex Wrote:
You are actually demanding LESS character development than what we've had in the previous games because you'd rather prefer the characters go back to being the two-dimensional action movie caricatures that you fell in love with in the 90s. You're mad. Nobody here would agree with you on this.

You're speaking for an awful lot of people there. Especially considering that one of them is me, a guy who loves 90's action movie caricatures more than anything else on this earth.

07/06/2014 02:29 AM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Can we please stop using DmC as an example of a bad game?

Oh yeah? Well you should stop wettin' your hair, Ambrose, everyone can see how bald you're going.
07/06/2014 02:39 AM (UTC)
I don't know about you guys, but if MK having more "character development", and the characters not being "two-dimensional action movie caricatures" gets us more trash like Sonya suddenly being all "MY FATHER IS DEAD!!!!", then I'll stick with the "two-dimentsional action movie caricatures".

Also, Dante's Awakening is the best DMC game, ditch the others. And the series isn't on Ninja Gaiden's level.
Historical Favorite
07/06/2014 02:40 AM (UTC)
I played Ninja Gaiden 3. You are a liar, sir.
About Me

Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

07/06/2014 02:44 AM (UTC)
I didn't so much hate DmC for it's own calibers as much as I hated the people who tried to market it in such a bitter way. They tried to market it in such a way by saying that the old Dante was shit and a pansy, and that just doesn't work. It pisses people off because they liked the old Dante.

And then when the game didn't sell well, they blame the fans. How dare they not buy it! Clearly, they want their brand to die.

I think that's the problem with DmC. If you like the game or new Dante, that's fine. Capcom attitude about the game was just shitty.

With Mortal Kombat, at least they have no real attitude about it. Does it suck that Kitana's story was shat on? Absolutely. But Kitana's story has been told in over five different ways now. There was no one saying, "Yeah, but the Kitana in previous MK games was shit. This is the best Kitana."

For all we know, MKX could introduce a new, fantastic story for Kitana, if she's in the game.

As much as I dislike MK9's story and as much as I despise how Kitana's story was shafted, I feel like MK9's story was just a branch. It was a way to dive forward to where they want to be, which is MKX. Whatever they want to accomplish here can be accomplished now.
07/06/2014 02:47 AM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
I played Ninja Gaiden 3. You are a liar, sir.

Itagaki didn't oversee that one. And that game was such a screwup that Team Ninja sent out a fixed up port.

Do you want me to bring up DMC2? Let alone Donte May Cry.
Historical Favorite
07/06/2014 02:50 AM (UTC)
Insider2000 Wrote:
For all we know, MKX could introduce a new, fantastic story for Kitana, if she's in the game.

The great thing here is that we're covered either way. If Kitana is lame in the upcoming story, meh. All we have to do is ride it out until the next reboot or zany time altering tale. MK9, for all its faults, has given NRS the ultimate get out of jail free card.
07/06/2014 02:54 AM (UTC)
Man, after reading through this thread I'm hoping that MKX and later MK games have as little to do with the "Outworld VS Edenia and Earthrealm thing" as they can.

It's about time to explore other realms. Let's stop pandering to nostalgics.
Historical Favorite
07/06/2014 02:57 AM (UTC)
Kaber Wrote:
Do you want me to bring up DMC2? Let alone Donte May Cry.

You can bring up DMC2 all day, every day. Between its badass final boss, challenge tower mode, Trish as an unlockable character, and goddamn brilliant super devil trigger, I've got no hate for that game whatsoever.
About Me

Keep dunking your Kenshi breadsticks into your Skarlet sauce, people! The main course isn't coming for a while, and you never know when it's going to be disappointing.

07/06/2014 02:58 AM (UTC)
Kaber Wrote:
Man, after reading through this thread I'm hoping that MKX and later MK games have as little to do with the "Outworld VS Edenia and Earthrealm thing" as they can.

It's about time to explore other realms. Let's stop pandering to nostalgics.

There's a good chance that MKX will have a large focus on Netherrealm, so that's a good sign.
About Me

You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

07/06/2014 03:34 AM (UTC)
I'm curious on how some of you come to the conclusion on how and which aspect the story is going to be covered. From what it seems this all is fairly new territory due to the change. We can hope what the story will cover and who will do what and so forth. The stages I guess can provide a little insight I suppose but everything we did know about the story is null and void after the deaths and outcome of the previous game. Also, isn't this the furthest we have traveled in the MK universe? We can expect the new characters for earth realm it's a given I mean not everyone will be able to fight at the age of
50-70ish years old ( though the aging process is different for other realms which is why I am trying to stick with earth realm) I'm glad that we are getting further with new people. I just think it's far too early to speculate on a lot of this. Though I am glad that NRS can't use outside info, or else MK would almost turn into complete palette swap ninjas it seems. I just hold my reservations because it is uncharted territory.
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