06/20/2014 04:00 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Oh geez, I leave y'all for a day and come back to this...

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
It's not depth unless it is officially described. Again you are going from one extreme to another unnecessarily.

The thing about MK characters is that there is room for interpretation, but all in all, it is just fans speculating and theorycrafting. The depth isn't shown, it is made-up by fans.

The very fact that a fucking arcade (!) fighter (!!) gives fans such fertile grounds for speculation is already a testament to Tobias' writing skill and the strength of his vision.

But really, when you stop and think about it for a few seconds, a couple of short comic books and the five sentences worth of arcade game bios per character was enough for Tobias to establish this lush, complex universe and leave you with a solid impression of these characters' personalities and motivations. We are not inventing all of these things and character traits out of our heads. None of it is made up.

You're acting as if we're connecting the dots that aren't there. But they are there. That's why I was asking if the presence of Nolan North and cutscenes is what it takes to make it all seem "officially described" to you, because evidently, a couple of screens of ending text is not legit enough.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Xia was a biased douchebag. I don't get why you guys idolize him so.

I can't speak for Razor, I always respected Xia as one of the biggest contributors to this community, and it's all the poorer without him around. His character analyses were one of the main reasons why I kept coming back to this place, he put an incredible amount of thought and research into his posts and was always striving to elevate the discussion beyond the usual "FUG NRS TREMOR WHEN :DD", "WUTS UR FAVRTE FATALITY1!!?" and "OMG Le NINJA RAINBOW xDD" heresy that 90% of MK boards are composed of.

If you think that none of these things deserve respect, well... I don't know what else to tell you.

1st point:
The thing about we having to connect the dots is what I meant with MK giving us room for interpretation. You can say that this character has so much personality, but that is your interpretation of that character, and not necessarily what is actually shown in the games.

I am not saying that the characters don't have personalities or that the world of MK isn't complex. Because they do and it is. But most of the time it is because we as fans make it so, and not because it is shown in the games.

2nd point:
Xia wrote alot of cool stuff, but he was very arrogant and acted as if his interpretation of a character was truth and fact. I didn't like that about him. I remember a few times where I tried to discuss something or questioned something he had written, and I was shot down immediately, even if I had a solid arguement to back me up with. But he made sure to let me know that because I didn't agree with him on something, then I was less than nothing. That made me lose any respect I had for him. For someone who had so much talent, his ego sure was huge as well.
06/20/2014 04:03 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Sir, I can show you, point by point, every way in which MK9 is a sloppy, poorly written script full of plotholes and things that don't make sense.

And I can explain why all your arguments are nothing, but fanboish attempts to pass your headcanon as real deal, my good man.
No hard feelings.

The only thing I have hard feelings about is the fact that after all these years you STILL can't admit you've never ACTUALLY done what you just described. All you ever do when we argue is IGNORE every single fucking thing I say and PRETEND you won, which is why I don't argue with you anymore.
And you better start looking around and realizing that I'm not the only one anymore who realizes that you never listen to anyone but yourself. You can't make a difference in a debate if no one will listen to you 'cause you have no credibility, chief.
06/20/2014 04:04 AM (UTC)
Why is this Xia person still being discussed in this thread? We don't care for him and his lame persona. Keep it moving.
06/20/2014 04:06 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Why is this Xia person still being discussed in this thread? We don't care for him and his lame persona. Keep it moving.

Because Xia was a very passionate and huge fan of Kitana, the character we discuss in this thread, and T-rex provided us with one of his essays about her. That's why we're discussing him, but we are not ONLY discussing him. Feel free to ignore the part about him and actually respond to the part you find relevant, instead of just pointing out the part you don't like.

Edit: Oh, and also, you have already been proven wrong by several people, that Kitana is indeed not an underdeveloped character, so this thread's main topic has already ended.
About Me

06/20/2014 04:07 AM (UTC)
Were you even on these boards when Xia was around?

Kids these days...

EDIT: Jaded got it.
06/20/2014 04:09 AM (UTC)
T-rex, you deserve a slow clap.

I would stop visiting this site if Razor stopped posting. He is the resident MK Loremaster. I'm one of those who've been playing the series since I was 5 and stuck around for the story.
06/20/2014 04:47 AM (UTC)

lastfighter89 Wrote:

I like Havik but he was born as an alt for Noob.

You do realize that we're talking about a franchise that used to be basically Palette Swap: The Vidya, right?

lastfighter89 Wrote:
He has no real story or motivation for joining Onaga.

He never joined Onaga. He was actively opposing him.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
His mentoring of Kabal was unnecessary because to me he was already a leader charismatic enough to take Mavado out of the picture without him.

Havik is an opportunist, a trickster and a manipulator. It's literally the crux of his entire fucking character. Why would he ever stoop to doing the dirty work himself when he can get somebody else to do it?

That's the entire reason why he leads the Earthrealm warriors, including Kabal and his cronies, straight to the Dragon King. They were supposed to be cannon fodder. In his ending, he sneaks over to Onaga's corpse after the others have taken him down and eats his fucking heart so that he could gain the ability to freely rez the dead at his whim, which would increase his ability to spread chaos throughout the realms tenfold.

Are you sure you were paying attention?

lastfighter89 Wrote:
He has no real role in Konquest Mode if not having Shujinko wash himself in some yellow piss just to retrieve the Kamidogu.

Well, if you want to put it this way, no one aside from Shujinko has a real role in Konquest.

1- Palette Swaps are different. They were a technical necessity during the 2D era. One of the few improvements coming with 3d games was character differentation.

2- Too much work, my apologies. I perfectly knew it was the other way round but I was thinking about Hotaru. Never mind, I just confuse myself.

3-Poor sentencing by me. I meant that Kabal was strong enough to kill Mavado without Havik. And to be honest we didn't need a Mavado to begin with.

4- I disagree. The real reason why Havik fought against Onaga was because Hotaru joined his side. Resurrecting Shao Kahn was contradictory for Havik. It is true that Shao Kahn was a Chaos and War bringer, but he wanted to unite all Realms into one (Outworld). In proper time Shao Kahn would try to conquer Seido and Chaosrealm and merge them. That's why I think Havik has poor story. The rest of your post is about Havik's personality and I 100.% agree with you.

5- That's not true : Bo' Rai Cho taught him the basics of kombat, Nightwolf purged his soul, etc. Havik was just the only one to know where the Kamidogu was.
06/20/2014 05:05 AM (UTC)
Borshay Wrote:
I would stop visiting this site if Razor stopped posting.

See, this is why I don't leave. (...since someone asked.)

I don't leave because Xia DID. The community needs people who remember shit and know a little about writing and storytelling, academically speaking. When I'm here, I TRY to help and educate and some people actually appreciate the effort, which makes it worthwhile.

I also stay because I don't feel the way he did. He felt that continuing to be emotionally invested in a lore that kept forgetting and retconning itself would only lead to further disappointment. So he gave up. He pussied out.

I'm pessimistic, but not THAT pessimistic. No matter how much I dislike MK9 and possibly 10, I'll still always love 1 thru 7 and I'll always need a place to talk about that love and hope for the day when the "Raiden bungles history" universe ends and another reboot or spinoff or adaptation brings us something closer to the original, something less JJAbrams Star Trek and more Gamecube Resident Evil.

Besides, I promised a LOT of people I'd finish my fanart. I'd be a real big douchebag to just up and disappear before it's done.
06/20/2014 05:08 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
No matter how much I dislike MK9 and possibly 10, I'll still always love 1 thru 7

What about 8?

... I know, that was a low blow...
06/20/2014 05:10 AM (UTC)
Honestly, I actually like VsDCU. I just left it out because it's not canon to anything.
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06/20/2014 05:11 AM (UTC)
...Why is MKvsDC considered to be 8, anyway?

Even Boon is referring to the reboot as MK9 these days, even though it's the 8th canonical game in the franchise. It's only the 9th if you count Mythologies, which I doubt he does.
06/20/2014 05:13 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
...Why is MKvsDC considered to be 8, anyway?

Even Boon is referring to the reboot as MK9 these days, even though it's the 8th canonical game in the franchise. It's only the 9th if you count Mythologies, which I doubt he does.

Ed always called the reboot MK9 on Twitter, dating back to before the game was even announced and his avatar was a picture of a "canine" because Eyebrows loves him some puns.

Because he counts them by how many fighting game engines they've made, not by story.
I always called it 9 because 2011 takes longer to type.
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06/20/2014 05:19 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
his avatar was a picture of a "canine" because Eyebrows loves him some puns.

Oh god, I almost forgot about that.
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06/20/2014 05:31 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Borshay Wrote:
I would stop visiting this site if Razor stopped posting.

See, this is why I don't leave. (...since someone asked.)

I don't leave because Xia DID. The community needs people who remember shit and know a little about writing and storytelling, academically speaking. When I'm here, I TRY to help and educate and some people actually appreciate the effort, which makes it worthwhile.

I also stay because I don't feel the way he did. He felt that continuing to be emotionally invested in a lore that kept forgetting and retconning itself would only lead to further disappointment. So he gave up. He pussied out.

Excuse me, but what the fuck?

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06/20/2014 06:05 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
He pussied out.
Moving on from things that disappoint isn't pussying out.
06/20/2014 06:08 AM (UTC)
Could we please stop using the word "pussy" in any form? My stomach is turning.
Historical Favorite
06/20/2014 06:19 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

I also stay because I don't feel the way he did. He felt that continuing to be emotionally invested in a lore that kept forgetting and retconning itself would only lead to further disappointment. So he gave up. He pussied out.

I wasn't active when X84 decided to pack it in, so this is news to me. Sucks too,because despite rarely agreeing with his take on things, the fandom was better for his presence in it.
06/20/2014 06:34 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
He pussied out.
Moving on from things that disappoint isn't pussying out.

I just think he gave up too easy, I think if you have passion for something, you shouldn't let that passion die just 'cause it goes through a rough patch. You should fight for it, we can always use more voices that go "this could be so much better, let me SHOW you how this could be better." The dude had education and experience as a writer, even more than I do. Could've put that to good use. We know NRS listens when the voices are loud enough, Ed flatout admitted that complaints the T&A was too over the top in MK9 is the reason Cassie's fully clothed. I'm pretty sure MKO was the place complaining the loudest about Sonya wearing a "slutty cop" halloween costume.

Hell, I dunno, if he didn't have the desire, you can't force that, maybe he is happier not thinking or writing about Mortal Kombat. That's just how I feel about it.

Plus, the way he left, having his threads locked and erasing every positive, contributive post he'd ever made on his way out the door, was kind of a childish tantrum way to do it. Maybe he was just trying to eliminate anything that would tempt him to come back, but it was kind of a dick thing to do to the rest of us.
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06/20/2014 06:52 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Could we please stop using the word "pussy" in any form? My stomach is turning.

Here at the Titty Twister we're slashing pussy in half!
06/20/2014 06:53 AM (UTC)
Now that is messed up.
06/20/2014 07:34 AM (UTC)
And disgusting.
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06/20/2014 07:58 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Plus, the way he left, having his threads locked and erasing every positive, contributive post he'd ever made on his way out the door, was kind of a childish tantrum way to do it.
That, I didn't like. But what can you do, you know?
I don't know I kind of empathize somewhat. My love for MK has been on a steady cool for a long while now to the point where I can appreciate what NRS is doing but I'm not excited for it. I find there is less and less bringing me back and that I'm more excited for the discussion and speculation than I am for the reality of what the game might be.
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06/20/2014 08:17 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
I don't know I kind of empathize somewhat. My love for MK has been on a steady cool for a long while now to the point where I can appreciate what NRS is doing but I'm not excited for it. I find there is less and less bringing me back and that I'm more excited for the discussion and speculation than I am for the reality of what the game might be.

Funnily enough, I'm in the exact same boat. I'm honestly looking forward to ProudNintendoFan's analysis of MKX's story more than any aspect of the game itself.
06/20/2014 08:22 AM (UTC)
I think PNF's MK9 videos need to be remade mostly 'cause there's still a bunch of stuff to complain about that we missed the first time around.
Higher quality audio capture, and no offense to PNF but a deeper voiced narrator, would be nice too. (Not volunteering myself, I sound like Topher Grace IRL. Nobody wants to hear Movie Venom complaining about Mortal Kombat. Well, maybe they would if we had Kurtwood Smith periodically yelling "Dumbass"...)
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06/20/2014 08:44 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote: and no offense to PNF but a deeper voiced narrator, would be nice too.

Hopefully he's taken up smoking since the last video.
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