06/18/2014 06:41 AM (UTC)
There's a breast joke in here somewhere...
06/18/2014 06:44 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
There's a breast joke in here somewhere...

They've already developed. wink
06/18/2014 06:48 AM (UTC)
FROST4584 Wrote:
Even if she comes back , what she has done in the past doesn't matter since it never happened. Now it is the process, of building her back up to a character she once that is comparable, to what she accomplished previously.

You can't build a house on an unstable foundation.

That's my whole problem with the idea of making MK9 and then here comes MKX and NOW is when they go "Okay, let's show the future, let's advance things"?

THIS is the lore you're going to KEEP and go forward with? An abbreviated knockoff of the original continuity full of twists done only to shock the diehards, that reduced the worldbuilding instead of adding to it? How can that work ten or twenty years from now? Or when they want to make movies again? You damn sure can't make a film where the plot is "Hey, did you see that film made in 1995 about the kung fu tournament to save the Earth? Well see it again...except NOW, on top of all the weird fantasy characters and subplots you have to learn about and keep track of, one of the characters is also suddenly a time traveler trying to derail the plot, and he accidentally gets all the main heroes killed in an anticlimactic downer-ending!"

So all this we're doing now? This fascination with Johnny and Sonya's daughter and the future of this world? It's a wasted effort, a holding pattern, because by creating a universe that's based on a gimmick, all they're doing is admitting "We'll have to reboot again in another couple games, so that we can present a universe that DOESN'T have the weird time travel twists in it and properly introduces and develops the origin story's characters."

Don't bother getting invested in any of these new characters, because even if they're well-made and popular, you're STILL not going to see them again very often, just like you never see Tanya or Sareena or Havik in anything anymore. BEST case scenario, one or two of them catch on about as well as Kenshi did and get to be DLC in the next reboot or cameo in an adaptation...but their story will have to be twisted to explain how they fit into the new setting.

And all of that I just said? That's assuming MKX itself isn't yet another time travel story. You say "25 years of hopping backward and forward non-linearly", it makes me think the characters are probably doing it too, not just the audience, that's how they're able to fight each other.

T-rex Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Rex, did you fuckin' save all of XD's old posts before he erased them?

I saved as much as I could, bro.

His character analyses and the character bio megathread that we had rolling before Armageddon are safe and secure. I'm certain there's more, if I go deeper into my archives.

I desire a copy of these things.
06/18/2014 07:10 AM (UTC)
Of course it's gonna get rebooted again sometime in the future. Every fucking thing gets rebooted for no damn good reason. C'est la vie.
06/18/2014 07:37 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I don't think she is.

In her time, she's done alot of things for herself and her people.

- MK2: After finding out about her true heritage, she joined the Earthrealm warriors against Shao Kahn and was part of his defeat.
- UMK3-MKT: When Shao Kahn resurrected Kitana's mother Sindel, Kitana freed her from Shao Kahn's grasp and simultaneously freed Edenia from Outworld.
- MKG: She made a peace treaty with the Centaurians and the Shokans.
- MKDA: She fought off Shao Kahn's forces to ensure Edenia's freedom.

In MKD's intro it was shown she died to the Deadly Alliance and was resurrected amongst the others who died by Onaga who enslaved them, but they were all freed when Onaga died. And then the whole Armageddon thing happened and then her story was put to a halt in MK9.

However, the things she accomplished in the original timeline is pretty damn awesome. So I would indeed not call her underdeveloped.

I means there's ^this stuff.

Original timeline, Kitana had good development. MK9 retcon, as we all know, kinda fucked up a bunch of back story stuff, among other things. Kitana's personality was done nicely in MK9, but they butchered her back story.

About Me

06/18/2014 08:13 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

I desire a copy of these things.

Here you go.

This is just the character analyses, BTW. The problem is that although I've been saving quite a few threads here and there over the years, I don't keep track of who the author of the post was, so if there's anything else in particular that you remember, let me know the specifics, and I'll try to find it.
06/18/2014 08:26 AM (UTC)
Eh, good enough.

I saved his fanfic Deception/Armageddon sequel ideas, so I don't need that stuff. Can't think of anything else at the moment.
06/18/2014 10:12 AM (UTC)
Xd84's characters analysis were great but they were influenced by his personal taste of a certain character.

I still remember how sad he became every time the words "Johnny", "Cage", "Sonya" and "Blade " were written on a thread.

I still remember how he almost idolized empty characters like Hotaru, Havik, Dairou, Darrius and once I clearly remind him saying that Hsu Hao and Blaze weren't that bad alter all.

I really do miss him, especially because he was nice to me and we had some constructive debate over time.
About Me

06/18/2014 12:08 PM (UTC)

u wot m8?
06/18/2014 12:15 PM (UTC)
Kitana is good, and a hero.

Heroes are never interesting, they only fight the badguys who do have a interesting story and meaning in this world.

Goodguys suck. Only goodguys I like to see back and shining because they are kinda interesting are Sheeva, Smoke (be evil enenra please), Kabal (be evil please), Kenshi and Ermac (which i really HOPE is evil again)
06/18/2014 12:43 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Kitana is good, and a hero.

Heroes are never interesting, they only fight the badguys who do have a interesting story and meaning in this world.

Goodguys suck.
Only goodguys I like to see back and shining because they are kinda interesting are Sheeva, Smoke (be evil enenra please), Kabal (be evil please), Kenshi and Ermac (which i really HOPE is evil again)

I agree, I have always wanted Kitana to be evil, Jade too. Kitana turning good was always so cliche.

If she stayed with Shao Kahn, she would probably just be throne candy, but I would like to see the Edenians come together and try to take over everything or something. I am kinda tired of good guy Kitana.

I would have also liked to see a little more exploration into Kitana's relationship with Shao Kahn. In the old timeline he had more layers, didn't he fall in love with Sindel? So he was capable of feelings right? In MK9 he was just a very one dimensional evil dude.

06/18/2014 12:47 PM (UTC)
I never said I wanted Kitana to be evil... She's just the Princess Toadstool from Mortal Kombat.

The endless damsel in distress but with a very dangerous weapon at hand...

I like Jade too btw, but Tanya really ruined it for Jade and took her place for me, because I only liked Jade because she was kinda like the traitor Tanya in other media, but not anymore. I still like jades appearance, even tho she is corrupted by boring good.
06/18/2014 12:54 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Despite being around for 20 years, and having a bunch of characters revolve around her?

I've always felt the story of Mortal Kombat was the story of her life.
06/18/2014 01:12 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I never said I wanted Kitana to be evil... She's just the Princess Toadstool from Mortal Kombat.

The endless damsel in distress but with a very dangerous weapon at hand...

I like Jade too btw, but Tanya really ruined it for Jade and took her place for me, because I only liked Jade because she was kinda like the traitor Tanya in other media, but not anymore. I still like jades appearance, even tho she is corrupted by boring good.

I was just agreeing that good guys are boring. I have always wanted Kitana to not be a good guy. I always like the baroness from GI Joe. I have always liked villains better than good guys. I want Kitana and Jade to be, for lack of a better term, the "mean girls" or bitches of MK. I think they would be much more entertaining if they weren't so good. Or if they were at least evil for a few games before they turned on Shao Kahn because I feel like they would have, or Kitana would have much less of a story if she stayed with Shao Kahn, like I said before she would just be throne candy and another henchman. I just want to see Kitana and Jade go in a different direction, but keep then BFFs. Tanya can be thrown into their storyline somehow too. There's nothing wrong with a female rivalry, like in wrestling, a little female action is nice sometimes.

Riyakou Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Despite being around for 20 years, and having a bunch of characters revolve around her?

I've always felt the story of Mortal Kombat was the story of her life.

I agree, in a lot of ways it is.

06/18/2014 01:16 PM (UTC)
Kitana and Jade being evil wouldn't leave anything for the goodguys, so I'm kinda happy that Kitana isn't evil, I like MIleena for that role.

If jade gets more use and a different role than just being the friend of Kitana she can be good good, otherwise she will be boring (Story-wise)

I just never will like goodguys, but they still need to be there for the carnage. Of course there are neutral characters too, I would have liked Kitana to be neutral, I hate boring romantic love-stories and find them useless so Lui Kang and Kitana sitting in a tree blabla is something I rather never see back.
06/18/2014 01:23 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Kitana and Jade being evil wouldn't leave anything for the goodguys, so I'm kinda happy that Kitana isn't evil, I like MIleena for that role.

If jade gets more use and a different role than just being the friend of Kitana she can be good good, otherwise she will be boring (Story-wise)

I just never will like goodguys, but they still need to be there for the carnage.
Of course there are neutral characters too, I would have liked Kitana to be neutral, I hate boring romantic love-stories and find them useless so Lui Kang and Kitana sitting in a tree blabla is something I rather never see back.

Yes another very unoriginal and cliche thing Lui Kang and Kitana. It never went anywhere and was kind of pointless.

I wouldn't mind seeing Kitana neutral, she would have much more versatility story wise.

I liked her little story with Goro in MKG-MKDA too. Like I bet Goro and Kitana knew each other for a long time being part of Shao Kahn's court and whatnot.

I like seeing relationships and character development instead of just very one dimensional good or evil characters. They have feelings and relationships and shit too, work that into the story.

06/18/2014 01:28 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Kitana and Jade being evil wouldn't leave anything for the goodguys, so I'm kinda happy that Kitana isn't evil, I like MIleena for that role.

If jade gets more use and a different role than just being the friend of Kitana she can be good good, otherwise she will be boring (Story-wise)

I just never will like goodguys, but they still need to be there for the carnage.
Of course there are neutral characters too, I would have liked Kitana to be neutral, I hate boring romantic love-stories and find them useless so Lui Kang and Kitana sitting in a tree blabla is something I rather never see back.

Yes another very unoriginal and cliche thing Lui Kang and Kitana. It never went anywhere and was kind of pointless.

I wouldn't mind seeing Kitana neutral, she would have much more versatility story wise.

I liked her little story with Goro in MKG-MKDA too. Like I bet Goro and Kitana knew each other for a long time being part of Shao Kahn's court and whatnot.

I like seeing relationships and character development instead of just very one dimensional good or evil characters. They have feelings and relationships and shit too, work that into the story.

Love is ok as long as there is carnage in the end and there is real purpose, the Lui Kang and Kitana relationship is just horrid and boring.

I also liked the little side-story about Goro and Kitana, I like it when very different characters that never had anything in common with eachother have such side-stories together in later games.

I do hope that Goro (which I never liked even when he was evil) becomes good in the end together with Sheeva. Kintaro must be the evil version cuz he's a tiger-shokan.
06/18/2014 01:29 PM (UTC)
Rain + Kitana would be better btw, but they should not be in love now, just in the past.
06/18/2014 03:23 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:

u wot m8?

I like Havik but he was born as an alt for Noob, he has no real story or motivation for joining Onaga. His mentoring of Kabal was unnecessary because to me he was already a leader charismatic enough to take Mavado out of the picture without him. He has no real role in Konquest Mode if not having Shujinko wash himself in some yellow piss just to retrieve the Kamidogu.

Again, Havik is one of my favourites but only for the aesthetics and moveset. Not his story.
06/18/2014 03:55 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Rain + Kitana would be better btw, but they should not be in love now, just in the past.

They never were in love in the game.

I don't think Kitana is underdeveloped, her stories throughout the game we're pretty interesting. However, they just made her not that important thus why a lot believes she's underdeveloped. She's sort of a main character but it never looks that way, at least towards me. Oh she's a princess of a realm that's under fire a lot, but then that gets side tracked away to something less interesting to follow. I loved the peace treaty story with the Shokans and the Centaurs. But that wasn't a real focus as much as Liu Kang once again winning the tournament. If they focus more on Kitana her stories will be heard a lot more. But if they just push her aside for something boring and not that interesting, she'll be looked at like an underdeveloped character.
06/18/2014 04:23 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I just never will like goodguys

I wonder what you'd do if D'Vorah turns out to be a good guy...
06/18/2014 04:35 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Xd84's characters analysis were great but they were influenced by his personal taste of a certain character.

It always bothered me that he couldn't see the value in Liu Kang.

For a guy who knew so much about storytelling and plot and character construction, he should have been able to detect Liu's character development and value as the main protagonist of the first trilogy.

I mean, sure, most of his best development was in the movie or cartoon, not the games, but that's the thing with MK...because they didn't have cutscenes, you have to be willing to acknowledge that Tobias had input on the first film, so a lof of things in the Threshold adaptations are intended to be ALSO TRUE in the games.

Everybody in the first game is specifically designed by Tobias to fill an archetypal role that makes them important to the plot. Liu HAS to be the main character, Johnny HAS to be the sidekick, Raiden HAS to be the mentor, Kitana HAS to be the love interest, etc., otherwise, the story of the MK1 tournament really doesn't fucking work. (and MK2 as well if you bother to tell it, adaptations seem to prefer skipping over the seeming-redundancy of holding a second tourney, put the Kitana stuff in 1, and go right from MK1 to invasion...)

That's a big reason why Legacy fell apart so hard. Tancharoen doesn't actually know anything academic about writing a story, he's a music video director. He just threw in his favorite characters whether they fit or not (and Stryker I'm guessing was because Michael Jai White and Jeri Ryan had schedule conflicts) and made Liu a badguy because he was bored by the idea of retelling what the movie already did, and the result isn't a coherent, flowing STORY with a three act structure, it's a mishmash of individual, disconnected SCENES. MK9 has the same problem, but MK9 was DELIBERATELY not trying, the whole game was predicated on the ideas of "We're gonna smash three stories together into one because we're in a hurry to get this reboot over with, and need a 30-person roster" and "you've already seen this so we're gonna fuck with it so it's different for different's sake and shock you" which is a terrible storytelling premise if you're an adult who cares about the plot and characters being interesting and satisfying and making sense, but if you're a teenager who doesn't pay attention in English class, you're not gonna notice, you'll just think it's fun and shit, so...whatever.
06/18/2014 04:39 PM (UTC)
Xia was a biased douchebag. I don't get why you guys idolize him so. But that's a discussion for another thread...
06/18/2014 04:49 PM (UTC)
Kitana is far from underdeveloped character. it's just she and any other MK character with great story line potential is very under used.
06/18/2014 05:05 PM (UTC)
Kitana feels boring now. In MK2, she had some of the bloodiest moves and coolest fatalities. She was fun to use.

But now, she's gives off those good girl vibes, and Mileena gives off that bad girl, "I'll eat your fucking face" vibe that makes her wildly more appealing and representative of MK.

The controversial nature of MK was pretty central to fans connecting with the game. And ironically, the more Kitana has been developed into a "good girl princess" the more dull she has become because her character is no longer in harmony with what originally made her - and MK - so appealing.
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