07/02/2014 11:48 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
You're going to look at the story mode they put together and tell me they really do give more than a rats ass about the story to their fighting game?
Look I like a good story in my games and I think it is just as important as the gameplay(depending on the game and the creators intention). The thing is, NRS doesn't.

Hey, whatta we have here?? Another whiner? How surprising and original.

I'd say they do give more shit about story than you do in a bathroom after a hefty supper. They do make their intention clear - to familiarize newcomers with the basics of the story and wipe the state clear from stuff they did after MKDA. If you don't like it then do us (people who liked MK9 and have faith in NRS) a favor - don't go into story discussion threads and don't spoil them with your hatred. Our quota of snobby critics-wannaby is already filled to a brim, thank you.

And please get rid of stupid havbit of saying "WE". Nobody have authrized you to speak on behalf of all fans of MK. There is no "WE" There is only "YOU". Remember that. Please and again, thank you.
Blah, blah, blah, "you're a whiner/ obsessed fanboi", blah, blah, buy MK and stfu or gtfo, blah.
07/02/2014 04:15 PM (UTC)
I won't get involved in any of this because it has become a serious "Kitana is just the better one out of everyone!" petty thread.

Ain't nobody got time for that sh*t anymore! tongue

I just feel like mkmileena has made some perfectly valid and strong points and they are being completely undermined and spit over simply by the dominant posters of this thread. And that is silly.

Why, his posts provided fair insight with official proof to back it all up. Far more than most others anyways.

So, I will quote this because it has far more truth than some Kitana fans gave it credit for:

mkmileena Wrote:

Ok first let's get something clear. The argument is that mileena is in kitana's shadow in these two games. That implies that Kitana is overshadowing mileena. You are arguing that Kitana plays a larger role in both games and had a bigger impact and outshined mileena in both deception and Armageddon? Did Kitana even have a bio in Armageddon? I'm confused now because of the hundreds of fans who bitch about mileena being overrated and marketed as the poster girl for mk since MKD and having a larger role in the konquests but she was still in kitana's shadow somehow? Ok.

Congratulations for reading the backstory of mileena's mindset UP TO the point where she is in deception. (Update on the character since mk gold) How many years had it been since she was in the game? It's called plot context and serves as a story refresher. The plot of deception serves as her transition away from Kitana and Armageddon she continues as her own character without Kitana.

She commanded the armies to distract them for Onaga as ordered to aid him time finding the komidogu, but when she realized the authority she had over the armies, she shifted her mindset towards herself and her thirst to rule. She admits to keeping up the Kitana disguise until she corrupts the soldiers enoiugh to where they would follow her as mileena and seize outworld herself. She is hardly and in now way "up kitana's ass" this entire time.

Never did she ever attack or attempt to kill Kitana. So if you speak of "stating facts" then make sure yours are correct first.

"I do not relish serving Shao Kahn. I am destined for greater things. An entire realm was once in the palm of my hands - and I will not rest until I regain that status! " (but she has no desire to rule for herself and is completely still at this point, according to you, obsessed with Kitana).

And to bring it back to the original topic, this is why mileena is not in kitana's shadow. Kitana was a stale character in deception and Armageddon and was played out while mileena's story was written away from the sinking ship that was Kitana and transition to a character that had her own agenda and goals.

And to end it with a cherry on top:

oracle Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
And to bring it back to the original topic, this is why mileena is not in kitana's shadow. Kitana was a stale character in deception and Armageddon and was played out while mileena's story was written away from the sinking ship that was Kitana and transition to a character that had her own agenda and goals.
Bless this fan fiction.

Far from fan fiction, it's actually in the books.

Mileena got all of that, Kitana didn't. Mileena even got to be poster girl more than once. Kitana hasn't.

That being said: no, I don't think Kitana was underdeveloped or a waste of space. No. MK9 just really really screwed her over, took the best she had and threw it out of the window. That story for her sucked. That was ruined. A big bad no. It sucks that it happened, but, it did. Same thing with Mileena, a total screw up. Out of the two, however, Kitana come out the worst.

If anything, those negative comments apply to all the retcons she's had and what her portrayals after MKDA. Not the Kitana that started back in 1994.
07/02/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)

Queve, where have you been? I have only seen you post in MKX threads twice. I hope to see you in more discussions more often as we get more to speculate.

07/02/2014 05:19 PM (UTC)
DrgnLdy Wrote:
Blah, blah, blah, "you're a whiner/ obsessed fanboi", blah, blah, buy MK and stfu or gtfo, blah.

I never tried to convince anyone buy new MK. I wanted people to be smarter. But if you want to interpret my words like this...grin
07/02/2014 05:26 PM (UTC)
Yeah, lambasting anyone who chooses to analyze the literary merits of a work and compare and contrast the reboot to the original version with a learned, critical eye, and encouraging them to instead just swallow whatever shit is shoveled out with a smile because it's the newest thing and they have no choice if they want to support the franchise, is "being smarter".

That makes perfect fuckin' sense.
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07/02/2014 06:04 PM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
Out of the two, however, Kitana come out the worst.
Not at all. Mileena was reduced to a sex crazed infantile minion. She got the rawest of raw deals.

queve Wrote:
Mileena got all of that, Kitana didn't. Mileena even got to be poster girl more than once. Kitana hasn't.
Mileena got a new outfit and a sexy new personality. I mean you can dress it up however you want to her story still revolved around Kitana with the added bonus of wanting to rule Outworld or Edenia just like plenty of other villains. All this being topped off by her switching bodies with Kitana in her MKA ending. I mean? Most of this stuff isn't even open to interpretation, it's laid bare for us to read.

And I'm not sure when people are desperately hanging on to the fact that Mileena got a wallpaper on the MK9 website like it's something significant. The attention she got in the early/promotional stages of MKD had FAR more impact. All the girls were used to promote MK9, remember all those models we saw running around in Kitana, Mileena, and Sonya's new Tuesday night stripper outfits? They were all over the place, hell wasn't someone dressed as Kitana on Smackdown or something?

And actually, I don't think Mileena is in Kitana's shadow either. But the fact still remains that up until MK9 her story revolved around her. It's pretty clear.
07/02/2014 06:17 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
DrgnLdy Wrote:
Blah, blah, blah, "you're a whiner/ obsessed fanboi", blah, blah, buy MK and stfu or gtfo, blah.

I never tried to convince anyone buy new MK. I wanted people to be smarter. But if you want to interpret my words like this...grin

In all fairness, he has a point. You routinely show up and repeat the whole "obsessed whiney fan boy" line whenever any fan makes a statement you disagree with. You're like a broken record and any semblance of an argument you make is completely overshadowed by the fact that you clearly have nothing better to do with your time other than to try look smug on the internet.

Now, that aside.

What direction do you guys think Kitana could go in future games? Having watched the Story Mode again last night from MK9, I'm curious what direction can she go in. What if she (and the others who died in the last story) actually stayed dead? How would Kitana fans feel if MK9 was the last we saw of her?
07/02/2014 06:26 PM (UTC)
Personally, I'd be fine with her staying dead, and I like Kitana. It's a golden opportunity to make a new female character (Edenian or otherwise).

Shake things up a little, you know?
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07/02/2014 06:46 PM (UTC)
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
How would Kitana fans feel if MK9 was the last we saw of her?

ReptzMK Wrote:
Personally, I'd be fine with her staying dead, and I like Kitana. It's a golden opportunity to make a new female character (Edenian or otherwise).>
Shake things up a little, you know?
Post MKD I wanted Sindel dead, Kitana to rule Edenia and have Jade take her place in future MK games. I still want this.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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07/02/2014 06:48 PM (UTC)
queve Wrote:

Thank you for all that
+5 Sonya points in my book

I'm no Kitana fan but I don't think she should or will stay dead forever, tho for the next game yeah.

I would like to see her stay away from the earth realm characters, and hopefully they introduce more edenian characters on kitana's side other than jade (like a general in her army or something). I feel her story gets lost once she joins up with the earth group. So I hope to see her character written from a different strategic standpoint and in more of a commanding leader role.

How should she be resurrected? Maybe there's a new character on her said that already resides in the netherrealm that helps her escape. Maybe even Tanya helps her escape like she did shinnok. Or she follows shinnok when they leave the netherrealm.
07/02/2014 07:50 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
hell wasn't someone dressed as Kitana on Smackdown or something?

AJ Lee. I don't think that was MK9 promotion though, it was a Halloween-themed segment and Kitana's apparently her favorite character.
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07/02/2014 08:26 PM (UTC)
Shout out to AJ Lee tbh lol.
07/02/2014 09:38 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
queve Wrote:
Out of the two, however, Kitana come out the worst.
Not at all. Mileena was reduced to a sex crazed infantile minion. She got the rawest of raw deals.

I must disagree too...

The thing is, Kitana lost more or got ruined more than Mileena, because she had more to begin with from the original timeline; she had more to be ruined. But even though she wasn't anywhere near as badass as she was in the original timeline, she still had plenty of screen time and was one of the more prominent characters in the story mode of MK9, while Mileena was unfortunately, like many other villains, reduced to a mere punching bag with very little screen time.

oracle Wrote:
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
How would Kitana fans feel if MK9 was the last we saw of her?


I mean, I don't even care that much if she stays dead as I don't care that much about MK's story anymore. I just wanna play as my girl and slice people with steel fans. I just hope they don't substitute her with some offspring of hers who throws fans or pull some SCV bullshit on her, I'd hate that.
07/02/2014 11:39 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
How would Kitana fans feel if MK9 was the last we saw of her?

ReptzMK Wrote:
Personally, I'd be fine with her staying dead, and I like Kitana. It's a golden opportunity to make a new female character (Edenian or otherwise).>
Shake things up a little, you know?
Post MKD I wanted Sindel dead, Kitana to rule Edenia and have Jade take her place in future MK games. I still want this.

Post MKD I wanted Kirana dead, Sindel far too depressed to rule, and Jade having to hold the pieces of the realm together. Even in MK9 I would have chosen Jade to survive out of the 3, as the only good Edenian left it would have been cool to see what would've they done with her.
07/02/2014 11:44 PM (UTC)
zerosebaz Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
How would Kitana fans feel if MK9 was the last we saw of her?

ReptzMK Wrote:
Personally, I'd be fine with her staying dead, and I like Kitana. It's a golden opportunity to make a new female character (Edenian or otherwise).>
Shake things up a little, you know?
Post MKD I wanted Sindel dead, Kitana to rule Edenia and have Jade take her place in future MK games. I still want this.

Post MKD I wanted Kirana dead, Sindel far too depressed to rule, and Jade having to hold the pieces of the realm together. Even in MK9 I would have chosen Jade to survive out of the 3, as the only good Edenian left it would have been cool to see what would've they done with her.

This. I like Jade even more than Kitana. If anyone needs some development, it's Jade.

Maybe MKX will see her (and her alone) return from the dead.
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-sig by MINION

07/03/2014 12:32 AM (UTC)
Nephrite Wrote:
The thing is, Kitana lost more or got ruined more than Mileena, because she had more to begin with from the original timeline; she had more to be ruined. But even though she wasn't anywhere near as badass as she was in the original timeline, she still had plenty of screen time and was one of the more prominent characters in the story mode of MK9, while Mileena was unfortunately, like many other villains, reduced to a mere punching bag with very little screen time.
Her story line remains largely intact though. The biggest difference being that she had to be told about Edenia and Mileena instead of finding out for herself. Although yeah I agree it is less badass then how they've sold it to us in the previous timeline. I still think Mileena got it worse, unfortunately. I was looking forward to a more MKD-esque Mileena.

Nephrite Wrote:
I just hope they don't substitute her with some offspring of hers who throws fans or pull some SCV bullshit on her, I'd hate that.
I'd actually be fine with that as long as the kid wasn't Liu Kang's lol.

ReptzMK Wrote:
zerosebaz Wrote:
Post MKD I wanted Kirana dead, Sindel far too depressed to rule, and Jade having to hold the pieces of the realm together. Even in MK9 I would have chosen Jade to survive out of the 3, as the only good Edenian left it would have been cool to see what would've they done with her.

This. I like Jade even more than Kitana. If anyone needs some development, it's Jade.
Maybe MKX will see her (and her alone) return from the dead.
That'd definitely be something different and interesting for her character.
07/03/2014 12:48 AM (UTC)
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
What direction do you guys think Kitana could go in future games? Having watched the Story Mode again last night from MK9, I'm curious what direction can she go in. What if she (and the others who died in the last story) actually stayed dead? How would Kitana fans feel if MK9 was the last we saw of her?

I prefer her to stay dead. I don't see what she can contribute to the story at this monent. Generally her whole story after MKT could be summed "another bad thing happens to Kitana" and MK9 was not really different in that regard. If she is somehow ressurected, I'd prefer her to stay secondary unplayable character, maybe advisor or teacher of some newcomer.

And to clarify, I am not saying this because I like Mileena's character more. Mileena right now has some potential to grow, especially after what was done to her in MK9, and Kitana, in my opinion, does not. The whole thing about saving Edenia was done to death in the Old Timeline, it never went anywhere and was quite boring. If anything, I'd prefer if Ermac / Jerrod would has become a new protagonist for this arc, with Tanya and Rain as supporting (antagonistic) characters. Jade can be ressurected as some new entity, indepedent of Edenia stuff. Of course, if NRS will be able to make Kitana interesting again, I would welcome her back with open arms as any other character.
Mileena, got shorter end of the stick. Not only her story was completely rewritten, but her personality was wiped as well. Of all things I find troubling about MK9, this is the most bizzare and diappointing change. I am not even sure what they were going for. Well, maybe they wanted to create contrast between sisters, but if that's the case, they have taken it a bit too far.

NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
In all fairness, he has a point. You routinely show up and repeat the whole "obsessed whiney fan boy" line whenever any fan makes a statement you disagree with. You're like a broken record and any semblance of an argument you make is completely overshadowed by the fact that you clearly have nothing better to do with your time other than to try look smug on the internet.

So, when Razor himself goes around into every other topic and drone how "MK9 was bad and MKX will be worse, because NRS are BAD, abloo-bloo-bloo", it's perfectly OK and not sounds like a broken record. When objections rised against it - it's apparently bad...LOL.
Sorry, mate, but that's not how it work. So, advice for the future: if you want to raise objections against someone, make sure there is no double standards thing going on, otherwise you put yourself into awkward position.
Peace and out.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Yeah, lambasting anyone who chooses to analyze the literary merits of a work and compare and contrast the reboot to the original version with a learned, critical eye, and encouraging them to instead just swallow whatever shit is shoveled out with a smile because it's the newest thing and they have no choice if they want to support the franchise, is "being smarter".

That makes perfect fuckin' sense.

Oh, hurt baby has come to cry more about being directly told that his headcanon is just fucking headcanon and doesn't apply to the real world. Tsk, tsk. Bringing reality into equation must be really rude thing for fanboys nowadays, the thing which I am always happy to deliver. grin
07/03/2014 02:44 AM (UTC)
Not that Razor is by any means perfect RedSurmac, but I've yet to see him instantaneously provoke or deliberately try aggravate other members for having a difference of opinion to his own.Does he get defensive with his views? Yes he does. But for the majority of his arguments he attacks the storyline aggressively, not the members defending it. I've lost count how many times you've patronised and spoken down to members here in the last few weeks for voicing their displeasure with the last game or their worries for this one. So don't start that eye for an eye crap. Interesting how you critique Razor for that behavior but you've no issue behaving that way yourself.

I do, however, agree with some of your points about Kitana.

Personally I thought Kitana's development in Deadly Alliance was the best (taking the Edenian and Shokan armies into battle against Shao Kahn, dealing with the grief of Liu Kang's death and confronting the Deadly Alliance were all very impressive aspects of her character), and hopefully we'll see her return to a position of leadership soon.

However I don't think now (with what happened in the last game) there's much for her to do in this game (unless they pull off a miracle with the story and somehow come up with something epic). I think this game, it should be Mileena's personality who develops that bit more. Hopefully she'll mature a bit in MKX and it'll bring her back to being the character we know and love
07/03/2014 03:11 AM (UTC)
I appreciate you sticking up for me, but don't bother. He's obviously not listening to a word of it, he's going to use you taking my side as an excuse to disregard all of your opinions and call you a fanboy too, and to be perfectly honest, I'm not entirely certain he actually believes some of the things he says, I think he's just grasping at whatever straw he thinks will get the strongest negative reaction because that's what trolling is, and attacking me is a form of changing the subject, it means he doesn't have to respond to my actual point that calling NOT critiquing things "being smarter" makes no motherfuckin' sense.
07/03/2014 03:22 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

You two are starting to get on my nerves (whether or not you care) because this nonstop bickering between the two of you is getting very annoying to see in these threads. Either finally solve whatever fucking issue the two of you have privately or seriously just stop talking about one another. These threads that have both of you interacting with each other were comical at first, but now this is getting dreadfully annoying. Stop it. And please don't reply to this.

With Kitana, I agree with Noobsaibot5. I too don't see anything to do with her for this game, and I wouldn't mind her sitting out for this game as a playable character. (She should make an appearance, but not playable) I would like for them to take the time to develop Mileena more since they gave her a personality I could care less to see her have.
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07/03/2014 04:45 AM (UTC)
I like that this thread is a hot mess with Razor and RedSumac's blood feud getting the limelight. We don't have much else to talk about at the moment so...

07/03/2014 07:52 AM (UTC)
It's like I've said, I tried to make peace with the guy more than once. He doesn't want it...so at this point it's just defending myself and pointing out bullshit like I'd do with anyone else whose arguments are baseless or dishonest or unfair or just plain fishy, until Mick bans one of us...or the dude takes another one of his months-long hiatuses, which is unlikely until after MKX comes out, he's obviously here for the new-game-coming hype.

And personally, if it were me? Not to be egotistical, but when the time came, I'd ban the guy who doesn't add fan art and interesting discussion threads to the boards...but Mick does get all weird and unpredictable sometimes.
07/03/2014 08:06 AM (UTC)
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
Not that Razor is by any means perfect RedSurmac, but I've yet to see him instantaneously provoke or deliberately try aggravate other members for having a difference of opinion to his own.Does he get defensive with his views? Yes he does. But for the majority of his arguments he attacks the storyline aggressively, not the members defending it. I've lost count how many times you've patronised and spoken down to members here in the last few weeks for voicing their displeasure with the last game or their worries for this one. So don't start that eye for an eye crap. Interesting how you critique Razor for that behavior but you've no issue behaving that way yourself.

Well, I am quite aggresive lately, I admit it, but I just tired of this whining bullshit for every possible reason. New Fatality published? Whining. New details of the story? Whining. New gameplay elements? Whining. Of course, not everyone can be pleased, but everything should have its limits.

If some people hate so much everything about new direction of Mortal Kombat, how about they just go away, instead constantly whining and whining in every possible instance? Because they don't contribute nothing constructive to the discussion. And no, hatred, is not constructive. And when it comes to story, this hatred uses the same tired often fanatical arguments for the last 3 years. I think video game is not worth of so much hatred...unless you have nothing else in your life. And if it's a case - you've got problems.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I appreciate you sticking up for me, but don't bother. He's obviously not listening to a word of it, he's going to use you taking my side as an excuse to disregard all of your opinions and call you a fanboy too, and to be perfectly honest, I'm not entirely certain he actually believes some of the things he says, I think he's just grasping at whatever straw he thinks will get the strongest negative reaction because that's what trolling is, and attacking me is a form of changing the subject, it means he doesn't have to respond to my actual point that calling NOT critiquing things "being smarter" makes no motherfuckin' sense.

Eh. I have debacled all your points, but you failed to admit it, because you're obsessed lousy hater, which is a fact. And I don't have reason to call fanboy somebody, who acts normally. No need to think of me as a monster, little baby.

Icebaby Wrote:
You two are starting to get on my nerves (whether or not you care) because this nonstop bickering between the two of you is getting very annoying to see in these threads. Either finally solve whatever fucking issue the two of you have privately or seriously just stop talking about one another. These threads that have both of you interacting with each other were comical at first, but now this is getting dreadfully annoying. Stop it. And please don't reply to this.


I am afraid, there is no way of solving issues with this guy. Not that I want to shake hands with kind of human like him.

Mojo6 Wrote:
I like that this thread is a hot mess with Razor and RedSumac's blood feud getting the limelight. We don't have much else to talk about at the moment so...

Historical Favorite
07/03/2014 10:19 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
I like that this thread is a hot mess with Razor and RedSumac's blood feud getting the limelight. We don't have much else to talk about at the moment so...

07/03/2014 03:30 PM (UTC)
@oracle: I think my wording was bad in that first sentence of my last post. I meant to say that, like you, I also disagree with what queve said about Kitty and Milly in MK2011.
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