07/03/2014 07:20 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Eh. I have debacled all your points, but you failed to admit it

I always had counterpoints, but you habitually start to IGNORE anyone you're arguing against, resort to ad hominem, and declare yourself the winner the moment you get cornered and run out of ideas. It's a PATTERN of behavior that you have been repeating for like FOUR YEARS and I can find and quote fucking examples, but why bother? Every time I've ever done that in the past, you responded to them the same way you respond to everything, just like I just described.

And I've tried to give you second chances to prove you can behave like an adult, I've tried to make peace. Once, I was even foolish enough to think you might accept some completely earnest advice when other people started calling you a troll, because silly me, I thought at the time that you didn't MEAN to be such a jackass and you might dial it back if you realized it was causing people to turn against you...but all you ever said was that you don't care and you aren't here to be anybody's friend. I don't know why someone would frequent a message board if they have no interest in getting along with the people they're messaging back and forth with...but hey, maybe you're just young and going through one of those contradictory "I don't need nobody but I also want attention" rebellious phases for all I fuckin' know.

If you ever acted like a normal human being capable of honesty or of accepting a truce or a difference of opinion, I wouldn't treat you like a "monster".

I've been known to be a dick from time to time, but I've also been known to be apologetic for it. I've had some lengthy arguments over the years that involved name calling and hurt feelings with other posters here like Icebaby, Riyakou, Jaded-Raven...but y'know what? I can more or less get along with all of those folks just fine on the day-to-day, I don't hold a grudge for any of them, because we always managed to eventually settle the argument like CIVILIZED people.

If you EVER, AT ALL showed the capacity to do that, we wouldn't be at this fucking point, WOULD WE? That should be a little obvious.
Who's the bigger man, the guy who tried and had his face spat in so now he won't try again because he's not that naive, or the guy who did the spitting because he supposedly doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks and WANTS to be a troll?
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07/03/2014 07:54 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

Who's the bigger man, the guy who tried and had his face spat in so now he won't try again because he's not that naive, or the guy who did the spitting because he supposedly doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks and WANTS to be a troll?

The answer, of course, is neither.

The thing is, you can say that Sumac repeats these patterns, but so do you. If you're truly not naive as you said above, then why even engage him in the first place?
07/03/2014 08:17 PM (UTC)
For the benefit of the jury of our peers, I suppose. Y'know, me actually caring what the people in the community think because I'm not a tourist or fair weather fan who only posts when there's a new game coming out, I'm here to be a member and contribute and have real conversation and maybe even get to know other people a little and all that.
It probably looks a lot like Ahab and the whale at this point, though.
Historical Favorite
07/03/2014 10:04 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
For the benefit of the jury of our peers, I suppose. Y'know, me actually caring what the people in the community think because I'm not a tourist or fair weather fan who only posts when there's a new game coming out, I'm here to be a member and contribute and have real conversation and maybe even get to know other people a little and all that.

It probably looks a lot like Ahab and the whale at this point, though.

None of which addresses my point. If Sumac is as bad as you say (he actually isn't, though), then write him off as a lost cause and save yourself the trouble of dealing with him.
07/03/2014 10:27 PM (UTC)
Well, it does seem like that every time Razor posts something, Sumac replies to it and does all he can to make sure Razor knows he's wrong, even if he isn't. I agree with Optimus though, Razor... you should just ignore him. Believe me, I know how hard that is when someone keeps poking at you, but y'know, he's just not worth the attention.
07/04/2014 12:08 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I always had counterpoints, but you habitually start to IGNORE anyone you're arguing against, resort to ad hominem, and declare yourself the winner the moment you get cornered and run out of ideas. It's a PATTERN of behavior that you have been repeating for like FOUR YEARS and I can find and quote fucking examples, but why bother? Every time I've ever done that in the past, you responded to them the same way you respond to everything, just like I just described.

Ha-ha. So, that's how you see it.
Because I see it quite differently: you run away, when you see your arguments being debacled, because you know you lose and you can't do anything to sway opinion in favor of your ideas. I've yet to see you continuing upholding your opinions to the end, instead of just giving up.

And I have never run away from somebody like you, because I don't need to. Why do I need to run, when I am in the right? Maybe you confused times, when I decided to spare my time from your angry tantrums and just ignore you? Or I didn't know about your replies, because I don't spend here 24/7?

That's quite an interesting way to proclaim oneself a winner: finish previously started match, when your opponent have long gone away and now aware about you continuing the game and say "I win". Sure, you do, hon', you do. grin

If you can point times, when I just run away, I maybe will agree with you, but since you can't, and I am sure of it, I will label you not only as delusional fanboy, but something worse: a liar. Yes, sir. That's right. A liar, who aims to ruin my image by spreading lies to make his point stronger and as a petty revenge for weakness of his arguments.
You just weak and pathetic. That's all who you are. You pretty much admitted that yourself.

I am here not to make friends. I am here to say my opinion and that's it. Like many other people here. If in your world everyone going to the forums to make friends and dance in circles, well, that's awesome, but reality is slightly different from how you imagine it to be.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
If you ever acted like a normal human being capable of honesty or of accepting a truce or a difference of opinion, I wouldn't treat you like a "monster".

Bwah. I am perfectly capable of both and I had demonstrated it into the past many-many times and I keep doing it. Unless you have seen me going into every other thread on the forum and posting some random shit. That's actually reminds me...Oh...that's how you behaving actually. Oops. With such attitude you could teach people about hypocrisy, with you as a main subject.
And treating me as "monster"...what are you five? Though, considering how you behaving...I am not excepting any possibility, you know.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
If you EVER, AT ALL showed the capacity to do that, we wouldn't be at this fucking point, WOULD WE? That should be a little obvious.

Maybe there are some people who I don't want to be civil with no matter what, because I have an utter dislike of them and if there is a chance to make their life a bit more troublesome I gladly go for it?

Make no mistake, I don't hold you as something important enough to devote my life to, such human is yet to appear in my life. It's just some sort of hobby. While I am here to hear what others have to say and make few quips myself, why not to knockdown some snobby arrogant hypocritical fanboy, who annoys me to no end with his "only I hold the truth, everyone else are mistaking" and "spitting in the drinking well" attitude?

Unlike you, I have never stated that my opinion is the one, ultimate truth and everyone must follow it as a sacred book. I always assume that I can be wrong, and there could be arguments to make me change my mind. But you was unable to provide them, and yet, despite it, you claim yourself to be a winner, which is quite an arrogant thing to do, but completely normal considering your behavior. One more thing: I don't see you as an enemy. Just as annoyance to deal with from time to time, when I have time. Though, considering how you keep reacting, it's also fun.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Who's the bigger man, the guy who tried and had his face spat in so now he won't try again because he's not that naive, or the guy who did the spitting because he supposedly doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks and WANTS to be a troll?

I'd put it different way: who is a bigger guy, the arrogant i-know-it-all jerk or arrogant asshole who decided to bring him down to earth? I guess no one. That's the irony of situation. You are no better then me and definitely no less annoying.

If you want to have constructive discussion, then stop crying and stop pretending to be a victim, which you keep doing throughout the last few weeks, especially after awesome ReptzMK kicked your sorry ass. It's disgusting. You was annoying before, but now you acting like a little stupid drama queen who broke her nail and now demanding for the whole world to wrap her in the warm blanket. Well, considering how know-i-all types are, it's completely normal and expected, but no less revolting.
07/04/2014 12:10 AM (UTC)
This is what I mean. Every time Razor posts anything, Sumac is there to pester him.
07/04/2014 04:25 AM (UTC)
Alright, suppose I do start ignoring him like I should.

Is everyone else gonna do it too? Because he's going to keep following me and repeating his rhetoric in other threads and shitting them up like he shitted this one up and not get banned for it, so...

I mean that's what I've been trying to say for a while now, Sumac isn't just my problem, he's a problem for the whole board and no one's doing anything about it.
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07/04/2014 06:22 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Alright, suppose I do start ignoring him like I should.

Is everyone else gonna do it too?

Not even a little bit. I tried to get people to ignore HankyPanky's more ridiculous posts in the interest of "not feeding the troll" and it just doesn't go over. Most you can do for yourself is to personally ignore users who are deliberately trying to provoke / harass you. I did this to Hanky and Zmoke and it worked for me. Life is too short man.
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07/04/2014 06:39 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Alright, suppose I do start ignoring him like I should.

Is everyone else gonna do it too?

Everyone else doesn't need to. You specifically called attention to the patterns here. Ignoring Sumac is on you.

he's a problem for the whole board and no one's doing anything about it.

Perspective is important here, though. We only have a few mods and they're not on all that often. Mick, meanwhile, is here quite a bit, but his time is largely taken up with writing and posting questionable material for the main page. Without more mods, or rather more active mods, there's only so much that can be done about a poster that, if we're being honest, less than a half dozen members have a problem with.
07/04/2014 09:32 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Alright, suppose I do start ignoring him like I should.

Is everyone else gonna do it too? Because he's going to keep following me and repeating his rhetoric in other threads and shitting them up like he shitted this one up and not get banned for it, so...

I mean that's what I've been trying to say for a while now, Sumac isn't just my problem, he's a problem for the whole board and no one's doing anything about it.

Cry like a little stupid drama queen you are. You think you are that important and high and mighty, that everyone must do as you say? You are nothing, but snobby self-appointed elitist, who think that he always in the right. My problem is with you, not with everyone else, so stop yapping shit.
But that's the only thing you can do. And the only thing you can do well.
Have a nice day.
07/04/2014 09:43 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Alright, suppose I do start ignoring him like I should.

Is everyone else gonna do it too? Because he's going to keep following me and repeating his rhetoric in other threads and shitting them up like he shitted this one up and not get banned for it, so...

I mean that's what I've been trying to say for a while now, Sumac isn't just my problem, he's a problem for the whole board and no one's doing anything about it.

Cry like a little stupid drama queen you are. You think you are that important and high and mighty, that everyone must do as you say? You are nothing, but snobby self-appointed elitist, who think that he always in the right. My problem is with you, not with everyone else, so stop yapping shit.
But that's the only thing you can do. And the only thing you can do well.
Have a nice day.

07/04/2014 10:02 AM (UTC)
This is probably the biggest pissing match in MK history.
07/04/2014 06:48 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:

07/04/2014 06:52 PM (UTC)
*yawn* So back to Kitana...

Would anyone be down for seeing new moves with her?
07/04/2014 06:58 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Would anyone be down for seeing new moves with her?

How Kitana would even play in this 3 variations engine is a good question, since ALL of her specials except the Pretty Kicks use her fans.
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07/04/2014 07:27 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Would anyone be down for seeing new moves with her?

How Kitana would even play in this 3 variations engine is a good question, since ALL of her specials except the Pretty Kicks use her fans.

The styles could (however unlikely) focus on the different applications of the fans. One style focusing on direct damage, and one focusing on locking down an opponents movement and so on.
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07/04/2014 07:55 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
How Kitana would even play in this 3 variations engine is a good question, since ALL of her specials except the Pretty Kicks use her fans.
I'd imagine she'd have the fan throw and fan dice is all variations.

One could focus on more mystical specials moves, your Pixie Dust Teleports and Square Waves and Fan Lifts.

Another could focus on more physical moves for your pretty kicks and more physical in hand fan specials ala Fan Dice.

Do all variations give you new moves or do something just effect your damage output/intake/etc?
07/04/2014 08:21 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
>Do all variations give you new moves or do something just effect your damage output/intake/etc?

As I understand it, every character has only a couple constant specials and each variation adds two or three more.
07/04/2014 11:51 PM (UTC)

They did an awesome job with Kitana's moves in MK9. She was very fluid. Very enjoyable to play with.

They have actually done a really good job with Kitana's moves since MKDA. All three styles in that game were good for her. Has anyone pointed out that they already did this three variation thing in MKDA? Except we could switch between the three during the match, we didn't have to pick just one.

07/04/2014 11:57 PM (UTC)
In DA it only changed your regular punches and kicks.

In this game it's special moves only.
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07/05/2014 12:41 AM (UTC)
Apparently it's not all special moves though. One of D'Vorah's variations adds poison to her attacks (I think we saw this one very briefly). And one of Sub-Zero adds the ice weapons which I don't think are specials. So they're not limited to just coming up with a few specials for everyone.
^The Cryomancer variation adds his hammer, which is a special and not part of a combo like the ice daggers and Kori Blade.
07/05/2014 02:16 AM (UTC)
I'm pretty sure the daggers is also a move or throw that he only has in Cryomancer. I can't remember seeing footage of him do it with the ice-mask or medallion on, at any rate.
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07/05/2014 03:37 AM (UTC)
I think the description said "ice weapons" so I assume all weapons.
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