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03/09/2015 01:04 AM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
If frost was sub zero's daughter would that make her better?

What do you mean by better? I've always liked Frost and would be happy if she's in the game or DLC.
03/09/2015 01:05 AM (UTC)
Cassie doesn't really bother me, her being like her parents makes sense to me, Johnny's Shadow/green energy attacks can be hereditary, so I can roll with Cassie having those powers, she is also her parents' child, so her being able to fight like them makes sense as im sure at some point or another she retrieves training from them.

Now Jacquie on the other hand, I don't see why she needs those arm things at all other than to remind us that she's Jax's daughter. I haven't paid much attention to them though, do they shoot projectiles or what?

Takeda also makes a little more sense to me, son of Kenshi and student of Scorpion. If we assume Kenshi's TK is something that can be passed down it would make sense for him to have a little TK, and him being practically raised and trained by Scorpion also explains why he might play a little like him too.

Kung Jin I don't even know anything about him other than he is supposedly related to Kung Lao and uses a bow, dude looks like a goof so I really don't care about him atm lol
03/09/2015 01:07 AM (UTC)
Let's see....Tanya was originally meant to be Kitana, they changed her colors, and replaced her fans with a boomerang, the rest of her moveset was generic as hell. Reiko was meant to be Noob and just ended up looking like en evil Johnny Cage and Fujin is basically Raiden with a different elemental power. Sure they became more fleshed out by the time Armageddon arrived but they also ran their course. So saying that the MKX noobies are lazy designs is a bit of a two-way street.

And let us not forget that many people complaining against the new brat pack would also welcome Tremor with open arms. 'Nuff said.
03/09/2015 01:10 AM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Let's see....Tanya was originally meant to be Kitana, they changed her colors, and replaced her fans with a boomerang, the rest of her moveset was generic as hell. Reiko was meant to be Noob and just ended up looking like en evil Johnny Cage and Fujin is basically Raiden with a different elemental power. Sure they became more fleshed out by the time Armageddon arrived but they also ran their course. So saying that the MKX noobies are lazy designs is a bit of a two-way street.

And let us not forget that many people complaining against the new brat pack would also welcome Tremor with open arms. 'Nuff said.

Wtf Tanya look fight style story and wants are totally differnt from kitanas. Just because she replaced her does not mean they are the same. Also to mojo so u think a character like frost can be fine with out being directly related to another character?
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/09/2015 01:16 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
The problem with all of these threads is that everyone is acting like the Trilogy, 3D Era, and MKX character fanbases are all at eachother's throats or they can't appreciate the new game. Everything is being treated like it's the best or worst thing ever instead of being inbetween and people are getting worked up over nothing.

This post deserves a fat cash bonus. Do you have a PayPal I can send my appreciation to? I am not even joking.
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03/09/2015 01:16 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
Which, case in point, is not the issue at all as a good chunk of the original Trilogy characters were dull as well, what with pallet swaps.

Oh horseshit. Yes maybe in RETROSPECT but in 1992 those "awful pallete swap ninjas" were popular as fuck and the cheesy blatant kung-fu 90's ridiculousness was part of the games charm. There's a REASON MK is culturally iconic enough to be pop knowledge to even non-video game fans. Also, the Ninjas were expanded upon and redesigned as the series advanced so it's not even an accurate context to compare Sub-Zero in 1992 to his more contemporary design.

See I like every single one of the new characters and I don't for a minute buy into that "Cassie is just like her parents" or "Jacqui is just like Jax" crap. I fundamentally disagree with that generalization. You act like you've played the fucking game already and are generalizing at a level that makes this whole conversation ridiculous.

Yes there's obvious similarities but both characters will/do act and play differently than their parents. I'm GLAD Jacqui didn't lose out to Hatoru or Cassie get bumped for Nitara. I LIKE that the series is trying to innovate and push things forward by introducing new characters and not just rehashing the same old shit except now in 1080p. Besides, there'll be more of a place for those characters in the next iteration of the MK series, whatever that's going to look like.

I really am tired of trying to convince diehards of the 3d era that all of those characters are worth salvaging just for salvaging sake. It's a circular argument because it boils down to personal preference. There's some huge shitter characters in there in my opinion and I don't buy the whole "lets just give Kai and Kobra a chance to shine guys!!!!" It's moot at this point anyway as NRS clearly has went with the creative direction in MKX to predominantly exclude 3d era characters in the main roster.

03/09/2015 01:16 AM (UTC)
Honestly the only 3D characters I care about are Reiko, Mavado, Havik, and Onaga. I'm just happy at least half of these guys are still in the fucking lore due to the comics. I think it'd be too fucking cool if we had one character from the 3D era just be completely changed due to Raiden messing with the timeline. Like lets just say Erron Black is what Kobra would've became in the original timeline if Kabal wouldn't have recruited his ass to the black dragon.
03/09/2015 01:17 AM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Let's see....Tanya was originally meant to be Kitana, they changed her colors, and replaced her fans with a boomerang, the rest of her moveset was generic as hell. Reiko was meant to be Noob and just ended up looking like en evil Johnny Cage and Fujin is basically Raiden with a different elemental power. Sure they became more fleshed out by the time Armageddon arrived but they also ran their course. So saying that the MKX noobies are lazy designs is a bit of a two-way street.

And let us not forget that many people complaining against the new brat pack would also welcome Tremor with open arms. 'Nuff said.

Which adds to the laziness factor. Maybe laziness is the wrong term to use in this case. As I stated a few pages back, I think it's more a case that they just get 'comfortable' with the proven formula and side-step any risk taking in character development. It's not a bad thing, per say, but it's definitely not creatively inspiring either. They managed to make those said characters (Tanya, Reiko, Fujin) different and appealing in their last go around. If they can do the same for the Scooby gang then I'd be all for it.

My main issue just boils down to frustration, really. As a creative person, I know they can do better, I've seen them do better. Infinitely better, in fact. I know if they tried they could've kept the references down to a bare minimum to give the illusion of comparisons instead of just having them hit you right in the face with it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with having descendants of characters in the games but when they're TOO much like their predecessors, that's when I get a little annoyed, especially when said predecessors are also in the roster. Then it gets to be a little too much. They could've easily had Cassie keep the spunk and some of the hereditary moves, as you so perfectly put it, but still make her noticeably different than Sonya. The fact alone that if I didn't know who she was by name and I was automatically assuming she was Sonya isn't really a good thing in my eyes. I just think more could've been done to them to set them apart without losing the 'next generation' factor they are aiming for.
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03/09/2015 01:19 AM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
The new characters don't really offer anything interesting. They are just being used to replace there parents in the future. Also mk is never really original in anything. The whole kids thing it's self is a cliche.

03/09/2015 01:20 AM (UTC)
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
Honestly the only 3D characters I care about are Reiko, Mavado, Havik, and Onaga. I'm just happy at least half of these guys are still in the fucking lore due to the comics. I think it'd be too fucking cool if we had one character from the 3D era just be completely changed due to Raiden messing with the timeline. Like lets just say Erron Black is what Kobra would've became in the original timeline if Kabal wouldn't have recruited his ass to the black dragon.

That would be cool
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03/09/2015 01:23 AM (UTC)
Frost is related to Sub-Zero though (well in the old cannon) just not by blood. Frost's whole backstory was tied up in Sub-Zero, the Lin Kuei, and Cryomancers.

But yes, Frost not being Sub-Zero's long lost daughter is fine.
03/09/2015 01:23 AM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
The new characters don't really offer anything interesting. They are just being used to replace there parents in the future. Also mk is never really original in anything. The whole kids thing it's self is a cliche.

Give me something special about the characters. Show me the error of my ways please
umbrascitor Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
The problem with all of these threads is that everyone is acting like the Trilogy, 3D Era, and MKX character fanbases are all at eachother's throats or they can't appreciate the new game. Everything is being treated like it's the best or worst thing ever instead of being inbetween and people are getting worked up over nothing.

This post deserves a fat cash bonus. Do you have a PayPal I can send my appreciation to? I am not even joking.

Thanks but I already have maxed out Koins from DA, D, A, and MK2011.

Seriously though opinions aside, it seems like people are actually getting worked up over this shit. Games are meant for fun, man. I know opinions can't easily be changed but these always get to a point where people wind up being argumentative for the sake of it.

And damn does that have me nostalgic for 2007 era MKOnline, I feel like even buying Armageddon on the Wii and playing that alongside MK9 and Deception.
03/09/2015 01:38 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Seriously though opinions aside, it seems like people are actually getting worked up over this shit. Games are meant for fun, man. I know opinions can't easily be changed but these always get to a point where people wind up being argumentative for the sake of it.

Don't know about everyone else, can't speak for them, I just like debating shit. lol It's fun and helps pass the time around these parts in-between reveals.
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03/09/2015 01:42 AM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:

Give me something special about the characters. Show me the error of my ways please

I'm astounded by how you just jump to conclusions upon said new generation characters. There wasn't enough gameplay footage shown for the characters for you to even express your opinion towards them. That MK2011 end scene fucking sucks.
03/09/2015 01:42 AM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Give me something special about the characters. Show me the error of my ways please

You've seen gameplay of approximately none of those characters. You have no basis for saying they're too similar aside from basic design, and even that is a stretch. No character has had a bow and arrow in MK before (crossbows don't count), we have no idea what Jacqui is actually capable of, and Takeda has Omega Red/Whiplash-like whips coming from his arms. The ones we actually do have some sort of idea about are nothing like their parents and are new traits to the series.
03/09/2015 01:47 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
Give me something special about the characters. Show me the error of my ways please

You've seen gameplay of approximately none of those characters. You have no basis for saying they're too similar aside from basic design, and even that is a stretch. No character has had a bow and arrow in MK before (crossbows don't count), we have no idea what Jacqui is actually capable of, and Takeda has Omega Red/Whiplash-like whips coming from his arms. The ones we actually do have some sort of idea about are nothing like their parents and are new traits to the series.

Yet I have seen Cassie.......... Cassie has Johnny personality sonya look and Johnny abilities used in a differnt way. If they are anything like Cassie well there u go. Also like someone else said Kung Jin looks like he will be like green arrow just like reptile borrowed the flash move Also are there looks going to get better. Cus from what I can see they don't look like they are going to get any awards for best design.
03/09/2015 01:51 AM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Yet I have seen Cassie.......... Cassie has Johnny personality sonya look and Johnny abilities used in a differnt way. If they are anything like Cassie well there u go. Also like someone else said Kung Jin looks like he will be like green arrow just like reptile borrowed the flash move

She has the nut punch and a couple green glow moves but otherwise she's very different. She has 3 moves similar to Johnny and the rest are not like either Johnny or Sonya. Kung Jin may be like Green Arrow, we don't know yet. Either way it's new to MK, and he's clearly nothing like Kung Lao. Takeda is also obviously nothing like Kenshi or Scorpion. This is not like a Kira situation. They are bringing new things to the table. Not one of them is a suitable "replacement" for their predecessor. Though I would bet Sonya or Johnny or both will not make it through MKX, hence why Cassie is so similar to them. As for their designs, that remains to be seen, they might have a look you like. More skins than MK9 after all. Either way I gave you something special.
03/09/2015 02:05 AM (UTC)
NRS is afraid to step outside their Trilogy comfort zone. Even most of their new characters are descendants of Trilogy characters.
03/09/2015 02:06 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
Yet I have seen Cassie.......... Cassie has Johnny personality sonya look and Johnny abilities used in a differnt way. If they are anything like Cassie well there u go. Also like someone else said Kung Jin looks like he will be like green arrow just like reptile borrowed the flash move

She has the nut punch and a couple green glow moves but otherwise she's very different. She has 3 moves similar to Johnny and the rest are not like either Johnny or Sonya. Kung Jin may be like Green Arrow, we don't know yet. Either way it's new to MK, and he's clearly nothing like Kung Lao. Takeda is also obviously nothing like Kenshi or Scorpion. This is not like a Kira situation. They are bringing new things to the table. Not one of them is a suitable "replacement" for their predecessor. Though I would bet Sonya or Johnny or both will not make it through MKX, hence why Cassie is so similar to them. As for their designs, that remains to be seen, they might have a look you like. More skins than MK9 after all. Either way I gave you something special.

Mmmmmmm I don't think u understand what I said. She has the same ability as Johnny. Maybe not the same exact move but the same abilities. Also i am 90 percent sure jax daughter will be the same. "Differnt kind of pound she special" hahaha
03/09/2015 02:09 AM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
NRS is afraid to step outside their Trilogy comfort zone. Even most of their new characters are descendants of Trilogy characters.

The count is half and half at this point if Erron Black is playable.

The point is you know not of what you speak, right or wrong. It's all assumption. They may have similarities, that's undeniable. They are still providing new twists on those old takes. They aren't similar enough to write them off as not being unique at all. Cassie and Jacqui stand the biggest chance of replacing their predecessors, but considering Cassie can do a lot more than Johnny or Sonya I don't understand why you'd think that wouldn't follow through with Jacqui.
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03/09/2015 02:11 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
NRS is afraid to step outside their Trilogy comfort zone. Even most of their new characters are descendants of Trilogy characters.

The count is half and half at this point if Erron Black is playable.

Shhhhh...don't use actual facts when making points on MKO, it's against the rules. Better to spout of unsubstantiated opinion.
03/09/2015 02:13 AM (UTC)
I still think Johnny/Jax/Sonya will be story tropes until proven otherwise, which would actually end a good chunk of this bitching once and for all. I mean, it's odd that the only leaks we have of them is from the story mode. They also appear rather young which wouldn't make sense if they have adult children. So the most likely explanation is that all we have of them so far is an early part in the story or a flashback.

03/09/2015 02:18 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
NRS is afraid to step outside their Trilogy comfort zone. Even most of their new characters are descendants of Trilogy characters.

The count is half and half at this point if Erron Black is playable.

Shhhhh...don't use actual facts when making points on MKO, it's against the rules. Better to spout of unsubstantiated opinion.

It's like trying to argue with a brick wall that is smart enough to talk back, but too dumb to think about what it's saying.
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03/09/2015 02:20 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
Which, case in point, is not the issue at all as a good chunk of the original Trilogy characters were dull as well, what with pallet swaps.

Oh horseshit. Yes maybe in RETROSPECT but in 1992 those "awful pallete swap ninjas" were popular as fuck and the cheesy blatant kung-fu 90's ridiculousness was part of the games charm. There's a REASON MK is culturally iconic enough to be pop knowledge to even non-video game fans. Also, the Ninjas were expanded upon and redesigned as the series advanced so it's not even an accurate context to compare Sub-Zero in 1992 to his more contemporary design.

See I like every single one of the new characters and I don't for a minute buy into that "Cassie is just like her parents" or "Jacqui is just like Jax" crap. I fundamentally disagree with that generalization. You act like you've played the fucking game already and are generalizing at a level that makes this whole conversation ridiculous.

Yes there's obvious similarities but both characters will/do act and play differently than their parents. I'm GLAD Jacqui didn't lose out to Hatoru or Cassie get bumped for Nitara. I LIKE that the series is trying to innovate and push things forward by introducing new characters and not just rehashing the same old shit except now in 1080p. Besides, there'll be more of a place for those characters in the next iteration of the MK series, whatever that's going to look like.

I really am tired of trying to convince diehards of the 3d era that all of those characters are worth salvaging just for salvaging sake. It's a circular argument because it boils down to personal preference. There's some huge shitter characters in there in my opinion and I don't buy the whole "lets just give Kai and Kobra a chance to shine guys!!!!" It's moot at this point anyway as NRS clearly has went with the creative direction in MKX to predominantly exclude 3d era characters in the main roster.

I want to marry this post and have its children, it's that perfect.

10/10 Mojo6 wink
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