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03/08/2015 10:26 PM (UTC)
Most of them actually do have a lot to work with, but they will still be cast aside anyway like they never existed. Instead we have "descendants" of old characters. Great. Really imaginative.

If each 3D era character had a chance to be "reinvented" like Stryker was with improved movesets and better aesthetics then they could be successful characters. Most of them already have good enough backstories. But they choose to act like they never existed instead of working to build off the foundations they already set.
03/08/2015 10:27 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
U do see that Johnny and sonya are getting old right??????
Mojo6 Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
The new characters don't really offer anything interesting. They are just being used to replace there parents in the future. Also mk is never really original in anything. The whole kids thing it's self is a cliche.

I wouldn't bet your money on that. I wouldn't put it past these guys to find a way to keep some of these characters young for a while, relatively speaking. They'll never truly let the Trilogy era guys go, regardless of how many years in the canon pass. After all, it is full of magic, gods, the Netherrealm and other means of keeping a character around. lol

So why do people see these characters needed again????! To add more story to the people who have been in the spotlight for years???? I swear some of these other people need to get there opinions straight.

Think of it like a movie. Liu Kang, Raiden, Scorpion, Sub, Sonya, Johnny......these guys are the main characters, we're meant to follow them around. They are essentially always our 'in' into the universe and the story. The other characters just come and go as they please. Hell, I'm even pretty confident in saying that 80% of the new characters in this game won't be back in MK11, we'll get another new batch and maybe 1 or 2 will stay that were introduced in X.

My main issue here is that they always had a great track record of at least representing every game prior by having at least one character included from each title. The fact they didn't do that this time around lets me down, especially given how expansive the timeline is for MKX.
03/08/2015 10:32 PM (UTC)
I'm excited for the inevitable reveal of at least a couple 3D era characters and half of people eating crow and the other half complaining that there aren't enough or that it was the least they could do.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

03/08/2015 10:36 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
I'm excited for the inevitable reveal of at least a couple 3D era characters and half of people eating crow and the other half complaining that there aren't enough or that it was the least they could do.

I've already resigned myself to the only post-MK3 characters being Quan Chi, Shinnok and Kenshi. So if we do get a surprise last-minute reveal of one or two additional 3D era characters I will be pleasantly surprised and grateful for whatever we get.
Again this isn't wishful thinking because it's not like I loved every 3D era character, I just think there's a lot to MKX we don't know yet, and if there arent more than Shinnok, Kenshi, and Quan Chi in MKX, then MK11 will see the return of some Trilogy characters who were dead at the end of MK9 and some 3D era characters. Do you really think guys like Smoke and Jade will stay dead? They're another flavor of ninja for when people get a little tired of Ermac, Reptile, Mileena, etc.

They'll cycle in old characters who haven't been around for a while with a couple returning MKX characters and some new ones for a fresh roster and get people excited/speculating again.

Their success partially hinges on recognizability so even characters like Kabal/Stryker/Sheeva/Sindel gotta come back some time. Not that I dislike them, I just know some people really don't like them.
03/08/2015 10:43 PM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Again this isn't wishful thinking because it's not like I loved every 3D era character, I just think there's a lot to MKX we don't know yet, and if there arent more than Shinnok, Kenshi, and Quan Chi in MKX, then MK11 will see the return of some Trilogy characters who were dead at the end of MK9 and some 3D era characters. Do you really think guys like Smoke and Jade will stay dead? They're another flavor of ninja for when people get a little tired of Ermac, Reptile, Mileena, etc.

They'll cycle in old characters who haven't been around for a while with a couple returning MKX characters and some new ones for a fresh roster and get people excited/speculating again.

Their success partially hinges on recognizability so even characters like Kabal/Stryker/Sheeva/Sindel gotta come back some time. Not that I dislike them, I just know some people really don't like them.

Sonya going to eat Cassie's heart so she can stay alive. That is Cassie's true purpose hahaha
Windice Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
Again this isn't wishful thinking because it's not like I loved every 3D era character, I just think there's a lot to MKX we don't know yet, and if there arent more than Shinnok, Kenshi, and Quan Chi in MKX, then MK11 will see the return of some Trilogy characters who were dead at the end of MK9 and some 3D era characters. Do you really think guys like Smoke and Jade will stay dead? They're another flavor of ninja for when people get a little tired of Ermac, Reptile, Mileena, etc.

They'll cycle in old characters who haven't been around for a while with a couple returning MKX characters and some new ones for a fresh roster and get people excited/speculating again.

Their success partially hinges on recognizability so even characters like Kabal/Stryker/Sheeva/Sindel gotta come back some time. Not that I dislike them, I just know some people really don't like them.

Sonya going to eat Cassie's heart so she can stay alive. That is Cassie's true purpose hahaha

I can see Death being used as an age limiter. If a character is restored to how they were before dying/being corrupted etc when revived it'd explain it.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/08/2015 10:56 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Hell, I'm even pretty confident in saying that 80% of the new characters in this game won't be back in MK11, we'll get another new batch and maybe 1 or 2 will stay that were introduced in X.

Hate to say it, but I agree. And that right there is why I'm so concerned for the beloved 3D faces. The basis for this entire game and the direction they're taking it completely emphasizes "NEW".

Yeah, of course they could throw in 1 or 2 of them in MK11, but it doesn't change that MKX is the golden opportunity. Considering that we're straight lining through ALL of the those game's storylines. Kamidogu, and the mention of Daegon. That's MKD and MKA being touched on. I would say Li Mei and her village covers MKDA, but I honestly can't recall if that was DA or Deception. With all the effort and development they're putting into this new blood, it is shifting everyone's focus to them and what/who is to come in the future. So...why dig up the 3D era AFTER MKX? It'd be like back-peddling, especially since, like I said, the whole marketing scheme is focused on "new".
03/08/2015 11:06 PM (UTC)
It's a given that MK11 will be the usual MK1-2 gang with brand new faces. Better start the grieving process for that one too.
03/08/2015 11:10 PM (UTC)
Grieving 4 years in advance seems a tad excessive
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

03/08/2015 11:13 PM (UTC)
Oh jeez, it's not a given. I see MKX as being like MKDA redux basically; it's a 'fresh start' for the series that focuses on MK1-2 staples and a fresh batch of newbies. I'm hoping the follow-up to the game will be like the follow-up to Deadly Alliance. Deception gave a chance for less often used, underappreciated returning characters to shine. MK2 characters like Baraka and Mileena and MK3 characters like Nightwolf, Sindel and Ermac. I think a lot of people forget that Deception did a LOT to elevate Mileena and Ermac, in particular, as characters. That game pretty much made Ermac into the character we know him as now instead of a generic palette swap and it elevated Mileena into being one of the franchise's most popular characters.
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03/08/2015 11:15 PM (UTC)
Kenshi, it'd be great if you could write more succinctly. Multiquotiing walls of text is tedious and frankly I'm not going to spend 30 minutes writing out a rebuttal and dicking around with archaic html tags in response what essentially boils down to you wishing that more 3d era characters "were given a chance to shine and develop like their Holy trilogy counterparts". Especially when you've already decided that the new characters aren't "new and unique" enough for you. We're just fundamentally in disagreement there. I'd argue that you're being reductive in order to support your claim of "aesthetic clone character concepts" as you can generalize ANYTHING with that kind of logic.

My point is that in 1992, those tropey characters in a fighting game WERE new and unique from a contextual perspective (despite some parallels to Street Fighter) and to disregard that context is to deliberately misrepresent the label of "popularity" over genuine creativity given the state of video games at the time.

Look man what do you think would yield more creative freedom and room for creative innovation?
  • An artist sets out to paint but is given the predetermined established parameters to only use one exact color of red and one exact color of green and nothing else without deviating, improvising, or adjusting the colors at all. Also, it has to be of this exact tree right here and you can only use this one particular brush.
  • An artist sets out to start a piece of work on a still life nature scene of their choosing with whatever colors / brushes they want to use.

That essentially what you want NRS to with these weak ass 3d characters (and no, not all are weak) and frankly I think they don't have an interest in taking a c-tier shitter character and trying to make them relevant because "guys lets give Kai a chance!" They'd rather develop and create brand new characters that they get right the FIRST time instead of having to try and bend, reimagine, and fuck around with concepts that weren't that great to begin with. Why do that? What's the sense in that? To give fucking Jarek his day in the sun?
03/08/2015 11:18 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
Oh jeez, it's not a given. I see MKX as being like MKDA redux basically; it's a 'fresh start' for the series that focuses on MK1-2 staples and a fresh batch of newbies. I'm hoping the follow-up to the game will be like the follow-up to Deadly Alliance. Deception gave a chance for less often used, underappreciated returning characters to shine. MK2 characters like Baraka and Mileena and MK3 characters like Nightwolf, Sindel and Ermac. I think a lot of people forget that Deception did a LOT to elevate Mileena and Ermac, in particular, as characters. That game pretty much made Ermac into the character we know him as now instead of a generic palette swap and it elevated Mileena into being one of the franchise's most popular characters.

Ehhhh we thought all the dead characters in mk9 was a way to start all over but idk. I don't get nrs these days. To the comment above. I love how u are using the characters that are not greatly wanted. Anyways the new characters are built off of something and I would prefer them not to be. Why couldn't we get more people like kotal
Mojo6 Wrote:
Kenshi, it'd be great if you could write more succinctly. Multiquotiing walls of text is tedious and frankly I'm not going to spend 30 minutes writing out a rebuttal and dicking around with archaic html tags in resonse what essentially boils down to you wishing that more 3d era characters "were given a chance to shine and develop like their Holy trilogy counterparts". Especially when you've already decided that the new characters aren't "new and unique" enough for you. We're just fundamentally in disagreement there. I'd argue that you're being reductive in order to support your claim of "aesthetic clone character concepts" as you can generalize ANYTHING with that kind of logic.

My point is that in 1992, those tropey characters in a fighting game WERE new and unique from a contextual perspective (despite some parallels to Street Fighter) and to disregard that context is to deliberately misrepresent the label of "popularity" over genuine creativity given the state of video games at the time.

Look man what do you think would yield more creative freedom and room for creative innovation?
  • An artist sets out to paint but is given the predetermined established parameters to only use one exact color of red and one exact color of green and nothing else without deviating, improvising, or adjusting the colors at all. Also, it has to be of this exact tree right here and you can only use this one particular brush.
  • An artist sets out to start a piece of work on a still life nature scene of their choosing with whatever colors / brushes they want to use.

That essentially what you want NRS to with these weak ass 3d characters (and no, not all are weak) and frankly I think they don't have an interest in taking a c-tier shitter character and trying to make them relevant because "guys lets give Kai a chance!" They'd rather develop and create brand new characters that they get right the FIRST time instead of having to try and bend, reimagine, and fuck around with concepts that weren't that great to begin with. Why do that? What's the sense in that? To give fucking Jarek his day in the sun?

It's not like those characters were inherently bad though. Nobody says they have to stick with them exactly either, it's a reboot and they could change them however they want and give them whatever kind of development they want. People thought they might do this because of the ending of MK4. People didn't expect an exact retread of MK4-Deception, they just felt confused that some of these characters hadn't shown up yet. Some of them did have a lot of fans and in some people's eyes they got them right to begin with.

Look what they did with Smoke in MK9, they gave him a look that a lot of people liked that was an update on his classic, and gave him some unique specials finally after years. Sure, he's a Trilogy character, but people want to see that kind of treatment on the 3D era characters. Maybe a character with elemental smoke powers that have never been fucking used besides like one special in MKD that wasn't amazing has a lot of untapped potential, but some attention paid to later characters who had that to begin with isn't necessarily a bad thing. Nor is making new ones like Kotal, D'vorah, or Ferra and Torr.

Stryker was a pretty divisive character, some people loved him, some people hated him. MK9 didn't even change his character or specials, it slightly updated his look and gave him some screentime and bam, tons of people were talking about how cool he was or how much better they liked him now and wanted to play him back when that game came out. Again, people want to see that treatment with the 3D era characters. Just some more screen time in a new story mode like MK9/MKX's to really see what they can do with them, or a new story arc that won't get dropped this time due to Armageddon's rushed story.

The problem with all of these threads is that everyone is acting like the Trilogy, 3D Era, and MKX character fanbases are all at eachother's throats or they can't appreciate the new game. Everything is being treated like it's the best or worst thing ever instead of being inbetween and people are getting worked up over nothing.
03/09/2015 12:11 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
Kenshi, it'd be great if you could write more succinctly. Multiquotiing walls of text is tedious and frankly I'm not going to spend 30 minutes writing out a rebuttal and dicking around with archaic html tags in response what essentially boils down to you wishing that more 3d era characters "were given a chance to shine and develop like their Holy trilogy counterparts". Especially when you've already decided that the new characters aren't "new and unique" enough for you. We're just fundamentally in disagreement there. I'd argue that you're being reductive in order to support your claim of "aesthetic clone character concepts" as you can generalize ANYTHING with that kind of logic.

My point is that in 1992, those tropey characters in a fighting game WERE new and unique from a contextual perspective (despite some parallels to Street Fighter) and to disregard that context is to deliberately misrepresent the label of "popularity" over genuine creativity given the state of video games at the time.

Look man what do you think would yield more creative freedom and room for creative innovation?
  • An artist sets out to paint but is given the predetermined established parameters to only use one exact color of red and one exact color of green and nothing else without deviating, improvising, or adjusting the colors at all. Also, it has to be of this exact tree right here and you can only use this one particular brush.
  • An artist sets out to start a piece of work on a still life nature scene of their choosing with whatever colors / brushes they want to use.

That essentially what you want NRS to with these weak ass 3d characters (and no, not all are weak) and frankly I think they don't have an interest in taking a c-tier shitter character and trying to make them relevant because "guys lets give Kai a chance!" They'd rather develop and create brand new characters that they get right the FIRST time instead of having to try and bend, reimagine, and fuck around with concepts that weren't that great to begin with. Why do that? What's the sense in that? To give fucking Jarek his day in the sun?

Well, first off, I'm not arguing the fact that the two ninja characters in MK1 were boring and uninspired. I'm arguing that the multiple, pointless cloning of said characters was boring and uninspired, same as the cyborgs. Yes, yes, I understand the limits of the technology and the memory of the machines yet they could've easily gone with smaller rosters; you know, the argument of quality over quantity. You start to lose that sparkle when you have multiple characters who look the same but with different colors running around taking up space. It's like too many jump scares in a horror movie. The stark, interesting concept then starts to lose its effectiveness because of over-saturation.

The same could be said for Cassie, Jacqui and Takeda. The looks and the gimmicks that made Sonya Blade, Johnny Cage, Jax and Scorpion all stand out, what made them unique, is now being shared by these characters in the basic building blocks of character creation. Instead of pallet swaps, now they're re-using the unique characterization building blocks that made those four characters stand out to begin with by passing them down the line to their off-spring/students instead of giving them something to stand out on their own. Jacqui doesn't need arm enhancements to make her a worthy character or to make her worthy of being Jax's daughter, but she has them anyway and I ask why? Why, when Jax is already playable in this game, was it necessary to have her be SO connected in that way to her father that it disables her ability to have something all to her own, something only her character has that makes her unique? See what I'm saying? It's lazy character creation and that's my whole point; they created Kotal Kahn and D'Vorah this era. I KNOW they can do better than that. That is my problem.

As to what you're assuming I want, no, I'm not saying they have to go back and tweak all the "weak-ass 3D characters" (which is purely your opinion, by the way). However, if they are going to come up with lazy character concepts like the three I mentioned just for the sake of having more new characters in the game and can't give them something that sets them apart from the others, if they can't come up with anything to make these characters stand out on their own instead of just borrowing stuff off of already established characters that happen to be their parents, then I'd rather they go back to the well then and just work on the characters that ARE unique and work on two or three characters from the 3D era that have a large amount of fans and that CAN fit into the story (Fujin, Reiko, ect) and that can benefit from a fresh coat of paint instead of just creating a new era of clones. Sure, I'm positive they will play differently than their parents but c'mon, you can't deny that the basic foundations of their characters are ripoffs. It's blatantly obvious and not even in a cutesy "oh, look, that's kinda clever" way. It's literally like they shot their wad after Kotal Kahn, D'Vorah, Erron Black and then went "Well......these characters are older now, what else can we do? How about young Sonya?"
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03/09/2015 12:21 AM (UTC)

Again I'd argue that some (not all ) WERE that bad though. I predicated this whole thing that I fully believe NRS at this point could take MOKAP and make him work. They've grown significantly as a developer since Midway. You're absolutely right in that they'd flesh out more solid special moves, a personality, and some sort of story relevance. My point continues to be though....at what point are you just adding new shit to a c-tier character when it could be better executed with a clean slate? Also, if you have to adjust a character to the point that they undergo a significant change (such as drastically different specials, appearance, personality) at what point are you really just making a new character?

I get that a lot of this is preference but the fact is that the 3D era characters will continue to be held back by the fact that they were in shitty games. I'm sure the more popular 3d characters will still have a shot as DLC (Fujin, Bo Rai Cho, Reiko, Tanya, etc) or cameo status.
The only real problem I have with the descendants of the Kombatants is I still don't believe they're really trying to make their next generation of fighters, they planned to do this a few times and start over with only Sub-Zero and Scorpion and it never happened. I don't even think it's gonna happen next time.

I'm not threatened by the idea of these characters replacing their parents/mentors, but it feels like they're going to repeat Deadly Alliance and Deception introducing some interesting new characters and concepts only for them to get shoved aside next game for more new characters due to criticism and then those characters never get much development. The new format for the story modes might help prevent this but we'll see. Not saying they'll even have some duds in the new roster, I just feel like the team doesn't want to admit in the next game they'll probably fall back on some older characters again. If that'' not the case and they have fun really progressing the series and retiring the old ones, more power to them, but I just don't see it happening. Sometimes I wonder if they'll write themselves into a corner they don't want to be in and then reboot again since they already seemed fond of the idea once. (Inb4 Raiden's message created several timelines and not just one.)

I think the relationships between Kung Jin, Cassie, Jacqui, and Takeda will be an interesting story point they want to explore and I'm sure they'll have unique movesets but they probably figured having them relate to old characters would make them more likeable off the bat and not face criticism immediately so the team could try something fresh (which they do seem to want to do with each installment, even though I always joke about characters returning, and they will).
03/09/2015 12:28 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:

Again I'd argue that some (not all ) WERE that bad though. I predicated this whole thing that I fully believe NRS at this point could take MOKAP and make him work. They've grown significantly as a developer since Midway. You're absolutely right in that they'd flesh out more solid special moves, a personality, and some sort of story relevance. My point continues to be though....at what point are you just adding new shit to a c-tier character when it could be better executed with a clean slate? Also, if you have to adjust a character to the point that they undergo a significant change (such as drastically different specials, appearance, personality) at what point are you really just making a new character?

I get that a lot of this is preference but the fact is that the 3D era characters will continue to be held back by the fact that they were in shitty games. I'm sure the more popular 3d characters will still have a shot as DLC (Fujin, Bo Rai Cho, Reiko, Tanya, etc) or cameo status.

Jade!!!!!!!!! Not the best character but she still has her own older sister personality. Also she has a good fan base.
Mojo6 Wrote:

Again I'd argue that some (not all ) WERE that bad though. I predicated this whole thing that I fully believe NRS at this point could take MOKAP and make him work. They've grown significantly as a developer since Midway. You're absolutely right in that they'd flesh out more solid special moves, a personality, and some sort of story relevance. My point continues to be though....at what point are you just adding new shit to a c-tier character when it could be better executed with a clean slate? Also, if you have to adjust a character to the point that they undergo a significant change (such as drastically different specials, appearance, personality) at what point are you really just making a new character?

I get that a lot of this is preference but the fact is that the 3D era characters will continue to be held back by the fact that they were in shitty games. I'm sure the more popular 3d characters will still have a shot as DLC (Fujin, Bo Rai Cho, Reiko, Tanya, etc) or cameo status.

I think the closest thing to shitty any of the 3D games were was MK4. Deadly Alliance and Deception had much better depth, more content, better presentation, etc. Armageddon was at least a really fun party game, even though it fucked up a lot of other things.

As far as what point would it be better to just make a new character, or at what point they might as well make a new character? I think that's preference as well like you said. Obviously drastic things like making Kai into a ninja or something they might as well just make a new character, but I'm just saying people want to see this badly because they know NRS could do a great job refreshing these characters. I'm sure some characters had microscopic fanbase, like Dairou, but someone characters were very popular so it's only expected they want to see them back.

No matter how they bring these characters back, totally different, exactly the same, or revamped like MK9, NRS will face criticism and we'll see a billion threads about it on forums and image boards until the series is done forever.

And as far as what Windice said,

Jade will be back because eventually they'll have to cycle out Kitana and Mileena for a game but still want a female ninja archetype.
About Me

03/09/2015 12:38 AM (UTC)

Look I get it, you don't like the "new generation" characters because NRS has deliberately used pre-existing legacy characters and their powers to show relation. It's at the core of the creative design of the game. To you that's not unique enough to warrant inclusion over the 3d characters you mentioned. I've seen this line of thinking since the release of the other new characters and honestly I don't know what to tell you at this point. Either you get on board or you take a pass with MKX or lobby for whichever 3d era characters you want in as DLC. What you see as "rip-offs" and "lazy desgin" seems more to me like intentional connection to legacy characters. It's a conscious decision.

I mean the game isn't even out yet so don't even know whose going to be DLC or make the final roster cut. You're speaking out of pure assumption.
03/09/2015 12:47 AM (UTC)
Let's see if they have a trick up there sleeve. Nrs usually brings it and listens to its fans.
03/09/2015 12:49 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:

Look I get it, you don't like the "new generation" characters because NRS has deliberately used pre-existing legacy characters and their powers to show relation. It's at the core of the creative design of the game. To you that's not unique enough to warrant inclusion over the 3d characters you mentioned. I've seen this line of thinking since the release of the other new characters and honestly I don't know what to tell you at this point. Either you get on board or you take a pass with MKX or lobby for whichever 3d era characters you want in as DLC.

I mean the game isn't even out yet so don't even know whose going to be DLC or make the final roster cut. You're speaking out of pure assumption.

I'm speaking off of character design. I fully admitted they could play completely different than their parents but that still wouldn't change the fact, in my eyes, its lazy character development at its core. If they can find ways to make them unique, then whatever, the argument becomes invalid. But as of right now, when I look at them, it's obvious they're ripoffs and considering the other half of the newbies are unique and quite frankly, some of their best creations since MK3 arguably, it's a little bewildering. Giving Jacqui arm enhancements as a means to show relation is just lazy. Like I stated earlier, that's like making a son or daughter of Cyrax or Sektor a cyborg as well just to get the point across.

I already stated I liked Cassie, I'm making the argument that it's lazy character creation and that's that. If they can't come up with anything to make these characters stand apart from their parents then I would've rather them work on characters who needed a fresh coat of paint then hand me a Sonya clone or a Johnny clone. Same thing can be said of my thoughts back in the day with the likes of someone like Kira. If that was the case, then I would've preferred they give me a Reiko or a Sektor or a Stryker as they stood out. It has nothing to do with the 3D era characters getting in just because they are neglected, it's the fact I'd prefer something unique over something that's a clone for cloning sake. Hell, at this point I would've even taken more of the MK9 cast as at least some of the ones left out of this roster were diverse.

If they'd have given Jacqui, Takeda or Cassie something that gave them the same sort've cool factor that their parents had (without re-using the same shit) then I'd be fully on board with them like I am Kotal Kahn and Erron Black. The fact they got lazy is what is off-putting to me. I don't think they give the casuals enough credit to discern the fact they're related without having the 'connections' tossed in their face. hell, it's even up for debate if anyone other than us even gives two shits these characters are actually related in which case then the design choices are for absolutely nothing.
03/09/2015 12:54 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Here are my thoughts on the 3D era characters... Some I like, some I don't, some have potential, some are just dead in the water and likely can't / won't be fixed (Hsu Hao, Mokap, ect.). I do see a lot of arguments around the different MK forums though ripping these characters apart and I would just like to take a second to put some things into perspective and show off some of the arguments I collected this morning about these characters;

"Frost is just a clone of Sub-Zero since she has ice powers"

So there can be multiple characters who use and spam fire attacks, but only one ice based character? .....Okay.

"Havik looks like a generic enemy in an rpg"

Same could be said for Baraka, yet everyone loves him despite the fact he is literally just a mindless henchman who acts as a punching bag the majority of the time.

"Li Mei is boring and has a generic moveset"

Li Mei was one of the more promising characters that started out; she had four special moves in MK:DA while most characters had only two or three. I mean, for crying out loud, she was touted as The Defender of the People of Outworld, she could've basically been the female/Outworld equivalent to Liu Kang.

"Hotaru looks exactly like Fujin, so he shouldnt come back".

All the ninjas looked the same and with time started looking completely different. Why cant Hotaru be given that chance as well?

"Sareena is garbage and her moves are just knive throws and kicks.

Sareena barely had any time to develop. They could incorporate her monster side into it to make gameplay more interesting plus her and Bi-Han's connection could be a major story point, especially if Bi-Han is still Noob Saibot. Her connection to Quan Chi could also become of importance if Quan Chi isn't offed in MKX.

"Bo Rai Cho is gross and a lame joke character".

And why exactly cant there be a major character with some humorous qualities? I mean Johnny did it. They should definitely cut his farting and throwing up down but he can still be a great character.

- A lot of non-specific griping and shit-talking about Tanya or Fujin.

Tanya is a traitor and a massive wildcard, also one of only a handful of characters in the canon who is Edenian and could serve as a major threat to Kitana if Edenia ever comes back into play. Fujin is the God of Wind, that alone should given him an excuse to be included because that's just fucking as awesome a set-up a character could hope for.

Now, a lot of people I'm assuming at this point are thinking, "Hey KM, you're missing the bigger picture here. It doesn't matter if you can defend individual arguments against individual characters, the fact is that the 3D characters are tainted by their association with what most people see as the worst period in the franchise."

Sure, I guess, but that all comes down to pure opinion. My opinion is that the era of 3D games started the trend of Boon & Co. branching out and starting to try and make Mortal Kombat MORE than just your average, run of the mill fighting game. They wanted more depth, they wanted characters more fleshed out, they wanted the story to be bigger and bolder than it was before, they wanted a more expansive and deeper mythology to their universe. They started experimenting with Konquest Mode which eventually would lead us to getting full-fledged story campaigns that actually let us get to see the story in action instead of through a singular 3 minute opening cut-scene and still picture endings. Without that era of experimentation, I doubt Mortal Kombat would be the way it currently is today.

I think that quite a few people give many of the 3D era characters a lot of pointless and rather unfair hate. However, that doesn't automatically mean they are all hidden gems either, diamonds in the rough if you will. The major problem many of the 3D characters had was that on paper they sounded good, some were even awesome on paper, but they just turned our either boring, forgettable and just plain underwhelming which is arguably worse then being just bad. They suffered at the hands of Midway's need for a new MK every other year. They just simply didn't get enough work done to them to smooth out their looks, their story and their gameplay to make each one of them individually stand out.

I personally think that many of the characters could turn out great if they were given a second chance and treated with more care and attention to detail. After all, look at Kano's reveal for MKX. Many people were on the fence or neutral about him. Then, the second his MKX reveal came up there was just a huge BOOM in the number of people in support of the character and even the amount that was purely excited for his inclusion. I mean, let's face it. Kano was always nothing more than just a thug who ran a gang, that's it. Nothing special there. Now look at peoples opinions of him based on the gameplay we've seen. Surely they could do the same for characters that were, at first, underwhelming but had a lot of potential from the 3D era. As evidence of how this could work in their benefit, see Exhibit A; MK9 Stryker. If the work is put in, these characters can shine. That point cannot even be argued, in my opinion.

You know what KenshiMaster? I like you. I like you alot.
Quoted for Truth
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03/09/2015 12:55 AM (UTC)

Again, I'm not going to even begin to go down the "clones taking up roster spot" line of conversation again because we're essentially arguing preference. To you they're too similar and lazy. To me they're fucking awesome and inspired by legacy characters so the design connection makes sense. That's as nice as I can be about this at this point.
03/09/2015 01:01 AM (UTC)
If frost was sub zero's daughter would that make her better?
Mojo6 Wrote:

Again, I'm not going to even begin to go down the "clones taking up roster spot" line of conversation again because we're essentially arguing preference. To you they're too similar and lazy. To me they're fucking awesome and inspired by legacy characters so the design connection makes sense. That's as nice as I can be about this at this point.
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