08/26/2014 11:29 PM (UTC)
I gotta hear her saying the intro with her double because I just can't picture her saying that.
08/26/2014 11:29 PM (UTC)
7, I think. confused
08/26/2014 11:32 PM (UTC)
43PercentBurnt Wrote:
7, I think. confused

Wrong. 8. JadedRaven did use it 2 times in his latest post.tongue
Just confirm these two already. I need some ~HYPE~ after the disappointment that was Gamescom.
About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

08/27/2014 12:08 AM (UTC)
People will be pissed at the idea of a playable Sonya and Cage...until they watch their respective variation trailers.

From "waisted character slot" to "found my main!" in 60 seconds.

08/27/2014 12:13 AM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
People will be pissed at the idea of a playable Sonya and Cage...until they watch their respective variation trailers.

From "waisted character slot" to "found my main!" in 60 seconds.


There are some of us who aren't that shallow. Believe it or not.
08/27/2014 12:17 AM (UTC)
So shallow to do not change idea about a couple of characters labelled as superflous just for persobal taste?

JC and Sonya are waaay more popular to the general audience than Tanya, Reiko, Cassie and the new characters can ever hope to be.
08/27/2014 12:35 AM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
People will be pissed at the idea of a playable Sonya and Cage...until they watch their respective variation trailers.

From "waisted character slot" to "found my main!" in 60 seconds.


You called it before and I bet you will call it again.
08/27/2014 12:37 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
So shallow to do not change idea about a couple of characters labelled as superflous just for persobal taste?

JC and Sonya are waaay more popular to the general audience than Tanya, Reiko, Cassie and the new characters can ever hope to be.

It's funny that every time I say something bad about a character, someone else tries to get back at me by talking bad about the characters I like. XD
It's really hard to take seriously. But I'll humour you.

I am not speaking of popularity. And I am not one to question people's right to change their mind whenever they so wish. I uphold that right as well.

What I meant with shallow was that alot of those who throw hate at certain characters do so just to go against the popular opinion. That's shallow.

Personally, I've never liked Johnny in any of the past games. I don't like his gameplay, I don't like his story, I don't like his character, I don't like his looks... And it hasn't changed over the series. So from experience, I'd most likely not like him in MKX either, unless they have given him a huge character overhaul.

As for Sonya, she's alright, but she's never been a character I've played much and I could do without her. I value her as a character though and her place in the MK franchise.

That said, from what we have seen so far of Cassie, of her moves and her looks, she already attracts me more than Sonya or Johnny has ever done. And as I have already said several times before, I think it is because she reminds me alot of other favourite characters of mine from other fighting games. I am intruiged about her character. And I think she is reason enough to leave Sonya and Johnny out of the game, as she is a mix of the two character wise, but is still unique enough to be her own.

Including Sonya and Johnny into the game will also take up space for characters I would rather have in the game which is a real thing as there are only so many slots on the roster.
08/27/2014 12:54 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Just confirm these two already. I need some ~HYPE~ after the disappointment that was Gamescom.

08/27/2014 12:59 AM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
People will be pissed at the idea of a playable Sonya and Cage...until they watch their respective variation trailers.

From "waisted character slot" to "found my main!" in 60 seconds.


Only the Mk fanboys that are fans of unpopular, or popular characters that may not be in the game will be pissed by all 3 of them being playable. The general public will be estactic to be able to play as aged versions of classic, iconic vets "dilf" Cage and "milf" Sonya, as well as their daughter.
08/27/2014 01:02 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
The general public will be estactic

Ah, you mean the casual gamers, as they are the majority of the general public who will pick up and play MKX.

I actually don't think they care, as they already have Scorpion and Sub-Zero.
08/27/2014 01:04 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
jimmykricket Wrote:
People will be pissed at the idea of a playable Sonya and Cage...until they watch their respective variation trailers.

From "waisted character slot" to "found my main!" in 60 seconds.


You called it before and I bet you will call it again.

Ahh, this place is going to be a shitstorm.
08/27/2014 01:07 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
jimmykricket Wrote:
People will be pissed at the idea of a playable Sonya and Cage...until they watch their respective variation trailers.

From "waisted character slot" to "found my main!" in 60 seconds.


You called it before and I bet you will call it again.

Ahh, this place is going to be a shitstorm.

MKO might actually crash when that happens. Used to happen a lot during the Deception days when new info was dropped.
08/27/2014 01:18 AM (UTC)
MKO thrives on shitstorms.
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Just confirm these two already. I need some ~HYPE~ after the disappointment that was Gamescom.


Nice sig.

*rolls eyes*
08/27/2014 01:29 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Just confirm these two already. I need some ~HYPE~ after the disappointment that was Gamescom.


Nice sig.

*rolls eyes*

08/27/2014 01:30 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
jimmykricket Wrote:
People will be pissed at the idea of a playable Sonya and Cage...until they watch their respective variation trailers.

From "waisted character slot" to "found my main!" in 60 seconds.


There are some of us who aren't that shallow. Believe it or not.

What being shallow have to do with it?
Being won by character presentation and gameplay is actually completely normal thing. And it has nothing to do with being shallow. Unless you won't play the part of perpetually displeased arrogant now-it-all snob, who looks down upon everyone with different opinions...oops...grin

For example, I didn't care about Noob Saibot in MK9 because I wasn't interested in his gameplay. Come his MK9 trailer, which demonstrated slew of new abilities and his position certainly rised in my eyes. The same goes for Kano in MKX. I didn't care about him and he is still far from my favorite characters, but his gameplay demonstration made me reconsider my early thoughts about his inclusion in the game. I bet other people can share similar stories.
08/27/2014 01:30 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
The general public will be estactic

Ah, you mean the casual gamers, as they are the majority of the general public who will pick up and play MKX.

I actually don't think they care, as they already have Scorpion and Sub-Zero.

Ie they won't be pissed like some MK fanboys are. They likely care more for them than post MK3 chars so they'll be happy to see familiar faces even if they won't play them, and even if their daughter's in the game, lbr.
08/27/2014 01:32 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
What being shallow have to do with it?

I already explained above.

RedSumac Wrote:Unless you won't present yourself as now-all snob, who looks down upon everyone with different opinions...oops...

Oops indeed. You should look inward before pointing fingers at others.

diirecthit Wrote:
Ie they won't be pissed like some MK fanboys are. They likely care more for them than post MK3 chars so they'll be happy to see familiar faces even if they won't play them, and even if their daughter's in the game, lbr.

True, they won't be pissed, because they don't care enough about Mortal Kombat to do so. The Trilogy era was almost 20 years, so plenty of the casual audience didn't grow up with those games. The "familiar faces" they know of are from the 3D era.

No, it's the older audience who will recognize the characters from MK1-MK3 and care for them, because they know them from their childhood. They grew up with them. And they're the ones who are more than just the casual majority. The only reason the casual majority favours Scorpion and Sub-Zero is because they are the cover boys - which they started being since the 3D era, not the Trilogy era.

However, true, it is the MK fanboys who will get pissed. I'm not one of them though. I will at most be disappointed, but I don't get mad.
Still don't see how changing your opinion on a character based on how promising or exciting they look to play is shallow, by the way.
08/27/2014 01:41 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
So shallow to do not change idea about a couple of characters labelled as superflous just for persobal taste?

JC and Sonya are waaay more popular to the general audience than Tanya, Reiko, Cassie and the new characters can ever hope to be.

It's funny that every time I say something bad about a character, someone else tries to get back at me by talking bad about the characters I like. XD
It's really hard to take seriously. But I'll humour you.

I am not speaking of popularity. And I am not one to question people's right to change their mind whenever they so wish. I uphold that right as well.

What I meant with shallow was that alot of those who throw hate at certain characters do so just to go against the popular opinion. That's shallow.

Personally, I've never liked Johnny in any of the past games. I don't like his gameplay, I don't like his story, I don't like his character, I don't like his looks... And it hasn't changed over the series. So from experience, I'd most likely not like him in MKX either, unless they have given him a huge character overhaul.

As for Sonya, she's alright, but she's never been a character I've played much and I could do without her. I value her as a character though and her place in the MK franchise.

That said, from what we have seen so far of Cassie, of her moves and her looks, she already attracts me more than Sonya or Johnny has ever done. And as I have already said several times before, I think it is because she reminds me alot of other favourite characters of mine from other fighting games. I am intruiged about her character. And I think she is reason enough to leave Sonya and Johnny out of the game, as she is a mix of the two character wise, but is still unique enough to be her own.

Including Sonya and Johnny into the game will also take up space for characters I would rather have in the game which is a real thing as there are only so many slots on the roster.

View it from a different standpoint: just because there is a character you don't like you feel free to call him /her superflous, and there is nothing wrong with it, but when someone else makes the same statement toward your favourites, you get all all offended and wounded in your "edenian pride".

Popularity is more than a valid reason why a certain character should come back over another one.

Tanya 's role was pretty much forgettable in mk4 and got even worse in Deception. Her moves aren' t worth to be watched, her neckbreaker Fatality was lame, her Kiss of death borrowed from Kitana, the thigh bone Fatality was dumb as hell and her kobujutsu, not only doesn't even exist, but was goddamn awful compared to her boomerang in mk4, which wasn't great to begin with.

Her look is meh, she was just a Kitana with Talisa Soto skin and a yellow dress.
There is no narrative background in her story (ok her dad is an edenian politician and maybe she has the same job, but we don't know if her daddy approves or even know of her betrayal of edenia; hell, to be honest we don't even know why she betrayed edenia in the first piace), the facial make-up sucks, she has demonic blank eyes in mk6 without an explanation. She has no redeeming qualities at all, but I won't call her superflous and I don't force my opinion of her onto others, while you just believe that your opinion and taste are a matter of fact that has to be shared by everyone with a working brain. Or, at least this is the impression you gave me there.
08/27/2014 01:50 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:

I only state things from my own point of view. I find them superfluous. I don't care what others think.

The same goes for all the rest you said. You are obliged to your opinion about those characters, but I don't care what you think.

I don't get offended by you or anyone else saying something bad about the characters I like. It doesn't change my point of view on them. There are characters I want to be in MKX, and if you don't want them in and find them superfluous, then that is your opinion. I am not going to think lesser of you for having that opinion and I am not going to be defensive about it and try to hurt your feelings by trying to say bad things about the characters you like. That's not my style.

I just find it funny that you are actually trying to do that to me. :P

I also find it funny that as soon someone says something bad about a character, they are "forcing their opinion on others"... No, forcing an opinion on others is when they are trying to make their opinion seem more important than others'. My opinion is only important to me, I am just sharing it with the rest of you as this is a discussion forum where it is normal to do such a thing. Your opinion is yours, as my opinion is mine.
08/27/2014 02:12 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Just confirm these two already. I need some ~HYPE~ after the disappointment that was Gamescom.


Nice sig.

*rolls eyes*

Nice username

*rolls eyes*

Apparently I hit a nerve
08/27/2014 02:35 AM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Just confirm these two already. I need some ~HYPE~ after the disappointment that was Gamescom.


Nice sig.

*rolls eyes*

Nice username

*rolls eyes*

Apparently I hit a nerve

Come on, guys, play nice.
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