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08/25/2014 01:26 PM (UTC)
^ Yeah I think Cassie has a similar enough aesthetic to both of her parents that in a game that will reportedly have the biggest number of new characters of any MK with some old favs definitely not making it in has people a little cagey....AYE AYE AYE AYEwow
08/25/2014 02:09 PM (UTC)
Personally I can't wait to play as Papa Cage.
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08/25/2014 02:18 PM (UTC)
Cassie has more than one move from both of her parents.

Also. Cage and Sonya just physical fighters with no special abilities? When did they become Stryker?

08/25/2014 02:34 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
Cassie has more than one move from both of her parents.

Also. Cage and Sonya just physical fighters with no special abilities? When did they become Stryker?

? was this directed at my post?

Yes they are just physical fighters. Sonya more so than Johnny because Johnny may be able to harness his higher powers.
08/25/2014 02:41 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Gee...Hating the story of character in the remake for being the same as in original...wut?

When you find the original boring as hell, it makes perfect sense to find the remake boring as hell if nothing new and exciting happens.
08/25/2014 03:10 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I still don't see the hate as to why these two are in when it totally makes sense for them to be in this game. The whole issue "you got Cassie, there's no need for either of these two," no offense, has to be the dumbest reason. Everyone needs to understand that Cassie DOES NOT have any of their moves except for one, and she has her own version of it!!! Other than that, Cassie is her own character. There is no reason to keep Johnny and Sonya out because of her.

I think it is because cassie, johnny, and sonya are all physical character's they have no special abilities. Now a case can be made for johnny becoming a seido and I think that is why Johnny is more universally accepted for being in MKX rather than sonya.

Technically and logically speaking cassie could adopt all of sonya's moveset's the only thing stopping that from happening is NRS.

Could you give Ermac ice abilities? NO

Could you give Noob Telekinesis? NO

Could you give Reptile the power over Lightning? NO

Can you give Cassie a phase gun and tailor her attacks to use her legs? YES

What's stopping Mileena of doing the pretty kick or square wave punch? I'm sure she has the ability to do them. Kitana has borrowed moves from Jade, Mileena, and Sonya in the past. Hell, Jade's first appearance had her borrowing all of Kitana's moves. What i'm trying to do here is showing how very few characters in the series have moves truly unique to their anilities, is not only the human characters, so this excuse will never not be lame.
08/25/2014 03:28 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I still don't see the hate as to why these two are in when it totally makes sense for them to be in this game. The whole issue "you got Cassie, there's no need for either of these two," no offense, has to be the dumbest reason. Everyone needs to understand that Cassie DOES NOT have any of their moves except for one, and she has her own version of it!!! Other than that, Cassie is her own character. There is no reason to keep Johnny and Sonya out because of her.

I think it is because cassie, johnny, and sonya are all physical character's they have no special abilities. Now a case can be made for johnny becoming a seido and I think that is why Johnny is more universally accepted for being in MKX rather than sonya.

Technically and logically speaking cassie could adopt all of sonya's moveset's the only thing stopping that from happening is NRS.

Could you give Ermac ice abilities? NO

Could you give Noob Telekinesis? NO

Could you give Reptile the power over Lightning? NO

Can you give Cassie a phase gun and tailor her attacks to use her legs? YES

What's stopping Mileena of doing the pretty kick or square wave punch? I'm sure she has the ability to do them. Kitana has borrowed moves from Jade, Mileena, and Sonya in the past. Hell, Jade's first appearance had her borrowing all of Kitana's moves. What i'm trying to do here is showing how very few characters in the series have moves truly unique to their anilities, is not only the human characters, so this excuse will never not be lame.

Mileena has her own abilities that wouldnt work if they were given to other character's.

Yes, your right, Sonya's attacks can be given to any character because she has no special abilities. I agree with you on that. Kitana has her fans that make her special.

Jade has her light saber staff.

I am sure the moves your talking about are physical based attacks and not each of the characters special abilities. So yes your right..physical attacks can be switched out with any character.. and you also proved my point in doing so. Thank you.
08/25/2014 03:42 PM (UTC)
Kiss of death and Rings of Doom? Both of which Cassie doesn't have/use? Try again
08/25/2014 03:51 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Kiss of death and Rings of Doom? Try again

So yes two things. 99% of her arsenal is physical with nothing REALLY special about it besides the fact it was given to her first rather than another candidate.

I obviously am not a fan of Sonya, but my initial post was to answer a question about why people are so hot and bothered about the notion of Sonya being in the roster. If you can't see why then your obviously a Sonya fan lol.
08/25/2014 04:04 PM (UTC)
??? I don't know what you're trying to do here. You're the one qho said people complained about them both being in the game because they're human and have no special abilities, and we have Cassie who uses gadgets and weapons for her special moves, whereas her parents Cage and Sonya DO have special, superhuman abilities and never used weapons or gadgets. So Cassie is more comparable to Stryker in the sense that they relied on gadgets. But when i prove you wrong about Sonya not having special abilities, "i can't see why people complain because i am a Sonya fanboyz lolz"?
08/25/2014 04:18 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
Cassie has more than one move from both of her parents.

No she doesn't!!!

Cassie has one move, ONE MOVE, that is taken from her parents, which is the nut punch, and she has her own twist to it.

There are no other moves, I repeat, no other moves taken from Sonya or Johnny. And if it's because people think it's because she uses guns, or she has her own cartwheel, no.

First off, this whole "Sonya must have had a love child with Stryker," joke, it's not funny anymore. It kinda makes you look a bit dumb to sit here and say that because Stryker uses guns and Cassie uses guns, Sonya must have had some sort of fling with him. Even if it was just a joke, it's not funny anymore, it really wasn't at all to begin with. Sorry.

Yeah, a person who is dressed as if she was apart of a military would never use guns because of that, it has to be the sign of a woman cheating on her supposed lover with a cop, who's dead.

^^ That whole part is directed at everyone, not one person in general before that gets taken out of context.

Secondly, if it's because of the cartwheels, um, other female characters have had a cartwheel move. Whether it is an actual cartwheel or it's attached after performing a different move, still. A lot of females use cartwheels as an attack.

I mean, Razor made a post that I've been trying to find over and over again that listed every single move that Cassie has performed to show everyone, clearly, what moves she has. Obviously, it got ignored, which is a shame because it will clear a whole lot of things up with people who continue to sit on their butts typing away thinking Cassie Cage has more than one move from her parents.

And I know I sound like an angry nut case right now, but it's a bit tiresome to keep seeing this when it's been proven countless of times that she has just one move from her parents, and that move even has her own twist to it and not just a blatant copy of it.
08/25/2014 04:36 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
??? I don't know what you're trying to do here. You're the one qho said people complained about them both being in the game because they're human and have no special abilities, and we have Cassie who uses gadgets and weapons for her special moves, whereas her parents Cage and Sonya DO have special, superhuman abilities and never used weapons or gadgets. So Cassie is more comparable to Stryker in the sense that they relied on gadgets. But when i prove you wrong about Sonya not having special abilities, "i can't see why people complain because i am a Sonya fanboyz lolz"?

Right that is what I said.. I do not think many people want valuable spaces taken up by numerous physically attributed characters. How can you say Sonya isn't that? Besides Stryker she is second in line..

Johnny hopefully is not just a physical character again. Besides his force balls what special ability did he have?

And I am sorry but kissing someone (Mileena also has a seductive attack) and shooting someone with a pulse weapon are not that special..

That is the reason for the animosity take it as you will, you clearly think differently.
08/25/2014 04:51 PM (UTC)
So getting people blinded with a kiss isn't something special, but holding a sai (despite Li Mei using sais effectively in DA) and a staff (despite a bunch of characters in MKA using staff weapons effectively) IS unique and special, like you said earlier? lol.

And Sonya's rings of doom are chi attacks, not a result of a weapon. What i'm trying to say is that they can give Sonya and Cage new specials that involve the use of their superhuman abilities, so they don't have to only use phisical attacks since that would make them to similar to Cassie accodring to you (despite the fact that you have no problem with the rest of the characters like Kitana/Mileena/Jade sharing special attacks, or having similar phisical attacks)
08/25/2014 05:05 PM (UTC)
People Wrote:

Stuff about Sonya/Johhny "obviously" being playable.

Yeah. No. It's not something that is "obviously" a fact. Especially Sonya's playability. I'm positive that both characters will have a large presence in the game's plot, but that doesn't mean playable by any means. Injustice had a ton of characters throughout the story and in the backgrounds that weren't playable.

Here's what I actually see happening:

Johnny Cage is on initial roster.
Sonya is DLC later on. Pretty much MKX's Martian Manhunter.

This makes the most sense as it gives Cassie enough time to to become familiar to players AND it gives the people craving classics what they want as well, for a price. Seems too legit to quit.
08/25/2014 05:42 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
So getting people blinded with a kiss isn't something special, but holding a sai (despite Li Mei using sais effectively in DA) and a staff (despite a bunch of characters in MKA using staff weapons effectively) IS unique and special, like you said earlier? lol.

And Sonya's rings of doom are chi attacks, not a result of a weapon.

What i'm trying to say is that they can give Sonya and Cage new specials that involve the use of their superhuman abilities, so they don't have to only use phisical attacks since that would make them to similar to Cassie accodring to you (despite the fact that you have no problem with the rest of the characters like Kitana/Mileena/Jade sharing special attacks, or having similar phisical attacks)

Huh? mileena/jade/kitana don't share special attacks.

Honestly I am not a fan of any of these character's including sonya. Suffice to say I am a fan of character's with actual unique abilities.

If in 25 years Sonya manages to harness her chi and get a full arsenal of actual abilities then I will eat my words. Pretty much all in the hands of NRS at this point.

It would be cool if Johnny and Sonya became really powerful beings. Power Couple like you read about. Then I would welcome them back with open arms and I think a lot of people would.

But Sonya has had no past development on the subject, so our best guess is that she ends up exactly the same. In which case I would rather her not take up a roster spot.
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08/25/2014 05:48 PM (UTC)

I didn't see Razor's post but the main specials people (wrongly) claim to be clone attacks and what they're similar to:

Shadow Upkick - Cassie glows green as she does a flying upwards kick. Looks to be a good anti-air with quick recovery even on whiff and can be EX'd into a divekick.

Similar to: One part Johnny Cages green shadow kick or shadow uppercut and one part Sonya's MK9 divekick.

Backflip Kick - Cassie does a quick back handspring flip kick with a faint green glow.

Similar to:> Sonya's Cartwheel special from MK9 (though this is a pretty huge stretch as even aesthetically the two aren't similar).

Flame Kiss / Nutpunch - Cassie's X-Ray. Cassie takes out some sort of flame accelerant aerosol canister and "blows a kiss" in melee range. She then drops into a split to tee off on some poor bastard's scrotum.

Similar to:> Combination of Sonya's "pink dust kiss" special from MK9 (and other "fire kiss" iterations from Sonya) and Johnny Cage's nutpunch. I'll repeat though that this move from Cassie is her X-RAY (and not special attack).

Pistol Shot: Cassie's straight projectile where she fires off a shot from one pistol and can be EX for each pistol in quick bursts.

Similar to:> Stryker seems to be the popular comparison though I immediately thought of Deathstroke from Injustice.

Those are the ONLY moves even questionable. For those keeping score at home lets look at Cassie's UNIQUE moves (specials only).

Brawler Variation (green glowing hands): Adds "Power Slam" and "Takedown"
- Some of Cassie's normal strings now have her incorporate a retractable combat baton giving her extra reach.
- Air throw that can be EX so that it will bounce juggle opponents.
- Command grab / Parry (can't tell which).

Spec-ops Variation (tactical earpiece headset): Adds "Air Assault" and "The American Way"
- Air missle that can land Front, Behind, Above, or On Cassie's Position
- "Military salute" taunt that grants meter (and possibly buffs Cassie).
Hollywood Variation (aviator dark sunglasses): Adds "Air Akimbo" and "Nut Kracker"
- Air gunshots.
- Whatever "Nut Kracker" is.

Hopefully this clarifies things for some people.

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08/25/2014 05:58 PM (UTC)
As long as Shinnok, Bo' Rai Cho show up I'll be satisfied. Taven is unlikely but I can still hope...
08/25/2014 06:01 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
So getting people blinded with a kiss isn't something special, but holding a sai (despite Li Mei using sais effectively in DA) and a staff (despite a bunch of characters in MKA using staff weapons effectively) IS unique and special, like you said earlier? lol.

And Sonya's rings of doom are chi attacks, not a result of a weapon.

What i'm trying to say is that they can give Sonya and Cage new specials that involve the use of their superhuman abilities, so they don't have to only use phisical attacks since that would make them to similar to Cassie accodring to you (despite the fact that you have no problem with the rest of the characters like Kitana/Mileena/Jade sharing special attacks, or having similar phisical attacks)

Huh? mileena/jade/kitana don't share special attacks.

Honestly I am not a fan of any of these character's including sonya. Suffice to say I am a fan of character's with actual unique abilities.

If in 25 years Sonya manages to harness her chi and get a full arsenal of actual abilities then I will eat my words. Pretty much all in the hands of NRS at this point.

It would be cool if Johnny and Sonya became really powerful beings. Power Couple like you read about. Then I would welcome them back with open arms and I think a lot of people would.

But Sonya has had no past development on the subject, so our best guess is that she ends up exactly the same. In which case I would rather her not take up a roster spot.

1. Huh? Kitana has had Jade's and Mileena's moves in the past, and Jade had Kitana's whole arsenal in MK2, as i pointed out earlier, but i see that you decided to ignore that.

2. I don't know who your favorite characters are, but surely they have a couple of attacks that could be done by anyone, just like the rest of the roster. I hate doing the "attack the other poster's favorite character thing", but looking at your signature you like Reptile, and he has a slide move that's literally a ripoff of Sub-Zero's slide move, but of course you don't complain about that.

3. "The aged heroes, according to Boon, will differ not only in appearance from their younger versions, but will also play differently, and will master moves" (something here like "used in the other incarnations")"

4. TBH the only people complaining are MK fanboys that are worried their favorite character(s) may not be in the game. The casual crowd will be ecstatic to play as aged versions of classic, iconic vets Cage and Sonya, as well as having their daughter in the game.

C'mon. Just say that you don't want Sonya, or Cage, in the game because you don't like them. That's about the best reason you can give. But pulling out BS excuses that can be refuted like "they look similar", "they have moves that the other character could do", "they fit the same character archetypes" is not.
08/25/2014 06:12 PM (UTC)
Wow... the bitterness of some selected individual(s?) in this thread is laughable and ridiculous.

thisiscourage Wrote:

And I am sorry but kissing someone (Mileena also has a seductive attack) and shooting someone with a pulse weapon are not that special..

Bullshit. All of it.

You were just proven wrong and your comeback to all of this is merely a plain subjective statement. It all goes down to you simply not liking/caring for Sonya. That's it. That would be totally fine, if it wasn't for the fact that you are trying to validate your opinion with adorable subjective "facts".

I'm really sorry for you, but, you keep going on with BS about how Sonya's trademarks, iconic specials or regular moves can be given to anyone else as if:

1) That could easily be done and not piss people off (Kira? clones? Hello? We are way past that point now)


2) She didn't already OWN those specials in the first place, which are already special within the MK world.

Among other things. Your "reasons" to put her out of the game are, well... nothing.

Kiss of death (fire, mist, energy orbs), Energy Rings, Vertical Bicycle kicks (up and down), the fucking Leg Grab, her Arc Kick, etc.... What exactly do you want?

Should we give some of those to Reptile? I'm sure he'll look great performing a magical Kiss or flying kicks. Easy task.

I love Sonya (duh!) but it's not even that I am 100% certain that Sonya (or Johnny) will be in the game though they definitely should, from the very beginning considering the last game. When Cassie was announced, I was resigned to accept that her parents might not make it at all in the game besides a few references. I saw it a s a bittersweet thing to have Cassie in. Now, if they are in the game, AWESOME, they should be and deserve to be in it, period, if they are not, oh well, NEXT! Life goes on.

You need to relax and if you are going to continue to talk about this, do find actual valid reasons to suggest why Sonya shouldn't be in the game and not just your "sorry to my eyes and to my own personal liking which is Universal they are just not that special".
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

08/25/2014 06:24 PM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
Wow... the bitterness of some selected individual(s?) in this thread is laughable and ridiculous.

thisiscourage Wrote:

And I am sorry but kissing someone (Mileena also has a seductive attack) and shooting someone with a pulse weapon are not that special..

Bullshit. All of it.

You were just proven wrong and your comeback to all of this is merely a plain subjective statement. It all goes down to you simply not liking/caring for Sonya. That's it. That would be totally fine, if it wasn't for the fact that you are trying to validate your opinion with adorable subjective "facts".

I'm really sorry for you, but, you keep going on with BS about how Sonya's trademarks, iconic specials or regular moves can be given to anyone else as if:

1) That could easily be done and not piss people off (Kira? clones? Hello? We are way past that point now)


2) She didn't already OWN those specials in the first place, which are already special within the MK world.

Among other things. Your "reasons" to put her out of the game are, well... nothing.

Kiss of death (fire, mist, energy orbs), Energy Rings, Vertical Bicycle kicks (up and down), the fucking Leg Grab, her Arc Kick, etc.... What exactly do you want?

Should we give some of those to Reptile? I'm sure he'll look great performing a magical Kiss or flying kicks. Easy task.

I love Sonya (duh!) but it's not even that I am 100% certain that Sonya (or Johnny) will be in the game though they definitely should, from the very beginning considering the last game. When Cassie was announced, I was resigned to accept that her parents might not make it at all in the game besides a few references. I saw it a s a bittersweet thing to have Cassie in. Now, if they are in the game, AWESOME, they should be and deserve to be in it, period, if they are not, oh well, NEXT! Life goes on.

You need to relax and if you are going to continue to talk about this, do find actual valid reasons to suggest why Sonya shouldn't be in the game and not just your "sorry to my eyes and to my own personal liking which is Universal they are just not that special".

08/25/2014 06:43 PM (UTC)
Johnny and Sonya are in? They'll probably be over protective as hell.
08/25/2014 06:57 PM (UTC)
I guess the difference between you two and I is that I consider Sonya to be a purely physical based character. With ONE truly special ability (chi ring attack). Sure she has signature moves, and NRS would never put those moves on any other character. But the reason most people find fault with adding Sonya to a roster that already has Cassie in it is because they are both physical based blonde women from earthrealm. And Cassie already has WAY more abilities that set her apart than her mother does.

I just don't see where NRS could go with Sonya's direction. Unless they overhauled her gameplay to add more chi attacks like I mentioned above. (while keeping her signature physical attacks of course: arch kick, etc.) That would be cool by me.

I realize EVERY character has punches and kicks.
I realize that Cassie has not been given ANY of cage's or Sonya's moves.
I am NOT insinuating that Sonya's move's should or actually could be given to another character.. NRS would never allow that to happen.

But hey here's a riddle to help you understand my original point:

A cryomancer and a hell spawn are standing in the woods. Which one can use ice? UHHHH the cryomancer???

Two blonde girls from earthrealm start to fight. Which one can kick really good? UHHHH both? BOOM just like that Cassie has all of Sonya's signature moves. Obviously it wont happen but it is pretty boring (to me and many others) to put two character's in a limited roster that can technically do THE EXACT SAME THING

That is the reason why frost would be unbearable to have in this roster. Every spot should lend to diversity not uniformity. EDIT:
PS. @diirecthit it has been what? 20 years since Jade and Kitana shared moves? yeah That point doesn't make any sense
08/25/2014 07:00 PM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:

I didn't see Razor's post but the main specials people (wrongly) claim to be clone attacks and what they're similar to:

Shadow Upkick - Cassie glows green as she does a flying upwards kick. Looks to be a good anti-air with quick recovery even on whiff and can be EX'd into a divekick.

Similar to: One part Johnny Cages green shadow kick or shadow uppercut and one part Sonya's MK9 divekick.

Backflip Kick - Cassie does a quick back handstand flip kick with a faint green glow.

Similar to:> Sonya's Cartwheel special from MK9 (though this is a pretty huge stretch as even aesthetically the two aren't similar).

Flame Kiss / Nutpunch - Cassie's X-Ray. Cassie takes out some sort of flame accelerant aerosol canister and "blows a kiss" in melee range. She then drops into a split to tee off on some poor bastard's scrotum.

Similar to:> Combination of Sonya's "pink dust kiss" special from MK9 (and other "fire kiss" iterations from Sonya) and Johnny Cage's nutpunch. I'll repeat though that this move from Cassie is her X-RAY (and not special attack).

Pistol Shot: Cassie's straight projectile where she fires off a shot from one pistol and can be EX for each pistol in quick bursts.

Similar to:> Stryker seems to be the popular comparison though I immediately thought of Deathstroke from Injustice.

Those are the ONLY moves even questionable. For those keeping score at home lets look at Cassie's UNIQUE moves (specials only).

Brawler Variation (green glowing hands): Adds "Power Slam" and "Takedown"

- Some of Cassie's normal strings now have her incorporate a retractable combat baton giving her extra reach.

- Air throw that can be EX so that it will bounce juggle opponents.

- Command grab / Parry (can't tell which).

Spec-ops Variation (tactical earpiece headset): Adds "Air Assault" and "The American Way"

- A tracking diagonal missile.

- A location based overhead missile than can be EX to popup juggle.

Hollywood Variation (aviator dark sunglasses): Adds "Air Akimbo" and "Nut Kracker"

- Air gunshots.

- Whatever "Nut Kracker" is.

Hopefully this clarifies things for some people.

The thing with this though is that ALL of that shit is easily transferable to Sonya or Johnny. So, why not just put it the fuck on them if they are going to be in the game and not give us their damn daughter as well? Look past rose tinted glasses and see why that might piss fans of other characters off.

I have my favorite character to so I'm not missing out. I simply like variety and still think that Johnny, Sonya, and Cassie will not offer enough of that to be entertaining in the way that some of the elemental characters would.

See Rain has already been pretty much deconfirmed. His inclusion would have brought awesome water based visuals which can not only be used differently, but will LOOK great to the eye as well.

Instead we have a brawler variation with green glowing energy (like cage) and it's on Cassie. Oh and Cassie uses Guns and acrobatics. That totally couldn't have been used for her mom at all.

It's just repetitive in a way that other characters would not be.

Oh and I DO LOVE Sonya btw (Johnny not so much), but I still would rather Sonya be saved for DLC or something of the sort. Not MAIN roster. Cassie deserves to grow. Sonya and Cage being there will just take what she's got and spread it thinly across two other characters lessening her impact that much more.

Cassie was my fav new character revealed. She will slope if mom and pop show up as well though.
08/25/2014 07:04 PM (UTC)
But Sonya isn't a purely physical based fighter and she has superhuman abilities that Cassie doesn't, so you are factually wrong.
08/25/2014 07:04 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Mojo6 Wrote:

I didn't see Razor's post but the main specials people (wrongly) claim to be clone attacks and what they're similar to:

Shadow Upkick - Cassie glows green as she does a flying upwards kick. Looks to be a good anti-air with quick recovery even on whiff and can be EX'd into a divekick.

Similar to: One part Johnny Cages green shadow kick or shadow uppercut and one part Sonya's MK9 divekick.

Backflip Kick - Cassie does a quick back handstand flip kick with a faint green glow.

Similar to:> Sonya's Cartwheel special from MK9 (though this is a pretty huge stretch as even aesthetically the two aren't similar).

Flame Kiss / Nutpunch - Cassie's X-Ray. Cassie takes out some sort of flame accelerant aerosol canister and "blows a kiss" in melee range. She then drops into a split to tee off on some poor bastard's scrotum.

Similar to:> Combination of Sonya's "pink dust kiss" special from MK9 (and other "fire kiss" iterations from Sonya) and Johnny Cage's nutpunch. I'll repeat though that this move from Cassie is her X-RAY (and not special attack).

Pistol Shot: Cassie's straight projectile where she fires off a shot from one pistol and can be EX for each pistol in quick bursts.

Similar to:> Stryker seems to be the popular comparison though I immediately thought of Deathstroke from Injustice.

Those are the ONLY moves even questionable. For those keeping score at home lets look at Cassie's UNIQUE moves (specials only).

Brawler Variation (green glowing hands): Adds "Power Slam" and "Takedown"

- Some of Cassie's normal strings now have her incorporate a retractable combat baton giving her extra reach.

- Air throw that can be EX so that it will bounce juggle opponents.

- Command grab / Parry (can't tell which).

Spec-ops Variation (tactical earpiece headset): Adds "Air Assault" and "The American Way"

- A tracking diagonal missile.

- A location based overhead missile than can be EX to popup juggle.

Hollywood Variation (aviator dark sunglasses): Adds "Air Akimbo" and "Nut Kracker"

- Air gunshots.

- Whatever "Nut Kracker" is.

Hopefully this clarifies things for some people.

The thing with this though is that ALL of that shit is easily transferable to Sonya or Johnny. So, why not just put it the fuck on them if they are going to be in the game and not give us their damn daughter as well? Look past rose tinted glasses and see why that might piss fans of other characters off.

I have my favorite character to so I'm not missing out. I simply like variety and still think that Johnny, Sonya, and Cassie will not offer enough of that to be entertaining in the way that some of the elemental characters would.

See Rain has already been pretty much deconfirmed. His inclusion would have brought awesome water based visuals which can not only be used differently, but will LOOK great to the eye as well.

Instead we have a brawler variation with green glowing energy (like cage) and it's on Cassie. Oh and Cassie uses Guns and acrobatics. That totally couldn't have been used for her mom at all.

It's just repetitive in a way that other characters would not be.

Oh and I DO LOVE Sonya btw (Johnny not so much), but I still would rather Sonya be saved for DLC or something of the sort. Not MAIN roster. Cassie deserves to grow. Sonya and Cage being there will just take what she's got and spread it thinly across two other characters lessening her impact that much more.

Cassie was my fav new character revealed. She will slope if mom and pop show up as well though.

THIS. wow thank you, I thought I was fighting the good fight by myself out here.
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