08/25/2014 07:10 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
But Sonya isn't a purely physical based fighter and she has superhuman abilities that Cassie doesn't, so you are factually wrong.

SUPERHUMAN??? yeah, in her bra!

If you are in a fighting game, you have "superhuman" abilities.

What does Cassie weigh? 120 tops? and she can punch a grown man off his feet flying in the air?
Her hands can glow too? I'd say she is more super-human than mommy, probably got it from her dads seido side tho.

(Ok now I am being mean, but I made a harmless point and got attacked on it because it was against some peoples fav char.)

Sonya can still kick really good tho.
08/25/2014 07:15 PM (UTC)
Sonya has the ability to blind people with a mystical kiss, or burn them with a fire kiss, and throw ring shaped chi attacks, which Cassie doesn't, that's what i meant, not that Cassie doesn't have special abilities. But nice try.
08/25/2014 07:20 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
People Wrote:

Stuff about Sonya/Johhny "obviously" being playable.

Yeah. No. It's not something that is "obviously" a fact. Especially Sonya's playability. I'm positive that both characters will have a large presence in the game's plot, but that doesn't mean playable by any means. Injustice had a ton of characters throughout the story and in the backgrounds that weren't playable.

Here's what I actually see happening:

Johnny Cage is on initial roster.
Sonya is DLC later on. Pretty much MKX's Martian Manhunter.

This makes the most sense as it gives Cassie enough time to to become familiar to players AND it gives the people craving classics what they want as well, for a price. Seems too legit to quit.

Yeah. No. It's only not obvious to you, either because you deliberately ignore the various hints pointing at their inclusion in the game, or you're simply in denial.
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08/25/2014 07:24 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:

The thing with this though is that ALL of that shit is easily transferable to Sonya or Johnny. So, why not just put it the fuck on them if they are going to be in the game and not give us their damn daughter as well? Look past rose tinted glasses and see why that might piss fans of other characters off.

Listen I get that with Boon saying that only half of the roster will be returning characters people are going to freak the fuck out about their favorites not being included. Then the apprehension grows further when you realize that the pool of "returning characters" has to be widened to include MK1 - MK4.

It still doesn't change the fact that A LOT of the cast is dead and Johnny and Sonya ARE NOT ON THAT LIST. If anything they're in a crucial narrative position of becoming the lead protagonists.

I have my favorite character to so I'm not missing out. I simply like variety and still think that Johnny, Sonya, and Cassie will not offer enough of that to be entertaining in the way that some of the elemental characters would.

My MK9 main hasn't been confirmed yet and I'd still much rather have Johnny and Sonya in the game over whatever "elemental" characters you have in mind (including Rain). *shrug*

People keep seeing this "half the roster is going to be new characters" as glass half-empty when to me, it's the opposite. I see the franchise FINALLY moving forward with NEW creativity, in a NEW direction, and with NEW cast members.

08/25/2014 07:32 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Sonya has the ability to blind people with a mystical kiss, or burn them with a fire kiss, and throw ring shaped chi attacks, which Cassie doesn't, that's what i meant, not that Cassie doesn't have special abilities. But nice try.

I'm still not ready to have her along-side Cassie in a limited main roster even with all of her many (3) special powers. But oh well I can't have it my way so here is to hoping they overhaul Sonya in MKX. Judging by the other revealed contender's I shouldnt have anything to worry about.

08/25/2014 07:48 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Mojo6 Wrote:

I didn't see Razor's post but the main specials people (wrongly) claim to be clone attacks and what they're similar to:

Shadow Upkick - Cassie glows green as she does a flying upwards kick. Looks to be a good anti-air with quick recovery even on whiff and can be EX'd into a divekick.

Similar to: One part Johnny Cages green shadow kick or shadow uppercut and one part Sonya's MK9 divekick.

Backflip Kick - Cassie does a quick back handstand flip kick with a faint green glow.

Similar to:> Sonya's Cartwheel special from MK9 (though this is a pretty huge stretch as even aesthetically the two aren't similar).

Flame Kiss / Nutpunch - Cassie's X-Ray. Cassie takes out some sort of flame accelerant aerosol canister and "blows a kiss" in melee range. She then drops into a split to tee off on some poor bastard's scrotum.

Similar to:> Combination of Sonya's "pink dust kiss" special from MK9 (and other "fire kiss" iterations from Sonya) and Johnny Cage's nutpunch. I'll repeat though that this move from Cassie is her X-RAY (and not special attack).

Pistol Shot: Cassie's straight projectile where she fires off a shot from one pistol and can be EX for each pistol in quick bursts.

Similar to:> Stryker seems to be the popular comparison though I immediately thought of Deathstroke from Injustice.

Those are the ONLY moves even questionable. For those keeping score at home lets look at Cassie's UNIQUE moves (specials only).

Brawler Variation (green glowing hands): Adds "Power Slam" and "Takedown"

- Some of Cassie's normal strings now have her incorporate a retractable combat baton giving her extra reach.

- Air throw that can be EX so that it will bounce juggle opponents.

- Command grab / Parry (can't tell which).

Spec-ops Variation (tactical earpiece headset): Adds "Air Assault" and "The American Way"

- A tracking diagonal missile.

- A location based overhead missile than can be EX to popup juggle.

Hollywood Variation (aviator dark sunglasses): Adds "Air Akimbo" and "Nut Kracker"

- Air gunshots.

- Whatever "Nut Kracker" is.

Hopefully this clarifies things for some people.

The thing with this though is that ALL of that shit is easily transferable to Sonya or Johnny. So, why not just put it the fuck on them if they are going to be in the game and not give us their damn daughter as well? Look past rose tinted glasses and see why that might piss fans of other characters off.

I have my favorite character to so I'm not missing out. I simply like variety and still think that Johnny, Sonya, and Cassie will not offer enough of that to be entertaining in the way that some of the elemental characters would.

See Rain has already been pretty much deconfirmed. His inclusion would have brought awesome water based visuals which can not only be used differently, but will LOOK great to the eye as well.

Instead we have a brawler variation with green glowing energy (like cage) and it's on Cassie. Oh and Cassie uses Guns and acrobatics. That totally couldn't have been used for her mom at all.

It's just repetitive in a way that other characters would not be.

Oh and I DO LOVE Sonya btw (Johnny not so much), but I still would rather Sonya be saved for DLC or something of the sort. Not MAIN roster. Cassie deserves to grow. Sonya and Cage being there will just take what she's got and spread it thinly across two other characters lessening her impact that much more.

Cassie was my fav new character revealed. She will slope if mom and pop show up as well though.

So you got your favorite character? Good for you, too bad the entire roster is not going to be composed of the characters you want to be in.

And saying Cassie is not going to grow as a character because her parent are going to be playable as well is so stupid. If anything her interactions with them will be benefitial to her.
08/25/2014 09:11 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
And saying Cassie is not going to grow as a character because her parent are going to be playable as well is so stupid. If anything her interactions with them will be benefitial to her.

As if somebody could expect something different from him.

Scar_Subby Wrote:
Whine. Whine. Whine.

I liked how just a few weeks ago you was almost in histerics every time somebody mentioned that Sub-Zero might not be Kuai Liang. And now you admit that Sub-Zero is in the game and seems it doesn't actually matter who he is. Such a devotion.
As for the rest of your stuff...it seems basic understanding of some choices made by NRS is escaping you.

08/25/2014 11:24 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
And saying Cassie is not going to grow as a character because her parent are going to be playable as well is so stupid. If anything her interactions with them will be benefitial to her.

As if somebody could expect something different from him.

Scar_Subby Wrote:
Whine. Whine. Whine.

I liked how just a few weeks ago you was almost in histerics every time somebody mentioned that Sub-Zero might not be Kuai Liang. And now you admit that Sub-Zero is in the game and seems it doesn't actually matter who he is. Such a devotion.
As for the rest of your stuff...it seems basic understanding of some choices made by NRS is escaping you.

Ah, Sumac being a c-word again I see. You seriously have an erection for shitting on anybody who likes Sub-Zero. Actually, you don't mind Bi-Han becoming Sub-Zero and you don't mind a new one becoming Sub-Zero. Hmm, so you just don't like Kuai. I'm still thinking it's because you know storywise he shits all over Sektor and that's why you have a raging hard on for anybody being Sub-Zero but him. Deny it if you want, but I'm probably going to stay thinking that because the way you outright ruin every Sub-Zero thread with YOUR OWN whiny shit shows it's kinda personal to you. So, if he's back and becomes Grandmaster again in this game try not to cry.

Oh and btw, thanks for trying to ruin another thread with your personal shit. This thread is about Cassie, Sonya, and Johnny. Not Sub-Zero. So, get your tampons out and move on.
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08/25/2014 11:37 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Cassie has more than one move from both of her parents.

No she doesn't!!!

Cassie has one move, ONE MOVE, that is taken from her parents, which is the nut punch, and she has her own twist to it.

There are no other moves, I repeat, no other moves taken from Sonya or Johnny. And if it's because people think it's because she uses guns, or she has her own cartwheel, no.

First off, this whole "Sonya must have had a love child with Stryker," joke, it's not funny anymore. It kinda makes you look a bit dumb to sit here and say that because Stryker uses guns and Cassie uses guns, Sonya must have had some sort of fling with him. Even if it was just a joke, it's not funny anymore, it really wasn't at all to begin with. Sorry.

Yeah, a person who is dressed as if she was apart of a military would never use guns because of that, it has to be the sign of a woman cheating on her supposed lover with a cop, who's dead.

^^ That whole part is directed at everyone, not one person in general before that gets taken out of context.

Secondly, if it's because of the cartwheels, um, other female characters have had a cartwheel move. Whether it is an actual cartwheel or it's attached after performing a different move, still. A lot of females use cartwheels as an attack.

I mean, Razor made a post that I've been trying to find over and over again that listed every single move that Cassie has performed to show everyone, clearly, what moves she has. Obviously, it got ignored, which is a shame because it will clear a whole lot of things up with people who continue to sit on their butts typing away thinking Cassie Cage has more than one move from her parents.

And I know I sound like an angry nut case right now, but it's a bit tiresome to keep seeing this when it's been proven countless of times that she has just one move from her parents, and that move even has her own twist to it and not just a blatant copy of it.

Except she does. You must not have paid attention to Sonya and Johnny's moves in MK9.

And I saw Razor's post.
08/26/2014 12:00 AM (UTC)
Except she doesn't. If you saw that post, clearly you would have realized that Cassie does not, and I repeat, does not have more moves that are an exact copy of other characters with the exception of one, which also has her own spin.

Big difference between the meanings of "similar moves" versus "blatant copied moves," so yeah. Mojo made a good post showing an explanation of moves that she has, clearly they're a combination of some of a variation of a move, not an exact copy. Again big difference between the meanings.
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08/26/2014 12:19 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
But Sonya isn't a purely physical based fighter and she has superhuman abilities that Cassie doesn't, so you are factually wrong.
MK2011 makes it look a lot more like tech though. She fiddles with her wrist and can adjust it have different effects like cauterizing Jax's wounds and even in MKA she turned it down when she fought Taven.
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08/26/2014 12:31 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Except she doesn't. If you saw that post, clearly you would have realized that Cassie does not, and I repeat, does not have more moves that are an exact copy of other characters with the exception of one, which also has her own spin.

Big difference between the meanings of "similar moves" versus "blatant copied moves," so yeah. Mojo made a good post showing an explanation of moves that she has, clearly they're a combination of some of a variation of a move, not an exact copy. Again big difference between the meanings.


If she has none of their moves other than one, then where'd she get the take down? What about other moves from military stance and even Johnny's f3 and some other normals of thiers?

Yeah she does.
08/26/2014 12:35 AM (UTC)
Yeah, because the "takedown" is clearly an iconic move from Sonya that's easily recognizable and it's solely "her" move that she's had for quite some time.

08/26/2014 12:40 AM (UTC)
The takedown is just a generic normal, not a special move nor a trademark of Sonya. That's like saying she has moves from Hsu Hao or Ermac because they have an uppercut and a sweep.
08/26/2014 12:43 AM (UTC)
This is like the Kotal Kahn=Bane argument all over again..
08/26/2014 12:44 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
But Sonya isn't a purely physical based fighter and she has superhuman abilities that Cassie doesn't, so you are factually wrong.
MK2011 makes it look a lot more like tech though. She fiddles with her wrist and can adjust it have different effects like cauterizing Jax's wounds and even in MKA she turned it down when she fought Taven.

I stand corrected if that's true, although i think it's been stated that Sonya has chi powers. But even if the rings of doom are result of her wrist band, she still has the kiss of death (blinding kiss, purple orb and fire kiss) so he's still ~factually wrong about Sonya not having any special abilities.
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08/26/2014 12:54 AM (UTC)
The move in question:

I get that it's pretty close to Sonya's Military Stance command throw but...Similar to her parents is sort of Cassie's design angle. Even this move has some aesthetic and technical differences from Sonya's.
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08/26/2014 12:54 AM (UTC)
Iconic or not really matters. Ha.

Cassie was said to have moves from both of her parents and does but not once has Ed mentioned them being 'iconic'.

But let us continue being dense. Never change.
08/26/2014 12:56 AM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
some other normals of thiers?

Can you please explain or show what normals? This is the first time I've heard this.
08/26/2014 01:02 AM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
Iconic or not really matters. Ha.

Cassie was said to have moves from both of her parents and does but not once has Ed mentioned them being 'iconic'.

But let us continue being dense. Never change.

If this was Street Fighter or Tekken, where every character keeps the same normals, as well as special moves in every game you'd have a point. But every character in MK gets an overhaul on their normals every game and there is no consistence, so yeah, as of now, the military stance and its moves, like takedown, are nothing but generic normals like an uppercut or sweep.
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08/26/2014 01:13 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
The move in question:

I get that it's pretty close to Sonya's Military Stance command throw but...Similar to her parents is sort of Cassie's design angle. Even this move has some aesthetic and technical differences from Sonya's.

Side by side comparison:

08/26/2014 01:22 AM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
Iconic or not really matters. Ha.

Cassie was said to have moves from both of her parents and does but not once has Ed mentioned them being 'iconic'.

But let us continue being dense. Never change.

I don't know why you're being incredibly rude here. We can't have a discussion without insults? Fine, I can be incredibly bitchy too if you want, I just got home from a five hour car ride, who wouldn't be in a mood after that?

I clearly saw the interview that had Boon state that she's going to have "similar moves" towards her parents, but that's the thing you are clearly not fucking getting. Cassie can have moves that have similarities between two characters and not have it be identical. That is what the whole meaning behind the word "similar" means. Identical would be that she has the exact copy of that move with nothing changing.

I am not denying that she doesn't have something in common with both Sonya and Johnny, that would be dumb to say. But to sit here and say that she has more moves than the nut punch that is clearly taken from the other two that they have had in the past is just simply not true. Again, since Mojo made another post showing both of these characters, Cassie is clearly doing something different than Sonya and it's painfully obvious. That's not identical, that's having a S-I-M-I-L-A-R attack.

So please, are you going to continue throwing out unnecessary insults because I can tell the difference between similarity and identical, or are you going to finally get that Cassie has similar moves that aren't exact copies of Sonya and Johnny?
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08/26/2014 01:23 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
some other normals of thiers?

Can you please explain or show what normals? This is the first time I've heard this.

There was a post a TYM with a comparison that I couldn't locate but I remember her having Johnny's F3, and D1. MS d4 or b4 (whichever the sweep command was ) can also be seen.
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08/26/2014 02:01 AM (UTC)
i see now.

>Says Cassie has one move from parents with her own twist
>Gets told she has more than one (Take down *ahem*)
>even mentioned moves directly from them
>I'm the one not fucking getting anything

I've been thoroughly entertained by this but that's enough for one night.
08/26/2014 02:14 AM (UTC)
Cool, keep having a sassy attitude for no reason what so fucking ever. grin
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