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03/03/2015 04:39 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
since we all know progressivism just plain ruins entertainment *sarcasm*

>implying it doesn't
>implying diversity for the sake of diversity is all the motivation you need

ayy lmao

See, it's funny because nobody seems to be able to explain why diversity is inherently good and homogeneity is inherently bad.

It's "problematic" tho.

Which, when roughly translated from SJWese, means "bad", but bad in a way that cannot be accurately measured or quantified. They feel it's "problematic", but they don't want to detail what specifically the problem is or how to resolve it.

And hey, as long as we're pandering to sexual minorities, why stop there? Just go full-on special snowflake. Transpeople seem to be the next big frontier in SocJus, so not including one of them in MK is almost literally rape. And from there, it's a slippery slope all the way down to panromantic demisexual dragonkins. Because why not, right?

And guess what?

The SJWs still won't be satisfied. Because once you give them an inch, they take a whole mile.

And they will never, ever be happy.

If you don’t have a gay character in your game, you are homophobic.
If you do have gay character in your game, you are homophobic, because they don’t like the character.
If women in your game look good, you are sexist.
If they look bad, you are sexist.
If you can fight them, you are misogynistic.
If you can’t fight them, you are using them as objects.
And if you don’t have any women, because there is no correct way how to have them, you are misogynistic.

Identity politics are fucking cancer. Pandering to SJWs is a no-win scenario.

Also, to address some of the "B-BUT WHAT IF THEY'RE WELL-WRITTEN GAY CHARACTERS" comments.

Right now, about the only Western developer left who I would trust to handle identity and gender issues is probably Obsidian. Look at New Vegas - no one raised a single fuss about the gay characters, because you can bro up with them without them shoving it in your face. None of them outright advertise that they are gay; you have to get to no them first, y'know, just like in real life.

Like, Veronica or what's-her-face was a cool character who just happened to be a lesbian. She had some great interactions with the courier, NPCs and the Brotherhood. Her lesbianism is just off-handedly mentioned in a line about her past. It's just another aspect of her character; it didn't really define who she was because she had a lot of other interesting things going on. That's the difference between a character who happens to be gay, and gay-characters.

And on the other side of the aisle, you have Bioware, who have elected themselves to be the industry flag-bearer for diversity and inclusivity.

Which is hilarious, because Bioware's token minorities all come off as a bunch of one-dimensional deviant stereotypes.

If anything, that should set the LGBT movement back about a decade or two.
Isn't that the exact image that they're trying to get away from?
Is that how they like to be portrayed?
Shouldn't they dislike gay-characters in the same way a black guy would dislike a shitty cardboard cutout of a THUG4LYF black guy thrown into a game for the sake of diversity?

Shit, I'm straight and I'm fucking offended by Bioware's portrayal of them as hedonistic tumblrinas who immediately assume I want to bone them when I'm just trying to be nice.

>Hey Shepard, I'm gay.

for fuck's sake

Here's the thing, though.

Those examples I just talked about?

They all happen to be long, sprawling RPG epics with 80+ hours of gameplay.

This is key.

These are the games that can afford the luxury of spending dozens of hours establishing dynamic characters and have them gradually reveal facets of their personalities to you over the course of the narrative, which is how it should be done, because if they do happen to be gay, it's not something that can be properly conveyed at a glance without being fucking obnoxious and blatant.

MK, on the other hand, is a fighting game, and its story mode is barely 8 hours long, and I'm being generous here. It doesn't have the luxury of properly setting up a natural and believable gay character the same way RPGs do. And we just established that most of those RPGs STILL manage to get it wrong and end up with grating, in-your-face gay caricatures.

It also helps to keep in mind that we're talking about an irreverent, edgy franchise that is based entirely on the concept of every 12-year-old's idea of cool.

And this is the game you want to seriously tackle hot-button social issues?

How fucking delusional are you?
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

03/03/2015 04:49 PM (UTC)
This thread is pathetic. (Due to the ignorant reasoning exemplified by some users). And it's really embarrassing to be honest to be part of a message board with such unconstructive opinions.

03/03/2015 04:53 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
Um, who is asking for MK to show people screwing? I haven't seen anybody ask for that.

Stop making ridiculous statements and attributing them to those of us who want representation in media.

Also, LMAO at the very idea that 97% of the world is straight.

More than half of the world is straight which in turns mean majority of the people are. I wouldnt care if 51% were straight and 49% were gay. Its still majority.
03/03/2015 04:58 PM (UTC)
*peeks in thread*

*sees topic of discussion*

03/03/2015 05:00 PM (UTC)
So let me get this straight.

For those of you against gay representation in MK. If your favorite character was revealed to be gay. Would they stop being your favorite character?

I'm straight. I love women. That does not mean if Scorpion or Subbie or any of my other favorites came out as gay they'd stop being my favorites. They're still the same characters with an aspect of their character revealed. Scorpion still shouts "GET OVER HERE" with that spear of his. It doesn't make him any less badass.

Are you guys that frightened of homosexuality?
03/03/2015 05:03 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
since we all know progressivism just plain ruins entertainment *sarcasm*

>implying it doesn't
>implying diversity for the sake of diversity is all the motivation you need

ayy lmao

See, it's funny because nobody seems to be able to explain why diversity is inherently good and homogeneity is inherently bad.

It's "problematic" tho.

Which, when roughly translated from SJWese, means "bad", but bad in a way that cannot be accurately measured or quantified. They feel it's "problematic", but they don't want to detail what specifically the problem is or how to resolve it.

I know it's comforting to lump all arguments against your position into one umbrella category, the name of which has been dragged through shit by nearly everyone on the internet, so much so that the force of your argument bears more on repetitiously citing this three-letter acronym than, I don't know, an actual response to the people who are disagreeing with you on this thread rather than throwing rocks at the boogeystrawman you've plucked from the crusades you've launched against tumblr users.

But what I find tiring, even moreso than the positions that can be attributed to someone called an "SJW" (which at this point, can be as heterogeneous as conveniences your current feuding), is the constant complaining about SJWs when at best they're scapegoats for collective haranguing, and at worst, they stop all discussion about topics as banal as gender representation in media. The problem with lumping all arguments against your position into a strawman figure to knock down? You tend not to comprehend the arguments you're responding against.

For example:

"And this is the game you want to seriously tackle hot-button social issues?"

No one on this thread wants to turn Mortal Kombat into an offshoot of that "It Gets Better" campaign or an afterschool special.
03/03/2015 05:40 PM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
Why couldn't this thread be about preferred hot dog toppings?

Me, I'm boring. Just a ketchup guy...
03/03/2015 05:45 PM (UTC)
Bryden88 Wrote:
So let me get this straight.

For those of you against gay representation in MK. If your favorite character was revealed to be gay. Would they stop being your favorite character?

I'm straight. I love women. That does not mean if Scorpion or Subbie or any of my other favorites came out as gay they'd stop being my favorites. They're still the same characters with an aspect of their character revealed. Scorpion still shouts "GET OVER HERE" with that spear of his. It doesn't make him any less badass.

Are you guys that frightened of homosexuality?

Maybe you aren't talking to me since im not "against it", but I also am not "for it" meaning one way or another I really don't care, I wont rally for it and im not going to riot against it either. MK can have homosexual characters or not, it doesn't matter to me, im cool with whatever but to answer your question the answer is no.

Scorpion has been my favorite character since I was wearing footy pajamas and pull ups, something as trivial as what he prefers to stick his dick in isn't enough to make me dislike him.

Just want to make it clear that just because some people aren't rioting with picket signs to have them in doesn't mean we are homophobic. Some of us just don't care about the sexual preferences of fictional characters. I am all for equal rights for the LBGT community but I also think NRS should be able to just have fun and create the characters they want to create and tell the story they want to tell in their games.
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Get that ass BANNED

03/03/2015 05:55 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
im not "against it", but I also am not "for it" meaning one way or another I really don't care, I wont rally for it and im not going to riot against it either. MK can have homosexual characters or not, it doesn't matter to me, im cool with whatever.

This is exactly how I feel right here, just couldn't put it into words. Thank you fucking Jesus Alrighty on rye bread.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/03/2015 06:24 PM (UTC)
Dare I? Oh yes, I do....

Lol @ folks dignifying the ignorant posts with replies.

And *facepalm* @ folks who think this is top ranking as a serious world issue. Not doggin' ya though because I used to have that mentality.

I get the want for representation and diversity, but on the same token that'll only further enforce stereotypes and stigmas by causing more division. Because you already know not everyone will be down with this.

Bottom line, we're ALL humans. Who gives a flying fuck about what goes on behind closed doors? That attribute is SO far towards the bottom of the list of total attributes that make up a person (or character) that it's irrelevant.

To reiterate, it shouldn't be the driving force behind a character. For example, IF they had decided to make Kotal gay, and it was his love interest (determined by clever use of dialogue WITHOUT being too "in your face") that Goro killed, not his father, just by depicting him as being heartbrokenly "crushed" by the loss would be sufficient. We don't need love scenes, we don't need the mention of "gay", and we don't need him hitting on other male characters. Leave something for the imagination.

Should they decide to do so...subtle is the way. Less is more. Same for the flip on straight characters. The only reason they're really digging into these romances this much is to push the descendants gimmick. Before, the suspicion was there, just again, subtle.

And why Rain is automatically assigned as the gay character I'll never understand. Colors don't have genders. Lol, get outta here with that shit.
03/03/2015 06:25 PM (UTC)
mkfan_9999 Wrote:
MikeyRu Wrote:
Um, who is asking for MK to show people screwing? I haven't seen anybody ask for that.

Stop making ridiculous statements and attributing them to those of us who want representation in media.

Also, LMAO at the very idea that 97% of the world is straight.

More than half of the world is straight which in turns mean majority of the people are. I wouldnt care if 51% were straight and 49% were gay. Its still majority.

You could fit every gay person in the world in San Francisco. Just sayin... It's not close to 50/50, it's not even close to 25/75. 7% max. It's 3% in the US, I'd imagine it's not much different anywhere else. Unless there is a gay state somewhere like an israel.

The only reason I even brought it up is because he asked "why does everything need a hetero plot device?" in response to my "why does everything need a token homo plot device." There's a valid and simple explanation for it, the vast majority are hetero. I haven't gotten an answer yet aside from "I want representation" like mortal kombat is running for congress.
03/03/2015 06:31 PM (UTC)
mkfan_9999 Wrote:
More than half of the world is straight which in turns mean majority of the people are.

No comment.
03/03/2015 06:32 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:

I get the want for representation and diversity, but on the same token

I see what you did there! ;)
About Me


03/03/2015 06:35 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:a lot

Thank you for this. I whole heartedly agree.

TigerStyle Wrote:
mkfan_9999 Wrote:What is seriously wrong with people on these forums?

Clearly we waste our time bickering when we should band together to legalize gay marriage in Outworld.

If Alabama can do it...

Sensibility_has_spoken Wrote:Homosexuality is not only morally bankrupt, it is biologically wrong.
Proponents of homosexuality are responsible for the decay of denizens morals.
It's pure Marxism. And what was Marxism for the educated members of this board?
Close thread; end of story.

I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you said “I'm a troll, therefore you should all ignore my obvious insane and unfounded rant.” or it could have been “I'm a bigot and I deserve a serious can of whoop-ass unleashed upon me.”

Option A or B captain so-called-sensible. Either way it's the internet equivalent of wearing a big 'kick me' sign. No one forced you to join the discussion.

No, let's keep this thread about hypothetical sexuality/shipping open. Every other community has shipping and sexuality discussions without enforcing closed-mindedness on anyone.

Murcielago Wrote:
We say no to ninjas, no one bats an eye.
We say no to gay characters and people loses their minds. And everyone comes out using big words and calling those people bigots, ignorant, close minded or whatever.

These aren't 'big words'. Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch is a big word. For a small town.

Because 97% of the world is Hetero.

This made me lol. Dude, it's more like 60% and that's a conservative estimate. And, as Green Day once said; 'Down with the moral majority, 'cos I wanna be the minority.'

As a gay TV I don't want to see homosexuality exploited in MK, and I wouldn't think such details have much relevance in what is primarily a fighting game. On the other hand, storytelling has become progressively more detailed and in-depth to the point where MKX promises a mini-blockbuster movie. Excluding minorities for the sake of it would be wrong, but including them is equally as pointless. At no time have I ever felt MK has excluded minorities though, from the real to the in-universe fictitious (race, for example. There are white Americans, black Americans, Asians, White Europeans, Tarkatans, Shokans, Gods, Bug-lady creatures etc.)

Am I a monster because of whom I find attractive or because I have horns? What I mean is differences are represented and even if it's subtle fans can identify with anyone. Some time ago I read that Sindel is the 'gay-icon' of MK (like Cher or Kylie) and I don't know if that was just the opinion of one or many, but I liked it.

So, about details. Well, Shao and Sindel did marry, but it wasn't because of love. Can it still be classified as heterosexual or any -sexual since she wasn't exactly consenting? (Was there rape? That's a definite derailing thought). Scorpion had a wife and child. If he had a husband would it impact the story at all? His motivation would still be revenge.

Personally, if it was revealed that (for example) Rain was gay, I'd just think 'Oh, OK. Representation. No big.' I'm still far more interested in his motives and plans for Outworld than if he's crushing on Smoke or not. Anyone remember he had a Shokan Dagger? That's more of an important detail than his sexuality if he doesn't end up involved with anyone. If such details exist there has to be proper justification or else why bother bringing it up? Sub-Z and Smoke didn't have anything beyond the highly speculated subtextual, so why would NRS bother confirming or denying anything if nothing comes of it?

We humans are sexual beings, and it's fun to have hypothetical speculative thoughts and discussions, but forcing that into the established canon would be going too far.
Remember that word, 'fun'? It's what we're here for, right?
03/03/2015 06:38 PM (UTC)
I don't want to get sucked into the maelstrom of this thread, but then this comes up.

Sensibility_has_spoken Wrote:
Homosexuality is not only morally bankrupt, it is biologically wrong. Proponents of homosexuality are responsible for the decay of denizens morals. It's pure Marxism. And what was Marxism for the educated members of this board? Close thread; end of story.

Bigoted asshole trolls like you make me ashamed to be straight. Try worrying about shit in the world that actually affects you, for a change.
03/03/2015 06:43 PM (UTC)
mkfan_9999 Wrote:
MikeyRu Wrote:
Um, who is asking for MK to show people screwing? I haven't seen anybody ask for that.

Stop making ridiculous statements and attributing them to those of us who want representation in media.

Also, LMAO at the very idea that 97% of the world is straight.

More than half of the world is straight which in turns mean majority of the people are. I wouldnt care if 51% were straight and 49% were gay. Its still majority.

You could fit every gay person in the world in San Francisco. Just sayin... It's not close to 50/50, it's not even close to 25/75. 7% max. It's 3% in the US, I'd imagine it's not much different anywhere else. Unless there is a gay state somewhere like an israel.

I would caution against calculating, or even estimating, quantities of perceived gay people in the world. For one thing: homosexuality and the expressions thereof differ wildly between geographic locations. I.e., you're not gay in Brazil if you're the penetrative partner in sex, but you are gay if you're the receptive partner. Furthermore, are you "gay" if you have erotic attachments to the same sex at any time, but never act on them? Are you gay if you sleep with partners of the same sex but never proclaim this identity for yourself?

I do agree with T-Rex that identity politics are terrible, mostly because once you establish an identity for a group of people, i.e. "gay," those subjects that are said to claim this identity will inevitably contest its foundational terms.

Could you fit every gay person in the world in San Francisco? This question already presumes to know ahead of time what form of sexual expression "homosexuality" will take in advance, though it seems to me that sexuality is not something that can be stratified into ossified groups of individuals.

I mean, there wasn't even a "homosexual" until the 19th Century, and "heterosexual" was only invented after medical discourse wanted to make a problem of something new they identified as a "homosexual," putting what was previously considered to be just "perverse" into a diagnostic category with a medical history.
03/03/2015 06:46 PM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
im not "against it", but I also am not "for it" meaning one way or another I really don't care, I wont rally for it and im not going to riot against it either. MK can have homosexual characters or not, it doesn't matter to me, im cool with whatever.

This is exactly how I feel right here, just couldn't put it into words. Thank you fucking Jesus Alrighty on rye bread.


Because it's like a damn private school with SJW's up in here.

Stop beating a dead horse if it hasn't happened yet and were in 2015 folks it probably won't be happening anytime soon.

Infact I propose Marijuana will be legalized in the US before we see LGQT representation in MK

Will it affect how you go about your daily lives? nope please take that special snowflake shit back to Jezebel.
Nobody here on either side really cares one way or the other here, let's be honest.

Nobody's going to be upset if MK ever has gays or if it never has them.

It's a video game and I know you all have more important things to worry about. Surely.

So stop falling for weak troll bait and trying to come in here to shame people saying they're okay with heterosexual relationships and not gay ones when half of them didn't like the idea of Cassie Cage to begin with.
03/03/2015 06:47 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:a lot

Thank you for this. I whole heartedly agree.

TigerStyle Wrote:
mkfan_9999 Wrote:What is seriously wrong with people on these forums?

Clearly we waste our time bickering when we should band together to legalize gay marriage in Outworld.

If Alabama can do it...

Sensibility_has_spoken Wrote:Homosexuality is not only morally bankrupt, it is biologically wrong.
Proponents of homosexuality are responsible for the decay of denizens morals.
It's pure Marxism. And what was Marxism for the educated members of this board?
Close thread; end of story.

I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you said “I'm a troll, therefore you should all ignore my obvious insane and unfounded rant.” or it could have been “I'm a bigot and I deserve a serious can of whoop-ass unleashed upon me.”

Option A or B captain so-called-sensible. Either way it's the internet equivalent of wearing a big 'kick me' sign. No one forced you to join the discussion.

No, let's keep this thread about hypothetical sexuality/shipping open. Every other community has shipping and sexuality discussions without enforcing closed-mindedness on anyone.

Murcielago Wrote:
We say no to ninjas, no one bats an eye.
We say no to gay characters and people loses their minds. And everyone comes out using big words and calling those people bigots, ignorant, close minded or whatever.

These aren't 'big words'. Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch is a big word. For a small town.

Because 97% of the world is Hetero.

This made me lol. Dude, it's more like 60% and that's a conservative estimate. And, as Green Day once said; 'Down with the moral majority, 'cos I wanna be the minority.'

As a gay TV I don't want to see homosexuality exploited in MK, and I wouldn't think such details have much relevance in what is primarily a fighting game. On the other hand, storytelling has become progressively more detailed and in-depth to the point where MKX promises a mini-blockbuster movie. Excluding minorities for the sake of it would be wrong, but including them is equally as pointless. At no time have I ever felt MK has excluded minorities though, from the real to the in-universe fictitious (race, for example. There are white Americans, black Americans, Asians, White Europeans, Tarkatans, Shokans, Gods, Bug-lady creatures etc.)

Am I a monster because of whom I find attractive or because I have horns? What I mean is differences are represented and even if it's subtle fans can identify with anyone. Some time ago I read that Sindel is the 'gay-icon' of MK (like Cher or Kylie) and I don't know if that was just the opinion of one or many, but I liked it.

So, about details. Well, Shao and Sindel did marry, but it wasn't because of love. Can it still be classified as heterosexual or any -sexual since she wasn't exactly consenting? (Was there rape? That's a definite derailing thought). Scorpion had a wife and child. If he had a husband would it impact the story at all? His motivation would still be revenge.

Personally, if it was revealed that (for example) Rain was gay, I'd just think 'Oh, OK. Representation. No big.' I'm still far more interested in his motives and plans for Outworld than if he's crushing on Smoke or not. Anyone remember he had a Shokan Dagger? That's more of an important detail than his sexuality if he doesn't end up involved with anyone. If such details exist there has to be proper justification or else why bother bringing it up? Sub-Z and Smoke didn't have anything beyond the highly speculated subtextual, so why would NRS bother confirming or denying anything if nothing comes of it?

We humans are sexual beings, and it's fun to have hypothetical speculative thoughts and discussions, but forcing that into the established canon would be going too far.
Remember that word, 'fun'? It's what we're here for, right?

Lol 60? You're sadly mistaken if you think that. the usa has probably the most openly gay region in the world and less than 3% is gay. 95% of the rest of the world despise gays especially africa and asia due to mainly strong religious beliefs. Probably only 10% of the world is gay and thats being generous.
SwingBatta Wrote:

Bigoted asshole trolls like you make me ashamed to be straight. Try worrying about shit in the world that actually affects you, for a change.

That's like being ashamed to be Australian because Kano's a murderer.
03/03/2015 06:53 PM (UTC)

Very reasonable answer and you didn't insult me at all. You're ok in my book. I agree with most of what you said besides the 60% part. If half the planet is gay then we're in trouble lol.
03/03/2015 07:11 PM (UTC)
People forget this is a fucking fighting game series. Does it REALLY fucking matter?

And before some twat calls me a homophobe, I support the LGBT.
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

03/03/2015 07:15 PM (UTC)
Just for the sake of having a gay character eh?
Do you want a gay character to fulfill a fantasy or do you feel its justified?

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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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03/03/2015 07:17 PM (UTC)
Count me with the "I don't think a LGBT/snowflake character is necessary in MK, but I'm not against it" crowd. I think it's funny that the rumblings for such a character are quite loud in this fanbase and not elsewhere in the fighting game community.

I don't know. I'm so tired of seeing these threads pop up.

In the meantime, I encourage those who absolutely have to have non-straight characters in their games to expand their horizons and find titles that fit their tastes. It would be foolish not to.
m0s3pH Wrote:
Count me with the "I don't think a LGBT/snowflake character is necessary in MK, but I'm not against it" crowd. I think it's funny that the rumblings for such a character are quite loud in this fanbase and not elsewhere in the fighting game community.

I don't know. I'm so tired of seeing these threads pop up.

In the meantime, I encourage those who absolutely have to have non-straight characters in their games to expand their horizons and find titles that fit their tastes. It would be foolish not to.

That's because MvC, BlazBlu, Tekken, Virtua Fighter, and Street Fighter have always been gay.
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