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03/03/2015 09:52 PM (UTC)
I know, that's why I'm laughing.

Isn't that, like... a bad stereotype at this point?
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03/03/2015 09:54 PM (UTC)
One movie about two gay cowboys does not = stereotype.

Besides, you're taking what I said too literally. Erron Black's just an example, it could be any new character.
DG1OA Wrote:
I'm not gonna bother reading the thread, since I know exactly what most of the replies will say, and which types of people will reply:

1) Dumb conservative homophobes obviously objecting to homosexuality out of stupid, mostly religious reasons.

2) Dumb liberals who supposedly are for gay rights but want a gay character's sexuality to be heavily downplayed, just so people don't get too distracted. In short, these liberals sound like they're trying to make gay characters tolerable for the mainstream crowd. Hell, these morons probably think it's more practical to just cater to homophobes.

3) Whoever is suggesting a gay character (or any minorities) accused of being a "social justice warrior" or just "wanting diversity just for diversity's sake", no doubt by priviliged dimwits who don't realize how serious discrimination against homosexuals is, who'll say thing like "it's just a game, not the civil rights movement", since we all know progressivism just plain ruins entertainment *sarcasm*.

People of the third category always seem to think the countless white straight characters of both genders in fiction are designed to be so by complete accident.

Finally, the amount of hostile replies threads like this one always get is just amusing. So many idiots who just can't accept that we're not living in some utopia where discrimination is truly a thing of the past, and who lash out at anyone reminding them of that. Heh.

Firstly, your opening statement speaks volumes. I will say no more on that.

Secondly, what evidence do you rely upon that explicitly states that I'm on a religious crusade or that my religion plays pivotal bearing on what I express? I don't like to repeat myself, but homosexuality is not only morally wrong, but it is biologically wrong. Period.

Lastly, I think it would be better if you stopped trying to be an intellectual and embraced what you tuly are.
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03/03/2015 09:57 PM (UTC)
Y'know, at this point, I wouldn't even give a shit. Erron's so fucking cool that I just want him in the game.

So I guess if he were to hypothetically turn out to be gay, that would be an example of NRS actually doing it right.
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03/03/2015 09:57 PM (UTC)
^---- Do NOT respond to that guy. Seriously. Keep the conversation about gay characters in MK.
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03/03/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Y'know, at this point, I wouldn't even give a shit. Erron's so fucking cool that I just want him in the game.

So I guess if he were to hypothetically turn out to be gay, that would be an example of NRS actually doing it right.

Thank you! *tips hat*
03/03/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Y'know, at this point, I wouldn't even give a shit. Erron's so fucking cool that I just want him in the game.

So I guess if he were to hypothetically turn out to be gay, that would be an example of NRS actually doing it right.

Pretty much. They could literally do anything to EB and nothing would hurt his cool factor.
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03/03/2015 10:01 PM (UTC)

*tips Stetson*
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 10:01 PM (UTC)
If I could get paid a cool million for every post in this thread I'd be set for life.


Bryden88 Wrote:
So let me get this straight.

For those of you against gay representation in MK. If your favorite character was revealed to be gay. Would they stop being your favorite character?

I'm straight. I love women. That does not mean if Scorpion or Subbie or any of my other favorites came out as gay they'd stop being my favorites. They're still the same characters with an aspect of their character revealed. Scorpion still shouts "GET OVER HERE" with that spear of his. It doesn't make him any less badass.

Are you guys that frightened of homosexuality?

I'd just cease buying any more MK games. They are not the same character.

Frightened? I just condemn it. It's communism; it's destructive; it's a pestilential whore that masquerades as liberation for minority. All it does is decay the foundations of civilisation.

So many implications you don't understand.
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Props to MINION
03/03/2015 10:16 PM (UTC)
What if I told you . . .

Raiden is gay......

....with fujinwow
03/03/2015 10:18 PM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
What if I told you . . .

Raiden is gay......

....with fujinwow

It would explain why Raiden saved his life and not Kitana or Liu Kang's. LOL
03/03/2015 10:30 PM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Dairou had a wife.

That wasn't ever specified in the games.
For what it's worth, I've always regarded it more as his flesh-and-blood family (parents, siblings, etc.), because we've already covered the wife-and-child thing with Scorpion.

MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Couldn't it have been Dairou's husband that was killed?

Despite the idiocy in here, I'd be lying if I said I didn't find this angle appealing.

MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Johnny Cage hit on Sonya, she had a child with him

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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/03/2015 10:35 PM (UTC)
Well you know what they say...

"Save a horse, ride a cowboy."
03/03/2015 10:44 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Well you know what they say...

"Save a horse, ride a cowboy."

Brokeback got us good, don't it?
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Dare I? Oh yes, I do....

Lol @ folks dignifying the ignorant posts with replies.

And *facepalm* @ folks who think this is top ranking as a serious world issue. Not doggin' ya though because I used to have that mentality.

I get the want for representation and diversity, but on the same token that'll only further enforce stereotypes and stigmas by causing more division. Because you already know not everyone will be down with this.

Bottom line, we're ALL humans. Who gives a flying fuck about what goes on behind closed doors? That attribute is SO far towards the bottom of the list of total attributes that make up a person (or character) that it's irrelevant.

That's just it. It's not going on behind closed doors; It is blatantly exhibited. I find this affronting.
PickleMendip Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:a lot

Thank you for this. I whole heartedly agree.

TigerStyle Wrote:
mkfan_9999 Wrote:What is seriously wrong with people on these forums?

Clearly we waste our time bickering when we should band together to legalize gay marriage in Outworld.

If Alabama can do it...

Sensibility_has_spoken Wrote:Homosexuality is not only morally bankrupt, it is biologically wrong.
Proponents of homosexuality are responsible for the decay of denizens morals.
It's pure Marxism. And what was Marxism for the educated members of this board?
Close thread; end of story.

I'm sorry, I'm not sure if you said “I'm a troll, therefore you should all ignore my obvious insane and unfounded rant.” or it could have been “I'm a bigot and I deserve a serious can of whoop-ass unleashed upon me.”

Option A or B captain so-called-sensible. Either way it's the internet equivalent of wearing a big 'kick me' sign. No one forced you to join the discussion.

No, let's keep this thread about hypothetical sexuality/shipping open. Every other community has shipping and sexuality discussions without enforcing closed-mindedness on anyone.

Murcielago Wrote:
We say no to ninjas, no one bats an eye.
We say no to gay characters and people loses their minds. And everyone comes out using big words and calling those people bigots, ignorant, close minded or whatever.

These aren't 'big words'. Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch is a big word. For a small town.

Because 97% of the world is Hetero.

This made me lol. Dude, it's more like 60% and that's a conservative estimate. And, as Green Day once said; 'Down with the moral majority, 'cos I wanna be the minority.'

As a gay TV I don't want to see homosexuality exploited in MK, and I wouldn't think such details have much relevance in what is primarily a fighting game. On the other hand, storytelling has become progressively more detailed and in-depth to the point where MKX promises a mini-blockbuster movie. Excluding minorities for the sake of it would be wrong, but including them is equally as pointless. At no time have I ever felt MK has excluded minorities though, from the real to the in-universe fictitious (race, for example. There are white Americans, black Americans, Asians, White Europeans, Tarkatans, Shokans, Gods, Bug-lady creatures etc.)

Am I a monster because of whom I find attractive or because I have horns? What I mean is differences are represented and even if it's subtle fans can identify with anyone. Some time ago I read that Sindel is the 'gay-icon' of MK (like Cher or Kylie) and I don't know if that was just the opinion of one or many, but I liked it.

So, about details. Well, Shao and Sindel did marry, but it wasn't because of love. Can it still be classified as heterosexual or any -sexual since she wasn't exactly consenting? (Was there rape? That's a definite derailing thought). Scorpion had a wife and child. If he had a husband would it impact the story at all? His motivation would still be revenge.

Personally, if it was revealed that (for example) Rain was gay, I'd just think 'Oh, OK. Representation. No big.' I'm still far more interested in his motives and plans for Outworld than if he's crushing on Smoke or not. Anyone remember he had a Shokan Dagger? That's more of an important detail than his sexuality if he doesn't end up involved with anyone. If such details exist there has to be proper justification or else why bother bringing it up? Sub-Z and Smoke didn't have anything beyond the highly speculated subtextual, so why would NRS bother confirming or denying anything if nothing comes of it?

We humans are sexual beings, and it's fun to have hypothetical speculative thoughts and discussions, but forcing that into the established canon would be going too far.
Remember that word, 'fun'? It's what we're here for, right?

Listen little lady- I don't deal in mere opinion; I deal with fact.

As for you saying unfounded? I'd welcome you to produce evidence of such.

Indeed, we are sexual beings. We are evolutionarily wired to have sex that produce offspring, thus, succouring the legacy of mankind. Now tell me- how does homosexuality further the species? It doesn't- fact.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/03/2015 11:12 PM (UTC)
Is this a tes-...no, no.


KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Well you know what they say...

"Save a horse, ride a cowboy."

Brokeback got us good, don't it?

It sure did. But hey, with those options...I'd be galloping -




MikeyRu Wrote:
^---- Do NOT respond to that guy. Seriously. Keep the conversation about gay characters in MK.

You post a lot in this thread, but alas, you are deficient in contributing something thought provoking in the discussion.

One interesting FACT mainstream conveniently neglects to mention is that aids infected homosexuals, and their cohorts, are crusading to ensure that their blood is not scanned for infectious diseases when donating. Are you ok with that?

Now, I don't overly embrace the ecclesiastical concepts either, but I find it interesting that so many homosexuals have this insatiable urge to legitimise marriage; yet, generally speaking, most homosexuals hold atheistic/communist beliefs. Oxymoron?

Now, I've clicked on your profile in order to accumulate data in my assessment of the character (which is you) that I'm dealing with. It is apparent I'm dealing with a person of short social standing; an outcast; a minority.

Nonetheless, I am familiar with your malnourished arguments; such ludicrous and ill conceived, imprudent cognitive retaliations.

At the end of the day, we are both here to discuss MK. Sexuality has no place in this realm. I ask that you kindly refrain from giving me any more eye gastric.

But if you feel compelled, I ask that you bring something a little though provoking, instead of sprouting poorly formulated views.
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03/04/2015 12:25 AM (UTC)
Sensibility_has_spoken Wrote:
MikeyRu Wrote:
^---- Do NOT respond to that guy. Seriously. Keep the conversation about gay characters in MK.

You post a lot in this thread, but alas, you are deficient in contributing something thought provoking in the discussion.

One interesting FACT mainstream conveniently neglects to mention is that aids infected homosexuals, and their cohorts, are crusading to ensure that their blood is not scanned for infectious diseases when donating. Are you ok with that?

Now, I don't overly embrace the ecclesiastical concepts either, but I find it interesting that so many homosexuals have this insatiable urge to legitimise marriage; yet, generally speaking, most homosexuals hold atheistic/communist beliefs. Oxymoron?

Now, I've clicked on your profile in order to accumulate data in my assessment of the character (which is you) that I'm dealing with. It is apparent I'm dealing with a person of short social standing; an outcast; a minority.

Nonetheless, I am familiar with your malnourished arguments; such ludicrous and ill conceived, imprudent cognitive retaliations.

At the end of the day, we are both here to discuss MK. Sexuality has no place in this realm. I ask that you kindly refrain from giving me any more eye gastric.

But if you feel compelled, I ask that you bring something a little though provoking, instead of sprouting poorly formulated views.

We get it. You're a homophobe.

Dude, you're in no position to be telling people what they can and can't post here. I can live with your opinion that gay characters don't belong in MK. I can even tolerate the fact that you're a shameless bigot. I will not accept you trying to censor others.

There may be a bunch of dumbasses on this board posting easily refuted claims and other absolute drivel, but I will fight for their right to do it. You on the other hand, with your pretentious, holier than thou attitude, can fuck right off.
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