This will probably get derailed to hell but I think its important to say...
posted03/04/2015 12:25 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/06/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
People have posted several different threads in the past about gay characters. Most people have completely shut down the idea as being something that would be heavy-handed and not relevant to the game. But I think MKX is a perfect example of how that isn't true and how easy it could be to include a gay character, as well as how sexuality isn't 'a non-important detail that shouldn't be in'.

Most of the characters in the game are canonically confirmed to be straight. Johnny Cage hit on Sonya, she had a child with him, Jax had a child, Kenshi had a child, Reiko and Mileena had sex. Liu Kang and Kitana are made out to be a possible couple. Scorpion had a wife. Sindel married two men. Shao Kahn had multiple women as his sex slaves and a wife. Li Mei was into the dragon king. Dairou had a wife. The freaking Dragon King was into a woman and he isn't even human.

The overwhelming majority of characters are straight and never have any comment made about how their sexuality is superfluous or unnecessary. However, a gay character is apparently too much.

But why couldn't Johnny have hit on a male character and have been rejected? Couldn't it have been Dairou's husband that was killed? Why couldn't Mileena have had a female general and partner? Even a throwaway comment could have been made about why Sub-Zero hasn't had a children, or maybe Jax could have adopted a child.

Gay characters wouldn't have been superfluous or unnecessary to the plot, just more diverse and realistic. In the same way that some people would have gotten tired of several telekinetics, I personally get tired of an all-straight cast, and especially because I don't think that it represents the real world or reflects well the people playing. As a gay kid, it was very important for me when I saw gay characters in media, because it was affirming and made me feel like maybe I was accepted. It's important, and I hate that people come up with fake arguments against it just because of their own prejudices. MKX is a fantasy world, but real-life elements are still important.

So let's at least be honest, that MK only doesn't have gay characters because people don't accept gay people as entirely equal. Let's own up to prejudice, at the very least.

(And before someone derails this, no, I don't mean that the character needs to have a focus on their sexuality. But imagine our favorite straight characters, with that one minor detail changed. And what do you get? A good character that also happens to be gay.
03/03/2015 03:08 AM (UTC)
Why couldn't this thread be about preferred hot dog toppings?
About Me
03/03/2015 03:09 AM (UTC)
Dat title.


Edit: Reread. You're insinuating they went out of their way to exclude gay characters?
About Me

Second fan of "The Lady in Green...err Turquoise, no Gold?"

03/03/2015 03:13 AM (UTC)
Have you seen the way SubZero and Smoke interacted in MK9. Tell me there wasn't anything going on there. glasses
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 03:14 AM (UTC)
Fasten your seat belt bitches, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
03/03/2015 03:17 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
Why couldn't this thread be about preferred hot dog toppings?

I myself enjoy Chicago dogs. So very good.
Also, what's the deal with everyone trying to attach gay subtext to Johnny Cage, the guy who's been chasing after Sonya throughout the comics, the movies, and the games (esp. apparent in MK:DA and MK9?)
At least pick a remotely sensible person to apply that theory to.
I'm actually laughing imagining the intro of MK9 (during the MK1 tournament) with Johnny getting rebuffed by Liu (or Reptile) and then immediately rebounding to Sonya.
Gay Tarkatan Character or nothing
About Me

03/03/2015 03:18 AM (UTC)
Cassie&Jacqui confirmed <3
03/03/2015 03:20 AM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
People have posted several different threads in the past about gay characters. Most people have completely shut down the idea as being something that would be heavy-handed and not relevant to the game. But I think MKX is a perfect example of how that isn't true and how easy it could be to include a gay character, as well as how sexuality isn't 'a non-important detail that shouldn't be in'.

Most of the characters in the game are canonically confirmed to be straight. Johnny Cage hit on Sonya, she had a child with him, Jax had a child, Kenshi had a child, Reiko and Mileena had sex. Liu Kang and Kitana are made out to be a possible couple. Scorpion had a wife. Sindel married two men. Shao Kahn had multiple women as his sex slaves and a wife. Li Mei was into the dragon king. Dairou had a wife. The freaking Dragon King was into a woman and he isn't even human.

The overwhelming majority of characters are straight and never have any comment made about how their sexuality is superfluous or unnecessary. However, a gay character is apparently too much.

But why couldn't Johnny have hit on a male character and have been rejected? Couldn't it have been Dairou's husband that was killed? Why couldn't Mileena have had a female general and partner? Even a throwaway comment could have been made about why Sub-Zero hasn't had a children, or maybe Jax could have adopted a child.

Gay characters wouldn't have been superfluous or unnecessary to the plot, just more diverse and realistic. In the same way that some people would have gotten tired of several telekinetics, I personally get tired of an all-straight cast, and especially because I don't think that it represents the real world or reflects well the people playing. As a gay kid, it was very important for me when I saw gay characters in media, because it was affirming and made me feel like maybe I was accepted. It's important, and I hate that people come up with fake arguments against it just because of their own prejudices. MKX is a fantasy world, but real-life elements are still important.

So let's at least be honest, that MK only doesn't have gay characters because people don't accept gay people as entirely equal. Let's own up to prejudice, at the very least.

(And before someone derails this, no, I don't mean that the character needs to have a focus on their sexuality. But imagine our favorite straight characters, with that one minor detail changed. And what do you get? A good character that also happens to be gay.

Oh my god, please shut up with this shit. You need a video game to make you feel accepted? Grow some balls. If they want to make a gay character, I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate. They probably have a gay person or two working at NRS. You don't feel "represented" by a video game, so that makes everyone prejudice? That seems pretty ridiculous.

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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/03/2015 03:23 AM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Cassie&Jacqui confirmed <3

I ship Cassie & Ferra. #Fassie
Fassie confirmed! <3
03/03/2015 03:24 AM (UTC)
Own up to the prejudice? The hell?
"Superfluous and unnecessary"

This made me laugh.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/03/2015 03:29 AM (UTC)
Look bro, I understand where you're coming from but these are characters that have already been established in MK. Some more than others development wise but still, even those characters are perceived to be a certain way by their fans.

Especially Sub-Zero. If NRS decided to so much as even hint at Sub-Zero being gay all hell would break loose. Same goes for any other existing male MK character.

The only way this would work and be accepted is if NRS introduced an entirely new character and they happened to be gay. Like it could work for Takeda, Erron Black and Kung Jin because they're all new and we barely know what their story is at the moment. But even for these new guys, it's a stretch.

Not shooting you down or anything just calling it how I see it.
03/03/2015 03:30 AM (UTC)
I too would like a gay character. I feel like Smoke or Rain could potentially be gay. Cassie and Jacqui would be cool but they will probably so something with them and Takeda and Kung Jin.
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:
Why couldn't this thread be about preferred hot dog toppings?

I myself enjoy Chicago dogs. So very good.
Also, what's the deal with everyone trying to attach gay subtext to Johnny Cage, the guy who's been chasing after Sonya throughout the comics, the movies, and the games (esp. apparent in MK:DA and MK9?)
At least pick a remotely sensible person to apply that theory to.
I'm actually laughing imagining the intro of MK9 (during the MK1 tournament) with Johnny getting rebuffed by Liu (or Reptile) and then immediately rebounding to Sonya.

lel its because of that one teabagging picture
03/03/2015 03:36 AM (UTC)
I'm pretty sure Nightwolf & Hsu Hao are gay so let's close this thread.

BTW op, in the words of Shao Kahn, 'You suck...weak pathetic fool.'
About Me

03/03/2015 03:37 AM (UTC)
Cassie, Jacqui, Ferra and D'Vorah strike me as major lesbians. I'm not homophobic, I mention it as a good thing.
03/03/2015 03:39 AM (UTC)
Reiko seemes to want to butt fuck Shao Kahn all the time. He's also fucking Kahn's daughter. Maybe Reiko's a bi-sexual character.
03/03/2015 03:47 AM (UTC)
Erron Black would be the perfect first openly gay MK character, he could hail from Earthrealm's legendary Brokeback Mountain grin
About Me

03/03/2015 03:47 AM (UTC)
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
Reiko seemes to want to butt fuck Shao Kahn all the time. He's also fucking Kahn's daughter. Maybe Reiko's a bi-sexual character.

He will sleep with anyone to get to the top.
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
Reiko seemes to want to butt fuck Shao Kahn all the time. He's also fucking Kahn's daughter. Maybe Reiko's a bi-sexual character.

"That was great, Mileena. But next time wear your Dad's helmet."

We all know Kahn is gay. Marries Sindel for legal status, never touches her and just uses her as a means to an end?

He doesn't even acknowledge the slave girls in his arena or the ones that crawl up to him.
03/03/2015 03:48 AM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Cassie, Jacqui, Ferra and D'Vorah strike me as major lesbians. I' not homophobic, I mention it as a good thing.

Stop giving me dirty thoughts, man. lol tongue
About Me
03/03/2015 03:59 AM (UTC)
Hsu Hao's cyber heart took away all emotion. How could he have any preference?

Jarhead Wrote:
I'm pretty sure Nightwolf & Hsu Hao are gay so let's close this thread.

BTW op, in the words of Shao Kahn, 'You suck...weak pathetic fool.'
About Me

03/03/2015 04:04 AM (UTC)
Wasn't Catwoman just revealed to be bisexual in the latest comics? I could have sworn that I read that somewhere.....

I see where the OP is coming from. It's not like the character would need a whole chapter in story mode about how they came to the realization that they aren't straight. Although we never see her in the games, it is stated that Scorpion once had a wife and kid back home (RIP). Who's to say they couldn't so this with another character? After saving the day, we could have the new gen of kids introduced in this game (Cassie, Jacqui, Takeda, Kung Jin) all kind of kick back and reflect on what just happened. Have Takeda throw in a line about how his bf is gonna want to hear all about it, they all laugh, bam that's it. Let the player know that "Oh, he's gay? That's cool." and carry on. Idk why people jump to conclusions and think there has to be some sort of song and dance scene where the character announces that he digs guys and not girls to everyone around him, and then proceeding to beat his opponent to a blood pulp. confused
Does anybody really care about characters' sexuality anyway?

And do we want to open that can of worms? Mortal Kombat used to get criticized for being violent and if they start adding gay characters there will be people who criticize them for representing homosexuality in a negative light and will never shut up demanding an apology of some sort from NRS.

Just for the record though people only want Smoke and Rain to be gay because of their hair in later games.

But we all know Kahn is the only obviously gay dude so far.
DV805 Wrote:
I see where the OP is coming from. It's not like the character would need a whole chapter in story mode about how they came to the realization that they aren't straight.

That'd be amazing though. Reiko fights Rain, Goro, and Sheeva for insinuating that he's gay. It'd be about as believable as that forced Jax/Johnny fight in MK9.
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