03/03/2015 02:57 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I'm not gonna bother reading the thread, since I know exactly what most of the replies will say, and which types of people will reply:

1) Dumb conservative homophobes obviously objecting to homosexuality out of stupid, mostly religious reasons.

2) Dumb liberals who supposedly are for gay rights but want a gay character's sexuality to be heavily downplayed, just so people don't get too distracted. In short, these liberals sound like they're trying to make gay characters tolerable for the mainstream crowd. Hell, these morons probably think it's more practical to just cater to homophobes.

3) Whoever is suggesting a gay character (or any minorities) accused of being a "social justice warrior" or just "wanting diversity just for diversity's sake", no doubt by priviliged dimwits who don't realize how serious discrimination against homosexuals is, who'll say thing like "it's just a game, not the civil rights movement", since we all know progressivism just plain ruins entertainment *sarcasm*.

People of the third category always seem to think the countless white straight characters of both genders in fiction are designed to be so by complete accident.

Finally, the amount of hostile replies threads like this one always get is just amusing. So many idiots who just can't accept that we're not living in some utopia where discrimination is truly a thing of the past, and who lash out at anyone reminding them of that. Heh.

I'll probably keep on quoting this, for as long as the thread remains active, since I know people of all three categories will keep on replying while acting like what they're saying is so new and groundbreaking. Heh.
03/03/2015 03:00 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
I'm surprised they're not all gay at this point. I was flipping through channels and saw a commercial of 13 year old boys kissing, on the family channel no less. Even the walking dead is using gayness as some significant plot point. I have nothing against gays, that's your business but why does every show or game need a gay side story like its mandated?

And why does nearly every story need straight romance as the primary plot point?

Because 97% of the world is Hetero.

Most of the world is also stupid.

Just because they're the masses, doesn't mean they're right. Weren't the masses once in favor of slavery?

Right about what? I'm asking why every single show or game needs at least 2 gay people.. How can you compare slavery to sexual preference? That's a stupid thing to say.
03/03/2015 03:05 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
I see no issue with a character implied to be gay, like many of the characters in MK are shown to be straight. It's different, why not?

Sad to see all this hostility and intolerance in there tho.

It's kinda depressing.

Just like there is no pressing need to have a gay character in the series, there is even less need to reject the idea. There is no need for representation or role models for minorities in a series such as this, yet there is also no valid reason for there not to be. That's kinda the whole point. If a gay character's preferences were acknowledged, it should be no different than when we're told Scorpion once had a wife, or that Mileena wants the D and Reiko is all too willing to provide. The implication that a character has a lover of the same sex is simply a small detail of their backstory (or in Mileena's case, her current story). Many straight characters have or have had some kind of lover or even a full blown relationship with another character, yet it is not rejected. It is part of who they are or part of their story, simple as that. Frankly, if you oppose the idea of a character being gay, you do so because you are uncomfortable with homosexuality, nothing more... And that makes your input invalid, as it is no longer objective.
03/03/2015 03:09 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
I'm surprised they're not all gay at this point. I was flipping through channels and saw a commercial of 13 year old boys kissing, on the family channel no less. Even the walking dead is using gayness as some significant plot point. I have nothing against gays, that's your business but why does every show or game need a gay side story like its mandated?

And why does nearly every story need straight romance as the primary plot point?

Because 97% of the world is Hetero.

Most of the world is also stupid.

Just because they're the masses, doesn't mean they're right. Weren't the masses once in favor of slavery?

Right about what? I'm asking why every single show or game needs at least 2 gay people.. How can you compare slavery to sexual preference? That's a stupid thing to say.

Two gay people? Yeah, it's the apocalypse alright. It's not like you don't get far more heterosexual characters, of both genders, making out constantly. Yeah, two gay token characters, who likely won't have have convincing and passionate sex scenes, are such an hindrance.

Heh, homophobes. Too stupid to realize the media still largely cater to them, because of a gay character or two. Liberals, meanwhile, think those two insignificant gay token characters are oh-so progressive.
03/03/2015 03:12 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I'm not gonna bother reading the thread, since I know exactly what most of the replies will say, and which types of people will reply:

1) Dumb conservative homophobes obviously objecting to homosexuality out of stupid, mostly religious reasons.

2) Dumb liberals who supposedly are for gay rights but want a gay character's sexuality to be heavily downplayed, just so people don't get too distracted. In short, these liberals sound like they're trying to make gay characters tolerable for the mainstream crowd. Hell, these morons probably think it's more practical to just cater to homophobes.

3) Whoever is suggesting a gay character (or any minorities) accused of being a "social justice warrior" or just "wanting diversity just for diversity's sake", no doubt by priviliged dimwits who don't realize how serious discrimination against homosexuals is, who'll say thing like "it's just a game, not the civil rights movement", since we all know progressivism just plain ruins entertainment *sarcasm*.

People of the third category always seem to think the countless white straight characters of both genders in fiction are designed to be so by complete accident.

Finally, the amount of hostile replies threads like this one always get is just amusing. So many idiots who just can't accept that we're not living in some utopia where discrimination is truly a thing of the past, and who lash out at anyone reminding them of that. Heh.

03/03/2015 03:22 PM (UTC)
I want one of those "in before the lock" gifs.......

Mk is all about men and women saving the world in a fantasy martial arts setting. There is no place for such a thing like sexuality.
03/03/2015 03:22 PM (UTC)
It was just something I noticed, a new trend if you will. Shows like walking dead with no romance throw it in there just to throw it in there. I guess to get the "I included a gay" badge of Hollywood. You can stop your ignorant talk. I don't care if you like dudes, go get married. Gayness is nothing close to slavery.

You say the masses are wrong, wrong about what? Their sexual preference lol?i'm a homophobe because you don't have an answer to why every show or game needs token gays? Ok then..
About Me

Get that ass BANNED

03/03/2015 03:30 PM (UTC)
I guess if you are saying anything but positive things about the subject, you're automatically considered a homophobe by the looks of it.
03/03/2015 03:31 PM (UTC)
It was just something I noticed

03/03/2015 03:35 PM (UTC)
It was just something I noticed, a new trend if you will. Shows like walking dead with no romance throw it in there just to throw it in there. I guess to get the "I included a gay" badge of Hollywood. You can stop your ignorant talk. I don't care if you like dudes, go get married. Gayness is nothing close to slavery.

You say the masses are wrong, wrong about what? Their sexual preference lol?i'm a homophobe because you don't have an answer to why every show or game needs token gays? Ok then..

Oh, there's quite a lot of literature on the topic. Queer theory can help you answer your own question.

I don't think gayness was being conflated with slavery. The poster was pointing out that having our media always cater to the masses isn't the very best principle, for historical and logical reasons.

But the poster at the same time is critical of "tokenship," so I don't think you're representing their argument correctly.
03/03/2015 03:44 PM (UTC)
I don't care about any of the characters sexual preferences so I would have no issues with some homosexuals characters in MK, but I think saying NRS is prejudice because there is no confirmed gay character is kind of a reach.

Use that logic for everything video game, comic book, anime, tv, show, movie etc. and you will see how silly it sounds.
03/03/2015 03:48 PM (UTC)
So if someone performs a Fatality to this suppose "gay character" you are proposing, wouldn't that be a hate crime?

Just some food for thought.
03/03/2015 03:49 PM (UTC)
Well, we have Rain so...

Seriously, is sexual orientation that important for this game? What about religion? Can anyone tell me what Sonya's religious beliefs are? Catholic? Muslim?? Jewish??? Where does it end????

DOES IT MATTER? I'm cool with people no matter what lifestyle they choose unless proven otherwise. Not sure I need to have a game I play, which focuses on beating the crap out of my opponent via sometimes mystical powers, represent the real word so accurately. Are there straight relationships? Sure. Can we have a gay relationship to move the story forward? Absolutely. Do I follow the MK story for it's deep story and progressive plot lines? NOPE. Not even a little bit. It's a damn fighting game with a very basic plot line, theme.

03/03/2015 03:51 PM (UTC)
eroslove Wrote:
It was just something I noticed, a new trend if you will. Shows like walking dead with no romance throw it in there just to throw it in there. I guess to get the "I included a gay" badge of Hollywood. You can stop your ignorant talk. I don't care if you like dudes, go get married. Gayness is nothing close to slavery.

You say the masses are wrong, wrong about what? Their sexual preference lol?i'm a homophobe because you don't have an answer to why every show or game needs token gays? Ok then..

Oh, there's quite a lot of literature on the topic. Queer theory can help you answer your own question.

I don't think gayness was being conflated with slavery. The poster was pointing out that having our media always cater to the masses isn't the very best principle, for historical and logical reasons.

But the poster at the same time is critical of "tokenship," so I don't think you're representing their argument correctly.

It really is better to cater to the masses. Thats why we have votes. MAJORITY always rules. Im pretty sure probably on like 5-10% of people that will buy the game are homo. I doubt nrs are wasting time builiding a game to cater to them. Heck they wont even include what 3d era fans want and they far outweigh the numbers of homos who buy mk.
03/03/2015 03:52 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I don't care about any of the characters sexual preferences so I would have no issues with some homosexuals characters in MK, but I think saying NRS is prejudice because there is no confirmed gay character is kind of a reach.

Use that logic for everything video game, comic book, anime, tv, show, movie etc. and you will see how silly it sounds.

Or, we could put it in another way: that heterosexuality functions as a norm, and a norm derives its efficacy from being un-marked, taken-for-granted, and "invisible." Ergo, most media produced under this norm will take heterosexuality for granted.

Given the amount of resistance in this thread to the very idea that heterosexuality may even fall under the category of "sexual orientation" and is thus not some innate, essential thing about a person, we can attest to the strength and opacity of this norm.
03/03/2015 03:54 PM (UTC)
Lol thanks for the link but I'm not reading that. It's not because I hate gays, I just don't care. Can people try to avoid watching dudes make out without being a homophobe? Or do I have to watch it and enjoy it to be a real human being?

Either way, comparing it to slavery was stupid. He used slavery to play on oppression/discrimination when they are nothing close. I was just pointing out that straight romance is normal to 97% of the world. Do you as a gay dude get grossed out by a dude kissing a woman? I'm just wondering why it has to be in every show or game usually in token form catering to 3% of the population. I'm not against gay rights, I don't want to watch 2 dudes fuck either.
03/03/2015 03:59 PM (UTC)
illu§ion Wrote:
So if someone performs a Fatality to this suppose "gay character" you are proposing, wouldn't that be a hate crime?

Just some food for thought.

Food for thought? Ha ha ha!

Is it racism to kill Jax, or sexism to kill Sonya? Just some food for thought.

Man, it's funny to see you act like you just figured something out. Heh.
About Me

03/03/2015 04:03 PM (UTC)
Um, who is asking for MK to show people screwing? I haven't seen anybody ask for that.

Stop making ridiculous statements and attributing them to those of us who want representation in media.

Also, LMAO at the very idea that 97% of the world is straight.
About Me

03/03/2015 04:05 PM (UTC)
illu§ion Wrote:
So if someone performs a Fatality to this suppose "gay character" you are proposing, wouldn't that be a hate crime?

Just some food for thought.

Are you serious? It's no more of a hate crime than doing a fatality on Jax.
03/03/2015 04:05 PM (UTC)
Lol thanks for the link but I'm not reading that. It's not because I hate gays, I just don't care. Can people try to avoid watching dudes make out without being a homophobe? Or do I have to watch it and enjoy it to be a real human being?

Either way, comparing it to slavery was stupid. He used slavery to play on oppression/discrimination when they are nothing close. I was just pointing out that straight romance is normal to 97% of the world. Do you as a gay dude get grossed out by a dude kissing a woman? I'm just wondering why it has to be in every show or game usually in token form catering to 3% of the population. I'm not against gay rights, I don't want to watch 2 dudes fuck either.

I'm not going to comment further on your personal issues enjoying/not enjoying fictional homosexual characters in the media you've chosen to consume (but it is interesting how much you desire to discuss this, even return to the topic circuitously, when the discussion is moving on).

DG1OA didn't mention slavery to equate the struggles of gay people with African Americans. Here's the actual conversation:

DG1OA: And why does nearly every story need straight romance as the primary plot point?

You: Because 97% of the world is Hetero.

DG1OA: Most of the world is also stupid. Just because they're the masses, doesn't mean they're right. Weren't the masses once in favor of slavery?

The conversation was about narrative structures, or how our media tends to privilege heterosexuality in narratives about love and romance. Your response was to say "well, yes, because most of the world is heterosexual," and DG1OA replied, if I may paraphrase, by observing that this isn't necessarily a good principle, because historically, we can make our media cater to the dominant ideology (i.e. slavery) to feed the system that oppresses people (slaves) and favors the oppressors (white people), who are the majority.

I don't think anyone is saying we can't portray heterosexuality, or portraying heterosexuality is inherently bad. People are just pointing out what gets excluded when one form of sexuality becomes the default.
03/03/2015 04:23 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
illu§ion Wrote:
So if someone performs a Fatality to this suppose "gay character" you are proposing, wouldn't that be a hate crime?

Just some food for thought.

Food for thought? Ha ha ha!

Is it racism to kill Jax, or sexism to kill Sonya? Just some food for thought.

Man, it's funny to see you act like you just figured something out. Heh.

MikeyRu Wrote:
illu§ion Wrote:
So if someone performs a Fatality to this suppose "gay character" you are proposing, wouldn't that be a hate crime?

Just some food for thought.

Are you serious? It's no more of a hate crime than doing a fatality on Jax.

Am sure I was being sarcastic sad.
03/03/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
illu§ion Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
illu§ion Wrote:
So if someone performs a Fatality to this suppose "gay character" you are proposing, wouldn't that be a hate crime?

Just some food for thought.

Food for thought? Ha ha ha!

Is it racism to kill Jax, or sexism to kill Sonya? Just some food for thought.

Man, it's funny to see you act like you just figured something out. Heh.

MikeyRu Wrote:
illu§ion Wrote:
So if someone performs a Fatality to this suppose "gay character" you are proposing, wouldn't that be a hate crime?

Just some food for thought.

Are you serious? It's no more of a hate crime than doing a fatality on Jax.

Am sure I was being sarcastic sad.

Oh, in this case I apologize. And to think, I'm actually pretty good at noticing sarcasm on the internet most of the time.
03/03/2015 04:30 PM (UTC)
What's so interesting about discussing it? I asked a question and you guys responded. I just wanted a simple answer, I don't want to read literature lol.

Yes. He said most of world is stupid and wrong. Wrong about what? How is catering to 97% of the world a case of homophobia? Then compare it to slavery.. I don't understand.

I wouldn't care if there were homo characters, I'm just wondering why every show or game needs to have a token.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

03/03/2015 04:32 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
I'm not gonna bother reading the thread, since I know exactly what most of the replies will say, and which types of people will reply:

1) Dumb conservative homophobes obviously objecting to homosexuality out of stupid, mostly religious reasons.

2) Dumb liberals who supposedly are for gay rights but want a gay character's sexuality to be heavily downplayed, just so people don't get too distracted. In short, these liberals sound like they're trying to make gay characters tolerable for the mainstream crowd. Hell, these morons probably think it's more practical to just cater to homophobes.

3) Whoever is suggesting a gay character (or any minorities) accused of being a "social justice warrior" or just "wanting diversity just for diversity's sake", no doubt by priviliged dimwits who don't realize how serious discrimination against homosexuals is, who'll say thing like "it's just a game, not the civil rights movement", since we all know progressivism just plain ruins entertainment *sarcasm*.

People of the third category always seem to think the countless white straight characters of both genders in fiction are designed to be so by complete accident.

Finally, the amount of hostile replies threads like this one always get is just amusing. So many idiots who just can't accept that we're not living in some utopia where discrimination is truly a thing of the past, and who lash out at anyone reminding them of that. Heh.

What I find amusing is that you call most of the replies dumb without reading them because you have maybe a prescience sixth sense or was it because you got "dumb" hostile replies when you suggested to have a gay, Russian character?

03/03/2015 04:36 PM (UTC)
What's so interesting about discussing it? I asked a question and you guys responded. I just wanted a simple answer, I don't want to read literature lol.

Yes. He said most of world is stupid and wrong. Wrong about what? How is catering to 97% of the world a case of homophobia? Then compare it to slavery.. I don't understand.

I wouldn't care if there were homo characters, I'm just wondering why every show or game needs to have a token.

I suppose the "simple" answer to your question is that it's not a simple question. In fact, it's part of a much larger discussion that has been taking place for a few decades, and perhaps you could interpret a reluctance to answer it as a desire not to truncate several arguments capriciously into one chewable soundbite. Also, a tacit nudge for you to do some research into the topic yourself, if you're interested!
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