03/03/2015 07:23 PM (UTC)
Like seriously Why MK?

Can't you guys be happy with representation in Dead or Alive?

The game is already sexually forward and in your face about it, Basically the SJWs in this thread right now are acting like religious zealots.

DoA is looking for any reason to step away from the "pervert fighter" so help them become the "DIVERSE PERVERT FIGHTER!"
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03/03/2015 07:27 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Like seriously Why MK?

Can't you guys be happy with representation in Dead or Alive?

The game is already sexually forward and in your face about it, Basically the SJWs in this thread right now are acting like religious zealots.

DoA is looking for any reason to step away from the "pervert fighter" so help them become the "DIVERSE PERVERT FIGHTER!"

Because the SJW mentality is that of a cult. It's really that simple.
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

03/03/2015 07:30 PM (UTC)
You can't agree or disagree with an sjw.
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:
Why couldn't this thread be about preferred hot dog toppings?

Me, I'm boring. Just a ketchup guy...

Ketchup alone is gross. It dulls the taste.

Mustard/Sweet Relish/Mustard/Onions on Hot Dogs are the best combonation.

Chili on Hot Dogs is not only disgusting but morally bankrupt and I'm prrrreettty sure it's a sin somewhere.
03/03/2015 07:42 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote: a bunch of stuff I agree with

This was the point I was trying to make, only more articulate.

Just to clarify, I am not homophobic and I resent the fact that it's the go-to argument against people who think gay's shouldn't be or more importantly DON'T NEED TO BE in Mortal Kombat.

I already despise the fact that they've taken the "offspring" route and that I'm going to have to spend large portions of the game dealing with Cassie Cage and what essentially equates to her high school cronies as she shares doe eyed moments with Kung Jin or Takeda or whatever.

Stop shoe horning shitty relationships into the game!
03/03/2015 07:42 PM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:

Most of the characters in the game are canonically confirmed to be straight. Johnny Cage hit on Sonya, she had a child with him, Jax had a child, Kenshi had a child, Reiko and Mileena had sex. Liu Kang and Kitana are made out to be a possible couple. Scorpion had a wife. Sindel married two men. Shao
The overwhelming majority of characters are straight and never have any comment made about how their sexuality is superfluous or unnecessary. However, a gay character is apparently too much.

But why couldn't Johnny have hit on a male character and have been rejected?

The fact that a person (or kharakter in a videogame) has a child does not confirm or prove any orientation of any kind whatsoever. Johnny Cage could still be gay, for all you know.

Millions of people on the planet have children and marriages for an infinite amount of all kinds of wrong reasons.

And you think all straight people want kids? Of course not, some of us don't care.

Let's all keep these facts of the universe in mind. lol
03/03/2015 07:43 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
an amazing post

saving for inevitable future threads on the topic started by the same poster...again
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03/03/2015 07:52 PM (UTC)
Bryden88 Wrote:
For those of you against gay representation in MK. If your favorite character was revealed to be gay. Would they stop being your favorite character? They're still the same characters with an aspect of their character revealed.

Well, just like with any drastic change that a character goes through, there are certain questions you should be asking.

Is this being done out a desire to kowtow to SJWs and tick off the boxes on the Diversity Quota Bulletin, or is because it's a story that the writers actually want to tell?

If it's the latter, does this go in line with the character's previously established backstory, or does it come out of fucking nowhere?

And lastly, does this make the character more interesting, deep or developed (no, just being gay doesn't instantly grant depth), or is it simply a change for the sake of change?

So I guess if it's done for the right reasons, doesn't contradict previously established characterization, and the writers actually have the skill to pull it off tastefully, I don't see why no
Bryden88 Wrote:
That does not mean if Scorpion or Subbie or any of my other favorites came out as gay they'd stop being my favorites

Bryden88 Wrote:
if Scorpion came out as gay

Bryden88 Wrote:

>lol he was gay the whole time!1!

The words "character rape" come to mind.

eroslove Wrote:
No one on this thread wants to turn Mortal Kombat into an offshoot of that "It Gets Better" campaign or an afterschool special.

Well, if you don't want it to be treated with the seriousness and respect that this thread seems to suggest, then I guess you'd be okay with another shitty, in-your-face gay token. Because otherwise, if you are actually expecting MK to succeed where AAA RPGs of the generation have failed, then I've got a bridge to sell you.

And like I said before, once you let identity politics get its foot in the door, you inevitably open up the floodgates for the rest of SJW infestation, and then it's all downhill from there.

So unless you've decided that these people are now your new audience, then it's probably wise to avoid pandering to them in the first place.

PickleMendip Wrote:
Excluding minorities for the sake of it would be wrong, but including them is equally as pointless.

Fucking THANK YOU.

PickleMendip Wrote:

That's a good word.

Is gaysploitation a thing?

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Bioware should rename themselves to Gayspoitation, Inc.

PickleMendip Wrote:
This made me lol. Dude, it's more like 60% and that's a conservative estimate.

[citation needed, m8]
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03/03/2015 07:56 PM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:
Why couldn't this thread be about preferred hot dog toppings?

Me, I'm boring. Just a ketchup guy...

>not Taco Bell hot sauce

Get on my level, sauceplebs.
03/03/2015 08:04 PM (UTC)
@T-Rex: I don't "want" MKX to do anything for LGBT people. Being one myself, I echo others in voicing annoyance/exasperation with the call for representation, as if representation fixes all of our concerns. I've seen all of Will and Grace, and I can definitively state that there are still many trans people who live below the poverty line. So, yes, in general, middle finger to representation.

But I think this thread is too eager to misrepresent the arguments for/against a desire to see a LGBT character in the game, quickly dumping all of the pro side comments into the pejorative "SJW." I don't think that's helpful, and it's often reductive and confusing to try to follow someone's reasoning, only for the conversation to be bogged down with misrepresentations and fallacies.
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Get that ass BANNED

03/03/2015 08:11 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:
Why couldn't this thread be about preferred hot dog toppings?

Me, I'm boring. Just a ketchup guy...

>not Taco Bell hot sauce

Get on my level, sauceplebs.

That sounds like explosive diarrhea just waiting to happen.
03/03/2015 08:19 PM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
People have posted several different threads in the past about gay characters. Most people have completely shut down the idea as being something that would be heavy-handed and not relevant to the game. But I think MKX is a perfect example of how that isn't true and how easy it could be to include a gay character, as well as how sexuality isn't 'a non-important detail that shouldn't be in'.

Most of the characters in the game are canonically confirmed to be straight. Johnny Cage hit on Sonya, she had a child with him, Jax had a child, Kenshi had a child, Reiko and Mileena had sex. Liu Kang and Kitana are made out to be a possible couple. Scorpion had a wife. Sindel married two men. Shao Kahn had multiple women as his sex slaves and a wife. Li Mei was into the dragon king. Dairou had a wife. The freaking Dragon King was into a woman and he isn't even human.

The overwhelming majority of characters are straight and never have any comment made about how their sexuality is superfluous or unnecessary. However, a gay character is apparently too much.

But why couldn't Johnny have hit on a male character and have been rejected? Couldn't it have been Dairou's husband that was killed? Why couldn't Mileena have had a female general and partner? Even a throwaway comment could have been made about why Sub-Zero hasn't had a children, or maybe Jax could have adopted a child.

Gay characters wouldn't have been superfluous or unnecessary to the plot, just more diverse and realistic. In the same way that some people would have gotten tired of several telekinetics, I personally get tired of an all-straight cast, and especially because I don't think that it represents the real world or reflects well the people playing. As a gay kid, it was very important for me when I saw gay characters in media, because it was affirming and made me feel like maybe I was accepted. It's important, and I hate that people come up with fake arguments against it just because of their own prejudices. MKX is a fantasy world, but real-life elements are still important.

So let's at least be honest, that MK only doesn't have gay characters because people don't accept gay people as entirely equal. Let's own up to prejudice, at the very least.

(And before someone derails this, no, I don't mean that the character needs to have a focus on their sexuality. But imagine our favorite straight characters, with that one minor detail changed. And what do you get? A good character that also happens to be gay.

Mortal Kombat, in my strong opinion, is not the story to openly discuss sexual orientation, straight or gay, or relationship status of any kind. It's just not needed and is unnecessary. I'm of the belief that MK story modes and comics do not need to cover whether characters are straight, gay, bi, trans, single, married, have an open relationship, manwhore, slut, whatever. It's a moot point in a game where realms wage war on eachother and people slaughter each other mercilessly. There's a reason they skimped over Johnny/Sonya's marriage, Kenshi and his wife/baby mama/girlfriend/whatever, Jax and whoever the hell Jacqui's mother is, it's because it just simply does not matter.

Just my own personal opinion, but maybe barking up the MK tree of all things with a fighting game franchise looking for an openly gay character is the wrong tree to be barking up. That's like me looking for inspiration is characters that are into politics. Does it really matter what characters views on subject matters are in a game where you beat each other to a pulp? Maybe TV or movies are the better medium for characters whom you can help you feel more accepted? It's not my place to tell you any thing or the sort, just a suggestion.

As far as the world goes, there is a very open and positive change going on, at least in this country any way, that is highly refreshing when it comes to the LGBT community but that brings me right back to my point; a characters sexual orientation/relationship status/any of the daytime drama stuff does not belong in Mortal Kombat. Ain't nobody got time for romance in the MK lore.

In closing, I'm pretty sure Rain is probably gay. Maybe Mavado, too. You see all the leather and the open chested coat? Possibly Reptile, too. Maybe that's why he never hit it off with Khameleon. But we'll never know, because again, just doesn't matter in the story MK is trying to tell.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/03/2015 08:33 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Possibly Reptile, too. Maybe that's why he never hit it off with Khameleon.


If you had to term it, Reptile is trans.

Like many species of reptiles and amphibians, he possesses the ability to change gender depending on environmental/evolutionary factors.


But seriously though...that would certainly work to his story's previously stale benefit. Haha.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

03/03/2015 08:45 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Possibly Reptile, too. Maybe that's why he never hit it off with Khameleon.


If you had to term it, Reptile is trans.

Like many species of reptiles and amphibians, he possesses the ability to change gender depending on environmental/evolutionary factors.


But seriously though...that would certainly work to his story's previously stale benefit. Haha.

Many species of reptiles do not have the abilty to change their gender. Very rarely repltiles reproduce via parthenogenesis. In some species of reptiles the gender of the hatchling depends on the temperature of the egg.

Fish can change their gender not reptiles.
03/03/2015 08:59 PM (UTC)
If it's realistically going to happen with anybody, then it needs to happen in the comics of all places because it needs to be tastefully set up and hinted to. If they just toss the shit in there like in a Story Mode or something then that just comes off as pandering to the whole group, like "Hey! HELLO!!! Look at us! We have a gay person now! We're cool too now!!!" I've never once in my life met someone and "I'm gay" was even remotely one of the first 150 things they said to me. It always comes out later because it honestly doesn't matter now, to me anyway, which is the way it should be.

I don't expect someone like Cassie or Kung Jin to appear in comics going "Yeah, Raiden! Let's go defeat Shinnok and save Earthrealm!! I'm straight, by the way, if you were wondering...." So on that note, I agree with T-Rex in general with what he was trying to say. It just has to be done right and tastefully because chances are, if its not, its going to get massacred by both sides. Even then, chances are, it still will.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/03/2015 09:17 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Many species of reptiles do not have the abilty to change their gender. Very rarely repltiles reproduce via parthenogenesis. In some species of reptiles the gender of the hatchling depends on the temperature of the egg.

Fish can change their gender not reptiles.

Man, ya just can't have fun on the boards anymore, can you?

I appreciate the education lesson, but it was meant to be a light-hearted post my friend. For all intents and purposes, Reptile is a Seahorse. And...

"Many do not"


Even according to you, it happens.
T-rex Wrote:

Malcolm pls
Ah, thanks for that! I was patiently waiting for him and all his glory to pop up. Or this guy...
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03/03/2015 09:21 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
"Many do not"
Even according to you, it happens.

Malcolm pls
03/03/2015 09:26 PM (UTC)
I always assumed Sheeva was a lesbian. I do not see her getting along with men very well in a relationship....!
03/03/2015 09:29 PM (UTC)
I agree with the person that said it needs to be done right. Just throwing it out there randomly for no reason in story mode could be awkward and seemed forced. "Hello Raiden, my names Kung Jin, im gay, how are you?" wouldn't work lol If they were to put in a openly gay character id rather it be in in a more realistic/casual way.

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03/03/2015 09:33 PM (UTC)
Oh my god, sex with Sheeva would be the fucking best. I've seen enough hentai to know what would happen.

The best.
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03/03/2015 09:35 PM (UTC)
>tfw no four-armed warrior goddess gf

Why even live?
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/03/2015 09:36 PM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
Oh my god, sex with Sheeva would be the fucking best. I've seen enough hentai to know what would happen.

The best.


Death by SNU SNU!
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03/03/2015 09:45 PM (UTC)
Erron Black's husband was killed by Sonya's Special Forces. Made him want revenge. There you go, cool character who just happens to be gay.
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03/03/2015 09:49 PM (UTC)
>gay cowboy

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03/03/2015 09:50 PM (UTC)
He wouldn't be the first.
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