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02/01/2015 07:32 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

I have been a long time lurker of this site, for news and fan art, since the MKDA-MKD days. I didn't join until MK9 and even back four-five years ago when that game was coming out the threads were not this bad. They had their fair share of ridiculousness though, but nothing this bad.

I don't visit here nearly as often as I once did, but I feel as if you missed more than a few threads in the past five years if you think it wasn't ever "that bad". I've been here for over eight, and even before I joined people were up in arms about an "MKO revolution, overthrow the mods11!!!!". This site has ALWAYS had it's moments. The only difference is that at least before, we had a variety of perpetrators. Anyway, as I really have no interest in Tanya, and for the sake of people who do, I will take my leave.
02/01/2015 04:13 PM (UTC)
People talking about dramas...

As far as I AM concerned..... there IS NO drama....

If some people feel bothered by someone else's mere existence on a message board, who's problem is that? Those bothered people need to check and fix THEMSELVES.

Unfortunately however, they instead continue to feign maturity and superiority by complaining about moderators and trivial issues such as "double posting" and alphabetikal letters, like the letter "k".... as if it was criminal.

The so-called, non-existent drama only exists in a person's mind.

Some people act like this is some kind of home and people are coming to intrude in their home.... LMAO. No, that is not the case at all.

This is essentially a message board, a collection of messages and texts. It should not be taken so seriously.

If anybody feels like I am stepping on their toes with a simple and utterly harmless Tanya or Mortal Kombat comment : I don't care. I will remain myself.

I don't know about you guys, but I post for ME! LMAO.
I am here for my own amusement.

*Maria_Linda shrugs*

Look forward to the next MKX reveals! smile

That will make people forget about "dramas" that don't exist.

Personally, I will remain very curious about the Tanya kharakter possibly being in MKX.
Until April, at the latest... and then, I'm out, I'm done, peace! lol
02/01/2015 04:18 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Oh Tanya...

Tanya, Tanya, Tanya.

Well...if in fact Reiko has sided with Mileena and no longer has any interests in helping Shinnok, I'd say that's a good place for Tanya to come into play. She's a damned good infiltrator, and she just might be Shinnok's ace in the hole.

Also, wasn't it mentioned that there were Outworlders AND Edenians coming through that portal in the Refugee Camp? Why differentiate if the two are still one and the same?

I like this post! grin

This is my favorite post of the week! LOL! smile

I remain anxious for the elusive Tanya...
02/06/2015 11:42 PM (UTC)
I do not see Tanya as someone who is associated with the villains for survival and betrays everyone (this function is Quan Chi), because it was not associated with Shao Kahn. It seems that the association it the Brotherhood of Shadows was because Shinnok was an alternative both Shao Kahn who subdued the Edenians as the Elder Gods that allowed it contrary to Shinnok would be governs the universe. The Brotherhood of Shadows is described as a religion, but did not provide any devotee, Tanya, seems to me to play this role. Behind the Black Magic for it rule his people and strip it from the bondage of Kahn and the Elder Gods. In Deadly Alliance she got what was left of the Brotherhood after Shinnok drop and only in Deception she acted as described, but it has to be noted the unsustainable situation she was in her only way out was its usefulness to the Dragon King. Shinnok for his loyalty was more spontaneous.
02/07/2015 03:18 AM (UTC)

Another Tanya idea/theory: Jade and Kitana killed Tanya's parents and that is why Tanya hates them and betrayed them in MK4.

02/07/2015 04:00 PM (UTC)
I think it's more interesting that she has a great interest in learning about dark magic and working for Quan chi and Shinnok is the prize she has to pay.

Plus in deception she was known for knowing about ancient artifacts.

What appeals to me about tanya the most is that she doesn't rely on slutiness and she seems very intelligent compare to most females in mk.
Plus she the mystery behind her is also great.

02/18/2015 06:33 AM (UTC)
02/18/2015 06:33 PM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:

Did you make that, eddiesol?

Tanya looks like some lizard, reptilian, creepy, scary, witch mess there. I LIKE IT!!! LOL! grin

I want Ed Boon to see this fanart! Someone should forward it to him. smile
02/18/2015 06:40 PM (UTC)
Where is my Sektor Superthread?
02/18/2015 06:41 PM (UTC)
Yeah I made it but still a work in progress.
I like Tanya as a dark mysterious witch.

I don't want the yellow to take over, so is there any idea that you guys have that I could ad more yellow without it being to much.
Because the black and yellow is kind of D'vora's thing.

02/18/2015 06:48 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Where is my Sektor Superthread?

Agreed. Might as well give the whole cast a fucking super thread
02/18/2015 06:49 PM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:
Yeah I made it but still a work in progress.
I like Tanya as a dark mysterious witch.

I don't want the yellow to take over, so is there any idea that you guys have that I could ad more yellow without it being to much.
Because the black and yellow is kind of D'vora's thing.

I also prefer Tanya as a dark, elusive witch!! glasses

This is your best Tanya fanart, in my opinion. I think it's great! Tanya looks tall, scary and epik here.

It's almost perfect, I think! You don't need to edit it.

About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

02/18/2015 06:54 PM (UTC)
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Where is my Sektor Superthread?

Agreed. Might as well give the whole cast a fucking super thread

No one is stopping you guys from making one.
02/18/2015 07:08 PM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Where is my Sektor Superthread?

Agreed. Might as well give the whole cast a fucking super thread

No one is stopping you guys from making one.

I'm surprised Tanya is currently the only kharakter with a Superthread.

Well, not really... it's only natural.

Tanya did have the biggest super-kameo in MK9. lol
And Tanya was almost going to be a super-DLC in that game.

Tanya is a super-kharakter and deserves a Superthread for the super-MKX.
It's logikal! smile
02/18/2015 07:17 PM (UTC)
I sent it to edd on Twitter. But no answer of course,
But feel free to send him another twot with that image
About Me

Get that ass BANNED

02/18/2015 07:18 PM (UTC)
listen, tanya can lick my super balls
02/18/2015 07:31 PM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:
I sent it to edd on Twitter. But no answer of course,
But feel free to send him another twot with that image

He won't reply or say anything. BUT he will LOOK at your fanart. That's what matters.

And hopefully, it gives him some ideas!? Basically : make Tanya a scary but pretty and badass witch, please!
02/18/2015 08:03 PM (UTC)
We Have too many haters!
02/18/2015 08:19 PM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:
We Have too many haters!

All the kharakters have "haters" to some extent.

But the Mortal Kombat team likes Tanya. This is what matters.

If Ed Boon hated Tanya, we'd probably never see Tanya in another Mortal Kombat game ever again. lol
02/18/2015 08:26 PM (UTC)
Radien and tanya are my ultimate favorites.
Raiden looks great in mkx, so just hoping for a great Tanya return too.
02/18/2015 08:29 PM (UTC)
Tanya sucks, though. She's just a Kitana-ripoff with Jade's boomerang and would just be taking up space. I'd rather them just make a new character.
02/18/2015 08:44 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Tanya sucks, though. She's just a Kitana-ripoff with Jade's boomerang and would just be taking up space. I'd rather them just make a new character.

Tanya is a GREAT ripoff, in my opinion. I'm glad Ed Boon did that palatte-swap, all those centuries ago.

I'm not mad at all. I am delighted!
02/18/2015 08:51 PM (UTC)
With Kitana being in the game and having Jade's moves, then Tanya's chances are slim. MAYBE they thought about putting her in MK9 as DLC but by now they've had time to come up with new characters for this game.
02/18/2015 09:00 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
With Kitana being in the game and having Jade's moves, then Tanya's chances are slim. MAYBE they thought about putting her in MK9 as DLC but by now they've had time to come up with new characters for this game.

Who knows? I don't know anything, nobody knows anything.

I wait for the month of April.


The final roster stays a mysterious-tality.
02/18/2015 10:58 PM (UTC)
i don't think kitana having jades makes tanya's chances slim, it makes jades chances slim, actually she won't be in for sure.

Kitana returning from mk9 after she died and stealing a roster spot, that makes tanya chances slim.

I have a fear that D'vora is her replacement, just how Tanya was Kitanas replacement for mk4 for lack of new characters.

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
With Kitana being in the game and having Jade's moves, then Tanya's chances are slim. MAYBE they thought about putting her in MK9 as DLC but by now they've had time to come up with new characters for this game.
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