01/31/2015 05:16 AM (UTC)
I really thought that Tanya had a good chance but after all the dead characters they are bringing back, her inclusion is looking very slim.
01/31/2015 05:37 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:

SwingBatta Wrote:
Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.
Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.
Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.
Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

Some of you should read this again and then two more times. Consider it advice.

Who cares about double posts??
And harmless Tanya posts?

You guys are hilarious, I'm shaking my head.

I am just waiting for some Tanya konfirmation of some kind. Period, point blank.
If this upsets you, well.... too bad for you.

Only about 2 months left until MKX.

Your harmless Tanya posts are actually getting harmful. Several other posters have expressed that it is obnoxious or annoying. At this point you're just being rude. You're making this thread less enjoyable for others. You and TanyaQueenOfMKX. The fact that you're defending your behavior instead of apologizing, or at least putting a stop to the repetitive posts, shows that you are very immature and you have no manners or courtesy for others. The fact that others are defending you shows how out of touch they all are.

I like Tanya, I have liked her since MK4, but you guys are kind of ruining her for me. I want her to be in this game. Your blatant disregard for others has caused part of me to not want Tanya in this game because I want you to be bummed. You have made a lot of my time on this thread very unpleasant.

LOL at your failed attempts to boss me around.

I will kontinue to post my HARMLESS komments, as I choose. Don't compare me to that TanyaQueenofMk user.

If anybody doesn't like Tanya, I don't care. You don't have to tell me. lol
01/31/2015 06:13 AM (UTC)
You know, I think about a handful of users have tried to reason with this user and still nothing gets through to them. Most of the time I see her (or him) contributing to another thread, they get ignored. I'd say, let this person think she's (or he's) contributing by double and triple posting, even if it appears to be annoying while we just ignore them.

I mean, there's been so many users saying to this person, whether it's in a nice tone or not, on how Maria_Linda is becoming a bothersome. And even with people asking them to kindly knock their shit off, they don't do it, they give themselves a bad reputation of being an annoying user. I'd say let the person continue doing what they're doing while we just turn the other cheek an have the conversations we enjoy.

Granted that it is annoying that this user is trashing this thread, despite that this thread has already had its fair share of trash to begin with, still, there's nothing else left to do other than ignore the user. Or if worse really comes to worse, we just report them to a mod and see if they're gong to take charge of the issue. I don't want to sound like a bitch, but there's been a handful of users asking this person to stop, even with them asking in the nicest of ways. If the user can't even respect that, then why bother giving them the time or the day?
01/31/2015 06:26 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
You know, I think about a handful of users have tried to reason with this user and still nothing gets through to them. Most of the time I see her (or him) contributing to another thread, they get ignored. I'd say, let this person think she's (or he's) contributing by double and triple posting, even if it appears to be annoying while we just ignore them.

I mean, there's been so many users saying to this person, whether it's in a nice tone or not, on how Maria_Linda is becoming a bothersome. And even with people asking them to kindly knock their shit off, they don't do it, they give themselves a bad reputation of being an annoying user. I'd say let the person continue doing what they're doing while we just turn the other cheek an have the conversations we enjoy.

Granted that it is annoying that this user is trashing this thread, despite that this thread has already had its fair share of trash to begin with, still, there's nothing else left to do other than ignore the user. Or if worse really comes to worse, we just report them to a mod and see if they're gong to take charge of the issue. I don't want to sound like a bitch, but there's been a handful of users asking this person to stop, even with them asking in the nicest of ways. If the user can't even respect that, then why bother giving them the time or the day?

Nope. Stop lying and exaggerating.

It's pretty much just you and the user SwingBetta that hate my posts for no reason.

Stop replying to me and leave me alone?

Thank you.
01/31/2015 06:30 AM (UTC)
Cordova21 Wrote:
I really thought that Tanya had a good chance but after all the dead characters they are bringing back, her inclusion is looking very slim.

Hope that Tanya is in MKX!

There's still many slots left to be revealed! smile
01/31/2015 06:34 AM (UTC)
Well I agree with lot of people here,
especially with you.
the reason why is because some times i come to this forum and dont even bother to read. Some time my fellow tanya fans are a bit too crazy on here.
i just hope Boon never took a trip around here.

wdm6789 Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:

SwingBatta Wrote:
Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.
Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.
Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.
Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

Some of you should read this again and then two more times. Consider it advice.

Who cares about double posts??
And harmless Tanya posts?

You guys are hilarious, I'm shaking my head.

I am just waiting for some Tanya konfirmation of some kind. Period, point blank.
If this upsets you, well.... too bad for you.

Only about 2 months left until MKX.

Your harmless Tanya posts are actually getting harmful. Several other posters have expressed that it is obnoxious or annoying. At this point you're just being rude. You're making this thread less enjoyable for others. You and TanyaQueenOfMKX. The fact that you're defending your behavior instead of apologizing, or at least putting a stop to the repetitive posts, shows that you are very immature and you have no manners or courtesy for others. The fact that others are defending you shows how out of touch they all are.

I like Tanya, I have liked her since MK4, but you guys are kind of ruining her for me. I want her to be in this game. Your blatant disregard for others has caused part of me to not want Tanya in this game because I want you to be bummed. You have made a lot of my time on this thread very unpleasant.

01/31/2015 06:36 AM (UTC)

same thoughts!
especially after Kitana got revealed.

Now i think that even Jade might have a bigger chance than Tanya
Cordova21 Wrote:
I really thought that Tanya had a good chance but after all the dead characters they are bringing back, her inclusion is looking very slim.
01/31/2015 06:47 AM (UTC)
Things I dont like about Tanya:
Even though i thought her design was one of the best in mk4-deception

I do think that now is a bit to 90s or like super here inspired

and i do think NRS is getting away from that because if you notice with the characters that are already revealed, they dont rely much on the color that defines that character, like Ermac=red ninja reptile=green ninja kitana=blue etc etc
now they just have a little glimpse of that original color that defines them.

for her design i would love her to have dark eyes and mostly black outfit, with a glimpse of yellow and maybe golden metals like this design i created not long ago that you all ignored.

01/31/2015 06:48 AM (UTC)
01/31/2015 06:51 AM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:

same thoughts!
especially after Kitana got revealed.

Now i think that even Jade might have a bigger chance than Tanya
Cordova21 Wrote:
I really thought that Tanya had a good chance but after all the dead characters they are bringing back, her inclusion is looking very slim.

Jade, Mileena, Kitana and Tanya could all possibly be inkluded in MKX.
01/31/2015 06:52 AM (UTC)
im having trouble posting an image here,do you mind if you post it for me? ill sent it to you

Maria_Linda Wrote:
eddiesol Wrote:

same thoughts!
especially after Kitana got revealed.

Now i think that even Jade might have a bigger chance than Tanya
Cordova21 Wrote:
I really thought that Tanya had a good chance but after all the dead characters they are bringing back, her inclusion is looking very slim.

Jade, Mileena, Kitana and Tanya could all possibly be inkluded in MKX.
01/31/2015 06:54 AM (UTC)
About Me

"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

01/31/2015 06:55 AM (UTC)
What is the pointless pathetic obsession with a character that will never be in MKX???
I know this for a fact children. Tanya is obsolete. Most likely Fujin as well.
01/31/2015 07:00 AM (UTC)
anyways here is the link of Tanya concept art which kind of got ripoff by kitana's new design

link: http://www.mortalkombatonline.com/content/forum/showmessage.cds?id=152652
01/31/2015 07:06 AM (UTC)
To eddiesol : sorry, I don't know how to post pictures here or anything.

I just post messages.

OhYesMar$h Wrote:
What is the obsession with a character that will never be in MKX???
I know this for a fact children. Tanya is obsolete. Most likely Fujin as well.

Well, this is a Mortal Kombat message board.
Who knew posting about your Mortal Kombat obsession HERE, of all places, would be considered bad, problematik, negative or harmful in any way.

LOL..... sigh

Personally, I just like to put it out there in the universe that I am a fan of Tanya and would be happy to see her in the MKX roster.

Tanya has a chance. My opinion. smile
About Me

"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

01/31/2015 07:18 AM (UTC)
01/31/2015 07:28 AM (UTC)
OhYesMar$h Wrote:

You can laugh, my friend.

With or without Tanya, MKX is already konfirmed to be a flawless game.

That's the real amazing fact. glasses
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/31/2015 07:47 AM (UTC)
I never see her insult or flame anyone. So because she is quirky(using the k's instead of c's) and has a posting style you don't like, and talks about a certain character more than you care to hear about them, she is a 'bad user'? Meh. I don't get it.

If she was trolling or spamming that would be one thing but she's just odd.

Honestly it seems like somebody is catching shit because other users find them annoying, even though they aren't actually fucking with anyone. That is messed up IMO.
01/31/2015 08:15 AM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
I never see her insult or flame anyone. So because she is quirky(using the k's instead of c's) and has a posting style you don't like, and talks about a certain character more than you care to hear about them, she is a 'bad user'? Meh. I don't get it.

If she was trolling or spamming that would be one thing but she's just odd.

Honestly it seems like somebody is catching shit because other users find them annoying, even though they aren't actually fucking with anyone. That is messed up IMO.

Agree with this. Being a Tanya 'fan' myself, I often check this thread and I've seen all of Maria_Lindas posts. I don't find her offensive or annoying in the least and I certainly don't like Tanya any less because of her. I just think there are some users who are taking it far too seriously.

She is on a message board posting messages about her favorite character. She is allowed to do that. Yes she posts a lot about Tanya and in a 'quirky' way... So what?? What harm is she doing to anyone? She's annoying? Well there are two people here who do not agree but do agree that the treatment of this user IS annoying.

Honestly if people wouldn't constantly badger her and try to police the way she posts then she wouldn't have half as many Tanya posts as she does in this thread... Which as a matter of fact happens to be a thread about TANYA. Shock horror, a thread about Tanya that contains a lot of posts about Tanya from a Tanya fan. Who would have thought. Lol.
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/31/2015 10:21 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
You know, I think about a handful of users have tried to reason with this user and still nothing gets through to them. Most of the time I see her (or him) contributing to another thread, they get ignored. I'd say, let this person think she's (or he's) contributing by double and triple posting, even if it appears to be annoying while we just ignore them.

I mean, there's been so many users saying to this person, whether it's in a nice tone or not, on how Maria_Linda is becoming a bothersome. And even with people asking them to kindly knock their shit off, they don't do it, they give themselves a bad reputation of being an annoying user. I'd say let the person continue doing what they're doing while we just turn the other cheek an have the conversations we enjoy.

Granted that it is annoying that this user is trashing this thread, despite that this thread has already had its fair share of trash to begin with, still, there's nothing else left to do other than ignore the user. Or if worse really comes to worse, we just report them to a mod and see if they're gong to take charge of the issue. I don't want to sound like a bitch, but there's been a handful of users asking this person to stop, even with them asking in the nicest of ways. If the user can't even respect that, then why bother giving them the time or the day?

Agreed. Whenever I see them post, I just skip past it. I've no desire to read

"yeah that's kool but I kontinue to kross my fingers for Tanya in MKX it would be so epic and kool!!!!!"

in every cocking thread
01/31/2015 10:23 AM (UTC)
Don't worry people! I've been following this boards for a long time.

Icebaby = the villian, he/she/whatever has a problem with everyone, and many users got banned because of him/her/whatever.

You should just ignore him/her/whatever because he's/she's out on getting people banned.

And playing a girl (probably) makes him immune for being banned.

He obviously has something against tanya and her fans, ignore him in the future.
01/31/2015 11:46 AM (UTC)

LordKotal, Charybdis, Somnambulist, FerraTorr:

You all sound ridiculous in your last posts.

01/31/2015 12:01 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

On the dot.

Charybdis Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:

Agreed. Whenever I see them post, I just skip past it. I've no desire to read

"yeah that's kool but I kontinue to kross my fingers for Tanya in MKX it would be so epic and kool!!!!!"

in every cocking thread

God, this x100.

LordKotal Wrote:
Don't worry people! I've been following this boards for a long time.

Icebaby = the villian, he/she/whatever has a problem with everyone, and many users got banned because of him/her/whatever.

You should just ignore him/her/whatever because he's/she's out on getting people banned.

And playing a girl (probably) makes him immune for being banned.

He obviously has something against tanya and her fans, ignore him in the future.

Nope, that's totally false. Icebaby has been on the Netherkast and had a very feminine voice, and has posted several pictures of herself. "I've been following this boards for a long time" yeah ok you're full of shit
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/31/2015 12:06 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
Don't worry people! I've been following this boards for a long time.

Icebaby = the villian, he/she/whatever has a problem with everyone, and many users got banned because of him/her/whatever.

You should just ignore him/her/whatever because he's/she's out on getting people banned.

And playing a girl (probably) makes him immune for being banned.

He obviously has something against tanya and her fans, ignore him in the future.

You have fucking issues. Icebaby's a top notch poster, a lovely person and most definitively a woman: she's been on the Netherkast and I've watched her streams. You owe her an apology and you can go fuck yourself in the meantime Anyone else find it extremely suspicious that there's several totally new posters who are Tanya devotees around all of a sudden? Almost as though someone, notoriously obsessed with Tanya, realised no one else was and then made a couple of sockpuppets?
01/31/2015 12:43 PM (UTC)
That is why I love women on forums, they always get what they want...

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