01/31/2015 02:39 PM (UTC)
I'm seriously confused as to where these users are coming from. I've never seen a bunch of disrespectful kids in a loooooong time. And of course my post starts the next page. Greaaaaaat... Woo....

LordKotal Wrote:
Don't worry people! I've been following this boards for a long time.

Icebaby = the villian, he/she/whatever has a problem with everyone, and many users got banned because of him/her/whatever.

You should just ignore him/her/whatever because he's/she's out on getting people banned.

And playing a girl (probably) makes him immune for being banned.

He obviously has something against tanya and her fans, ignore him in the future.

Dude, if you've been following the forums for a long time, you would have realized I'm a woman behind this account.

I honestly don't know if you're joking and waiting for responses like these so you can turn around and go "haha, just joking, wasn't really serious the entire time!" Or if you're seriously bothered by me. I don't know you, I don't want to know you now, I don't know what I did you warrant this kind of attitude towards me. But whatever it is, I'd like for you to get the fuck over it.

You and the user that just got themselves banned over their own stupidity are crazed, obsessed fans who goes absolutely nuts when someone talks down about their favorite characters. Learn to accept criticism and opinions dude, that's what these forums carry. If you can't accept that there are people out there that don't care for or dislike something you like, then obviously this is not something you should be on.

What's funny, what really is so goddamn funny... I don't have a problem with this character. I don't. I play as her in the games that she's been in. So obviously, if I were to hate this character, you'd be seeing me acting like "I hate this character so much, I want her to fucking go away and never return."

But no. Instead, I get treated with disrespect by a guy who obviously can't take their own advice and learn to ignore. Instead, we gotta poke, poke, poke until the person they're bothering actually gets aggravated.

And last but not least, since I'm going to assume that tanyaqueenx whoever, their banned got you so upset... I don't know why. Acting like a twat over someone who's trying to get a conversation started by disagreeing on some points is certainly pathetic. I'm glad I went straight to a mod after the user sent me two PMs telling me to "go die" as well as "I can beat you up if I ever see you." Yeah, because I really want someone so immature, so fucking stupid, and is threatening me, to be on these forums. Also, I'm not the only person they were caps locking at as well. Someone else who decided to chip in, they too insulted them.

But if you're going to sit here and have the mentality of a twelve year old playing CoD with older, but lesser intelligent people screaming the n-word and shit, I don't think for one second you have a place here. When you tell someone to go "suck a dick" and shit all because someone happens to disagree with your opinion, these forums are not your cup of tea.

So please, whatever quarrel you have with me, get over it. I'm a female behind this account, I've been here for seven years, I have my goddamn picture in my profile for heaven's sake and a Twitch account that goes live at seven central. (Hey folks, I'm playing Dying Light, oooh scary) If you honestly can't tell what gender I am by any of that... god have mercy.

redman Wrote:
Nope, that's totally false. Icebaby has been on the Netherkast and had a very feminine voice, and has posted several pictures of herself. "I've been following this boards for a long time" yeah ok you're full of shit

Agreed, full of shit in definitely!

Charybdis Wrote:
You have fucking issues. Icebaby's a top notch poster, a lovely person and most definitively a woman: she's been on the Netherkast and I've watched her streams. You owe her an apology and you can go fuck yourself in the meantime

Anyone else find it extremely suspicious that there's several totally new posters who are Tanya devotees around all of a sudden? Almost as though someone, notoriously obsessed with Tanya, realised no one else was and then made a couple of sockpuppets?

I'd like to know where these new users are coming from... and why they can't take a fucking opinion against theirs.

LordKotal Wrote:
That is why I love women on forums, they always get what they want...

Yeah, because I'm using my woman powers to control people hundreds of miles away from me to shower me with love and compassion. No woman on here has ever been banned before due to their woman-ess abilities.

You want to know someone who's done that, look up the user Megababe. For Christ's sake she was dating a moderator!

With all this said, can this thread get back having intelligent conversations about the damn character? Or are more fans of hers going to get butt hurt when someone says "You know, I kinda don't want to see her return for this game?" This is honestly getting so fucking ridiculous, I'm surprised, utterly, utterly surprised with the amount of times this thread has gone off-topic, that some mod hasn't come in with their palm hitting their face going, "Aight, enough is enough, I'm closing this mother fucker once and for all."

Like seriously, can we go for at least two days without someone crying about differences of opinions about this character and TRY to hold an intellectual conversation about this character? She's not half bad when you overlook the staleness of her character because she has decent moves that can really be toyed around with if she were to be in X. She can be used as a character that can literally become a sorcereress if they're gonna head in that direction... There's still stuff to talk about her and I'd like to talk about her with people. But if all we're gonna do is "attack" other people because that one person looks at things differently ON PURPOSE just to get a conversation started, then this thread should just get closed and forever moved down into the darkness of the abyss.
01/31/2015 02:51 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
Agreed. Whenever I see them post, I just skip past it. I've no desire to read

Anybody is always free to do this. It's simple. smile

Charybdis Wrote:

Anyone else find it extremely suspicious that there's several totally new posters who are Tanya devotees around all of a sudden? Almost as though someone, notoriously obsessed with Tanya, realised no one else was and then made a couple of sockpuppets?

What I find suspicious is how the new "TanyaQueenofMkorwhatnot" user was extremely, overly rude and offensive, out of nowhere.

And the same usual couple of trolls that hate me, suddenly appear trying to associate this new terrible Tanya user with me.

I see that as a possible attempt to sabotage me, for whatever reason.

Some people are clearly trying to make all the Tanya fans appear bad, and they are doing way too much if you ask me.

But like I said many times, MKX will be amazing with or without Tanya.

I am a happy Mortal Kombat fan, why can't everybody else be too?

I suggest you start working on yourselves and fix your anger issues. It's not my fault you are mad about my innocent posts.
01/31/2015 03:13 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:get a conversation started, then this thread should just get closed and forever moved down into the darkness of the abyss.

The predictable "Let's close the Tanya thread" comments.............

Too bad this epik Tanya thread was sabotaged.

Oh well.

*Maria_Linda shrugs*

Maybe some people thought this would bother me? It doesn't.

See. I am a chill and cool Tanya fan. glasses

*Maria_Linda flips her hair*

Can't wait for the next MKX reveals, whether it's Tanya or not. glasses
01/31/2015 03:44 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:get a conversation started, then this thread should just get closed and forever moved down into the darkness of the abyss.

The predictable "Let's close the Tanya thread" comments.............

Too bad this epik Tanya thread was sabotaged.

Oh well.

*Maria_Linda shrugs*

Maybe some people thought this would bother me? It doesn't.

See. I am a chill and cool Tanya fan. glasses

*Maria_Linda flips her hair*

Can't wait for the next MKX reveals, whether it's Tanya or not. glasses

You sound ridiculous. No one is trying to make all Tanya fans appear bad. We're only trying to point out that you're being very rude to us. Have some courtesy. I think most of the other posters would agree with me that we would like this thread to contain intelligent intellectual discussions about Tanya's future in MK. Not your double and triple posting the same ridiculous crap. We get it; you're obsessed with Tanya and you think you're better than the rest of us. You don't need to keep reminding us, it's been annoying for a long time.

01/31/2015 03:51 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

You sound ridiculous. No one is trying to make all Tanya fans appear bad. We're only trying to point out that you're being very rude to us. Have some courtesy. I think most of the other posters would agree with me that we would like this thread to contain intelligent intellectual discussions about Tanya's future in MK. Not your double and triple posting the same ridiculous crap. We get it; you're obsessed with Tanya and you think you're better than the rest of us. You don't need to keep reminding us, it's been annoying for a long time.

"Intelligent, intellectual discussions" are not always required in life.

Why rack your brain constantly like that?

Can't we just be more light-hearted and have fun????

But you can choose to post intellectual posts, if you want. That's fine.

And I can post how I choose to, also.

Simple. Let's all be friends, people. I am NOT an enemy! I can't stress this fact enough times lol.
01/31/2015 04:44 PM (UTC)
LordKotal is DVorah/milaana, can't you see that? Dunno why he felt the need to create a 3rd account but whatever.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/31/2015 04:51 PM (UTC)
somnambulist Wrote:

Agree with this. Being a Tanya 'fan' myself, I often check this thread and I've seen all of Maria_Lindas posts. I don't find her offensive or annoying in the least and I certainly don't like Tanya any less because of her. I just think there are some users who are taking it far too seriously.

She is on a message board posting messages about her favorite character. She is allowed to do that. Yes she posts a lot about Tanya and in a 'quirky' way... So what?? What harm is she doing to anyone? She's annoying? Well there are two people here who do not agree but do agree that the treatment of this user IS annoying.

Yes, I am far more annoyed at seeing people badgering her every time she posts than by her posts, no matter how repetitive they can be.

somnambulist Wrote:
Honestly if people wouldn't constantly badger her and try to police the way she posts then she wouldn't have half as many Tanya posts as she does in this thread...


People want to complain about how much she posts about Tanya, but then they are also willing to waste space on this forum arguing with her about how she writes, what she talks about etc.

Whether people want to see it or admit or not, it is counterproductive and it is actually on the verge of becoming bullying IMO because people are talking like they want to get her banned when she hasn't done anything wrong.
01/31/2015 05:31 PM (UTC)
Can this thread just get back on the goddamn topic, please?

Who cares, seriously, who cares how people treat Maria-Linda. They've already got a reputation of being a very annoying user to many users, trying to defend and make everyone who has asked this person to stop sound like bullies (despite that they are absolutely nowhere near what a bully is) is still taking away the actual topic of this thread.

Can we just go back into talking about Tanya? Please. This is getting stupidly depressing and I swear I have no idea what is keeping a mod from closing this thread since we haven't gotten back on track in the last three pages. Seriously, stop it, and just get back on track.

Like what is it with her that just brings out this in people?
01/31/2015 05:52 PM (UTC)
I wish I could go back in time and convince Ed Boon to keep Kitana in MK4 rather than rehashing her as the new character that Tanya would become.
01/31/2015 05:53 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
I wish I could go back in time and convince Ed Boon to keep Kitana in MK4 rather than rehashing her as the new character that Tanya would become.

You don't have the power to convince Ed Boon on anything, sorry.
01/31/2015 05:55 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
I wish I could go back in time and convince Ed Boon to keep Kitana in MK4 rather than rehashing her as the new character that Tanya would become.

You don't have the power to convince Ed Boon on anything, sorry.

Are you still offended by my signature? Boooo hoooooooo

Have a problem with me? Send me a PM. We're here to talk about Tanya!
About Me

I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

01/31/2015 06:01 PM (UTC)
Icebaby the new cats will never understand. MKO use to be a tight knit community and can be if people stopped being douchebags. furious
01/31/2015 06:16 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
I wish I could go back in time and convince Ed Boon to keep Kitana in MK4 rather than rehashing her as the new character that Tanya would become.

You don't have the power to convince Ed Boon on anything, sorry.

Are you still offended by my signature? Boooo hoooooooo

Have a problem with me? Send me a PM. We're here to talk about Tanya!

Did you mistake me for someone else? I don't think i've ever commented on your sig, and it's amusing actually. I don't see why i'd send you a pm when there is nothing to discuss and no feud? Ed Boon wouldn't remove Tanya if you asked him to, and that's a fact.
01/31/2015 09:56 PM (UTC)
After reading this thread, I think it would be awesome if Tanya appeared in MKX as some sort of enchantress, who can bewitch people and cause them to fall madly in love with her to the point that they'll defend her to the ends of the earth, turn on their allies, and mindlessly attack anyone who threatens her.

It would be...ironic...and also more interesting than what she's got to work with at them moment...
01/31/2015 10:08 PM (UTC)
Tanya's boring and bland but I never really cared for the females anyway. Only ones ever liked playing as was jade, frost, kitana, and sonya But i mainly perfer to not play as the chicks So my opinion doesnt really matter. Her inclusion means nothing to me as long as it's not at the expense of FUJIN.
01/31/2015 10:16 PM (UTC)
I like her name.... I guess.
01/31/2015 11:04 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
I wish I could go back in time and convince Ed Boon to keep Kitana in MK4 rather than rehashing her as the new character that Tanya would become.

You don't have the power to convince Ed Boon on anything, sorry.

Are you still offended by my signature? Boooo hoooooooo

Have a problem with me? Send me a PM. We're here to talk about Tanya!

Did you mistake me for someone else? I don't think i've ever commented on your sig, and it's amusing actually. I don't see why i'd send you a pm when there is nothing to discuss and no feud? Ed Boon wouldn't remove Tanya if you asked him to, and that's a fact.

diirecthit Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Just confirm these two already. I need some ~HYPE~ after the disappointment that was Gamescom.


Nice sig.

*rolls eyes*

Nice username

*rolls eyes*

Apparently I hit a nerve

You didn't hit shit, lol. We (Sonya fans) just think you're immature and probably 12yo judging by your signature. We only pay mind to the people who dislike Sonya politely (like Icebaby) and not by being a tacky try hard.

Not so fast!

But seriously, back on Tanya. Despite the sometimes obnoxious fans, I want at least another person from the MK4-Deception era, whether its her or Fujin (whom I'd prefer), or Reiko or someone else. They are being underrepresented.
About Me

01/31/2015 11:24 PM (UTC)
Just want to note that in the past five or six years of this kind of drama happening on this site, it is generally the same people involved.
02/01/2015 12:39 AM (UTC)
To me it seems like NRS will have Tanya as DLC, I do hope she makes it into the game's roster.

MKonline vets, is this the longest most dramatic filled thread this site has had? Or is this a regular occurance?
02/01/2015 02:04 AM (UTC)

I have been a long time lurker of this site, for news and fan art, since the MKDA-MKD days. I didn't join until MK9 and even back four-five years ago when that game was coming out the threads were not this bad. They had their fair share of ridiculousness though, but nothing this bad.

Back to Tanya, I would be happy to see her in MKX. She has potential. A lot of shit got retconned in MK9, some people's back stories were completely changed. I'm sure they can come up with something for Tanya to do now that Edenia isn't independent from Outworld. They should use her cameo in MK9 as a jumping off point for Tanya's inclusion in this game. It was a small cameo, but I think it would be kind of cool. I like good continuity, even though MK9 just kind of shredded MK's continuity, but we have a new story now.

02/01/2015 02:06 AM (UTC)
*Maria_Linda drinks her delicious tea, while reading people's newest comments in the MKX Tanya thread*

*Maria_Linda tilts her head, just a tiny little bit perplexed*

It is what it is.

And Tanya remains prakticing her invisibility MKDeception powers, she will not be konfirmed or unkonfirmed anytime soon.

*Maria_Linda shrugs her shoulders and drinks green tea*
About Me

"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

02/01/2015 02:06 AM (UTC)
nycmk Wrote:
To me it seems like NRS will have Tanya as DLC, I do hope she makes it into the game's roster.

MKonline vets, is this the longest most dramatic filled thread this site has had? Or is this a regular occurance?

I remember some dire and contentious stuff from my olden days on MKO (I had a different username then--my login count does not do me justice).

But nothing, nothing this long and drawn out.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/01/2015 02:38 AM (UTC)
Oh Tanya...

Tanya, Tanya, Tanya.

Well...if in fact Reiko has sided with Mileena and no longer has any interests in helping Shinnok, I'd say that's a good place for Tanya to come into play. She's a damned good infiltrator, and she just might be Shinnok's ace in the hole.

Also, wasn't it mentioned that there were Outworlders AND Edenians coming through that portal in the Refugee Camp? Why differentiate if the two are still one and the same?
02/01/2015 03:02 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Oh Tanya...

Tanya, Tanya, Tanya.

Well...if in fact Reiko has sided with Mileena and no longer has any interests in helping Shinnok, I'd say that's a good place for Tanya to come into play. She's a damned good infiltrator, and she just might be Shinnok's ace in the hole.

Also, wasn't it mentioned that there were Outworlders AND Edenians coming through that portal in the Refugee Camp? Why differentiate if the two are still one and the same?

Was that in the stream? Do you happen to remember when they mentioned that?

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/01/2015 04:06 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

Was that in the stream? Do you happen to remember when they mentioned that?

Yeah I'm fairly certain, although I can't re-check due to data constraints. I believe it was during the Kano vs Kung Lao fight. Around 28:00-30:00.

If anyone else can confirm this with a link/quote though, by all means...
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