01/30/2015 11:02 PM (UTC)
What the heck........ why all these essays in this Tanya thread, all of the sudden? LMAO??

Are you guys trying to purposely get this thread locked??? What is going on?

What an absolute mess LOL. All these useless insults thrown around in this thread.

A catastrophik disaster. This thread needs to remain PEACEFUL, in my opinion!

Anyway! I hope Tanya will be in MKX.

To the person that said Ed Boon doesn't like Tanya. No, that's not true, he likes Tanya.

That's why Tanya was in MKDeception. I didn't think she'd be in MKDeception!
It's also why Ed Boon named that kharakter after one of his sisters. Ed Boon has 2 sisters : Tanya and Sonya. Why would Ed use his sister's name for a kharakter he doesn't like? To troll his sister? lol I would hope not. lol
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Props to MINION
01/30/2015 11:10 PM (UTC)
"They need to make her not look like a Marvel superhero" is a line ive actually heard referring to Tanya lol

I do like her move set, and think she could have potential in MKX, but not a big deal to me if she's in or not.
01/30/2015 11:27 PM (UTC)
TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:
Im perfectly calm down no need to worry it's just ppl like this shemale made me hate forums so much, u express ur opinion & then BAM weirdos show up.

Icebaby IGNORED FOREVER!!! Not gonna bother reading or replying to that freak anymore.

Im just here to unite Tanya's fans & start a rally for her to be included in the game.

Unite Tanya fans and start a rally?

The Tanya fans were doing just fine before you came here and decided to insult everyone for no reason.

My fellow Mortal Kombat Tanya fan, YOU need to relax. Don't worry about haters. Everything and everyone has haters. The haters need to work on themselves, on their own. It is not your problem or responsibility.

Let's just all keep our fingers krossed for Tanya, in peace. smile

With or without Tanya, MKX will be EPIK and the best fighting game, to date!
01/30/2015 11:32 PM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
"They need to make her not look like a Marvel superhero" is a line ive actually heard referring to Tanya lol

I do like her move set, and think she could have potential in MKX, but not a big deal to me if she's in or not.

I hope Tanya looks tall, thin and athletik, yellow and epik!!!

She can look like a superhero, or not, it's okay! I just hope they make her look badaaass!!
01/30/2015 11:56 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
Wow....just....fucking wow. What is it about Tanya fans?

I am sure there is a total of hundreds or thousands of Tanya fans on the entire planet Earth.

One bad user on a message board does NOT equal everyone on the planet.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/31/2015 12:21 AM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:

I'd like to see Nether Realm play more with the idea that she has extensive knowledge of the Dark Arts, and magical relics. She's the closest thing we've got to a sorceress. It would make her a valuable asset to either Kotal Kahn or Shinnok, whoever the main antagonist is....especially when it comes to the Kamidogu, which seem to be important this time around. She could be a catalyst for some big plot point. I just think that the dark arts thing would be a more interesting angle than "Hi, my name is Tanya, and I betray people."


I loved how she looked in Deception, and with the white eyes she definitely looked like a dark arts-type character. We need a sorceress in MK.
01/31/2015 12:26 AM (UTC)
I love Tanya!
She will replace Sindel in MKX
01/31/2015 12:34 AM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
Dervis Wrote:

I'd like to see Nether Realm play more with the idea that she has extensive knowledge of the Dark Arts, and magical relics. She's the closest thing we've got to a sorceress. It would make her a valuable asset to either Kotal Kahn or Shinnok, whoever the main antagonist is....especially when it comes to the Kamidogu, which seem to be important this time around. She could be a catalyst for some big plot point. I just think that the dark arts thing would be a more interesting angle than "Hi, my name is Tanya, and I betray people."


I loved how she looked in Deception, and with the white eyes she definitely looked like a dark arts-type character. We need a sorceress in MK.

I would love for Tanya to be some sorceress! I can't even tell you! It would be wonderful.

Now to all the people komplaining about kharakter stories... look, Mortal Kombat now has a total of maybe 70, 80 or 90 kharakters?? I don't know, I never counted. But with this many kharakters...... obviously..... there's only so much you can do...... lol.... obviously, many kharakters will have "boring" or non-existent stories...... and to that I say : SO WHAT??? Let's move on!!! Who really cares? I just want my favorite kharakter to be playable in MKX. With or without a story.

And that's how I feel about it. lol

01/31/2015 01:01 AM (UTC)
I love how Tanya fans talk about her as if her inclusion is official. Way to get your hopes' up, much?
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I will rock you.

01/31/2015 01:03 AM (UTC)
Tanya : Ha Ha Ha welcome to your doom.
Kung Lao : What! You tricked me. Now you must pay.
Tanya : Never trust a girl with a boomerang Monk.
01/31/2015 01:16 AM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
I love how Tanya fans talk about her as if her inclusion is official. Way to get your hopes' up, much?

My hopes for Tanya are high, indeed. But I will deal if she ends up not being in MKX. lol

I will use other kharakters such as the funny Kassonya Blade Cage! And also Kitana! Kitana is my third favorite kharakter after Tanya and Sonya.
01/31/2015 01:20 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
My hopes for Tanya are high, indeed. But I will deal if she ends up not being in MKX.

Dude, please. You'd probably call Boon every name in the book and then rob a 7-Eleven and take everyone hostage.
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01/31/2015 01:24 AM (UTC)
DivahMah Wrote:
I love Tanya!
She will replace Sindel in MKX

No need for any replacement ! Tanya and The Queen Sindel are
two unique kharakters of MK universe !
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/31/2015 01:27 AM (UTC)
People seriously need to stop complaining about others rooting for their favorite character to make it in. What do you care? Why does it bother you?

It's bizarre how this forum is filled with people sniping at each other over which characters they do or don't like. Christ on a cracker.
01/31/2015 01:31 AM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
People seriously need to stop complaining about others rooting for their favorite character to make it in. What do you care? Why does it bother you?

Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.

Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.
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01/31/2015 01:39 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
People seriously need to stop complaining about others rooting for their favorite character to make it in. What do you care? Why does it bother you?

Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.

Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

Seriously I don't get it Sir? I just cannot understand and bear your awkward and humiliating words towards anyone ! You MUST respect people's opinions and stop being a mean person !
01/31/2015 01:43 AM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
People seriously need to stop complaining about others rooting for their favorite character to make it in. What do you care? Why does it bother you?

It's bizarre how this forum is filled with people sniping at each other over which characters they do or don't like. Christ on a cracker.

Because some of them then turn their rage on us trilogy character enthusiasts by saying our favorites suck, keep the franchise from moving forward, are copy/pasted from the last game, so on and so forth.

Just look at any new reveal thread and you'll see exactly what I'm saying.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/31/2015 01:43 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
People seriously need to stop complaining about others rooting for their favorite character to make it in. What do you care? Why does it bother you?

Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.

Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

It's their right to talk about their favorite character as often as they want, and to give any kind of praise to that character they want, even if you find it to be over-the-top and grating. You are far worse for being a jerk to them over it. That's my opinion. Just ignore them and deal with it. Otherwise you are a jerk .
01/31/2015 01:47 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:

You'd probably call Boon every name in the book and then rob a 7-Eleven and take everyone hostage.

Only in your paranoid imagination, maybe.

Don't worry.
I promise you, I have other favorite kharakters.

The only reason I stress and insist on Tanya is because she my favorite kharakter and because she is more of a "rare" kharakter than Sonya, for example.
Sonya is a huge veteran, ikonik kharakter and I wouldn't mind it if she skipped MKX.

I see that many of you like to feign maturity with your perpetual condescending and snarky remarks towards Tanya fans and other fans.
YAAAWWWWNNNN. sleep You can all sit down.

I don't HAVE to explain myself and why I like Tanya or why I post how I post.

I remain a flawless Tanya fan. glasses smile
01/31/2015 01:54 AM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
It's their right to talk about their favorite character as often as they want, and to give any kind of praise to that character they want, even if you find it to be over-the-top and grating. You are far worse for being a jerk to them over it. That's my opinion. Just ignore them and deal with it. Otherwise you are a jerk .

Whatever you say, Mister Rogers. Tell that also to the people who gave me shit just for having a Dairou signature. On the flip side, you could also ignore people who don't share your look on the matter.

But if you're honestly expecting a collective compromise on here over character devotion and denigration anytime soon, you're wasting your time.
01/31/2015 02:09 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
People seriously need to stop complaining about others rooting for their favorite character to make it in. What do you care? Why does it bother you?

Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.

Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

My quadruple and quintuple hyperbolikalities will remain.
I guess your whining about it will remain also, as a result! LMAO.
It is what it is.

To all the Tanya fans : let's just kross our fingers (and toes if possible lol) for Tanya. That's all we can do.
About Me

"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

01/31/2015 02:18 AM (UTC)
In other news today:

1) The United States struggles to minimize the influence of ISIS while foreign nations negotiate for a hostage swap and allies in Syria and Iran grow unreliable.

2) The debate over Islam and free speech in Western Europe burns, and footage from a shooting at a kosher market in Paris gets leaked.

3) Mitt Romney has announced he won't run for President of the U.S., sparking all sorts of questions about the shape of the next election cycle.

4) Fights still rage on in the European Union about the Greek liability for post-recession "bailout" debt.

5) Boko Haram's militias continue to raze entire villages in Nigeria and Cameroon, and scores of young girls are still missing.

6) 44 soldiers were killed in a protracted anti-terror battle against Muslim insurgents in the southern Philippines.

I love and/or despise Tanya as much as the next gal, but let's all try to remember that perhaps there may be other issues in the world we can spend our time and energies on.
01/31/2015 03:50 AM (UTC)

SwingBatta Wrote: Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.
Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.
Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.
Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

Some of you should read this again and then read it two more times. Consider it advice.

01/31/2015 04:30 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

SwingBatta Wrote:
Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.
Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.
Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.
Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

Some of you should read this again and then two more times. Consider it advice.

Who cares about double posts??
And harmless Tanya posts?

You guys are hilarious, I'm shaking my head.

I am just waiting for some Tanya konfirmation of some kind. Period, point blank.
If this upsets you, well.... too bad for you.

Only about 2 months left until MKX.
01/31/2015 04:55 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:

SwingBatta Wrote:
Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.
Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.
Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

Rooting for your fave character(s) to make it in is one thing.
Constantly double or triple posting hyperbolic nonsense about said character in lieu of holding a civilized conversation is another.

Some of you should read this again and then two more times. Consider it advice.

Who cares about double posts??
And harmless Tanya posts?

You guys are hilarious, I'm shaking my head.

I am just waiting for some Tanya konfirmation of some kind. Period, point blank.
If this upsets you, well.... too bad for you.

Only about 2 months left until MKX.

Your harmless Tanya posts are actually getting harmful. Several other posters have expressed that it is obnoxious or annoying. At this point you're just being rude. You're making this thread less enjoyable for others. You and TanyaQueenOfMKX. The fact that you're defending your behavior instead of apologizing, or at least putting a stop to the repetitive posts, shows that you are very immature and you have no manners or courtesy for others. The fact that others are defending you shows how out of touch they all are.

I like Tanya, I have liked her since MK4, but you guys are kind of ruining her for me. I want her to be in this game. Your blatant disregard for others has caused part of me to not want Tanya in this game because I want you to be bummed. You have made a lot of my time on this thread very unpleasant.

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