01/30/2015 06:33 PM (UTC)
TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:
Im perfectly calm down no need to worry it's just ppl like this shemale made me hate forums so much, u express ur opinion & then BAM weirdos show up.

Icebaby IGNORED FOREVER!!! Not gonna bother reading or replying to that freak anymore.

Im just here to unite Tanya's fans & start a rally for her to be included in the game.

I'm going to side with Icebaby.

TanyaQueenOfMKX, I like Tanya and I want her to be on the main roster of this game. But please shut up. You sound like a little kid. You keep antagonizing Icebaby for no reason. Calling names and telling people to suck a dick is very immature. Are you capable of having an intelligent discussion? Because you sound like an idiot. I recommend you play Deception, it is far superior to Armageddon. Finally, to say Tanya is better than Sub-Zero is a very bold statement.
01/30/2015 06:34 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
Wow....just....fucking wow. What is it about Tanya fans?

I have no idea.

And it's a shame too. There are decent Tanya fans who can have decent conversations and are acceptable towards those who don't want to see her in. But geez, make one measly comment that's not wanting her in, you get world war four.
01/30/2015 06:35 PM (UTC)
TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:

Now listen to me now u idiot, i expressed my opinion & yes u're the one who's acting like a complete jackass & u even more further proved now (after waiting what about 2 hours to reply me) so i wish that there's a ignore button right now so i wouldnt have to see ur ''intelligent'' posts.


Deal with it or die!

o!o o!o

If u're really a female (which i hardly doubt) there's only 1 thing that i can say: BACK TO THE KITCHEN SLUT!!!! And even though Tanya is a fictional character she has more personality then u'll ever have.


If this isn't enough a reason to ban someone idk what is lol

Learn to express yourself in a more civilized manner and people might take you seriously lol
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

01/30/2015 06:35 PM (UTC)
Everyone just ignore what happened and please get back to talking about Tanya in a respectable manner.
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/30/2015 06:36 PM (UTC)
....I always liked the Bat Signal thing she had on her outfit in MK4....?
01/30/2015 06:37 PM (UTC)
Ever since what I caused for that outburst about a week or so ago about the story thing(I think it was last week), I've been taking a low profile and just lurked in here without posting anything, for I think I am the one who started all that, so I was just reading all the posts, without writing anything, for the fear that it may create another outburst, but I had to write something after seeing how this is going.

Tanyaqueen, can you please calm down and refrain your feelings? As a fellow Tanya fan, the profanity and cursing and what not you are using on your posting, is not only making all of us Tanya fans look bad, and hurting the reputations, but that on the end, will turn many Tanya admirers, to maybe haters in some way or another. The trouble I caused a weeks before should be enough and done with, we DON'T need another.

I don't care if you curse at me too, but I just had to post this.

I am not a mod here, and I know I am not qualified to say this, but please, for the sake of our favorite kharacter, please restrain yourself. It's bad enough for Tanya not being even hinted at, and I fear that the chances of her being in the game is dwindling right now to start off, but let's not get too carried away and create feud here.

OK, I will now shut up.

About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/30/2015 06:37 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Charybdis Wrote:
Wow....just....fucking wow. What is it about Tanya fans?

I have no idea.

And it's a shame too. There are decent Tanya fans who can have decent conversations and are acceptable towards those who don't want to see her in. But geez, make one measly comment that's not wanting her in, you get world war four.

If it helps, I think I'd need a major Tanya revamp to get me interested in her. Not Jarek level obviously, but if we're talking about an MK4 character slot, Fujin and Shinnok have got to come first. I'd put Tanya on level with Reiko. Not bad but needs....fleshing out
01/30/2015 06:40 PM (UTC)
All in seriousness... I really have no idea what she would do in this game. Her reasoning in the fourth was that she was a traitor to Edenia. Since there is no Edenia at this point and the fate of the Edenians are up in the air, what is she to do?

Sure, they could make it where she was enslaved with Kahn when he took over Outworld, she escapes somehow, and joined forces with evil (obviously) or actually become good (then possibly betray like she's done in the past). I really just don't see a purpose with her. And of course they could always retcon the crap out of her character and do something different.

And I'm not saying this because I dislike the character, no, I actually thought she was quite decent in Deception (although her fatalities were just so... weirdly lame), and she was one of my most played in the fourth. I just don't see what they can do with her and I don't want her being completely retcon with X.

I've been saying this quite a lot about her though. And yes, she should be fleshed out more. I guess that's the problem with her. I just feel she's done squat in this series. Like if she was not in this game, would it be that big of an effect on the story?
01/30/2015 06:45 PM (UTC)
I more or less just don't care about Tanya, and I don't mean that in a bad way. I don't have anything against her but I don't like her either.

If NRS can give her a decent rol to play in the story, give her a good design and some fun gameplay, sure put her in, it wouldn't bother me but I wont be upset at her absence either.
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/30/2015 06:46 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
All in seriousness... I really have no idea what she would do in this game. Her reasoning in the fourth was that she was a traitor to Edenia. Since there is no Edenia at this point and the fate of the Edenians are up in the air, what is she to do?

Sure, they could make it where she was enslaved with Kahn when he took over Outworld, she escapes somehow, and joined forces with evil (obviously) or actually become good (then possibly betray like she's done in the past). I really just don't see a purpose with her. And of course they could always retcon the crap out of her character and do something different.

And I'm not saying this because I dislike the character, no, I actually thought she was quite decent in Deception (although her fatalities were just so... weirdly lame), and she was one of my most played in the fourth. I just don't see what they can do with her and I don't want her being completely retcon with X.

I've been saying this quite a lot about her though. And yes, she should be fleshed out more. I guess that's the problem with her. I just feel she's done squat in this series. Like if she was not in this game, would it be that big of an effect on the story?

That's exactly how I feel. I'm not deadset against and I found her relatively interesting in MKD but if Edenia isn't independent and she can't backstab Kitana and Jade, what is there for her to do? I guess I could see her as kind of an advisor to Mileena in the Outworld Civil War, as a counterpart to D'Vorah, but otherwise I don't see how she fits in. And I just can't see NRS twisting themselves into shapes to fit in the fourth most popular new character from MK4.

I'd like to see her revamped as a kind of voodoo sorceress, really play up on the magic thing

I personally think she's prime DLC bait. Decent fanbase, good recognition, sort of ninja and a wide palette for her moves: magic and some fire effects. That's all she's got.
01/30/2015 06:49 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
All in seriousness... I really have no idea what she would do in this game. Her reasoning in the fourth was that she was a traitor to Edenia. Since there is no Edenia at this point and the fate of the Edenians are up in the air, what is she to do?

Sure, they could make it where she was enslaved with Kahn when he took over Outworld, she escapes somehow, and joined forces with evil (obviously) or actually become good (then possibly betray like she's done in the past). I really just don't see a purpose with her. And of course they could always retcon the crap out of her character and do something different.

And I'm not saying this because I dislike the character, no, I actually thought she was quite decent in Deception (although her fatalities were just so... weirdly lame), and she was one of my most played in the fourth. I just don't see what they can do with her and I don't want her being completely retcon with X.

I've been saying this quite a lot about her though. And yes, she should be fleshed out more. I guess that's the problem with her. I just feel she's done squat in this series. Like if she was not in this game, would it be that big of an effect on the story?

I think she has potential. She doesn't have to have the same story she had in MK4. I would like to see her tied up in Kahn's arena in the last game be canon. Her parents were Edenian nobles but instead of serving Shao Kahn, after he took over, to keep their noble aristocrat status like Jade's parents did, they rebelled so he took their daughter Tanya as his slave or something. Just an idea I'm throwing out there, I've already shared it several times though I think.

01/30/2015 06:49 PM (UTC)
Tanya became one of my favorite (if not my absolute) characters in MKD

I think her look in that game was fantastic, the best female design in MK in my opinion and I'd be happy to see this exact costume done in next gen graphics

She was easy to use and I liked how she was evil, but not so blatant as other female villains

I do think she needs a major rehash moves wise though for her (god I hope) reintroduction in MKX. And some decent fatalities. Her MKD fatalities felt like they were rushed, and the fact that they didn't include her boomarang gives me the impression her entire model was rushed

However after reading these posts I'm almost embarrassed to be associated with her other fans. Wow, obnoxious doesn't even cover it,

I hope her name isn't ruined by her asshole fans..


I'd love her boomarang brought back-It would make a really interesting variation,

another could be her fire based moves (fire fists etc etc)

Not sure what her third could be, perhaps move hands on combat focused

Any suggestions? this is what this thread should really center on
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/30/2015 06:52 PM (UTC)
aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:
Tanya became one of my favorite (if not my absolute) characters in MKD

I think her look in that game was fantastic, the best female design in MK in my opinion and I'd be happy to see this exact costume done in next gen graphics

She was easy to use and I liked how she was evil, but not so blatant as other female villains

I do think she needs a major rehash moves wise though for her (god I hope) reintroduction in MKX. And some decent fatalities. Her MKD fatalities felt like they were rushed, and the fact that they didn't include her boomarang gives me the impression her entire model was rushed

However after reading these posts I'm almost embarrassed to be associated with her other fans. Wow, obnoxious doesn't even cover it,

I hope her name isn't ruined by her asshole fans..


I'd love her boomarang brought back-It would make a really interesting variation,

another could be her fire based moves (fire fists etc etc)

Not sure what her third could be, perhaps move hands on combat focused

Any suggestions? this is what this thread should really center on

Definitely agree Tanya was rushed in MKD. Felt like they thought 'shit, we need an MK4 character in here'
01/30/2015 07:02 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
I think she has potential. She doesn't have to have the same story she had in MK4. I would like to see her tied up in Kahn's arena in the last game be canon. Her parents were Edenian nobles but instead of serving Shao Kahn, after he took over, to keep their noble aristocrat status like Jade's parents did, they rebelled so he took their daughter Tanya as his slave or something. Just an idea I'm throwing out there, I've already shared it several times though I think.

It's not a bad idea at all.

And to be honest, I'd like to see her be good.

aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:
However after reading these posts I'm almost embarrassed to be associated with her other fans. Wow, obnoxious doesn't even cover it,

I hope her name isn't ruined by her asshole fans..

I just feel like that user was a clone of someone else. If not, then wow... Obsession at its finest.

aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:
TI do think she needs a major rehash moves wise though for her (god I hope) reintroduction in MKX. And some decent fatalities. Her MKD fatalities felt like they were rushed, and the fact that they didn't include her boomarang gives me the impression her entire model was rushed

I'd love her boomarang brought back-It would make a really interesting variation,

another could be her fire based moves (fire fists etc etc)

Not sure what her third could be, perhaps move hands on combat focused

Any suggestions? this is what this thread should really center on

She's got the cannon drill, maybe teleporting and that could be combined into a variation together.
01/30/2015 07:15 PM (UTC)
I'm a Tanya fan as well, and I've been thinking about what role she could play in this game. Although there isn't actually and "Edenia" yet, there is an Edenian presence in Outworld. Being an ambassador's daughter, as well as having a particular affinity with the dark arts, I can see some potential for Tanya in the game's story.

I could see her making side deals with either Kotal Kahn or Shinnok and the Nether Realm for Edenia's freedom, it blowing up in her face, leaving her labeled as a traitor and faced with the decision of correcting her mistakes or doing the bidding of her new master.

Also, she was shown to have advanced knowledge of the Kamidogu. Those are obviously going to play an important role in the story, so she could be useful after all.
01/30/2015 07:18 PM (UTC)
I feel embarrassed by some people on here too.
There no need to insult on other.
But sometimes is a little annoying too when haters come in here to express their hate.

If you hate Tanya so much, why are you in here for.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Icebaby Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:
I think she has potential. She doesn't have to have the same story she had in MK4. I would like to see her tied up in Kahn's arena in the last game be canon. Her parents were Edenian nobles but instead of serving Shao Kahn, after he took over, to keep their noble aristocrat status like Jade's parents did, they rebelled so he took their daughter Tanya as his slave or something. Just an idea I'm throwing out there, I've already shared it several times though I think.

It's not a bad idea at all.

And to be honest, I'd like to see her be good.

aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:
However after reading these posts I'm almost embarrassed to be associated with her other fans. Wow, obnoxious doesn't even cover it,

I hope her name isn't ruined by her asshole fans..

I just feel like that user was a clone of someone else. If not, then wow... Obsession at its finest.

aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:
TI do think she needs a major rehash moves wise though for her (god I hope) reintroduction in MKX. And some decent fatalities. Her MKD fatalities felt like they were rushed, and the fact that they didn't include her boomarang gives me the impression her entire model was rushed

I'd love her boomarang brought back-It would make a really interesting variation,

another could be her fire based moves (fire fists etc etc)

Not sure what her third could be, perhaps move hands on combat focused

Any suggestions? this is what this thread should really center on

She's got the cannon drill, maybe teleporting and that could be combined into a variation together.
01/30/2015 07:25 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
All in seriousness... I really have no idea what she would do in this game. Her reasoning in the fourth was that she was a traitor to Edenia. Since there is no Edenia at this point and the fate of the Edenians are up in the air, what is she to do?

Sure, they could make it where she was enslaved with Kahn when he took over Outworld, she escapes somehow, and joined forces with evil (obviously) or actually become good (then possibly betray like she's done in the past). I really just don't see a purpose with her. And of course they could always retcon the crap out of her character and do something different.

And I'm not saying this because I dislike the character, no, I actually thought she was quite decent in Deception (although her fatalities were just so... weirdly lame), and she was one of my most played in the fourth. I just don't see what they can do with her and I don't want her being completely retcon with X.

I've been saying this quite a lot about her though. And yes, she should be fleshed out more. I guess that's the problem with her. I just feel she's done squat in this series. Like if she was not in this game, would it be that big of an effect on the story?

Funny you being a hypocrit to your own words...

At one side you say she doesn't have anything going on in MKX because the timeline changed so they shouldn't create a new story about her because betraying edenia is all she is.

On the other hand you blame tanya (who is made up by ED BOON, not by herself) for having almost no story and no character progression...

Well if they don't give her a new story in MKX, she CAN'T have progression.

So i'm for a whole new story about tanya, she's from edenia and is around, they can make something up for her in the end.
01/30/2015 07:29 PM (UTC)
And turning one of the only evil female characters good is one of the most pathetic ideas i've ever encountered on a message board.

Tanya = Evil, and should stay evil, we have enough good girls and edenians, if you want a good edenian play Jade or Kitana, geez.
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/30/2015 07:31 PM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:
I feel embarrassed by some people on here too.
There no need to insult on other.
But sometimes is a little annoying too when haters come in here to express their hate.

If you hate Tanya so much, why are you in here for.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Icebaby Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:
I think she has potential. She doesn't have to have the same story she had in MK4. I would like to see her tied up in Kahn's arena in the last game be canon. Her parents were Edenian nobles but instead of serving Shao Kahn, after he took over, to keep their noble aristocrat status like Jade's parents did, they rebelled so he took their daughter Tanya as his slave or something. Just an idea I'm throwing out there, I've already shared it several times though I think.

It's not a bad idea at all.

And to be honest, I'd like to see her be good.

aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:
However after reading these posts I'm almost embarrassed to be associated with her other fans. Wow, obnoxious doesn't even cover it,

I hope her name isn't ruined by her asshole fans..

I just feel like that user was a clone of someone else. If not, then wow... Obsession at its finest.

aaaaahhhhshark Wrote:
TI do think she needs a major rehash moves wise though for her (god I hope) reintroduction in MKX. And some decent fatalities. Her MKD fatalities felt like they were rushed, and the fact that they didn't include her boomarang gives me the impression her entire model was rushed

I'd love her boomarang brought back-It would make a really interesting variation,

another could be her fire based moves (fire fists etc etc)

Not sure what her third could be, perhaps move hands on combat focused

Any suggestions? this is what this thread should really center on

She's got the cannon drill, maybe teleporting and that could be combined into a variation together.

So, ignoring the fact that Icebaby actually likes Tanya and isn't 'spreading hate', are you saying that the only reason to post in a Tanya thread is to say how you dream, literally dream (the fuck?), about how she'll be in MKX and hype her to the heavens? You can't have a single dissenting opinion?

And why do Tanya fans have this martyr complex about people 'hating' Tanya? Tanya's a bit of a non entity. She's not really worthy of hate cos there's nothing to hate. She was a Kitana palette swap in MK4 who barely got fleshed out more in MK4, wears yellow, is evil and is from Edenia. That's it. I dislike plenty of characters, Sindel and Sonya probably the most notable, but what's there to hate for Tanya? Her character is just too flimsy. No one is spreading hate for Tanya, people are expressing an opinion and Tanya fans are so fucking insane that they can't handle an opinion on Tanya which doesn't enshrine her as the greatest MK character of all time.

Read through this thread and look at some of the utter shitposters that comprise the Tanya fanbase. Every fanbase has a certain proportion of jackasses, but the Tanya fanbase seems to be at least 50% jackassery
01/30/2015 07:32 PM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:
I feel embarrassed by some people on here too.
There no need to insult on other.
But sometimes is a little annoying too when haters come in here to express their hate.

If you hate Tanya so much, why are you in here for.

There's a difference between disliking and hate. People can hold civil conversations with people who are fans of something they don't necessarily like. It's those who are like "Anyone who likes this character can go suck a dick" are the ones that have no business being in here. But you can't really tell someone to leave or whatever just because they don't necessarily like such character.

I don't necessarily care for Tanya, but I'd like to have a conversation about this character to see what her fans would do to make someone who doesn't like her to turn around and like her. That's really all I've been trying to do with this character but time after time, all I see is one user who just goes on the deep end with one negative comment towards Tanya, and another who just posts the most random thing ever.

But so far, those who do enjoy talking about this character, and actually understands why some people have a problem with her, is really fun and interesting to continue the conversation. I like how people have so many different ideas for her. I'd like to continue to see that rather than obsessed fans who takes one measly negative comment the wrong way and just get so enraged. That was just not right.
About Me
01/30/2015 07:38 PM (UTC)
I hope for subtlety in her variations..

Like wearing her boomerangs (strapped to her legs),
Her choker holding a gem,
Glowing hands/eyes or Domino mask

Maybe have boomerang available across all variations, but one focuses on them with normals, combos,and being multidirectional. Extended combos+mixups.

01/30/2015 07:42 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
Funny you being a hypocrit to your own words...

At one side you say she doesn't have anything going on in MKX because the timeline changed so they shouldn't create a new story about her because betraying edenia is all she is.

On the other hand you blame tanya (who is made up by ED BOON, not by herself) for having almost no story and no character progression...

Well if they don't give her a new story in MKX, she CAN'T have progression.

So i'm for a whole new story about tanya, she's from edenia and is around, they can make something up for her in the end.

I don't know why you're getting so, what's the word I'm trying to think of, "testy" with me. I have no fucking problem with anyone who wants to see her in this game. Even if she does, I honestly would not make a problem about it because I've liked what they've done with every single character in this game. Characters that I don't even like, such as Kitana and Kano. I disliked them for such a long time and now I cannot wait to get my hands on them.

I never said anything about how they shouldn't make a new story for her. Never. I just said I don't see a purpose with her since we know what her character is like. She's a betrayer who does it for her own survival. So far, from what we have been given from the comics and through little of the interactions between these characters, it seems like there's already a character in her place. Many are speculating that D'Vorah is going to be that traitor, most likely to Kotal. If Tanya was in this game, and she is to have that same traitor personality, then that would be a bit repetitive and I'm sorry, I don't feel like we need many betraying characters in this game.

Then that would mean, she would have to have a brand new story. But I don't really see who she would be with unless she's her own character who doesn't work with anyone. I'm fine if they reworked her story, but I just don't see anything they can do with her in this game.

But that doesn't mean I am against this character being in this game. They can do whatever the hell they want with this character because in the end, it's the writers who make up the story, not me, not you, not anyone else but the writers. If they can find a way to work her in X, that's fine. But I am not going to sit here and have people think I don't care about characters all because I'm a Sub-Zero fan.

Do understand that I have other favorites in this series that are poorly received from the fan base that I would love to see. But because of people not really fans of these characters, I doubt I'll see Hotaru, I doubt I'll see Sheeva, Drahmin, Frost, and a few others in this game and most likely in the future. So, whatever issue you have with me, please tell because you seem to have some sort of dislike towards me and I really don't know why that is.
01/30/2015 08:08 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I just said I don't see a purpose with her since we know what her character is like. She's a betrayer who does it for her own survival. So far, from what we have been given from the comics and through little of the interactions between these characters, it seems like there's already a character in her place. Many are speculating that D'Vorah is going to be that traitor, most likely to Kotal. If Tanya was in this game, and she is to have that same traitor personality, then that would be a bit repetitive and I'm sorry, I don't feel like we need many betraying characters in this game.

Then that would mean, she would have to have a brand new story. But I don't really see who she would be with unless she's her own character who doesn't work with anyone. I'm fine if they reworked her story, but I just don't see anything they can do with her in this game.

Also, Rain kind of stole her thunder in the last game when he betrayed the Edenian resistance. This is why I'd rather see her do something OTHER than betray someone this time around.

I'd like to see Nether Realm play more with the idea that she has extensive knowledge of the Dark Arts, and magical relics. She's the closest thing we've got to a sorceress. It would make her a valuable asset to either Kotal Kahn or Shinnok, whoever the main antagonist is....especially when it comes to the Kamidogu, which seem to be important this time around. She could be a catalyst for some big plot point. I just think that the dark arts thing would be a more interesting angle than "Hi, my name is Tanya, and I betray people."
01/30/2015 08:17 PM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I just said I don't see a purpose with her since we know what her character is like. She's a betrayer who does it for her own survival. So far, from what we have been given from the comics and through little of the interactions between these characters, it seems like there's already a character in her place. Many are speculating that D'Vorah is going to be that traitor, most likely to Kotal. If Tanya was in this game, and she is to have that same traitor personality, then that would be a bit repetitive and I'm sorry, I don't feel like we need many betraying characters in this game.

Then that would mean, she would have to have a brand new story. But I don't really see who she would be with unless she's her own character who doesn't work with anyone. I'm fine if they reworked her story, but I just don't see anything they can do with her in this game.

Also, Rain kind of stole her thunder in the last game when he betrayed the Edenian resistance. This is why I'd rather see her do something OTHER than betray someone this time around.

I'd like to see Nether Realm play more with the idea that she has extensive knowledge of the Dark Arts, and magical relics. She's the closest thing we've got to a sorceress. It would make her a valuable asset to either Kotal Kahn or Shinnok, whoever the main antagonist is....especially when it comes to the Kamidogu, which seem to be important this time around. She could be a catalyst for some big plot point. I just think that the dark arts thing would be a more interesting angle than "Hi, my name is Tanya, and I betray people."

Heh, heh... Rain stealing her "thunder." HA!

But exactly! Her original story is technically gone. Therefore if she is to be in this game, she HAS to have a makeover.

And since there are a lot of people giving off what kind of story that she should have, from what I've seen, many are actually straying away from her being a betrayer and want her to either mix herself with the dark arts, which could possibly be interesting to see her be a member of the Brotherhood of Shadow with Quan Chi, or have her be something that doesn't actually have her ending up betraying her partners in the end.

And if they stick with her having the knowledge of the Komidogu, she could be a great asset for Kotal. Having her be more of an evil sorceress, that I don't know... helps do this blood code thing.
01/30/2015 08:25 PM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:

I'd like to see Nether Realm play more with the idea that she has extensive knowledge of the Dark Arts, and magical relics. She's the closest thing we've got to a sorceress. It would make her a valuable asset to either Kotal Kahn or Shinnok, whoever the main antagonist is....especially when it comes to the Kamidogu, which seem to be important this time around. She could be a catalyst for some big plot point. I just think that the dark arts thing would be a more interesting angle than "Hi, my name is Tanya, and I betray people."


....I like how you think.
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