01/20/2015 05:59 AM (UTC)
I hope she makes it in! Clearly there is a demand for her :)
01/28/2015 10:43 PM (UTC)
Had a dream last night that Tanya was in story mode but was killed by Kitana
Im a cave in front of Quan Chi and he didn't help her.

( hope that's not the case )

01/30/2015 03:50 PM (UTC)
Back then before MK10 was even announced i had such a strong hopes for Tanya & i was telling myself: ''No problem, she's 100% locked for MK10 without a doubt, pftt Tanya to miss it?! No chance.''. But now i'm really convinced that she's not gonna make it cuz so far there were 0 clues about her involvement with the game which is a total shame & it's so unfair. And im guessing that retard Bug'Whora is a replacament for Tanya which is a total bullshit.

Before E3 footage of MKX was revealed i had a dream about how MKX is in 3D (but it's shitty 2d again yuck) & Tanya's gameplay was shown. And i said she must be feautured in 1st E3 gameplay cuz Mileena was feautured in 1st E3 footage of MK9 so why no Tanya.

For the haters who are gonna still continue keep hating, Tanya is one of the most wanted characters for MK10, she was so close to be in MK9 but no that idiot Boon had to thrown instead of her lamers like Freddy, Kratos & Skarlet aka Anorexic Red Wannabe Nitara with a body & looks of Kitana.

What made me like Tanya even more was her unique personality in terms that she's capable of exploiting & betraying everyone just for her cause, she's a true survivor. Who doesn't want to play as strong, invinsible evil bitch?

She should be included in main cast not by any chance in dlc cuz dlc characters aren't feautured in story mode. I just want to see her variations, on evo tournaments, in story mode, fatalities, voice, new looks is that too much to ask for?
01/30/2015 04:21 PM (UTC)
TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:
Back then before MK10 was even announced i had such a strong hopes for Tanya & i was telling myself: ''No problem, she's 100% locked for MK10 without a doubt, pftt Tanya to miss it?! No chance.''. But now i'm really convinced that she's not gonna make it cuz so far there were 0 clues about her involvement with the game which is a total shame & it's so unfair. And im guessing that retard Bug'Whora is a replacament for Tanya which is a total bullshit.

Before E3 footage of MKX was revealed i had a dream about how MKX is in 3D (but it's shitty 2d again yuck) & Tanya's gameplay was shown. And i said she must be feautured in 1st E3 gameplay cuz Mileena was feautured in 1st E3 footage of MK9 so why no Tanya.

For the haters who are gonna still continue keep hating, Tanya is one of the most wanted characters for MK10, she was so close to be in MK9 but no that idiot Boon had to thrown instead of her lamers like Freddy, Kratos & Skarlet aka Anorexic Red Wannabe Nitara with a body & looks of Kitana.

What made me like Tanya even more was her unique personality in terms that she's capable of exploiting & betraying everyone just for her cause, she's a true survivor. Who doesn't want to play as strong, invinsible evil bitch?

She should be included in main cast not by any chance in dlc cuz dlc characters aren't feautured in story mode. I just want to see her variations, on evo tournaments, in story mode, fatalities, voice, new looks is that too much to ask for?

Hold up honey.

Blame Ed Boon for it when she doesn't make it (there is still this voice actress and neck-snapping x-ray going on) into the game.

Boon seems to dislike some characters and rarely uses them unless he has to (In mk9 for example)

He seems to dislike the 3D characters and most of all Drahmin, Rain, Sektor and Tanya.

01/30/2015 04:33 PM (UTC)
You know, it's fans like this that makes me not want to have her in, just to see the reaction.

TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:
Back then before MK10 was even announced i had such a strong hopes for Tanya & i was telling myself: ''No problem, she's 100% locked for MK10 without a doubt, pftt Tanya to miss it?! No chance.''. But now i'm really convinced that she's not gonna make it cuz so far there were 0 clues about her involvement with the game which is a total shame & it's so unfair. And im guessing that retard Bug'Whora is a replacament for Tanya which is a total bullshit.

We still have till' April, settle down.

And "retard Bug'Whora?" Seriously? We don't even know who the hell she is other than she looks like a neutral character who works for Kotal for a bit. Other then that, we know NOTHING about her.

So before judging immediately, like almost everyone on this forum, why don't you wait before judging? You might actually LIKE her. But that name... can't figure out if it's worse than Kassoyna.

TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:
For the haters who are gonna still continue keep hating, Tanya is one of the most wanted characters for MK10, she was so close to be in MK9 but no that idiot Boon had to thrown instead of her lamers like Freddy, Kratos & Skarlet aka Anorexic Red Wannabe Nitara with a body & looks of Kitana.

I actually think Fujin is wanted more than her.

But yep, it's Boon's fault. It's clearly Boon's fault, not the team, not those who decide who's in and who's not. It's just Boon.

Boon is to blame for everything.

Also, if one is to be anorexic, I don't think they'd be muscular, nor would they be able to withstand a punch. Just sayin'.

TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:
What made me like Tanya even more was her unique personality in terms that she's capable of exploiting & betraying everyone just for her cause, she's a true survivor.

She's not the only character to betray people in this series, I don't see how that is the most unique thing about her.

TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:
Who doesn't want to play as strong, invinsible evil bitch?

Not really me and I sorta do like Tanya.

TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:
She should be included in main cast not by any chance in dlc cuz dlc characters aren't feautured in story mode.

If she has a purpose... I don't necessarily see one since the way she started out was that she allowed Shinnok and Quan Chi invade Edenia and right now there's no Edenia.

Sure, there's the whole "let's retcon her story and change it," but then that would be dumb.

TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:
I just want to see her variations, on evo tournaments, in story mode, fatalities, voice, new looks is that too much to ask for?

01/30/2015 04:37 PM (UTC)
U ''Icebaby'' are the type of idiots that i usually encounter on the forums. Chill the fuck out & suck a dick for a change maybe that will calm u down retard! TANYA>YOU & ALL MK CHARACTERS And now GTFO from Tanya thread & spread ur hatred elswhere u dumb goat!
01/30/2015 04:41 PM (UTC)
Icebaby has some personal issues ignore her/him. Icebaby is like: ''waaa mama someone has different opinion then me waaa i must act rude waaa...'' CRY SOME MORE!!! TANYA RULES!!! #HatersGonnaHate-TanyaGonnaRock!
01/30/2015 04:47 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:

Hold up honey.

Blame Ed Boon for it when she doesn't make it (there is still this voice actress and neck-snapping x-ray going on) into the game.

Boon seems to dislike some characters and rarely uses them unless he has to (In mk9 for example)

He seems to dislike the 3D characters and most of all Drahmin, Rain, Sektor and Tanya.

I thought that he was a big fan of her (he named her after his sister Tania) & Tanya has a fanbase & u possibly can't belive IMDB about cast choice it's usually fake & this is the 1st time i heard from u that there's snapping neck x-ray around internet.
01/30/2015 05:18 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
You know, it's fans like this that makes me not want to have her in, just to see the reaction.
/!Quote>my thoughts exactly.
01/30/2015 05:42 PM (UTC)
I don't know why certain people are singling out Tanya fans for expressing their desire to see her in the game, when every character has fans that are doing exactly the same thing. They are just anxious to see her return. Why is that any different to all the Mileena, Fujin etc. fans who are also expressing concern about their lack of reveal?
01/30/2015 05:50 PM (UTC)
yeah it seems that it bothers them that Tanya has a big fan base

I have my favorite characters that I care for and then theres the characters i dont care for. I dont write in the forums how much i dislike them. I just dont care for them.

In my opinion Tanya is a powerful character, a lot of people had trouble defeating her back in deception.

if you go on youtube and even on google, people asked the question "How to defeat tanya in MK deception?

so maybe that is where all the hate is coming from.

01/30/2015 05:52 PM (UTC)
somnambulist Wrote:
I don't know why certain people are singling out Tanya fans for expressing their desire to see her in the game, when every character has fans that are doing exactly the same thing. They are just anxious to see her return. Why is that any different to all the Mileena, Fujin etc. fans who are also expressing concern about their lack of reveal?

Cuz those people are full of themselves & they don't know where to empty that negative energy so they hang around internet 24/7 & act like a complete morons there are billion of them online Icebaby & AlmightyHue are 2 of them.

I've knew that this forum existed like ages ago (i even read it occasionaly) but never registered cuz on every forum there are complete idiots like two of them.

U should seen that trmk.org forum OMG those ppl over there really need to take a chill pills.

Anyway, Tanya would crush with just one finger both Icebaby & AlmigthyHue CUZ SHE'S THE BOSS!!!
01/30/2015 05:54 PM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:
yeah it seems that it bothers them that Tanya has a big fan base

I have my favorite characters that I care for and then theres the characters i dont care for. I dont write in the forums how much i dislike them. I just dont care for them.

In my opinion Tanya is a powerful character, a lot of people had trouble defeating her back in deception.

if you go on youtube and even on google, people asked the question "How to defeat tanya in MK deception?

so maybe that is where all the hate is coming from.


I've never played Deception that much Armageddon is my favorite but maybe u're right, probably that's 1 of the reasons cuz she crushed many noobs haha now i like her even more. gringringrin And the topic has 28 pages which proves that Tanya is popular no matter what the jelly haters think. glasses
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

01/30/2015 06:09 PM (UTC)
Calm down.
01/30/2015 06:12 PM (UTC)
I feel like this is a cloned user, but because of Tanya, I must now suck a dick...

TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:
U ''Icebaby'' are the type of idiots that i usually encounter on the forums. Chill the fuck out & suck a dick for a change maybe that will calm u down retard!


And now GTFO from Tanya thread & spread ur hatred elswhere u dumb goat!

Just for the record, I never said anything about "hating" this character. I actually don't mind her at all. But it's fans like you that makes me don't want to see her, because you guys act like she's this awesome character when she's done squat in this series, and the moment someone says otherwise, you jump down everyone's throats. It's clear, because you're not the only user to do this to someone.

Not to mention, I don't think there's a lot of people here who can actually have intelligent conversations about this character at all. It's like, the moment you say anything negative about this character, all hell breaks loose.

And boy golly gee, it's proven. This entire thread has proven that.

TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:
Icebaby has some personal issues ignore her/him.

Icebaby is like: ''waaa mama someone has different opinion then me waaa i must act rude waaa...'' CRY SOME MORE!!!



What's funny is that you're sitting here telling me to take a chill pill when you're overreacting to one measly post. A post that was not even aimed to downgrading Tanya.

I mean, you're the one that's crying and sending me private messages. I just said one thing and you're taking it to a whole extreme.

So who's really crying here? Certainly not me. I'm supposed to take a dick to the mouth soon.

somnambulist Wrote:
I don't know why certain people are singling out Tanya fans for expressing their desire to see her in the game, when every character has fans that are doing exactly the same thing. They are just anxious to see her return. Why is that any different to all the Mileena, Fujin etc. fans who are also expressing concern about their lack of reveal?

I have no problem with people wanting their favorites to come in. I certainly don't.

But it's the reactions of people that certainly aggravates me. Like right now. I'm getting called names, being told to suck dick, I'm crying, I'm a retard, blah blah blah, all because I said one minor thing about how Tanya might not make it in.

It's okay for a fan base to act this immature and retarded all because I'd like to have a different opinion to someone who wants her in? That's pretty asinine to think it is okay.

TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:
somnambulist Wrote:
I don't know why certain people are singling out Tanya fans for expressing their desire to see her in the game, when every character has fans that are doing exactly the same thing. They are just anxious to see her return. Why is that any different to all the Mileena, Fujin etc. fans who are also expressing concern about their lack of reveal?

Cuz those people are full of themselves & they don't know where to empty that negative energy so they hang around internet 24/7 & act like a complete morons there are billion of them online Icebaby & AlmightyHue are 2 of them.

I've knew that this forum existed like ages ago (i even read it occasionaly) but never registered cuz on every forum there are complete idiots like two of them.

U should seen that trmk.org forum OMG those ppl over there really need to take a chill pills.

Anyway, Tanya would crush with just one finger both Icebaby & AlmigthyHue CUZ SHE'S THE BOSS!!!

No one is an idiot but you, since you're sitting here, BRAND NEW USER and already you're showing signs that internet forums are not your cup of tea.

TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:
And the topic has 28 pages which proves that Tanya is popular no matter what the jelly haters think. glasses

I just want you to know the reason why this thread has this many pages is for two reasons:

1.) People like to make the same exact topics so mods merge all of them into one thread.

2.) There's one user here who constantly bumps this thread and says the same exact thing for the last few pages.

Really, because of those two reasons are why this thread has this many pages. It's not because she's special, it's not because she's the most wanted. It is clearly because of these two reasons and these two reasons only.
01/30/2015 06:14 PM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:
yeah it seems that it bothers them that Tanya has a big fan base

I have my favorite characters that I care for and then theres the characters i dont care for. I dont write in the forums how much i dislike them. I just dont care for them.

In my opinion Tanya is a powerful character, a lot of people had trouble defeating her back in deception.

if you go on youtube and even on google, people asked the question "How to defeat tanya in MK deception?

so maybe that is where all the hate is coming from.


Ice Baby just lacks any compassion and empathy. His Sub-Zero is always in the game so he doesn't care about others anymore and always has 100% chance his sub-zero favorite is in the game.
01/30/2015 06:17 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
eddiesol Wrote:
yeah it seems that it bothers them that Tanya has a big fan base

I have my favorite characters that I care for and then theres the characters i dont care for. I dont write in the forums how much i dislike them. I just dont care for them.

In my opinion Tanya is a powerful character, a lot of people had trouble defeating her back in deception.

if you go on youtube and even on google, people asked the question "How to defeat tanya in MK deception?

so maybe that is where all the hate is coming from.


Ice Baby just lacks any compassion and empathy. His Sub-Zero is always in the game so he doesn't care about others anymore and always has 100% chance his sub-zero favorite is in the game.

You're kidding right? Please tell me that you are kidding.

I have more than one favorite dude, favorites I KNOW won't appear in this game.

Sorry Hotaru, I love your beetle-like armor, but you're not that wanted. Same to you Drahmin and Frost.

Also, I'm female. Just to let you know.
01/30/2015 06:18 PM (UTC)

Now listen to me now u idiot, i expressed my opinion & yes u're the one who's acting like a complete jackass & u even more further proved now (after waiting what about 2 hours to reply me) so i wish that there's a ignore button right now so i wouldnt have to see ur ''intelligent'' posts.


Deal with it or die!

o!o o!o If u're really a female (which i hardly doubt) there's only 1 thing that i can say: BACK TO THE KITCHEN SLUT!!!! And even though Tanya is a fictional character she has more personality then u'll ever have. #GIRLBYE!!!
01/30/2015 06:20 PM (UTC)
TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:

Now listen to me now u idiot, i expressed my opinion & yes u're the one who's acting like a complete jackass & u even more further proved now (after waiting what about 2 hours to reply me) so i wish that there's a ignore button right now so i wouldnt have to see ur ''intelligent'' posts.


Deal with it or die!

o!o o!o

Can someone ban this person please?

Killswitch? Mick?
01/30/2015 06:22 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:

Now listen to me now u idiot, i expressed my opinion & yes u're the one who's acting like a complete jackass & u even more further proved now (after waiting what about 2 hours to reply me) so i wish that there's a ignore button right now so i wouldnt have to see ur ''intelligent'' posts.


Deal with it or die!

o!o o!o

Can someone ban this person please?

Killswitch? Mick?

Ouch, i hit a nerve back there. Take ur Xanax ASAP!
About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

01/30/2015 06:23 PM (UTC)
Final warning. Stop going off the deep end for no reason and start acting mature in the thread. Ive already told you to calm down.
01/30/2015 06:25 PM (UTC)
Im perfectly calm down no need to worry it's just ppl like this shemale made me hate forums so much, u express ur opinion & then BAM weirdos show up.

Icebaby IGNORED FOREVER!!! Not gonna bother reading or replying to that freak anymore. Im just here to unite Tanya's fans & start a rally for her to be included in the game.
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/30/2015 06:27 PM (UTC)
Wow....just....fucking wow. What is it about Tanya fans?
01/30/2015 06:31 PM (UTC)
TanyaQueenOfMKX Wrote:
somnambulist Wrote:
I don't know why certain people are singling out Tanya fans for expressing their desire to see her in the game, when every character has fans that are doing exactly the same thing. They are just anxious to see her return. Why is that any different to all the Mileena, Fujin etc. fans who are also expressing concern about their lack of reveal?

Cuz those people are full of themselves & they don't know where to empty that negative energy so they hang around internet 24/7 & act like a complete morons there are billion of them online Icebaby & AlmightyHue are 2 of them.

I've knew that this forum existed like ages ago (i even read it occasionaly) but never registered cuz on every forum there are complete idiots like two of them.

U should seen that trmk.org forum OMG those ppl over there really need to take a chill pills.

Anyway, Tanya would crush with just one finger both Icebaby & AlmigthyHue CUZ SHE'S THE BOSS!!!
we are full of ourselves but your the one getting butthurt because not everyone cares about your precious little tanya and to automatically assume one hangs around the net 24/7 bevause of an opinion tell us all who really has the problems in the real world
01/30/2015 06:32 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
Wow....just....fucking wow. What is it about Tanya fans?

I could also ask the same question about what is it with fans of boring Sub Zero & Scorpion (sick of those 2 honestly) but i don't. Don't care about them at all, never even bothered playing with them cuz they suck in every different form of sucking.

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