11/30/2014 03:27 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Why would anybody even contact Tanya specifically, in the first place. It's strange.

Probably she's the only person close to Sindel who could be corrupted, everyone else in the royal court was a good guy.

Tanya was also a good karakter. How would Quan Chi know she could be korrupted?

Or maybe he did some voodoo on her and she's not really evil, afterall! sad

I mean Quan Chi did hand Sindel a pretty teal-kolored fireball to gaze upon and she instantly became hypnotized and obsessed by it.

It appears Quan Chi can sometimes control other people's mind.

It's all a mystery for now, I guess.
11/30/2014 04:04 AM (UTC)
Based on her MK4 profile, I thought that Tanya just opened a portal to the Nether Realm, and allowed a group of refugees through. I pretty much assumed that once the refugees revealed themselves to be Quan Chi and Shinnok, they pretty much just said something like "Hey, girl in yellow. You work for us now." and that given the options between servitude and death, Tanya just went along with it.

I never really thought that Quan Chi targeted her specifically, or tried to "corrupt" her or anything. I always saw Tanya as someone who just got herself involved with the wrong crowd, and just kind of went along with it.
11/30/2014 04:54 AM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
Based on her MK4 profile, I thought that Tanya just opened a portal to the Nether Realm, and allowed a group of refugees through. I pretty much assumed that once the refugees revealed themselves to be Quan Chi and Shinnok, they pretty much just said something like "Hey, girl in yellow. You work for us now." and that given the options between servitude and death, Tanya just went along with it.

I never really thought that Quan Chi targeted her specifically, or tried to "corrupt" her or anything. I always saw Tanya as someone who just got herself involved with the wrong crowd, and just kind of went along with it.

Sindel opened the portal and invited them in, Tanya is the one who told her about the "refugees" wanting asylum in Edenia.

Most of MK4's bios and story info carries on as though Tanya was tricked as much as anybody else, escaped, and joined the good guys to help free Edenia, and to help Liu free Kitana from the dungeon...but then her ending reveals that that was a lie, she was a mole who was *happily* trying to lead Liu Kang into a deathtrap because she's on Shinnok's side.

Strategy guides would later clarify that she did it 'cause she hates Kitana for some unspecified reason. I like to say it was jealousy because being a spoiled brat is really the only motivation that makes sense for a rich politician's daughter to hate the princess.
11/30/2014 08:44 AM (UTC)
I just signed in to say one thing...

11/30/2014 09:08 AM (UTC)
BlackDragonThug Wrote:
I just signed in to say one thing...


11/30/2014 04:26 PM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
BlackDragonThug Wrote:
I just signed in to say one thing...



I was also konfused and had to do a gooogle search.

According to the urbandictionary .com website :

" Bæ/bae is a Danish word for poop. Also used by people on the internet who think it means baby, sweetie etc.

Bae I love u so much

Brian, my bae

I just made a bæ "

11/30/2014 04:38 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

Sindel opened the portal and invited them in, Tanya is the one who told her about the "refugees" wanting asylum in Edenia.

Most of MK4's bios and story info carries on as though Tanya was tricked as much as anybody else, escaped, and joined the good guys to help free Edenia, and to help Liu free Kitana from the dungeon...but then her ending reveals that that was a lie, she was a mole who was *happily* trying to lead Liu Kang into a deathtrap because she's on Shinnok's side.

Strategy guides would later clarify that she did it 'cause she hates Kitana for some unspecified reason. I like to say it was jealousy because being a spoiled brat is really the only motivation that makes sense for a rich politician's daughter to hate the princess.

Which strategy guide says anything about Tanya hating Kitana? I cannot remember hearing or reading anything like that.

I wonder why a simple jealousy would make Tanya not care about entire realms and all the Edenians?

Mileena is mad at Kitana, yes. But is Tanya also mad at Kitana?

To me it looks like Tanya seems quite oblivious to everything.
Like she is on her own mission, whatever it is.
11/30/2014 10:28 PM (UTC)
Is that MK4 comic even canon?
11/30/2014 10:49 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Which strategy guide says anything about Tanya hating Kitana?

As far as I know, there was only one strat guide for 4. Brady Games, I'm guessing?
The game's official website also had a "friends" and "foes" list on every character's bio page (Reiko's page, for example, listed Kia and Sareena as allies, which is where the rumor you sometimes hear on forums that Reiko and Sareena are somehow connected to one another got started. It was a misunderstanding though, the only reason they're allies is because they're all in the Brotherhood of Shadow). I'm fairly certain Kitana was listed as a foe on Tanya's page there too.
But the site's been down for so long that the only way to see it WAS the "wayback machine" webarchive website...and somehow, a year or two ago, the content disappeared or was blocked so you can't go there anymore.
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Is that MK4 comic even canon?

Not really. Tobias didn't write it like he did the official MK1 and 2 comics. Also, in the comic, Johnny Cage isn't dead, he just shows up hanging out with Sonya and Jax like he was never gone, which obviously confradicts his bio in the game.
But the comic doesn't really matter to Tanya. Everything she did in it was just what the bios said.
12/02/2014 11:02 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Which strategy guide says anything about Tanya hating Kitana?

As far as I know, there was only one strat guide for 4. Brady Games, I'm guessing?

The game's official website also had a "friends" and "foes" list on every character's bio page (Reiko's page, for example, listed Kia and Sareena as allies, which is where the rumor you sometimes hear on forums that Reiko and Sareena are somehow connected to one another got started. It was a misunderstanding though, the only reason they're allies is because they're all in the Brotherhood of Shadow). I'm fairly certain Kitana was listed as a foe on Tanya's page there too.

But the site's been down for so long that the only way to see it WAS the "wayback machine" webarchive website...and somehow, a year or two ago, the content disappeared or was blocked so you can't go there anymore.

I own the MK4 strategy guide. It's a Prima Games strategy guide. It's really cute and high quality, a nice guide. smile

It doesn't say anything about Tanya hating Kitana, there.

Of course Kitana, Jade, Sindel, Raiden, etc are all going to be "foes".
Jade, more than anybody else, is very mad at Tanya.

It doesn't mean that Tanya feels any kind of way towards any of those karakters, however. But that's just my opinion.

I mean look at her latest MKDeception ending.... she just wants to be a "Dragon Kaller" and master of some kind. I think Quan Chi might have had some influence on Tanya, somehow.

I think Kitana is the least of Tanya's worries. At least for now.
Let's see what happens in MKX.

I hope so much that Tanya is playable in MKX. Please, please, please!
Fingers krossed, everyone.

12/03/2014 12:11 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
I mean look at her latest MKDeception ending.... she just wants to be a "Dragon Kaller" and master of some kind.

That was Armageddon, not Deception...and it doesn't make sense. At no other time in the earlier, better fleshed out games, was Tanya having anything to do with dragons ever mentioned.

Many of the MKA endings are confusing nonsequiturs like that. Since they don't count and make no sense, everyone ignores them.
As far as the guide goes...does the one you have have dark blue pages, with scripts of every ending and bios that list every character's hometown? (It should say Kai is from Detroit, for example.)
If not, then the guide you have isn't the one I'm thinking of and there must be more than one.
Edit: I believe THIS is the cover of the guide I'm thinking of:

Yeah, it looks like this one is indeed by Brady, not Prima.
I'm guessing the one you have is this one?:
12/03/2014 01:59 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
I mean look at her latest MKDeception ending.... she just wants to be a "Dragon Kaller" and master of some kind.

That was Armageddon, not Deception...and it doesn't make sense. At no other time in the earlier, better fleshed out games, was Tanya having anything to do with dragons ever mentioned.

Many of the MKA endings are confusing nonsequiturs like that. Since they don't count and make no sense, everyone ignores them.

As far as the guide goes...does the one you have have dark blue pages, with scripts of every ending and bios that list every character's hometown? (It should say Kai is from Detroit, for example.)

If not, then the guide you have isn't the one I'm thinking of and there must be more than one.

Edit: I believe THIS is the cover of the guide I'm thinking of:

Yeah, it looks like this one is indeed by Brady, not Prima.

I'm guessing the one you have is this one?:

Kai is from Detroit? I didn't know this tidbit.

About Tanya's ending.. yes, Armageddon indeed (my memory can be a flop, sorry), I like it. I thought it was hilarious.

Of course Tanya would want to take over the whole universe and have Shao Kahn call her the MASTER. LOL. It just made so much sense to me.

And the Deception ending : Tanya kills Onaga and becomes the "Ultimate Overlord of the Realms" LMAO!!
Who else?? Tanya is a funny troll LOL. It's another cute and great ending for her, even if not canon.

As you can see, Tanya is not preoccupied with Kitana or even Jade. She is more concerned with bigger threats like emperors and kings.

Anyway, yes, the strategy guide I have is the second one you posted, Prima, with the EPIK pikture of Tanya and Raiden. wink
12/03/2014 02:15 AM (UTC)
Thank you RazorsEdge701 for the little Tanya tidbits, by the way.

You made this epik Tanya thread more interesting.

I will do some google searching about that other MK4 guide.

Tanya better also be in the MKX guide.
It better be a nice guide, if I'm going to buy it. Tanya must be inkluded.
12/03/2014 04:25 AM (UTC)

I don't think any of Tanya's endings were canon, at least not in MKD and MKA. And wasn't only part of her ending canon in MK4?

12/10/2014 07:28 AM (UTC)
I love Tanya just because she is the biggest B!tch in MK. She is so untrustworthy! Im not exactly sure what her variations could be. Like dark magic and her tonfa-like weapons from Deception could be variations. I would think it would be cool for Raiden to recruit her and then she betray them and get somebody killed and join Shinnok or Kotal. What do you guys think? I feel like people are split with her.
12/10/2014 07:32 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

I don't think any of Tanya's endings were canon, at least not in MKD and MKA. And wasn't only part of her ending canon in MK4?

The part where she betrays Liu Kang yes, but he survives and together with Raiden defeat Shinnok. Tanya was nowhere to be seen after that until she resurfaced in Deception.
12/10/2014 03:11 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Thank you RazorsEdge701 for the little Tanya tidbits, by the way.

You made this epik Tanya thread more interesting.

I will do some google searching about that other MK4 guide.

Tanya better also be in the MKX guide.
It better be a nice guide, if I'm going to buy it. Tanya must be inkluded.

You are fucking retarded, did you know that ?
12/10/2014 03:31 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
smokeman14 Wrote:
BlackDragonThug Wrote:
I just signed in to say one thing...



I was also konfused and had to do a gooogle search.

According to the urbandictionary .com website :

" Bæ/bae is a Danish word for poop. Also used by people on the internet who think it means baby, sweetie etc.

Bae I love u so much

Brian, my bae

I just made a bæ "


Lol, but that is the Danish meaning and not the English meaning. So it doesn't count.

Them strudels...
12/10/2014 10:59 PM (UTC)
Dellombie Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Thank you RazorsEdge701 for the little Tanya tidbits, by the way.

You made this epik Tanya thread more interesting.

I will do some google searching about that other MK4 guide.

Tanya better also be in the MKX guide.
It better be a nice guide, if I'm going to buy it. Tanya must be inkluded.

You are fucking retarded, did you know that ?

Are you jealous? You can stay jealous, mad, stressed, oppressed and off-topik.

TANYA WILL be in MKX. Keep all of your fingers krossed for this and remain seated. Sit down.

12/10/2014 11:08 PM (UTC)
Sindel798 Wrote:
I love Tanya just because she is the biggest B!tch in MK. She is so untrustworthy! Im not exactly sure what her variations could be. Like dark magic and her tonfa-like weapons from Deception could be variations. I would think it would be cool for Raiden to recruit her and then she betray them and get somebody killed and join Shinnok or Kotal. What do you guys think? I feel like people are split with her.

What I think is that Tanya should be in MKX. glasses smile

The bottom line is that I don't give a dammmn what she does in MKX, they just need to inklude her in the main roster. Not DLC.

But even DLC would be better than nothing!

12/11/2014 01:35 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Dellombie Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Thank you RazorsEdge701 for the little Tanya tidbits, by the way.

You made this epik Tanya thread more interesting.

I will do some google searching about that other MK4 guide.

Tanya better also be in the MKX guide.
It better be a nice guide, if I'm going to buy it. Tanya must be inkluded.

You are fucking retarded, did you know that ?

Are you jealous? You can stay jealous, mad, stressed, oppressed and off-topik.

TANYA WILL be in MKX. Keep all of your fingers krossed for this and remain seated. Sit down.

Jealous about What ?? LoL
I want Tanya in this game too..
Im just saying that your obcession with Tanya is beyond ridiculous..
12/11/2014 02:31 AM (UTC)
Dellombie Wrote:

Jealous about What ?? LoL
I want Tanya in this game too..
Im just saying that your obcession with Tanya is beyond ridiculous..

Jealous of my epik ridiculousitality posts, perhaps?

That's right... I want Tanya in MKX, you want Tanya in MKX.
So what is the problem? No problem.

Everyone needs to stay kalm with their fellow Mortal Kombat fans.

REMAIN SEATED and wait for Ed Boon's konfirmations in peace.

THAT is the bottom line of all bottom lines.

WAIT for Tanya's reveal with some warm green or lemon tea and breathe.
12/11/2014 03:25 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Dellombie Wrote:

Jealous about What ?? LoL
I want Tanya in this game too..
Im just saying that your obcession with Tanya is beyond ridiculous..

Jealous of my epik ridiculousitality posts, perhaps?

That's right... I want Tanya in MKX, you want Tanya in MKX.
So what is the problem? No problem.

Everyone needs to stay kalm with their fellow Mortal Kombat fans.

REMAIN SEATED and wait for Ed Boon's konfirmations in peace.

THAT is the bottom line of all bottom lines.

WAIT for Tanya's reveal with some warm green or lemon tea and breathe.

01/14/2015 02:30 PM (UTC)
I love Kitana and Kung Lao, but with their confirmation,
I lost all hope, all hope for Tanya.
I just have to sit and accepted it
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/14/2015 02:37 PM (UTC)
My god, do you people have to make everything about one character who appeared in two games, not counting the shitshow that was Armageddon, and was a pretty throw away character in those games, with very little originality and very little to make her stand out other than the fact that she's 'bitchy'.

Christ, the single hypest trailer for a fighting game I can remember just got released and all you can think about is how Tanya might not make it?
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