11/19/2014 11:29 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
On a side note, it's been so long, (and since you're the MK guru), why the hell did she want to help Shinnok in the first place? Unless there were empty promises involved, like with Reptile.

Her motive was jealousy of Kitana.

She wanted the princess dead, to steal or kill her boyfriend, and to have the throne of Edenia for herself when Shinnok was done conquering the universe.
11/19/2014 11:57 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Her motive was jealousy of Kitana.

She wanted the princess dead, to steal or kill her boyfriend, and to have the throne of Edenia for herself when Shinnok was done conquering the universe.

Tanya's real motive is to be the champion of Mortal Kombat. And that's it.

That's what I think.

Kitania, Jade and Sindel are irrelevant, in the eyes of Tanya.

Tanya just wants to be the champion and steal the title from Liu Kang. That's why she kidnapped him.

Remember in MKDeception Konquest? Where Tanya is guarding Liu Kang in a cave? LOL!!!! Remember Tanya's femur fatalities and her game ending about becoming the dammn Dragon Kaller of all realms?

The MK team clearly meant for Tanya to be a prankster, a funny type of karakter. It's another reason why she is my favorite.
11/20/2014 12:01 AM (UTC)
I don't really think tanya really has any motives other than survival she allies herself with anyone who is powerful at the time so she can survive.
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We share blood, we are not brothers

11/20/2014 12:12 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Her motive was jealousy of Kitana.

She wanted the princess dead, to steal or kill her boyfriend, and to have the throne of Edenia for herself when Shinnok was done conquering the universe.

Tanya's real motive is to be the champion of Mortal Kombat. And that's it.

That's what I think.

Kitania, Jade and Sindel are irrelevant, in the eyes of Tanya.

Tanya just wants to be the champion and steal the title from Liu Kang. That's why she kidnapped him.

Remember in MKDeception Konquest? Where Tanya is guarding Liu Kang in a cave? LOL!!!! Remember Tanya's femur fatalities and her game ending about become the dammn Dragon Kaller of all realms?

The MK team clearly meant for Tanya to be a prankster, a funny type of karakter. It's another reason why she is my favorite.

I think her MKD Konquest side mission was a nod of her MK4 ending in which she set Liu Kang a trap.

I'm pretty sure Tanya wasn't interested in being the MK champion, and I never heard that 'Kitana jealousy' thing either (I do recall her mentioning Kitana in that ending: 'I don't know what Kitana say in you' to Liu Kang grin)
I always thought Tanya was the most evil AND intelligent female in the MK universe (Mileena flops in the intelligence part).
11/20/2014 12:15 AM (UTC)
MK-Noob Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Her motive was jealousy of Kitana.

She wanted the princess dead, to steal or kill her boyfriend, and to have the throne of Edenia for herself when Shinnok was done conquering the universe.

Tanya's real motive is to be the champion of Mortal Kombat. And that's it.

That's what I think.

Kitania, Jade and Sindel are irrelevant, in the eyes of Tanya.

Tanya just wants to be the champion and steal the title from Liu Kang. That's why she kidnapped him.

Remember in MKDeception Konquest? Where Tanya is guarding Liu Kang in a cave? LOL!!!! Remember Tanya's femur fatalities and her game ending about become the dammn Dragon Kaller of all realms?

The MK team clearly meant for Tanya to be a prankster, a funny type of karakter. It's another reason why she is my favorite.

I think her MKD Konquest side mission was a nod of her MK4 ending in which she set Liu Kang a trap.

I don't think Tanya was ever interested in being the MK champion, and I never heard that 'Kitana jealousy' thing either (I do recall her mentioning Kitana in that ending: 'I don't know what Kitana say in you' to Liu Kang grin)
I always thought Tanya was the most evil AND intelligent female in the MK universe (Mileena flops in the intelligence part).

Yeah that sounds more like Tanya, she is smart and she cares about survival so she allies herself with the powerful person and she wouldn't risk her life at all. so she the most Intelligent female in MK
11/20/2014 12:18 AM (UTC)
I feel like Tanya is a troll karakter. But the kool kind of troll karakter.

Unlike Mokap lol...... he was just useless and NOT epik whatsoever.

The image of Tanya standing in front of that purple cave, holding Liu Kang in Konquest mode... it's just hilarious to me.
Don't ask me why, I'm just easily amused like that. lol

I hope Tanya kontinues to have those funny moments and elements about her, in MKX.
About Me

We share blood, we are not brothers

11/20/2014 12:37 AM (UTC)
I never saw that because I always went to Lei Chen and interacted with Liu Kang afterwards... guess it was a stupid decision grin

Mokap was a joke character, a tribute to Carlos Pesina (or Parlos Cassina for those who understand). He was never ment to be taken seriously.
11/20/2014 12:47 AM (UTC)
MK-Noob Wrote:
I never saw that because I always went to Lei Chen and interacted with Liu Kang afterwards... guess it was a stupid decision grin

Mokap was a joke character, a tribute to Carlos Pesina (or Parlos Cassina for those who understand). He was never ment to be taken seriously.

You never saw Tanya in Konquest mode?

At some point, she even punches you in the face when you try to go past her. LMAO

I loved that Konquest mode in Deception.

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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

11/20/2014 02:03 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
On a side note, it's been so long, (and since you're the MK guru), why the hell did she want to help Shinnok in the first place? Unless there were empty promises involved, like with Reptile.

Her motive was jealousy of Kitana.

She wanted the princess dead, to steal or kill her boyfriend, and to have the throne of Edenia for herself when Shinnok was done conquering the universe.

Well she's got half her wish now, and Kang is...MIA, or at least presumed dead.

Anyways, I appreciate the response!
11/20/2014 02:18 AM (UTC)
There hasn't been a tournament since MK2.

So...nobody after that wants to be "the MK champion".

I mean...that's some elementary shit, lol.
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11/20/2014 02:31 AM (UTC)
Kind of have this odd feeling that Johnny Cages story line in 4, being resurrected by the Elder Gods to destroy whoever is the boss this time around. I'd rather have Kung Lao back then Liu Kang personally. I always liked Tanya, I was happy as hell when they brought her back in deception. But this is a 25 year storyline people, so maybe her story won't be completely retconed. Maybe Edenia with be freed once more from outworld in this storyline. I can't wait to find out what Kotal Khan's up to.
11/27/2014 07:51 AM (UTC)

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
To be fair, Tanya was relevant to the plot and affiliated with Shinnok at a time when Shinnok's plan was "conquer Edenia" and Tanya was his way in because her dad was a noble in Sindel's court.

Right now, there IS no Edenia.

Were the reasons how and why Shinnok and Tanya came in contact with each other ever revealed or mentioned?

11/27/2014 08:23 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
To be fair, Tanya was relevant to the plot and affiliated with Shinnok at a time when Shinnok's plan was "conquer Edenia" and Tanya was his way in because her dad was a noble in Sindel's court.

Right now, there IS no Edenia.

Were the reasons how and why Shinnok and Tanya came in contact with each other ever revealed or mentioned?

It's not to say that Shinnok and Tanya came in contact first, but her and QUAN CHI because Shinnok can't escape the Netherrealm not to mention couldn't care less about interacting with mortals so he sends Quan Chi to do all the manwork. Shinnok wants a portal to be opened to Edenia so he can take over the realm as a stepping block in order to attack the heavens and the Elder Gods. But being stuck in the Netherrealm he can't do anything so he sends Quan Chi to find any means of completing this task and low-and-behold a daughter of the Edenian ambassador skilled at diplomacy and a strange taste for dark magic appears. For Quan Chi, Tanya is a means for her to convince Sindel to open a portal to a bunch of "refugees" (Shinnok and his army in disguise). And to Tanya's delight she gets two bonuses: she gets mentored to become a powerful sorceress by none other than Troll Chi himself and gets the realm of Edenia once Shinnok is done, conquering it. That's my take on it.
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Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

11/27/2014 09:16 AM (UTC)
Tanya i think id say is my fav mk female. She was new to me in Deception and ive liked her since. She was a fun char to play with in mkd/a and her story/character i find appealing for some reason..... Oddly i seem to like the "bad"chars more in mk with few exceptions.... Anyways for years now ive imagined how awesome Tanya could be gameplaywise in a new mk. Mainly that drill move is what i wanna see in action in 2d plane.... Now back to her as a character i got a question.... Even though i like her in the game, wtf story wise was the point of Tanya in Deception?????

So to conclude, i want Tanya in mkx, and i have a theory that 2-3 "klassic" mk females will be in and imo only likely mk females to return is mileena, kitana, tanya, and maybe frost. So all in all i feel pretty good about Tanyas chances.
11/27/2014 03:21 PM (UTC)
krajax Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
To be fair, Tanya was relevant to the plot and affiliated with Shinnok at a time when Shinnok's plan was "conquer Edenia" and Tanya was his way in because her dad was a noble in Sindel's court.

Right now, there IS no Edenia.

Were the reasons how and why Shinnok and Tanya came in contact with each other ever revealed or mentioned?

It's not to say that Shinnok and Tanya came in contact first, but her and QUAN CHI because Shinnok can't escape the Netherrealm not to mention couldn't care less about interacting with mortals so he sends Quan Chi to do all the manwork. Shinnok wants a portal to be opened to Edenia so he can take over the realm as a stepping block in order to attack the heavens and the Elder Gods. But being stuck in the Netherrealm he can't do anything so he sends Quan Chi to find any means of completing this task and low-and-behold a daughter of the Edenian ambassador skilled at diplomacy and a strange taste for dark magic appears. For Quan Chi, Tanya is a means for her to convince Sindel to open a portal to a bunch of "refugees" (Shinnok and his army in disguise). And to Tanya's delight she gets two bonuses: she gets mentored to become a powerful sorceress by none other than Troll Chi himself and gets the realm of Edenia once Shinnok is done, conquering it.

^ Is that all just speculation? I was really inquiring about any canon information, not speculation.

11/27/2014 05:43 PM (UTC)
It is canon that Shinnok can't escape the Netherealm until Sindel opens the portal, so Quan Chi WOULD be the one Tanya had all the contact with. That's Quan Chi's whole job, he does all the middle-management while Shinnok sits back and waits.

Quan was looking for a way to trick Sindel into opening the portal so Shinnok and his army could come through, he found Tanya.

The rest is just speculation though, yeah.
11/27/2014 08:20 PM (UTC)

Alright so we don't know how and why Quan Chi and Tanya teamed up. Also, what ever happened to her dad? Did she lie to him too or was he in on it with Quan chi and Tanya?

11/27/2014 11:41 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
It is canon that Shinnok can't escape the Netherealm until Sindel opens the portal, so Quan Chi WOULD be the one Tanya had all the contact with. That's Quan Chi's whole job, he does all the middle-management while Shinnok sits back and waits.

Quan was looking for a way to trick Sindel into opening the portal so Shinnok and his army could come through, he found Tanya.

The rest is just speculation though, yeah.

I hope Quan Chi can help Tanya become an epik witch!

She could learn to summon dragons and demons!

Fingers krossed Tanya is playable in MKX and all her moves + powers look AMAZING AND OUTSTANDING.

11/28/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
It is canon that Shinnok can't escape the Netherealm until Sindel opens the portal, so Quan Chi WOULD be the one Tanya had all the contact with. That's Quan Chi's whole job, he does all the middle-management while Shinnok sits back and waits.

Quan was looking for a way to trick Sindel into opening the portal so Shinnok and his army could come through, he found Tanya.

The rest is just speculation though, yeah.

I hope Quan Chi can help Tanya become an epik witch!

She could learn to summon dragons and demons!

Fingers krossed Tanya is playable in MKX and all her moves + powers look AMAZING AND OUTSTANDING.

You need to stop calling everything epic, and stop with the "replacing the c with a k" gimmick.
11/28/2014 04:30 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:

You need to stop calling everything epic, and stop with the "replacing the c with a k" gimmick.

Knock it off, you wannabe-moderators.

For the last time, you huge trolls : I will post how I choose.
You need to worry about your own flop posts, not mine.

Period, point blank, bottom line.

And would you all just keep your fingers krossed for Tanya to be playable in MKX.

We need Tanya and her magical fireballs and powers + martial arts + fatalitiies in MKX.
11/28/2014 05:46 AM (UTC)
Still waiting for this thread to close.
11/28/2014 08:01 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

Alright so we don't know how and why Quan Chi and Tanya teamed up. Also, what ever happened to her dad? Did she lie to him too or was he in on it with Quan chi and Tanya?

As far as we know, he wasn't in on it, he was loyal to Sindel.
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11/29/2014 11:49 PM (UTC)
Yeah my friend ALL hail the ULTIMATE Queen Sindel !! Queen's and her assassin's return and possible fighting variations would be awesome I can't wait much longerfurious
11/30/2014 01:15 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:

Alright so we don't know how and why Quan Chi and Tanya teamed up. Also, what ever happened to her dad? Did she lie to him too or was he in on it with Quan chi and Tanya?

As far as we know, he wasn't in on it, he was loyal to Sindel.

Tanya's father appears in the MK4 komic book and indeed, it isn't klear if he had any clue what was going on with Tanya and Quan Chi.

He just tells Sindel that his daughter Tanya was contacted by another realm.

Why would anybody even contact Tanya specifically, in the first place. It's strange.

I just need Ed Boon to konfirm Tanya in MKX. Maybe things will be clarified, then.

11/30/2014 02:11 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Why would anybody even contact Tanya specifically, in the first place. It's strange.

Probably she's the only person close to Sindel who could be corrupted, everyone else in the royal court was a good guy.
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