09/22/2014 07:41 PM (UTC)
Sumac, I understand your need to troll and shitpost when talking to people like me who are aware of your cheeky bullshit habits, but you need to stop fucking muddying the waters for newbies who are trying to learn actual facts and information for fuck's sake.
09/22/2014 07:48 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Did you read the thread? Because there's concrete evidence to the contrary quoted from the games.

It's not an evidence. It's suggestion in the same way as one might suggest that our world is a dream of somebody else.

It is evidence. It has been mentioned in the game that all existence is only dreams of the One Being. That is not interpretation. It is clear evidence. End of story.

Your attempts at trying to not admit you are wrong are absolutely ridiculous right now. It's like saying "Um Noob Saibot isn't black because "blanco" means white in french so it might mean he is white. It's a matter of interpretation hur dur".
Seriously it's like talking to a brick wall.
About Me

I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

09/22/2014 09:01 PM (UTC)
RedSumac what do you have against every one here? I don't understand.
09/22/2014 09:14 PM (UTC)
He fancies himself an intellectual, but is one of those people who can't swallow their pride and own up to a mistake or admit it when they're wrong about something.

And he's wrong a lot.

Naturally, this leads to lashing out at everyone who points out the holes in his arguments, especially the people who he sees as rivals for attention or status.

He will of course claim over and over again that he cares about none of these things and that everything I've said about him is, in fact, true of me and his other detractors instead.
What I've never been able to fathom, and this is a general statement about lots of people on the internet, not just about Sumac and MKO, is why a person would continue to come to a community that has turned on them where they have no friends or supporters and are just constantly arguing with or insulting everybody. I mean, this dude could make a new account at TRMK or TestYourMight or something and have a fresh start with no negative reputation hanging like an albatross, instead of trying to fight against the current and just making it worse with each passing year.
About Me

09/22/2014 10:05 PM (UTC)
The One Being is an attempt of justifying anything by adding solipsism into the MK universe. End of story.

I kinda miss the days when MK was about Chinese emperors and immortals inviting you to fight in the battle of the sans for survival and their amusement.
Not this pseudo-fantasy mish mash without any mythopoesis and backthought. Then again, it is a video game for preteens and teens.

End result: not an important tidbit, has no bearing on the story.
09/22/2014 10:57 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
the days when MK was about Chinese emperors and immortals

There were only, what, about 365 of those days? And that's only if you never read the comic, or the home version instruction booklet, or the arcade attract screen about Goro, and make false assumptions about Shang Tsung's backstory.
09/22/2014 11:04 PM (UTC)
So hold on wait. I've heard that it was the komidogu that he was shattered into, i've heard that it was the realms he was shattered into, i've heard that the one being was a realm, i've heard it was a dream, i've heard that "dream" only means conciousness in another way, not in the literal sleeping dream way. I've also heard that it was nothing to do with the realms. I want something Canon, Backwards masking those things, I don't count as canon, because the developers add jokes and shit. I just want to know for a fact. so please, someone.
09/22/2014 11:05 PM (UTC)
As I said before, MK'verse being One Being's dream is as much true as conslusion of some people over out world that it's just a dream. Consider it metaphysical difference in views and interpretations.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Sumac, I understand your need to troll and shitpost when talking to people like me who are aware of your cheeky bullshit habits, but you need to stop fucking muddying the waters for newbies who are trying to learn actual facts and information for fuck's sake.

Oh, dissappointed, that not everyone taking your words as truth in the last instance, aren't you? Aggravated that not everyone will keep YOU in high regard and some people mught not agree with your INTERPRETATIONS of canon? Are my questions really that much of a threat to your reputation?

How petty you must be, that my simple dissagreement with you and desire to think for myself hurts your pride that much?
I wonder, what it's really all about...

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Naturally, this leads to lashing out at everyone who points out the holes in his arguments, especially the people who he sees as rivals for attention or status.

And here is my answer for the question above...
Attention and status...guess I was right, when I said that you projecting a lot. I bet you can't even fathom that there could be people who don't care about neither of those things.

I don't need attention and don't give two shits about status. I just counter what I think is wrong, with what I presume is right and that is all. I provide alternate opinion so to speak. And, considering your reaction, this very act pisses you off and cause you to shitpost and insult me. Predictable.

You are quite poor creature. You really think that your constant hammering of your headcanon in the heads of the others somehow make you more then them...Gee...This is laughable attempt at seeking acceptance and recognition.

I'd like to pity you for that, but I reserve it to worthy people, not self-absorbed and dellusioned EGOmaniacs. So all you have is my laugh.
No hard feelings.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
What I've never been able to fathom, and this is a general statement about lots of people on the internet, not just about Sumac and MKO, is why a person would continue to come to a community that has turned on them where they have no friends or supporters and are just constantly arguing with or insulting everybody. I mean, this dude could make a new account at TRMK or TestYourMight or something and have a fresh start with no negative reputation hanging like an albatross, instead of trying to fight against the current and just making it worse with each passing year.

I don't need friends, supporters, attention or status on the internet forum. I come here simply to state my point of view. But I guess this simplicity really too much for the supposedly "smart" head of yours.

As I said before - you are projecting. And every time you try to insult me, you show your weak points, which I gladly remember for our future encounters, whenever they may happen...

annilation Wrote:
RedSumac what do you have against every one here? I don't understand.

I am not against anyone here.
I am against stupidity and fanatism. And headcanons.

projectzero00 Wrote:
It is evidence. It has been mentioned in the game that all existence is only dreams of the One Being. That is not interpretation. It is clear evidence. End of story.

Your attempts at trying to not admit you are wrong are absolutely ridiculous right now. It's like saying "Um Noob Saibot isn't black because "blanco" means white in french so it might mean he is white. It's a matter of interpretation hur dur".
Seriously it's like talking to a brick wall.

What do we have here? Oh, this is the guy who spouted some pretty senseless stuff in one of previous topics, which was noted by several users. And this person tells me something. Ha-ha.
Meh...sorry, but your opinion is not important to me.
09/22/2014 11:23 PM (UTC)
This dude has serious issueswow
09/23/2014 12:33 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
This dude has serious issueswow

Not as much as you do, pal. grin
09/23/2014 01:10 AM (UTC)
09/23/2014 04:20 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
As I said before, MK'verse being One Being's dream is as much true as conslusion of some people over out world that it's just a dream. Consider it metaphysical difference in views and interpretations.

The real world is not a work of fiction with a concrete written lore. We don't know who or what chain of events created us or how the universe functions beyond what science we've been able to teach ourselves through trial and error. Thus, all religion and philosophy is a matter of opinion.

Mortal Kombat is a work of fiction. If the creators of the game write MORE THAN ONE line into the game that literally all say in no uncertain terms "Reality is a dream a comatose ubergod is having and if he wakes up, everyone will poof out of existence", then guess what, son? Maybe it's not the greatest use of your free time to spend all day defending your shitty misconceptions on the internet when there's empirical evidence they're fucking wrong, that evidence was posted before you even started running your ignorant mouth, and everyone but you is telling you to stop.
09/23/2014 04:36 AM (UTC)
Minchken Wrote:
So hold on wait. I've heard that it was the komidogu that he was shattered into, i've heard that it was the realms he was shattered into, i've heard that the one being was a realm, i've heard it was a dream, i've heard that "dream" only means conciousness in another way, not in the literal sleeping dream way. I've also heard that it was nothing to do with the realms. I want something Canon, Backwards masking those things, I don't count as canon, because the developers add jokes and shit. I just want to know for a fact. so please, someone.

In a way, the first three things you said are all simultaneously true. I understand it can be confusing, I'll try to explain it as simply as I can:

The Kamidogu was a weapon. The Elder Gods made it to kill the One Being.

When they used the Kamidogu, it shattered his body. Pieces of his body became the realms.

The Kamidogu itself also broke, into six pieces, and those pieces were lost in the realms.

But his mind is not dead, it's just unconscious, like in a coma that he can't wake up from. He is dreaming, in the literal imagining-stuff-in-your-sleep sense.

The PEOPLE who live in the realms are the subjects of his dream.

If too many realms are merged, that will restore enough of his body to revive him and end the dream, killing everybody.

TOB's lifeforce sorta became connected to the Kamidogu when it was used on him, so if the 6 are ever merged back into 1, that would ALSO be a way to wake him up because it would allow him to fully possess whoever has the Rejoined Kamidogu.

(This was Onaga's plan in Deception, merge the Kamidogus, become the One Being, kill the Elder Gods and rule all reality. However, the Kamidogus were destroyed by Shujinko at the end of Deception, before they could be merged.)
09/23/2014 04:49 AM (UTC)
So when you say the people are subjects of his dream, do you mean that in mortal kombat lore, no one really exists, or do you mean they exist, and he is dreaming of them, but they exist besides that? Man, I tell you, that whole one being thing the dreaming, is really a bummer.
09/23/2014 06:35 AM (UTC)
Well...the One Being is essentially THE God (if you compare it to Christianity, the Elder Gods are more like his angels, except they turned on him), so it's a dream to him, but it's absolutely the real world to the mortals who live in it.

But if he woke up, the universe and everyone in it would disappear forever. They'd cease to exist.
09/23/2014 10:36 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Well...the One Being is essentially THE God (if you compare it to Christianity, the Elder Gods are more like his angels, except they turned on him), so it's a dream to him, but it's absolutely the real world to the mortals who live in it.

The comparision is not really applicable here.
One Being is not a creator of Elder Gods as far as its known. He is not creator of anything basically. And fact that his body / consciousness (same thing here) was shattered and reshaped into Relams doesn't make him the "creator". He is just existence.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Mortal Kombat is a work of fiction. If the creators of the game write MORE THAN ONE line into the game that literally all say in no uncertain terms "Reality is a dream a comatose ubergod is having and if he wakes up, everyone will poof out of existence", then guess what, son? Maybe it's not the greatest use of your free time to spend all day defending your shitty misconceptions on the internet when there's empirical evidence they're fucking wrong, that evidence was posted before you even started running your ignorant mouth, and everyone but you is telling you to stop.

For someone trying to pose as mature, responsible, adult human being with cool head you are sure quick to devolve into little child throwing a temper tantrum. Ha-ha.

This is exactly at times like this one can see what the other is all about. In your case, you are all about your EGO and being a huge poser.

I haven't said nothing offensive to you or anyone else. Just stated that maybe, just maybe, an in-universe interpretation is just an in-universe specualtion. And what I have as a result? EGOmanical poser with holier-than-thou atiitude and immature creep are attacking me on the grounds of "bwa-ah-ah, you are wrong and you are horrible".

This is so funny, to see you go off like a firework over such innocuous thing. Guess, your EGO is already so big, that even harmless attempt at specualtion and thinking is treated as horrible offense and thoughtcrime. I wonder what happens, when people disagree with you in real life? Do you punch them in a face and then shout "NO FUCKER YOU ARE WROOOONG!!! I KNOW BETTER!! ROARGHHH!!"? LOL.

In the end, believe, what you want Sub-Z...Razor-Edge. I choose to believe in what I want.

And you need to be better at metaphors and understanding of metaphysical concepts.
09/23/2014 11:57 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

The comparision is not really applicable here.
One Being is not a creator of Elder Gods as far as its known. He is not creator of anything basically.

Yes he is. I don't know how anyone can explain it to you better coz right now it's obvious that you know that you are wrong. You just don't wanna admit it. If you dream about some random creature that doesn't exist in real life, then the creature is merely a creation of YOUR IMAGINATION. You created it.

For someone trying to pose as mature, responsible, adult human being with cool head you are sure quick to devolve into little child throwing a temper tantrum. Ha-ha.

This is exactly at times like this one can see what the other is all about. In your case, you are all about your EGO and being a huge poser.

I haven't said nothing offensive to you or anyone else. Just stated that maybe, just maybe, an in-universe interpretation is just an in-universe specualtion. And what I have as a result? EGOmanical poser with holier-than-thou atiitude and immature creep are attacking me on the grounds of "bwa-ah-ah, you are wrong and you are horrible".

This is so funny, to see you go off like a firework over such innocuous thing. Guess, your EGO is already so big, that even harmless attempt at specualtion and thinking is treated as horrible offense and thoughtcrime. I wonder what happens, when people disagree with you in real life? Do you punch them in a face and then shout "NO FUCKER YOU ARE WROOOONG!!! I KNOW BETTER!! ROARGHHH!!"? LOL.

In the end, believe, what you want Sub-Z...Razor-Edge. I choose to believe in what I want.

And you need to be better at metaphors and understanding of metaphysical concepts.

Whenever someone posts something you can't reply to, coz you have no arguments to defend your opinion, you resort to the same old "Boohoo so immature. I pity you! Hahaha! Your attitude is so bad damn". You made a long ass wall of text to reply to him and you didn't even reply to any of his arguments. What was the point in that?confused
09/23/2014 12:37 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Yes he is. I don't know how anyone can explain it to you better coz right now it's obvious that you know that you are wrong. You just don't wanna admit it. If you dream about some random creature that doesn't exist in real life, then the creature is merely a creation of YOUR IMAGINATION. You created it.

You are certainly not the man for this job. Ha-ha.
One Being is not the initial creator because he should have been broken first to form the realms. Elder gods are true and initial creators of MK'verse for they were the ones who brought down One Being and make it possible for life to thrive into his remains.

I am not wrong. Otherwise I wouldn't be stating this in the first place. I don't have a habit to fight for something that I don't believe in. As for your dellusions - there are of no importance to me.

projectzero00 Wrote:
Whenever someone posts something you can't reply to, coz you have no arguments to defend your opinion, you resort to the same old "Boohoo so immature. I pity you! Hahaha! Your attitude is so bad damn". You made a long ass wall of text to reply to him and you didn't even reply to any of his arguments. What was the point in that?confused

What was the point of his whining and agressive attitude, when all I did was to disagree with him?
It's not my fault that the man who is mistakingly labeled by some misled individuals as LRMSTR doesn't have grasp on simple metaphysical concepts and logic. It's not my fault that simple disaggrement make him go into amusing rage mode and attempt to undermine opinions of others, simply because he couldn't wrap his head around it.
09/23/2014 05:47 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
I haven't said nothing offensive to you or anyone else.

The past doesn't just go away whenever you CHOOSE to not remember it. You have a LENGTHY history of doing exactly that almost every time you disagree with someone, so just because you magically restrained yourself one fucking time doesn't mean you're forgiven for all the previous ones or they're not applicable to a description of your toxic personality and behavior.

I take back what I said, though. You're not "ignorant", that word means someone who simply isn't AWARE of something, someone who doesn't know any better.

The proper word choice would have been "incompetent".
09/23/2014 06:40 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Bla-bla-bla...bile and vomit...bla-bla-bla...acid and shit...bla-bla-bla.

I like how instead of saying something about my argument, you started attacking me. And you say you're better than me somehow? LOL. Also, it's really ironic, when you tell someone that he has a "toxic personality". It's like as if glutton started to criticize sportsman for being too fat.

You know the core difference between us? I am completely willing to temporarily set aside out differences for the betterment of the forum and for the sake of the interesting discussions. But seems this task is bit too much for the man of your EGO.

No, you'll always remember it and always will be back with the revenge, like emptyheaded action hero of the 80-s. Well, if it somehow makes you feel more accomplished, needed, competent or gives meaning to your life, I'll play this game. But, please, don't cry and whine then. You asked for it, dear.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
The proper word choice would have been "incompetent".

My first choice of words would be "slight bewilderment" and "WTF?".
My second choice of words would be "weirdo", "lack of arguments" and "GTFO".
09/23/2014 07:28 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
and for the sake of the interesting discussions.

Except that every single time you "participate" in a discussion, it shuts the fuck down because you say something incorrect and repeatedly refuse to acknowledge your errors, insisting that facts and evidence are matters of opinion and interpretation instead or some other ridiculous fallacy.

That's my biggest problem with you. The MOMENT you show up in a thread, ANY thread, even ones I'm not posting in for you to argue with, that thread whatever it was originally about might as well be considered dead because it instead very quickly becomes about people telling you how full of shit you are and you plugging your ears and going "la-la-la I can't hear you I'm right you're wrong neener neener nyah nyah" instead. You're like a terminal fuckin' cancer to legitimate discourse. Once you post in a thread, its fate is sealed and there's no chemo that can save it. It might take 10 pages for the thread to die, but those pages will never be about the original subject, they'll be about YOU trolling people.
And of course you often bring ME up in your attempts to defend yourself or antagonize people by comparing whoever is calling out your bullshit that day to me, as if I'm the real cause of whatever the fuck is wrong with you, the real reason the thread has turned into an argument (and I remind, this occasionally even happens in threads where I'm not even present or responding), like the ONLY possible people in the world who could ever disagree with you are me and users who are acting as "followers" of me, because yeah, that fucking tinfoil hat conspiracy makes way more sense than ever even entertaining the possibility for once that maybe you just plain don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Yeah, it's totally MY fault that everyone actually RESPECTS people who have CORRECT information and they shit on people who constantly lie or are mistaken and are so habitually stubborn in their refusal to EVER admit it that they instead INSULT everyone.
09/23/2014 07:55 PM (UTC)
Is this still about MK Lore or should we just move on
09/23/2014 09:08 PM (UTC)
Razor,why you keep replying to Sumac? Just ignore him dude,he is here just to troll. Nothing constructive or informative comes from his posts,he just wants to argue for the sake of arguing and he always replies to critics with "I pity you. Ha-ha. You are a child with tantrum" or some other bullshit. I don't reply always, but all the threads where I saw Sumac take part in "discussion", they all turned to shit. I am wondering where mods are looking...

Anyways, Mortal Kombat's one advantage over other fighting games has always been how the main storyline didn't keep all other role characters from having awesome storylines on their own. I mean, Jin Kazama is the most famous guy in Tekken franchise,because he is the main character. You would think that equal logic applies here as well and that Liu Kang should be the most famous. Well, that's why Scorpion/Sub-Zero are poster boys of MK, their individual storyline is so good that casual person sometimes forget what the whole game is all about, but they NEVER forget that Scorpion and Sub-Zero hate each other's guts. That's why I get irritated when people say MK is just another fighting game, the story doesn't matter,blah blah...Of course, it is not on the level of some novels,but there is enough of everything from storyline perspective in this franchise.

I liked the whole One Being storyline in MK Deception. But I am of the opinion that UNLESS all realms are reintroduced in the next MK games (not just Earth,Netherrealm and Outworld in MK9, but Chaosrealm,Seido and Edenia as well, and I am not sure yet that MKX will do that), we should hold this narrative for another day. The One Being is the problem of ALL reality,so it makes sense if characters from ALL the realms will take part in the new struggle.
09/23/2014 09:22 PM (UTC)
I respond because I want public record to exist for the day a case can finally be made that'll be strong enough to get Mick off his ass. You ask where the mods are. There are none. There is ONE MAN moderating this entire website, and his method is to NOT moderate it at all. It requires months, maybe years, of OVERWHELMINGLY uncivil behavior to get him to realize a poster is an irredeemably toxic element to the community, look at how long it took him to get rid of Hankypanky, and that guy was committing far more obvious violations of the rules like spamming unwanted PMs to people.
About Me

I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

09/23/2014 09:23 PM (UTC)
The one being is a very interesting individual that I'd love to see in a future MK game. But, not in his full blown glory but a reincarnation of the sort trying to regain power but not by conquest like his two predecessors (Onaga and Shao).
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