09/25/2014 09:30 PM (UTC)
annilation Wrote:
Turning a topic into a disaster, a lot of people are interested in the lore don't get this thread closed down for others who want to learn. If you guys have problems with each other bring up with a Mod or Mick. Or, at least pm each other so you can talk it out, but don't ruin a thread for everyone just saying.

No, please, their fights are like my personal soup opera. Just so entertaining, hahaha.
09/25/2014 10:24 PM (UTC)
annilation Wrote:
a lot of people are interested in the lore don't get this thread closed down for others who want to learn.

Kinda hard to do that when there's someone who constantly goes into every topic about story and tries to discredit facts that he doesn't personally agree with and confuse those people trying to learn.

annilation Wrote:
bring up with a Mod or Mick.

Maybe you haven't taken a good look around MKO since Crow stepped down, but there's no one here who does those things anymore. If anyone with power were listening and willing to take action, don't you think I would have come to them about Sumac's pattern of disruption, trolling, and personal harrassment years ago when it started?

Do you know how hard it was to get someone banned when there WERE mods?

Let me tell you a fun little story about how MKO works:

When MK9 was coming out, the site was super busy with an influx of newbies and Crow felt they needed more mods. A few users like myself were granted a mod-in-training rank on a trial basis that has the power to award Dragon and Skull points (a reward/punishment system that is ENTIRELY for show and actually does nothing), but couldn't actually alter other people's posts or ban anyone like a full moderator can.

The only thing we really could do is PM a REAL mod and bring the problem to their attention, which really makes me think "if you need more mods, why would you only appoint an impotent neighborhood watch whose only power is to do the same thing every regular user can already do: hassle the existing mods, who feel overworked or don't have time for the board because they have real lives and being internet police isn't a paying gig so who cares, with PMs they don't want to read?"

Of course, the idea was that if you performed well for long enough, you'd be made a full mod. Now, I don't know what they expected a person to do to prove themselves, what a good performance as a mod-with-no-power would even LOOK like, because it seemed like they only promoted the people who DID NOTHING AT ALL...silly me, I thought a mod's job was to try and stop people who break the fucking rules but I guess not since I obviously didn't get the job in the end.

So anyway, that's all setup. Here's the actual story: there was this one guy in particular I remember, username "ColdWindBlows". He was actively flaming people on a constant basis. Outright name calling, clearly against the rules.

It took me like SIX MONTHS of pointing this guy's shit out, despite how obvious it was, before he ACTUALLY got banned because, y'see, MKO has (or had at the time) this system where if it's your first ban, or your second, it's TEMPORARY and then you get to come right back in a week or month, so you can show that you haven't learned your fucking lesson at all and go right back to behaving like the average 13 year old who plays shooters and calls everyone on Xbox Live the N-word.

Or at least, that's how Crow rolled. I think that was him just liking to give people three strikes before they were out. I'm sure he was also sending warning PMs to the guy all the time. Point is, six months to get rid of one kid who repeatedly demonstrated no desire to stop his shit is way too fuckin' lenient.

And that was with a very active admin and moderation staff.

There are currently no moderators active that I'm aware of except maybe on the General board, and Mick doesn't post terribly often either outside of the General board. He does his front page articles, but outside that it's rare to see him talking about actual Mortal Kombat stuff. And he's even more laidback about how people should behave than Crow was, so who knows how much of these constant, repetitive arguments he's seen or gives a damn about. Probably doesn't give a shit what we say to each other since he's never stepped in yet.

And let me also say this: I acknowledge that I'm not blameless in all these ugly, unnecessary, thread-derailing arguments, I could do what everyone else does when Sumac shows up and spouts misinformation and condescension at everyone: ignore him and hope he goes away, that would be the "mature adult" way to handle it.

I don't because I honestly believe that encourages the problem when I'd rather see it solved. I keep hoping that by being loud and obnoxious in my opposition to Sumac, it'll force some kind of attention be paid to the matter.

And if in the end, it's decided that I deserve some kind of punishment as well, I will eagerly accept it, because if it's truly fair and just, then he'll be banned but I'll still be here because I also contribute in positive ways and he has literally never done so.

I'll admit, I haven't actually tried PMing Mick about Sumac. That's because the various times I DID PM him about another user, for example Hankypanky, who was breaking rules much more flagrantly, in the same fashion as ColdWind, very little happened. It took like a year and a half of multiple people complaining about him before Hanky was banned.

Just me, by myself with no one else also PMing, asking for the administrator to kick out someone whose insults are couched in just enough psuedo-civility to fly under the radar? I just look like a jerk with a personal grudge when it's looked at from that angle, don't I? Not very likely to be effective in general, much less in an environment where these things move at a snail's pace even under the best of conditions.
09/26/2014 12:01 AM (UTC)
Razor is definitely right about one thing. RedSumac ruins every thread he touches. Every. Damn. Thread.

Oh and God forbid a Sub-Zero fan thread starts because that thing is fucked from the start. I know Razor, Icebaby, Jade, Myself, Viser, and now it seems Projector00 have all had altercations with him here just for his blatant fucking childish insults and demeaning behavior. I know there are others as well. It's just hard to compile a list.

If anyone is interested just look up his history on here. I'm sure it is pretty damn obvious. Just take a look for yourselves.
09/26/2014 06:20 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Kinda hard to do that when there's someone who constantly goes into every topic about story and tries to discredit facts that he doesn't personally agree with and confuse those people trying to learn.

My sentiments are exactly the same.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Maybe you haven't taken a good look around MKO since Crow stepped down, but there's no one here who does those things anymore. If anyone with power were listening and willing to take action, don't you think I would have come to them about Sumac's pattern of disruption, trolling, and personal harrassment years ago when it started?

Years ago? Gee....
This post once again signifies, what was already obvious: that you are spiteful, petty, pathetic jerk, who think of himself too much. I don't know what is the reason for this: too much freetime or some childhood complexes...I don't know, but you are not nice human being, despite all your attempts to present yourself otherwise. I said before, every time, when you try to claim your superiority over someone, you end up spitting in your own face. Which is fitting for the people like you.

Scar_Subby Wrote:
Razor is definitely right about one thing. RedSumac ruins every thread he touches. Every. Damn. Thread. Oh and God forbid a Sub-Zero fan thread starts because that thing is fucked from the start. I know Razor, Icebaby, Jade, Myself, Viser, and now it seems Projector00 have all had altercations with him here just for his blatant fucking childish insults and demeaning behavior. I know there are others as well. It's just hard to compile a list.

Oh? What are you doing here? Who has released you from kindergarden? How is your "subby-hubby"?
Maybe I would've treated you diferently, if you wasn't whiny stupid fanboy, who can't handle bad news about his fictional husbando in the mature manner?

Oh, of course not. Of course, it's my fault that Sub-Zero maybe not the same guy you fap to. Of course, it's requires blankets of text to tell every single fucking time (for the last few years, no less!!) how NRS suck at everything because they didn't include your favorite character in the new game. Of course, it requires to derail every single Sub-Zero thread with your whining and moaning and hating. But of course, it's me who ruining them, not you, with your petty crying.
To put it simply: you are a prime example of an immature fool, who blames everyone, when somebody tries to put you in your place. Also, people you are listed are far from being innocent sheep. But of course, deliberate blindness is a cool thing.
09/28/2014 11:24 PM (UTC)
Seriously Razor, did you reject the guy in favour of the MK Lore or something? Following you around like a psycho ex. Is that why he's being a giant wank biscuit?

"But Razor, how could you choose her over me?" Sumac whined, fists clenched, tears gushing down his face. "You may think she loves you, but it's... it's just... your interpretation! Her supposed love is just in your headcanon, while mine is true and pure!" Even he wasn't fully convinced of his own words, but he just couldn't give in now.

"kthxbai" replied Razor as he walked off into the sunset, fingers wrapped lovingly around those of the beautiful MK Lore. The romantic sunset must have been part of the headcanon too, thought Sumac as he fell to his knees and let out an almighty wail. What had he done to lose Razor to this no doubt fake bitch? His brain scrambled to come up when an explanation until it just gave up and gave him an almighty excuse to comfort him. Surely he must be superior to the both of them? Yes, that was it! It was not his terrible attitude that turned Razor away, he just felt threatened by Sumac's overwhelming superioty, of course!

Sumac rose from the ground, wiping the tears from his face with a smirk. He'd show Razor "the truth" about that whore he believes he loves...

Yeah I don't blame you either Razor, the guy's obsessed.
09/28/2014 11:58 PM (UTC)
You're wasting your time if you're trying to gain Mick's attention to ban someone who's been a pain in the ass towards you. Unless you're Tyrant-Cenobite, he'll have nothing to do with you.

He was the last user to get banned... unless you count Hankypanky's third account that just stopped posting after the first day he went by his retarded name "khrome." (Either he got banned for having a third account or because we already have a user by the name of Chrome...)

Still, you can go back and forth between each other in any thread you want, it's not going to make a difference because no mods here, even the portal guards, do anything at all... even if you try to tap them on the shoulder with a PM, doesn't do squat.

I say, just ignore the obvious antagonizing crap and just continue having a discussion about the lore. Even if it appears to be too hard to just simply ignore (which, despite I know it will never happen, this site could have invested TRMK's ignore option), I think we can all give it a try. I liked reading this thread up to the point where it started to get derailed. Just keep going with the discussion and just ignore the crap that gets blasted out towards you.
09/29/2014 03:09 AM (UTC)
Cenobyte got banned? I thought he left to make his own site. Wasn't that dude a mod at one point?

For the record, I did finally PM Mick after Sumac's last post. He didn't even couch his words that time, he was using outright flames.

If we're allowed to call people names without consequence anymore, why should any of us hold ourselves back?

This is how message boards DIE.
09/29/2014 03:13 AM (UTC)
zerosebaz Wrote:
annilation Wrote:
Turning a topic into a disaster, a lot of people are interested in the lore don't get this thread closed down for others who want to learn. If you guys have problems with each other bring up with a Mod or Mick. Or, at least pm each other so you can talk it out, but don't ruin a thread for everyone just saying.

No, please, their fights are like my personal soup opera. Just so entertaining, hahaha.

Agreed. There's two great things about these forums: updates on new MK games, and the forum fights stemming from the most minor, pointless crap
09/29/2014 03:22 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Razor is definitely right about one thing. RedSumac ruins every thread he touches. Every. Damn. Thread.

Oh and God forbid a Sub-Zero fan thread starts because that thing is fucked from the start. I know Razor, Icebaby, Jade, Myself, Viser, and now it seems Projector00 have all had altercations with him here just for his blatant fucking childish insults and demeaning behavior. I know there are others as well. It's just hard to compile a list.

If anyone is interested just look up his history on here. I'm sure it is pretty damn obvious. Just take a look for yourselves.

I dissagree. I think you're just sensitive.
About Me

09/29/2014 07:14 AM (UTC)
Simple answer: the mods and powers that be got tired of the site plain and simple. Coincidentally those people were the only ones who could have had people skills and patience for this kind of shit.

Icebaby Wrote:

He was the last user to get banned... unless you count Hankypanky's third account that just stopped posting after the first day he went by his retarded name "khrome." (Either he got banned for having a third account or because we already have a user by the name of Chrome...)

I am a prick when it comes infringing on my trademarks.
09/29/2014 10:48 AM (UTC)
That Sumac has been able to go this far without getting reprimanded just shows how much down the shitter this forum has gone. It seems like it is only Mick who is around to mod things, and as it is apparent, he isn't capable to do so alone.

So why hasn't he made some of the people on here mods? Why hasn't he asked for help? Is it because he don't want help? Does he even care?

The administration of this site has been questionable for a looooong time.
09/29/2014 11:53 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
For the record, I did finally PM Mick after Sumac's last post. He didn't even couch his words that time, he was using outright flames.

As if you were any different.
Maybe I should PM him and ask to see into how you started to derail this thread, because I simply was disagreeing with you and you couldn't handle it in mature manner, and went of like deranged firework, m?

UltraKintaro Wrote:
Seriously Razor, did you reject the guy in favour of the MK Lore or something? Following you around like a psycho ex. Is that why he's being a giant wank biscuit?

"kthxbai" replied Razor as he walked off into the sunset, fingers wrapped lovingly around those of the beautiful MK Lore. The romantic sunset must have been part of the headcanon too, thought Sumac as he fell to his knees and let out an almighty wail. What had he done to lose Razor to this no doubt fake bitch? His brain scrambled to come up when an explanation until it just gave up and gave him an almighty excuse to comfort him. Surely he must be superior to the both of them? Yes, that was it! It was not his terrible attitude that turned Razor away, he just felt threatened by Sumac's overwhelming superioty, of course!

Sumac rose from the ground, wiping the tears from his face with a smirk. He'd show Razor "the truth" about that whore he believes he loves... Yeah I don't blame you either Razor, the guy's obsessed.

Wow. *speechless* *crickets*
You need to wright a slashfic or something.
Or get your head checked at psychologist.
Probably both.
About Me
MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
09/29/2014 02:48 PM (UTC)
Back when I was a temporary mod, I passed out skull points left and right. I always felt this place needed to be ruled with way more of an iron fist. Too many assholes with free reign.
09/29/2014 03:27 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Back when I was a temporary mod, I passed out skull points left and right. I always felt this place needed to be ruled with way more of an iron fist. Too many assholes with free reign.

Completely agree. smile
09/29/2014 03:35 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Razor is definitely right about one thing. RedSumac ruins every thread he touches. Every. Damn. Thread.

Oh and God forbid a Sub-Zero fan thread starts because that thing is fucked from the start. I know Razor, Icebaby, Jade, Myself, Viser, and now it seems Projector00 have all had altercations with him here just for his blatant fucking childish insults and demeaning behavior. I know there are others as well. It's just hard to compile a list.

If anyone is interested just look up his history on here. I'm sure it is pretty damn obvious. Just take a look for yourselves.

I dissagree. I think you're just sensitive.

Yeah sorry I don't want Sonya's redundant ass in MKX with Cassie. Feel free to ignore all of the shit Sumac has posted because of the fact I don't want her in.
09/29/2014 03:41 PM (UTC)
I think I hurt someone's feelings. It hurt so much he couldn't even muster up his usual "Me more superior" arse vomit wall of text, just "NO U".

I can't wait till the inevitable "Well... you... didn't deserve it because I'm so superior! Haha!" or "Don't flatter yourself. It's not as if I care what you say or anything, it's all in your headcanon... of real life" or even another "NO U". Sumac the Giant Baby is a fun game but it's kind of tedious and predictable.
09/29/2014 03:50 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Razor is definitely right about one thing. RedSumac ruins every thread he touches. Every. Damn. Thread.

Oh and God forbid a Sub-Zero fan thread starts because that thing is fucked from the start. I know Razor, Icebaby, Jade, Myself, Viser, and now it seems Projector00 have all had altercations with him here just for his blatant fucking childish insults and demeaning behavior. I know there are others as well. It's just hard to compile a list.

If anyone is interested just look up his history on here. I'm sure it is pretty damn obvious. Just take a look for yourselves.

I dissagree. I think you're just sensitive.

Yeah sorry I don't want Sonya's redundant ass in MKX with Cassie. Feel free to ignore all of the shit Sumac has posted because of the fact I don't want her in.

Extremely ironic when the reason for your hate towards Sumac is because he hates Sub-Zero but drag a bit
09/29/2014 05:25 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
That Sumac has been able to go this far without getting reprimanded just shows how much down the shitter this forum has gone. It seems like it is only Mick who is around to mod things, and as it is apparent, he isn't capable to do so alone.

So why hasn't he made some of the people on here mods? Why hasn't he asked for help? Is it because he don't want help? Does he even care?

The administration of this site has been questionable for a looooong time.

I've asked a long time ago as to how come the shadow priest rotation stopped, and the answer I got was "Not that many people log in anymore." Of course, this was back during the time where we only saw like ten people log in per day, before Mortal Kombat X was announced.

Now, seeing how this site gets a heck of a lot more people logging in, there should be no reason as to why we cannot continue having that. As well as rotating the portal guards.

I'm sorry, but the currently portal guards we have don't do squat. I can't even remember the last time they did anything. So, I don't think it would hurt this site a bit to actually have new people moderating... But that's just me.
09/29/2014 05:53 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Extremely ironic when the reason for your hate towards Sumac is because he hates Sub-Zero but drag a bit

I don't hate Sub-Zero. He is one of my favorite character in MK series (gameplay-wise). It's true that I don't his plot in high regard for many reasons, but I don't have a habit to hate fictional characters and attack people because of it.

I hate immature people who ruin every character thread with their hatred and whining, because of their obession with fictional characters.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
That Sumac has been able to go this far without getting reprimanded just shows how much down the shitter this forum has gone

Said someone who is an arrogant asshole more than I am. Oh the irony. grin
I give you advice: watch yourself, not others. I'll take care about myself on my own.

UltraKintaro Wrote:
I think I hurt someone's feelings. It hurt so much he couldn't even muster up his usual "Me more superior" arse vomit wall of text, just "NO U". I can't wait till the inevitable "Well... you... didn't deserve it because I'm so superior! Haha!" or "Don't flatter yourself. It's not as if I care what you say or anything, it's all in your headcanon... of real life" or even another "NO U". Sumac the Giant Baby is a fun game but it's kind of tedious and predictable.

Actually, no. Dearranged incomprehensible lunacy (or low tier trolling) rarely hurts me. It just makes me question your sanity and that's all.
09/29/2014 06:16 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Razor is definitely right about one thing. RedSumac ruins every thread he touches. Every. Damn. Thread.

Oh and God forbid a Sub-Zero fan thread starts because that thing is fucked from the start. I know Razor, Icebaby, Jade, Myself, Viser, and now it seems Projector00 have all had altercations with him here just for his blatant fucking childish insults and demeaning behavior. I know there are others as well. It's just hard to compile a list.

If anyone is interested just look up his history on here. I'm sure it is pretty damn obvious. Just take a look for yourselves.

I dissagree. I think you're just sensitive.

Yeah sorry I don't want Sonya's redundant ass in MKX with Cassie. Feel free to ignore all of the shit Sumac has posted because of the fact I don't want her in.

Extremely ironic when the reason for your hate towards Sumac is because he hates Sub-Zero but drag a bit

My hate for Sumac is because he repeatedly treats people like shit, and ruins multiple threads which others have pointed out. You just have beef with me because I don't want Sonya in. It's just my opinion, don't get so pissed over it.
09/29/2014 07:06 PM (UTC)
Of course he doesn't like that all of his responses were predicted before he had the chance to regurgitate them, so he scrambles to find whatever smart sounding big words he can so he can convince himself he has something worthwhile to say. And even still I was right, him resorting to another "NO U". Let's see him go for the hat-trick.
09/29/2014 07:19 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
My hate for Sumac is because he repeatedly treats people like shit, and ruins multiple threads which others have pointed out.

Hypocrisy at its finest. That's beside the fact, that I won't treat anyone like shit without a reason.

UltraKintaro Wrote:
Of course he doesn't like that all of his responses were predicted before he had the chance to regurgitate them, so he scrambles to find whatever smart sounding big words he can so he can convince himself he has something worthwhile to say. And even still I was right, him resorting to another "NO U". Let's see him go for the hat-trick.

What? I genuinely puzzled.
But OK, I won't stop you from talking to imaginary companions. Everyone have right for a hobby afterall. smile
09/29/2014 09:09 PM (UTC)
Guys, I appreciate we're all venting our frustration with both his behavior and the lack of moderation...but if no one's going to police the place then we do need to start doing a better job of policing ourselves and trying to get along.

The mature thing to do would be to stop talking about or replying to Sumac because I think it's beating a dead horse at this point. We can't stop him from saying whatever he wants, but just don't engage him any further, give him fewer things to respond to, y'know?

I'd suggest trying to get back on-topic and talking about the lore...but a whole page, page and a half has been eaten up by personality-politics at this point so the original train of thought seems long gone.

If there WAS a moderator, the appropriate thing to do I think would be to close the thread altogether and if anyone still wanted to talk about the One Being they could just make a new one.
09/29/2014 09:15 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

I give you advice: watch yourself, not others. I'll take care about myself on my own.

Ironic coming from you, since you are always up in others' business, especially Razor's. XD
09/29/2014 09:19 PM (UTC)
I've got a question on-topic. Is the One Being evil in a sense for keeping the Elder Gods as slaves before they tore him apart and ruling reality itself? It seems to be somewhat of a grey area instead of the absolute "either you're good or bad." Take a look at the Elder Gods, they're not bad for say, but they're extremely incompetent (or "toothless" as Kahn and Quan puts it) even when potential threats like Shao Kahn or Quan Chi kill thousands of mortals and want to rule the realms (which could reawaken the One Being) and usually use mortals as a way to keep their godhoods from being threatened by the One Being awakening. I kind of parallel Kronos and Zeus from Greek mythology. Both aren't evil, but they're not really good guys either.
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