09/29/2014 09:21 PM (UTC)
Not that you're wrong, J-R, but that's the kind of provoking I think maybe we should stop doing, lol.

Haters gonna hate, can't stop him from posting at us...but just give him less to directly respond to.
09/29/2014 09:23 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
My hate for Sumac is because he repeatedly treats people like shit, and ruins multiple threads which others have pointed out. You just have beef with me because I don't want Sonya in. It's just my opinion, don't get so pissed over it.

I don't have a "beef" with you, don't think so highly of yourself. You, however, hate Sumac (as stated above) for whatever reason and that's sad, because that means you take MK and this forum so seriously. Poor thing.
09/29/2014 09:28 PM (UTC)
The cons about this site outweighs the pros, and mainly due to the people on here. This site has become less about Mortal Kombat and more about people being assholes to other people.
09/29/2014 09:35 PM (UTC)
krajax Wrote:
I've got a question on-topic. Is the One Being evil in a sense for keeping the Elder Gods as slaves before they tore him apart and ruling reality itself? It seems to be somewhat of a grey area instead of the absolute "either you're good or bad."

I don't know if we know enough about the Elder Gods' personalities to say if they were really treated badly as slaves and were in the right to revolt, or if they're just selfish, playing the victims, and the real version of their rebellion is something more sinister like imagine if my earlier comparison to Jehovah and Christian Angels was an accurate description of their relationship...if angels got sick of working for God, killed him, and took over Heaven, most Christians would call them the bad guys, wouldn't they? I mean, attempting to do that is literally Satan's origin story.

As far as everything else about his story...for me, it's a little like asking "Is a man who steps on an ant hill evil?"

He is to the ants. Other humans wouldn't care.

Well, to higher celestial beings, humans are ants.

But we the audience are humans and most of the MK characters are humans, we follow them and care about what happens to them. So by OUR morality, a being who wants to erase the universe would definitely be evil, even though he doesn't really care about the universe one way or the other, what he wants is to wake up...it just happens that if he did, the universe would end.
09/29/2014 11:43 PM (UTC)
Maybe we should make a new Lore thread, this one was awesome but im sure a lot of people would probably stop reading it once they see how off topic it got lol

Best thing to do is completely ignore the people you know you don't really get along with.
09/30/2014 03:55 PM (UTC)
krajax Wrote:
I've got a question on-topic. Is the One Being evil in a sense for keeping the Elder Gods as slaves before they tore him apart and ruling reality itself?

One Being and Elder Gods couldn't be called good or evil. They are beyond such concepts. Because of their powers and origin, they do not operate on the same level of logic as other living beings, so calling them "good" or "evil" would be quite wrong.

And to finish some business:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Guys, I appreciate we're all venting our frustration with both his behavior and the lack of moderation...but if no one's going to police the place then we do need to start doing a better job of policing ourselves and trying to get along.

You sure got yourself nice allies. With such company you don't even need enemies.
BTW, took it took you quite a time to get to the idea that we need to behave ourselves.
I hope you got that lesson, that you are not exclusion from the rules and you need to behave too, no matter your knowledge and EGO. If you are acting rudely, there always will be someone to put you in your place.

With this, I finish this conversation(s) and all the next responses will be sent to you or your circus cavalcade via PM.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Ironic coming from you, since you are always up in others' business, especially Razor's. XD
Depends on context.
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