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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/07/2014 04:56 PM (UTC)
To let you guys know as someone that's been on these forums since the MKDA days...yes. There has always been threads that talked/complained about the immature character designs for the female characters. You better believe people were wondering aloud why the character designers just had to depict Sonya with skin-tight-low-cut leather pants that unnecessarily exposed her thong.

This is not a new thing.
06/07/2014 05:11 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:
I still think you guys are taking this whole thing way too seriously. I grew up with MK I was 5 when I first played MK2 and have stuck with the series ever since. Did we have these same kind of arguments for the females in MKD? I wasn't on the boards back then.

People can take this subject however they want, there's nothing wrong in discussing it. People were not satisfied back when 2011 came out in several of the character's outfits, so I'm bringing this topic back up to discuss BEFORE we see any of the female characters. And I have no idea how this forum was during Deception.

wdm6789 Wrote:
I still see no problem with the way the ladies are dressed in 2011. It fits their characters (other than Sonya) and it fits what NRS has been doing for years. Jade's bustier could show less cleavage though just because her nipples should be showing that's how open her bustier is, but that's just lack of attention to detail. Kitana finally looks like a princess (an Outworld princess) Jade and Mileena got nice updates and out of the three Kitana is showing the least skin.

You don't see a problem, others do. You may not agree with what they have to say, others may not agree with you.

wdm6789 Wrote:
I think it's pretty valid to say they dress like that because it's their culture, that's how NRS wants them to look and MK is NRS's creation so we should be more receptive, appreciative and accepting of their art.

I'm not going to appreciate a character if they can't be designed on what they are. If Sonya is supposed to represent a woman in the military, she should look like she comes from it. If Kitana is supposed to be a princess and an assassin, she should look like it. Nothing in her design in 2011 told me she was either of those. In fact, she looked more like a slave than an actual princess. And no, the little tiara on her head doesn't cut it.

wdm6789 Wrote:
I would rather this discussion be about costume ideas for the MKX ladies instead of bashing 2011 in every post, I get it, everyone here is a feminist. I know this might be shocking to some but there are people who might just enjoy the game and the art of the game without getting butt hurt or offended by too much leg showing because it's "misogynistic."

Asking the artists of Netherrealm Studios to give a little bit more clothing to the female characters is not being a feminist. That's asking them to treat women as equal as the men, and frankly, that makes no sense when this game has both genders getting the crap beaten out of them. No one here is asking them to be covered up completely. From what I've been seeing, and I'm not sure if you've been seeing this, a lot of people here are asking the creators to at least give them a costume that makes sense to what their character is.

Yeah, there are people, such as yourself, that would love to see characters in outfits that hardly covers anything, but there are some that don't. Respect what they want without resorting to saying people are way too nitpicky.

This discussion I made is not to talk about "costume ideas," if you want to talk about that, make your own thread. This thread was created solely on how people feel about the clothing choices that are given to the female characters. And not only just the Edenian characters, ALL of the female characters, even those who weren't around in Mortal Kombat 2011.

The point I was trying to make is: Mortal Kombat is NRS's creation it's up to them to decide what their characters look like and how how the characters dress. Maybe that is how a princess assassin looks in Outworld, no one has ever had that thought? Outworld is not Earth, we can't base their clothing on our standards because they're in an entirely different dimension. I have agreed on everything about Sonya, she doesn't need heels and she should be covered more.

06/07/2014 06:06 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
The point I was trying to make is: Mortal Kombat is NRS's creation it's up to them to decide what their characters look like and how how the characters dress. Maybe that is how a princess assassin looks in Outworld, no one has ever had that thought? Outworld is not Earth, we can't base their clothing on our standards because they're in an entirely different dimension.

As an artist myself, I know that everyone can create whatever they want to look like whatever they want it to look. But everyone should be entitled to criticism. And so far, my criticism has been somewhat negative to the choices the designers decide to make some of their characters.

However, let me explain myself about Kitana's outfit, seeing how she's the topic of this thread so far.

I have never once been a fan of Kitana's outfits. The only time I can actually say I sort of liked her outfit was her primary in Deadly Alliance and Mortal Kombat vs DC. There, they showed elegance. But then, they decide to just trash it up with the next game. In Deception, she has a blue alternate outfit to match Mileena's in Sindel's and Ermac's endings. Despite I can understand why they did this (just to not design a completely new outfit for her in endings), still. You go from a very decent look, to something 100% different, back to decent, and then back to 100% different. Like her fans, they change every single time.

And this is my point. They give her a look that speaks out as elegant and deadly at the same time. Had they continued to work off of her Deadly Alliance appearance, maybe, just maybe, I'd actually appreciate this character's outfits more than what they have been. But to get away from that kind of look just to make her more revealing is something that really annoys me. Out of all the fictional fantasy-like princesses that I've seen in the media, I really haven't seen any kind of princess that just wears outrageous outfits that doesn't fit the character. Kitana is that character. She's a fighting princess that never wears something that actually matches her character right.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/07/2014 06:08 PM (UTC)
So...I took some screenshots from MK Deception and found as many female civilian NPCs as I could to get a general idea of what Edenian/Outworld clothing garb is. This is what I found -

Edenia Female -

Outworld Female 1 -

Outworld Female 2 -

Outworld Female 3 -

Outworld Female 4 -

Outworld Female 5 -

Now going on these character models from MKD's Konquest it seems pretty clear that the way that Sindel, Kitana, Jade, Mileena, Tanya, etc. is not the standard garb of either Edenia or Outworld. The standard garb just seems as a generic fusion of a variety of Asian styles (Chinese, Mongolian, Korean, Japanese, etc.) with obvious fantasy elements. The closest any female character from Outworld or Edenia comes is of course Li Mei.

Now are the outfits worn by Kitana and company different due to status? Is it typical fighting/exercise garb of Edenia/Outworld? Does it even matter? I'll let you all decide.
About Me

06/07/2014 06:18 PM (UTC)
The excuse that it is not Earth is probably the weakest excuse one could give.

Also, it's quite futile to bark up the tree now. Boon and co. seems to be on the maturity level of the Angry Video Game Nerd. Which isn't surprising.

If you want honest sex appeal and some thinking in your game, play Druuna. If you want to laugh and think sexy thoughts, play Leasure Suit Larry.

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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

06/07/2014 07:15 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

Baraka407 Wrote:
Sonya...has the purposely gigantic breasts

Does Kerri Hoskins have implants? I don't think Bridgette Wilson does...

I know there's no real impetus for them to deliberately model characters after actors who used to play them, but personally I would appreciate it if they started choosing to be consistent to past depictions, not changing facial features, eye colors, skin colors, and bodytype every game, I dunno...

I WOULD like her to cover them the fuck up and dress more like a soldier, of course. Or at the VERY least to wear Army-standard casual/athletic wear like an olive green t-shirt and camo pants or whatever when attending a tournament.

Apologies, I meant Sonya in recent MK titles. I wasn't clear on that at all and that was my bad. She didn't have giant breasts until MK:DA, and her outfits seemed to have decreased in cloth since then.

No, Sonya as played by Elizabeth Malecki or Keri Hoskins and up through MK4 seemed totally normal to me in that regard and not grossly over-sexualized in the least. Same goes for Bridgette Wilson.

I think that I cut off the first part, but Kitana and Mileena had very similar outfits in MK Gold, which appears to be based off of their UMK3 look (same goes with Jade). I don't think that Mileena really broke out in that regard until Deception, but if you disagree, it's cool.

Mojo6 Wrote:

Oh wait...it's probably this right here.

I know it looks super official and well researched but it doesn't clarify data points for it's gender and age demographic. Specifically, it lumps together medium demographics (console, mobile, and PC) when arriving at the gender demographics. As a result, the study doesn't take into account that CONSOLE demographics still show predominantly male (%78-%85) and predominantly 18 - 25 years. SOURCE: LINK

The INCREASE of the popularity in MOBILE gaming and SOCIAL network gaming skews this data and gives a false representation that women make up "half of gaming". So, that statistic is only true when we look at ALL mediums of gaming. SOURCE: LINK

I've already spent more time than I wanted to pointing this out but...women are oversexualized because target audiences of young males play CONSOLE video games. Is that a good thing? No, quite the opposite actually. But to be shocked that Kitana wears heels, or that Sonya has cleavage seems shortsighted.

TL;DR - Mortal Kombat has boobs and high heels because the target audience demographic (men) like big boobed women in stilettos.

First and foremost, let's not operate under the assumption that any of this data is gospel or that it's saying exactly what you or I think or want it to say. Let's get that out of the way.

You can look all over the internet and find different numbers and different statistics for virtually anything, and on this topic, I've looked. I've done my homework, as you seem to have as well.

I can see why you'd say "short-sighted" in the context of Mortal Kombat because it's a violent fighting game and violent fighting games are predomintatly played by men.

However, I'd argue that this doesn't have to be the case, and that by jumping to this conclusion about fighting games and men and molding the content of their games to this data (specifically with regard to women), it's possible that they've created, or at least hastened / enhanced a self-fulfilling prophecy.

MK wasn't always like this. Look at Elizabeth Melacki's character model in MK1 versus what Sonya's alt looks like in MK9 or in MKvsDC. Sonya in MK3 and MK4 is still far more conservative by comparison, or at least more believable, but you can see it changing over time until we have what we have now. Why was this change made?

Regardless, as far as being short-sighted is concerned, I think it's short-sighted to think that sex sells a game that sold perfectly fine without it in the past, because it very well could act to shut out a female market that's been growing by leaps and bounds in the last decade and not just Farmville players / old lady Wii bowlers.

Business Insider article on whether sex sells

MK was a violent fighting game series. Does sex actually apply to a violent fighting game? Should it be applied regardless? If the target audience is adolescent males or hell, males in general, is that the image that they should be given of what women should look like, body type, act like, etc?

Does this affect the way young men and older men perceive women and female attractiveness, especially when combined with the endless avalanche of other advertising that tells them what their role is, what they should look like, what's manly, what women should like, their role in society etc etc?

I'll leave all of this stuff; this hornets nest for another day rather than kicking it now, but suffice to say, video games have had an issue with gender and it seems to be worsening as the domgraphics are shifting, as if the marketing is becoming more geared toward men as more women join the market.

As for where I got my stats, my apologies, the data that I've been quoting for years now, which I believe was from the ESRB, is a bit outdated. It was probably a study that I read in GameInformer, but again, I can't remember for sure.

But what looks familiar to me are the ESRB stats that list the average gamer age in 2010 as 34, but now it seems to be more around 30-31.

Most stats that I've seen from both the ESRB, the ESA and articles referencing their studies and other studies say that women over 18 represent 30+% of the gaming population and that they are the most rapidly increasing group of gamers in terms of numbers.

In contrast, male gamers 17 and younger stands at 19% of the gaming population. The key here, and where I'd say that your stats are at least in dispute, is that according to Nintendo, 50% of Wii players were female. According to MS, 38% of Xbox players were women.

But regardless, I could sit here and throw out stats all day and you could throw out stats, but the fact of the matter is that women DO play video games, the percentage of CONSOLE gamers that are women is increasing, and whether it's 50%, 48%, 47%, 45%, 40% (I've literally seen all five of those numbers recently), women play video games and a lot more likely do it on consoles than the 15% to 25% your source is indicating.

I feel like the industry for a long time had this idea that women aren't there, and that filtered down to some gamers (not all!) that have this "make me a sandwich" view of women gamers.

The reality seems to be that a lot of it was the industry simply ignoring women, thinking that, "oh, women aren't buying Barbie Horse Tea Party 3, they must not like video games." Or assuming that most only play Candy Crush on their mobile device.

This may be anectdotal, but my lady plays Candy Crush, Kirby's Epic Yarn and Mario Kart, sure, but she also plays DOA, Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur etc. I also dislike first person shooters and I'm definitely not alone in that regard, statistics be damned.

Bottom line: It's voluntary ignorance to put anyone in a box and say"you are this, therefore you like that." When the statistics aren't nearly as cut and dry as it might seem, no matter what the marketing ad wizards might read from the tea leaves. 38% or even 25% of 60,000,000 Xbox 360's sold is still a shit ton, and they weren't purchased to play Barbie Horse Tea Party 3. They're not waiting for a 360 version of Candy Crush.

Look, I'm not saying that women should be completely covered from head to toe just as I wouldn't say that about the men. I'm not slut-shaming or advocating high-modesty as some moral imperative. Not at all.

All I'm saying is that for both genders, I just want their apperance to be a strong extension of their character, just as their story, the way they talk, their attitude, their movement, whatever. Make them more believable. Look at Scorp and Subby in the new trailer. If we see Kitana this week and she's all boobs and fetish gear, I'll be a little disappointed.

Someone pointed out the fact that the women in MK9 are all the same height, have similar breast size, body type etc. I'd love to see in the next generation, the MK team look at this and do something more unique with the female characters than throw them in lingerie or bikinis in what's supposed to be a fight to death for the fate of the world. Maybe send the message to any female gamers out there, young and older and the guys as well that MK women aren't just hood ornaments.

That's my wish, unrealistic though it may be. Anyways, here are a few places on the interwebs with stats, though there are many MANY more out there.

Basic ESA "facts"

Older ERB stats
06/08/2014 12:34 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:
The point I was trying to make is: Mortal Kombat is NRS's creation it's up to them to decide what their characters look like and how how the characters dress. Maybe that is how a princess assassin looks in Outworld, no one has ever had that thought? Outworld is not Earth, we can't base their clothing on our standards because they're in an entirely different dimension.

As an artist myself, I know that everyone can create whatever they want to look like whatever they want it to look. But everyone should be entitled to criticism. And so far, my criticism has been somewhat negative to the choices the designers decide to make some of their characters.

However, let me explain myself about Kitana's outfit, seeing how she's the topic of this thread so far.

I have never once been a fan of Kitana's outfits. The only time I can actually say I sort of liked her outfit was her primary in Deadly Alliance and Mortal Kombat vs DC. There, they showed elegance. But then, they decide to just trash it up with the next game. In Deception, she has a blue alternate outfit to match Mileena's in Sindel's and Ermac's endings. Despite I can understand why they did this (just to not design a completely new outfit for her in endings), still. You go from a very decent look, to something 100% different, back to decent, and then back to 100% different. Like her fans, they change every single time.

And this is my point. They give her a look that speaks out as elegant and deadly at the same time. Had they continued to work off of her Deadly Alliance appearance, maybe, just maybe, I'd actually appreciate this character's outfits more than what they have been. But to get away from that kind of look just to make her more revealing is something that really annoys me. Out of all the fictional fantasy-like princesses that I've seen in the media, I really haven't seen any kind of princess that just wears outrageous outfits that doesn't fit the character. Kitana is that character. She's a fighting princess that never wears something that actually matches her character right.

Yes criticism is good, but ultimately it's still up to the artist.

As far as Kitana goes, my point can still be made, she is their creation, it's up to them to decide what fits her character. NRS obviously felt her 2011 appearance was fitting, I agree with them. I know some don't agree, but in the end it's up to the artist, we should be more respectful of them. I think Kitana's 2011 costumes are great, there are a few things I would change, but overall I have been waiting for Kitana to get something new for a long time, she pretty much had the same costumes since MK3. We know she was originally going to be in MKD with a costume similar to Mileena's so Kitana's 2011 look was just a step in that direction, we just didn't get the MKD transition, so everyone shit their pants when Kitana finally got something new. Jade, Mileena and Tanya all got their transition costumes in MKD, did everyone complain that those costumes were not fitting of their characters? Assume Kitana was in MKD and had a blue version of Mileena's costume, would everyone still have been as shocked at Kitana's 2011 look? I like the purple MKDA costume, I just hated that it was purple. The MKSM costume was okay and her MKDC was probably the worst she's ever had. This is just an assumption, but maybe Kitana has more in her closet than the same blue leotard.

06/08/2014 12:43 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
Yes criticism is good, but ultimately it's still up to the artist.

As far as Kitana goes, my point can still be made, she is their creation, it's up to them to decide what fits her character. NRS obviously felt her 2011 appearance was fitting, I agree with them. I know some don't agree, but in the end it's up to the artist, we should be more respectful of them. I think Kitana's 2011 costumes are great, there are a few things I would change, but overall I have been waiting for Kitana to get something new for a long time, she pretty much had the same costumes since MK3. We know she was originally going to be in MKD with a costume similar to Mileena's so Kitana's 2011 look was just a step in that direction, we just didn't get the MKD transition, so everyone shit their pants when Kitana finally got something new. I like the purple MKDA costume, I just hated that it was purple. The MKSM costume was okay an her MKDC was probably she worst she's ever had. This is just an assumption, but maybe Kitana has more in her closet than the same blue leotard.

I absolutely agree with you there.
her mk9 primary and mk2 outfits were the best costumes she's had so far.
About Me

06/08/2014 01:43 PM (UTC)
I think designs like the MKvsDC one are already better by default, because she at least looks like an assassin. The MK9 outfit still screams servant girl to me.

Overall I find the character designs we've seen in her ending, more interesting than any of the female designs we've seen in MK9.

06/08/2014 04:39 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
She didn't have giant breasts until MK:DA

See, I would say Hoskins definitely had "giant breasts". Her cleavage may not have been visible, but those are double-D's stretching out that spandex top with the bare midriff for sure. And Bridgette DID have her cleavage hanging out in the movie. It was obviously the only reason she was cast since she clearly didn't know martial arts and they never bothered subbing in a stuntwoman during her scene against Kano. They just wanted that shot of her hanging upside down for an extended period of time when she does the Leg Grab.

And her MKDA and Shaolin Monks outfits covered her up more than anything she's ever worn, those were actually really good costumes (I particularly miss her DA alt where she's in full uniform like she's going to a ceremonial function or something) so outside of complaints of her wearing her thong like WWE's Lita a couple times, I would say she wasn't "over"sexualized until the MK9 titty-vest.
06/08/2014 04:57 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:
She didn't have giant breasts until MK:DA

See, I would say Hoskins definitely had "giant breasts". Her cleavage may not have been visible, but those are double-D's stretching out that spandex top with the bare midriff for sure. And Bridgette DID have her cleavage hanging out in the movie. It was obviously the only reason she was cast since she clearly didn't know martial arts and they never bothered subbing in a stuntwoman during her scene against Kano. They just wanted that shot of her hanging upside down for an extended period of time when she does the Leg Grab.

And her MKDA and Shaolin Monks outfits covered her up more than anything she's ever worn, those were actually really good costumes (I particularly miss her DA alt where she's in full uniform like she's going to a ceremonial function or something) so outside of complaints of her wearing her thong like WWE's Lita a couple times, I would say she wasn't "over"sexualized until the MK9 titty-vest.

Oh, Hoskin's breasts were definitely huge.

Her cup size is probably the only sexual attribute Sonya has, but like you said, they've always been covered. I don't think Sonya should ever be portray as a sexual person. Hoskins' Sonya should always be the template. She was perfect.
About Me

-sig by MINION

06/08/2014 05:19 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
I think Kitana's 2011 costumes are great, there are a few things I would change, but overall I have been waiting for Kitana to get something new for a long time, she pretty much had the same costumes since MK3. We know she was originally going to be in MKD with a costume similar to Mileena's so Kitana's 2011 look was just a step in that direction, we just didn't get the MKD transition, so everyone shit their pants when Kitana finally got something new. Jade, Mileena and Tanya all got their transition costumes in MKD, did everyone complain that those costumes were not fitting of their characters? Assume Kitana was in MKD and had a blue version of Mileena's costume, would everyone still have been as shocked at Kitana's 2011 look?
This is interesting. She wouldn't have got "something like" Mileena's MKD primary that outfit was out and out meant for Kitana. Looking at Mileena's MKD concept art puts her in something similar to her MKD alt and her 2011 primary. So yeah MK2011 was the direction they were taking her in anyway. Kitana's MK2011 alt is BASICALLY an ugly version of what she would've worn in MKD.
06/08/2014 09:23 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:
I think Kitana's 2011 costumes are great, there are a few things I would change, but overall I have been waiting for Kitana to get something new for a long time, she pretty much had the same costumes since MK3. We know she was originally going to be in MKD with a costume similar to Mileena's so Kitana's 2011 look was just a step in that direction, we just didn't get the MKD transition, so everyone shit their pants when Kitana finally got something new. Jade, Mileena and Tanya all got their transition costumes in MKD, did everyone complain that those costumes were not fitting of their characters? Assume Kitana was in MKD and had a blue version of Mileena's costume, would everyone still have been as shocked at Kitana's 2011 look?
This is interesting. She wouldn't have got "something like" Mileena's MKD primary that outfit was out and out meant for Kitana. Looking at Mileena's MKD concept art puts her in something similar to her MKD alt and her 2011 primary. So yeah MK2011 was the direction they were taking her in anyway. Kitana's MK2011 alt is BASICALLY an ugly version of what she would've worn in MKD.

But that wasn't my question...

About Me

-sig by MINION

06/09/2014 12:11 AM (UTC)
Because I wasn't answering it.
06/09/2014 12:30 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
The MKSM costume was okay and her MKDC was probably she worst she's ever had. This is just an assumption, but maybe Kitana has more in her closet than the same blue leotard.

100% this!!
The DC outfit only worked in the sense that it had a superhero vibe to it, which I guess worked with the game.
But i'd love it if they just had Kitana (and the others) move away from the leotard . Surely even Edenian fashion changes over 20-odd years?! Have it as an alternate/DLC/secret, just change up the design somewhat.
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06/10/2014 09:40 PM (UTC)
Thank you NRS.

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"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

06/10/2014 09:51 PM (UTC)
A world of yes.

D'Vorah, Cassie Cage and Ferra are exactly what I'm looking for.
About Me

06/10/2014 10:06 PM (UTC)
The variation is already a lot better. We got a bug woman, a midget girl, and Cage's daughter, who actually has normal proportions and not a porn star physique.
About Me

06/10/2014 10:11 PM (UTC)
Nathan Wrote:
Thank you NRS.

06/10/2014 10:12 PM (UTC)
Seeing the first two female characters released, I would like to assume that I doubt we'll see any outrageous outfits like we did in the last game. Just doesn't seem like the right tone.
About Me
06/10/2014 10:14 PM (UTC)
Three females actually... Don't forget Ferra. lol
06/10/2014 10:34 PM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:
Three females actually... Don't forget Ferra. lol

Haha ahh yes I forgot about her. And she's wearing a two piece. Well, it's not a bad thing that she's wearing that.
06/11/2014 02:02 AM (UTC)
If Cassie Cage is any indication then I think that NRS has finally moved beyond the terrible female designs from the last game. I'm really pleased.
06/11/2014 03:03 AM (UTC)

"Yay small boobs and full coverage!"

Wtf is this world coming to?

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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/11/2014 03:09 AM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
Nathan Wrote:
Thank you NRS.


I think her face looks fine. Only gripe is I think she should look a tad bit younger. I'm guessing she should be in her early 20s? She's looking 30-early 40s there.
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