06/13/2014 08:06 AM (UTC)
Burqas. Make it happen /m/
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06/13/2014 08:16 AM (UTC)
KombatTime Wrote:
Sonya I understand, but I dont get why people are so afraid of women body. There are people that even see big boobs like something baaaaad, come on, they could offend big breasted women.

I'm a girl btw, and I find more offensive reading "Uuh all women should be covered!"

It's not that big breasts are inherently wrong, I personally am not bothered with them. Though Ferrara-type balloons are natural obscenities, not to mention the cause of her death.

The problem, alongside with high-heels, skimpy outfits etc. is that the type has become the norm. There is no novelty value to it anymore, it was good when it was something unique. Same way fatalities do not do much for me because 1. we are desensitized 2. overabundance.

Also why people want realism and so on in video games or fantasy? Why is Game of Thrones / Song of Ice and Fire so popular?

Easy: in order for fantasy to work it must be grounded somewhat in reality. You cannot pull anything out without backthought.

06/13/2014 08:53 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
KombatTime Wrote:
Sonya I understand, but I dont get why people are so afraid of women body. There are people that even see big boobs like something baaaaad, come on, they could offend big breasted women.

I'm a girl btw, and I find more offensive reading "Uuh all women should be covered!"

It's not that big breasts are inherently wrong, I personally am not bothered with them. Though Ferrara-type balloons are natural obscenities, not to mention the cause of her death.

The problem, alongside with high-heels, skimpy outfits etc. is that the type has become the norm. There is no novelty value to it anymore, it was good when it was something unique. Same way fatalities do not do much for me because 1. we are desensitized 2. overabundance.

Also why people want realism and so on in video games or fantasy? Why is Game of Thrones / Song of Ice and Fire so popular?

Easy: in order for fantasy to work it must be grounded somewhat in reality. You cannot pull anything out without backthought.

Game of Thrones is awesome, but MK it is not. I love MK because its is all about the Fantasy... an escape from things normal. If they want to ground themselves in normalville, then it'll be like selling out... soon they'll have to make believable fatalities?... coz they'e pretty absurd or worst yet, get rid of themwow. Why not Give sub-zero, mr. freeze's ice gun? coz cryomancers don't really exist... also Many men don't like women in games coz they consider them the weaker sex in the first place... Logically the entire game is absurd coz none of it makes sense.. Asking to get rid of certain aspects of it is like asking an artist to compromise their artistic vision because of what the critics say.

*At least on some level, Game of Thrones wasn't afraid of the female physique wink

I don't know about everyone else, but this not what I want for the future of MK

This is MK and NRS weren't afraid of what people said before, so why start now?.sad
06/13/2014 09:01 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
The problem, alongside with high-heels, skimpy outfits etc. is that the type has become the norm. There is no novelty value to it anymore, it was good when it was something unique. Same way fatalities do not do much for me because 1. we are desensitized 2. overabundance.

Also why people want realism and so on in video games or fantasy? Why is Game of Thrones / Song of Ice and Fire so popular?

Easy: in order for fantasy to work it must be grounded somewhat in reality. You cannot pull anything out without backthought.

My only problem with people playing the reality card in a critical context is they tend to only do it when conveniently backs up another agenda. Just another excuse to throw in the pile; if it hadn't already bothered them in different manner they wouldn't have cared less that it was unrealistic.

Skimpy costumes get subjected to that hypocrisy all the time. The mindset that clothing is only allowed to defy practical reality if it is concealing. Just as stupid of a mindset as the mindset that female characters should only wear skimpy costumes.
06/13/2014 02:10 PM (UTC)
The only thing that bugged me about MK9 women was Sonya having high heels. It just doesn't seem like something an operator would wear.
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/13/2014 02:43 PM (UTC)
KombatTime Wrote:
Sonya I understand, but I dont get why people are so afraid of women body. There are people that even see big boobs like something baaaaad, come on, they could offend big breasted women.

I'm a girl btw, and I find more offensive reading "Uuh all women should be covered!"

You have misunderstood basically the entire conversation in this thread.
06/13/2014 02:55 PM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Some article I found that might make you guys happy with what Ed Boon had to say about costume design for MKX. Link.

"And expect the game's female fighters to be dressed more modestly. Boon describes that as "a conscious effort." "When I look back on MK9, I think we turned the dial a little too high with the female anatomy and stuff like that," he says, acknowledging how ridiculous series veteran Sonya Blade looked in her cleavage-revealing vest and crop top. Her daughter, Cassie, wears a full body tactical suit with refreshingly little exposure."

There you go. It's whatever to me, but I'm sure it will make a lot of you happy.

I applaud NeatherRealm for doing the right thing. Can't wait to see the other awesome, powerful ladies! :)
06/20/2014 05:06 PM (UTC)
Progressive Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Some article I found that might make you guys happy with what Ed Boon had to say about costume design for MKX. Link.

"And expect the game's female fighters to be dressed more modestly. Boon describes that as "a conscious effort." "When I look back on MK9, I think we turned the dial a little too high with the female anatomy and stuff like that," he says, acknowledging how ridiculous series veteran Sonya Blade looked in her cleavage-revealing vest and crop top. Her daughter, Cassie, wears a full body tactical suit with refreshingly little exposure."

There you go. It's whatever to me, but I'm sure it will make a lot of you happy.

I applaud NeatherRealm for doing the right thing. Can't wait to see the other awesome, powerful ladies! :)


After seeing what they did with Cassie (she's wearing what could have easily been Sonya's costume in MK9), well, I am quite excited to see their take on MKX Sonya and the rest of the half naked MK9/MKD girls.
06/20/2014 05:11 PM (UTC)
Only the Edenian (elves) women should be sexy, the others should not be.

Sheeva sexy? common...
06/20/2014 05:52 PM (UTC)

I really don't see why this whole "logical costumes for the girls" debate suddenly heralds the arrival of the beginning of the end. Like seriously, what an over reaction.

They aren't "getting rid of certain aspects" by dressing the girls in something a bit more suited for the battle field. In fact, the girls have all worn costumes over the years that, whilst flattering, have all been relatively believable and practical. It's nothing new, at all.

There's not much to this debate that I can add which others haven't already. I just find it humorous that some fans think a domino effect will happen in terms of censorship solely because the developers learned from the last game's attrociously bad costumes.

All NRS have learned from their last game was that Tits and Ass shouldn't be the focal point of the female designs. It's not that the designers were incapable of creating interesting and appropriate costumes for each character: you'll notice all of the guys in the last game have interesting, elaborate costumes on them regardless if they included fantasy elements or not.

You didn't look at Ermac, Stryker or Quan Chi and think "Hehehe I'm gonna fap to shit zooming in on this mo-fo in the model viewer!" because the men weren't packaged and presented as sexually alluring entities. With the girls, regardless what role they had in the story they mainly stood out due to their oversized assets and revealing clothing: the whole incentive of their design was to be sexually alluring. Their character's suffered due to poor designs, and that's what bothered me more so than a bit of cleavage.

I design costumes for film and theatre for a living, and I can tell you from an experienced eye that those costumes in MK9 were easily one of the worst character related designs I've ever seen, with the exception of Sindel and Skarlet (who kinda needed skimpy costumes due to being powered by blood spill). I'm delighted to hear they've upped their game with MKX. After seeing the designs they produced for the Injustice females, I've high hopes for the girls in this game.
06/20/2014 06:37 PM (UTC)
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
Skarlet (who kinda needed skimpy costumes due to being powered by blood spill)

To be fair, she appears to be a shapeshifter made out of blood, or can turn her clothes into blood too when she teleports. So it doesn't seem to matter if the splatter hits her shirt or her skin, it's still touching her and she can absorb it.
But that's, y'know, bringing science to a clothes fight.
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06/20/2014 07:05 PM (UTC)
Honestly. The only female character in a video game that I wish was real and have a crush on is Chloe Frazer from Uncharted. Might be another one but can't for the life of me remember atm.
06/20/2014 07:16 PM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
Progressive Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Some article I found that might make you guys happy with what Ed Boon had to say about costume design for MKX. Link.

"And expect the game's female fighters to be dressed more modestly. Boon describes that as "a conscious effort." "When I look back on MK9, I think we turned the dial a little too high with the female anatomy and stuff like that," he says, acknowledging how ridiculous series veteran Sonya Blade looked in her cleavage-revealing vest and crop top. Her daughter, Cassie, wears a full body tactical suit with refreshingly little exposure."

There you go. It's whatever to me, but I'm sure it will make a lot of you happy.

I applaud NeatherRealm for doing the right thing. Can't wait to see the other awesome, powerful ladies! :)


After seeing what they did with Cassie (she's wearing what could have easily been Sonya's costume in MK9), well, I am quite excited to see their take on MKX Sonya and the rest of the half naked MK9/MKD girls.

Queve, are you just now getting here? I feel like I haven't seen you in any of the discussions since the announcement of the new game. You probably don't remember me, but I was here for 2011 and I'm trying to point out to myself all the people I remember from 2011.

06/20/2014 08:35 PM (UTC)
I have no problem with the girls being sexy and dressing in toilet paper! What I DO have a problem with is... where's the toilet paper outfit for the men?! With bouncing genitalia included please. Spread the love, let everyone embrace their inner slut <3

But really, unless they equally sexualize the men then NRS needs to tone it down and make outfits that fit with the personalities, functions, and roles of the characters. Just like they do with the guy characters. Mileena should be a slut, but even a slut doesn't walk around and fight in toilet paper. I'm always trying to get more women playing games and especially fighting games (in hopes that ultimately they might one day want to play at a competitive level in tournaments) but MK9 made it seem too much like a boy's club and like they wouldn't belong. So they never invested the time. It's a shame... we could be alienating someone with Justin Wong type talent from something as silly as refusing to zip up a girl's vest.

BTW saying MK has a history of having impractical and hyper-sexualized costumes is a lie. MK1-4 all had perfectly acceptable designs. And about 90% of the designs from MK5-8 were fine too (I think Frost had one of the best outfits ever. I was so happy they didn't make her look ridiculous standing next to Sub-Zero.) But for some reason all the women went in full slut mode in MK9.

Anyways, I'm sure others have touched on all the main talking points already in a far more effective way than I could. Just felt like giving my 2 cents. Also: I'm very happy with Cassie and Da'varoh's outfits. I hope this is the precedent they are setting with female's designs for this game.
06/20/2014 09:05 PM (UTC)
ItsDaveyJ Wrote:
Mileena should be a slut, but even a slut doesn't walk around and fight in toilet paper.

I think Frost had one of the best outfits ever. I was so happy they didn't make her look ridiculous standing next to Sub-Zero.) But for some reason all the women went in full slut mode in MK9.

Anyways, I'm sure others have touched on all the main talking points already in a far more effective way than I could. Just felt like giving my 2 cents. Also: I'm very happy with Cassie and Da'varoh's outfits. I hope this is the precedent they are setting with female's designs for this game.

May I just ask why the word "slut" is thrown around so much on this? None of these characters behave like they are sexually active. They're not seen to engage in any sexual relations with the male characters nor are any of them overtly flirtatious with any of the cast. So how are they sluts? It's bad wording. We need another adjective or word to use in this case.

In fact, if they were any of the above, that to me would make their outfits more palatable. They dress like horny hookers because they act like horny hookers. The costumes would at least make sense then.

Also, on the subject of Mileena, I have to disagree with your statement she "should be a slut". First and foremost, long before Deception brought in that sultry femme fatale element to her character, she was an opportunist, calculating, manipulative, and vicious. All of her endings and bio's from MK2-MK4 depicted her as a woman who had no issues with turning against her masters or allies for the chance of power.

She's always been the type of character who's had aspirations and goals of her own and I don't believe her sexual nature from one game should be the predominant personality trait she has. Of all the girls, yes, she should be the most lascivious in her body language and clothing, but I don't think her other personality traits she be diminished by that.
06/20/2014 09:17 PM (UTC)
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
May I just ask why the word "slut" is thrown around so much on this? None of these characters behave like they are sexually active. They're not seen to engage in any sexual relations with the male characters nor are any of them overtly flirtatious with any of the cast. So how are they sluts? It's bad wording. We need another adjective or word to use in this case.

In fact, if they were any of the above, that to me would make their outfits more palatable. They dress like horny hookers because they act like horny hookers. The costumes would at least make sense then.

Also, on the subject of Mileena, I have to disagree with your statement she "should be a slut". First and foremost, long before Deception brought in that sultry femme fatale element to her character, she was an opportunist, calculating, manipulative, and vicious. All of her endings and bio's from MK2-MK4 depicted her as a woman who had no issues with turning against her masters or allies for the chance of power.

She's always been the type of character who's had aspirations and goals of her own and I don't believe her sexual nature from one game should be the predominant personality trait she has. Of all the girls, yes, she should be the most lascivious in her body language and clothing, but I don't think her other personality traits she be diminished by that.

Yeah it's a bad habit I have with my vocabulary. I should phase out the word but sometimes I forget to and it's what comes out of my mouth (or I type) without realizing it. If we could just find a shorter 4 letter word for "scantily clad woman" or something then it would make my life so much easier. But yeah, I probably should have used different wording.

I never said that Mileena's other personality traits need to be diminished. What I meant to convey was that Mileena is indeed a sexual woman and she is shown to be the most sexual female character in the cast. And just like how her opportunistic, manipulative, etc. characteristics shouldn't be diminished or dismissed... neither should her sexuality. Basically what I am trying to say is that Mileena should be a good measuring point for NRS. If you have a female character that is dressed more provocatively and similarly provocative then you should probably tone it down. Unless it's Skarlet I guess. Meanwhile someone like Sonya would probably be on the opposite end of that spectrum.
06/20/2014 09:23 PM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
queve Wrote:
Progressive Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Some article I found that might make you guys happy with what Ed Boon had to say about costume design for MKX. Link.

"And expect the game's female fighters to be dressed more modestly. Boon describes that as "a conscious effort." "When I look back on MK9, I think we turned the dial a little too high with the female anatomy and stuff like that," he says, acknowledging how ridiculous series veteran Sonya Blade looked in her cleavage-revealing vest and crop top. Her daughter, Cassie, wears a full body tactical suit with refreshingly little exposure."

There you go. It's whatever to me, but I'm sure it will make a lot of you happy.

I applaud NeatherRealm for doing the right thing. Can't wait to see the other awesome, powerful ladies! :)


After seeing what they did with Cassie (she's wearing what could have easily been Sonya's costume in MK9), well, I am quite excited to see their take on MKX Sonya and the rest of the half naked MK9/MKD girls.

Queve, are you just now getting here? I feel like I haven't seen you in any of the discussions since the announcement of the new game. You probably don't remember me, but I was here for 2011 and I'm trying to point out to myself all the people I remember from 2011.

What happened to your account? I remember you from years ago, 19 visits seems weird.
06/21/2014 01:01 AM (UTC)
SnarkyArky Wrote:
The only thing that bugged me about MK9 women was Sonya having high heels.

And not her essentially going topless save for that flimsy life vest she wore?
06/21/2014 01:23 AM (UTC)
KombatTime Wrote:
Sonya I understand, but I dont get why people are so afraid of women body. There are people that even see big boobs like something baaaaad, come on, they could offend big breasted women.

I'm a girl btw, and I find more offensive reading "Uuh all women should be covered!"

No one in this thread are afraid of a woman's body when it comes to fighting games. Majority of those that posted in here have agreed that they'd rather see a costume more suitable for the character rather than having them just be dressed in a skanky manner. And that's literally the main point of where I was aiming with this thread.

I'm not getting any vibe from anyone saying that they need to be covered more. And if they are, so what? Why does that bother you if there are people that WANT to see more women covered?

I had drawn this costume for Kitana because I was sick and tired of seeing here wear something that doesn't represent both assassin and princess, and this is what I managed to get:

And those who I've shown this to, have actually said they would LOVE to see something more in this direction rather than having her wear some skimpy little outfit that hardly defies her both as a princess and an assassin. Yeah, she's covered more, but is that really a problem?
06/21/2014 02:25 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
KombatTime Wrote:
Sonya I understand, but I dont get why people are so afraid of women body. There are people that even see big boobs like something baaaaad, come on, they could offend big breasted women.

I'm a girl btw, and I find more offensive reading "Uuh all women should be covered!"

No one in this thread are afraid of a woman's body when it comes to fighting games. Majority of those that posted in here have agreed that they'd rather see a costume more suitable for the character rather than having them just be dressed in a skanky manner. And that's literally the main point of where I was aiming with this thread.

I'm not getting any vibe from anyone saying that they need to be covered more. And if they are, so what? Why does that bother you if there are people that WANT to see more women covered?

I had drawn this costume for Kitana because I was sick and tired of seeing here wear something that doesn't represent both assassin and princess, and this is what I managed to get:

And those who I've shown this to, have actually said they would LOVE to see something more in this direction rather than having her wear some skimpy little outfit that hardly defies her both as a princess and an assassin. Yeah, she's covered more, but is that really a problem?

Beautiful drawing. I'm just not a fan of the costume really. My favorite design is actually Mileena's MKD costume. The open robe thing I liked that a lot. If they could do something like that for Kitana. Like Kitana's alternate costume from MK9, great costume, but everything should be all one piece, like a robe, instead of the top and bottom being two prices. The backwards apron looks pretty weird.

06/21/2014 03:02 PM (UTC)
Upset about Sonyas 2011 appearance?
What? Why? What's wrong with you?
06/21/2014 03:36 PM (UTC)
I actually love the MK9 costumes. They were some of my favorites from the series (male & female) and I applaud NRS for their cavalier attitude for that title...hope they don't lose it wink
06/21/2014 05:06 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
KombatTime Wrote:
Sonya I understand, but I dont get why people are so afraid of women body. There are people that even see big boobs like something baaaaad, come on, they could offend big breasted women.

I'm a girl btw, and I find more offensive reading "Uuh all women should be covered!"

No one in this thread are afraid of a woman's body when it comes to fighting games. Majority of those that posted in here have agreed that they'd rather see a costume more suitable for the character rather than having them just be dressed in a skanky manner. And that's literally the main point of where I was aiming with this thread.

I'm not getting any vibe from anyone saying that they need to be covered more. And if they are, so what? Why does that bother you if there are people that WANT to see more women covered?

I had drawn this costume for Kitana because I was sick and tired of seeing here wear something that doesn't represent both assassin and princess, and this is what I managed to get:

And those who I've shown this to, have actually said they would LOVE to see something more in this direction rather than having her wear some skimpy little outfit that hardly defies her both as a princess and an assassin. Yeah, she's covered more, but is that really a problem?

Seeing your drawing started jogging my imagination because some of that patterning reminded me of Indonesian kebaya dresses. It could be really interesting for that to be the basis of Kitana's/Mileena's royal outfits. I would like them to stick with the Arabic based designs for their more casual outfits but Indonesian kebaya looks a lot more opulent which is befitting a queen/princess. Here's a kebaya dress for anybody who isn't familiar with it.

Of course I'd like NRS to take some liberties (like for one not making it a dress... it still needs to be functional in combat haha) and spice it up with a little sex appeal much like they have done with the Arabic-based designs... but I think it could look quite nice for Kitana's "Princess" outfits.
06/21/2014 05:16 PM (UTC)
ItsDaveyJ Wrote:

Of course I'd like NRS to take some liberties (like for one not making it a dress... it still needs to be functional in combat haha) and spice it up with a little sex appeal much like they have done with the Arabic-based designs... but I think it could look quite nice for Kitana's "Princess" outfits.

I disagree with the idea of dresses not being suitable for combat.

Whenever I design female characters, and some male characters, I tend tend to give them each a dress, even if only as a formality. The contrast provides a great image, and the physical largeness of it can make for great defense and evasion.

One of my greatest achievements in this is my dear Persephone.

I've been wanting Kitana to have a dress for years. I do hope one day she receives it. It would be a glorious and new sight.

06/21/2014 05:22 PM (UTC)
When I said not making it a dress I was making reference to the picture I posted. Sorry if I was unclear. I don't mind dresses per se but they have to have some practical alterations. Things like pencil dresses that are far too restricting to pull off a kick aren't viable options for example. Long length dresses with a train that are just asking to be tripped on aren't good either.
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