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03/31/2015 04:17 AM (UTC)

sharefrock Wrote:

Please tell me all the stupid shit you post is all sarcasm from now on, and that you don't mean any of it, and I think people (including me) will probably like you more on this forum.

Let us start with this "new" theory you have.

You're saying Brutalities aren't new. Technically, they aren't because MK3 had Brutalities. Now you must compare both presentations of Brutalities. MK3 had a totally different presentation of Brutalities then the ones we see in MKX. Therefore, while "Brutalities" are not new this time around because we have seen them before in terms of concept and name, the presentation, design, and execution of Brutalities this time around do indeed make them new.

You comparing Death Traps to MKX's Brutalities. Death Traps were the new era's Stage Fatalities. The only thing Death Traps and Brutalities have in common is that they kill a character. Nothing else. This argument or point or whatever is discarded.

You say they are "watered-down" Fatalities, therefore they're not good enough. Please explain this point because it's actually ridiculous.
03/31/2015 04:19 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

All just variables and no there is no language barrier, buddy. And saying it time after time doesn't make it true. English may be my 8th language but I still speak it pretty good otherwise you wouldn't have understood what I've been saying all along and replied to me.

Brutalities are not completely new, it's like re-skinning something.

I'll give you an example, If someone used to wear dirty clothes and one day changed to very fancy clothes that doesn't make him a new person, it just changed something about him which is his clothes.

Brutalities are the same case, they changed a couple of things here and there but they are not new, they are not something that has not been done before. Basically they are a combination of fatalities of death traps and classic fatalities, and you can clearly see the similarities therefore not new.

Yeah I also understand telemarketers but only half the time and they are very hard to understand and converse with. Not a dig, but like I said, It creates complications in trying to make a point. Especially when you are still focusing on that word "new".

Take this example: When a baby is born, is that a "new" baby? I am going to let you answer first before I explain.
03/31/2015 04:23 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
newt27 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

Now that you back away from what you said before which is that they are new, I can agree with you.

Yes they add more(in amount) than what Stage fatalities could have added. Yes they are different than Stage fatalities but that does not make them a completely unique thing.

It is unique.

I didn't back away from what I said, I rephrased my argument. Again, language barrier. Here is a definition of new, although keep in mind English is a funny language and words can mean different things. Your argument is pretty based on that word.

already existing but seen, experienced, or acquired recently or now for the first time.

They do not just add in amount, they add in the other ways I previously specified.

All just variables and no there is no language barrier, buddy. And saying it time after time doesn't make it true. English may be my 8th language but I still speak it pretty good otherwise you wouldn't have understood what I've been saying all along and replied to me.

Brutalities are not completely new, it's like re-skinning something.

I'll give you an example, If someone used to wear dirty clothes and one day changed to very fancy clothes that doesn't make him a new person, it just changed something about him which is his clothes.

Brutalities are the same case, they changed a couple of things here and there but they are not new, they are not something that has not been done before. Basically they are a combination of death traps and classic fatalities, and you can clearly see the similarities therefore not new.

U are basically comparing getting lucky and knocking someone off a cliff to actually winning by fighting.
03/31/2015 04:23 AM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:

So you would rather have a couple of stage fatalities as opposed to 100+ brutalities, faction kills, and Quitalities?
And you really think you would have "appreciated them" if they had those few stage fatalities instead of all of the new, innovative stuff they have put forward?! You would not even be aware of what new brutalities are like if they did not devote their time to it. You don't like quick, brutal, to the point finishers that you can string into a combo? Fine, don't use them. You don't like being able to use your MK factions assistance to finish the enemy in a new way? Fine, don't use them. You would rather have a finisher that has something to do with the background? Well that has been done many of times before.OTHER than the nostalgic effect, I cant see any reason somebody would prefer stage fatalities over those three things.
Again, main point: What are stage fatalities good for other than nostalgia?

...you didn't say 'worthy'... but you said a lot that left the implication of it in the air.

Brutalities should've been appealing to that same sense of nostalgia stage fatalities provide IMO, but it failed.
03/31/2015 04:24 AM (UTC)
Wow. A thread about Stage Finishers devolved into arguments about Brutalities. Damn.

Brutalities are stylish/skill-based ways of ending a match. Almost anyone can enter five button presses, but Brutalites are akin to MK9's Babalities in that they offer more humiliation than a Fatality ever could. They aren't a "watered-down" anything. They are a show of skill. The only possible thing wrong with them is that they might have used a better title for them, but the mechanic itself is fantastic.

Can we put the Brutalities debate to bed now?
03/31/2015 04:25 AM (UTC)
Brutalities are so much simpler than fatalities and that's the beauty of it. It's fast, it's efficient, and it's brutal.

I would much rather pull off a brutality than watch a 10 second gore-fest.
03/31/2015 04:26 AM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

Please tell me all the stupid shit you post is all sarcasm from now, and that you don't mean any of it, and I think people (including me) will probably like you more on this forum.

Let us start with this "new" theory you have.

You're saying Brutalities aren't new. Technically, they aren't because MK3 had Brutalities. Now you must compare both presentations of Brutalities. MK3 had a totally different presentation of Brutalities then the ones we see in MKX. Therefore, while "Brutalities" are not new this time around because we have seen them before in terms of concept and name, the presentation, design, and execution of Brutalities this time around do indeed make them new.

You comparing Death Traps to MKX's Brutalities. Death Traps were the new era's Stage Fatalities. The only thing Death Traps and Brutalities have in common is that they kill a character. Nothing else. This argument or point or whatever is discarded.

You say they are "watered-down" Fatalities, therefore they're not good enough. Please explain this point because it's actually ridiculous.

Actually they are also similar in that you can do them before the announcer says finish him. So you obviously have not done your homework there, have you?

I'll explain to you how Brutalities are watered-down fatalities even though I think it's funny that I have to explain it, it's funny that you can't see it.

When you look at Ermac's or Kung Lao's fatalities and how awesome they are and compare them to the stupid Ermac or Kung Lao brutality we saw. The difference is that Brutalities act as fatalities but only not as good. Tell what makes Brutalities different outside of the "You can do them in a combo" which death traps had or "You can do them before the announcer says finish him" which death traps also did or "they are fast" when MK1 already did. Where is the "NEW" about them. I don't see.
About Me
MKO's Sig of the Week Contest - Coming Soon! PM for details on how you can be a part of it!
03/31/2015 04:26 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
Brutalities are so much simpler than fatalities and that's the beauty of it. It's fast, it's efficient, and it's brutal.

I would much rather pull off a brutality than watch a 10 second gore-fest.

I remember people wanting to see bones breaking, skin being ripped off, organs exploding, blood spattering, in the re-imagining of Brutalities. *shrugs*
03/31/2015 04:27 AM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:

I know what brutalities use to be. I'm not a new fan. Also for some reason I doubt they are going to have u turtle. It seems more like use a specific power a couple times and end the match with it. Each variation will probably have a differnt one but we will see. If I happen to end the match with one that's great. It's a yea that's right kinda moment. If not I just don't.

In the stream that debuted brutalities they literally said, to perform a brutality you could have to do something like turtle X amount of times.
03/31/2015 04:30 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:

...you didn't say 'worthy'... but you said a lot that left the implication of it in the air.

Brutalities should've been appealing to that same sense of nostalgia stage fatalities provide IMO, but it failed.

Your right, I did and that is why I defended it.

I get you want that nostalgia, its gratifying.

How would they go about getting that feel while still doing something unique though?

I like what they did with brutalities. Would you be happy if there were a couple of brutalities that you see later on that give you this nostalgic feel. I dunno, say, Johnny Cage beating someone until they explode into 20 skulls and 50 femurs? lol

I don't think NRS should be prioritizing nostalgia. How would they ever progress?!
03/31/2015 04:31 AM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

All just variables and no there is no language barrier, buddy. And saying it time after time doesn't make it true. English may be my 8th language but I still speak it pretty good otherwise you wouldn't have understood what I've been saying all along and replied to me.

Brutalities are not completely new, it's like re-skinning something.

I'll give you an example, If someone used to wear dirty clothes and one day changed to very fancy clothes that doesn't make him a new person, it just changed something about him which is his clothes.

Brutalities are the same case, they changed a couple of things here and there but they are not new, they are not something that has not been done before. Basically they are a combination of fatalities of death traps and classic fatalities, and you can clearly see the similarities therefore not new.

Yeah I also understand telemarketers but only half the time and they are very hard to understand and converse with. Not a dig, but like I said, It creates complications in trying to make a point. Especially when you are still focusing on that word "new".

Take this example: When a baby is born, is that a "new" baby? I am going to let you answer first before I explain.

I'm not a telemarketer, you don't have to talk to me but you still do which means you clearly understand me.

Yes the baby is new to our world because he is a new life on this earth.

Brutalities have always been there but now they are just changed to watered-down fatalities.
03/31/2015 04:32 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
I'm a little disappointed that there won't be stage fatalities. However, the total package of what we're getting far outweighs that shortcoming.



The time they spent developing Quitalities could have been spent on adding Stage Fatalities, wasted time and effort in my opinion for something only a handful of people clamored for.

Leaving out an MK staple finisher for a stupid ass gimmick that will only occur on occasion?

Sorry but that shit gets me heated as fuck.
03/31/2015 04:32 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
Windice Wrote:

I know what brutalities use to be. I'm not a new fan. Also for some reason I doubt they are going to have u turtle. It seems more like use a specific power a couple times and end the match with it. Each variation will probably have a differnt one but we will see. If I happen to end the match with one that's great. It's a yea that's right kinda moment. If not I just don't.

In the stream that debuted brutalities they literally said, to perform a brutality you could have to do something like turtle X amount of times.

I'm pretty sure he said that as an example. That may or not be a requirement, and I doubt it would be.

03/31/2015 04:35 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

I'm not a telemarketer, you don't have to talk to me, but you still do which means you clearly understand me.

Yes the baby is new to our world because he is a new life on this earth.

Brutalities have always been there but now they are just changed to watered-down fatalities.

But... That baby is not "new"! We have had babies before! This baby only has some variables that are different from the last baby! Skin tone, Size, Shape, Brain Capacity, Parents.... those are just variables! We've had children come out of vagina's before! This baby isn't new!

Who do I sound like? lol

Whoever said something brilliant then said "can this put an end to the brutality argument" wins. I'm done here.
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Wow. A thread about Stage Finishers devolved into arguments about Brutalities. Damn. Brutalities are stylish/skill-based ways of ending a match. Almost anyone can enter five button presses, but Brutalites are akin to MK9's Babalities in that they offer more humiliation than a Fatality ever could. They aren't a "watered-down" anything. They are a show of skill. The only possible thing wrong with them is that they might have used a better title for them, but the mechanic itself is fantastic. Can we put the Brutalities debate to bed now?
03/31/2015 04:37 AM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

I'm not a telemarketer, you don't have to talk to me, but you still do which means you clearly understand me.

Yes the baby is new to our world because he is a new life on this earth.

Brutalities have always been there but now they are just changed to watered-down fatalities.

But... That baby is not "new"! We have had babies before! This baby only has some variables that are different from the last baby! Skin tone, Size, Shape, Brain Capacity, Parents.... those are just variables! We've had children come out of vagina's before! This baby isn't new!

Who do I sound like? lol

Whoever said something brilliant then said "can this put an end to the brutality argument" wins. I'm done here.

It's a waste of time dude, it's like arguing with a fucking peanut.
03/31/2015 04:38 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
Windice Wrote:

I know what brutalities use to be. I'm not a new fan. Also for some reason I doubt they are going to have u turtle. It seems more like use a specific power a couple times and end the match with it. Each variation will probably have a differnt one but we will see. If I happen to end the match with one that's great. It's a yea that's right kinda moment. If not I just don't.

In the stream that debuted brutalities they literally said, to perform a brutality you could have to do something like turtle X amount of times.

For some reason. I'm sure every character will have a easy one and they will have some harder ones for more humiliating
03/31/2015 04:38 AM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

I'm not a telemarketer, you don't have to talk to me, but you still do which means you clearly understand me.

Yes the baby is new to our world because he is a new life on this earth.

Brutalities have always been there but now they are just changed to watered-down fatalities.

But... That baby is not "new"! We have had babies before! This baby only has some variables that are different from the last baby! Skin tone, Size, Shape, Brain Capacity, Parents.... those are just variables! We've had children come out of vagina's before! This baby isn't new!

Who do I sound like? lol

Whoever said something brilliant then said "can this put an end to the brutality argument" wins. I'm done here.

Of course you are done, because like a 9 year old kid you try to twist the argument when I clearly explained how a new baby is not the same as the brutalities, to be honest, It's stupid from you to even think that the baby example works here.

A baby is a new soul and life to our world.

Brutalities have been there since MK3 they are not new, they are just changed into watered-down fatalities.

I don't even know why I'm still trying to explain it to an obvious slow-minded person.
About Me
MKO's Sig of the Week Contest - Coming Soon! PM for details on how you can be a part of it!
03/31/2015 04:40 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:<
Actually they are also similar in that you can do them before the announcer says finish him. So you obviously have not done your homework there, have you?

I'll explain to you how Brutalities are watered-down fatalities even though I think it's funny that I have to explain it, it's funny that you can't see it.

When you look at Ermac's or Kung Lao's fatalities and how awesome they are and compare them to the stupid Ermac or Kung Lao brutality we saw. The difference is that Brutalities act as fatalities but only not as good. Tell what makes Brutalities different outside of the "You can do them in a combo" which death traps had or "You can do them before the announcer says finish him" which death traps also did or "they are fast" when MK1 already did. Where is the "NEW" about them. I don't see.

I like how you disregarded my point of them being new. Classic sharefrock.

Oh. You forgot to mention that they are also similar in the fact that the announcer says "Winner" on both, and that you can potentially win a match with both of them. Oh and they make a character spill blood. Come on now. Be serious.

Are Death Traps custom to each character?
Did you have to perform certain moves/actions during the coarse of a match to activate a Death Trap?
Did Death Traps have a certain timing in when they needed to be activated, like when your opponent is in near his last line of life? .... a few questions you could have asked yourself.

Since when did Fatalities have to be so extreme in terms of gore (or whatever you're judging them by) to be considered "good"? Now you're entering your own personal view on things, therefore it would be important for you say that in your own opinion, they are watered-down Fatalities and act as shitty finishers. In that subject, do you also consider every Fatality from the MK1-MKT era because they aren't as gory, extreme, and brutal as Ermac's or Kung Lao's?
03/31/2015 04:40 AM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:

How would they go about getting that feel while still doing something unique though?

I like what they did with brutalities. Would you be happy if there were a couple of brutalities that you see later on that give you this nostalgic feel. I dunno, say, Johnny Cage beating someone until they explode into 20 skulls and 50 femurs? lol

I don't think NRS should be prioritizing nostalgia. How would they ever progress?!

Easy, name it something else. Those aren't brutalities. I don't need 20 skulls and arms and legs, granted when they said brutalities it was what I expected. Everyone thinks that crazy combo that left your opponent obliterated was so silly, but they could live with babalities?

You can progress while not dismissing the basics. Stage fatalities are basics. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and even Baraka are basics. Johnny Cage decimating all the competition is so far from everything that I know is Mortal Kombat.
03/31/2015 04:43 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
newt27 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

I'm not a telemarketer, you don't have to talk to me, but you still do which means you clearly understand me.

Yes the baby is new to our world because he is a new life on this earth.

Brutalities have always been there but now they are just changed to watered-down fatalities.

But... That baby is not "new"! We have had babies before! This baby only has some variables that are different from the last baby! Skin tone, Size, Shape, Brain Capacity, Parents.... those are just variables! We've had children come out of vagina's before! This baby isn't new!

Who do I sound like? lol

Whoever said something brilliant then said "can this put an end to the brutality argument" wins. I'm done here.

Of course you are done, because like a 9 year old kid you try to twist the argument when I clearly explained how a new baby is not the same as the brutalities, to be honest, It's stupid from you to even think that the baby example works here.

A baby is a new soul and life to our world.

Brutalities have been there since MK3 they are not new, they are just changed into watered-down fatalities.

I don't even know why I'm still trying to explain it to an obvious slow-minded person.

You are kinda going off track with the whole soul thing. You should say personality.
03/31/2015 04:46 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
moneyguy Wrote:
Windice Wrote:

I know what brutalities use to be. I'm not a new fan. Also for some reason I doubt they are going to have u turtle. It seems more like use a specific power a couple times and end the match with it. Each variation will probably have a differnt one but we will see. If I happen to end the match with one that's great. It's a yea that's right kinda moment. If not I just don't.

In the stream that debuted brutalities they literally said, to perform a brutality you could have to do something like turtle X amount of times.

I'm pretty sure he said that as an example. That may or not be a requirement, and I doubt it would be.

Pretty sure it was said there would be ridiculous requirements to pull off. Button mashing and stuff.
03/31/2015 04:46 AM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:<
Actually they are also similar in that you can do them before the announcer says finish him. So you obviously have not done your homework there, have you?

I'll explain to you how Brutalities are watered-down fatalities even though I think it's funny that I have to explain it, it's funny that you can't see it.

When you look at Ermac's or Kung Lao's fatalities and how awesome they are and compare them to the stupid Ermac or Kung Lao brutality we saw. The difference is that Brutalities act as fatalities but only not as good. Tell what makes Brutalities different outside of the "You can do them in a combo" which death traps had or "You can do them before the announcer says finish him" which death traps also did or "they are fast" when MK1 already did. Where is the "NEW" about them. I don't see.

I like how you disregarded my point of them being new. Classic sharefrock.

Oh. You forgot to mention that they are also similar in the fact that the announcer says "Winner" on both, and that you can potentially win a match with both of them. Oh and they make a character spill blood. Come on now. Be serious.

Are Death Traps custom to each character?
Did you have to perform certain moves/actions during the coarse of a match to activate a Death Trap?
Did Death Traps have a certain timing in when they needed to be activated, like when your opponent is in near his last line of life? .... a few questions you could have asked yourself.

Since when did Fatalities have to be so extreme in terms of gore (or whatever you're judging them by) to be considered "good"? Now you're entering your own personal view on things, therefore it would be important for you say that in your own opinion, they are watered-down Fatalities and act as shitty finishers. In that subject, do you also consider every Fatality from the MK1-MKT era because they aren't as gory, extreme, and brutal as Ermac's or Kung Lao's?

Again, I said that I think they are shitty and I said that it's subjective just like when you say they are new. When you say they are new, you are just being subjective because all the things the brutalities do have been done before.

Being custom to each character doesn't make them new... were babalities new in MK9? Even though they were custom depending on which character the babality was done on, it was a different spin but babalities were not and are not new.

Fatalities don't have to be all gore but they do have to be good, for me the brutalities are not good which is subjective, obviously(I feel bad that I have to say it because I'm afraid you'll take out of context like you take most stuff, poor guy.) But saying they are NEW is just stupid. it's a different spin, true. but not a new one.
03/31/2015 04:47 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

Of course you are done, because like a 9 year old kid you try to twist the argument when I clearly explained how a new baby is not the same as the brutalities, to be honest, It's stupid from you to even think that the baby example works here.

A baby is a new soul and life to our world.

Brutalities have been there since MK3 they are not new, they are just changed into watered-down fatalities.

I don't even know why I'm still trying to explain it to an obvious slow-minded person.

I can't help myself....

Soul= opinion, but lets not get into the religion debate. Prove to me a soul exists... this will be great :).

I'm using something called simple logic, and your coming back with insults calling me slow minded even though its clear the majority of posters here do not agree with you.

The baby example is a stretch, I know, but it exemplifies the complexity of English language, and the flaw in your argument.

You said everything I mentioned was just variables, insinuating that simply changing variables cannot create something new. You're wrong there, because the only difference from baby to baby are variables.

03/31/2015 04:50 AM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

Of course you are done, because like a 9 year old kid you try to twist the argument when I clearly explained how a new baby is not the same as the brutalities, to be honest, It's stupid from you to even think that the baby example works here.

A baby is a new soul and life to our world.

Brutalities have been there since MK3 they are not new, they are just changed into watered-down fatalities.

I don't even know why I'm still trying to explain it to an obvious slow-minded person.

I can't help myself....

Soul= opinion, but lets not get into the religion debate. Prove to me a soul exists... this will be great :).

I'm using something called simple logic, and your coming back with insults calling me slow minded even though its clear the majority of posters here do not agree with you.

The baby example is a stretch, I know, but it exemplifies the complexity of English language, and the flaw in your argument.

You said everything I mentioned was just variables, insinuating that simply changing variables cannot create something new. You're wrong there, because the only difference from baby to baby are variables.

Look at you going into the religion argument even though you clearly understood what I mean. Okay, kid. Forget about the soul part and just look at the new life part which you obviously can't counter-point otherwise you would have already done so.

Brutalities have always been there but the baby was not always in our life. he is a new formed life.

Brutalities are not a new thing that was not always there. Get it now?
03/31/2015 04:51 AM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

Of course you are done, because like a 9 year old kid you try to twist the argument when I clearly explained how a new baby is not the same as the brutalities, to be honest, It's stupid from you to even think that the baby example works here.

A baby is a new soul and life to our world.

Brutalities have been there since MK3 they are not new, they are just changed into watered-down fatalities.

I don't even know why I'm still trying to explain it to an obvious slow-minded person.

I can't help myself....

Soul= opinion, but lets not get into the religion debate. Prove to me a soul exists... this will be great :).

I'm using something called simple logic, and your coming back with insults calling me slow minded even though its clear the majority of posters here do not agree with you.

The baby example is a stretch, I know, but it exemplifies the complexity of English language, and the flaw in your argument.

You said everything I mentioned was just variables, insinuating that simply changing variables cannot create something new. You're wrong there, because the only difference from baby to baby are variables.

Shang Tsung steals Souls.


How about we keep the Religion debate OFF MKO and we stay on topic huh?

Not that y'all did in the first place as someone stated before Stage Fatality discussion turned into a Brutality debate somehow.

Let's get this train back on the tracks.

Talk about how NRS wasted precious Dev time and resources on Quitalities when they could of spent those resources and time on Stage Fatalities

Atleast SZ's 2nd Fatality gives me that nostalgic Pit feeling to a certain extent.
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