03/31/2015 04:51 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:<
Actually they are also similar in that you can do them before the announcer says finish him. So you obviously have not done your homework there, have you?

I'll explain to you how Brutalities are watered-down fatalities even though I think it's funny that I have to explain it, it's funny that you can't see it.

When you look at Ermac's or Kung Lao's fatalities and how awesome they are and compare them to the stupid Ermac or Kung Lao brutality we saw. The difference is that Brutalities act as fatalities but only not as good. Tell what makes Brutalities different outside of the "You can do them in a combo" which death traps had or "You can do them before the announcer says finish him" which death traps also did or "they are fast" when MK1 already did. Where is the "NEW" about them. I don't see.

I like how you disregarded my point of them being new. Classic sharefrock.

Oh. You forgot to mention that they are also similar in the fact that the announcer says "Winner" on both, and that you can potentially win a match with both of them. Oh and they make a character spill blood. Come on now. Be serious.

Are Death Traps custom to each character?
Did you have to perform certain moves/actions during the coarse of a match to activate a Death Trap?
Did Death Traps have a certain timing in when they needed to be activated, like when your opponent is in near his last line of life? .... a few questions you could have asked yourself.

Since when did Fatalities have to be so extreme in terms of gore (or whatever you're judging them by) to be considered "good"? Now you're entering your own personal view on things, therefore it would be important for you say that in your own opinion, they are watered-down Fatalities and act as shitty finishers. In that subject, do you also consider every Fatality from the MK1-MKT era because they aren't as gory, extreme, and brutal as Ermac's or Kung Lao's?

Again, I said that I think they are shitty and I said that it's subjective just like when you say they are new. When you say they are new, you are just being subjective because all the things the brutalities do have been done before.

Being custom to each character doesn't make them new... were babalities new in MK9? Even though they were custom depending on which character the babality was done on, it was a different spin but babalities were not and are not new.

Fatalities don't have to be all gore but they do have to be good, for me the brutalities are not good which is subjective, obviously(I feel bad that I have to say it because I'm afraid you'll take out of context like you take most stuff, poor guy.) But saying they are NEW is just stupid. it's a different spin, true. but not a new one.

If I remember correctly every character in the old games had a differnt baby form.
03/31/2015 04:51 AM (UTC)
This is a new brutality. Get it now, kid?
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

03/31/2015 04:55 AM (UTC)
Alright guys. Don't stray too off topic, please.
03/31/2015 04:55 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:

Shang Tsung steals Souls.


How about we keep the Religion debate OFF MKO and we stay on topic huh?

Not that y'all did in the first place as someone stated before Stage Fatality discussion turned into a Brutality debate somehow.

Let's get this train back on the tracks.

Talk about how NRS wasted precious Dev time and resources on Quitalities when they could of spent those resources and time on Stage Fatalities

Atleast SZ's 2nd Fatality gives me that nostalgic Pit feeling to a certain extent.

Would love to. If they could have done ANY stage fatalities as opposed to Quitalities, I would be all for it. Even one. I thought the Quitality was pretty dumb.

However, even though I know nothing about Dev time and resources necessary for this stuff, I would assume Quitalities were really easy to incorporate. Nonetheless, a couple of stage fatalities would have made me much happier than the crappy head pop animation.

EDIT: Oh yeah, LMFAO @ Shang Tsung and Souls confirmed!
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03/31/2015 04:57 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Again, I said that I think they are shitty and I said that it's subjective just like when you say they are new. When you say they are new, you are just being subjective because all the things the brutalities do have been done before.

It's cool when a person have an opinion on something, and then another person has another opinion, and a healthy debate is formed. But when it comes to you, no one can have a healthy debate because you have this habit of viewing things only from your perspective. You try to counter every single thing anyone says to bring it back to your point. You aren't open to other people's opinions which is why no one likes you on this forum.

Being custom to each character doesn't make them new... were babalities new in MK9? Even though they were custom depending on which character the babality was done on, it was a different spin but babalities were not and are not new.

Your argument was you are comparing the thing called Death Traps to the thing called Brutalities. I stated a few facts that clearly separate both and the only things they have in common are obvious (blood, kill a character).

Fatalities don't have to be all gore but they do have to be good, for me the brutalities are not good which is subjective, obviously(I feel bad that I have to say it because I'm afraid you'll take out of context like you take most stuff, poor guy.) But saying they are NEW is just stupid. it's a different spin, true. but not a new one.

And whenever someone calls you out on your opinion, and you have no argument that back up your opinion/theory, you resort to "but it's my opinion".
03/31/2015 05:01 AM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Again, I said that I think they are shitty and I said that it's subjective just like when you say they are new. When you say they are new, you are just being subjective because all the things the brutalities do have been done before.

It's cool when a person have an opinion on something, and then another person has another opinion, and a healthy debate is formed. But when it comes to you, no one can have a healthy debate because you have this habit of viewing things only from your perspective. You try to counter every single thing anyone says to bring it back to your point. You aren't open to other people's opinions which is why no one likes you on this forum.

Being custom to each character doesn't make them new... were babalities new in MK9? Even though they were custom depending on which character the babality was done on, it was a different spin but babalities were not and are not new.

Your argument was you are comparing the thing called Death Traps to the thing called Brutalities. I stated a few facts that clearly separate both and the only things they have in common are obvious (blood, kill a character).

Fatalities don't have to be all gore but they do have to be good, for me the brutalities are not good which is subjective, obviously(I feel bad that I have to say it because I'm afraid you'll take out of context like you take most stuff, poor guy.) But saying they are NEW is just stupid. it's a different spin, true. but not a new one.

And whenever someone calls you out on your opinion, and you have no argument that back up your opinion/theory, you resort to "but it's my opinion".

I don't resort to anything, it's always subjective when we are talking about something we like or hate.

It's funny because this whole debate can be ended pretty easily wanna know how?

I say Brutalities are not new because they are not and then you say "yes" because that's the truth. Otherwise don't go into the whole preachy thing and give an actual reason that shows they are completely new.

Brutalities have always been there but they are just changed now into classic looking fatalities which in my opinion, are shitty. It's not just me, If I recall correctly you and other people said it, Brutalities are classic looking fatalities. Which means I'm not the only one who thinks they are not new, am I?

Sure it's a different spin but not an entirely new one.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/31/2015 05:02 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
It's a waste of time dude, it's like arguing with a fucking peanut.

QFT. Talking in circles while backtracking. Nifty peanut butta!


m0s3pH Wrote:
I'm a little disappointed that there won't be stage fatalities. However, the total package of what we're getting far outweighs that shortcoming.

This. There's so much other content to look forward to.
03/31/2015 05:13 AM (UTC)
KrayzieCyrax Wrote:
Imagine a sad face, that is so sad, that it is consoled by another sad face, and eventually that sad face commits suicide due to how bad it feels for the super sad face.


Retweet. :(
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03/31/2015 05:17 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
I'm a little disappointed that there won't be stage fatalities. However, the total package of what we're getting far outweighs that shortcoming.

This. There's so much other content to look forward to.

At least somebody besides me is capable of being happy on the forums.
03/31/2015 05:32 AM (UTC)
I could kry that He said no level fatalities... BUT He didn't not say no stage fatalities. Was he being that literal I hope? And what happened to the idea of stage brutalities? We have been told we can kombo into level interactionz, right? Soooo.. a Brutality that ends in a fatal level interaction? I vote yes if nothing else. Perhaps kombo them KI style then knocking one into the Pit or such. I absolutely NEED Baraka OR something along the lines of stage fatalz to keep me whole and to not go insane runnin' Brutalities with a (Sic), empty smile ))) Have a nice day
03/31/2015 06:46 AM (UTC)
It's really weird not having Stage Fatalities in MKX. I didn't like that they were left out of Deadly Alliance, so despite all of the incredible content we're getting, I'm not sure how I feel about it. They are such an iconic staple of the series.
03/31/2015 11:41 AM (UTC)
No stage fatals?!?!confused

Maybe they gave it another name...

But if it is true.. then I am sad!

Man MKDA was the last game without stage fatals..come on NRSsad
Nothing is ``NEW`` in MK.

Punching & Kicking... yawn...
Why even bother playing?

People complaining about all the bifricating(down the middle) fatalities obviously weren`t here when there was an outcry to return to MKII style gore, not the cut n paste MK3 fatalities or the ``popcorn`` bodyparts in the 3d era.

03/31/2015 01:29 PM (UTC)
Wow... I'm surprised they don't have stage fatalities. I didn't expect that at all.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/31/2015 02:06 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
At least somebody besides me is capable of being happy on the forums.

Yeh. You're not alone friend.

This game has so much to offer it's ridiculous. Gore hounds, nostalgia freaks, lore nerds, online junkies, extra content nuts, pro competitor gods, even cinema buffs.

There's literally something for everyone.

...except Mokap fans.

Suck it.
03/31/2015 02:16 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
At least somebody besides me is capable of being happy on the forums.

Yeh. You're not alone friend.

This game has so much to offer it's ridiculous. Gore hounds, nostalgia freaks, lore nerds, online junkies, extra content nuts, pro competitor gods, even cinema buffs.

There's literally something for everyone.

...except Mokap fans.

Suck it.

Honestly I've seen more "casuals" complain on other sites due to all the "newness".

I'm genuinely happy about this game, and the 14th cannot get here soon enough!
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/31/2015 02:51 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:Honestly I've seen more "casuals" complain on other sites due to all the "newness".

I'm genuinely happy about this game, and the 14th cannot get here soon enough!

Hah. Just wait until they get their asses handed to them by the likes of Kotal, Erron, and D'Vorah.

That's so weird though. I've thoroughly enjoyed the evolution of this series. MKX is also the biggest step forward in a LONG time. And arguably....ever. We pretty much knew what we were getting with MK9, even without the leaks. And I think I can spare everyone on Armageddon and DCU talk.

But this?

Oh. Whole new ballgame. Everything looks so fresh, and I too, am genuinely excited. Already worth buying that PS4, with this game literally being the only factor in that decision. That alone should speak volumes about my hype, lol.
03/31/2015 03:30 PM (UTC)
Very disappointed about no stage fatalities. From all the arenas we seen it looks like there was to be few. This is Deadly Alliance all over again.
03/31/2015 03:36 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
At least somebody besides me is capable of being happy on the forums.

Yeh. You're not alone friend.

This game has so much to offer it's ridiculous. Gore hounds, nostalgia freaks, lore nerds, online junkies, extra content nuts, pro competitor gods, even cinema buffs.

There's literally something for everyone.

...except Mokap fans.

Suck it.


Sorry Mokap fan lol
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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

03/31/2015 04:20 PM (UTC)
No Stage Fatalities? Well, that is too bad. But nothing more than that. I just realised that I haven ́t thought of the Stage Fatalities at all untill they were deconfirmed. I ́m gonna miss them. But as stated by others, this MK has so much to offer it ́s already ridiculous. We're fine without them. We really are.
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-sig by MINION

03/31/2015 04:48 PM (UTC)
Considering all the different ways you can finish off your opponent, its no loss at all.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/31/2015 05:00 PM (UTC)
Yall are really pressed over Stage Fatalities, when we have all this other shit in the game?


Go ahead and keep on crying over lost pennies, while I enjoy the $100 bills over here.

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I will rock you.

03/31/2015 06:41 PM (UTC)
I hope this crap is just a rumor and not the truth because stage fatalities are Mortal Kombat. You can't have a MK game without deathtraps or some kind of stage deaths it is very stupid if it is true.furious
03/31/2015 08:56 PM (UTC)
That's a little disappointing, I think it's just the 3rd MK game to not have any stage fatalities after MKDA and MK/DC. But the wasted Stage Animality opportunity is even more disappointing.
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