03/30/2015 08:48 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:

I'd say there's more than enough ways to finish an opponent in this game.

Stage fatalities are like pizza. I like pizza. I expect to get some pizza when I buy an MK game. You're telling me the game offers tacos and burgers. Fine, but I still want my pizza because when I think of MK, I want to eat a slice of pizza. Still don't get it?

Your argument is funny, dude. It's like saying: They have Brutalities, Quitalities, and Faction Kills... more than a 100 ways to kill the opponent. But still they have 2 fatalities per character! Why?! Maybe they should have flushed fatalities down the toilet like they did with the stage fatalities.

I don't get the mentality of some people who are willing to excuse the developer's poor decision and/or laziness. You're part of the problem, people, because you're letting them get away with it.

NRS should have made at least one stage fatality. Just one, for the sake of it. But hey... why bother. Who needs a new, um, Pit stage when we have so many other arenas. Like 12 of them! Wow! Seriously, how can we be not satisfied.

End of sarcasm.

I would have actually appreciated them if they took the 50 minutes they spent on the brutalities and instead made stage fatalities, sure it would have costed more time but think about it, add those 50 minutes they spent with the brutalities and the time they spent on the qualities and also a bit of the time they spent on faction kills and you got yourself enough time to make stage fatalities.
03/30/2015 08:52 PM (UTC)
Don't worry, this is the first one of the next gen, so they will be back for MK11 along with characters that didn't make it in this game. People would've bitched about the amount of stages with one or why certain stages didn't have one etc.
03/30/2015 08:53 PM (UTC)
I'd like to point out just because they didn't put time in things you care about doesn't mean they were lazy. The idea this time was to have 13 full of life beautiful interactive arenas, which they succeeded at.
03/30/2015 08:55 PM (UTC)
The lack of Stage Fatalities sure is making the inclusion of Quitalities look stupid as fuck.

Just my personal opinion.

I'll reserve my full judgement until April 14th though.
03/30/2015 08:57 PM (UTC)
Exactly! Plus Boon explained why, he's said it's a lot of work and they had to leave out things at some point.
03/30/2015 08:58 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
I'd like to point out just because they didn't put time in things you care about doesn't mean they were lazy. The idea this time was to have 13 full of life beautiful interactive arenas, which they succeeded at.

They are beautiful, but I wouldn't imply that because they are interactive and beautiful that they should have nixed stage fatalities.

IMO the stages have something you can hit someone with, stuff to jump off of, and something else that appears after a while that you can hit someone with. Interactive? Yes. Surprising or creative? No.
03/30/2015 09:03 PM (UTC)
That's disappointing
03/30/2015 09:43 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:

I'd say there's more than enough ways to finish an opponent in this game.

Stage fatalities are like pizza. I like pizza. I expect to get some pizza when I buy an MK game. You're telling me the game offers tacos and burgers. Fine, but I still want my pizza because when I think of MK, I want to eat a slice of pizza. Still don't get it?

Your argument is funny, dude. It's like saying: They have Brutalities, Quitalities, and Faction Kills... more than a 100 ways to kill the opponent. But still they have 2 fatalities per character! Why?! Maybe they should have flushed fatalities down the toilet like they did with the stage fatalities.

I don't get the mentality of some people who are willing to excuse the developer's poor decision and/or laziness. You're part of the problem, people, because you're letting them get away with it.

NRS should have made at least one stage fatality. Just one, for the sake of it. But hey... why bother. Who needs a new, um, Pit stage when we have so many other arenas. Like 12 of them! Wow! Seriously, how can we be not satisfied.

End of sarcasm.

I would have actually appreciated them if they took the 50 minutes they spent on the brutalities and instead made stage fatalities, sure it would have costed more time but think about it, add those 50 minutes they spent with the brutalities and the time they spent on the qualities and also a bit of the time they spent on faction kills and you got yourself enough time to make stage fatalities.

My main point here is: Other than nostalgic reasons (and some of the bad ass creatures we have seen in the background) why would you want stage fatalities?


So you would rather have a couple of stage fatalities as opposed to 100+ brutalities, faction kills, and Quitalities? Okay, I admit Quitalities are stupid, but THOSE likely took a minimal amount of time for the team to create. I don't think I'm making a big assumption on that one.

I won't even say why your comments about how long this stuff takes are ridiculous.

And you really think you would have "appreciated them" if they had those few stage fatalities instead of all of the new, innovative stuff they have put forward?! You would not even be aware of what new brutalities are like if they did not devote their time to it. You don't like quick, brutal, to the point finishers that you can string into a combo? Fine, don't use them. You don't like being able to use your MK factions assistance to finish the enemy in a new way? Fine, don't use them. You would rather have a finisher that has something to do with the background? Well that has been done many of times before. OTHER than the nostalgic effect, I cant see any reason somebody would prefer stage fatalities over those three things. The series has to progress and make changes.... otherwise what is the point of making another game? Go play MK9.


To me, Fatalities are and always will a gruesome finishing move. Of course, I don't mean a little jab to the face and afterwards your opponent slops down to the ground. But they were called Stage FATALITIES. Brutalities (MK3 and MKX style) are just a different kind of Fatality. This one has new mechanics, so its fitting they add a new word. If they "Flushed" fatalities down the toilet (Which are quite clearly MUCH more iconic and central to MK than stage fatalities).

I don't think anyone is "excusing" the developers "poor decisions" or "laziness". If it is truly laziness, then sure, they should be reprimanded. But do you want to wait longer for this game so that they have time to include fackin stage fatalities? That is some nonsense in my eyes. I think it is a great decision if they were truly pressed for time (which lets be honest, they very likely are). Stage fatalities, as someone said earlier, were done well in the last game, and if there was ever a time for them to take a break its now with the introduction of these new fatalities.

Just one stage fatality would have been cool with me too, but its unnecessary. The only thing exciting about it for me would be nostalgia or, you know, if it was a really awesome one.
EDIT: Your whole pizza paragraph, to me, sounds like the nostalgia argument

Again, main point: What are stage fatalities good for other than nostalgia?
You want a Stage Fatality? Throw a damn barrel...

03/30/2015 11:52 PM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:
Again, main point: What are stage fatalities good for other than nostalgia?

What do you mean what are stage fatalities good for? They're awesome, and who isn't interested in a unique fatality based upon the stage?

Did you not enjoy the Subway or the Dead Pool stage fatalities? I opted to perform those over ANY fatality because they were so amazing.... With the exclamation of how interactive the stages are, the exclusion of stage fatalities literally makes no sense.
03/31/2015 12:13 AM (UTC)
Be bummed about stuff not making it into the game all you want but its childish to call the developers lazy or to assume adding something in the game took only 50 minutes. I would love hara kiri's but when they dont make it i dont say damn those lazy developers if they just took an extra 10 minutes out of their super easy day they could of added everything i personally want. Its too bad you dont actually have to be a mature adult to play mature video games.
03/31/2015 12:17 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
The lack of Stage Fatalities sure is making the inclusion of Quitalities look stupid as fuck.

How are these even connected?
03/31/2015 12:28 AM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:

So you would rather have a couple of stage fatalities as opposed to 100+ brutalities, faction kills, and Quitalities? Okay, I admit Quitalities are stupid, but THOSE likely took a minimal amount of time for the team to create. I don't think I'm making a big assumption on that one.

I won't even say why your comments about how long this stuff takes are ridiculous.

And you really think you would have "appreciated them" if they had those few stage fatalities instead of all of the new, innovative stuff they have put forward?! You would not even be aware of what new brutalities are like if they did not devote their time to it. You don't like quick, brutal, to the point finishers that you can string into a combo? Fine, don't use them. You don't like being able to use your MK factions assistance to finish the enemy in a new way? Fine, don't use them. You would rather have a finisher that has something to do with the background? Well that has been done many of times before. OTHER than the nostalgic effect, I cant see any reason somebody would prefer stage fatalities over those three things. The series has to progress and make changes.... otherwise what is the point of making another game? Go play MK9.

First my name is actually "sharefrock" without any caps-lock :(.

I already said this in another thread but here is why I think Brutalities are not all that great.

I don't get it, why do people keep saying "WOW! Over 100 bwutaltiezzz yay!!" It's just weird to think that more means better. It's not always the case, sometimes it is good like in the case of MK9 with the extra modes but in the case of brutalities it's not as great as it sounds. MKA had over 60 characters and how was that?

Brutalities in MKX are nothing special, they are just watered-down fatalities which is ironic because they were hoping to change what brutalities were in the past and make them their own thing but they ended up just being shitty fatalities, IMO.
03/31/2015 12:34 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
newt27 Wrote:
Again, main point: What are stage fatalities good for other than nostalgia?

What do you mean what are stage fatalities good for? They're awesome, and who isn't interested in a unique fatality based upon the stage?

Did you not enjoy the Subway or the Dead Pool stage fatalities? I opted to perform those over ANY fatality because they were so amazing.... With the exclamation of how interactive the stages are, the exclusion of stage fatalities literally makes no sense.

What I mean, Is I do not understand why anyone would want stage fatalities OVER the finishers we've already gotten. Faction Kills are unlockable and unique, Brutalities are quicker and you can do them to end a freakin' combo!

As I mentioned, yeah, I like stage fatalities. I enjoyed the Subway one in MK9 thoroughly! The way stage fatalities were done in MK9 was awesome.

I am more than okay with them taking a break though. The one big thing they offered that I liked was the ability to do a specific fatality I like no matter what character I chose. Still had to be on the right stage though.

I think I will base which faction I stay with dependent on which faction kill I like the most.
sharefrock Wrote:

First my name is actually "sharefrock" without any caps-lock :(.

I already said this in another thread but here is why I think Brutalities are not all that great.

I don't get it, why do people keep saying "WOW! Over 100 bwutaltiezzz yay!!" It's just weird to think that more means better. It's not always the case, sometimes it is good like in the case of MK9 with the extra modes but in the case of brutalities it's not as great as it sounds. MKA had over 60 characters and how was that?

Brutalities in MKX are nothing special, they are just watered-down fatalities which is ironic because they were hoping to change what brutalities were in the past and make them their own thing but they ended up just being shitty fatalities, IMO.

Brutalities are UNIQUE. They're quicker. They can be done in combo. They require more precision to do. They are specified to a move you can do during battle.

Stage fatalities barely add anything to the game, other than a finisher specific to an arena.

I understand where your coming from with the "more isnt always better" perspective. Great, you enjoyed all that extra quantity of extra stuff in MK9. More isn't always better. But if you have something good, It's even better to have more of it.

The people that are excited about having 100+ brutalities are excited about it because THEY LIKE THE BRUTALITIES WE HAVE ALREADY SEEN. You obviously have not liked brutalities so far. That's fine too, but MAYBE once you get to see more than the few we've seen, you will like SOME of them. Maybe not, that is fine too. But lets face the facts:

Stage fatalities:
1. Unique to stage
2. Nostalgic Effect

1. Quicker
2. Never done before
3. End a combo with it
4. Based on a move you can do during the match
5. More complicated to pull off
6. What I call the "Troll Factor" (They talked about on the stream how you can see a specific brutality coming because there are pre-requisites necessary before pulling off some brutalities. I cannot wait to hear people freaking out when they see a brutality coming but cant stop it!)
03/31/2015 12:54 AM (UTC)
EDIT: sorry, double post
03/31/2015 01:01 AM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

First my name is actually "sharefrock" without any caps-lock :(.

I already said this in another thread but here is why I think Brutalities are not all that great.

I don't get it, why do people keep saying "WOW! Over 100 bwutaltiezzz yay!!" It's just weird to think that more means better. It's not always the case, sometimes it is good like in the case of MK9 with the extra modes but in the case of brutalities it's not as great as it sounds. MKA had over 60 characters and how was that?

Brutalities in MKX are nothing special, they are just watered-down fatalities which is ironic because they were hoping to change what brutalities were in the past and make them their own thing but they ended up just being shitty fatalities, IMO.

Brutalities are UNIQUE. They're quicker. They can be done in combo. They require more precision to do. They are specified to a move you can do during battle.

Stage fatalities barely add anything to the game, other than a finisher specific to an arena.

I understand where your coming from with the "more isnt always better" perspective. Great, you enjoyed all that extra quantity of extra stuff in MK9. More isn't always better. But if you have something good, It's even better to have more of it.

The people that are excited about having 100+ brutalities are excited about it because THEY LIKE THE BRUTALITIES WE HAVE ALREADY SEEN. You obviously have not liked brutalities so far. That's fine too, but MAYBE once you get to see more than the few we've seen, you will like SOME of them. Maybe not, that is fine too. But lets face the facts:

Stage fatalities:
1. Unique to stage
2. Nostalgic Effect

1. Quicker
2. Never done before
3. End a combo with it
4. Based on a move you can do during the match
5. More complicated to pull off
6. What I call the "Troll Factor" (They talked about on the stream how you can see a specific brutality coming because there are pre-requisites necessary before pulling off some brutalities. I cannot wait to hear people freaking out when they see a brutality coming but cant stop it!)

1. Quicker but boring.
2. Had been done years and years through MK, they are basically watered-down fatalities.
3. What if I don't end a combo with it? What if I do it outside a combo? I can still do that from what we saw, so the argument of "It's unique because it's done at the end of a combo" is false, it can be done outside of a combo.
4. Exactly why they going to be boring.
5. I agree with this but the one who will get Trolled is you if you don't want to do a Brutality but you end up doing it anyway because you matched the specifics by accident.

But at the end of the day it's like you said, I don't like them and you do. It's subjective.
03/31/2015 01:52 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

1. Quicker but boring.
2. Had been done years and years through MK, they are basically watered-down fatalities.
3. What if I don't end a combo with it? What if I do it outside a combo? I can still do that from what we saw, so the argument of "It's unique because it's done at the end of a combo" is false, it can be done outside of a combo.
4. Exactly why they going to be boring.
5. I agree with this but the one who will get Trolled is you if you don't want to do a Brutality but you end up doing it anyway because you matched the specifics by accident.

But at the end of the day it's like you said, I don't like them and you do. It's subjective.

1. All you added was your opinion. Doesn't add anything, especially because you are in the minority. Your allowed to have it, and I'm allowed to say I disagree. BUT, what is important that the speed, is new.

2. Never have you been able to kill your opponent before "finish him" comes up (death traps don't count, come on now). That, in itself is new, and there is no arguing that. So no, this type of brutality has NEVER been done in MK.

3. You do or you don't, doesn't matter. It is still a NEW option.

4. Straight up opinion, ignoring my point that these are NEW and INNOVATIVE, unlike stage fatalities.

5. That would be AWESOME. What better way to find an MK secret?!

Your right, whether or not you like Brutalities more than stage fatalities is subjective. But, the fact that Brutalities in MKX add something new to MK that hasn't existed before is not arguable.

I don't want you to like them, I want you to understand that they are unique. That they add something that wasn't there before. This is something that wouldn't have been accomplished by including stage fatalities as we know them.

To lean back towards the topic, Stage fatalities have been around a long time... One round out isn't that bad is it?
03/31/2015 01:57 AM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

1. Quicker but boring.
2. Had been done years and years through MK, they are basically watered-down fatalities.
3. What if I don't end a combo with it? What if I do it outside a combo? I can still do that from what we saw, so the argument of "It's unique because it's done at the end of a combo" is false, it can be done outside of a combo.
4. Exactly why they going to be boring.
5. I agree with this but the one who will get Trolled is you if you don't want to do a Brutality but you end up doing it anyway because you matched the specifics by accident.

But at the end of the day it's like you said, I don't like them and you do. It's subjective.

1. All you added was your opinion. Doesn't add anything, especially because you are in the minority. Your allowed to have it, and I'm allowed to say I disagree. BUT, what is important that the speed, is new.

2. Never have you been able to kill your opponent before "finish him" comes up (death traps don't count, come on now). That, in itself is new, and there is no arguing that. So no, this type of brutality has NEVER been done in MK.

3. You do or you don't, doesn't matter. It is still a NEW option.

4. Straight up opinion, ignoring my point that these are NEW and INNOVATIVE, unlike stage fatalities.

5. That would be AWESOME. What better way to find an MK secret?!

Your right, whether or not you like Brutalities more than stage fatalities is subjective. But, the fact that Brutalities in MKX add something new to MK that hasn't existed before is not arguable.

I don't want you to like them, I want you to understand that they are unique. That they add something that wasn't there before. This is something that wouldn't have been accomplished by including stage fatalities as we know them.

To lean back towards the topic, Stage fatalities have been around a long time... One round out isn't that bad is it?

You said it yourself, death traps were there before Brutalities so you could finish your opponent in a combo with the Death traps before it says finish him. But death traps were at least more fun.

Why am I not to count the death traps? Is it because it ruins your WHOLE argument? You don't have basis for what you are saying, at all. Brutalities have been done before and done better.
03/31/2015 02:08 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
newt27 Wrote:

So you would rather have a couple of stage fatalities as opposed to 100+ brutalities, faction kills, and Quitalities? Okay, I admit Quitalities are stupid, but THOSE likely took a minimal amount of time for the team to create. I don't think I'm making a big assumption on that one.

I won't even say why your comments about how long this stuff takes are ridiculous.

And you really think you would have "appreciated them" if they had those few stage fatalities instead of all of the new, innovative stuff they have put forward?! You would not even be aware of what new brutalities are like if they did not devote their time to it. You don't like quick, brutal, to the point finishers that you can string into a combo? Fine, don't use them. You don't like being able to use your MK factions assistance to finish the enemy in a new way? Fine, don't use them. You would rather have a finisher that has something to do with the background? Well that has been done many of times before. OTHER than the nostalgic effect, I cant see any reason somebody would prefer stage fatalities over those three things. The series has to progress and make changes.... otherwise what is the point of making another game? Go play MK9.

First my name is actually "sharefrock" without any caps-lock :(.

I already said this in another thread but here is why I think Brutalities are not all that great.

I don't get it, why do people keep saying "WOW! Over 100 bwutaltiezzz yay!!" It's just weird to think that more means better. It's not always the case, sometimes it is good like in the case of MK9 with the extra modes but in the case of brutalities it's not as great as it sounds. MKA had over 60 characters and how was that?

Brutalities in MKX are nothing special, they are just watered-down fatalities which is ironic because they were hoping to change what brutalities were in the past and make them their own thing but they ended up just being shitty fatalities, IMO.

I'm sorry but I think fatalities get old online. Sometimes u just want to end the fight in a cool way with out waiting for a long cinematic especially online.
03/31/2015 02:14 AM (UTC)
I wish stage fatalities were in but oh well. MKX is looking completely badass overall. I mean, I can't believe how great it looks.

Lol at people who say NRS is lazy! They work extremely hard to bring you MK. If you want to be salty about something, fine. Just be real and say you're salty or a crybaby cause you didn't get what YOU wanted.
03/31/2015 02:16 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

You said it yourself, death traps were there before Brutalities so you could finish your opponent in a combo with the Death traps before it says finish him. But death traps were at least more fun.

Why am I not to count the death traps? Is it because it ruins your WHOLE argument? You don't have basis for what you are saying, at all. Brutalities have been done before and done better.

You liked death traps? I believe you are one of the very few that did. Death traps took 100% of the health bar off whether you did them in a combo or not.

You think death traps destroy my whole argument? Well that's simply not true when you consider the fact that death traps do damage. Brutalities don't do damage.

Also consider that brutalities are specific to characters and much more numerous than the death traps.

I've laid out my basis, so have you. The big difference is that your main point DEPENDS upon opinion. Mine doesn't. In most cases you do not even draw the line between your opinions and the facts.

Please, get off the high horse, its sickening, and often ruining the enjoyment of reading through these threads for me.

By all means, get your opinion out there. You don't have to be so condescending and overbearing about it. I wish stage fatalities were in but oh well. MKX is looking completely badass overall. I mean, I can't believe how great it looks.
titanwarrior Wrote:
Lol at people who say NRS is lazy! They work extremely hard to bring you MK. If you want to be salty about something, fine. Just be real and say you're salty or a crybaby cause you didn't get what YOU wanted.

This is all I ask sharefrock :)
03/31/2015 02:31 AM (UTC)
newt27 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

You said it yourself, death traps were there before Brutalities so you could finish your opponent in a combo with the Death traps before it says finish him. But death traps were at least more fun.

Why am I not to count the death traps? Is it because it ruins your WHOLE argument? You don't have basis for what you are saying, at all. Brutalities have been done before and done better.

You liked death traps? I believe you are one of the very few that did. Death traps took 100% of the health bar off whether you did them in a combo or not.

You think death traps destroy my whole argument? Well that's simply not true when you consider the fact that death traps do damage. Brutalities don't do damage.

Also consider that brutalities are specific to characters and much more numerous than the death traps.

I've laid out my basis, so have you. The big difference is that your main point DEPENDS upon opinion. Mine doesn't. In most cases you do not even draw the line between your opinions and the facts.

Please, get off the high horse, its sickening, and often ruining the enjoyment of reading through these threads for me.

By all means, get your opinion out there. You don't have to be so condescending and overbearing about it.
I wish stage fatalities were in but oh well. MKX is looking completely badass overall. I mean, I can't believe how great it looks.

titanwarrior Wrote:

Lol at people who say NRS is lazy! They work extremely hard to bring you MK. If you want to be salty about something, fine. Just be real and say you're salty or a crybaby cause you didn't get what YOU wanted.

This is all I ask sharefrock :)

I never said they were lazy, so I have a feeling you got the wrong address buddy.

You didn't give me any facts, you base your thoughts about the brutalities on opinion. They are nothing new, they are like fatalities only done near the end of the match, also they do damage buddy the last bit of heath is done by a brutality.

So here are the facts.

Brutalities are not new because we had death traps, it doesn't matter if I'm the ONLY one who liked them, it doesn't remove the fact that they still have been done before.

You could do them before the announcer says finish him.
You can do them with a combo.
You can do them at the end or near the end of a round.

Brutalities are the same exact thing with maybe a slight change here and there which means they are not new.

Now whether I like them who not is all subjective just like whether you like them or not. Here I ended this argument, I would you to prove me factually wrong :).
03/31/2015 02:33 AM (UTC)
I won't miss them all that much. The Brutalities look cool, I have yet to see one of Reptile's (and while he is my favorite MK character of all time, I just don't like his MKX fatalitiy :/)
03/31/2015 02:33 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Eh I'm not too broken up about it.

What could you even do for these stages? I guess you could uppercut them into Lava but that's kinda boring.

Boring? I loved the netherealm stage fatality in MK9.
03/31/2015 02:40 AM (UTC)
The 'quicker' fatality/brutality argument doesn't make sense. In order to do a brutality don't you have to meet SPECIFIC conditions? If I have to turtle 15 times to perform it I'm not interested.
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