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04/01/2015 06:17 AM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
Look at all she's gone through. Two invasions of her planet that nearly resulted in its destruction; the death and spiritual enslavement of all her friends and allies; has had the safety and future of her entire world resting on her shoulders for 25 years and counting.

You're telling me I go through all that, and then an Outworlder is gonna kidnap my daughter on top of it all? Fuck that shit. Anyone in their right mind would be fueled by rage and a no-nonsense, untrustworthy attitude. She's completely justified and right. If it were Johnny in her shoes, as the head of Earthrealm's defense, we'd all be royally fucked given how jocular and willing to be buddy-buddy with Outworlders he is. I love Johnny, but his ability to take things in stride and stay upbeat in dark times can be both a blessing and a curse for those around him.

Now, speaking of Johnny in particular; she's quite cruel and standoffish toward him. I don't know what happened between them, and I guess we'll find out in Story Mode, but knowing Sonya and analyzing what they both have gone through, I'm willing to safely bet even in my ignorance that she is, again, justified in her hostility.

I honestly wouldn't mind being wrong; Maybe it turns out she just couldn't take him anymore, and wanted out, regardless of his obvious feelings for her. That would also be believable of Sonya. But given how straight-up mean she is to him, I'm thinking he fucked up somewhere. No, I don't think he "cheated" on her---this is Mortal Kombat, not Jerry Springer; I think maybe he's been irresponsible (in her eyes) when it comes to Cassie, causing Cassie's estrangement toward Sonya and biased love for Johnny. This probably is what built the rift between them... Which would kind of make me dislike Cassie more lol

This pretty much captures my intrigue. I'm noticing that she's....softer now. It's kind of strange. But at the same time it's oddly "to be expected??."

As it stands, I just don't want to see any of those weird cliches like you mentioned earlier. Like, don't kill off one or the other parent. I almost want to just live in the moment with them for a bit. Have them go through a few more of these challenges together, and create kind of a dynasty with them before anything major disturbs the 3 of them. I just figure, at some point you gotta give the warriors reward for all the fighting and loss that they have suffered. It'd be nice to see the Cage family enjoy that type of thing before death, you know? lol
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04/01/2015 07:40 AM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
Look at all she's gone through. Two invasions of her planet that nearly resulted in its destruction; the death and spiritual enslavement of all her friends and allies; has had the safety and future of her entire world resting on her shoulders for 25 years and counting.

You're telling me I go through all that, and then an Outworlder is gonna kidnap my daughter on top of it all? Fuck that shit. Anyone in their right mind would be fueled by rage and a no-nonsense, untrustworthy attitude. She's completely justified and right. If it were Johnny in her shoes, as the head of Earthrealm's defense, we'd all be royally fucked given how jocular and willing to be buddy-buddy with Outworlders he is. I love Johnny, but his ability to take things in stride and stay upbeat in dark times can be both a blessing and a curse for those around him.

Now, speaking of Johnny in particular; she's quite cruel and standoffish toward him. I don't know what happened between them, and I guess we'll find out in Story Mode, but knowing Sonya and analyzing what they both have gone through, I'm willing to safely bet even in my ignorance that she is, again, justified in her hostility.

I honestly wouldn't mind being wrong; Maybe it turns out she just couldn't take him anymore, and wanted out, regardless of his obvious feelings for her. That would also be believable of Sonya. But given how straight-up mean she is to him, I'm thinking he fucked up somewhere. No, I don't think he "cheated" on her---this is Mortal Kombat, not Jerry Springer; I think maybe he's been irresponsible (in her eyes) when it comes to Cassie, causing Cassie's estrangement toward Sonya and biased love for Johnny. This probably is what built the rift between them... Which would kind of make me dislike Cassie more lol

This pretty much captures my intrigue. I'm noticing that she's....softer now. It's kind of strange. But at the same time it's oddly "to be expected??."

As it stands, I just don't want to see any of those weird cliches like you mentioned earlier. Like, don't kill off one or the other parent. I almost want to just live in the moment with them for a bit. Have them go through a few more of these challenges together, and create kind of a dynasty with them before anything major disturbs the 3 of them. I just figure, at some point you gotta give the warriors reward for all the fighting and loss that they have suffered. It'd be nice to see the Cage family enjoy that type of thing before death, you know? lol


I want SOMEONE to get out happy. Just for one game - let the family reconcile and exist.

People say that's silly or whatever, but we literally have never seen that. I can't even think of a video game where the entire family survives to the end of it. THAT would be new.
04/02/2015 08:51 PM (UTC)
So what you guys think of her gameplay?
04/02/2015 09:00 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
So what you guys think of her gameplay?

The drone variation is awful in my opinion. A gimmick at best.
I'm also salty that she doesn't have her bicycle kicks.

And to top it all off, she no longer has her stun kiss!

Overall though, the other two variations are OK.

She also lost her cartwheel, unless it's in military stance... which greatly reduces her options.

She looks good but I don't expect to see her much at tournaments, or at least I can safely say she's almost a completely different character.
04/02/2015 09:01 PM (UTC)
She looks great! Don't remember the name of the first variation they showed on the stream today but I like that one the most, with the counter attacks, awesome
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

04/02/2015 09:17 PM (UTC)
Love her Covert Ops (1st) variation but it does look like the only real viable option. I guess we haven't seen much in the way of her standard combos and fighting style yet. Hoping military stance goes across all variants. Pissed that they didn't show her fatality. Overall I'm happy.
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

04/02/2015 09:22 PM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
residentfan Wrote:
So what you guys think of her gameplay?

She looks good but I don't expect to see her much at tournaments, or at least I can safely say she's almost a completely different character.

I think we'll see a lot of her covert ops variation in tournaments! It looks awesome!
04/02/2015 09:29 PM (UTC)
I'm a bit concerned with the Drone styles. Mostly just because I'm so used to Sonya being so up-close, hand-to-hand, rushdown a fighter in MK9 that I wasn't expecting these. I think it would look very cool in a fight with Quan Chi and his minion. The grenade style is interesting. I was really curious about those stun orb thingies that Raiden has so I'm happy to get to play as Sonya and try out those kinds of traps. We didn't see a whole lot of high level play compared to the likes of that Mileena/Kenshi fight so I'm optimistic that they're cooler and more intricate than they seemed.

The parry style, oh baby. Main. Definitely. I loved the addition of the garrote in MK9 and I love that they're using it for a variation. I love this type of gameplay.
I love how she came down from a chopper in the Kano fight. I swooned a little.
Also bike kicks bruh? You guys had one job with Sonya.

Overall I'm just glad she's in the game. That X-Ray/Brutality was delicious.
04/02/2015 09:35 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
So what you guys think of her gameplay?

I loved it.

I really am going to main the covert ops variation.
With all the parrys and the millitary stance with al kind of kombos and kartwheel.

Her Arc kick. Dive kick. Ring toss. Leg grab. Everything looked awesome.
And can i say she has te most epic throw ever ? Love her throw.

I also did miss her bicycle kick. But seeing Liu Kang had that first i love it she has her own moves and not a variant of Some other moves. But i do love the kick.

Stun Kiss may be out but never used that with her anyway. Her xray is beautifull that even starts with her stun Kiss. Looking better then ever. And her xray is a parry something i aint used to but think gonna like it.

Her second variation Demolition i also loved. Those grenades look awesome. With the stun and damage ones. Could do really great combo's with that.

Her last variation Special Forces i liked but did not love it. I am sure i Will use that one the least. The drone looked cool but i am sure i cant work with it while fighting.

Overall i am a very happy Guy. She looked awesome. She sounds awesome. Her moves were awesome. To bad the fatality did not work but hey maybe it Will be a suprise. I am very happy with what we got. And to be fair.... Every character has a variation we don't like. So 2 out of 3 great variations is great for me.
04/02/2015 09:39 PM (UTC)
Damn, the only good one is Covert Ops.

Can`t believe they took out the Stun Kiss, seriously, they manage to improve Kano, Quan Chi and Mileena and do this to her?

In 5 minutes I managed to come up with 3 variations that are not only far better than what we got but also suits the character, not this drone bullshit. At least Covert Ops is just like the wire one I had throught of.

Now I will have to hear all the complain that she got in over Rain, Reiko, Havik,and Smoke, and guess what? I could have come up with better variations for them as well.

And she looks not only slow but also low tier.
04/02/2015 09:52 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
Damn, the only good one is Covert Ops.

Can`t believe they took out the Stun Kiss, seriously, they manage to improve Kano, Quan Chi and Mileena and do this to her?

In 5 minutes I managed to come up with 3 variations that are not only far better than what we got but also suits the character, not this drone bullshit. At least Covert Ops is just like the wire one I had throught of.

Now I will have to hear all the complain that she got in over Rain, Reiko, Havik,and Smoke, and guess what? I could have come up with better variations for them as well.

And she looks not only slow but also low tier.

Really ?
I do agree with you an covert ops is best variation.
But also best variation i have seen to date from every character.
I don't agree with you on only good variation. Demolition was awesome to with the sets of grenades.
The special ops one was underwhelming with the drone. But like i previously said everyone has at least one variation nobody likes.

I do understand that you miss the stun Kiss. I really cant say i do cause i sucked with that move lol.

I think she is high tier character but difficult maybe to main.
What maybe is a good thing cause she really was to easy to use.
As a HUGE Sonya fan for years I'm definitely grateful I'll be able to pick her up again in this game...I know a lot of fans aren't as lucky with their favorite characters.
I just thought I should start with that.
But I am a little bit disappointed with her variations. The first one (with the wire) is beast! She's doing some kraaaazy stuff, kinda "a-la-Cammy", and I'm loving it!
The other two, well...not really crazy about them. In my opinion, she became too tech. Especially the one with the drone "partner". Seems quite slow, unsafe..and overall not that useful (nor very Sonya-like)
But mostly...I will miss the kiss! Yeah it wasn't as good in MK9 but I expected an improvement not a "send to recycle bin". So much they could've done with it (like some of the things I was reading here) I just feel like the kiss is such an iconic move of hers, as it was always part of her character in one form or another. And I have a hunch it won't even return in her fatalities (again) *sigh*

04/02/2015 10:11 PM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:
As a HUGE Sonya fan for years I'm definitely grateful I'll be able to pick her up again in this game...I know a lot of fans aren't as lucky with their favorite characters.
I just thought I should start with that.
But I am a little bit disappointed with her variations. The first one (with the wire) is beast! She's doing some crazy stuff, kinda "a-la-Cammy", and I'm loving it!
The other two, well...not really crazy about them. In my opinion, she became too tech. Especially the one with the drone "partner". Seems quite slow, unsafe..and overall not that useful (nor very Sonya-like)
But mostly...I will miss the kiss! Yeah it wasn't as good in MK9 but I expected an improvement not a "send to recycle bin". So much they could've done with it (like some of the things I was reading here) I just feel like the kiss is such an icon move of hers, as it was always part of her character in one form or another. And I have a hunch it won't even return in her fatalities (again) *sigh*

The last variation special ops was a let down i agree.

But indeed. Covert ops is a BEAST.
THAT is all Sonya.

Love the effects when doing the dive and Arc kick.
04/02/2015 10:13 PM (UTC)
Awful, blandest character of them all, two variations with drones? Come on now, even as fans, you have to admit she's a waste of a slot and they could've just passed the torch already. Give the drone to Cassie and voila.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

04/02/2015 10:20 PM (UTC)
Welp. I was really open to giving her a chance this time around based on her new design, but damn she was a let down.

Hey maybe now that she lost her stun kiss, they can officially give it to KIra, lol.
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-sig by MINION

04/02/2015 10:21 PM (UTC)
I think a big problem with this stream is that we really didn't get to see A LOT from her. They went through her variations and everything but we didn't see any real gameplay like we have of Kitana and Mileena (who I think people may be comparing her to variation wise).

She, like a lot of the characters, have two really promising variations and one not so hot one. Everyone really like the Covery Ops. one but I'm really feeling the one with the grenades. Of which I'm positive I say a cartwheel in there. It might not be a special move anymore but a regular command attack like some of Jade's staff attacks in the last game. They were technically normals and not special moves.

Special Forces is really a disappointment though. Or maybe you just have to be a really good player to use it properly but I don't see anything worth trying out in it.

I think she looks good though.

Drone strikes, lol tongue

04/02/2015 10:31 PM (UTC)


seriously so excited for covert ops and Demolition.
Just watched her game play footage again.

And that one here somewhere Above me.
I Will NEVER EVER say Sonya is a waste of slot.
Cause she Will never be a waste of slot.

And two variations with drones ? Wtf are ya talking about. One is with drones. Other one is grenades. Yeah there is a drone when her 3 grenades go out. That aint the same variations.

But hey whatever if you don't like her / never liked her.
Everyone has their most and least favorite characters.

Sonya fans do unite and love Sonya
04/02/2015 10:37 PM (UTC)
I looked at the stream again and, Covert Ops is really amazing, any chance the Kartweel will be armored again? That was her best move in MK9. She did things that reminded me of Jill in RE5 and Marvel vs Capcom 3, anyone else noticed that she has another grab in which she uses her legs? Anyway, this is one of the most unique variations in the game and looks extremely hard to use.

Demolition looks good, the wake up attack is the most interesting thing in it, a real shame Tyler isn't good otherwise the could have showed it better. Seems like it will play like Sindel in MK9.

The last one is useless, the only good thing in it is that projectile that follows the enemy around, will be good to deal with teleporters however.

Seems like she will be the Kabal of this game, top tier but hard to use.

Her design is also her best one yet, and the chopper entrance is bad ass.

Let's just hope she survives the Story Mode, if she does her presence in the next one is certain.
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04/02/2015 10:45 PM (UTC)
I'm a little devo to be honest... I'm sure I'll still play her, but she's not what I see Sonya as.
Covert Ops looks cool - BUT I am not a player who parries. Never ever. I forget those moves exist, I find it hard to time them and it doesn't suit my play style all. Worse, her x-Ray is a parry, so I'm fucked there too. I'm sure others will be great with it but I'll suck at it.

The grenade one is... Alright ? Again, not the kind of move style I'm good with or enjoy.
And the drone one is, frankly, stupid. How is that Sonya? How is it anything like the way she plays or acts? It doesn't look cool, or useful and it slows her down.

And after all that they can't even show us a fucking fatality ? What bullshit. Sonya got shafted.

Her look is great, her attitude is great. Love her 'retirement' win pose... But until I get my hands on her, I'm disappointed.

She's not a waste of roster space though. She deserves it. But they've totally gone the wrong direction with her. This doesn't feel like Sonya.
04/02/2015 10:52 PM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
I'm a little devo to be honest... I'm sure I'll still play her, but she's not what I see Sonya as.
Covert Ops looks cool - BUT I am not a player who parries. Never ever. I forget those moves exist, I find it hard to time them and it doesn't suit my play style all. Worse, her x-Ray is a parry, so I'm fucked there too. I'm sure others will be great with it but I'll suck at it.

The grenade one is... Alright ? Again, not the kind of move style I'm good with or enjoy.
And the drone one is, frankly, stupid. How is that Sonya? How is it anything like the way she plays or acts? It doesn't look cool, or useful and it slows her down.

And after all that they can't even show us a fucking fatality ? What bullshit. Sonya got shafted.

Her look is great, her attitude is great. Love her 'retirement' win pose... But until I get my hands on her, I'm disappointed.

She's not a waste of roster space though. She deserves it. But they've totally gone the wrong direction with her. This doesn't feel like Sonya.

I'm with you i suck at parrys to.
But i do love them and Will make her top tier.

This means i Will have to learn how to use parrys and kick Some ass.
I am excited for that.
04/02/2015 11:10 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
I looked at the stream again and, Covert Ops is really amazing, any chance the Kartweel will be armored again? That was her best move in MK9. She did things that reminded me of Jill in RE5 and Marvel vs Capcom 3, anyone else noticed that she has another grab in which she uses her legs? Anyway, this is one of the most unique variations in the game and looks extremely hard to use.

Demolition looks good, the wake up attack is the most interesting thing in it, a real shame Tyler isn't good otherwise the could have showed it better. Seems like it will play like Sindel in MK9.

The last one is useless, the only good thing in it is that projectile that follows the enemy around, will be good to deal with teleporters however.

Seems like she will be the Kabal of this game, top tier but hard to use.

Her design is also her best one yet, and the chopper entrance is bad ass.

Let's just hope she survives the Story Mode, if she does her presence in the next one is certain.

I will try and play the first variation and only the first variation because it reminds me of Jill. The first variations really makes the other 2 look like crap.
Watching the video again it's quite obvious they didn't study all her moves (not well enough at least) smile
I wouldn't bet on my memory but she's probably the only one with a failed fatality attempt too. (?) That kast didn't do her justice.

Now as some of you guys mentioned, I also reminded myself that I'm not the best with parry moves either. ^_^" Guess the excitement shut that out. I still find that variation really cool (and not to mention the best) but I am a bit worried now xD It would be the first time I would suck with Sonya and that...would suck. lol But I do intend to try hard this time as I am more motivated (don't have much of a choice either)

Anyway, ending on a high, I LOVE this move!
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04/03/2015 12:31 AM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:
Anyway, ending on a high, I LOVE this move!

See, that's the sort of thing that you go to when you think 'Sonya'.... acrobatics, leg-oriented things. Physical power and agility....

NOT 'look at me I"ve got a drone'...... -_-

And I've never spoken up about the poor playing ability of the guys who do the Kasts before, because I understand that people often do worse when there's an audience than when they're on their own. Dropped combos don't bother me.

But for the love of cripes, you can't do her fatality? Even if you fail, it takes thirty seconds to set up a rematch and just fire it out. It's like video-game blue balls -_-
04/03/2015 01:18 AM (UTC)
I will do a breakdown of the breakdown.

Here is the link to the video I ́m using as source:


First let ́s talk about her universal moves:

Leg Grab: Throws the opponet far away, the enhanced version doesn`t has any difference, Not even more damage it seems. Doesn`t seem usefull.

Energy Ring: It`s a little lower than in MK9, the enhanced version throws the opponent away, it also has armor.

Air Drop: She jumps high so it takes a little while to get to the ground, it has longer reach than in 9. You can also start a combo from it.

Arc Kick: Its`slower than in MK9, it`s also not as high as before, the enhanced version has multiple hits, at least 3.

Now her 3 variations:

Covert Ups: Adds Military Stance, and Garrote Wire.

Unique Moves:

Grab Move: They didn`t said it but she has a new grab, you can see it at 1:24 in the video I placed above. She places her leg at the opponent`s neck and then kicks theiir head.

Garrote Parry: Has different moves for each buttom. Only works for punchs and high kicks. The first move switches positions and lauches the opponent to the other side of the screen. The second one just launches than a little ahead. It seems the enhanced version allows for combos. It also switches player position. The other enhaced version just launches the opponent a little ahead.

Air Throw: Just like the one she has in 9, she just jumps at the opponent after it. Switches player position aswell.

Military Stance: Seems the same as MK9, the Kartweel is in here, doesn`t look like it as armor however. You can also grab the opponent. And you can do a low poke aswell.

Second Variation:

Demolition: Adds grenade attacks.

Grenades: Has 2 types of grenades, an eletrical one that stuns the opponent, and an fire one. She can detonate than any time she wants, if she runs out of grenades you need to reload through the drone. The enhanced vesion throws all grenades that she as left.

Wake Up Attack: They didn`t show it very well, it seems like you can use it to escape combos. She blows the grenades and then falls back.

Third Variation

Special Forces: She can use a drone for help. The Drone goes away after a little while. You can also make it stop at acertain place. Allows for traps.

Heavy Blast: The drone throws a projectile, doesn`t has reach.

Projectile: The drone throws a projectile that follows the opponent around, however it doesn`t last for long.

Drone Suicide: The drone goes after the opponent and the self destructs, can be used as a high or low attack.

Hope you guys liked it.

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