04/03/2015 06:36 AM (UTC)
Sonya overview

removing the Kiss is not a big deal it never was part of my arsenal, her drop (dive) kick looks like it has more range with tracking and it has follow up properties. She's going to be one tough cookie to master.

overall her moves look great, her leg grab actually looks faster. little concerned as to the height of her arc kick but since they've mentioned it'll bypass most projectiles then I'm fine with it.

She still has the military stance so that's a fourth stance accessible, Karwheel seems to be part of her military stance so its still there as is the reverse Kartwheel.

Ok now to her stances, in general I'am not a big fan of mastering several different stances (if DA was any indication), I don't foresee myself spending alot of time doing that so I'm quite relived that Sonya has one stance that appears to be superior to the others and is basically her essential, covert ops is like the greatest hits version of Sonya Blade plus some new extremely cool looking counters with her wire, I mean I cant complain its all I;ve ever dreamed off . Xray being a counter just emphasizes how different Sonya will play in this game.

As for the other two, I actually prefer the special forces over demolition, because I like the idea of playing Sonya with an Drone bailing me out of trouble if required, otherwise it can assist in creating set ups.

Demolition grenade management is sort of a turn off, so we'll see but that stun grenade looks cool.

This version of Sonya is, the best she's ever looked since the game went 3d and the helicopter intro was very cool!! Also her sex appeal has been amped up even without showing any skin.
04/03/2015 07:48 AM (UTC)
Finally got a chance to watch the stream. Sonya looks great.

I see a lot of people are disappointed with her variations which is a mystery to me. They are all perfectly in character and look like a lot of fun, not to mention they look to have great beat-down potential. I'm really happy with Sonya.
04/03/2015 08:22 AM (UTC)
Also her fatality distance is long range! ie the kiss of death could be back!
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04/03/2015 08:29 AM (UTC)
Darkmage41 Wrote:
Also her fatality distance is long range! ie the kiss of death could be back!

Hmm seems to be Mid-Range, named "Head Hunter". The other, Close, "Target Marked". We probably shouldn't get our hopes up for the Kiss sad

This cumbersome monster of a post might have been better suited for here than the Stream thread; Gonna leave it here, rather than reword or condense:

Having reviewed the footage many times (and yet again as I write this), I am mostly satisfied. I feel the essence of Sonya was marvelously represented in one variation, while the others fall progressively short of that triumph.

Common Specials:

I'm glad the Dive Kick is back, now called Air Drop? It's her best addition in MK9 after Military Stance. The range this time is monstrous compared to MK9, I'm pleasantly taken aback by that. It's like Kung Lao's, except you can combo into it.

Arc Kick seems largely unchanged, save for multi-kick on Enhanced, which is visually better and more satisfying than MK9's.

Not much to say about the Energy Rings, they're pretty straightforward; not a fan of the pose, though (particularly the lean-back). Looked a little odd in the screenshot and unfortunately motion didn't ameliorate this. I liked how in MK9 she seemed to swing it onward; there was more of an oomph.

I love that the Leg Grab turns into a forward flip when it misses!! I think that's gonna severely diminish the punish window, and it'll be a hell of a lot safer to throw around this time! Depending on how it hits on block, it might be a solid replacement for the Kartwheel in terms of keeping pressure and rushing. I miss the days when you could more or less throw the Leg Grab around willy-nilly and not get combo'ed into high heaven 75% of the time; seems we're finally getting that back. I am, however, at a loss as to why Enhancing it doesn't up the damage. Is this gonna get fixed? Haha Otherwise there's no real reason to waste meter on it. You don't necessarily gain much from Armoring it.

This is fucking awesome:

Looks like it's started by a regular kick. Potentially an awesome combo-ender. If it's an overhead, I'll definitely be using it a lot!

Now, getting into the juicy stuff...

Covert Ops:

There is no doubt that this will be my main variation. Here is where they most quintessentially gave MK9 Sonya the MKX treatment. It's a thing of beauty.

I've been wishing for Counters for Sonya for a good while now. I was giddy when it was shown off in her reveal trailer, and it's happened all over again in this demo. The Garrote Counters have a degree of cool that's bordering on erotic, I am ecstatic with this addition to her arsenal. I wasn't expecting it to be a choose-your-own-adventure type of thing, so that was a great surprise! More ways to manipulate the opponent.

And the animations are priceless! Really highlighting her nimbleness and agility. And that shower of blood when the wire is at their throat is beautiful.

I wish I could have listened more closely to the sound effects. That reeling/cutting sound from the wire really stands out, it will make it that much more satisfying to land a counter.

Speaking of sounds, did anyone at all get what she said at 7:40 after landing the counter? Is it "I get mad, baby!" Can't make out the last word. I'm also really curious about what Johnny says almost right after at 7:57. It must be even funnier than the simple fact that he's saying something about getting hit Hahaha

The EX Garrote Counters take it to a whole 'nother level of cool. That pop-up one deserves a couple replays.

Air Grab makes a return! Not sure if it's a normal special; it seems implied to be a Variation specific move. Hopefully you can still execute it following a drop kick! I will miss her going "YES!!" over and over when I spammed drop-kick-into-air-grab haha. Good times.

I was a little miffed over the lack of Kartwheel---and still somewhat am---but it is largely forgiven given that you can connect Military Stance attacks to combos without a reset. I've seen a couple people bemoan that they will no longer be able to turn the tables on opponents with EX Kartwheels; I counter that by drawing attention to her counters.

What's happening here is that Sonya is being presented as a Technical character in conjunction with the Rush-Down aspects most have come to expect from her. What this is doing is making her more complex to use; and she's not losing abilities in this process, more so gaining responses to multiple scenarios that require Technicality, and not just Rush-Down characteristics. You can't turn the tables on the opponent with an easy-as-pie EX Kartwheel, but you can time a Garrote Counter to not only turn the tables, but put them in various favorable positions for follow-up offense. Then, Rush them Down as much as you want with her Military Stance mix-ups and her other arsenals, many of which will lie in her strings, which we didn't get to see.

Now to some sadness; I will really, really miss the Stun Kiss. But to be honest, given how they implemented it in MK9, she's fine without it. It was very slow in MK9, and really (other than making for some devastating corner combos) it only worked when you knew you were going to be attacked from mid or long range, or jumped on. You had to foresee that shit like a fucking seer, and they'd essentially run into or jump into your dust. Not very useful. I'll miss it, though, it always looked cool and was an instant classic from the moment of its MKDA introduction.

Speaking of which, I'm happy with the X-Ray. It's cool that we get a close-up of that mad-as-hell face, and that it's not focused solely on the victim. Where the hell did that knee from her reveal trailer go, though? Haha The one she got Quan Chi with (and that, as JAX007 noticed, seems to reveal a Camo outfit)? Odd. Great X-Ray, however; I approve. And into a Brutality? Haha thumbs up!

Not a fan of the visual cue of Covert Ops; I would've just added the Garrote Wire somewhere on her belt rather than paint her face! Come on, man. Lemme see that pretty-ass face as you choke motherfuckers. Not cool.

I'll be quicker with my thoughts on the other variations, as I didn't swoon as much over them as I did over Covert Ops.


Not as flashy and in-your-face as I like to be, but it's not supposed to be so. I appreciate what they did with this Variation, it really does allow you to play her in a completely different way.

Mix-Up opportunities here are ridiculous in scope. I used to envy skilled Reptile and Cyrax players (and they often were the bane of my Sonya's existence) because of their crazy mix-up and guessing games with the bombs and the Forceball. It's a beautiful way to kill resets and confuse opponents, by forcing them to look both at you and over their own shoulder as they're getting rushed. I foresee a lot of Demolition players setting traps with the grenades, and pushing blocking opponents into them. If the grenade hits, great; if it doesn't, Throw! Or Overhead into Combo!

It's gonna take some skill and some practice, but players of this variation are gonna be a serious threat once they get a game plan down with these babies. And again, way to mix things up! If you're a good Covert Ops and Demolition player, you can throw your opponent for a loop with your play style fight after fight, lessening their chances of adapting to you.

The Grenade Wake-up is nice, will definitely be useful in stopping rush-downs. Wish you could EX that. The Grenade String will be a cool-looking combo-ender. Decent damage there, too.

The big question here for me is, can you combo into an explosion? In other words, can I punch, punch, Stun Grenade, combo string? That would certainly be a nice replacement for the Stun Kiss! You could never dream about combo'ing into a Kiss in MK9 unless you had them in the corner. I really wish they'd shown whether or not this is possible. I salivate at the possibilities.

I'm gonna stay optimistic and, for the moment, conclude that you CAN combo into a Frag or a Stun based on being able to combo into Military Stance moves.

(Just saw that Dropkick here again, gahDAMN, the range on that is crazy!)

Special Forces:

(Why's Liu Kang being a bitch to Sonya? Dafuq she ever did? Kung Lao got killed, too, but look how nice he's being to his friends! Punk-ass bitch, I'll have you!)

Not many people are excited about this one. Personally, I, too, would have devoted a variation to Tech-based attacks from her gauntlet, but I wouldn't have gone with a drone assist. It really doesn't suit her, and like some people have said, would have been more appropriate for a cyborg character. I can buy Sonya using Sci-Fi-ish grenades, but having a drone follow her around is underwhelming when you take into account one's plausible expectations for what she might be able to do with all her technology.

I expected this variation to build on the Energy of the Rings; perhaps enveloping her body for reduced damage intake, allowing for localized explosions to cut pressure, giving her Rings various trajectories and powers. I think that would have been cooler, and would have looked cooler. Moreover, it would allow us to play Sonya as a zoner; something we haven't been able to do. And while, yes, this, too, can be played for zoning, it feels limited in comparison to what could have easily been.

If anything, this drone should have been incorporated into Demolition; let IT drop the grenades on top of having these laser beams.

Pretty underwhelmed with this one. Feels tacked on.

That being said, it has its strengths, and isn't entirely dismissible. Basically, what I'm taking from this variation is that you can play mix-up and guessing games from a distance, and build off of creating breaches in which to rush. This will work well against Erron Blacks, for example; countering their zoning with your own (Droid + Rings), until one of the projectiles take him down and give you a chance to run in and do what Sonya does best.


The way I see it, these variations cover the distance spectrum for Sonya. You got one that's totally in-your-face, chock-full of various moves for pressure and aggression..... The other toes the line between pressure and zoning, favoring midrange...... And finally, the last strengthens her most when she's far away, even if the variation itself is a little underwhelming.

I think they succeeded in giving her 3 variations with distinct benefits, allowing her distinct play styles. They look cool (although Covert Ops topples the rest in terms of flash, by far), and tell a strong enough tale of what kind of character Sonya is.

I'm satisfied with all 3 variations, extremely happy about Covert Ops, and I can't wait to whore the shit out of all her intros. I think we got the bottom of the barrel here, I bet you there are some much better Johnny/Kano exchanges!

A huge thanks to NRS for a job well done with my girl!! I'm beyond pumped to master her.

April 14th can't get here soon enough.
04/03/2015 09:25 AM (UTC)
The first variation was pretty cool. The last two were boring as hell. And she doesn't have a kiss of death fatality... I hope we get some classic fatalities as dlc
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

04/03/2015 11:36 AM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
Darkmage41 Wrote:
Also her fatality distance is long range! ie the kiss of death could be back!

Hmm seems to be Mid-Range, named "Head Hunter". The other, Close, "Target Marked". We probably shouldn't get our hopes up for the Kiss sad

This cumbersome monster of a post might have been better suited for here than the Stream thread; Gonna leave it here, rather than reword or condense:

Having reviewed the footage many times (and yet again as I write this), I am mostly satisfied. I feel the essence of Sonya was marvelously represented in one variation, while the others fall progressively short of that triumph.

Common Specials:

I'm glad the Dive Kick is back, now called Air Drop? It's her best addition in MK9 after Military Stance. The range this time is monstrous compared to MK9, I'm pleasantly taken aback by that. It's like Kung Lao's, except you can combo into it.

Arc Kick seems largely unchanged, save for multi-kick on Enhanced, which is visually better and more satisfying than MK9's.

Not much to say about the Energy Rings, they're pretty straightforward; not a fan of the pose, though (particularly the lean-back). Looked a little odd in the screenshot and unfortunately motion didn't ameliorate this. I liked how in MK9 she seemed to swing it onward; there was more of an oomph.

I love that the Leg Grab turns into a forward flip when it misses!! I think that's gonna severely diminish the punish window, and it'll be a hell of a lot safer to throw around this time! Depending on how it hits on block, it might be a solid replacement for the Kartwheel in terms of keeping pressure and rushing. I miss the days when you could more or less throw the Leg Grab around willy-nilly and not get combo'ed into high heaven 75% of the time; seems we're finally getting that back. I am, however, at a loss as to why Enhancing it doesn't up the damage. Is this gonna get fixed? Haha Otherwise there's no real reason to waste meter on it. You don't necessarily gain much from Armoring it.

This is fucking awesome:

Looks like it's started by a regular kick. Potentially an awesome combo-ender. If it's an overhead, I'll definitely be using it a lot!

Now, getting into the juicy stuff...

Covert Ops:

There is no doubt that this will be my main variation. Here is where they most quintessentially gave MK9 Sonya the MKX treatment. It's a thing of beauty.

I've been wishing for Counters for Sonya for a good while now. I was giddy when it was shown off in her reveal trailer, and it's happened all over again in this demo. The Garrote Counters have a degree of cool that's bordering on erotic, I am ecstatic with this addition to her arsenal. I wasn't expecting it to be a choose-your-own-adventure type of thing, so that was a great surprise! More ways to manipulate the opponent.

And the animations are priceless! Really highlighting her nimbleness and agility. And that shower of blood when the wire is at their throat is beautiful.

I wish I could have listened more closely to the sound effects. That reeling/cutting sound from the wire really stands out, it will make it that much more satisfying to land a counter.

Speaking of sounds, did anyone at all get what she said at 7:40 after landing the counter? Is it "I get mad, baby!" Can't make out the last word. I'm also really curious about what Johnny says almost right after at 7:57. It must be even funnier than the simple fact that he's saying something about getting hit Hahaha

The EX Garrote Counters take it to a whole 'nother level of cool. That pop-up one deserves a couple replays.

Air Grab makes a return! Not sure if it's a normal special; it seems implied to be a Variation specific move. Hopefully you can still execute it following a drop kick! I will miss her going "YES!!" over and over when I spammed drop-kick-into-air-grab haha. Good times.

I was a little miffed over the lack of Kartwheel---and still somewhat am---but it is largely forgiven given that you can connect Military Stance attacks to combos without a reset. I've seen a couple people bemoan that they will no longer be able to turn the tables on opponents with EX Kartwheels; I counter that by drawing attention to her counters.

What's happening here is that Sonya is being presented as a Technical character in conjunction with the Rush-Down aspects most have come to expect from her. What this is doing is making her more complex to use; and she's not losing abilities in this process, more so gaining responses to multiple scenarios that require Technicality, and not just Rush-Down characteristics. You can't turn the tables on the opponent with an easy-as-pie EX Kartwheel, but you can time a Garrote Counter to not only turn the tables, but put them in various favorable positions for follow-up offense. Then, Rush them Down as much as you want with her Military Stance mix-ups and her other arsenals, many of which will lie in her strings, which we didn't get to see.

Now to some sadness; I will really, really miss the Stun Kiss. But to be honest, given how they implemented it in MK9, she's fine without it. It was very slow in MK9, and really (other than making for some devastating corner combos) it only worked when you knew you were going to be attacked from mid or long range, or jumped on. You had to foresee that shit like a fucking seer, and they'd essentially run into or jump into your dust. Not very useful. I'll miss it, though, it always looked cool and was an instant classic from the moment of its MKDA introduction.

Speaking of which, I'm happy with the X-Ray. It's cool that we get a close-up of that mad-as-hell face, and that it's not focused solely on the victim. Where the hell did that knee from her reveal trailer go, though? Haha The one she got Quan Chi with (and that, as JAX007 noticed, seems to reveal a Camo outfit)? Odd. Great X-Ray, however; I approve. And into a Brutality? Haha thumbs up!

Not a fan of the visual cue of Covert Ops; I would've just added the Garrote Wire somewhere on her belt rather than paint her face! Come on, man. Lemme see that pretty-ass face as you choke motherfuckers. Not cool.

I'll be quicker with my thoughts on the other variations, as I didn't swoon as much over them as I did over Covert Ops.


Not as flashy and in-your-face as I like to be, but it's not supposed to be so. I appreciate what they did with this Variation, it really does allow you to play her in a completely different way.

Mix-Up opportunities here are ridiculous in scope. I used to envy skilled Reptile and Cyrax players (and they often were the bane of my Sonya's existence) because of their crazy mix-up and guessing games with the bombs and the Forceball. It's a beautiful way to kill resets and confuse opponents, by forcing them to look both at you and over their own shoulder as they're getting rushed. I foresee a lot of Demolition players setting traps with the grenades, and pushing blocking opponents into them. If the grenade hits, great; if it doesn't, Throw! Or Overhead into Combo!

It's gonna take some skill and some practice, but players of this variation are gonna be a serious threat once they get a game plan down with these babies. And again, way to mix things up! If you're a good Covert Ops and Demolition player, you can throw your opponent for a loop with your play style fight after fight, lessening their chances of adapting to you.

The Grenade Wake-up is nice, will definitely be useful in stopping rush-downs. Wish you could EX that. The Grenade String will be a cool-looking combo-ender. Decent damage there, too.

The big question here for me is, can you combo into an explosion? In other words, can I punch, punch, Stun Grenade, combo string? That would certainly be a nice replacement for the Stun Kiss! You could never dream about combo'ing into a Kiss in MK9 unless you had them in the corner. I really wish they'd shown whether or not this is possible. I salivate at the possibilities.

I'm gonna stay optimistic and, for the moment, conclude that you CAN combo into a Frag or a Stun based on being able to combo into Military Stance moves.

(Just saw that Dropkick here again, gahDAMN, the range on that is crazy!)

Special Forces:

(Why's Liu Kang being a bitch to Sonya? Dafuq she ever did? Kung Lao got killed, too, but look how nice he's being to his friends! Punk-ass bitch, I'll have you!)

Not many people are excited about this one. Personally, I, too, would have devoted a variation to Tech-based attacks from her gauntlet, but I wouldn't have gone with a drone assist. It really doesn't suit her, and like some people have said, would have been more appropriate for a cyborg character. I can buy Sonya using Sci-Fi-ish grenades, but having a drone follow her around is underwhelming when you take into account one's plausible expectations for what she might be able to do with all her technology.

I expected this variation to build on the Energy of the Rings; perhaps enveloping her body for reduced damage intake, allowing for localized explosions to cut pressure, giving her Rings various trajectories and powers. I think that would have been cooler, and would have looked cooler. Moreover, it would allow us to play Sonya as a zoner; something we haven't been able to do. And while, yes, this, too, can be played for zoning, it feels limited in comparison to what could have easily been.

If anything, this drone should have been incorporated into Demolition; let IT drop the grenades on top of having these laser beams.

Pretty underwhelmed with this one. Feels tacked on.

That being said, it has its strengths, and isn't entirely dismissible. Basically, what I'm taking from this variation is that you can play mix-up and guessing games from a distance, and build off of creating breaches in which to rush. This will work well against Erron Blacks, for example; countering their zoning with your own (Droid + Rings), until one of the projectiles take him down and give you a chance to run in and do what Sonya does best.


The way I see it, these variations cover the distance spectrum for Sonya. You got one that's totally in-your-face, chock-full of various moves for pressure and aggression..... The other toes the line between pressure and zoning, favoring midrange...... And finally, the last strengthens her most when she's far away, even if the variation itself is a little underwhelming.

I think they succeeded in giving her 3 variations with distinct benefits, allowing her distinct play styles. They look cool (although Covert Ops topples the rest in terms of flash, by far), and tell a strong enough tale of what kind of character Sonya is.

I'm satisfied with all 3 variations, extremely happy about Covert Ops, and I can't wait to whore the shit out of all her intros. I think we got the bottom of the barrel here, I bet you there are some much better Johnny/Kano exchanges!

A huge thanks to NRS for a job well done with my girl!! I'm beyond pumped to master her.

April 14th can't get here soon enough.


Covert Ops is mine though wink
04/03/2015 02:04 PM (UTC)
Just watched all the variations again.

I must say i am starting to love all her variations.

Everyone has something Unique
04/03/2015 02:05 PM (UTC)
Whoops wrong thread.
One one hand the Drone may seem silly.

Shang downed a chopper with one fireball, what`s stopping anyone from attacking the drone?

I guess Shang isn`t around to shoot it down...

04/04/2015 04:53 PM (UTC)
So we all saw the Sonya fatality ? What you guys think ?

For the ones who missed it

About Me

-sig by MINION

04/04/2015 05:26 PM (UTC)
It's really awful imo.
04/04/2015 05:29 PM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
So we all saw the Sonya fatality ? What you guys think ?

For the ones who missed it


That dam drone. Dam that drone..
About Me

Get that ass BANNED

04/04/2015 05:33 PM (UTC)
Its god damn terrible.
About Me

ain't nobody got time fo sigs

04/04/2015 06:25 PM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
So we all saw the Sonya fatality ? What you guys think ?

For the ones who missed it


Could be better, too simple, but i still find that one better than her MK9 one.

...I don't even know what to say. I need a moment *yoga breathing*
04/04/2015 07:09 PM (UTC)
Her fatality was ok, it could of been better. Hopefully, her second one makes up for it
04/04/2015 07:16 PM (UTC)
Awfull really ?

I like the fact they used the drone this time.
It has more visual awesomeness then her mk9 fatalitys combined.

This was target marked.

The other ones is head hunter what do you all expect from that ?
04/04/2015 07:21 PM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
Awfull really ?

I like the fact they used the drone this time.
It has more visual awesomeness then her mk9 fatalitys combined.

This was target marked.

The other ones is head hunter what do you all expect from that ?

By the name it will involve her drone blowing up the head, again.
residentfan Wrote:
By the name it will involve her drone blowing up the head, again

This. I can't get my hopes high...each time I do that drone appears and smash 'em.
04/05/2015 07:02 AM (UTC)
well.. sadly her first fatality sucked. on it's own it's a solid fatality but compared to the other fatalities it's boring. even raidens first fatality has a unique element with the eyes popping out. what has sonya? a drone?...

i pray her second one is better... but i have a bad feeling.
04/05/2015 09:59 AM (UTC)
I would love to like another character I've never had any interest in, but good lord, it's like NRS really went full retard with Sonya. That fatality was awful, if a drone blew up the whole body or quickly laser the whole body so it just falls apart in piece, that would've been awesome. Glad I'm not a Sonya fan, I truly feel for you guys.
About Me

04/05/2015 12:18 PM (UTC)
As a die hard Sonya fan, I could not be more disgusted by the stupidity of that fatality.... It's tied with Erron Black's for worst of the game, and it disappoints me so much to say that.

It's poorly paced, it's odd, it's not brutal in the slightest... it doesn't even take advantage of the idea of a 'drone'...

and worst of all...

Why on earth can't they just give her the kiss of death again? Are they that wedded to slicing and dicing that they can't have a 'burning' model? They've already modeled skeletons - just reduce them toa pile of bones. THAT would have been epic.

Instead we get this.... series of nothings. It's so lacking in any impact, I can't believe anyone let it past the drawing board.

And sadly, this is letting all those anti-Sonya rejects start saying 'see, she's an awful character'.

SHE'S not. The designers just gave about two seconds worth of thought into her second two variations and her fatality.

For the love of Christ the second one better make up for it.

(Nothing else in the game disappoints me except this stuff.... the poor design choices are just baffling after they got her look/attitude so right)
04/05/2015 12:43 PM (UTC)

Sonya is pretty much confirmed for MK11, Johnny and Cassie as well, and there was a reconciliation.

What do you guys expect for her in the next one? I just want a hatless costume, but the rest they could keep the same.

For special moves I wish to have the Bicycle Kick back, the Kartweel not in the Military Stance but as it's own move.

If they are going to bring variations back the should mix the drone with the grenades and create one based on her kiss moves.
About Me

04/05/2015 12:47 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:

Sonya is pretty much confirmed for MK11, Johnny and Cassie as well, and there was a reconciliation.

What do you guys expect for her in the next one? I just want a hatless costume, but the rest they could keep the same.

For special moves I wish to have the Bicycle Kick back, the Kartweel not in the Military Stance but as it's own move.

If they are going to bring variations back the should mix the drone with the grenades and create one based on her kiss moves.

Bit early to be contemplating MK11 when we haven't even played X, don't you think?

Just ditch the grenades and the fucking drone and I'll be happy. How I hate that fucking drone.
About Me

-sig by MINION

04/05/2015 01:04 PM (UTC)
Well they're getting pretty up there in age so unless the next MK games takes place primarily in one time frame they probably won't be playable. The new generation of heroes are fully functional in their rolls now. Johnny even said his job is done, sarcastically of course, but I felt like their was a message in their about happy endings and leaving it up to the legacy characters.

But I'd say keep the grenades but definitely lose the drone.
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