Sonya fans unite. Lets talk Sonya :D
posted08/12/2015 08:54 AM (UTC)by
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01/29/2015 06:04 PM (UTC)
So like probabley everyone knows.
I am super hyped for Sonya.
A little bit dissapointed that there still is no stream about her variations

I was so happy when the Cage family trailer came out..... She was finally revealed. But then..... Nothing.... Zero.....

Just really want to know her move set and variations.

She looks better then ever. So i hope she has great moves.... Also better then ever.

What really pisses me off is that Some characters get revealed and day later they are in the stream or a week later.
I just don't get that.

So this thread is for Sonya fans.
Lets talk what you hope or think her moves Will be and what her variations Will be.

This aint a thread for the people who call her a waste of roster space and bitch about het. Don't like her then Please leave.

Thank you
03/28/2015 08:47 PM (UTC)
Another Sonya fan here. I will post what I would like to see has her variations.

Universal moves: Ring Blast, Kartweel, Leg Grab, and Deadly Kiss. Military Stance would be in all of her variations.

Here are the variations I think she should have:

Major: This variation would focus on her legs and would upgrade her speed and combos. She would gain the following moves: Bicycle Kick, Fly Kick (From Deadly Aliance), Air Dive Kick, and the Arc Kick.

Colonel: In this variation she would gain that wire thing she uses in her fatalities in Mk9, it would have the parry we saw in the trailer, the Air Leg Grab and a lot of other grab moves.

General: Would focus mostly in zooning, and would have only new moves as variation exclusives, it also upgrades her chi abilitys. Fire Kiss (would send a fire kiss to the ground that places the enemy under fire when it touches). Prison Kiss (would be like her second Fatality in MK3, she would send a kiss that forms a prison and then smashes the oponent), Low Ring Blast (the same Ring Blast we saw in MKvsDC), Protector Kiss (would be a kiss projectile that spins around her, like Rose`s Ultra move in Super Street Fighter 4), Kiss Trap (would be a kiss which would be placed above her, dealing with any aerial attack).

Thats all. I hope you liked.
03/28/2015 08:51 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
Another Sonya fan here. I will post what I would like to see has her variations.

Universal moves: Ring Blast, Kartweel, Leg Grab, and Deadly Kiss. Military Stance would be in all of her variations.

Here are the variations I think she should have:

Major: This variation would focus on her legs and would upgrade her speed and combos. She would gain the following moves: Bicycle Kick, Fly Kick (From Deadly Aliance), Air Dive Kick, and the Arc Kick.

Colonel: In this variation she would gain that wire thing she uses in her fatalities in Mk9, it would have the parry we saw in the trailer, the Air Leg Grab and a lot of other grab moves.

General: Would focus mostly in zooning, and would have only new moves as variation exclusives, it also upgrades her chi abilitys. Fire Kiss (would send a fire kiss to the ground that places the enemy under fire when it touches). Prison Kiss (would be like her second Fatality in MK3, she would send a kiss that forms a prison and then smashes the oponent), Low Ring Blast (the same Ring Blast we saw in MKvsDC), Protector Kiss (would be a kiss projectile that spins around her, like Rose`s Ultra move in Super Street Fighter 4), Kiss Trap (would be a kiss which would be placed above her, dealing with any aerial attack).

Thats all. I hope you liked.

WoW you gave it a thought.
I really like the Kiss moves in the general variation.
I Would main all of the variations. And her moves Would be great if they all were in.
Sonya since 92
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03/28/2015 08:51 PM (UTC)
Universal moves

Leg Grab
Cartwheel (armoured enhanced)
Energy Rings (doubled enchanced)
Arc Kick (Enhanced travels further)
Dive kick (enhanced gives downward bike kick)

Grappler variation
Focuses on extra grapples and chain commands. Gives enhanced Leg Grab

Garote Wire variation
Gives Sonya various counters using her Garote wire.

SciFi tech variation
Gives Sonya various deadly dust attacks (Poisened, stun, meter drain) and changes up her energy rings.
The names of variations need some thought though lol

I cannot wait to see Ms Blade in action, praying for her in next weeks stream. #PrayForSonya
03/28/2015 09:00 PM (UTC)
It seems like each different variation will have a different hat.

The one we saw in the factions trailer had the beret.

The one in the Cage Family Trailer had the cap.

And the last, which we saw yesterday was hatless.

I like all, the beret one reminds me of MKvsDC, the cap reminds MK4, and the hatless variation is her normal self.

Anyone else noticed the things she has in her arms? They are just like the ones Jacqui has. And they also have different colors, the one in the Cage Family Trailer is red and the one has another color,however I don`t remenber were I saw it.
03/28/2015 09:18 PM (UTC)
I'm a Sonya fan besides Kitana and Mileena. Well they are saving the best for last grin but I hope she has all her moves from MK 9. That kiss move, leg grab, those rings she shoot. Oh and I hope her fatality will be that fire kiss she had before. I would love to see that in detail. And today's graphics
03/28/2015 09:52 PM (UTC)
One of her variations must be named Special Forces since Takeda's is Shirai Ryu.
03/28/2015 10:01 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
One of her variations must be named Special Forces since Takeda's is Shirai Ryu.

Cassie has a special Forces one.
So i really hope Sonya does not have it.
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03/28/2015 10:14 PM (UTC)
I've been SO annoyed at ever Kombat Kast, because they're showing EVERY confirmed character except for her. It's so frustrating.
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ain't nobody got time fo sigs

03/28/2015 10:20 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
It seems like each different variation will have a different hat.

The one we saw in the factions trailer had the beret.

The one in the Cage Family Trailer had the cap.

And the last, which we saw yesterday was hatless.

I like all, the beret one reminds me of MKvsDC, the cap reminds MK4, and the hatless variation is her normal self.

Anyone else noticed the things she has in her arms? They are just like the ones Jacqui has. And they also have different colors, the one in the Cage Family Trailer is red and the one has another color,however I don`t remenber were I saw it.

We've seen 4 Different things in her Primary outfit

First one she has the Hat, doesn't have ring
Second One, she's hatless, doesn't have the ring
Third one, she's hatless but the hair is all pulled back, and she has the ring (it didn't have the metal textures at that time)
Fourth one, she has the beret and the ring, and that one leads me to believe it's her roster image, her default outfit. <- you can see the 4 pictures here side by side

About the gauntlets, yes i noticed they get different each time i see them

Normal gauntlets -

Here she looks like she adds something to the gauntlets makes it look bigger on her arms and it has screens that glow red - 1st 2nd

Here same thing as the second picture but instead of Red it glows Green -


It really blows my mind how she has a lot of different things, specially when you know Sonya and Johnny are divorced (which it sucks) and in the two pictures of the bottom she has a ring... hmm

One question, will they get back together? There, might be a cliche...
03/28/2015 10:34 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
I've been SO annoyed at ever Kombat Kast, because they're showing EVERY confirmed character except for her. It's so frustrating.

Also Jacquie, but i hope they show the soon, they both look awesome!!!

As fos Sonya, i'm loving her design this time and i hope her game play is as amazing as the ideas written in here ^^
03/28/2015 11:20 PM (UTC)
theJudicator Wrote:
residentfan Wrote:
It seems like each different variation will have a different hat.

The one we saw in the factions trailer had the beret.

The one in the Cage Family Trailer had the cap.

And the last, which we saw yesterday was hatless.

I like all, the beret one reminds me of MKvsDC, the cap reminds MK4, and the hatless variation is her normal self.

Anyone else noticed the things she has in her arms? They are just like the ones Jacqui has. And they also have different colors, the one in the Cage Family Trailer is red and the one has another color,however I don`t remenber were I saw it.

We've seen 4 Different things in her Primary outfit

First one she has the Hat, doesn't have ring
Second One, she's hatless, doesn't have the ring
Third one, she's hatless but the hair is all pulled back, and she has the ring (it didn't have the metal textures at that time)
Fourth one, she has the beret and the ring, and that one leads me to believe it's her roster image, her default outfit. <- you can see the 4 pictures here side by side

About the gauntlets, yes i noticed they get different each time i see them

Normal gauntlets -

Here she looks like she adds something to the gauntlets makes it look bigger on her arms and it has screens that glow red - 1st 2nd

Here same thing as the second picture but instead of Red it glows Green -


It really blows my mind how she has a lot of different things, specially when you know Sonya and Johnny are divorced (which it sucks) and in the two pictures of the bottom she has a ring... hmm

One question, will they get back together? There, might be a cliche...

I noticed the ring as well. I take that as a tip that Johnny will die. Also, the ring might be in the leaked imagem because her model wasn't complete at the time.
03/28/2015 11:28 PM (UTC)
I just hope her Klassic skin is het MK3 outfit :)
03/28/2015 11:30 PM (UTC)
Spirit_Wolf Wrote:
I just hope her Klassic skin is het MK3 outfit :)

Me too, her MK1 version is terrible. Since Tanya and Tremor are considered classics it could also be her MK4 design.
03/28/2015 11:44 PM (UTC)
I hope her classic outfit is the one from MK4, MK3 one doesn't make her look like a SF agent, and the one from MK1 is terrible. The one from MKDA would also be acceptable since it can pass as her casual clothes.

As for her variations, i'm hoping for:

Universal moves: Leg grab, cartwheel kick, drop kick, arc kick

Tech master: Gains ring toss and kiss, along with some real tech-y stylish moves
Grappler: gains unblockable grabs, wire attacks
Military stance: Take downs and resets

Fatalities: Kiss of death from MK4 or DA and something new
Brutalities: Scissor legs (leg grab), fire kiss (kiss), wire decapitation
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03/28/2015 11:46 PM (UTC)
Sonya is cool I have always liked her. I liked her version of the kiss of death with fire and the blue energy one. I hope she has a combined version of both in one fatality it would be so amazing. I am glad she is back.wink
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03/29/2015 12:02 AM (UTC)
I've had a long-lasting variation wish-list that included a Chi-Based Defensive variation, but it looks like they're officially retconning that in favor of the "Sci-Fi Warrior" approach. The other ones have been stolen/covered by this incredible beast:

SlickRick82 Wrote:
Grappler variation
Focuses on extra grapples and chain commands. Gives enhanced Leg Grab

Garote Wire variation
Gives Sonya various counters using her Garote wire.

SciFi tech variation
Gives Sonya various deadly dust attacks (Poisened, stun, meter drain) and changes up her energy rings.

I do, however, hope that they bunch the grappling and the counters under one Brawler Variation variation. Something like Commando Kano, but using that bitchin' steel garrote wire. If this happens, I will sacrifice 3 babies to the goat lord and also eat a pickle (I hate pickles! Yuck!)

I just think the two actions are too stylistically similar to warrant 2 separate variations. She can have bone-breaking/submission-style holds that you can extend through well-timed commands, that incorporate the wire (some brutal chokes with plenty of blood!); likewise, she can have low/high/mid counters like we've seen her use agains Scorpion. I would sob uncontrollably every time I use this variation, until the end of times. Too beautiful and fitting and perfect and my longing dreams.

I like the Tech Variation! Enhanced variants of her Kiss/Dust are a good idea (the ones residentfan listed are strong examples). In terms of her Rings, I would incorporate different directions and speed for proper zoning. Anti-air, slow-moving, low, Enhanced with multiple shots. I would also give her some kind of timed explosive that you can scatter at different spots of the arena, for baiting, mix-ups, and defense. Finally, she can imbue her body with the energy from the Rings for reduced damage intake, or release it in a large burst to stop a rush-down assault from the opponent.

My ideas for Universal moves:

Energy Rings(Enhanced: Multiple Shots)
Leg Grab(Enhanced: Instead of slamming the opponent down on the ground, she releases them halfway, hurling them high into the air. They go off-screen and plummet fast, so you have to time a juggle really well in order to connect)
Arc Kick(Enhanced: She follows up the kick with a leg grapple/takedown for extra damage)
SlickRick82 Wrote:Cartwheel (armoured enhanced)
Dive kick (enhanced gives downward bike kick)

residentfan Wrote:
It seems like each different variation will have a different hat.

The one we saw in the factions trailer had the beret.

The one in the Cage Family Trailer had the cap.

And the last, which we saw yesterday was hatless.

This is a plausible observation. I don't know how much a green beret would fit, visually, with her dark-blue outfit; it might work. However, as you (and Judicator) have noted, her gauntlets have different lights (sometimes none at all) in different screenshots and footage. With so many different looks, it's hard to pinpoint obvious visual cues of her variations. tongue It's pretty funny how we've seen barely anything of Sonya, yet we've seen her with a number of different looks.

theJudicator Wrote: <- you can see the 4 pictures here side by side...

I personally think the variation cues will relate to the lights on her gauntlet. and the beret and ring look are either Story-mode related, or scrapped concepts.

Jenafella56 Wrote:...I hope her fatality will be that fire kiss she had before. I would love to see that in detail. And today's graphics

That would be cool if done well. It's also doable even if they want to completely take away her "supernatural" abilities. If she can do it in the second movie, they can find a plausible way in MKX.

MikeyRu Wrote:
I've been SO annoyed at ever Kombat Kast, because they're showing EVERY confirmed character except for her. It's so frustrating.

...Ugh, don't get me started...

Me during every Kombat Kast:

It seriously baffles and irks me how they simply skipped her the past couple weeks, when logically one would have expected her to be shown off. This week was especially disappointing; they opted to show characters that were just-then, or never, officially announced. I think they should have shown her with Johnny in the fifth stream. Dis has been dat bullshit.

theJudicator Wrote:One question, will they get back together? There, might be a cliche...

I do hope they have a very subtle reconciliation. Nothing too sacharine or romantic, but I do hope it happens. It's been always so refreshing, having the Johnny/Sonya dynamic in MK. Dark narratives benefit greatly from occasional comic relief. And not only comic relief, but the actual implication of what Sonya & Johnny represent, which is something good being found in something horrible. Through multiple near-destructions of Earthrealm and the untimely deaths of so many friends and allies, they have come together to create a symbiotic relationship as well as new life (thus giving way to the "NeXt generation"). I think their "thing" is awesome and underrated in the midst of all the other story elements.

Finally, I'm still hoping for a Kiss Fatality. Anything coming close to this idea would be awesome:

LeoBrZ81 Wrote: Kiss of Death: Sonya lightly touches her hands to the sides of her victim's face, and leans in for a kiss. Just before her lips touch theirs, she exhales a cloud of the poison mist into their mouth.

The victim falls on their back, and starts having a seizure, contorting, groaning, and finally screaming out in pain. Pinkish/purplish veins throb out from within their flesh; Blood starts rushing out of their eyes, nose, and mouth, a mixture of blackened red and deep pink. Gashes open up all over their skin, releasing the pink poison and blood in a gaseous mixture. The screaming eventually stops and they expire, their face frozen in horror, their body unnervingly contorted on the floor.

My other idea was given to Cassie as a Brutality lol...

In spite of my bleeding heart from the past two streams, I continue to be indescribably excited about MKX Sonya. I think everything that has made her so mesmerizingly bad-ass in the past is epitomized in this game, and that's just from the very little we've seen (comics, reveal trailer, brief gameplay). I think when they finally, FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY!!!! show her variations and extended gameplay in a stream, there will be no doubt that this is the best Sonya yet, and that it will be very difficult to top it in the future.

No matter the disappointments, I am very grateful to NRS for the obvious great work and effort that has gone into her, and for the fact that (and this is no hyperbole) I am getting everything I could possibly want, and a bunch of things I didn't even know I wanted, in this game.
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03/29/2015 12:20 AM (UTC)
Sonya has been my girl since the first time I picked up a controller. Was MKT and 4 at my cousin's - and oh boy did I fall in love with that blonde.

Like others, I'm bewildered by the character choices for streams.... Goro's face has been sitting on-screen for ages, but never shown. Sonya gets a trailer just of her and her family yet she's not even on the select screen? But Liu and Shinnok get both for the first time ??
It's... Weird.

So long as she gets her solo moment in a Kast eventually I'm happy.
And her classic outfit better be 3 or 4. 1 was so very busted.

I'm really not sure where they'll go for her gameplay. The additions to her MK9 arsenal were sublime - that arc kick sweet Jesus I love that move.

Id just like to see the leg grab and kiss powder made more useful. Could never land those outside of combos.

As for fatalities, please please please don't give in too much to the 'real and gritty' aesthetic and just give her the kiss of death again. And don't be afraid to bring back what I missed about the 2D era : bones.

Nobody gets reduced to piles of bones anymore. Let Sonya do it pleassssse

Story wise, I won't lie... I ship Sonya and Johnny so hard. I want to see a reconciliation. Having the whole family tree involved is new to MK, so might as well use it.
03/29/2015 12:23 AM (UTC)
Great post Leo.

I really do agree with the gauntlets.
Hope they do something with it.
Variations wise everyone has great ideas.
See people lots of potential in this character.
I look forward Sonya interacting with Cassie.
Dialog and stream Please come this week
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03/29/2015 08:39 AM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:Story wise, I won't lie... I ship Sonya and Johnny so hard. I want to see a reconciliation. Having the whole family tree involved is new to MK, so might as well use it.

I really hope they don't kill off one of the three for "emotional" purposes. Like you said, the family dynamic is new and fresh, and (in Boon's own words) has opened up fruitful new grounds to explore in terms of story and interactions between characters. They can keep working with this for more games; anything they do with it would be a thousand times more interesting than the cliched "dead parent" (or, to a lesser possibility, "dead child") angle.

I'm a little fearful, given what we've seen, that they have opted to take out Johnny in order to bring Sonya and Cassie "closer". I hope I'm wrong, and they don't take a sudden and very predictable way out of this intriguing dynamic they've chosen to create.
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03/29/2015 08:47 AM (UTC)
Mikeyru they haven't showed jaquline briggs yet either or Kenshi or Jax
03/29/2015 12:12 PM (UTC)
They me something guys, what dou guys think of Sonya in the comics? I saw a lot of bate for her behavior.
03/29/2015 03:36 PM (UTC)
Even though my pic is stryker who I love... Sonya has been my number 1 main in every game she appeared in. Me and this chick go way back. I remember being so MAD when u couldn't be her in mk2. When ever we played on the arena stage I'm like damn.. shes rite there just give her to me damnit!

Then mk3 came around and team po po (that means police) was born. I'd beat the hell out of people with her and stryker.... damn those were the days.

Anyways I've been pretty fucking pissed as well with them just blatantly excluding her in all the streams. How the hell does Liu Kang and shinnock get fully fleshed out and not her! I'm just hoping she has her dive kick and military stance back from mk9. Her bicycle kick needs to make a return as well. I'm not worried about her other moves because their staples.
03/29/2015 04:14 PM (UTC)
DestructionCalls Wrote:
Even though my pic is stryker who I love... Sonya has been my number 1 main in every game she appeared in. Me and this chick go way back. I remember being so MAD when u couldn't be her in mk2. When ever we played on the arena stage I'm like damn.. shes rite there just give her to me damnit!

Then mk3 came around and team po po (that means police) was born. I'd beat the hell out of people with her and stryker.... damn those were the days.

Anyways I've been pretty fucking pissed as well with them just blatantly excluding her in all the streams. How the hell does Liu Kang and shinnock get fully fleshed out and not her! I'm just hoping she has her dive kick and military stance back from mk9. Her bicycle kick needs to make a return as well. I'm not worried about her other moves because their staples.

Good to hear.
So happy there are a lot of Sonya fans.
We all have been pissed about that.
Lets all have our fingers crossed for the upcoming stream. If she aint in. I aint watching.

I was pissed she was out of deception to.
She always is my main to since mk1.
Loved all her moves except MKDA. She was Boring to me.
03/29/2015 04:26 PM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
DestructionCalls Wrote:
Even though my pic is stryker who I love... Sonya has been my number 1 main in every game she appeared in. Me and this chick go way back. I remember being so MAD when u couldn't be her in mk2. When ever we played on the arena stage I'm like damn.. shes rite there just give her to me damnit!

Then mk3 came around and team po po (that means police) was born. I'd beat the hell out of people with her and stryker.... damn those were the days.

Anyways I've been pretty fucking pissed as well with them just blatantly excluding her in all the streams. How the hell does Liu Kang and shinnock get fully fleshed out and not her! I'm just hoping she has her dive kick and military stance back from mk9. Her bicycle kick needs to make a return as well. I'm not worried about her other moves because their staples.

Good to hear.
So happy there are a lot of Sonya fans.
We all have been pissed about that.
Lets all have our fingers crossed for the upcoming stream. If she aint in. I aint watching.

I was pissed she was out of deception to.
She always is my main to since mk1.
Loved all her moves except MKDA. She was Boring to me.

Deadly Aliance was terrible, she became Liu Kang in that game.

In Armaggedon they gave her the Square Wave Punch back and took a projectile from another character (I think it was Li Mei).

She was great in MKvsDC, a shame she was buttom tier in that game.

In MK9 she was nearly perfect, the only thing missing was the Bicycle Kick. The Square Wave punch was replaced by the Arc Kick (much better, the Square Wave Punch was only usefull in the 2d game anyway, in the 3D games it became slower).

I think she was at her best in MK4.
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