03/29/2015 04:31 PM (UTC)
I'm glad she was left out of Deception, Sonya was handled terribly in the PS2 games. Her storyline wasn't going anywhere, they made her look like a butch gorilla, and they got rid of ALL her signature moves. Well they brough some back in Armageddon, but the leg grab was still missing. I think her being playable in DA + Deception + Armageddon would've made her overexposed and tarnished her image.

I loved her look and moveset in MKvsDC, and in MK9. Am i the only one that wants the command to the leg grab go back to the MK1/MK3 ways?
About Me

Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of a war drum

03/29/2015 05:51 PM (UTC)
Glad to see other Sonya fans exist around here. She was one of the first characters the first time I played an MK (MK3) and she's been a main of mine since.

I feel MK9 was her best incarnation since MK4 and I'm really excited about the direction they're taking her in MK X. I hope the bicycle kick makes a glorious return grin
03/29/2015 10:25 PM (UTC)
~Nova Wrote:
Glad to see other Sonya fans exist around here. She was one of the first characters the first time I played an MK (MK3) and she's been a main of mine since.

I feel MK9 was her best incarnation since MK4 and I'm really excited about the direction they're taking her in MK X. I hope the bicycle kick makes a glorious return grin

I agree on everything you just said.

I am really counting on her being in the next stream.
About Me

03/29/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
They me something guys, what dou guys think of Sonya in the comics? I saw a lot of bate for her behavior.

She's right. Sonya has lost much of her sense of sympathy and credulity, which were lacking to begin with when she was younger, but were still very much there. It's what allowed her to choose to help Raiden and fight for him despite her kick-the-ass-of-everything-that-moves mentality. Now she's lost all of that.

Look at all she's gone through. Two invasions of her planet that nearly resulted in its destruction; the death and spiritual enslavement of all her friends and allies; has had the safety and future of her entire world resting on her shoulders for 25 years and counting.

You're telling me I go through all that, and then an Outworlder is gonna kidnap my daughter on top of it all? Fuck that shit. Anyone in their right mind would be fueled by rage and a no-nonsense, untrustworthy attitude. She's completely justified and right. If it were Johnny in her shoes, as the head of Earthrealm's defense, we'd all be royally fucked given how jocular and willing to be buddy-buddy with Outworlders he is. I love Johnny, but his ability to take things in stride and stay upbeat in dark times can be both a blessing and a curse for those around him.

Now, speaking of Johnny in particular; she's quite cruel and standoffish toward him. I don't know what happened between them, and I guess we'll find out in Story Mode, but knowing Sonya and analyzing what they both have gone through, I'm willing to safely bet even in my ignorance that she is, again, justified in her hostility.

I honestly wouldn't mind being wrong; Maybe it turns out she just couldn't take him anymore, and wanted out, regardless of his obvious feelings for her. That would also be believable of Sonya. But given how straight-up mean she is to him, I'm thinking he fucked up somewhere. No, I don't think he "cheated" on her---this is Mortal Kombat, not Jerry Springer; I think maybe he's been irresponsible (in her eyes) when it comes to Cassie, causing Cassie's estrangement toward Sonya and biased love for Johnny. This probably is what built the rift between them... Which would kind of make me dislike Cassie more lol

DestructionCalls Wrote:Then mk3 came around and team po po (that means police) was born. I'd beat the hell out of people with her and stryker.... damn those were the days.

Haha I particularly love characters who are relatable in a grounded level, and yet can stand up and even surmount supernaturally powerful characters like the ones in MK. It's part of why I love Sonya; a chick strong enough to become Lieutenant in the Special Forces in her twenties, whip Outworld ass, and still build and lead a global army to defend the planet in her spare time (you know, when she's not stopping Hell from consuming Earth). She's a true beaut, and for these reasons, I find her infinitely more interesting than gimmicky multi-colored ninjas with superpowers, flying around and being cool for the sake of being cool.

You also reminded me about the Military Stance! That could be her third variation (after Grappler/Counters and Tech): addition of Military Stance, with new after-moves, perfect for rushdown, just like MK9! Sweet!

diirecthit Wrote:
I'm glad she was left out of Deception, Sonya was handled terribly in the PS2 games. Her storyline wasn't going anywhere, they made her look like a butch gorilla, and they got rid of ALL her signature moves. Well they brough some back in Armageddon, but the leg grab was still missing. I think her being playable in DA + Deception + Armageddon would've made her overexposed and tarnished her image.

I loved her look and moveset in MKvsDC, and in MK9. Am i the only one that wants the command to the leg grab go back to the MK1/MK3 ways?

Her MKDA-MKA appearances are also my least favorite. The only great thing that came from them is the Stun Kiss, an instant classic. I love that move.

Yes, I would like the command grab to go back to MK3 era lol But it won't happen. The nostalgic feel alone when pressing those buttons and seeing her do it would be so worth it. I'd be all for it.

~Nova Wrote:
Glad to see other Sonya fans exist around here. She was one of the first characters the first time I played an MK (MK3) and she's been a main of mine since.

I feel MK9 was her best incarnation since MK4 and I'm really excited about the direction they're taking her in MK X. I hope the bicycle kick makes a glorious return grin

Glad to see you, too! Haha It's great seeing more fans of hers around the site. People come and go on forums like this; I myself just came back a couple months ago after a very long hiatus, so I've been meeting a whole new wave of her fans.

MK9 Sonya is definitely top Sonya, followed by MK4 and MK3. Military Stance alone elevates her to that level.

Part of why I'm so disgustingly anxious for MKX and seeing her on the stream finally is that it really looks like this incarnation is going to epitomize her! Great new look, different ages spanning 25 years, Klassic costume, 3 variations including grapples and reversals---I'm like a kid days before Christmas, and my dumb-ass parents decided to tell me all about what I'm getting even though I can't open the presents yet. Assholes.
03/29/2015 11:40 PM (UTC)
Praying for klassic MK4 Sonya skin, that was my favorite, and would fit in with the Shinnok invasion timeline. MK4 had some cool designs (also hoping for MK4 skin for Mileena, i loved it so much).
03/30/2015 12:19 AM (UTC)
I really enjoyed some said ideas here for sonya wink

About Me

03/30/2015 08:42 AM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
residentfan Wrote:
They me something guys, what dou guys think of Sonya in the comics? I saw a lot of bate for her behavior.

She's right. Sonya has lost much of her sense of sympathy and credulity, which were lacking to begin with when she was younger, but were still very much there. It's what allowed her to choose to help Raiden and fight for him despite her kick-the-ass-of-everything-that-moves mentality. Now she's lost all of that.

Look at all she's gone through. Two invasions of her planet that nearly resulted in its destruction; the death and spiritual enslavement of all her friends and allies; has had the safety and future of her entire world resting on her shoulders for 25 years and counting.

You're telling me I go through all that, and then an Outworlder is gonna kidnap my daughter on top of it all? Fuck that shit. Anyone in their right mind would be fueled by rage and a no-nonsense, untrustworthy attitude. She's completely justified and right. If it were Johnny in her shoes, as the head of Earthrealm's defense, we'd all be royally fucked given how jocular and willing to be buddy-buddy with Outworlders he is. I love Johnny, but his ability to take things in stride and stay upbeat in dark times can be both a blessing and a curse for those around him.

Now, speaking of Johnny in particular; she's quite cruel and standoffish toward him. I don't know what happened between them, and I guess we'll find out in Story Mode, but knowing Sonya and analyzing what they both have gone through, I'm willing to safely bet even in my ignorance that she is, again, justified in her hostility.

I honestly wouldn't mind being wrong; Maybe it turns out she just couldn't take him anymore, and wanted out, regardless of his obvious feelings for her. That would also be believable of Sonya. But given how straight-up mean she is to him, I'm thinking he fucked up somewhere. No, I don't think he "cheated" on her---this is Mortal Kombat, not Jerry Springer; I think maybe he's been irresponsible (in her eyes) when it comes to Cassie, causing Cassie's estrangement toward Sonya and biased love for Johnny. This probably is what built the rift between them... Which would kind of make me dislike Cassie more lol

DestructionCalls Wrote:Then mk3 came around and team po po (that means police) was born. I'd beat the hell out of people with her and stryker.... damn those were the days.

Haha I particularly love characters who are relatable in a grounded level, and yet can stand up and even surmount supernaturally powerful characters like the ones in MK. It's part of why I love Sonya; a chick strong enough to become Lieutenant in the Special Forces in her twenties, whip Outworld ass, and still build and lead a global army to defend the planet in her spare time (you know, when she's not stopping Hell from consuming Earth). She's a true beaut, and for these reasons, I find her infinitely more interesting than gimmicky multi-colored ninjas with superpowers, flying around and being cool for the sake of being cool.

You also reminded me about the Military Stance! That could be her third variation (after Grappler/Counters and Tech): addition of Military Stance, with new after-moves, perfect for rushdown, just like MK9! Sweet!

diirecthit Wrote:
I'm glad she was left out of Deception, Sonya was handled terribly in the PS2 games. Her storyline wasn't going anywhere, they made her look like a butch gorilla, and they got rid of ALL her signature moves. Well they brough some back in Armageddon, but the leg grab was still missing. I think her being playable in DA + Deception + Armageddon would've made her overexposed and tarnished her image.

I loved her look and moveset in MKvsDC, and in MK9. Am i the only one that wants the command to the leg grab go back to the MK1/MK3 ways?

Her MKDA-MKA appearances are also my least favorite. The only great thing that came from them is the Stun Kiss, an instant classic. I love that move.

Yes, I would like the command grab to go back to MK3 era lol But it won't happen. The nostalgic feel alone when pressing those buttons and seeing her do it would be so worth it. I'd be all for it.

~Nova Wrote:
Glad to see other Sonya fans exist around here. She was one of the first characters the first time I played an MK (MK3) and she's been a main of mine since.

I feel MK9 was her best incarnation since MK4 and I'm really excited about the direction they're taking her in MK X. I hope the bicycle kick makes a glorious return grin

Glad to see you, too! Haha It's great seeing more fans of hers around the site. People come and go on forums like this; I myself just came back a couple months ago after a very long hiatus, so I've been meeting a whole new wave of her fans.

MK9 Sonya is definitely top Sonya, followed by MK4 and MK3. Military Stance alone elevates her to that level.

Part of why I'm so disgustingly anxious for MKX and seeing her on the stream finally is that it really looks like this incarnation is going to epitomize her! Great new look, different ages spanning 25 years, Klassic costume, 3 variations including grapples and reversals---I'm like a kid days before Christmas, and my dumb-ass parents decided to tell me all about what I'm getting even though I can't open the presents yet. Assholes.

So much this!

I think a lot of people are quick to label characters like Sonya as 'bitches' and nothing more, and miss the nuance of character. No character is likeable all the time, nor do they react 'appropriately' in every situation either.

That's what makes them good characters.

Sonya's big character flaw is that she's unwilling to accept help or sympathy (hello MK movie), and lashes out at those who help. Add that to the stress of the situation she's in (where she was RIGHT all along, if people recall) PLUS being stuck with your aggravating ex husband while your daughter's life is in danger... Any 'bitchiness' Sonya has is, frankly, kind of justified.

She's showing emotion in this latest issue of the comic, which is kind of new for her, but her innate nature still wants to put up a tough facade. That's consistent characterization + character development. Yes please.

03/30/2015 11:21 AM (UTC)
I actually quite liked her look in the 3d era games, though I never understood why they stripped her of her classic moves. Mk9s Sonya was fun to play with and seemed more like the classic Sonya, but i just thought she looked so stupid in those heels and in that shirt. This game seems to be a good blend of all her best parts.

And as for her classic costume, I'm actually thinking it might be fun to see a gymnastics outfit ala mk3
I never understood why she didn't wear military garb in the early games and was glad when she finally did, but I think it would be a fun nostalgia trip. Plus the model who played her in mk3 was really beautiful
Sonya since 92
About Me

Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

03/30/2015 01:27 PM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
residentfan Wrote:
They me something guys, what dou guys think of Sonya in the comics? I saw a lot of bate for her behavior.

She's right. Sonya has lost much of her sense of sympathy and credulity, which were lacking to begin with when she was younger, but were still very much there. It's what allowed her to choose to help Raiden and fight for him despite her kick-the-ass-of-everything-that-moves mentality. Now she's lost all of that.

Look at all she's gone through. Two invasions of her planet that nearly resulted in its destruction; the death and spiritual enslavement of all her friends and allies; has had the safety and future of her entire world resting on her shoulders for 25 years and counting.

You're telling me I go through all that, and then an Outworlder is gonna kidnap my daughter on top of it all? Fuck that shit. Anyone in their right mind would be fueled by rage and a no-nonsense, untrustworthy attitude. She's completely justified and right. If it were Johnny in her shoes, as the head of Earthrealm's defense, we'd all be royally fucked given how jocular and willing to be buddy-buddy with Outworlders he is. I love Johnny, but his ability to take things in stride and stay upbeat in dark times can be both a blessing and a curse for those around him.

Now, speaking of Johnny in particular; she's quite cruel and standoffish toward him. I don't know what happened between them, and I guess we'll find out in Story Mode, but knowing Sonya and analyzing what they both have gone through, I'm willing to safely bet even in my ignorance that she is, again, justified in her hostility.

I honestly wouldn't mind being wrong; Maybe it turns out she just couldn't take him anymore, and wanted out, regardless of his obvious feelings for her. That would also be believable of Sonya. But given how straight-up mean she is to him, I'm thinking he fucked up somewhere. No, I don't think he "cheated" on her---this is Mortal Kombat, not Jerry Springer; I think maybe he's been irresponsible (in her eyes) when it comes to Cassie, causing Cassie's estrangement toward Sonya and biased love for Johnny. This probably is what built the rift between them... Which would kind of make me dislike Cassie more lol

DestructionCalls Wrote:Then mk3 came around and team po po (that means police) was born. I'd beat the hell out of people with her and stryker.... damn those were the days.

Haha I particularly love characters who are relatable in a grounded level, and yet can stand up and even surmount supernaturally powerful characters like the ones in MK. It's part of why I love Sonya; a chick strong enough to become Lieutenant in the Special Forces in her twenties, whip Outworld ass, and still build and lead a global army to defend the planet in her spare time (you know, when she's not stopping Hell from consuming Earth). She's a true beaut, and for these reasons, I find her infinitely more interesting than gimmicky multi-colored ninjas with superpowers, flying around and being cool for the sake of being cool.

You also reminded me about the Military Stance! That could be her third variation (after Grappler/Counters and Tech): addition of Military Stance, with new after-moves, perfect for rushdown, just like MK9! Sweet!

diirecthit Wrote:
I'm glad she was left out of Deception, Sonya was handled terribly in the PS2 games. Her storyline wasn't going anywhere, they made her look like a butch gorilla, and they got rid of ALL her signature moves. Well they brough some back in Armageddon, but the leg grab was still missing. I think her being playable in DA + Deception + Armageddon would've made her overexposed and tarnished her image.

I loved her look and moveset in MKvsDC, and in MK9. Am i the only one that wants the command to the leg grab go back to the MK1/MK3 ways?

Her MKDA-MKA appearances are also my least favorite. The only great thing that came from them is the Stun Kiss, an instant classic. I love that move.

Yes, I would like the command grab to go back to MK3 era lol But it won't happen. The nostalgic feel alone when pressing those buttons and seeing her do it would be so worth it. I'd be all for it.

~Nova Wrote:
Glad to see other Sonya fans exist around here. She was one of the first characters the first time I played an MK (MK3) and she's been a main of mine since.

I feel MK9 was her best incarnation since MK4 and I'm really excited about the direction they're taking her in MK X. I hope the bicycle kick makes a glorious return grin

Glad to see you, too! Haha It's great seeing more fans of hers around the site. People come and go on forums like this; I myself just came back a couple months ago after a very long hiatus, so I've been meeting a whole new wave of her fans.

MK9 Sonya is definitely top Sonya, followed by MK4 and MK3. Military Stance alone elevates her to that level.

Part of why I'm so disgustingly anxious for MKX and seeing her on the stream finally is that it really looks like this incarnation is going to epitomize her! Great new look, different ages spanning 25 years, Klassic costume, 3 variations including grapples and reversals---I'm like a kid days before Christmas, and my dumb-ass parents decided to tell me all about what I'm getting even though I can't open the presents yet. Assholes.

This could well be my favourite ever post on this forum. We have no idea why Sonyas being such a cow to Johnny but for all we know she might have every right to be. Shes got a huge amount of responsibility on her shoulders so shes probably under a bit a pressure. Plus her daughters been nicked.
About Me

Counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of a war drum

03/30/2015 04:22 PM (UTC)
This topic.....is bae.

I just really love how much charge Sonya seems to be taking. Like the standoff between her and Kotal in the comic. With all of the characters in MK that aren't human and have "powers", the consistent badassery of Sonya cannot be understated. The fact that she has a major role in MK X is indeed like Christmas. I almost don't want to watch her on stream because I want to discover how she plays on my own.

Sidenote: Anyone else in this topic get the MK Armageddon premium edition with Sonya on the cover? Got it for my bday that year and made this then-15 year old very happy glasses
03/30/2015 05:10 PM (UTC)
Damn, they are making Sonya, Kenshi, Raiden and Fujin look like weaklings on Chapter 1. Let's hope it's just for one chapter.
Sonya since 92
About Me

Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

03/30/2015 07:23 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
Damn, they are making Sonya, Kenshi, Raiden and Fujin look like weaklings on Chapter 1. Let's hope it's just for one chapter.

Yup, all Sonya did in chapter one is get her teeth kicked in lol. They're probably just making sure the spotlights on Johnny for his chapter though,
03/30/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
. Am i the only one that wants the command to the leg grab go back to the MK1/MK3 ways?

, i'd like it back too, atleast with the old comand you're in a low block position and you can bait your opponent into a trap it was also faster and took a bigger chunk off the life bar, now the leg grab is best used as a combo finisher.
03/30/2015 11:45 PM (UTC)
I took a look at other forums and she is being called useless, damn, if she doesn't get her own chapter and kicks some ass in it she will be Earthrealm's version of Baraka.

Well, what gives me hope is that the same happened in MK9, Johnny defeated her and then rescued her from Kano. later on her own chapter she took out Bi Han (a man who defeated gods) and then defeated a Tag team of Kitana and Jade (two trained assassins, who have lived for thousands of years).

Let's hope she does something has impressive as before. (looks like she will go against Quan Chi, if she wins it will be a huge feat).
About Me

03/31/2015 12:00 AM (UTC)
Nobody cares that Kenshi and Fujin get their asses kicked for the whole damn chapter, but when it's Sonya 'oooo she's weak'.

I assume there's some kind of gender thing involved - I'll admit I felt a little bit 'reallllllllllllllllly?' when she was utterly helpless at the end and cradled in Johnny's arms like a damsel in distress, but as has been said, this is j ust a side effect of the chapter scenario.

Just wish they'd let her get out a few punches or kicks before she got sidelined by Jax and Shinnok.

In saying that, it's far too early to make judgments when we haven't seen her chapter (and you KNOW she's getting one).
I'm still very happy with the way the story is looking - I mean, how cute was him saying 'she called me Johnny'....

*shipping for BLade + Cage*
About Me

ain't nobody got time fo sigs

03/31/2015 12:01 AM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
I took a look at other forums and she is being called useless, damn, if she doesn't get her own chapter and kicks some ass in it she will be Earthrealm's version of Baraka.

Well, what gives me hope is that the same happened in MK9, Johnny defeated her and then rescued her from Kano. later on her own chapter she took out Bi Han (a man who defeated gods) and then defeated a Tag team of Kitana and Jade (two trained assassins, who have lived for thousands of years).

Let's hope she does something has impressive as before. (looks like she will go against Quan Chi, if she wins it will be a huge feat).

I think Sonya get's Chapter 2 again, and you'll fight Revenant Sub Zero and Quan Chi, not sure but it looked like

I saw her against Sub Zero in Shavo's teaser on the screens behind, i hope so, will be a huge win.
About Me

ain't nobody got time fo sigs

03/31/2015 12:13 AM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
Nobody cares that Kenshi and Fujin get their asses kicked for the whole damn chapter, but when it's Sonya 'oooo she's weak'.

I assume there's some kind of gender thing involved - I'll admit I felt a little bit 'reallllllllllllllllly?' when she was utterly helpless at the end and cradled in Johnny's arms like a damsel in distress, but as has been said, this is j ust a side effect of the chapter scenario.

Just wish they'd let her get out a few punches or kicks before she got sidelined by Jax and Shinnok.

In saying that, it's far too early to make judgments when we haven't seen her chapter (and you KNOW she's getting one).
I'm still very happy with the way the story is looking - I mean, how cute was him saying 'she called me Johnny'....

*shipping for BLade + Cage*

i ship them so hard and that shit melted me, more pls...

And yeah i'm sure she will get her chapter and kick ass... Hopefully!
03/31/2015 01:25 AM (UTC)
Where have you seen this Sonya vs Sub Zero image? Do you have the link? I would love to see it.

I think she will get chapter 2 as well, in the Liu Kang trailer we see Special Forces agents in the Netherrealm, if they are there she must be as well.

About Me

03/31/2015 05:12 AM (UTC)
I'm really glad this thread took off like this. It's been fun dropping by every once in a while and "chatting" with likeminded people.

~Nova Wrote:
Sidenote: Anyone else in this topic get the MK Armageddon premium edition with Sonya on the cover? Got it for my bday that year and made this then-15 year old very happy glasses

Yes! Haha after the heartbreak of Deception (which was aptly named, because I bought it thinking she was in, and believed Kira's silhouette to be her; almost had a fit), I was just overjoyed to finally have her in a new game. And I was glad they celebrated her and Kano with an "Iconic Rivalries" cover.

samuhai Wrote:I think a lot of people are quick to label characters like Sonya as 'bitches' and nothing more, and miss the nuance of character. No character is likeable all the time, nor do they react 'appropriately' in every situation either.

It's disappointing to say the least when characters are praised by fans solely for "being cool", and unfortunately there's always been a lot of that in the MK community over the years; sometimes a nuanced, multifaceted, truly relatable character is overlooked in favor of "HOLY SHIT DIS KHARACTER HAS ________ POWER! SO AWESUM!1" tongue I'm being a little disdainful, but I think the delivery of harsh truths doesn't really have to be mollified in this particular thread.

SlickRick82 Wrote:
residentfan Wrote:
Damn, they are making Sonya, Kenshi, Raiden and Fujin look like weaklings on Chapter 1. Let's hope it's just for one chapter.

Yup, all Sonya did in chapter one is get her teeth kicked in lol. They're probably just making sure the spotlights on Johnny for his chapter though,

There was a point where my eye got stuck in permanent Roll-Position. I freaked out, but it went back to normal after a few seconds. Eyeball is still sore, though.

Personally, I don't accredit the fact that it's Johnny's chapter as being reason for the subpar portrayal of the others, especially Sonya, and Kenshi to a lesser degree. Character portrayal should not go out the window just because it's not their chapter. NRS's sense of consistency is showing to be really wavering when it comes to this.

Johnny could have easily gotten into every single one of those fights without them having to be prefaced by Sonya moaning for help. Okay, Sonya (especially younger Sonya) probably would falter having to fight Jax, so I don't mind him getting the upper hand; but she also wouldn't just hold back and let him whoop on her. It didn't seem like she fought at all lol. They cut from her rushing him to him kicking her into the ground. And if the reason for her being overwhelmed so quickly really IS that she can't seriously fight her best friend, then show that! A quick line of dialogue, or an expression on her face (the one of right after Johnny vs. Jax, for example) would have gotten the point across and made it much better. That's another thing, Sonya nodded to Johnny a lot more than she said anything of substance haha.

Finally, the "damsel in distress" vibes were over 9,000 at the end of the Shinnok fight. All that moaning and sighing and looking sad and yearning felt so uncharacteristic of Sonya. Way too heavy-handed on that front.

Really, a huge chunk of her character went out the window in that chapter. She was there to move Johnny's character along and give him an "in"...to her vagina, I guess. Oh lawd... -_- Rant over!

theJudicator Wrote:I saw her against Sub Zero in Shavo's teaser on the screens behind, i hope so, will be a huge win.

Is that the System of a Down teaser trailer?

residentfan Wrote:I think she will get chapter 2 as well, in the Liu Kang trailer we see Special Forces agents in the Netherrealm, if they are there she must be as well.

Let's hope it's not Kenshi's chapter, and she's fodder for HIS sake lol. I'll cry, I will.

03/31/2015 06:30 AM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
I'm really glad this thread took off like this. It's been fun dropping by every once in a while and "chatting" with likeminded people.

~Nova Wrote:
Sidenote: Anyone else in this topic get the MK Armageddon premium edition with Sonya on the cover? Got it for my bday that year and made this then-15 year old very happy glasses

Yes! Haha after the heartbreak of Deception (which was aptly named, because I bought it thinking she was in, and believed Kira's silhouette to be her; almost had a fit), I was just overjoyed to finally have her in a new game. And I was glad they celebrated her and Kano with an "Iconic Rivalries" cover.

samuhai Wrote:I think a lot of people are quick to label characters like Sonya as 'bitches' and nothing more, and miss the nuance of character. No character is likeable all the time, nor do they react 'appropriately' in every situation either.

It's disappointing to say the least when characters are praised by fans solely for "being cool", and unfortunately there's always been a lot of that in the MK community over the years; sometimes a nuanced, multifaceted, truly relatable character is overlooked in favor of "HOLY SHIT DIS KHARACTER HAS ________ POWER! SO AWESUM!1" tongue I'm being a little disdainful, but I think the delivery of harsh truths doesn't really have to be mollified in this particular thread.

SlickRick82 Wrote:
residentfan Wrote:
Damn, they are making Sonya, Kenshi, Raiden and Fujin look like weaklings on Chapter 1. Let's hope it's just for one chapter.

Yup, all Sonya did in chapter one is get her teeth kicked in lol. They're probably just making sure the spotlights on Johnny for his chapter though,

There was a point where my eye got stuck in permanent Roll-Position. I freaked out, but it went back to normal after a few seconds. Eyeball is still sore, though.

Personally, I don't accredit the fact that it's Johnny's chapter as being reason for the subpar portrayal of the others, especially Sonya, and Kenshi to a lesser degree. Character portrayal should not go out the window just because it's not their chapter. NRS's sense of consistency is showing to be really wavering when it comes to this.

Johnny could have easily gotten into every single one of those fights without them having to be prefaced by Sonya moaning for help. Okay, Sonya (especially younger Sonya) probably would falter having to fight Jax, so I don't mind him getting the upper hand; but she also wouldn't just hold back and let him whoop on her. It didn't seem like she fought at all lol. They cut from her rushing him to him kicking her into the ground. And if the reason for her being overwhelmed so quickly really IS that she can't seriously fight her best friend, then show that! A quick line of dialogue, or an expression on her face (the one of right after Johnny vs. Jax, for example) would have gotten the point across and made it much better. That's another thing, Sonya nodded to Johnny a lot more than she said anything of substance haha.

Finally, the "damsel in distress" vibes were over 9,000 at the end of the Shinnok fight. All that moaning and sighing and looking sad and yearning felt so uncharacteristic of Sonya. Way too heavy-handed on that front.

Really, a huge chunk of her character went out the window in that chapter. She was there to move Johnny's character along and give him an "in"...to her vagina, I guess. Oh lawd... -_- Rant over!

theJudicator Wrote:I saw her against Sub Zero in Shavo's teaser on the screens behind, i hope so, will be a huge win.

Is that the System of a Down teaser trailer?

residentfan Wrote:I think she will get chapter 2 as well, in the Liu Kang trailer we see Special Forces agents in the Netherrealm, if they are there she must be as well.

Let's hope it's not Kenshi's chapter, and she's fodder for HIS sake lol. I'll cry, I will.

I just rememberd her mk9 ending.
Was is not said that the loss of Friends and aly took a toll on Sonyas sanity ?
She did go into seclusion after all. I think Some endings are Canon.

Sonya is changed forever. I think that is Why she comes over ass weak.
But no worries my Sonya Friends. She Will be awesome look at her in the comics and later on in story mode trailer. Badass sonya is back.
03/31/2015 06:33 AM (UTC)
Sonya is acting like such a bitch in the comics. I can't stand her now.
03/31/2015 05:47 PM (UTC)
SmashK Wrote:
Sonya is acting like such a bitch in the comics. I can't stand her now.

She was always bitchy.
In the games. Comics and movies.

And the loss of Friends and Aly took a toll on Sonya
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03/31/2015 06:32 PM (UTC)
SmashK Wrote:
Sonya is acting like such a bitch in the comics. I can't stand her now.

LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
residentfan Wrote:
Tell me something guys, what dou guys think of Sonya in the comics? I saw a lot of hate for her behavior.

She's right. Sonya has lost much of her sense of sympathy and credulity, which were lacking to begin with when she was younger, but were still very much there. It's what allowed her to choose to help Raiden and fight for him despite her kick-the-ass-of-everything-that-moves mentality. Now she's lost all of that.

Look at all she's gone through. Two invasions of her planet that nearly resulted in its destruction; the death and spiritual enslavement of all her friends and allies; has had the safety and future of her entire world resting on her shoulders for 25 years and counting.

You're telling me I go through all that, and then an Outworlder is gonna kidnap my daughter on top of it all? Fuck that shit. Anyone in their right mind would be fueled by rage and a no-nonsense, untrustworthy attitude. She's completely justified and right. If it were Johnny in her shoes, as the head of Earthrealm's defense, we'd all be royally fucked given how jocular and willing to be buddy-buddy with Outworlders he is. I love Johnny, but his ability to take things in stride and stay upbeat in dark times can be both a blessing and a curse for those around him.

samuhai Wrote:I think a lot of people are quick to label characters like Sonya as 'bitches' and nothing more, and miss the nuance of character. No character is likeable all the time, nor do they react 'appropriately' in every situation either.

That's what makes them good characters.

Sonya's big character flaw is that she's unwilling to accept help or sympathy (hello MK movie), and lashes out at those who help. Add that to the stress of the situation she's in (where she was RIGHT all along, if people recall) PLUS being stuck with your aggravating ex husband while your daughter's life is in danger... Any 'bitchiness' Sonya has is, frankly, kind of justified.

She's showing emotion in this latest issue of the comic, which is kind of new for her, but her innate nature still wants to put up a tough facade. That's consistent characterization + character development. Yes please.
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03/31/2015 07:20 PM (UTC)
SmashK Wrote:
Sonya is acting like such a bitch in the comics. I can't stand her now.

Bullshit. When a guy acts like Sonya does, he's a badass. When a woman does it, she's a bitch. BULL - SHIT.
04/01/2015 06:01 AM (UTC)
Hoping tomorrow stream Will feature Sonya Blade for once.

So sick to be dissapointed again like the last two weeks -,-
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