10/06/2014 05:58 PM (UTC)
Everyone still writing in this thread:

This thread:

A portion of MKO user's apparently feel unrepresented in a lot of political/social situations and feel like they will be satisfied by "equal" representation from a VIDEO GAME. Those people obviously have never heard of political forums where if they really feel the need to change the world, would have a much better shot at it away from here.

DG10A unwittingly closed the argument with this quote:

DG1OA Wrote:
I don't need fictional characters to be of the same race, gender and sexual orientation for me to relate to them. Why is it the case for so many people?

So there you have it. Coming from a hardcore "equalist" like DG10A there is no further need to exacerbate the issue. Anyone can relate to anything and everything so why waste our breaths trying to change someone elses vision and work.
10/06/2014 06:07 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:

Anyone can relate to anything and everything so why waste our breaths trying to change someone elses vision and work.

Because internet people, apparently the world owes them something lol
10/06/2014 06:13 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
This thread is a whole lot of fail.
Exactly. Even if intention was good and harmless, immature kids and one particular troll (DG100 or whatever) have shit all upon it.

T-rex Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:

the usual blathering nonsense

And hello to you too.

Good to know you haven't changed a single bit.

And I am saddened to see, that you are still prefer to spout ignorance and stupidity, not that it surprising in any capacity.

T-rex Wrote:
You should know, mate - you pretty much wrote a book on "How to Be Holier-Than-Thou, Insufferably Smug and Pointlessly Contrarian at the Same Time". smile

I am afraid rumors about my authorship is overblown. I recommend you to look in the mirror to see the true creator of this masterpiece.

However, maybe I'll write a book, about you and people like you. It will called: "How to stay ignorant and fanatical tool over the years".
You will be mentioned in the chapter "How to wright stupid stuff and then escape" in the part about "Smug Tools from MKO". grin
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

10/06/2014 06:29 PM (UTC)
Mishima44 Wrote:
Not sure I like where this thread is going, lol. But I guess it's to be expected with these sorts of topics.


Agreed that people shouldn't be trying to push real world agendas through videogames and whatnot. I don't see too much of it in this thread, though.

I think it should be ok for someone to express their desire for a more diverse set of female characters to choose from. As long as they don't come on here like a fool and start spouting things like, "NRS is sexist!" or "Cancelling preorder because of all these male characters!"

I think the OP was pleasantly surprised at the initial reveal of characters, with 2 (3?) female characters in the bunch. But since then it has been 4 straight male reveals, perhaps lowering their expectations a bit for a more diverse cast.

Not the end of the world, though. Raiden, Kano and Quan all look awesome and I can't wait to see how Goro looks in action. Just hoping for a few more females revealed at some point soon.

I think it is okay to express derision at the said expression for a more diverse set of female characters for the sake of having more female characters.

NRS character design team should be allowed to create the characters they want and the story writers should be allowed to bring the characters they want back irrespective of gender or anything else for that matter. Why invent an arbitrary fraction (1/3 in the OP and I have also seen 1/2 in this thread) for the character roster? It makes no sense. It is absolutely stupid.

Roster spots are limited. Characters are back for a reason. For example like Quan Chi, who is described by executive producer Shaun Himmerick, playing a major part in the MKX story line. It would so ludicrous to get rid of him just so a female character can be there instead just to fill a quota or to get to a bullet point on a list. Quan Chi is just an example and it goes for the other characters as well. Crazy. They are in MKX for a reason(s) whatever that may be.

If I did not find the whole idea stupid, ridculous, ludicrous, arbitrary, contrived, convoluted and above all hilarious then I would find it insulting. NRS pandering to the fanbase(men and women) with a token female character(s) is not what I envisage from NRS. It would be condescending and shallow. I want female characters to be in the game because they belong and have clear reason to be there as with the male characters.

Look, I get it. Some fans have a clear fixation with female characters and obviously want more of them in the game. Asking to have percantage or quota of female characters in the game though is the wrong way to go about it. That is why it met with derision and whether rightly or wrongly to go and play other fighting series' with larger female roster percentages.

How about characters getting into MKX on merit? Not because of gender or anything else. Merit. How about NRS creating their own vision for the game? Just a thought.

10/06/2014 07:09 PM (UTC)
I agree that NRS should be allowed to make the game they want to make without having to cater to some made up quota.

That still doesn't remove the fact that people in this thread are acting like morons with some of their responses. The OP wasn't even that inflammatory and people started freaking for no reason.

Things like:

"Go play DoA if you want more female characters!"

"If all you care about is whether the character is female, then one female character should be enough...just play as her!"

"It makes no sense for a girl like Li Mei to beat someone like Kano!"

Obviously, there have been some well written posts by people in this very thread that at least offered reasoning behind their statements, so I shouldn't get worked up over stupid shit like above.

At this point, I will settle for well written characters and a decent story mode with NO female characters if they can pull it off. But I have no confidence that they can, lol.
Historical Favorite
10/06/2014 08:45 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

However, maybe I'll write a book, about you and people like you. It will called: "How to stay ignorant and fanatical tool over the years".
You will be mentioned in the chapter "How to wright stupid stuff and then escape" in the part about "Smug Tools from MKO". grin

Do it. MK Server Trash hasn't updated in ages and I need some fandom mudslinging.
10/06/2014 10:04 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Do it. MK Server Trash hasn't updated in ages and I need some fandom mudslinging.

We don't have trash.
We have kitties, cookies, fun and happiness.
You asking the wrong address.
10/06/2014 10:27 PM (UTC)
ShujinkoX Wrote:
For those who mention Dead or Alive, that game sucks balls. You can't really jump like you can in MK, you also have to input a few button combonations just to pull off one move and the whole arena turns when you side-step.

All in all, this game is trash except for the roster section as its balanced with male and females.

One of the worst games I've ever played. Tekken is the same.


Get out.
Historical Favorite
10/07/2014 07:27 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Do it. MK Server Trash hasn't updated in ages and I need some fandom mudslinging.

We don't have trash.
We have kitties, cookies, fun and happiness.
You asking the wrong address.

I have no idea what any of this means.
10/07/2014 07:34 AM (UTC)
I guess it's just me but I don't really mind there are so few women in MK because all of the women are still strong, kick ass females... Where-as some of the men characters have been a lil....well....retarded looking (Here's looking at you Mokap, Hsu Hao...) the women have all generally speaking been all A+'s for me, don't really want them to spoil that.
About Me

10/07/2014 08:27 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

hurr durr

>still hoping that acting like the smuggiest douchebag around will make up for the lack of any actual arguments in your posts
>still throwing schoolyard taunts around like a fucking child
>still hilariously desperate to get the last word in

That's our Sumac, y'all!

10/07/2014 10:20 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:

hurr durr

>still hoping that acting like the smuggiest douchebag around will make up for the lack of any actual arguments in your posts
>still throwing schoolyard taunts around like a fucking child
>still hilariously desperate to get the last word in

That's our Sumac, y'all!

Oh man I can't wait for RedSumac to awkwardly act like he's tearing you a new one while huffing his own farts and saying "I wasn't even talking to ya Spaceman!" I bet the real smug douchebags are in all of our mirrors! Thats a classic RedSumac comeback guaranteed to make our monitors explode in our faces because his logic is so powerful!
10/07/2014 10:43 AM (UTC)
I don't think Sumac actually knows that the majority of users on here are laughing at him...
10/07/2014 05:28 PM (UTC)
You guys wanna see something ironic as hell?

Think about all the shit he's given people over the years who don't like MK9, blaming it on nostalgia and shit...then go read his posts in the Michael Bay Ninja Turtles movie thread on the general board.
10/07/2014 06:07 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
You guys wanna see something ironic as hell?

Think about all the shit he's given people over the years who don't like MK9, blaming it on nostalgia and shit...then go read his posts in the Michael Bay Ninja Turtles movie thread on the general board.

Weren't you just complaining about how he is "stalking" you in another thread? And then you go and do this shit.
10/07/2014 06:19 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Weren't you just complaining about how he is "stalking" you in another thread? And then you go and do this shit.

Well, apparently he did do that. smile

Wow. Hypocrisy at its best.....
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

10/07/2014 06:56 PM (UTC)
Mishima44 Wrote:
I agree that NRS should be allowed to make the game they want to make without having to cater to some made up quota.

That still doesn't remove the fact that people in this thread are acting like morons with some of their responses. The OP wasn't even that inflammatory and people started freaking for no reason.

Things like:

"Go play DoA if you want more female characters!"

"If all you care about is whether the character is female, then one female character should be enough...just play as her!"

"It makes no sense for a girl like Li Mei to beat someone like Kano!"

Obviously, there have been some well written posts by people in this very thread that at least offered reasoning behind their statements, so I shouldn't get worked up over stupid shit like above.

At this point, I will settle for well written characters and a decent story mode with NO female characters if they can pull it off. But I have no confidence that they can, lol.

I do not understand why you are standing up for OP so much. It is almost as if you are the same person taking it personally.

You may not have found the OP inflammatory but clearly a lot of people did so therefore the OP was inflammatory to people. I do not know the exact reasons why people found it offensive but I will try to give it my best shot.

Firstly, if you are going to put "sausagefest" in the title and then give it negative context people are going to be offended. Secondly finishing the OP with a question for a percentage of roster space to be female will also draw ire because it is stupid. It is also the last and conclusive part of the whole OP so most people will remember that part more.

Thirdly and most probably is that this topic has been done to death and people are quite frankly fed up. It is not just in MK but in video games in general. For most of the 1990's and 2000's people never made an issue but three or four years ago it started to creep up out of nowhere or I do not know where.

Hope it helps.
10/07/2014 07:01 PM (UTC)
Wee...Intrenet Fight, Internet Fight!!
Bunch of cool cats trying to showoff on the internet, hurling insults at each other. The slogan of today's show: "Maturity. Logic. Huffing Farts".

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
You guys wanna see something ironic as hell?

Think about all the shit he's given people over the years who don't like MK9, blaming it on nostalgia and shit...then go read his posts in the Michael Bay Ninja Turtles movie thread on the general board.

I have never denied problems with MK9 story, just that they are less crucial then some people prefer to think.
And besides, MK9 is a video game. If you don't like its story you can still play it. And if you are so much "purist" or whatever, that displeasure from the story completely overshadows everything else, that was positive in the game, then I have a bad news for you...
But in your case Razor, I think you know them already.

Icebaby Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
You guys wanna see something ironic as hell?

Think about all the shit he's given people over the years who don't like MK9, blaming it on nostalgia and shit...then go read his posts in the Michael Bay Ninja Turtles movie thread on the general board.

Weren't you just complaining about how he is "stalking" you in another thread? And then you go and do this shit.

He most likely will say:
- that he decided to act like me, because he is no better, which is a proven fact, by the way;
- that he decided to act like me, because stalking me is not the same as if I was stalking him and therefore his actions shouldn't be held against him in the slightest;
- that he is trying to provoke another scandal, so both of us could end up banned (which is stupid);
He is just like an open book. With ugly little font nobody likes.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I don't think Sumac actually knows that the majority of users on here are laughing at him...

You are not the one to talk, about being funny, what's with your constant mood swinging.
Piece and out.

OptimusGrime Wrote:
I have no idea what any of this means.

Now you know how I feel about your post. grin

T-rex Wrote:

>still hoping that acting like the smuggiest douchebag around will make up for the lack of any actual arguments in your posts
>still throwing schoolyard taunts around like a fucking child
>still hilariously desperate to get the last word in
That's our Sumac, y'all!

What a thought!! What a style!! Such ingenious response was yet to be written, but here it is.
You once again have proved that you are man of exlusive wisdom. That you are so not like us, poor crawlers, that we can't even grasp even atomical part of your smartness and logic.

What a prodigy!! You like a broken toaster in the city dump!! Like a rotten cat corpse on the side of the road!! Like a wet cigarette in an ashtray!! Like a half-eaten moldy bagel in the bin!!
You are so exclusive!! So unlike everyone else!!
It's astonishing!! Truly and forever!!

Spaceman Wrote:
Oh man I can't wait for RedSumac to awkwardly act like he's tearing you a new one while huffing his own farts and saying "I wasn't even talking to ya Spaceman!" I bet the real smug douchebags are in all of our mirrors! Thats a classic RedSumac comeback guaranteed to make our monitors explode in our faces because his logic is so powerful!

What? Huffing farts? So, I guess you are specialist in that issue or it's just your hobby...or profession maybe? However, who would do that, even for money...but whatever. The world is big and wonderfull and have place for all the kind of weirdness out there. And that's duty of people to accept this individuals and treat them like normal beings. Despite that some of them doesn't require love and care, but medicines and brains.

I give you advice: this argument is none of your business and I don't think you are actually aware, when it has started and why.
Make a good deed and go back to your milk and cookies and farts and vomits (whatever make you heart beating faster).

And if you think I took any single one of you seriously...you make a BIIIIIIIG mistake, since for me you are just names, not even people. Bunch of masks who hide unknowns. And it is stupid to take mask seriously. Don't you agree?

Well, no. I take Icebaby seriously. She is cool (no pun intended) and rational. Rare qualities in this waters. And I take Jaded-Reign half-seriously. Well, maybe quarter-seriously depending on the stars allighnment.
10/07/2014 07:06 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Thirdly and most probably is that this topic has been done to death and people are quite frankly fed up. It is not just in MK but in video games in general. For most of the 1990's and 2000's people never made an issue but three or four years ago it started to creep up out of nowhere or I do not know where.

This is my problem with this thread. The OP made a similar thread that talked about how she/he/probably she thought the women of this game are going to suck. And boy, did that thread went nowhere, certainly because everyone said, "You don't know how everyone is going to be played out, so why complain right now?"

Thing is, and I've said it before, politics doesn't need to play a heavy role in a game that is known for its violent nature. Who cares how many males and females we have in this game. I certainly don't, I am going to play as everyone in this game so who's in isn't going to make that much of a difference for me.

This thread has gone far enough, everyone has said their stuff, there's really nothing else to discuss really. Yeah, some people wouldn't mind having more females, others don't. What else is there to debate about?
10/07/2014 07:07 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

Well, no. I take Icebaby seriously. She is cool (no pun intended) and rational. Rare qualities in this waters. And I take Jaded-Reign half-seriously. Well, maybe quarter-seriously depending on the stars allighnment.

Thanks....I guess.... confused

But that's still a fair measure more seriously than I take you.
10/07/2014 07:12 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I don't think Sumac actually knows that the majority of users on here are laughing at him...

10/07/2014 07:14 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I don't think Sumac actually knows that the majority of users on here are laughing at him...


even more ironic
10/07/2014 07:17 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Weren't you just complaining about how he is "stalking" you in another thread?

This thread, unlike that one, was already talking about him for several posts. I was participating in a pre-existing discussion rather than creating the problem out of nowhere like he did in that other thread.

Context matters.
10/07/2014 07:39 PM (UTC)
10/07/2014 07:50 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Weren't you just complaining about how he is "stalking" you in another thread?

This entire thread, unlike that one, was already talking about him for several posts. I was participating in a pre-existing discussion rather than creating the problem out of nowhere like he did in that other thread.

Context matters.

So that makes it okay to just continue the off-topic discussion, even though the thread has already served its purpose (And sadly I'm contributing to it as well)? I thought stuff like that pissed you off back when you were a sub-mod? But, I guess if people are making fun of someone you don't care for, that makes it perfectly fine to just continue breaking the site's rules, since I know how anal you are when it comes to following the rules of this site.

My point, since you clearly ignored it and trying to justify that you're okay in doing this, was asking you about how you're complaining in one thread that he's "stalking" you, giving people the idea that he's following you everywhere you go. And then, you make a post telling people that we should see how he's like on another site. Aren't you basically doing the exact same fucking thing you're calling him out on?

And I'm not defending anyone in this situation. I think the feud between you two has gotten so carried away that it's really boring to see you nitpick back and forth. I'm just saying this because for a guy who's so picky about how a site needs to ban someone for breaking the rules, you do so yourself, and make it sound so justified in doing it that you shouldn't get any backlash yourself despite you're no better than the person you're having an issue with. If I had it my way, you two would be gone in a heartbeat. No cuts, no buts, no coconuts about it.
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