Historical Favorite
10/07/2014 08:01 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
You guys wanna see something ironic as hell?

Think about all the shit he's given people over the years who don't like MK9, blaming it on nostalgia and shit...then go read his posts in the Michael Bay Ninja Turtles movie thread on the general board.

10/07/2014 08:19 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Mishima44 Wrote:
I agree that NRS should be allowed to make the game they want to make without having to cater to some made up quota.

That still doesn't remove the fact that people in this thread are acting like morons with some of their responses. The OP wasn't even that inflammatory and people started freaking for no reason.

Things like:

"Go play DoA if you want more female characters!"

"If all you care about is whether the character is female, then one female character should be enough...just play as her!"

"It makes no sense for a girl like Li Mei to beat someone like Kano!"

Obviously, there have been some well written posts by people in this very thread that at least offered reasoning behind their statements, so I shouldn't get worked up over stupid shit like above.

At this point, I will settle for well written characters and a decent story mode with NO female characters if they can pull it off. But I have no confidence that they can, lol.

I do not understand why you are standing up for OP so much. It is almost as if you are the same person taking it personally.

You may not have found the OP inflammatory but clearly a lot of people did so therefore the OP was inflammatory to people. I do not know the exact reasons why people found it offensive but I will try to give it my best shot.

Firstly, if you are going to put "sausagefest" in the title and then give it negative context people are going to be offended. Secondly finishing the OP with a question for a percentage of roster space to be female will also draw ire because it is stupid. It is also the last and conclusive part of the whole OP so most people will remember that part more.

Thirdly and most probably is that this topic has been done to death and people are quite frankly fed up. It is not just in MK but in video games in general. For most of the 1990's and 2000's people never made an issue but three or four years ago it started to creep up out of nowhere or I do not know where.

Hope it helps.

Disagree with you completely. People aren't posting negative comments and stupid shit like, "Go play DOA!" because of the OP, they are posting it because they are incapable of a mature discussion.

And no, I am not the OP in another guise, lol. I was just trying to bring the thread back to a rational discussion. Even if people don't find merit in the topic at hand, that doesn't mean they have to act like immature morons towards one another. I don't get it.

This is why I should have never even joined this forum. Can't have a reasonable discussion with anybody.

10/07/2014 08:32 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
So that makes it okay to just continue the off-topic discussion

There's never been any rule against the discussion in a thread going in an off-topic tangent.

That makes it a matter of personal opinion, wherein an individual may find it obnoxious when tangents happen to a thread with a discussion going on they find interesting. (In case you consider it relevant, I will state that my own opinion is that this particular thread was never about anything worth discussing, and was in fact predicated on an offensive concept, constant discussion of which across the internet has been actively harming creative/artistic freedom in the entire gaming industry for the past few years, so going off-topic does no harm and in fact COULD potentially improve the thread. In short, ANYTHING is better than discussing a feminism-extremist's idea of non-existent, wholly-imagined misogyny in a video game.)

Whatever your own opinion may be, it's concrete that tangents are not really a matter for moderation and I do not recall tangents ever being a thing I complained about back when I was a sub-mod.

The thing I remember actively campaigning against when I was a sub-mod was when ACTUAL rules were too slow to be enforced or not enforced at all, specifically that trolls and flamers took way too long to get banned.

Icebaby Wrote:
But, I guess if people are making fun of someone you don't care for, that makes it perfectly fine to just continue breaking the site's rules

Flaming is when you actively call someone names. The site's rules specifically follow this definition.

I did not commit any outright name-calling. Some of the things Rex, JR, or Spaceman said might qualify...but that's not my responsibility. If I were a mod, I might give one or two of them a skull point...but I'm not one, am I?

Also, in my PMs with Mick about Sumac's behavior, he's made it abundantly clear that tameness matters. Sumac's not getting visibly punished for the things he keeps saying specifically because in Mick's opinion, calling people "stupid", or "idiots", or the like isn't bad enough to warrant immediate action, thus if he ever is going to be punished, it will be after the NUMBER of offenses grows too great, not how severe each offense is.

...whereas if, say, a person was calling people "cunt" or "nigger" or "mother fucker" or what have you, I'm sure we'd see immediate action taken.

Icebaby Wrote:
My point, since you clearly ignored it and trying to justify that you're okay in doing this, was asking you about how you're complaining in one thread that he's "stalking" you, giving people the idea that he's following you everywhere you go. And then, you make a post telling people that we should see how he's like on another site.

The general board is not "another site". It's not like I said "Hey, look what he said on TRMK" or something. It's perfectly within anyone's right to point out something someone said in another thread if it's relevant to the current conversation, and where Sumac is involved, the current conversation is always "this guy constantly wrongfully accuses people of being nostalgic fanboys who complain unjustly about anything new", so evidence that he engages in the EXACT behavior about Ninja Turtles that he hates in MK fans, is rather important.

Anecdotally referring to someone's posts, as part of an ongoing conversation that you didn't start, cannot reasonably be considered "stalking".

Stalking is when you ONLY post in a thread after someone else has, solely to talk about their posts in a negative manner.

So no, I'm not at all "doing the exact same fucking thing I'm calling him out on". In order for me to be acting hypocritically, I'd have to find a thread Sumac posted in that I haven't, where people AREN'T already talking about Sumac's opinion, and post in it to complain about him for no reason.

And I'd have to do it multiple times, because in order to be "stalking", it has to be repeatedly happening, not an isolated incident.
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10/07/2014 08:52 PM (UTC)
To be honest, it is past the point of deliberation wether to ban him or not.

I am pretty sure Crow would have stuffed the IP adress up his ass by now, figuratively speaking.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

10/07/2014 08:52 PM (UTC)
Mishima44 Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
Mishima44 Wrote:
I agree that NRS should be allowed to make the game they want to make without having to cater to some made up quota.

That still doesn't remove the fact that people in this thread are acting like morons with some of their responses. The OP wasn't even that inflammatory and people started freaking for no reason.

Things like:

"Go play DoA if you want more female characters!"

"If all you care about is whether the character is female, then one female character should be enough...just play as her!"

"It makes no sense for a girl like Li Mei to beat someone like Kano!"

Obviously, there have been some well written posts by people in this very thread that at least offered reasoning behind their statements, so I shouldn't get worked up over stupid shit like above.

At this point, I will settle for well written characters and a decent story mode with NO female characters if they can pull it off. But I have no confidence that they can, lol.

I do not understand why you are standing up for OP so much. It is almost as if you are the same person taking it personally.

You may not have found the OP inflammatory but clearly a lot of people did so therefore the OP was inflammatory to people. I do not know the exact reasons why people found it offensive but I will try to give it my best shot.

Firstly, if you are going to put "sausagefest" in the title and then give it negative context people are going to be offended. Secondly finishing the OP with a question for a percentage of roster space to be female will also draw ire because it is stupid. It is also the last and conclusive part of the whole OP so most people will remember that part more.

Thirdly and most probably is that this topic has been done to death and people are quite frankly fed up. It is not just in MK but in video games in general. For most of the 1990's and 2000's people never made an issue but three or four years ago it started to creep up out of nowhere or I do not know where.

Hope it helps.

Disagree with you completely. People aren't posting negative comments and stupid shit like, "Go play DOA!" because of the OP, they are posting it because they are incapable of a mature discussion.

And no, I am not the OP in another guise, lol. I was just trying to bring the thread back to a rational discussion. Even if people don't find merit in the topic at hand, that doesn't mean they have to act like immature morons towards one another. I don't get it.

This is why I should have never even joined this forum. Can't have a reasonable discussion with anybody.


You welcome to disagree but what you have written is presumptious. How can you possibly know that they are posting that because they are incapabe of rational discussion? You asked them? You are an expert at discerning a person's psyche from an Internet forum post? In your opinion they are not capable of rational discussion even though some of those people that said derisory comments I have had rational discussion with or I have seen them have normal discussion with others on this forum. Just like it is your opinion that the OP was not inflammatory even if others did fiind it offensive. I gave you to the best of my ability reasons I could think of why people found it inflammatory even if I can not speak for everyone. Just because it is your opinion does not make it fact.

People will act like they want to because that is they way they are. If you do not like it, then tough. My best advice would be to ignore them and not take anything they write or say seriously. I already gave you reasons as to why people did not find merit in the thread and you disagreed with them instead presuming that they are incapable of rational discussion. Maybe instead of presuming and actually finding out why they acted like that you might "get it". If you disagree with my reasons then ask them or someone else as to why those people acted in the way that they did if you care so much.
10/07/2014 09:02 PM (UTC)
They might be capable, but when you reply with one sentence responses in an insulting manner, it does little to foster a decent back and forth discussion.

The only way to have a decent discussion on a topic like this is to try and be respectful of the other persons' position.

This is why I say that I agree with people that NRS should never have to cater to anyone's demands on some sort of ridiculous gender quota or something like that. They are artists creating their vision and shouldn't have to shoe-in some female character just to hit some made up percentage.

But by the same token, I think if someone just expresses their desire to see a more varied cast of female fighters to choose from, it shouldn't elicit the type of responses that you see from certain people in this thread. Maybe I am expecting too much from random people on an internet message board? Especially with a touchy subject like this?

I don't know. But it would be nice to see a more even keeled discussion on a topic like this.
10/07/2014 09:05 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

I would do my usual "cut every paragraph and discuss each part one-by-one" but really, this isn't worth my time getting so defensive over, not to mention you'd probably will be editing parts of your post and I don't feel like re-checking it just to capture those points I'd miss. So I'm just going to say this bit and leave this thread since it's obviously going absolutely nowhere no matter how many people try to find something to talk about. Get the last word like you normally do, I don't care, but here's what I have to say:

The thing is, you two are becoming quite sad to see on here because of your constant fighting. I was thoroughly entertained by it for a while, but now it's becoming quite sad to see, since it's nothing but the same ole' shit over and over again. Users have told you to just ignore the guy, you can't for some ungodly reason because you feel that it is in your power to do everything it takes to get someone banned. But obviously that's not going to work because you've just been told that what Red does doesn't warrant a ban.

So why continue to feed him when what you do is going to do absolutely nothing? Really. Just stop acting like a little hurt baby over his posts, you scroll pass it and continue posting like you do. And if you seriously cannot do that, then I don't feel any pity at all for you when you continue to fight back. Because then you deserve to have what he says posted to you because you can't stop. I can say the same thing to him but I know he won't listen to me, no one needs to, but it would be nice if the two of you can finally put differences aside and just forget about each other. Or at least just stop talking to each other, that's really all I would like, and I'm sure a bunch of other users would like that too.

I'm not taking sides here, I'm just getting really annoyed that I can't go that much around here without seeing the two of you bitch at each other over and over again about the same ole' crap.

It's why I truly enjoy the ignore feature that TRMK has, just put the user you don't care for on ignore and they won't talk to you ever again.

And last but not least, I know the definition of what a stalker is. I had my fair share in one back in high school. He ain't stalking you.
10/07/2014 09:09 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
So why continue to feed him when what you do is going to do absolutely nothing?

I wanted to share something amusing with my friend Rex. I could have sent it in a PM, but I thought JR and Spaceman might be interested too, so public posting was easier.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

10/07/2014 09:23 PM (UTC)
Mishima44 Wrote:
They might be capable, but when you reply with one sentence responses in an insulting manner, it does little to foster a decent back and forth discussion.

The only way to have a decent discussion on a topic like this is to try and be respectful of the other persons' position.

This is why I say that I agree with people that NRS should never have to cater to anyone's demands on some sort of ridiculous gender quota or something like that. They are artists creating their vision and shouldn't have to shoe-in some female character just to hit some made up percentage.

But by the same token, I think if someone just expresses their desire to see a more varied cast of female fighters to choose from, it shouldn't elicit the type of responses that you see from certain people in this thread. Maybe I am expecting too much from random people on an internet message board? Especially with a touchy subject like this?

I don't know. But it would be nice to see a more even keeled discussion on a topic like this.

Yes in a utopian world I think everyone would be respectful of each other but this is the Internet and that does not always happen. It does not happen even in real life. Human beings are not machines and they will never be respectful and courteous always in discussion.

I gave you my reasons before as to why people gave the responses they did. I think they main one is that this topic has been discussed ad infinitum and people are sick and tired of discussing the same thing over and over again. It is not like this topic is the first of its kind and I highly doubt it will be the last. In one of the responses someone else showed that this is not OP's first thread on this subject which is one example.

Look, if you want a reasoned discussion about it, fine, but understand that most people are burnt out and are not willing to. I already gave you my response on the subject and there are others as well that are well thought out. Just take from them and leave it like that. As you noted it is a touchy subject and expecting everyone to be willing to discuss it reasonably, is foolish.
10/07/2014 09:49 PM (UTC)
Agreed that it is naive to expect a respectful discussion on the internet, especially on a topic like this.

Probably why I don't really post on message boards. I kind of try to keep things a bit light hearted, even when discussing topics like this. But I get a bit worked up, to be honest. Just wish people would be able to see things from both sides of an argument.

Anyway, probably not going to visit this forum for a while, at least until the next reveal. Freaking wasting waaay too much time with this crap, when no matter what we say, it won't have any effect on the outcome of the game itself anyways. So no reason for me to get worked up and waste hours seeing how these arguments go. I take this shit way too seriously, lol.

Take care.

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10/07/2014 10:10 PM (UTC)
We want to see people of every color and gender getting tortured and slaughtered. Mortal Kombat might be violent and sadistic but never culturally insensitive.
10/07/2014 10:34 PM (UTC)
JadedReign Wrote:
Thanks....I guess.... confused

But that's still a fair measure more seriously than I take you.

I meant Jaded-Raven of course.
I don't have any kind of problems with you whatsoever. Sorry, again. wink
Cool sig and avatar, BTW. Cheers.

Icebaby Wrote:
And I'm not defending anyone in this situation. I think the feud between you two has gotten so carried away that it's really boring to see you nitpick back and forth. I'm just saying this because for a guy who's so picky about how a site needs to ban someone for breaking the rules, you do so yourself, and make it sound so justified in doing it that you shouldn't get any backlash yourself despite you're no better than the person you're having an issue with. If I had it my way, you two would be gone in a heartbeat. No cuts, no buts, no coconuts about it.

Brilliant post. And I am agree with everything you've written.
And seriously, I too think that our "rivalry" with Razor has become heatedly hilarious. I never took it 100% seriously, but seems he is - and it's fun, to see him working out his mental faculties, straining his brains to figure out a new way to insult me and still look like an infallible paragon of honor and truth, which he never-ever was in the first place. But at some point joke is getting too old and boring.
I guess, I am insulted him again. Oh, well. Can't help it.
Anyway, I try to avoid talking with him. I wonder, will he be capable of not chasing me around?

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Weren't you just complaining about how he is "stalking" you in another thread?

This thread, unlike that one, was already talking about him for several posts. I was participating in a pre-existing discussion rather than creating the problem out of nowhere like he did in that other thread.

Context matters.

As I said before, this guy can weasel his way out of anywhere. At least in his own mind. Gladly, factual reality is not anywhere close to his mind.
Context... Ha-ha-ha.

Chrome Wrote:
To be honest, it is past the point of deliberation wether to ban him or not. I am pretty sure Crow would have stuffed the IP adress up his ass by now, figuratively speaking.

Eh tu, Brute? tonguegrin
As if I could expect something different from person in constant state of depression and self-hatred...
10/07/2014 10:36 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Piece and out.

Please, feel free not to respect me at all, because you don't get any from me.
10/08/2014 02:23 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
Piece and out.

Please, feel free not to respect me at all, because you don't get any from me.

About Me

10/08/2014 04:37 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

I wanted to share something amusing with my friend Rex. I could have sent it in a PM, but I thought JR and Spaceman might be interested too, so public posting was easier.

And amusing it most certainly was.

>muh toitles
>muh Bay
>muh childhood
>muh betrayal

This fucking guy, man. I could not believe my eyes reading that shit.

Does his brain hurt from the cognitive dissonance of tirelessly denouncing all those awful, party-pooping purists and nostalgiafags and then turning around and throwing Comic Book Guy nerd tantrums in another thread?

Does he give himself whiplash from the fucking Houdini-tier mental gymnastics required to reconcile this nonsense in his head?

Is he just shitposting?

Seriously, though, if I didn’t know he has an actual history in the Russian MK community, I’d suspect he's one of those paid shills that the AAA publishers hire to hype the upcoming game up, downplay any criticism towards it and just generally troll the place up. That's pretty bad.
10/08/2014 12:32 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
And amusing it most certainly was.

>muh toitles
>muh Bay
>muh childhood
>muh betrayal

You must've slipped on the soap in the bathroom and hit your head too hard. Or drank too much coffee. Or spent too much time on imageboards (though, it's quite obvious anyway). Otherwise, it's hard to explain this sudden peak in your insanity and seemingly complete shutdown of all higher brain functions (though, I always suspected you wasn't capable of them in the first place).

I thouroughly explained why I dislike new Bay's movie, and it had nothing to do with my childhood and I didn't considered it personal bertrayal. It seems like some other certain people on this forum, you LOVE to project your own problems on others, because, much like them, you are incapable of thiking out-of-the-box.

T-rex Wrote:
Does his brain hurt from the cognitive dissonance of tirelessly denouncing all those awful, party-pooping purists and nostalgiafags and then turning around and throwing Comic Book Guy nerd tantrums in another thread? Does he give himself whiplash from the fucking Houdini-tier mental gymnastics required to reconcile this nonsense in his head? Is he just shitposting?

Dude, you seriously need a doctor.
Or you should stay away from imageboards. They already have made a significant damage to your brain. You already greentexting and shitposting with images all over the place. What will come next won't be pretty.
I don't like you. I don't respect you. But I don't wish ill will even on the people like you. So, better use my advice, before you turned into slobering angry drooling goblin.

T-rex Wrote:
Seriously, though, if I didn’t know he has an actual history in the Russian MK community, I’d suspect he's one of those paid shills that the AAA publishers hire to hype the upcoming game up, downplay any criticism towards it and just generally troll the place up. That's pretty bad.

Now you went fully insane.
My condolences to your mind. What little there were anyway. grin
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10/09/2014 04:59 AM (UTC)
10/09/2014 05:33 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I don't think Sumac actually knows that the majority of users on here are laughing at him...

I'd rather laugh at the guy who had a middle finger as his avy and referred to this place as a shithole in his sig.

So edgy...

10/09/2014 05:35 AM (UTC)
I enjoy the feud between the two even though I rarely bother to read everything they post.

As long as it doesn't reach the level of swearing and insulting, then I assume every1 is entertained.
10/09/2014 08:20 AM (UTC)
WellFedBaldomero Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I don't think Sumac actually knows that the majority of users on here are laughing at him...

I'd rather laugh at the guy who had a middle finger as his avy and referred to this place as a shithole in his sig.

So edgy...


You do that then. ^^
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10/09/2014 10:26 AM (UTC)
If we are going to continue this...

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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

10/09/2014 01:38 PM (UTC)
Stop killing good threads Jesus...
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10/09/2014 01:43 PM (UTC)
annilation Wrote:
Stop killing good threads Jesus...

When was this ever a good thread
10/09/2014 02:36 PM (UTC)
annilation Wrote:
Stop killing good threads Jesus...

Stop blaming Jesus. He's got nothing to do with this.
10/09/2014 03:52 PM (UTC)
Just waiting for the inevitable lock.
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