10/04/2014 09:29 PM (UTC)
Just play Dead Or Alive.
10/04/2014 09:37 PM (UTC)
There are games with a large female roster, such as Dead or Alive, Arcana Hearts and Skullgirls. Mortal Kombat is not one of such games and never has been.

I wouldn't mind if more female characters appeared in MK, but as many other have said, I would rather have NRS focus on character quality and variety than the actual quantity of male/female characters.

However, 1/3 of the roster being female seems good to me. 1/2 would be the perfect balance.
10/04/2014 09:40 PM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
Mishima44 Wrote:

I know this is a touchy subject that usually doesn't lead anywhere good. Just trying to get some points across without being an ass about it. Not sure if I succeeded, though, lol.

@Lord Greyjoy (Theon or Balon?)
Yeah, that is what I am getting from a lot of people. But I was just saying, if you don't care, maybe offer support for those who do? Since the balance is pretty off concerning M/F fighters.

Neither. I just think Greyjoy sounds awesome. Balon and Theon are both scum, even though Theon is a very interesting character.

I understand what you want and I'm fine with it, but personally I'd rather let NRS do their own thing. This thread is premature, though - as others have said, you should wait until the final roster is revealed, even though it's unlikely that the female-male ratio changes.

blackcyborg and cpleck brought up good points, I think. You should address them if you haven't already.

Don't listen to the guys talking about triggers, soggy knees and privilege-checking . You shouldn't be insulted for simply bringing up a discussion.

Yeah, Theon might be scum, but like you said, he is very interesting. Might be my favorite character after the last book...not going to spoil anything, though.

And yeah, that is why I didn't want to paint everyone with a broad stroke. Guys like cpleck and blackcyborg both brought up good points. They didn't just reply with, "Go play DoA!" lol
10/04/2014 09:42 PM (UTC)
The devs are clearly trying to move away from their overly fetishized designs which is great. Im thrilled to see they seem to be treating the female characters as characters first and not defining them by their gender. it would be more impressive if they could back it up with a better male / female ratio. The whole "thats the way it's always been" argument is so tired.

And Boxing, your gender hardly puts you in a position to speak for all women, just as no man in this thread can speak for all men.

10/04/2014 09:44 PM (UTC)
Boxing Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
Are we seriously bringing this nonsense into MK?

Go play some fucking DOA or something. All the independent womyns you can handle.

Awww, poor butthurt sexist loser. Telling people who he disagree to go play some "fucking DOA" with such an authoritarian tone. Yeah, who would dare disobey him? Heh.

"All the independent womyns you can handle" you probably can't even handle one independent woman in real life, heh heh!

You're such a joke. Do you actually feel like you're being "held down" or being "discriminated against" because of this? Because of more female characters... In a fucking game. You have no life, seriously. It's a game... who gives a shit like this? You're such a piece of shit and you make other woman look bad. Chances are, you're a hopeless shut in with retarded piercings, tattoos and a hair color that craves attention. Seriously, you make us look bad!

every woman I met that was a feminist was either; lazy, fat, stupid or a spoiled piece of trash. You're all the above, no doubt.

Sorry everybody, I usually just visit the site for news but I had to make an account to say my thoughts. You guys are trying to be too understanding to these self entitled, me me me, generation Of losers. Being a woman myself, everyone should understand that real woman don't care about this kind of stuff. Only snobbish punks who don't work hard at anything.

I'm not getting involved in this argument, but you clearly have no idea what a feminist is. A feminist is someone who supports equality between men and women - so any decent human being is a feminist. Feminists are not man-hating, only extremists are, the same as only extremist religious types preach hate and violence.

Back on topic, I'm all for female characters, I tend to use female characters because I like fast and acrobatic move-sets. I'm expecting 70/30 and I'd be happy with that because that is the norm these days. Whilst 50% of the human population are female, there are far more men that fight than women, so I've always understood why most games are not 50/50. But to those saying things like women shouldn't be able to win against men... this is a fantasy game where humans can shoot fireballs, and survive broken necks - anything can and should happen!
10/04/2014 10:03 PM (UTC)
This thread is like Christmas for DG1OA. He just can't WAIT to get offended by all these posts and be a snooty prick about it.

And no, having characters be women for the SOUL purpose of including more women is unnecessary as it would mess with the intended storyline and put a shallow, politically correct quota on NRS's creativity. Real feminists around the world proooooobably aren't concerned with having equal representation in MKX because it wouldn't mean jack shit and female characters in the game more often than not still pander to a male audience.

Not trying to knock anybody who likes any of the females of MK or over simplify them, just saying that their designs are not intended to further women's rights but are meant to be interesting characters in a fantasy video game. Their agenda is purely entertainment because thats the medium they are in. Society wouldn't magically fix itself if MKX showed more equality among the sexes, its just a damn video game. If anything MKX is a product of the unequal society that created it and understandably reflects these inequalities, but DOES NOT cause them.
10/04/2014 10:10 PM (UTC)
... Politics just don't belong in video games. Can we at least agree to that?
10/04/2014 10:15 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
... Politics just don't belong in video games. Can we at least agree to that?

Games are entertainment. Not political statements.
10/04/2014 10:15 PM (UTC)
I messed up the code, lol. Mishima44 Wrote: "Yeah, Theon might be scum, but like you said, he is very interesting. Might be my favorite character after the last book...not going to spoil anything, though." My reply: I normally don't like going off-topic, but it's your thread, lol. I've read the books, so I know what you're talking about. SPOILERS FOR GAME OF THRONES:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
I find it brilliant how the author can get me to not only sympathize with, but almost root for a character that once murdered children and raped women. Theon, Jaime and Arya are probably my three favorites, and they've all done horrible, horrible things, but that's what makes them so compelling to read about.
10/04/2014 10:35 PM (UTC)
Boxing Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
Are we seriously bringing this nonsense into MK?

Go play some fucking DOA or something. All the independent womyns you can handle.

Awww, poor butthurt sexist loser. Telling people who he disagree to go play some "fucking DOA" with such an authoritarian tone. Yeah, who would dare disobey him? Heh.

"All the independent womyns you can handle" you probably can't even handle one independent woman in real life, heh heh!

You're such a joke. Do you actually feel like you're being "held down" or being "discriminated against" because of this? Because of more female characters... In a fucking game. You have no life, seriously. It's a game... who gives a shit like this? You're such a piece of shit and you make other woman look bad. Chances are, you're a hopeless shut in with retarded piercings, tattoos and a hair color that craves attention. Seriously, you make us look bad!

every woman I met that was a feminist was either; lazy, fat, stupid or a spoiled piece of trash. You're all the above, no doubt.

Sorry everybody, I usually just visit the site for news but I had to make an account to say my thoughts. You guys are trying to be too understanding to these self entitled, me me me, generation Of losers. Being a woman myself, everyone should understand that real woman don't care about this kind of stuff. Only snobbish punks who don't work hard at anything.

I'm a guy.
10/04/2014 11:05 PM (UTC)
@Lord Greyjoy

Agreed on all three characters. Martin is really good and I love the way he writes things from each character's perspective. Really sets each chapter apart from the other.


Agreed that politics and videogames aren't the greatest mix, lol. However, I think the OP was just expressing his/her desire for a more balanced M/F cast. As usual with this type of topic, things kind of spiral out of control.

At this point NRS seems to be on a roll with how they are handling characters in this game. Characters like Kano, who most people didn't really give a damn about, seem to be so well done that the overall reaction is very positive.

At this point they could probably bring Hsu Hao back and people would love him, lol. The point is, they could probably diversify the cast a bit more on the M/F scale and still create a great roster of characters that everyone can enjoy.

Asking for a few more female characters shouldn't garner the crazy backlash that this thread seems to be filled with. Telling people to "Go play DoA" is silly. I have been enjoying MK for more than 20 years and just because I ask for a slightly more balanced cast I am told to fuck off? lol

Kind of funny, actually. Anyways...male or female, all the characters seem to be awesome so far. So looking forward to the next reveal. Hoping for..........Hsu Hao!

*flees thread*
10/04/2014 11:17 PM (UTC)
Mishima44 Wrote:

Don't be so bothered by those who just said, "Play Dead or Alive," and scrammed. And no, it's not a problem for someone to want more of something.

For me, this problem isn't one towards me because I end up playing the entire cast of the game, so how many females versus males that we have in this game isn't a problem towards me.

And I can understand those that would like to see more females. But I'm going to agree with you that you all who wants more females should not get backlashed by a bunch of immaturity. As well as that whole bit about females not hitting harder than males.

May I remind you that Sonya Blade managed to defeat Sub-Zero/Bi Han in 2011 before rescuing Jax. Just sayin'.
10/05/2014 12:14 AM (UTC)
I always tend to main female characters (and I know I'm not alone on this board) so I would be much more interested to see a more balanced roster.

I thought injustice did a great job of having lots of diverse females and I hope to see the same in MKX

I also think their roles should be severely examined. You can have your female lackies and assassins for hire but the reason Kitana is so popular stems from her calculating mindset in the early mk days. I don't think she would be nearly as popular a character today if MK9 had been her debut.

I think it is probably fair to say Milena's peak was deception when (as mentioned earlier) she commanded armies instead of acting like a possessed doll.

Sindel as a queen is more interesting than Sindel under a spell

Sheeva as a proud Shokan warrior loyal to her race is more interesting that a punchbag jailer

I would hope if Tanya is introduced in this game she is shown as cunning and smart so that everyone wants her on their team, but no one will ever turn their back on her
10/05/2014 01:33 AM (UTC)

Words of wisdom about not getting worked up over some of the more immature comments.

However, between your SZ vs Sonya comment and Aaaahshark's post, I am now reminded about MK2011's storyline. I was trying to strike that from my memory after they somehow made Baraka even more pathetic than he has been in the past. Didn't think it was possible, but they managed it. So thanks for reminding me!!!

On a more serious note, hopefully they do a better job with the MKX story. It's not just the females that need better characterization. Just about every character acted like a fool in MK9, lol.

Might be asking a bit too much, though. In the end, it is a fighting game. But it is the story, and, more importantly, the characters that really draws me to MK and has kept me a fan since the beginning.
10/05/2014 03:03 AM (UTC)
I think if NRS feels the game needed/needs more females then they would probably add some.
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10/05/2014 05:28 AM (UTC)
Boys rule and girls drool lol but I would like an even amount of both though.grin
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10/05/2014 06:32 AM (UTC)
Anyway... there should be at least 8 female kharacters in MKX !!!
10/05/2014 02:20 PM (UTC)
Mishima44 Wrote:
Kind of a rough topic to make my first post, lol.

Your post is awesome, so don't worry. wink

lastfighter89 Wrote:
If you like some female themed fighters, DoA and Rumble Roses are there for you. This is MK and I expect 2/3 of the roster to be made of males.

It shouldn't be always that way. Times change and as you said "quality over quantity". If this or next MK game will have 15 male and 15 female fighters, all of them with unique styles and interesting stories, what will be bad or wrong about it?

Dickwielders will find something bad about it anyway, but for a rational human being I don't see why it should be a big deal. And no need to say "it always was like that, so it should stay like that". This argument could be easily destroyed, disapproved and disintergarted by simply looking out of window.

Mishima44 Wrote:
Asking for a few more female characters shouldn't garner the crazy backlash that this thread seems to be filled with. Telling people to "Go play DoA" is silly. I have been enjoying MK for more than 20 years and just because I ask for a slightly more balanced cast I am told to fuck off? lol

Typical position of certain circles.

T-rex Wrote:
Are we seriously bringing this nonsense into MK?

Go play some fucking DOA or something. All the independent womyns you can handle.

LOL. grin
Bad choice of words.

Certain people here once again have supported my views of them as shortsighted fools all by themselves. Funny, but this stuff was from people who I suspected would be rather limited in their approach. And I guessed right once again (not that I derived any pleasure from it). For all their "smart talk" and holier-than-thou 'tude, they've acted like messageboard kids, which honestly, was perfectly expected and pathetic sad
10/05/2014 05:19 PM (UTC)
I certainly would like more females in the game. Deception had a very nice ratio of males-females. Hope the same will apply to MKX.
10/05/2014 07:51 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

Huh? What's that?
10/05/2014 08:07 PM (UTC)
For those who mention Dead or Alive, that game sucks balls. You can't really jump like you can in MK, you also have to input a few button combonations just to pull off one move and the whole arena turns when you side-step.

All in all, this game is trash except for the roster section as its balanced with male and females.

One of the worst games I've ever played. Tekken is the same.
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10/05/2014 08:19 PM (UTC)
ShujinkoX Wrote:
For those who mention Dead or Alive, that game sucks balls. You can't really jump like you can in MK, you also have to input a few button combonations just to pull off one move and the whole arena turns when you side-step.

All in all, this game is trash except for the roster section as its balanced with male and females.

One of the worst games I've ever played. Tekken is the same.

And yet, objectively they have done better than MK on the long run.

10/05/2014 08:22 PM (UTC)
ShujinkoX Wrote:
For those who mention Dead or Alive, that game sucks balls. You can't really jump like you can in MK, you also have to input a few button combonations just to pull off one move and the whole arena turns when you side-step.
All in all, this game is trash except for the roster section as its balanced with male and females.
One of the worst games I've ever played. Tekken is the same.

So, it's trash because you can't jump 7 feet in the air and the inputs can be a little more tricky? DOA and Tekken play nothing like MK, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that.

Besides, which DOA and Tekken games are you even talking about? I don't think you can fairly judge an entire series based on one game alone, especially if it's the initial installment. Series tend to develop and progress.

And if a Tekken or DOA (fighting) game is sincerely one of the worst you have ever played, I envy you.
Jest0311 Wrote: The DOA beach volley ball game was by far the worst. Just dropping my 2 cents.

I've never played any of the DOA side games, but they look inane. I was mainly referring to the staple (fighting) games.
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You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

10/05/2014 08:24 PM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
ShujinkoX Wrote:
For those who mention Dead or Alive, that game sucks balls. You can't really jump like you can in MK, you also have to input a few button combonations just to pull off one move and the whole arena turns when you side-step.
All in all, this game is trash except for the roster section as its balanced with male and females.
One of the worst games I've ever played. Tekken is the same.

So, it's trash because you can't jump 7 feet in the air and the inputs can be a little more tricky? DOA and Tekken play nothing like MK, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that.

Besides, which DOA and Tekken games are you even talking about? I don't think you can fairly judge an entire series based on one game alone, especially if it's the initial installment.

And if a Tekken or DOA game is sincerely one of the worst games you have ever played, I envy you.

The DOA beach volley ball game was by far the worst. Just dropping my 2 cents.
10/05/2014 08:46 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
ShujinkoX Wrote:
For those who mention Dead or Alive, that game sucks balls. You can't really jump like you can in MK, you also have to input a few button combonations just to pull off one move and the whole arena turns when you side-step.

All in all, this game is trash except for the roster section as its balanced with male and females.

One of the worst games I've ever played. Tekken is the same.

And yet, objectively they have done better than MK on the long run.

Objectively how?
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