So... is it safe to say we can expect another sausagefest?
posted10/14/2014 08:10 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/06/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
Alright, so I posted a similar thread earlier this year, which ran along the lines of this: I think that MKX will be male-dominated, both in terms of story and roster, and whilst it's really up in the air in terms of story (though with fewer women, chances are there will be less good roles for them), I think that we can safely discuss roster.

When the first six character were revealed, I was really optimistic about the roster. 1/3 were women, slightly more if you counted Ferra/Torr as non-male or both. But now, everyone revealed from the old games seems to be male, and it doesn't look like the roster will be evened out because chances are the new characters are mostly male as well. And it looks like it again will be a quarter female at most, which means roughly 6 female characters will be in the game.

Now, a lot of people say that the women are less popular, but that's so see-through. The women are often less fleshed out than the men, look at MK9 and MK lore in general, and not to mention the chances of finding a female character you like when there are very few that are present, let alone doing something really epic like Quan Chi, Shinnok, Sub/Scorp and Shao Kahn do, for example.

I mean, how many people hated Mileena in MK9 for having the brain of a child but loved her in Deception when she conquered and ruled armies? The women in MK don't get the same roles the men do and even if they did, they are so few in the games that are playable that the chances of finding one you like are lowered. I think that a world in which women are able to take a fucking knife to the throat and survive is one in which they could feasibly rule a realm/plot some evil/kill someone powerful/be able to stand up to Raiden or someone.

Props to MKX for reducing the skimpy senseless outfits and the ridiculous appendages, but maybe this time we can get some more women? Is a third too much to ask?
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10/04/2014 10:20 AM (UTC)
10/04/2014 10:24 AM (UTC)
Ok honestly. I don't like those Kind of threads. Let me Show you why.

Mortal Kombat 1.. 7 playable fighter, 1 of them female. ~14%
Mortal Kombat 2.. 12 playable fighter, 2 of them female ~17%
Mortal Kombat 3.. 15 playable fighter, 3 of them female ~20%
Mortal Kombat 4.. 15 playable fighter, 2 of them female ~13%
MK:Deadly Alliance.. 22 playable fighter, 5 of them female ~23%
MK:Deception.. 24 playable fighter, 7 of them female ~29%

I didn't Count Trilogy, Armageddon or MK9 because this games were some "best of"-games from MK.

As you can see MK always had more male fighter and we didn't even the full roster of MKX. This thread is redundant.. sry to say it like this :)
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God of War is Back!

10/04/2014 10:32 AM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote:
Ok honestly. I don't like those Kind of threads. Let me Show you why.

Mortal Kombat 1.. 7 playable fighter, 1 of them female. ~14%
Mortal Kombat 2.. 12 playable fighter, 2 of them female ~17%
Mortal Kombat 3.. 15 playable fighter, 3 of them female ~20%
Mortal Kombat 4.. 15 playable fighter, 2 of them female ~13%
MK:Deadly Alliance.. 22 playable fighter, 5 of them female ~23%
MK:Deception.. 24 playable fighter, 7 of them female ~29%

I didn't Count Trilogy, Armageddon or MK9 because this games were some "best of"-games from MK.

As you can see MK always had more male fighter and we didn't even the full roster of MKX. This thread is redundant.. sry to say it like this :)

10/04/2014 11:22 AM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote:
Ok honestly. I don't like those Kind of threads. Let me Show you why.

Mortal Kombat 1.. 7 playable fighter, 1 of them female. ~14%
Mortal Kombat 2.. 12 playable fighter, 2 of them female ~17%
Mortal Kombat 3.. 15 playable fighter, 3 of them female ~20%
Mortal Kombat 4.. 15 playable fighter, 2 of them female ~13%
MK:Deadly Alliance.. 22 playable fighter, 5 of them female ~23%
MK:Deception.. 24 playable fighter, 7 of them female ~29%

I didn't Count Trilogy, Armageddon or MK9 because this games were some "best of"-games from MK.

As you can see MK always had more male fighter and we didn't even the full roster of MKX. This thread is redundant.. sry to say it like this :)

You should have included the other three games because they show the inequality over the whole series.

Plus I don't see your point at all. All you've done is show that MK has never had a third women except in one title, and that it's been a sausagefest since the beginning. If you're saying we should accept that because it's "always been this way" then you need to reconsider your view of the world. Noticing something is wrong and talking about it is the only way to change anything, and accepting things because they've existed for a while is stupid. The United States was always racist (and still has major inequalities) but that doesn't mean that black people should have just accepted it and moved on. Call that shit out.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

10/04/2014 11:36 AM (UTC)
I can respect your opinions on this, but there is still well over half of the roster to be revealed(not including dlc)...and yes, you should count Ferra.
10/04/2014 11:39 AM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Napalm1980 Wrote:
Ok honestly. I don't like those Kind of threads. Let me Show you why.

Mortal Kombat 1.. 7 playable fighter, 1 of them female. ~14%
Mortal Kombat 2.. 12 playable fighter, 2 of them female ~17%
Mortal Kombat 3.. 15 playable fighter, 3 of them female ~20%
Mortal Kombat 4.. 15 playable fighter, 2 of them female ~13%
MK:Deadly Alliance.. 22 playable fighter, 5 of them female ~23%
MK:Deception.. 24 playable fighter, 7 of them female ~29%

I didn't Count Trilogy, Armageddon or MK9 because this games were some "best of"-games from MK.

As you can see MK always had more male fighter and we didn't even the full roster of MKX. This thread is redundant.. sry to say it like this :)

You should have included the other three games because they show the inequality over the whole series.

Plus I don't see your point at all. All you've done is show that MK has never had a third women except in one title, and that it's been a sausagefest since the beginning. If you're saying we should accept that because it's "always been this way" then you need to reconsider your view of the world. Noticing something is wrong and talking about it is the only way to change anything, and accepting things because they've existed for a while is stupid. The United States was always racist (and still has major inequalities) but that doesn't mean that black people should have just accepted it and moved on. Call that shit out.

Bad example, my friend. I tell you another one. Imagine a bakery with an assortment of bread and Donuts or whatever. they have 60% Donuts and 40% breads... you say.. hm.. what did you say? It's racism because they don't have 70 breads in store? I say it's a concept and it sells because other bakery have other assortments.

It's not racism to have less female fighter in the game. It's a successfull concept and it works. If you want 100% female fighters then Play Skull Girls.

You know why your thread doesn't matter? We didn't even see the full roster! What are we talking about here? There are no Facts about the fighter which aren't revealed yet.

I also want some fighters in the game but if not, then NRS has his reasons for this decision. If there is a good amount of female fighters and it fits to the Story and everything... what is your Point exactly? I don't get it. This thread has no Input for others. At least it's just another complaint, like i read a thousand tiomes here before. And i'm so tired of it. Sometimes i think no one can cherish the effort NRS put into the game because everyone is too busy to find something to complain about. This fu**** me up..
10/04/2014 11:43 AM (UTC)
Sausagefest = allowed , although it could be offensive

Pussyfest= someone told me that I was a sexual chauvinist!

However I don't see the point of having so much females.
genetically speaking females are physically weaker and slower, with less muscular mass. in other words they can't keep the same level of a full adult male fighter.

I can accept some exceptions, like skilled assassins (Jade, Mileena and Kitana), perhaps few women can overcome the difference in strenght with technology (Sonya Blade) or magic (Sindel, Sareena) but I really don't see how an outworld teenager who barely begun her traiing (Li Mei) can keep the same level as Kano or other stronger opponent. I don't even see how the daughter of a embassador (Tanya) can be a lethal fighter, even with exceptional abilities.

in other words, Yes, there should be very few females but they have to be well designed in both fighting style and appearance.
And possibly their skills should make sense.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

10/04/2014 11:49 AM (UTC)
10/04/2014 12:24 PM (UTC)
Who the hell cares?

I don't give a shoe either way. I don't fixate on how many guys or girls will be in the game.
10/04/2014 12:49 PM (UTC)
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/04/2014 01:02 PM (UTC)
I agree OP, but as others have said, that's just how it's always been. Personally, I'm focusing on WHO the females are rather than the amount of 'em. But more females is always nicer. I just about almost always main a girl.
10/04/2014 02:14 PM (UTC)
I could care less how many females we get. In the end, I'm playing as everyone so why complain?
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10/04/2014 02:23 PM (UTC)
Speaking as a female, gender roles in MK were never a big deal to me. I found the male to female ratios fine -- that's not to say I'd complain if there were more females introduced to the games, but I'm more concerned with how they fit in the story and how they play as a character, not their actual sex.

Quality over quantity. I'd rather have a small amount of females that are well-designed and such, than have a horde of female characters for the sake of having females in the game.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

10/04/2014 02:27 PM (UTC)
Is a third too much to ask?

It is what NRS decides it is. It is a game created by a development team with their creative vision. NRS should not compromise that just to pander to people.

Not enough people care anyway because most can recognise the game for what it is. A game for entertainment. The games have always had a larger male to female roster and complaints have been pretty much nil. These kind of complaints always make me laugh.

Ridiculous and ludicrous.

lastfighter89 Wrote:

However I don't see the point of having so much females.
genetically speaking females are physically weaker and slower, with less muscular mass. in other words they can't keep the same level of a full adult male fighter.

I can accept some exceptions, like skilled assassins (Jade, Mileena and Kitana), perhaps few women can overcome the difference in strenght with technology (Sonya Blade) or magic (Sindel, Sareena) but I really don't see how an outworld teenager who barely begun her traiing (Li Mei) can keep the same level as Kano or other stronger opponent. I don't even see how the daughter of a embassador (Tanya) can be a lethal fighter, even with exceptional abilities.

in other words, Yes, there should be very few females but they have to be well designed in both fighting style and appearance.
And possibly their skills should make sense.

You are applying real world biology to game with fantastical setting and somehow you do not realise your folly?! All playable characters have the same amount of health no matter their muscle mass or anything else.

The charactars are avatars. Their gender is wholly irrelevent to their abilities and performance as a fighter in the game.
10/04/2014 02:36 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Is a third too much to ask?

It is what NRS decides it is. It is a game created by a development team with their creative vision. NRS should not compromise that just to pander to people.

Not enough people care anyway because most can recognise the game for what it is. A game for entertainment. The games have always had a larger male to female roster and complaints have been pretty much nil. These kind of complints always make me laugh.

Ridiculous and ludicrous.

lastfighter89 Wrote:

However I don't see the point of having so much females.
genetically speaking females are physically weaker and slower, with less muscular mass. in other words they can't keep the same level of a full adult male fighter.

I can accept some exceptions, like skilled assassins (Jade, Mileena and Kitana), perhaps few women can overcome the difference in strenght with technology (Sonya Blade) or magic (Sindel, Sareena) but I really don't see how an outworld teenager who barely begun her traiing (Li Mei) can keep the same level as Kano or other stronger opponent. I don't even see how the daughter of a embassador (Tanya) can be a lethal fighter, even with exceptional abilities.

in other words, Yes, there should be very few females but they have to be well designed in both fighting style and appearance.
And possibly their skills should make sense.

You are applying real world biology to game with fantastical setting and somehow you do not realise your folly?! All playable characters have the same amount of health no matter their muscle mass or anything else.

The charactars are avatars. Their gender is wholly irrelevent to their abilities and performance as a fighter in the game.

I know, I am not talking about REALISM only, but also about SENSE.
Li Mei defeating Kano doesn't make any sense, not even in videogames.
10/04/2014 02:41 PM (UTC)
If the lack of women in fighting games is a successful concept, it might be because of mysogynistic idiots who despite being straight want a sausage fest, yet still look down on homosexuals. Not that I'd expect that to cross your mind. You seem like one of these people who always take the path of least resistance and settle for mediocrity. "Huh, it's always been this way, surely that makes it right, huh".

So women are physically weaker than men, and for that reason we shouldn't have too many of them? Big deal. MK is already unrealistic as it is, yet too many women would be the straw that broke the camel's back? Ha ha ha! I've seen arguments like these a few times. People who excuse lack of realism, except when they think it involves women and/or minorities.

Another thing you don't take into account, is that MK, being full of alien species, can have non-human (but still human-looking) females who are just as strong as a male human, or stronger, and that said women could make up a large chunk of the roster.

And really, why would being the daughter of an ambassador make Tanya weak? Would you say the same thing about the son of an ambassador (and if you did, it would be still be a baseless assumption, just so you know)? As for Li Mei, if you wonder how she can keep up with someone like Kano, just remember she's not human. She might be a teenager, but she's from Outworld, and for all we know adolescence for her kind lasts 100 years, more than enough to become a skilled fighter.

But I'm probably wasting my time presenting this possible explanation about Li Mei's skills to you, since you probably wouldn't care as much if a male human teenager handed Kano his ass.
10/04/2014 02:51 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
If the lack of women in fighting games is a successful concept, it might be because of mysogynistic idiots who despite being straight want a sausage fest, yet still look down on homosexuals. Not that I'd expect that to cross your mind. You seem like one of these people who always take the path of least resistance and settle for mediocrity. "Huh, it's always been this way, surely that makes it right, huh".

So women are physically weaker than men, and for that reason we shouldn't have too many of them? Big deal. MK is already unrealistic as it is, yet too many women would be the straw that broke the camel's back? Ha ha ha! I've seen arguments like these a few times. People who excuse lack of realism, except when they think it involves women and/or minorities.

Another thing you don't take into account, is that MK, being full of alien species, can have non-human (but still human-looking) females who are just as strong as a male human, or stronger, and that said women could make up a large chunk of the roster.

And really, why would being the daughter of an ambassador make Tanya weak? Would you say the same thing about the son of an ambassador (and if you did, it would be still be a baseless assumption, just so you know)? As for Li Mei, if you wonder how she can keep up with someone like Kano, just remember she's not human. She might be a teenager, but she's from Outworld, and for all we know adolescence for her kind lasts 100 years, more than enough to become a skilled fighter.

But I'm probably wasting my time presenting this possible explanation about Li Mei's skills to you, since you probably wouldn't care as much if a male human teenager handed Kano his ass.

AGAIN. Too much realism is boring and I know is not the strong-point of MK.
Too much non-sense is bad.

Li Mei barely started her training in MKD Konquest Mode, trained by Shujinko. And shortly after the almost beat Kano, a skilled fighter with a decade of training minimum.

Tanya is the daughter of a politician. Her father could be a great fighter too, but it isn't enough to justify her power.

Edenians and outworlders are not aliens, but human being with some differencies in longevity, magics and so on.

The concept of a non-human/alien/monster woman stronger than human males has been used already for Sheeva...and it didn't turn out to be any good.

The quality of the roster isn't made by the number of females, but rather their role. Remember? Quality over quantity!

If you like some female themed fighters, DoA and Rumble Roses are there for you. This is MK and I expect 2/3 of the roster to be made of males.
-____- Would more females make the game that much better or something?
Mmm sausage.
10/04/2014 03:06 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
If the lack of women in fighting games is a successful concept, it might be because of mysogynistic idiots who despite being straight want a sausage fest, yet still look down on homosexuals. Not that I'd expect that to cross your mind. You seem like one of these people who always take the path of least resistance and settle for mediocrity. "Huh, it's always been this way, surely that makes it right, huh".

... What does being gay have anything to do with this problem? Are you trying to start something that doesn't need to be started here?

So there's less females in a fighting game, that has nothing to do with being straight or gay. Stop being so ignorant. Even if this is meant as a joke, it's not funny and you're being ridiculous.
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10/04/2014 03:17 PM (UTC)
Yeah... I don't really understand the point in these threads. Women are treated like garbage in this series anyway
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10/04/2014 03:17 PM (UTC)
Are we seriously bringing this nonsense into MK?

Go play some fucking DOA or something. All the independent womyns you can handle.
10/04/2014 03:26 PM (UTC)
More than half the cast is still not revealed so quit jumping to assumptions. Most likely Kitana, Mileena and Sonya are to return. I'm sure there are some new female unannounced characters in there as well. D'Vorah is an excellent new female character, I'd like to see more females take this approach being unique in not just their sexual orientation. Like how there are rumors of Mileena and Baraka having their child in this game, I'd love to see a female tarkatan with blades coming out of her arms.

MK has always had a more dominating male to female ratio. MKX is certainly not going to change that, either accept it or move on to another series.
10/04/2014 03:37 PM (UTC)
We have Cassie, D'Vorah and Ferra. We know boot hint 4 will be female and number 3 could also be female, not too sure though. There will probably be at least 7-8 females at the most.
I have high hopes that Mileena will be one of them. She will return better than ever.
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