10/05/2014 08:49 PM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:

Huh? What's that?

Cretins who think that the fact that they have dicks give'em right to think of themselves as superrior beings.
10/05/2014 08:56 PM (UTC)
Not going to trash the other series, since they each offer something a bit different.

However, even if my name on this site is Mishima, Tekken 5 was the last Tekken I really enjoyed. Namco seems to be dialing it in at this point.

DoA3 Ultimate was the last DoA I really got into. I love unlocking crap, and that game had a ton of stuff to unlock, if I recall. Since then, haven't really enjoyed DoA much. Tried the DoA5 story mode through Gamefly and it made MK2011 look Shakespearean by comparison...and that is saying something, lol.

Still, both games have an interesting cast of characters, even if the stories are quite strange. And both seem to have an audience of fans. Don't want to take a crap on them just cause I prefer MK.
10/05/2014 11:04 PM (UTC)
Well, the term sounds like an insult to the entire male gender, so I wouldn't be using it so much if you're gonna be deriding sexists.
10/05/2014 11:26 PM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
Well, the term sounds like an insult to the entire male gender, so I wouldn't be using it so much if you're gonna be deriding sexists.

The male gender will surivive this. Throughout the history they allowed themselves (and still allow sadly) things much worse than insults, when it comes to women, so simple matter of fact statement isn't really the worst thing possible. Especially in a a thread with couple of teenage-minded creeps running rampant spouting messageboard memes.

And besides, I find it a bit nonsensical complaint, like saying: "when you say "fool" to someone you insulting intellect of the humanity as the whole".

Sorry, if I sound rude, but I hate this "misogynistic" stuff and people supporting it, so I can be bad with choice of words at times.
10/05/2014 11:32 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
The male gender will surivive this. Throughout the history they allowed themselves (and still allow sadly) things much worse than insults, when it comes to women, so simple matter of fact statement isn't really the worst thing possible.

Ah yes, the whole "they did it first!" arguement...
10/05/2014 11:34 PM (UTC)
Taking the subject seriously for a moment...(because a moment is as long as it deserves)

Obviously, a character should be created to fit into the world of the game, not to fill a quota.

More women isn't a problem if they're good characters. There is nobody in the world who would have a problem with a closer to 50/50 split roster if said roster didn't have anyone who sucks to play as or feels like a waste of a slot on it and the plot made sense and all that stuff.
When "more women" becomes a problem is when you're a slacktivist tool who thinks Affirmative Action should be applied to fictional fucking characters, and you spend all day whining on Tumblr about how hard women and minorities have it in the world when you're fucking white, middle class, live in the suburbs, and haven't finished college yet...or even worse, a white adult who never had to grow out of acting like a hipster and join the real world, because your rich parents had a trust fund for you to fall back on, and now you make a living "developing indie games" in some amateur shit like fucking Twine or RPG Maker, or as a hack blogger who gets away with calling yourself a "journalist" only because REAL reporters with real credentials and real ethics and standards have no interest reviewing video games on the internet.
10/06/2014 02:32 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Taking the subject seriously..

Oh my...
Most of this post belongs to a certain infamous imageboard and definitely not this place. Not suprising considering the author.
10/06/2014 02:44 AM (UTC)
It has begun!
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10/06/2014 03:02 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Taking the subject seriously for a moment...(because a moment is as long as it deserves)

Obviously, a character should be created to fit into the world of the game, not to fill a quota.

More women isn't a problem if they're good characters. There is nobody in the world who would have a problem with a closer to 50/50 split roster if said roster didn't have anyone who sucks to play as or feels like a waste of a slot on it and the plot made sense and all that stuff.

When "more women" becomes a problem is when you're a slacktivist tool who thinks Affirmative Action should be applied to fictional fucking characters, and you spend all day whining on Tumblr about how hard women and minorities have it in the world when you're fucking white, middle class, live in the suburbs, and haven't finished college yet...or even worse, a white adult who never had to grow out of acting like a hipster and join the real world, because your rich parents had a trust fund for you to fall back on, and now you make a living "developing indie games" in some amateur shit like fucking Twine or RPG Maker, or as a hack blogger who gets away with calling yourself a "journalist" only because REAL reporters with real credentials and real ethics and standards have no interest reviewing video games on the internet.

This lol
also That gg pain
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God of War is Back!

10/06/2014 03:06 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
It has begun!

(Hands you popcorn)
Let Mortal Khatbat Begin!sad
Historical Favorite
10/06/2014 03:26 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
If the lack of women in fighting games is a successful concept, it might be because of mysogynistic idiots who despite being straight want a sausage fest, yet still look down on homosexuals. Not that I'd expect that to cross your mind. You seem like one of these people who always take the path of least resistance and settle for mediocrity. "Huh, it's always been this way, surely that makes it right, huh".

So women are physically weaker than men, and for that reason we shouldn't have too many of them? Big deal. MK is already unrealistic as it is, yet too many women would be the straw that broke the camel's back? Ha ha ha! I've seen arguments like these a few times. People who excuse lack of realism, except when they think it involves women and/or minorities.

Another thing you don't take into account, is that MK, being full of alien species, can have non-human (but still human-looking) females who are just as strong as a male human, or stronger, and that said women could make up a large chunk of the roster.

And really, why would being the daughter of an ambassador make Tanya weak? Would you say the same thing about the son of an ambassador (and if you did, it would be still be a baseless assumption, just so you know)? As for Li Mei, if you wonder how she can keep up with someone like Kano, just remember she's not human. She might be a teenager, but she's from Outworld, and for all we know adolescence for her kind lasts 100 years, more than enough to become a skilled fighter.

But I'm probably wasting my time presenting this possible explanation about Li Mei's skills to you, since you probably wouldn't care as much if a male human teenager handed Kano his ass.

10/06/2014 03:28 AM (UTC)
lordkirac Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
It has begun!

(Hands you popcorn)
Let Mortal Khatbat Begin!sad

(Takes a small handful)

This should be good lol
10/06/2014 03:37 AM (UTC)
And this is why this place is a shithole...
10/06/2014 05:36 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Taking the subject seriously for a moment...(because a moment is as long as it deserves)

Obviously, a character should be created to fit into the world of the game, not to fill a quota.

More women isn't a problem if they're good characters. There is nobody in the world who would have a problem with a closer to 50/50 split roster if said roster didn't have anyone who sucks to play as or feels like a waste of a slot on it and the plot made sense and all that stuff.

When "more women" becomes a problem is when you're a slacktivist tool who thinks Affirmative Action should be applied to fictional fucking characters, and you spend all day whining on Tumblr about how hard women and minorities have it in the world when you're fucking white, middle class, live in the suburbs, and haven't finished college yet...or even worse, a white adult who never had to grow out of acting like a hipster and join the real world, because your rich parents had a trust fund for you to fall back on, and now you make a living "developing indie games" in some amateur shit like fucking Twine or RPG Maker, or as a hack blogger who gets away with calling yourself a "journalist" only because REAL reporters with real credentials and real ethics and standards have no interest reviewing video games on the internet.


Sadly, there's a ton of idiots like this in my city.
10/06/2014 09:12 AM (UTC)
Making a character female for the sake of having more females is not a good thing. You can take the word "female" in that phrase and replace it with anything else and it will still be true.

That being said, Hotaru would've been a much more interesting character had he been a woman.
10/06/2014 09:21 AM (UTC)
zerosebaz Wrote:
Making a character female for the sake of having more females is not a good thing. You can take the word "female" in that phrase and replace it with anything else and it will still be true.

This is what I feel Frost is. A female Subbie just to have a female Subbie.
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10/06/2014 09:27 AM (UTC)
zerosebaz Wrote:
Making a character female for the sake of having more females is not a good thing. You can take the word "female" in that phrase and replace it with anything else and it will still be true.

That being said, Hotaru would've been a much more interesting character had he been a woman.

10/06/2014 11:27 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
zerosebaz Wrote:
Making a character female for the sake of having more females is not a good thing. You can take the word "female" in that phrase and replace it with anything else and it will still be true.

That being said, Hotaru would've been a much more interesting character had he been a woman.


I'm gonna agree with the dude solely on the grounds that he looks EXACTLY like Fujin from the neck up and lipstick would fix that problem instantly.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
zerosebaz Wrote:
Making a character female for the sake of having more females is not a good thing. You can take the word "female" in that phrase and replace it with anything else and it will still be true.

This is what I feel Frost is. A female Subbie just to have a female Subbie.

Frost gave Sub-Zero a good Obi-Wan/Anakin "tried to train a student, failed and they turned evil" story.
10/06/2014 01:35 PM (UTC)
the only thing I read out of that whole OP was

"I don't care about gameplay or story as long as there's equality"

Go back to tumblr and preach there
10/06/2014 01:48 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
zerosebaz Wrote:
Making a character female for the sake of having more females is not a good thing. You can take the word "female" in that phrase and replace it with anything else and it will still be true.

This is what I feel Frost is. A female Subbie just to have a female Subbie.

That's how I look at Sheeva.
10/06/2014 02:10 PM (UTC)
Sheeva is kind of a token...but there's a sort of logic behind it that's completely fair:

Fans were begging for a playable Goro/Kintaro, but the devs didn't want to make an unbalanced super-tall boss character accessible. Thus they deliberately made their playable Shokan a female because women are biologically shorter and build smaller muscles then men on average, making her balanced.

Sonya is technically the most token of the females since she was only added to the MK1 roster because they realized they had no girl character. But she's a fully fleshed out character whose identity is not about her gender, so there's nothing wrong with her. She's an example of the right way to do it (MK9 costume notwithstanding)
10/06/2014 04:11 PM (UTC)
Not sure I like where this thread is going, lol. But I guess it's to be expected with these sorts of topics.


Agreed that people shouldn't be trying to push real world agendas through videogames and whatnot. I don't see too much of it in this thread, though.

I think it should be ok for someone to express their desire for a more diverse set of female characters to choose from. As long as they don't come on here like a fool and start spouting things like, "NRS is sexist!" or "Cancelling preorder because of all these male characters!"

I think the OP was pleasantly surprised at the initial reveal of characters, with 2 (3?) female characters in the bunch. But since then it has been 4 straight male reveals, perhaps lowering their expectations a bit for a more diverse cast.

Not the end of the world, though. Raiden, Kano and Quan all look awesome and I can't wait to see how Goro looks in action. Just hoping for a few more females revealed at some point soon.

Oh, and Razorsedge, you were the one that wrote that long critique of the MK9 story mode, right? That was a great read and I really hope NRS has learned some lessons from MK9. Not sure what they were thinking when coming up with that storyline. The amount of characters they butchered was unbelievable, lol.
10/06/2014 05:00 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I'm gonna agree with the dude solely on the grounds that he looks EXACTLY like Fujin from the neck up and lipstick would fix that problem instantly.

Maybe Midway didn't want to invite a plethora of rule 34 between Havik and fem-Hotaru.
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10/06/2014 05:37 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

the usual blathering nonsense

And hello to you too.

Good to know you haven't changed a single bit.

RedSumac Wrote:

For all their "smart talk" and holier-than-thou 'tude, they've acted like messageboard kids, which honestly, was perfectly expected and pathetic sad

You should know, mate - you pretty much wrote a book on "How to Be Holier-Than-Thou, Insufferably Smug and Pointlessly Contrarian at the Same Time". smile
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

10/06/2014 05:46 PM (UTC)
This thread is a whole lot of fail.
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